The holidays bring me to a full stop.
For an entire year, your life is going … you have direction. Things are flowing in a neat and organic order. But without fail, every year, my life comes to a stop while I deal with holidays.
My ability to move in the direction of my dreams is sucked away, like the last remaining fumes in a gas tank. Sputter. Stop. Deal with the travel and the gifts and the food. And then … then crash. Crash and wonder where I should go next. The last year seems like a tangled haze of moments, loosely strung together, and they don’t make complete sense anymore.
But then the first day (or sometimes second, depending on whether or not cocktails were involved) of the new year comes and a veil lifts. Sixty new potential directions appear in front of my foggy windshield, and everything seems clear and new and promising. Miraculously, the gas tank is full again.
The key at this point is to choose a direction and put the foot back on the gas pedal. Adjust the steering wheel slightly and go forward into the new year.
So here we are.
There’s a brand new shiny windshield through which to see the direction we’re all going. And there’s nothing like the new year to choose exciting moments – experiences – to bring into your life over the next 365 (or 361, as the case may be) days.
I’m not a fan of resolutions, but if I were to choose one for this year, it would be: I will keep going forward while being delighted at where I am in the moment.
That’s broad and easy enough to stick to.
I do, though, l.o.v.e. making lists of things I want to experience and do over the next year. So I have. Here is my list of things I’d love to accomplish this year, and I would LOVE to hear yours!
The 2012 List of Things I’ll Be Doing
This, by no means, is everything I’ll be doing. They’re just things I’ve wanted to do and I’ve put off (because I have terrible time management skills). If you have any ideas or recommendations on how to accomplish them, do tell.
- Learn to crochet: Tell me how apropos this is, the deal on Heartsy for tomorrow is handmade crochet accessories, which I’m buying! … thank you for reiterating my first goal, Universe.)
- Detox at the end of February
- Learn how to make soap
- Write two new books
- Find the perfect natural mascara (really … find the perfect truly natural cosmetics all together)
- Read a fiction book every month
- Get acupuncture (for the experience and funsies)
- Become a columnist for a publication of some sort (in addition to Greenwoman!)
- Make my own sourdough culture and then bake at least 10 loaves with it
- Laugh more and stop taking myself so danged seriously
- Volunteer somewhere that cares for the elderly
- Buy a car … loan-free
- Make homemade mead
- Feng shui a room
- Take a course or read a book on time management – and then FOLLOW it
- Believe in miracles (especially the miracle of the above point)
- Start canning fruits and veggies
- Do a week-long juice fast in autumn
- Take a class in herbalism
I made myself stop there, because the list could’ve gotten unmanageable – to the point that even time management coaches wouldn’t be able to untangle it.
But it’s also a new year for Crunchy Betty, and I’ve spent the last three days meditating on where I’ll take us next. What new things should we do? Try? Be? And through the help of your magnificent, helpful comments on the last post (from WAY back in 2011), I have some ideas.

Crunchy Betty in 2012, Baby!
If you left a comment or wrote down an “other” option in the last post 2011, I have put your ideas and suggestions in a list. They will all be covered at some point in 2012. This, I can promise you.
But, they’ve also given me other great ideas – some of which I’m still chewing on and some of which I’m ready to rock with. But – they’re not just for me! I need a little help from my friends (yes, that is you guys) too.
So here’s what’s coming up on Crunchy Betty in 2012:
- More info and single profiles on essential oils (if any of you are an aromatherapist or know one, I’d love to talk to you!)
- Many more posts on haircare, man care, shaving, baby stuff, skin care, unique recipes, etc.
- A feature on the best and easiest steps to ease yourself into the crunchy lifestyle
- More home remedies (!) and profiles on herbs (if you’re an herbalist, I would love to talk to you!)
- At least two great challenges for all of us to participate in
- And that’s all in addition to the typical Crunchy Betty stuff you’re used to.
But here’s what I’d really love you guys to help me with:
- If you’re a blogger, and you blog (even sometimes) about crunchy things, natural living, conscious living, etc., PLEASE leave your blog address in the comments here in this post. I’m starting a database (and hopefully a dedicated page) of Crunchy bloggers.
- Crunchy Betty needs guest bloggers (writers)! My knowledge and wit is limited, and I would LOVE to start having some guest bloggers enlighten us all with their knowledge. So if you have specialized knowledge in things like aromatherapy, herbalism, conscious living, or anything along those crunchy lines and would like to do a guest blog or two in 2012, PLEASE contact me.
