It all started two years ago when my sister said, “You should really try the DivaCup,” and I said, “Huh. Weird.” And every month, I’d think about it, but then I’d look at the price of a DivaCup ($30) compared to a the price of a box of tampons ($7), and I’d say, “Next month. I’ll get one next month when we have more money.”
Clearly, I am not very good at understanding substantial long-term savings, because you don’t throw the DivaCup away. Not for years.
And then the conversation happened in the Community, and I couldn’t wait to try it. I couldn’t wait another month. So I did. And now I get to share TMI about my experience with you. Aren’t you lucky!
Let’s take a look at what the DivaCup is, first:
Why Go Crunchy With a DivaCup
So this is a DivaCup. You use it in lieu of tampons.
You don’t throw it away. You reuse it. This means it’s exponentially more environmentally friendly than tampons.
At this point, I’m going to defer to some DivaCup text, because honestly people, sometimes I can be a little awkward and inappropriate, and you probably don’t want to read that right now.
From the DivaCup description:
The DivaCup is a non-absorbent menstrual cup that simply collects menstrual flow. It is inserted in the vagina and sits at the lower base of the vaginal canal. It is worn internally, yet because it is soft and smooth, it cannot be felt nor will it leak when inserted properly …
The DivaCup can be worn for up to 12 hours before emptying, washing and reinserting for use for another 12 hours. It can be used for light or moderate flows and is emptied more often to accommodate heavy flows. Perfect for overnight use.
From my experience, this is all so completely true.
I was amazed at how non-weird this really was. Don’t get me wrong. For the first day, I was kind of taken aback by actually seeing what had been really going on down there all these years.
But it took me a day to get used to it. And one period to fall in love with it.
With the DivaCup:
- The length of period has decreased by about a day (which may not be biological, but as a result of not using “stuffing”)
- My cramps have eased exponentially
- I feel more in touch with my body … and not in a weird hippy-dippy way; just, like I understand things a little more
- I am relieved that I no longer walk past the tampon aisle and think, “Hmmm … do I need any of these?”
- The bathroom trashcan sits oddly clean and empty for weeks at a time
That’s really just a small sampling of how things’ve changed since the DivaCup came into my life. Now, those are just my experiences, and you may not have the same results. But you’ll never know until you try.
Lest you think it’s just me here, though, take some time and read the thousands of glowing reviews. You’ll see how it changed SO many women’s perception about their periods and saved them money! In fact, it seems that many women have a life changing experience when they switch to the DivaCup…
Why Women Love It….
Seriously? Why doesn’t everyone know about this? It’s like this weird secret — I mentioned it jokingly in a bar the other night, practically under my breath (while blushing), and three women SQUEEEED as we all came out of the Diva Cup Closet and talked about our Secret Love. And one woman mentioned that she couldn’t wait for her next period, and I swear to god, I FEEL THE SAME WAY. It’s crazypants, people.
Why is it a secret? Why aren’t we telling EVERYONE?
I thought this product was going to be completely disgusting. But shooooot! It provided me wrong! Honestly, I think pads and tampons are extremely messy and smelly. ( Doesn’t matter how often you can them out)
My absolutely two favorite things about the Diva cup:
2. NO MESS/NO FUSSIf you haven’t order Diva Cup, DO IT NOW. Trust me, girls, you won’t regret it!
And so many more! Hey, if we can’t all be in it together with our periods, then we shouldn’t be allowed to have periods.
(You know what I mean. We’re all sisters here.)
Important Note… Size Matters
As you may imagine, women may need different sizes of menstrual cups depending on age and if they’ve had kids or not. Or maybe you don’t sit around thinking about these things… who am I to judge?
If you are considering trying the DivaCup, you’ll jut need to pick the right size for you:
- Model 1- If you haven’t had children and are under 30 (this one)
- Model 2- If you’ve had one or more kids or are over 30 (this one)
Just pick the right size for your state in life (or ladyparts, as the case may be). You’ll be good to go for a healthier, happier and more eco-friendly period.
Now go! Have a better period!
I wish it had worked for me, but it leaked terribly. I am searching for “the one” though. Been tampon free for almost 2 years now!!!
The best advise someone gave me about the Diva Cup was to buy 2, when I’m out and about it’s so much easier to put a clean one in and then go rinse the dirty one out. Been using it for 5 years now and love it!
#Win #PickMe
I’ve heard about these over the years, but always been afraid to try one. I’ve recently started cycling and I’m afraid I’ll mess up my expensive padded cycling shorts if I don’t wear my underwear with a tampon and a pad. Talk about uncomfortable!!! I get chafed and rubbed raw after a long ride. Fingers crossed!!
I have never been a tampon user but would absolutely love to try it! We try to be as eco friendly as possible but sometimes it’s too expensive.
Just so you know you should replace them about once a year, even the instructions say that. So they will still be sitting in a landfill somewhere. Washable pads are great if you’re still hesitant about diva cup. Not trying to turn anyone off from it, just letting you know.
I have used a Moon Cup (same product, different brand name) for years and I will never go back to tampons. I agree with the commenters that it has shortened my period my a day, maybe 2, it has eliminated 90% of my cramps, it has saved me hundreds of dollars, and now I know what really is going on/ coming out. I highly recommend them to all!!!
And for anyone who thinks it’s ‘yucky’… get a grip on life, and nature, and embrace it 🙂 You’ll be better for it!!!
This is going to be short as short as possible, but it is intended to help if the situation arises. I am a male, who has given my last two girlfriends diva cups. I think they are a cool product that saves money and resources.
But let it be forewarned that the diva cup can suction to the cervix if it is not placed correctly.
