This side of the blog is starting off with the most difficult thing I can think of.
It is also the most important.
When you read this, you will probably roll your eyes. You might want to hit the stumble button. You’ll most likely fall asleep and drool at some point.
Please keep going.
As you read this, I need you to think from somewhere else. Not the place you usually think, which is here:
This is where we all think our thoughts 99% of the time. Right in the brain, in the middle of our hectic lives. Right where the dishes aren’t done, the kids need a ride to practice, and the cat coughed up a hairball again.
Please think from this part of your brain instead, just for a minute:
I am not kidding. Think from there. Forget today and forget yesterday and don’t worry about the phone call you haven’t returned yet. Just think from up there, where nothing else really exists except for the thoughts you’re having while you read this.
Stay away from judgment. Stay away from reason. Mind open. Just think from up there, where nowhere exists (but everything is really taking place).
Close your eyes and breathe a few times. Forget the world. Breathe. Be up here. You’re up here now with me, right?
Okay. Good.
Two nights ago, we watched a documentary about the quantum physicist Amit Goswami. He’s working in areas that maybe 0.0002% of the population can truly grasp. (I’m not fully claiming to be one of them.)
In The Quantum Activist, Dr. Goswami explains how reality is created from the top down. Not the bottom up, as we’re led to believe in the materialist sense. From the top – the consciousness – the creation level.
In other words. In the beginning, there was this:
This thing – this thing “up there” (which is nowhere) is where all consciousness exists. All of it. Yours. Mine. Ours. It’s all up there.
From up there, this consciousness branched out, sending down little feelers. Kind of like an octopus, only way weirder.
To me, it would look like this:
Now, you see how all the feelers turn into things and animals and us? But you see how it’s all connected, way up there in the cloud at the top? That’s where we’re all one. Just like the sages have been saying since the beginning of time.
Stay with me, because here’s where it gets really, really important.
We’re all down here thinking our individual thoughts and creating our own lives and mowing the lawn and eating popcorn.
We love popcorn.
With butter.
But all of these individual thoughts, they’re also connected to that great big cloud of consciousness at the top up there. See that? And that great big cloud of consciousness, that’s where the shaping of our world happens.
So we’re sending up things to the consciousness, and the consciousness is sending us situations and things back down that is like what we sent up to it.
Here’s what happens to our world when we are all thinking negative thoughts and acting on them:
Here’s what happens to our world when we’re all thinking positive thoughts and acting on them:
If you used to think your own small thoughts, your own tiny existence, didn’t make a difference, you might have been a little bit right. Sort of. A little. Why?
Because tons of people were thinking and behaving negatively or self-servingly. It’s hard to effect change you can see when you’re the only one thinking positive, loving thoughts.
But now … now people are waking up. They’re thinking new, creative, and caring thoughts. Us people. Us regular, beautiful, powerful, and creative people.
There are lots of us now, and we’re changing the world.
But there is one problem: Many of us still want to believe everything the television and our governments have told us. About each other. About how scary the world is. About our bills and about our inability to effect change.
We watch our televisions and see catastrophe and hate, so we think thoughts of catastrophe and hate, until we stop and think about what’s next on television. Or what’s for dinner.
And those thoughts, they keep that consciousness up there making negative or neutral things happen down here.
Because we’re staying in that place. That negatively-charged, worry-filled, me-against-you place.
And that’s not even a real place. That’s pretend. We’re not really in a negative world. We just think we are.
There’s not really a me and a you, because remember? We’re all really up there, doing things together. As one.
So now, when you think your actions can’t affect your world. When you think your thoughts can’t turn the life we all live into a better place.
Think again.
Because there’s going to be one person – ONE PERSON – that tips the scale.
There’s going to be ONE PERSON that sets a new world in motion.
And that person?
It’s probably you.