The light’s green. The drive train is adjusted. And the foot’s on the pedal.
Happy New Year!
Yes! Finally something about selling essie nail.
Crunchy Betty,
Didn’t know exactly where to post this so I thought I’d leave a comment on the most relevant post– suggestions for what to write about in 2012. Forgive me if you’ve already written about this but I think this is a VERY important crunchy remedy.
The Neti Pot— aka flushing your sinuses with a salt/baking soda combo to cure and prevent sinus infections. It saved my dad from having to get a sinus surgery for his constant infections due to severe allergies. Someone suggested that he flush his nose out with salt water, so he did, he got all better, he continues to do it every few days during allergy season.
The difference between my dad and most of humanity is that he’s able to do this by sucking water up his nose from a coffee mug. The rest of us mere mortals will probably need to use a Neti pot to assist us with the task. I do it whenever I have a stuffy nose or feel a cold coming on. Once you get past the whole “stream of water coming out of your nose” thing, you’ll be hooked!
Once again, sorry if you’ve already written about this. I’m new to your forum. And I love it, btw 🙂
I love your blog and I’m getting really into making my own body care products since I went no ‘poo in October, with much success, after reading your blog for the first time. I’ve made the coconut deodorant and love it. Can’t wait to try more of your recipes!
I have a recipe blog, which has been just food now, but I may diversify beyond that. My recipes are all vegetarian and I’m all about making things from scratch, and using local / in season ingredients.
While I’ve been faithful to bs and acv for washing my hair, in between I cheat and use a little leave-in conditioner spray from Jane Carter Solution to detangle my thick wavy hair. I’m almost out of this expensive formula and would like to make a replacement, if you have any suggestions for detangler recipes – I got no hits for that on your site.
If you lived in the Bay Area I’d invite you to crafts night with the girls and teach you to crochet.
Keep up the awesome work! I’ve been telling all my friends about how amazing your site is.
This year I’m moving myself to “green”er pastures -if you will. I’m working on eating better, exercising more, and switching out things like commercial soaps for homemade ones. I’m documenting it all, journal-style (mostly) on a blog I just set up:
I don’t know if that counts for your database, but if it does: awesome! I’m a big fan of you Crunch Betty!
I know I’m totally late, but I blog at
My posts are all over the place, including religion, relationships, human rights, healthy eating, natural remedies etc.
This is my first visit to your blog, and I have to say that this has been the most enjoyable blog that I have read in forever – just awesome! Love your wit and humor, and really good information that anyone can put into practice. I have just just signed up for your posts, and will look foreward to each and every one in the future. So glad I found you courtesy of ‘Today’s Creativ Blog’.
Looking forward to reading more in 2012! I have a lifestyle blog at and since my lifetstyle is getting crunchier, there will be/are posts about my adventures. But I will definitely fall into your “even sometimes” category.
Hiya, great post! I tune in to each one, apologize it took me some time to get my comment in here. I’m a blogger who covers a wide array of things: green living, sustainability, eco-friendly beauty etc. Its basically a mish/mash of all things that make me happy(backyard chickens included!), but I love visitors to my little place in blogland and would love to interact with CB readers! 🙂
I think you would like making soap in a crock pot the best, with a stick blender because you can make it in the morning and use your new soap by evening 🙂
When you make your bread, stir the ingredients into a bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight. It is better than kneading and you can pull off bits of dough for whatever you want this meal. sourdough lesson number 5 tells shows in detail what I mean. gnowfglins also teaches how to make your own starter.
I do love your posts! Keep up the good work! and thank you crunchy betty 🙂
Learning to crochet will be the most awesome thing! You should also join – you can share your awesomeness with the world, and view the awesomeness of others. it’s crazy. Also crocheting isn’t too bad. The best part about it is making your own wash cloths! You can get 100% cotton yarn for $2 or less per ball, and each ball makes at least one washcloth, sometimes more (especially if you get into color changing, etc). That was the first switch I made from store-bought products to hand-made home
Anyhow, you have inspired me to give up my hate-hate relationships with run-of-the-mill hygiene products! I linked to my temporary blog at wordpress, and soon will be going live with
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EXISTING! And for spreading your knowledge of healthy, natural beauty secrets.
I blog at
Mainly about things I make from scratch and intentional parenting.
I’m pretty sure I have a username and password but can’t remember what they are right now, as it’s 3 in the morning and I’m up with a baby. That’s not entirely fair. I probably wouldn’t be able to remember in the middle of the afternoon, either. 🙂
I found your blog not to long ago and I just love it!!! I have already made a bunch of your cleaners which I blogged about and linked you. 🙂 My blog is I’m learning to things the cheap and natural way and telling my story.