My most recent girlfriend had this happen and a all day fiasco ensued. To keep a long story short, there is no info online to remove the diva cup if this happens. The only advice is go see a doctor to get the object removed.
So I spent an hour or so trying to break the hold of the diva cup on my partners cervix. As you all know better than I, fear of a situation like this plus having someone try to get a grip on something in your vagina is a very unconformable situation that causes the vaginal canal to contract, making the effort that much more difficult. Further you can try to pull it out all you would like but because it is suctioned to your cervix it is going to try to take your cervix with it. The trick is to get two fingers on the base, pinch, and bend the silicone to one side. This will burp the device and allow for the seal to break.
This is not ment to dissuade you from investing in the diva cup, but it is suppose to be a simple trick that will ultimately resolve a scary problem if the situation arises.
I use a different brand (Meluna) and have for a long time. My periods are short, there is less pain, and no smell. I love it! I have a red one with no tab. I liked that I could choose what color I wanted :3
I’ve decided to take the DivaCup plunge! I have never heard of it until coming across this information on your blog. I have a question — what do you wash yours with? I know I could just buy the wash they sell as well, but I thought there might be a better alternative out there 🙂
I use Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Baby-Mild liquid castile soap and it works great!
I absolutely love my Diva Cup. A coworker got me into it, and I’ve never looked back. I used to be a pads only gal, because tampons were horribly uncomfortable and scared the crap out of me with the toxic shock syndrome. But with Diva Cup, there’s no mess, no smell, and my periods are so ‘quiet’. Sometimes I forget I’m on my period! LoL… Not to mention the lack of waste from all those pads I used to have to wear. I had to trim the tail off mine completely because it rubbed me but once it’s in properly I don’t even know it’s there. It’s amazing being able to go swimming on my period without one of those bulky, super uncomfortable tampons!
I have a DivaCup (Model 1) but it doesn’t fit! I know I am following the instructions correctly, but as a “super” tampon feels a little uncomfortable going in, maybe the DC is just too big.
#WIN Love it CrunchyBetty!
Sold. Sold. Sold. CanNOT wait to order!
I just found this post (and your site a few days ago) and I love it! I also wanted to say that I have the UK Mooncup and I LOVE it! It’s pretty much the same thing as the Diva Cup. I tell everyone I know about it, but no one wants to try it. Everyone thinks it’s “gross”. That is so far from the truth. Yes, sometimes if i’m rushing I can make a mess, but then it’s my own darn fault. Thank you for posting about this and helping inform people. Since when I say it, everyone thinks i’m off my rocker!
I just found you today and I am so excited! I’ve been reading all over your blog and I’m super excited for the honey challenge – I had been considering OCM but have anxiety about the two weeks of face volcanoes that accompany the switch over. AND I’ve been DYING to try a Diva Cup for months now so I really hope I win!
This is awesome-the DivaCup is such a wonderful idea! I have been wanting to try one for months-thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I’ve just been using rolled up toilet paper for the past few years (cheaper than buying pads and I can’t stand tampons). It would be awesome to use a DivaCup instead!
I’d love to try one of these.
I’ve been wanting to try something more eco-friendly for awhile now. I would like to try something like this.
I would love to win this as I’ve been wanting to try it for months now.
Would love love love to win this! My sister is always talking about the diva cup and I would love to finally try it!
Just recently learned about the diva cup and would love to try it!!
I’ve got a DivaCup and I LOVE it! It’s a bit too long for me, so the next menstrual cup I buy will be a different, smaller, brand (or “sketchy knockoff” as the blogger calls them). But the advantages of the DivaCup are such that I don’t mind having it poke out a bit at the end of a long day. It’s really, really worth it.
The main reason I’m commenting on this is because I’m concerned with the writer’s “hopefully ladies” comment. Not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman, and it’s transphobic and downright inconsiderate to imply that there’s something wrong with a non-lady wanting to win a menstrual cup. I hope this will be considered in further posts.
It would be awesome to try this out!
Ive been wanting to try one after all the good things ive been hearing but sadly, its not in the budget right now.
I really been wanting to try a menstrual cup, but have been making do with free tampon samples for months now.
#WIN I definitely want to try the diva cup! I’m all for eco-friendly products, this is awesome!
#WIN must try the DIVA CUP it is the best!!
For shorter periods
For confort
For savings
For mother earth
No more disposables! Yay!
me want!! lol I just found your website and bookmarked it. Love it!
I am interested in winning because my diva cup was ruined by my unexplainable 2 month long period and I cannot afford to buy a new one. Since I was able to get my period under control I have had a heavy flow, so my use of tampons and pads has increaded. The waste is the whole reason I started using the divacup, because one day I thought to myself, “what a waste of paper and tree, there must be another way..”
#WIN I just spent a week at the beach… with my period. It went better than I expected but wonder what it would have been like with a DivaCup. I heard of it before but never thought to try it out myself… must rethink that!
I had a DIVA cup but I lost it in my house move about 6 months ago! I miss it dearly. I love being a DIVA and being empowered!So much better for my body and for the earth!
I am breastfeeding right now, but in the next few months I would love to never have to buy those paper products again. I cloth diaper, so this would be the next step for me and my family. 🙂
#WIN – Like you, I’ve been wanting to try this for ages, but just can’t afford the one-time expense right now. To win would be a blessing!
I would love the chance to try this out! Thanks for sharing!
I would love to try a Diva Cup! I use mama cloth already, but would love to not really have to worry about it.
I’ve been begging hubby over and over to let me spend the money… so far it’s been a no-go. We use cloth diapers so reusing things like this just seems to be a natural thing to do!
I’ve been interested… but as a broke college kid $30 for feminine products just isn’t in the budget! Over time theis would save so much $ thou!
