Remember how I was going to Detroit for the Ford Driving Green Technology Event? Remember that? Remember how I tweeted yesterday – from the Colorado Springs airport – about how I was waiting for the plane? Remember how I got my hair chopped off JUST for the occasion? Remember how I posted about the Blazer of Shame just to show how excited I was?
Would you like to hear about my trip? The one I took yesterday? You would, wouldn’t you?
I believe a timeline will best illustrate the journey.
My Trip to Detroit Denver
2:45 a.m.: Wake up shaking, because Fiance got up to go to the bathroom and I thought it was late in the morning and I’d missed the alarm. Jump out of bed and run to the closet. Fiance returns, grumbles, “You’re insane” and gets back in bed. Lay back down and watch the clock until …
5:15-5:45 a.m.: Shower. Finish packing. Tell Fiance how excited I am. Jump up and down 50 times. Tell Fiance how excited I am. Wait for Fiance to bring the warmed-up car around, so I can tell him how excited I am.
6:30 a.m.: Arrive at the airport. Tell the TSA agent how excited I am. TSA agent: “Okay, ma’am. Please take off your shoes.”
7:30 a.m.: Wonder why we’re not boarding the plane yet, but think little about it because I’m busy Tweeting about how excited I am. Put the laptop away and drum on the bag until the man sitting next to me clears his throat and asks me if I’m okay. “Yes,” I say, “I’m just excited.”
7:40 a.m.: Phone rings. It’s Fiance. “Don’t get worried,” he says, “but I have some bad news.” Think about how I should hang up without knowing it. Listen anyway. “The Blazer stalled on the freeway, and I can’t get it started. I had to call a …”
7:41 a.m.: The gate agent picks up the PA thingy and starts to talk. I interrupt Fiance and tell him to hush. The announcer says: “Ladies and gentleman, our first officer just called in sick, and we have a call out to bring in another one. Unfortunately, it’s going to be at least 2 hours before we can get you to Denver. Please line up at the customer service desk if you have a connecting flight.”
7:41:30 a.m.: “tow truck,” Fiance says, “I had to call a tow truck.” Tell Fiance how sorry I am and then hang up without digesting the information. Run to the customer service line, because my connecting flight will leave Denver in 2 hours and 30 minutes. Freak out.
8:30 a.m.: Reach the front of the customer service line, just as she announces that they have a first officer, and we’ll take off soon. Talk to her anyway. She says, “You’ll probably be okay, but if you miss the plane to Detroit, there is nothing else until tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. All flights to Detroit are completely full, with long standby lines. So just hope you make the plane.” Tell her thank you. Hope my heart stops pounding. Remember the words “tow truck.” Commence hyperventilation.
8:35 a.m.: Call the nice man arranging the travel for the bloggers going to the Ford Green event. Tell him the issue. Hope he knows magic travel tricks. He does not. “I don’t see any way you’ll make it to Detroit if you miss your connecting.” Wonder how he understood anything I said through the rapid shallow breathing.
8:45 a.m.: Rush up to another gate agent who parks herself at our gate. Ask her, “What are my chances of making my connecting flight? Should I even bother?” “Yes,” she says. “You’ll make it. No problem. You might have to run, but you’ll be fine.”
8:50 a.m.: Begin boarding the plane with two carry-ons in tow. Think about the word “tow.” Freak out. Get stopped by the flight attendant who tells me I have to check my bag under the plane – it’s too big to fit on the overhead compartments. Look at the overhead compartments. They are the size of toasters. “But,” I say to the flight attendant “I have a connecting flight to catch that’s leaving right when we get to Denver.” She asks me the time my flight leaves. “10:10,” I say.
“You’ll be fine,” she assures me. “We’ll be there FAR before your plane leaves.”
9:20 a.m.: Still on the runway in Colorado Springs. The pilot tells us we can’t take off due to the weather in Denver. “Don’t worry,” says the flight attendant. “Everything in Denver is backed up because of the weather. Everyone making a connecting flight in the next hour should be fine.” Breathe deeply. Remember that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Be glad I’m not like the man in front of me, who’s about to miss his connecting flight to Saskatoon.
10:07 a.m.: Land in Denver. Snow everywhere. It looks like a snowpocalypse. Turn on the phone and see I have 3 minutes to make my connecting flight. Remember that it’s probably late, anyway. I’m okay.
10:15 a.m.: After waiting 8 minutes for a gate to open up, we walk off the plane. Wait 5 excruciating minutes for the bags to come off. Fall down after grabbing my bag and running into the guy waiting behind me. Have a hard time standing up on the ice. Slide into the door. Hear the man behind me yell, “Good luck!” Think about the kindness of humanity. All is right with the world.