I love the idea of a link up page. I’m always looking for new blogs!
ahhhh! time management! If I were an era, it’ll be my downfall. Alas, in real life, I’m an employee–and lack of time management, I fear, will soon cause me an untimely loss of my job. 😀
I’d be looking forward to your aromatherapy posts, would have been interested in herbs if not for the fact that it’s harder to get them (western herbs) here in SG. But we’ve got lots of chinese herbs to experiment with. 🙂
I’ve got a blog but am moving soon. I think the current name sounds too authoritative and am definitely not an eco beauty expert, I’m just another enthusiast. 😉
I would love to be added to your database 🙂
I just started a blog on the 1st about my adventures in making homemade everything. You were/are a big inspiration. I love your site and recipes!
I would love to be added to your database 🙂
I just started a blog on the 1st about my adventures in making homemade everything. You were/are a big inspiration. I love your site and recipes!
I would love to be added to your database 🙂
I just started a blog on the 1st about my adventures in making homemade everything. You were/are a big inspiration. I love your site and recipes!
Hey there!
Please add my blog to your database as well. I’m a healer, but I work more with manual and energetic forms of healing in my practice and dabble in the herbal/aromatherapy stuff more in my personal life. I’m all for conscious, embodied living for everyone, at all times!
So glad you’re back, and glad to hear you’re starting the new year feeling refreshed! I’m looking forward to trying out more of your recipes in the future. I started a blog last month on health and wellness. It’s teeny tiny, as in, 38 views on my best day so far. But if anyone is interested, it’s I actually did a post in using your carrot cake oatmeal recipe for one person. It was a popular one of course!
Time management…..I hear ya, C.B.! Also, would love to investigate (more thoroughly) the ‘natural’ cosmetics—or at least ones that don’t leave a swath of death and destruction in their creation. I like the idea of ‘not putting anything on your skin that you wouldn’t—or couldn’t—eat’. There has to be some great alternate cosmetics out there.
Sue in Ohio
I’m on day 4 of a juice fast that last seven days. I bought:
The Seven-Day Total Cleanse: A Revolutionary New Juice Fast and Yoga Plan to Purify Your Body and Clarify the Mind
by Mary McGuire-Wien
This book is amazing! She has a complete schedule you can follow for the 7 days and she has a ton of different recipes not only for juice but for when the cleanse is over and you want to start eating healthier. I’ve been doing this for 4 days now and I haven’t felt hungry once. Not only do I feel healthier but my mind is not as cluttered as it usually was. I feel more relaxed now for sure. It is truly a must read. I plan on doing a cleanse at least bi-monthly.
THANK YOU. I’ve used this for two days now, and it’s already a little miracle. Mwah!
My husband and I are also going to make mead this year! We found a brewer’s store not too far from where we live, so all is coming together! How exciting!
Great list! Looks like we have some overlap too. I want to do a juice fast this year and learn more about herbalism. That, and post more regularly on my blog, which, incidentally, I’d love to have added to your database 🙂
Your blog is amazing!!! I am so in love with it. Thank you for all of your amazing tips and tricks. You make going green realistic and a lot less scary. Keep up the good work!
If you’re interested, just DM me on Twitter. I can get you well on your way in 3 cups of coffee. 😉
If you’ll buy me a cup of coffee each lesson, I could teach you how to crochet. I’ve been told I’m a pretty good teacher. 🙂
More items like the Daisy Salve and Homemade “vicks” rub. Also Suncoat Products has mascara, not sure how good it is but it seems more natural than most out there.
Yes do learn to crochet. I can be upset, mad, or whatever and it is like takeing a pill to calm down. It seems to be calming to the soul. I can do a bunch of rows and i find i have forgotton what i was mad about good for the soul. also i like bare minerals mascara.
Love this post! 🙂 I’m a natural beauty blogger and would love to be added to your list AND write a guest post if your slots haven’t all filled up yet.
Love your blog! I look forward to your 2012 posts and wish you luck with your wish list of things you would like to learn/do! Fun stuff! I’m an herbal aesthetician and write a natural skin care blog: I also blog for Herb Companion Magazine from time to time. I would love to be added to the database! Blessings to you!
I’m excited to keep reading your blog in 2012! I share several of your goals for this year (including making a sourdough culture, do more home canning, and learn to make soap). I can’t wait to read your posts on EOs, man care, and shaving, in particular. Thank you for everything you do!