I’ve never heard of this before but would love to try it!
i really really want one of this but they cost too much. right now i use wash cloths and homemade pads. i haven’t use tampons since i had my son. but i tell you what you do get to know more of whats going on down there when you stop using tampons and store bought pads.
This is the oddest thing I have ever entered a contest to win. So congratulations, you win the “Weirdest Giveaway Award.” Your prize is, I will pin a picture of my feet in the Atlantic Ocean, on the sandy coast in Cananeia, Brazil, on Pinterest. I thought your prize should equal my prize in weirdness. I think that about covers it. 🙂 The picture is going up whether I win or not, mostly because I like the memory of being on the beach in Brazil.
I heard about these a while back on a blog for women’s traveling tips. Definitely the best for international excursions. I’ve never had the cash to get one myself though.
#WIN I’ve never heard of this before, but I absolutely want to try it if it helps reduce waste!
I always wanted to try this. I have been reading great reviews about it but never have the time to get one myself.
I’ve always wanted to try one of these but have always been a bit scared! Maybe now is the time.
I’ve read ALL about this on BabyCenter (which is also how I was directed to your site!) I’ve heard it will
interesting idea!!
Would love to give this product a try – have heard some great things!
Want. So poor ;_;
My friend told me about this the other day and I thought it sounded kind of odd… Turns out, it sounds awesome! I want one! Stupid tampons, silly pads, bring on the DivaCup!
I really want to try this product! Sounds awesome!
Ever since I saw my friend use G-diapers for her baby I always wondered if there was an alternative to pads and tampons. Cloth pads didn’t sound fun. But Diva Cups do!
So curious about these! Hope I win 🙂
Definitely want to try this!
I’ve had the similar experience of learning about the divacup a little while ago but putting off buying one since my budget is tight. However, I definitely want to start using a divacup.
I’ve been curious about these, but also broke! Fingers crossed I win, so that I can give it a try!
I’m interested in trying one but haven’t convinced myself to bite the bullet and just get one. A little scared…but I trust your judgment!
#WIN I’m interested in trying the Diva Cup. It just makes sense.
I have had the same trepedations but a friend loves it! Gotta see what the hype is all about.
Fate sent me to your site, and I am confident it will send me a free Diva Cup!
I’ve many great things about the Diva Cup and would love to have a chance to try it.
I have heard about the Diva Cup and am quite intrigued…I’d love to have a chance to try it!
Just found your website and LOVING it! I’ve been dying to try the Diva Cup!
I have never heard of these and am amazed that they make something like this! I stopped using tampons years ago due to my endometriosis unless I’m wearing something that obviously a pad just doesn’t work with, in which case I’m dying to remove it by the time I get home they are so painful for me anymore. This would be very interesting to try, and I wonder if it would help my pain level?
Very interesting…..
I can’t wait!
I’ve just stumbled upon your website and I LOVE IT 🙂
I would love love love to win this. Menstrual cups are the greatest idea ever.
like errrrryone else, I’ve been super interested in trying this, but it’s just such a different concept!
I’ve never heard of these before! I just stumbled upon your website for the first time, and this would be so lovely, with today coincidentally being the first day of my period!
#WIN I so want one of these. I’ve been using Insteads (think disposable Diva/diaphragm hybrid) and I love the good “side effects” but they are really gross to dispose of. And I’m still throwing stuff away. Fail, me. So I need a Diva Cup to be awesome and not throw away as much stuff.
I have heard nothing but good about DivaCup! Ive always wanted to try but like you have thought, Ill have more money next month.. :-/ Would love to make my period better by using this!!
#WIN I’ve been using Instead softcups for years, particularly for nighttime, but this sounds even better 🙂
#WIN A friend at work has been telling me day after day how the DivaCup changed her life, in a matter of having happier periods, and I figure every woman should feel that way! I’ve been researching menstrual cups and am really interested in trying one. After all, isn’t is about time we take our environmentally friendly habits and apply them to something that typically creates a lot of waste? DivaCup me so I can have a happier period (for real 😀 )
#WIN………. I would love to win one.
I want a DivaCup! Sounds like the best idea ever.
(not the Jen who posted earlier, hehe)
I’m new to the whole period thing, and after only a day, (with pads) I was/am so uncomfortable that I want to do anything with a chance of making me feel cleaner! x( But I can’t enter because I’m too young. Maybe I’ll ask my mom about it.
I’ve been wanting to try this for at least a year now, my friends rave about it. What a great chance to try to win it!
I’m interested, but really hesitant in trying this product. I don’t want to put out money on something that won’t work for me or that would be uncomfortable, etc. But, I am so intrigued… what if it DOES work?! Thanks for the contest and for getting me to feel a little more ready to try it.
I would love to win this. I’ve heard good things about it from friends, about how it decreased her cramps and migraines during her cycle. I’ve always used pads, cloth for the past 12 years or more, so why not try a change!
Whenever I see this product or one like it, I always pause and contemplate, but never that the plunge…
#WIN I am on blood thinner medication, and therefore my periods are really heavy. I thought I loved tampons, but I have GOT to try this! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site! I never even knew these existed, but now I want to try it for sure (especially if it shortens my period!) Thanks for the chance!
#WIN this is the fourth time in 2 days I have heard about the Divacup…which is weird cause I never knew existed before then! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
I heard about this a few years ago, wanted to try it but then I forgot about it until today while I was talk to my friend about tampons and the I remember about the Divacup. So we google it up and found out there was a page on facebook. I would love to have a chance to win the Divacup and give it a try. the contest ends 2 days after my bday and it would be cool if I get an extra gift this year. And can spread the word about this being a great product. Good luck to everyone who enter this contest.
