Wondering where to buy your own crunchy ingredients?
Want some more great websites to browse?
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It’s all here!
Crunchy Shopping
More Than Alive is a great place to order things like activated charcoal, healthy Berkey water filters, and so much more.
iHerb has fantastic prices on essential oils, vitamins, and EcoDent toothpowder (which I dearly love). If you enter code OZE706 at checkout, you can save $5 off your first order, too.
Tropical Traditions – Best. Coconut oil. Ever. EVER. They also have great ongoing weekly deals and a healthy buyers club, if you’d like to buy in bulk.
Saving Naturally – This isn’t a shopping site, per se, but it’s one of the most well-written deals sites out there, all focused on organic, natural coupons, savings, and deals around the web and in stores like Whole Foods.
More coming soon ….
Grab a Crunchy Betty Button For Your Site
Just copy the code you see below in the boxes (depending on which button you’d like) and paste it directly into the section of your website you’d like it to appear.
Tell the world just how crunchy you are!

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Some of My Favorite Crunchy Sites
- Simple Organic – (And the rest of the Simple Network). She has incredible reference posts, an easy conversational tone, and a slew of A-list natural bloggers that post often. A MUST see!
- Keeper of the Home – Tons of really handy info on living a more natural life in a sustainable, conscious way. There are recipes of all sorts, tips on growing your own food, and much, much more. (While this site is written from a Christian homemaker’s perspective, it’s VERY welcoming to all faiths and chock full of invaluable information.)
- Frugally Sustainable – She has some great health, DIY, homesteading, and beauty tutorials. Always a great read.
- Glamology – Peruse her site for some great green beauty tips, but most of all, check out her informative, entertaining YouTube videos.
- Hilda Blue – One of my favorite homemade beauty bloggers ever. Her writing style is easy to follow, and if you check out the link at the top of her site (Hildablue Recipes) you’ll find yourself in a repository of great crunchiness.
- From Nature With Love Recipe Database – Exactly what it sounds like; a great list of recipes from From Nature With Love.
- Weston A. Price Foundation is the guide from which I choose my foods and my attitudes toward them. If you’re confused about the state of nutritional information on controversial ingredients, check out what they have to say on them.
- Tipnut is a fantastic place to find tips and tricks to make your life easier in just about every single way.
- Earth Clinic houses a plethora of invaluable information on home and folk remedies with user experiences on all remedy pages.
(Note: The links to Mountain Rose Herbs and More Than Alive are affiliate links, as is the coupon code for iHerb. While you’re in no way obligated to click on them when you’re shopping at these stores, when you do, you’re supporting Crunchy Betty’s continued presence on the web. And we love that, right?)