Please add my blog. I blog about several things. Home remedies, aromatherapy recipes, herbal tea’s, herb mixtures and so on. I am not a certified a aromatherapst but I have taken several classes on the the subject and have a personal use certificate.
Try they have fruit pigmented cosmetics. I have the blackberry mascara… Its deep purple almost black… Great with green eyes! 🙂
I love your list of to do’s! Mine is to read through the Bible in a year with my husband. 🙂 Should be fun. Can’t wait for all the fun this year! I have a crunchy blog! 🙂
i blog at which is my “creative” blog. i have three small children and since becoming a mom have become more aware of natural living and am aspiring to raise my children in a chemical free (or close to it) environment! it’s exciting and i love blogs like yours that offer encouragement! thanks!
I am fairly new to your blog. I noticed that you said you wanted to try a new natural mascara this year. I have recently tried one by Afterglow Cosmetics called Pure Soul Mascara. I copied info from their website:
Creates rich, luscious lashes, free of flakes and clumpsVolumizing formula perfect sensitive eyesInfused with soothing organic botanicalsNO parabens, nanos, bismuth oxychloride, gluten, mercury or talc100% natural ingredientsIt is a bit pricey at $21 a tube but it is one of the best natural mascara’s I have used. It didn’t smear, clump, or flake. I used it during the hot summer while spending a lot of time outside. My lashes stayed separated and just looked great all day.Lavera is another maker of a natural brand of mascara that I have used and liked. I have also tried one made by Dr. Hauschka but it smeared causing me to look like a raccoon by the time I got home from work.
I’ve recently started going crunchy and blog about it here:
Great goals! Get a bread machine and you’ll make way more than 10 loaves of sourdough bread! I make at least one a week! I don’t bake in my bread machine, but I let it do all the hard work.
Here’s a link to my recipe from my blog:
Also, my husband is in the middle of a 40 day juice fast right now. Well, really at the beginning, he’s on day six. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll have tons of info about that by the time we’re through. I know I want to do an extended juice fast if I ever stop being pregnant and/or breastfeeding. 🙂
The Bare Root People blog is about crunchiness of all kinds: in work, food, craft, home & life.
Delighted to see that you are back and clearly better than ever! 2012 looks like it’s going to be a wonderfully crunchy year around here… can’t wait!
I blog at documenting my mostly-from-scratch (and increasingly-crunchy thanks to you) life.
Happy New Year!
I’m mostly crunchy, slightly confused, and trying to figure it all out! Please check out my blog and add me to your database:
Homemade mead is yummy, and really not difficult. With canning, start with the fruits. Vegetables (except tomatoes & pickles) require a pressure canner, which is pricey, unless you get one from an auction or some such (I paid $12.50 for mine at an auction 20 years ago, and it has worked hard for us ever since!). Sourdough bread takes work. Start with English muffins. There’s a recipe at that’s why-have-I-been-buying-these-things-at-the-store-all-these-years easy.
Betty!! OMG……..when you find the perfect mascara: please share!! It’s the little things, you know??!! xoxo
Hi, I blog about soap and body care product making, recycled crafts, dehydrating etc. My hubby grows most of our food and is now baking our bread, grinding the flour and is a great cook.
Love your blog. Lynda
I love your list, Betty! I cross fingers everything to be marked “done” at the end of 2012 and can’t wait for you making us part of your adventures.
My blog is, which is about organic and sustainable living including tips and recipes. It will be great to join forces and spread the word about the benefits of a more simple living where less is beautiful and quality is health.
Oooooh sounds GOOD in 2012! (: I lean towards right-winged crunchy and write my blog about green smoothies, weekday vegetarianism-veganism, and how I beat cancer using holistic methods at I would love to guest-post for you sometime in 2012!
My whole blog (and my adventures in crunchy living!) were inspired by your site! Mostly about my no-poo process and thoughts on becoming more crunchy. It’s over here: Thanks so much for the great recipes, advice, and smiles I get every time I read your posts! -Cassie
Welcome to the Midwest !
I’m pretty crunchy! I blog at my web site, So far I’ve mainly posted about crunchy parenting type stuff so far (like extended breastfeeding), but I plan to get crunchier in the coming year. I’ve been doing some meditating of my own about where to take my writing in the next year, and I’m thinking it will probably incorporate some of my crunchier interests (herbalism, make-my-own anything, fermented foods).