#WIN Sounds odd, but I keep hearing really great things. I suppose this is a good a time as any to give it a shot.
It looks like this is definitely worth a try!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
#WIN After being plagued with yeast infections for years, *MY* crunchy sister told me that her YIs had gone away after she switched to using homemade flannel maxi-pads instead of store-bought. Thinking the bleach and chemicals in tampons and pads could also be my problem, I stopped using them too, and VOILA! No more YIs! I’ve been using the disposable version of the Diva Cups (called “Instead”), but I would LOVE to get one of these permanent versions, which I’ve heard are more comfortable, and cut down on waste.
I would love to try this, especially if it can ease cramps. I heard from a friend that it’s great, but I’ve been too cheap to lay out the cash just in case it won’t work for me.
I would love to win one of these. My periods have gotten really heavy, painful and miserable in the past year. I just learned about these in the past week or so and anything that would make Aunt Flo more tolerable would be a God-send!
Like so many others, I have been wanting to try this, but for one reason or another haven’t taken the plunge. Maybe this will be my chance!
I bought a Diva Cup two years ago and I liked it a lot, but it would leak a bit and somehow it just never felt right! So I did some research and found this LiveJournal group ( and found the list of different brands of menstrual cups. So I read about each one and figured maybe the DivaCup was just too big for me (I got the smaller size, as I was 19 and had never given birth) I got the Ladycup from a store on eBay, it came still sealed in it’s packaging and was $20, plus it’s purple! It works perfectly! I boiled the hell out of my DivaCup and gave it to a close friend who was comfortable with it having been used and the boiled. But switching to a menstrual cup was one of the best things I’ve done for myself ever!
I’ve always wanted to try one of these but have never been brave enough spend the money without knowing if I would like it. Yay giveaways!
I thought of you when I visited Manitou Springs with my fiance today! I’m in town visiting family for the weekend. Thanks for your amazing blog, and for this giveaway–I’ve been wanting to get a DivaCup for months now, but there’s no place in my city that sells it; and I’m a fan of cash-only purchases so my debit card’s empty 😛
#WIN I would love to try this, I’ve been reading how horrible tampons are for you (chlorine) lately!
I have never heard if these!! But I do have heavy periods and would be worth a try instead of dang old pads!
Would love to win this but I’m curious as to what kind of plastic or whatever it’s made of..
#WIN I was always curious about the diva cup. As someone with a pretty heavy flow, it would be nice to not have tend to it so many times throughout the day. 🙂
This is my first time hearing of this device and I hope I win it.
Would love to try this! I have never heard of this before but it sounds great!
I am so curious to try this. A friend and I were talking about something like it the other day… we thought you had to throw them away. This sounds like a great eco-saving thing. I love that!
I can’t use it but I have a daughter who would love to try it. I remember wondering years ago if they really worked. I should have tried it.
Never tried this and don’t know of anyone who have tried it.
#WIN I would love to try this device but right now can not fit it into my budget, I have my fingers crossed and hope I win one.
I am quite intrigued with this product and certainly interested in trying it !
I’ve been using the DivaCup for a year (boy does time fly)! It truly has made a huge difference in my life. It is way cleaner (no leaks, no nasty tampon string), very comfortable, and you can sleep in the nude during that week! Fortunately I have a light flow, so I only have to wash it twice a day, and never have to worry about it at work. It really changes your perception of your period, I always thought mine was kinda heavy, but not so. I could go on all day, and still not express in words how much of a fabulous product this is. Just know that nothing I’ve ever bought pleases me the way the DivaCup does.
For those who don’t win, BUY ONE. It will seriously be the best $30 bucks you’ve ever spent.
#WIN I would LOVE to win a Diva Cup, they are amazing! I have used one for years, and could use a replacement, which is why I’m entering even though you said not to if you already had one. Thank you for the opportunity!!!
I would love to try this but just don’t have the money to buy one and risk not liking it.
I recently started getting my period again. It’d been over a year due to pregnancy/nursing. I forgot how good it was to not have to worry about it during that time. Now that I have it again it makes me cranky. Especially in this hot weather, makes me feel icky. Would love to try the Divacup! <3
Finally convinced to try this. With a 3yro & a 1.5yro, I barely remember to bring all of their stuff on outings – I NEVER remember to bring my own stuff!
I’ve been meaning to switch to a cup for months now but keep forgetting to order one until it’s too late (if you know what I mean). 🙂
I’ve been increasingly frustrated with all the tampon waste (packaging et al) and have been thinking about trying the DivaCup. The cost has kept me from trying it yet though as I’m not sure how much I’ll like it. Hopefully winning one will be the push I need to make the switch for good.
I have always wanted to try one of these. I use pads almost exclusively, but the regular store ones give me a rash (plus! all that waste!) so I bought some homemade ones on etsy. They stopped the rash but the cleanup is a hassle. I’d love to try this!
I would love to win this! I have been looking into it for a bit now. Thanks for the give-away!!
I’ve wanted to try one for a while but always either chickened out or freaked out about the short term expense, even though, logically, I know it will save me money in the long run.
I’ve always wanted to try one, but have chickened out of it several times! So interesting!
#WIN I must have one of these!!!!!! I had no idea they even existed before today. I need one now!
I really need one of these. I no longer have a uterus so it’s not for me. It’s for my wife. I’ve been trying to convince her to start using one. I think if she got one for free she acutally would try it!! 🙂
I’ve never commented on this site, but couldn’t resist this conversation. I love my keeper, which is a different brand, but the same product! I started using it six years ago (when I was 16) and had a really hard time getting it in and out at first. But it was definitely worth it. In public bathrooms, you can just dump it and put it back in, but having damp paper towel is nice for wiping off your fingers. I also really enjoy knowing what’s coming out of me every month; it makes me feel connected to women throughout history. I talk about this so much that most of my friends have made the switch, and none of them have regretted it either. There are two different sizes, one for pre-childbirth and one for for post vaginal birth. Even if you don’t win the draw, you should all buy them! Well worth the investment!