10:20 a.m.: Sprint through a sea of weary travelers yelling, “Excuse me. Pardon me. I’m going to Detroit!” Wonder why I’m not falling down. I always fall down. Wonder how I’m running through an entire concourse without losing my breath. Reach the gate. It’s empty. Start breathing. Hard.
10:22 a.m.: “Detroit? The plane to Detroit? Is it gone. IS IT GONE?”
“Yes,” the gate agent says. “I’m going to have to ask you to go back to gate 58 where there’s a customer service desk.”
“Ma’am. Please get off the floor. The customer service desk at gate 58 will help you.”
10:28 a.m.: In the bathroom. Sobbing silently in a stall. Sobbing. But at least it’s silently. No one will know. Maybe there’s still hope? Maybe Ford Travel Arranger can help me yet? Maybe!
10:30 a.m.: Exit the stall and realize I wasn’t sobbing silently after all. Five women are surrounding the door, staring inquisitively as I walk out. Try not to look at my red face and swollen eyes as I wash my hands. Cry a little more.
10:35 a.m.: Reach the customer service desk. Stand in line. Get tapped on the back by a man behind me. “I’m sorry, but if you’re waiting for customer service, the line actually starts back there.” Gaze back. See 50 more people behind me. Cry. Give up. Call Ford Travel Arranger.
10:37 a.m.: “I’m sorry. I feel so horrible about this, but I don’t think you can do anything. You should probably just see if you can get a plane back home.” Ford Travel Arranger doesn’t know. I can still do this. I can wait in this line. I CAN GET TO DETROIT. I CAN DO IT.
10:50 a.m.: Realize I have blisters on my right foot. Wonder why only my right foot. Take off my boot. Pull out a hair tie. Laugh, because all day I’d had a hair tie in my shoe. Blame the cats.
11:45 a.m.: Reach the front of the customer service line. The woman there looks at the screen for a very, very long time. She sighs. “I can get you into Detroit tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.” I feel the floor slipping out from under me. “That’s the best I can do. I’m so sorry.” I ask if I can please go back home. “Yes, but you’ll be on standby for the rest of the day. All flights back to Colorado Springs are booked. The flight you might be able to catch leaves at 12:30. You should hurry to the gate.”
12:00 p.m.: Realize I’m at the end of the concourse, where my gate should be. My gate is 95. I am at gate 10. I have gone all the way down the wrong side of the concourse. Run all the way back down the concourse, aware of how hard I’m breathing this time. Start thinking about how I’m not going to Detroit. Cry and run. I am not a pretty picture.
12:20 p.m.: Talk to the gate agent. Tell her how irritated I am that all this happened because someone called in sick at the last minute this morning. “Oh,” she says, “you heard the wrong story.”
She tells me a bus full of flight crew slid off the road this morning, rolling over into a ravine, breaking the bones of many of the crew. That is, most likely, what happened to our “first” first officer.
“The airlines don’t like this kind of information getting out. That’s probably why you were told he was sick. They’d rather blame it on sickness than on roads that are too icy to drive on. They think people won’t fly if the roads are icy.”
She tells me other instances where airplane accidents aren’t reported by the news, because the airlines don’t want it getting out. Most of them involve icy runways.
She calls my name for standby. I wonder about icy runways.
I get on the plane anyway. What’s a little sliding off the runway after the day I’ve had?
12:30 p.m.: Feel bad for being mad about the first officer calling in sick. Wonder if he has broken bones. Send love his way.
2:00 p.m.: Still sitting on the runway in Denver, waiting to be de-iced. Realize I’ve spent nearly 5 hours in airplanes to a city that’s an hour away by car. Remember how I’m not going to Detroit. Cry. Feel sorry for myself. Think about how no one remembers the person who didn’t show up.
Decide my blogging career is over.
Cry all the way back to the Springs.
2:50 p.m.: Walk out of the plane. Hate the airport, because the last time I was there, I was SO EXCITED.
2:51 p.m.: Start thinking about my next blog post. Realize it’s going to be this. Start thinking about the one after this, that’s going to be full of happiness and light.
2:53 p.m.: Realize Fiance can’t pick me up.
The Blazer.
Even though I didn’t make it to the Ford Driving Green Technology Event, many lovely people did. I am not bitter. I am excited for them.
If you want to keep up with some of the festivities, here are some magnificent bloggers I met on Twitter who are attending the event.
I hope they had enough fun for ALL of us!