Your blog was such an inspiration to me in 2011! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2012! I blog over at about Real Food, herbal remedies, and various crunchy topics. I would love to be part of your database! A blog about art, natural living, good stewardship. knitting, soapmaking, herbs, aromatherapy and lots of soup and creative cooking recipes.
Quick time management tip… combine learning to crochet and volunteering with the elderly. You’d be surprised how many elderly women (even with dementia) can still teach you how to crochet. Not kidding. I’ve seen it. And I’m sure you’d make some old lady’s day by giving her a purpose.
I’m sorry if I offended anyone with my verbage but I’ve spent more than half my life taking care of the elderly. Most of ’em (not all, but most) don’t mind being called old and they generally suffer from a lack of purpose. We can all learn from the elderly – just show an interest and ask questions.
P.S. Learning to crochet is easy as long as you realize that you’ll be bad at it for a while. 🙂
Suncoat Mascara has a very short, and understandable, ingredient list. Probably the crunchiest I’ve found. And it wears very well. I love the navy.
I am a crunchy wanna be with all the intentions of becoming more “crunchy” as the year 2012 progresses. I am blogging most days about my adventures of becoming frugally sustainable as I can.
Hello! I sometimes post about ‘crunchy’ activities (no-shampoo, oil face wash, etc.) and I’m planning on doing some more in the coming year. You can check out my blog to see if it’s what you’re looking for:
I too would like to read more. I forget how much I enjoy a good book. I can’t wait for canning season. My pickles were awesome this year. The kids were so happy. I also did pears, peaches and tomatoes. We are enjoying everything as the winter goes in to action. We made peach and apple pie fillings and put them in plastic bags for the freezer. It saves so much room.
Have a Happy New Year everyone.
Oh my husband started some mead three weeks ago and I cannot wait to try it! And I love your goal–moving forward while being content in the moment is the best advice ever.
Great list of goals! Soap making is also on mine, though the lye makes me a little bit nervous… Some of my other goals are to get outside more (seriously, enough time on the computer already), set up an Etsy shop for my pottery, and figure out what to do with my life. Please add me to your crunchy blog list: .
I just recently found this blog and it is AWESOME!! I can’t remember how I found it, but I am so glad I did!! I have started washing my face with honey and I also just made some homemade deodorant. I am so excited to try many other things I have learned about here. Thanks for all that you do and the inspiration! I will be very much looking forward to the information about essential oils and hair and skin care!!
Brittany–I love your blog!! I am a mascara addict and I have looked at countless numbers of your reviews and videos!! Love what you do!!
Kudos to you on your goals! I just started learning to knit – something that’s been on my radar for years. I love the direction you’re going with the blog. You can add me to your Cruncy database. :0)
Hi Betty! I blog occasionally about DIY projects – your lotion bars actually inspired me to do any entire DIY Christmas this year! Lovelove your blog 🙂
I really like the Physician’s Formula mascara from their organics line. As far as I can tell it actually is a natural product!
also my blog –
Yes, by all means, learn to crochet – it is satisfying and calming…. and not hard at all.
…unless you’re like me and get frustrated that you can’t keep your chains all the same size! LOL
Learning to Crochet, one of the best resources you can ask for is! Once you join (it’s free) you have access to a community of knitters and crocheters and thousands of free patterns! It’s great once you get past the washcloth stages!
Happy New Year! I’m commenting not because I’m a natural living blogger but because I’m a beauty blogger who has reviewed more than 100 mascaras. I say that to say, I can steer you in the right way if you’re looking for a GOOD and natural mascaras. Check out
Oh my goodness, I am so excited for all that’s coming and so excited that you are collecting bloggers! Your site has been a big inspiration as I take steps towards crunchiness. =)
Here’s my blog:
…talking about doing the same thing.
I’m very interested in seeing what kind of detox you do! The hubs and I have been
Happy New Year Betty!
I’m incredidbly interested in working on finding an all natural mascara with you…
LisaLise blog:
I’m not super crunchy but I buy organic milk, cook mostly from scratch, send my kids to a Waldorf school, and make some of my own cleaners.
This all sounds incredibly fantastic and exciting! I just wanted to let you know that I blog about all things natural, healthy, and eco-friendly. I’d love to be added to your database.
I blog and love to share home remedies, info on essential oils, and sometimes other DIY/natural living type posts.
I blog about my favorite natural products, green smoothies, and handmade! Just finished a review of my favorite natural (streak-free!) deodorant.