I would love to try one of these. I’ve been chicken so far.
#WIN I would love to try one of these!
I’ve tried using a different brand menstrual cup in the past that was extremely shallow (more like a diaphragm) and was turned off by it. I forgot all about trying another brand until I stumbled across this website (gotta love Pinterest!) and would love to save money and win one! 🙂 But I’ll be getting one either way once I have my baby in September (post-natal bleeding is not fun… maybe it’ll be easier with this cup). Thanks for reminding me! 🙂
I need this!
Fingers crossed!
#WIN My sister and cousin made the switch a couple of months ago and fell in love instantly! I can’t wait to try it out!
Thanks for the post! I bought an assortment of reuseable feminine products several years ago (sponges, a diva cup, cloths from several online vendors). I used the sponges for a while and still occasionally use the pads but I never had the courage to try the cup. Last night though I dug it out and it’s ready for my next cycle. I’m looking forward to finally giving it the chance it deserves.
Off topic, I came across end of May when I decided to retry the curlygirl method which took me into the web realms of no-poo and thence to OCM which lead to you. And I am so pleased. Your blog is just the sort of support and gentle encouragement I want as I once again venture forward on the paths of crunchiness. (I should confess however, that as a devoted Flybaby I am seriously babystepping my way.)
I hope I win I want to try a menstrual cup
I have been meaning to try these, but keep waiting “another month” as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve been very curious about these, but haven’t forced myself to buy one yet.
These look super interesting.
#WIN Yay! I’ve been doing the same thing as you… teetering every month and saying I didn’t have the money, so maybe next month. 🙂 Maybe now I can win one from you! 🙂
#WIN, i have tried a similar product INSTEAD-but I heard the Diva Cup works better. Hope i get choosen
#WIN I have NEVER heard of this before reading your blog. It sounds like something I’d like to try…
I love the diva cup! After I had kids I found it was VERY uncomfortable to wear tampons. My sister told me about the diva cup and I have never gone back. I have had mine for a couple of years and have had no problems with it tearing. It is awesome!
So, I’ve also been toying with this idea for a bit. I really hate wearing tampons and I really hate having to be reliant on something storebought that will just end up in a landfill. It’s gross. I actually bought one of those little moon pads to try and really liked it, but as I became a college student, I began to think that the whole soaking and washing thing might be hard to keep up in the dorm. My roomies might not appreciate it…?
So, I’m really interested in these! 🙂
I have wanted to try the Diva cup for a while now but like crunchybetty I keep putting it off until I have more money….guess what? More money never comes! LOL
I think this is a really great Idea and very friendly for our earth and if I can make my carbon footprint smaller I would gladly do so.
I’ve had three cups. Got my first—The Keeper—about eleven years ago. LOVED IT! Then that one “disappeared” one day when I was rearranging the bathroom. Then I found the DivaCup and jumped on it like a starving man. Used that one for a year before my dog discovered it and then I discovered the carnage on the floor, and then the rest of it in the dog’s puke. So I bought a third, and… yep, the dog got that one too. From the DRAWER in my BEDROOM! I have sinced moved out of that situation, ie: no more dog, and am seriously looking into acquiring yet another DivaCup. The tampon situation is getting pretty ugly here. Especially when one forgets to bring extras when they’re out.
Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, please, please, please, please PICK ME!! 🙂 I have wanted to try this for oh-so-long. My divas were telling me about it. I wonder if it would work for swimming? I am a crazy swimmer girl and would love to nix the tampons.
p.s. You are the best, most fabulous, wonderful blogging diva master in the entire world wide web.
#WIN Wow. I’m speechless! I’ve never heard of this and I’m totally excited about it!! Thanks for sharing!
#WIN I had another brand but it seems that with time it lost the shape, so on heavier days there were too many leaky accidents.
ANYWAY, I would love to have another cup, a DIVA one ’cause I know I’m doing a favor to the environment and to my self of course.
I wish I Wish…..
I would love to try this. The thought nof not running to the bathroom every couple hours and using that time for my kids would be awesome! Thanks.
#win, I would love to switch over
I’ll cross my fingers
# WIN I am not sure this would hold up to the problems I endure during my cycle. I am full on 5 days of heavy, heavy bleeding. It requires super plus tampons and overnight pads at least every 2 hours for 3 of those days. Its horrible. I would be willing to try it though. I know this is too much info but I have thought about alternatives to tampons because of the ewww…clots. I work in an labor and delivery unit with all female nurses. This subject comes up often. We saw an advertisement for a similar product and we were all like noooo! I would be willing to give it a try though!
Just bought a Lunette online for AU$60. But really, as if the money matters over the life of them. I’m glad I bought one, because it gives someone else the chance to win. Can’t wait ’til it gets here, and like everyone else has said, can’t wait for my next period!
I have been thinking about this for a while, but this might just be the push I need to get started.
I have been considering purchasing one for months now, but keep saying, maybe I’ll order one for next month……and still I have yet to order one 🙁 Well, hopefully I’ll win one and not have to worry about ordering…..then I can talk my friends into ordering one for themselves 🙂
I had sort of heard about this before your post, but after reading your post, I am pretty convinced that I want one. Especially since you say that your cramps have gotten better. This is probably TMI (sorry!) but tampons seem to make my cramps much worse.
So here’s hoping I win and I can try this out for myself.
