You know those beauty recipes scattered haphazardly throughout women’s magazines? I’m addicted to them. I have been for years.
I try them. I expand on them, and I share them with you. And then – voila! – you have food on your face, too.
Years and years ago, I was a model. I was obsessed with beauty. I did very unhealthy things in the name of it. And I based my whole sense of well-being on whether or not other people thought I was beautiful.
Then, one day while sipping tea and flipping through a magazine, I had an epiphany. Beauty comes from the inside! (I didn’t say it was an original epiphany, but all of a sudden, it made complete sense.)
Obsessed with clearing my life of anything superficial, I fanatically denied the corporate machine that runs to keep women (and men) in a constant cycle of dissatisfaction, in order to sell their wares.
I’ve chilled out a little since then. We all want to look good, and feel good, and be loved. I reached a compromise with engaging myself in those magazine recipes – learning how to be consciously responsible for my own beauty and especially my own health.
Many nonorganic, nonnatural cosmetics, household cleaning products, and the majority of conventional items you buy these days contain a plethora of harmful chemical ingredients. We don’t need those. It’s clear, based on cancer rates, explosive infertility problems, and the increase in children’s attention disorders, something’s wrong.
I truly believe that something is all the horrible chemicals we use, eat, and live with.
So, step-by-step, I am clearing them out of my life. CrunchyBetty is my way of sharing simple, quick ways to start doing the same for yourself and your family.
Here’s where it gets interesting, though. When you start to make your own cosmetics and household products (and start leading a more natural life), things get more fun. You feel better, you ultimately look better, and nothing makes you feel young like putting food on your face.
So what starts as a serious endeavor, taking personal responsibility for your own health, ends in an enormous amount of laughter.
So I encourage you to join me — rub strawberries on your face, put maple syrup in your hair, toss vinegar in your dishwasher rinse well, anything to engage in making healthier choices for yourself and your family.
Ultimately, it’s not about beauty – but I’ll be gosh-darned if you’re not more beautiful because of it. Inside and out.
Crunch on!