I just found and started following your blog within the last 2 months and in that time I have been washing my face with honey…♥… made your “not a secret” deo, lotion bars and coconut oil toothpaste. My blog is mine and my families journey into this whole new world of make-you-own, live better, go-back-to-the-land kinda thing ☺. I also try all kinds of recipes/new things and blog about how they turn out. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of NUTS posting on the web! Can’t wait to read what Crunchy Betty has for us this year..especially looking forward to the essential oils thing.
Crunchy Betty in 2012 sounds super exciting! I’m relatively new to the crunchy lifestyle, but I’ve been one toe in the pool for a while. About time I took the plunge!
Ahh, I want to make my own soap too..and a class on herbalism sounds like so much fun. 🙂 And I too would love to be a columnist for a green magazine’s beauty section, or maybe just a green beauty mag or website. Sigh.. such dreams seem so far away.
And yes, here’s my blog! I talk about organic beauty products, natural living, stuff like that. I hope it’s crunchy enough to be listed. 🙂 I’d also love to do a guest post.. as soon as I can figure out a good topic, and get the courage. Heh.
I would love to be included in your blog list (I’m a homeschooling mama with a serious consumer anarchist bent). And I was *just* thinking how I needed to do a post on how I’ve been washing my face with honey for the past few months (due to your inspiration) and how I have L.O.V.E.D it.
While you are on the subject of juice fasts and detoxes, may I recommend doing an Ayurvedic Cleanse? I followed a 7-day one through Yoga Journal last September and truly loved it. Also, I began to learn more about Ayurvedic principles because of it, and it is quite fascinating. Still learning…
I highly recommend the time management book “18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done” by Peter Bregman. The book lives up to it’s title.
Love your list, there are several things on there I’d like to do too like learn more about herbs and learn to make sourdough. I’ve got a few of them down, like the crochet, soap & canning…think the sourdough is the next thing on my list, oh and liquid soap…cause I haven’t done that yet, only the bar soap. Hope you get your list finished this year! :-))
I’ve been following your blog for a few months and I always look forward to new blog posts from you! Very excited to see what’s coming up 🙂
Happy New Year!
This popped up in my feed reader this morning:
Crochet 101 should help you with that first item on your list!
I really like 100% Pure’s mascara but I can’t say it’s perfect…
Some of the things I’d like to acomplish this year are making yeast bread, canning (fruit? veggies? something!) and to knit (and/or crochet) an actual complete garment that I can wear 🙂
Oh boy…I can’t wait!!!
Hello! Happy 2012! Love your blog. Please add mine to your database. I blog about herbal remedies and other traditional things.
Sounds like there are many good things to come in 2012!
I have a blog I blog about trying to live more consciously, with crunchy and random bits thrown in as well.
We have so much in common! I just learned to crochet (loving it!), I want to make soap, I’m looking for the best natural mascara (100% Pure?), I’m planning to learn to can, I could go on and on and on! I love your blog, and I look forward to reading all about everything on your list. Keep up the great work!
This is the best time management plan I’ve used. Quick and easy and you can start right away!
Looking forward to your posts in 2012! One of the things I’ve been wanting to do this year is research essential oils and their uses.
I have a crunchy blog! Its Kinda Crunchy Kate! I focus on being crunchy and frugal. I haven’t posted much lately on there because I’m moving to Chicago next week, but soon, I’ll be up and running again!
My site is over at I love doing reviews on natural cosmetics, skin care, and other fun natural and organic stuff. I also create my own recipes for skin care products and food. I am really strict with the products that I will use. It must be natural and if it’s organic- that’s even better!
I’m a newbie to crunchiness, but in 2012 I am trying to live a more intentional life. And that means being more intentional with what I put in and on my body. I made the coconut oil toothpaste this week and loved it!! I blog at
Love the newness coming in 2012! My blog is I focus on natural and organic beauty, home spa treatments, recipes, artisan features and the like. 🙂
Yay! I’m so happy to have a new year, and a new CB post 🙂 I’m wicked excited for the upcoming year. I know I’ve left the link to my blog before, but here it is just in case…
Lately my desire to write has been re-ignited so hopefully that means some new posts…and they will probably include crunchiness 🙂 I’m thinking about doing something about crunchy college life…
Can’t wait for new CB challenges!
OOooo, I’m crunchy!
I mostly blog about food in my face as opposed to on my face – healthy, all natural, organic, made from scratch, often vegetarian or gluten free.
And heck, we also use cloth wipes instead of toilet paper. How much crunchier can you get?