Well now, where was this when I needed it??? Hmmmm? I am off in menopause land where I don’t need this anymore ( I suppose this is a good thing) , but sure would have loved it before!
omigoodness! i totally love the IDEA of the Diva cup but it just didn’t work out for me when I tried it. I spent 45 minutes in the tub, squatting like it was biblical times trying to get that thing out! needless to say, that experience, four years ago has kept me away. i use moonpads now and i love them for all the same reasons you listed in your blog. my period is shorter and less painful and i LOVE skipping the feminine hygiene aisle at the grocery store. i hope the winners have a better time with Diva Cup than i did!
Do not enter me. Ditto blackroot! I too had a bad, bad experience with it and too afraid to try it again – it just sits in it’s pretty little box. I hate wasting money. I’m not one of those women who isn’t familiar with my anatomy so I didn’t expect to have trouble with it and was very disappointed. I hate pads so I haven’t found a good alternative and am back to purchasing wretched tampons.
My roommate jokingly called me a hippie for wanting to try one, but then called every place within a 30 mile radius of our apartment to get me one for a Secret Santa. She was unsuccessful so I guess I would need to get one online 🙂
#WIN My story is much the same- my sister has been telling me I should try one for about a year, and I keep saying “do I really want to just TRY something for $30?” which is the kind of thing you say when you are hovering just below the poverty line.
I’ve only ever heard great things about the diva cup!
#WIN I admit… I am a skeptic.
I’ve been thinking about trying the diva cup but haven’t been able to pony up the cash to buy one (in stores where I find them in Canada they go for almost 50 bucks!!!! OUCH!). I hope that whomever wins the diva cup enjoys it!!!
(But I do hope it’s me ;))
Stay Crunchy, Betty!!
I love the thought of this idea. My only question would be what happens, for instance, if I’m in a public restroom and need to dump the cup? I can’t picture myself waddling pants around ankles to the public sink to wash out the cup all the while the lady goo running down my leg. (Sorry to be graphic but that’s the image i get in my head). Is this where a second diva cup would come in handy?
All I used to do (my diva cup got chewed up by my dog, and I have yet to get a new one) was wipe the inside and outside with some toilet paper and then re-insert it. It doesn’t HAVE to be washed and rinsed. Even when I was at home, in the middle of a period, I’d just rinse it and reinsert it. When I knew that my period was done and I was going to be putting it away for the next time, THEN I’d wash it, and store it in its bag. That’s it.
I miss my DivaCup.
I am so intrigued! Id love to take another step in the natural direction!
#WIN worth a shot….
I have been wanting to try this, thanks for the giveaway!
I am interested 🙂
I’d love a freebie to get me started 🙂
Don’t enter me, I already have a Diva cup! I want to toot its horn!
I have been using the Diva Cup for 6 years and I LOVE it and won’t go back! I also use a cloth menstral pad for breakthrough. I think some people don’t have breakthrough, maybe they keep up on their Kegals? Crunchy Chicken reported a year or two ago that the packaging now says to replace the diva cup yearly, but I have used the same one for for the entire six years and it will probably last me until menopause (I am 39). There are no tears or any damage from six years of monthly use. I scrub it thoroughly when I empty it and when my period is over and when it starts again. Sometimes I boil it to sterilize it but have not done that for a couple of years. I have never had any kind of infection in that region.
My $30 dollars was recovered long ago! It is worth every penny!
I could really use one of these! I’m 11 months postpartum and still breastfeeding almost exclusively (apparently the little monster just can’t get enough of mommy!), so I haven’t had a period yet, per se (we won’t call monthly-ish spotting for a week at a time a period here, mmkay?). But I know for a fact that I’m dying to try a cup once my cycle returns. A cup with some lovely, made-by-me bamboo velour mama cloth for backup.
I have been hearing so much good about the Diva Cup,I am ready to try it myself! I hope I win one!
I have never heard of this, but would really like to try it!
#win I really really really ridiculously want a Diva Cup! I run a website about natural/organic living and we have talked so much about this, its my last step in making a totally green and cruelty free transition! PICK ME! 🙂
I’ve been hovering around making the commitment for months now! I currently use and love the instead cups, and I would love to finally make the switch to the more affordable and sustainable version. I bet nothing beats a guilt free ecofriendly menstruation!
I’ve been so intrigued to try this out but have not yet bitten the bullet, would love to get a freebie and go for it.
#Win. I am new to your web site and would very much like to try the diva cup. Hope I get picked.
I’ve been interested in trying this for a while. I’d love to not made a mad dash to my bathroom to check the garbage can before guests come over.
I use the Nuva Ring and I’ve had problems when removing tampons of it pulling my ring out too. I’ve actually flushed 2 rings because of them sneaking out while changing tampons, oy. So does anyone out there have experience with the Nuva Ring and the Diva Cup?
I just found out about DivaCups 2 weeks ago & can’t wait to try it out! I’ve been looking for something more natural but couldn’t bring myself to use washable pads! I really want to win this!! 🙂
The divacup always looked so cool and worth the money!!! i just never got around to buying one. it would be grand to win this since my luck has been out of sorts lately :\ xoxoxo
#WIN I’ve been using one for years and love it. I’ll never use anything else. If I win this will be going to my sister!
Having just moved in with el fiancio (as I lovingly call him), he has done awesome things like, cleaning out the cat box, putting in new flooring, folding laundry, taking out trash, ect. HOWEVER! he refuses, REFUSES to have anything to do with used napkins/tampons… I’ve never seen him so uncomfortable! And as soon as one is in the trash, he’s out in the living room, asking me when EXACTLY, do I plan on emptying that thing?? I think he’s silly, but that makes him think I’m gross, and I’m vain enough that that bothers me… So please, for sanity’s sake, let me win!!!