A Daily Pinch – Twitter handle @Daily_Pinch
Tech Savvy Mama – Twitter handle @techsavvymama
Let’s Be Green Together – Twitter handle @CathyIsReal
The Mommy Insider – Twitter handle @mommyinsider
Crunchyish Mama – Twitter handle @crunchyishmama
Scraps of My Geek Life – Twitter handle @scrappinmichele
Lastly, I just really want to thank Ford and the Clever Girls Collective for the opportunity. I’m so appreciative, even though I’m not there. May there be more opportunities in the future!
So sorry for the day you had to go through. I would have loved to have met you in Detroit! Hope the Blazer is feeling better.
Oh no, that’s awful! I am sooo sorry!! Having you there would have been great. Although it would have been absolutely perfect to have you there, I know there *will* be a next time. Just sorry you had to put up with such an emotional roller coaster.
I saw your tweet and immediately thought “Oh no!” You were definitely missed and I would have loved the chance to get to meet you in Detroit! Here’s hoping that we have another opportunity to reconvene with Ford sometime in the near future!
We’ll remember you, Betty. Not to worry. So very sorry that not only were you unable to join us, but that it had to happen in such a dramatic way. I wish we could have spared you the angst and stress-filled travel.
Hopefully we’ll be able to make it up to you.
Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company
Aaaaaaaw! I am so sorry, Betty! I felt every single minute of your pain and then towards the end…your hope and acceptance. Everything happens for a reason, I tend to believe so I really think you were meant for even bigger things and even better opportunities will come your way!
Thanks, lady. Y’know, that is something I thought VERY long and hard about on the plane ride home – that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it’s hard to believe it when you’re in the middle of something stinky, but I COMPLETELY agree with you!
Even though one part of me was going “maybe the universe is telling me this blog was a stupid idea in the first place,” a bigger part of me was going, “wonder what GOOD – even better – thing will come out of it.”
Now I can’t wait to see which side wins. Ha!
Aw, so sorry! You were sooooo excited too. What a bummer.
I know how much it sucks to be stuck in an airport. Last winter the Hubs and I were stuck at NY Laguardia for 16 hours. It was no fun (esp. since I was 6 weeks pregnant and feeling like it). The only cool part of that day: seeing Stephen Colbert walk out of the men’s room. The hubs was apparently next to him at the urinal, but didn’t really think that was the appropriate time to ask the guy for an autograph.
HUGS to you!!!!
Is it wrong that the only thing I’ve thought about since you left this comment is Stephen Colbert’s … um … patriotic tinkle?
Haha. Man, there are so many jokes to make, and they’re all so inappropriate. So … yeah.
Thanks for the love!
Aww, I’m sorry. That just plain stinks.
Thanks, chickadee. Sometimes life has other plans for you, but never bothers to explain why.
Just once, I’d love an explanation … A note … A post-it even. Something.
Awww, I’m disappointed for you! I hate it when a plan doesn’t come together! 🙁
I think I can safely tell you this, because I’ve been all woo-woo psychic-like on you before. But I swear on everything I know, the week leading up to this trip, every time I’d think about it, I’d think “not that I’m actually going to get there.”
And then I’d think I was crazy for thinking that.
Weird, yeah?
My heart is breaking for you.
Oh, and by the way, it’s ALWAYS the cat’s fault.
Off topic, but some day I’d like to get your opinion on how to make a cat stop being a haughty, spoiled brat that has no love in her heart for anything but popcorn and hair ties.
I think if anyone could make a cat have love, you could. Probably by projectile launch. But still.
You had such an epic disappointment day so sending empathy your way. Howevs on the bright side such days do give justicfiction for doing something self indulgent or silly to make you feel better.
I like to wear sequins in the middle of day and be all like ‘I’m unemployed and too broke for busfare, I wear what I want.’ So you could be all like ‘I was stuck in an aiport instead of checking out super slinkster cars with cool people. I smear food where I want.’
So in that spirit, heres a diy, completely natural bodywrap recipe (haven’t tried it yet but I’m waiting until I’m home alone.)
Nourishing Body Wrap
Try this at-home treatment from Michael Simmons, spa director at The Spa at the Keystone Lodge, for soft, glowing skin.
As the days become cooler, skin may be in need of extra nurturing-so try this at-home treatment from Michael Simmons, spa director at The Spa at the Keystone Lodge, in Keystone, Colorado. With just a once-a-week application (less often once you start seeing results), you’ll spend the season glowing from head to toe.
2-6 cups plain yogurt
1-3 cups honey
1-3 cups aloe vera liquid (available at health food stores)
Wrap material (plastic wrap, a small plastic garbage bag that has been cut open, or a small towel that has been dampened and briefly heated in the microwave)
Blanket or large towel
In an extra-large bowl, mix yogurt, honey, and aloe vera in a ratio of 2-to-1-to-1.
Apply the mixture to your body.