Like so many others here, I am trying to find ways to live a healthier life for my family and my environment. Also, I have been having wicked reactions to synthetic menstrual care products, and have been considering switching to a DivaCup. I found this website from a friend, and it was just a coincidence that this giveaway is happening! I look forward to reading through your archives and learning tons!
I go to Green Mountain College where everyone is very sustainable. I first found out about the Diva Cup in an information meeting regarding women’s hygiene. Ever since I’ve wanted one but continuously put off buying one. I think the whole concept of the Diva Cup is incredible! For one thing, we save money, and its small so no one has to see it (my boyfriend, and my step-father hate discussing periods and anything to do with them), it is also very convenient because you aren’t constantly throwing out pads and tampons!! Yay for Diva Cup!!!
I’ve always been scared of trying a diva cup, and a little grossed out. The price wasn’t too enthralling, either. I think a freebie might be just the trick to convince me.
I really want to try the Diva Cup!
I have been thinking about trying these out and am glad to get some good feedback from you! Unfortunately, my dog has ingested a few tampons (totally disgusting yes, but i still love him nonetheless!) This would help ease my paranoia and stop my practice of burying the goods deep within the trash and always keeping the bathroom door closed!
I’ll try anything so i can stop avoiding explaining to my 3 & 5yr old boys why they should leave mommy’s lady things alone under the sink
#WIN I’ve been wanting to try one of these!
I want to try this! My crunchy friend is raving about hers…..
#WIN I would LOVE to try the Diva Cup. What an awesome product!! Thank you for the contest!
#WIN I have never even heard of these, but it sounds like it would be worth a try. Are they similar to a diaphragm in how they fit?
Tampons cause me pain, I tried Instead once years ago and had pain with it as well- I would LOVE to try this!
I have heard about this before and would love to try one! But with money being tight I have not had a chance to get one, (yea I know but the upfront outgo is more than tampons).
I’ve been meaning to buy a Diva Cup, but like yourself I keep saying, “Next month…” Right now I use cloth mama pads. No more tampons or pads for me!
Just found out about these a couple months ago and really wanted to get one, but put it off because of the price (makes no sense, I know). Would love to win it!
#WIN I’ve tried Instead cups, but they’re still disposable and they don’t quite fit right. I’d love to see if the DivaCup is the green answer I’ve been looking for!
i’m planning to get a moon cup, but you are awesome and so is divacup for this giveaway, so i’ll just add to the good karma! 🙂
#WIN Really been wanting one of these!!!
I would really like to try this……I’ve been thinking abut it for years. Literally, years……I first hears about them before I got pregnant with my daughter & she just turned 3! I can never convince myself to buy one because I just hate to spend so much money on something I can’t put my hands on. Hopefully I’ll win & finally try one.
I use reusable menstrual pads and LOVE them (I know they sound slightly gross, but trust me they are amazing), and I would love to try the DivaCup!
Thanks CrunchyBetty and DivaCup for putting up this giveaway!
So have wanted to try this for a while now!!!
Always looking for a new product to try.
#WIN Okay, you just blew my mind with this post. I mean who knew you could make a reusable product for your menstrual flow? Somehow, it doesn’t seem hygienic having to rinse/clean the DivaCup in the sink where you wash your face and brush your teeth. With that said, I’d still want to try this out. Who knows, maybe I will love it.
#WIN I have seen these before, but have never tried them. I would love to give them a try!
#WIN I have heard so many good things about this and so many bad things about tampons, that I would LOVE to try it.
#WIN I have seen these before and wondered if they work. So I would be willing to try one.
I’ve been thinking about trying this since I had my second child, would love to win it!
I’ve been wanting to try this, but haven’t because of the cost, in case I hate it. lol What a great giveaway!
#WIN Because of my pregnancy and on-demand nursing, I have been without my period for over two years (unless you count the 3-week long period i had after i gave birth), but I am expecting it back at any time and i really can’t wait to try this, whether or not i win it!
#WIN I have had my eye on one of these for a while…I think winning one would be awesome!
#WIN I keep hearing about this! it comes up in articles blogs i’m reading etc… i think its finally time for me to try one!!!! 🙂 thanx for the information about it as well!!
A friend of mine told me about the diva cup just last night and now I am dying for one! I have ruined many of my good underwear due to trying to sleep with just a pad and not being able to change my tampon/pad every hour, it frustrates me so much! I always knew there had to be something more reliable out there! And what a great money saver! I am constantly buying pads and tampons, how awesome would it be to not have to worry about running out and not having to buy new underwear every month!
#win I have always wanted to try one but like you always end up purchasing more tampons instead. Hope I win!
I have used the instead cup.. But stopes it seemed very flimsy and not the proper shape for a women’s body… That’s why I’m soooo excited about the diva cup!!!! I hope I win that sure would be awesome!!!
#WIN I’ve been waiting for my natural foods store to get these in for weeks. oh, how I want to try it and be free from tampon tyranny!
#WIN I’ve been looking at these for a while and would love to try it!
#WIN I have been wanting to try Diva Cup for a long time, but couldn’t bring my self to buy one (justifying the $30 to hubby), then I was undergoing chemo and radiation and didn’t have a cycle for about 6 months. Now that things are somewhat back to normal I would love to get started with one!
I have never heard of these but it sounds like something I would like to try!
#WIN I have been wanting to try this for a long time, but never got around to ordering one. I hope I win!
I have wanted to try one of these for a while. I thought it sounded really odd at first but after doing more research I really think I would like it. It would also be nice not to have to put chemicals into my body through the regular tampons that I use anymore and I can reduce my waste in yet another way!! Sounds great to me!!