Lightly wrap the areas where you have applied the masque. This keeps your body heat in, opening your pores and allowing the moisturizing and skin-softening benefits of the ingredients to penetrate.
Wrap yourself in the blanket or large towel and allow the masque to soak in for 20-30 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.
Dude. This is awesome. All of the recipes you share with me are so fantastic.
Some day, you will need to do a guest post for me.
You think?
Omg, that would be so exciting! I keep on meaning to start my own blog but don’t get around to it. Also then I would have an excuse to justify that body wray thing.
I have a word document where I save natural beauty treatments I come across if you’d like to have it, would you like me to email it to you? (It does feature some of your recipes.)
And since you featured fennel on your website, I’ve started drinking the tea. I find it smells of licorice but tends to be a bit flavourless which might just be the brand I brought. I was v. impressed by its health benefits.
HOping you feeling a bit better!
When I read “Oh, you didn’t hear the real story” I yelled. I was sure the real story was the first officer was at a ripper party and puking. So good. Only not. What you said, send lots of love their way.
I am sorry this wasn’t your first attempt at blog fiction.
About two hours after I posed this, I thought maybe I should have added some “this story is 100% true to my melodramatic rememberings.”
Y’know, I used to be really, really dramatic about everything that happened to me ever. A hangnail would turn into a 20-minute story that might or might not include pirates.
Sadly, this was not one of those stories. A pirate, though. Next time, I’m adding one in – whether it happened or not.
Oh man. My heart’s breaking for you. I hope clever girls gives you another opportunity REALLY soon, hon!
Me too, lady! It sounds promising. And maybe the next one will be with YOU.
That … that would be an absolute dream. Sigh.
Wow! Reading about your day made me laugh and cry at the same time (I hope you’re able to laugh a little now?). Stuck in the Denver airport all day and you didn’t even get to shop??? That’s like adding insult to injury. Really really sorry you missed your big event, but no matter how cool it might have been… traveling to Detroit in the middle of winter is never a picnic. And besides, I’m pretty sure they didn’t give away new cars to all the attendees… 🙂
Haha! The funny thing about your comment – I was hellbent on visiting The Body Shop in DIA during my (supposed to be) 2-hour layover. Instead, I didn’t even get to look at a storefront at all – just ran right past.
It sounds like lots of the attendees had a bunch of trouble getting home ’cause of Detroit weather, too. So I guess I just got my pain over with early.
Aww. How sad, dear friend. You don’t know me from Adam (this is my first time commenting on your wonderful blog), but much love is being sent your way. I hope you pampered yourself when you finally arrived home!
And P.S. It’s nice to meet you. 🙂 Thanks for sending me your winter facial scrub!
Aw, thanks new friend. SO glad you’re here! You’ll have to tell me what you think of the scrub after you’ve used it for a while.
I didn’t as much pamper, as I did wallow in self-pity and watch movies. Today is pamper day, now that you’ve mentioned it. That sounds SO good.
Oh I’m so sorry for you. What an awful experience. You were so excited and I know you would have loved it if you had managed to get there. Hearing about the airline staff getting injured brought some perspective to things. At least you didn’t wind up in an accident in the icy weather and you are home safe now. I hope some other new project comes around the corner really soon to lift you up and give you something to get excited about!
The flight crew’s harrowing experience REALLY did bring things into perspective.
It’s that moment where you’re so deep in your own crud that you’re feeling horrible, and you realize you don’t really have it all that bad after all. It’s hard not to feel guilty then, y’know?
Thanks for the love, missy. Big love back atcha!
We miss you! That really sucks that you didn’t get here. What a day!!!
Haha. You guys are making me feel SO good. Like I said to Emily, I’m just so excited to see what DID happen now. Hope you’re taking lots and lots of notes (and pictures)!
THAT SUCKS! I’m so sorry you didn’t get to come. I’ll remember the blogger who didn’t show up. Hope to meet you one day!
Aw, thanks lady! I just hope you’re having tons and tons and tons of fun, and I really can’t wait to read all about it. At first, I was, like, “There’s no way I can read anything … it’ll make me too sad.” Now I can’t wait to see what I almost did.
Awww! How disappointing. Sending XXX HUGS XXX your way. There is always next year!
There IS always next year – or maybe next week. Who knows? Thanks for the sending of hugs.
Also, I just want to mention that simply reading the word “jambalaya” here makes my stomach growl. Off to read!
I am so sorry! Your day totally sucked…I will keep my fingers crossed that it gets better ♥
Well, I took all last night to wallow in pity (and popcorn with parmesan cheese) and watch three movies, and woke up this morning feeling sad, but MUCH better.
Thanks, lady. Mwah!