Please let me win! I am dying to try the divacup, but have not had any menstrual cups yet. I currently use mama cloth and love it, but would like to use a divacup for swimming or extended protection 🙂 THaNKS!
I would really love to give this a try!
Just want to give it a try!
I would love to try this!!!
#WIN, Well since I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, i would like to try the DivaCup, although it seems quite different than using a tampon, it really does make since to help the environment just that much more, and maybe my self-esteem!! thank you
as a new mom looking for ways to be green, a diva cup sounds awesome. I use cloth diapers and if my kid can be earth friendly so can I. I think the reason I haven’t gotten one already is because 1. money is a little tight and the guilt I get for buying something for myself and 2. when I tell my girlfriends about it, they think I’m a crazy hippie. Who cares what others think, right?!?! I want to be comfortable and have an easier period!
I have heard great things about these and have wanted to try one for awhile now, but can’t afford it. I already use cloth pads, but need something better for my heavy days.
I want to give this a try! I’d like to avoid tampons to reduce waste, hassle, and possible TSS. I’d also like to avoid huge pads that become stuck to all the wrong stuff or end up giving you worse wedgies than you get with just your underwear!
I’ve been meaning to get one for like a year. And I understand long-term savings potential, but I can fit $7/month out of my budget, but not $30. Sad, but true.
Very excited about this giveaway. Have done my research on the product, and it seems amazing. Can’t wait to try it, but keep putting it off. Help me take the plunge!
I have actually been thinking about going a less wasteful (and cheaper) route for periods. I’d been thinking about trying cloth menstrual pads, but they seem so bulky I think they would be uncomfortable. I had never heard of the diva cup before, but I would be SO super excited to try it out-and especially save all that money!!
I was thinking of buying one, but I’d rather win one. Thanks!
#WIN I have wanted to try the divacup since I had my newest baby 4 months ago. The plan was to get one before I started my cycle again, but even with full-time breastfeeding, it surprised me last month! :/ If I win, I’ll feel like it’s meant to be! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! 🙂
Would LOVE to try one! 🙂
I am currently pregnant but when Flo returns, it would be great to have one of these! Seems like it would be great for travel, also – we are going to teach English overseas soon and I like the idea of having a cup vs. having to search out a place to buy disposables.
I have wanted a diva cup for so long! I would love to win one!!!
#WIN I would love to have one of these! Coming off of a period in which it felt like my insides may have fallen out, even the chance of having less cramps is enough for me to get excited! Also, I can never plan properly and have enough tampons on hand. This would be perfect for my unorganized self!
I just discovered Diva Cup recently and I love using it! I gave birth naturally 8 months ago vowed to go natural with my periods as well. Since pregnancy I feel so much more connected with my body in terms of reproduction. Since I also started practicing Fertility Awareness, the Diva Cup didn’t seem quite as intimidating as it may have pre-pregnancy. (Face it, after vaginal birth, putting a tampon up “there” isn’t so appealing, plus I was getting leakage). I love the Diva cup because it is comfortable and pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it. It took me just one day into my period to fall in love with it. My cramps weren’t as bad, the bleeding wasn’t as long, and it feels the same as wearing a tampon really. Best of all, I save $$$ and Mother Earth! Plus it feels so much better to be able to sterilize the Diva cup and know it’s clean. I’m a clean freak, what can I say? I highly recommend this product! It’s costly on the front end (much like cloth diapers) but once you start using it, you’ll see how great it is!
I have been reading about these for awhile, but am a little freaked out by the thought… Well they look kind of big, but that may just be the perspective of the photo. I will definitely give it a try if I win. Thanks!
I have been wanting to try a menstrual cup for quite some time, but I am very nervous! It would be so awesome to win! I would definitely tell all my friends and make them believers!!
Please and thank you, I’d love to give it a whirl.
I would love to try this!
i’ve been wanting one for months and i’d love to win one! i really hate to buy tampons every month! i was going to buy one next month, but oh how amazing it would be to win one!
#WIN I have been interested in trying it out! But I will admit that the first time I heard about about it thought it was weird!
I’ve been considering getting one! I hope I win!!! I really want to try it for many reasons.
I have a friend that uses the Divacup and SWEARS by it! I have been meaning to order it and try it out but the busy life of a mama keeps me forgetting! I have super heavy periods, ever since I had my son and they are just so unpredictable, esp when I’m out somewhere and it’s not easy enough to go and switch tampons, PLUS I go through 1 box of super plus so fast, I prob use an entire box for one cycle, maybe some from another as well! Buying tampons is just expensive and the Diva cup is something I have def. been meaning to try! Please pick me, I’d love to try it and I never win anything!!!
#WIN I’ve heard about them over and over again and never tried it but want to! Great idea!!
Thanks for doing the giveaway! I really want to try a Diva cup!!
i heard of these cups at least 5 years ago, and have always been interested in trying them. normally, i’m a pad user, so that (and the price tag) has kept me from buying one. i would LOVE to win one though! i think this is something i could really love.
thanks, crunchy betty, for being awesome!
Hmm, I wonder who’ll win?
I’ve got a wonky period that lasts for DAYS, tampons leak and so do pads, and even tampon’s and pads together leak…I’d love to not have change my clothes every other hour….
Since becoming pregnant and deciding to use cloth diapers i have so badly wanted to purchase one of these for when my dreadful period returns, i hate ‘stuffing’ and those pads are so hot and sticky and gross! I would Love to win one, try it, and love it forever 🙂
good luck to everyone! 🙂
#WIN I am so excited to get rid of tampons! One cup of Diva please!
I would really like a Diva Cup because pads and tampons are a constant drain on my wallet and I hate having to run to the store for them! A Diva Cup would be so much better!!
I have been wanting to try this for a long time. I have heard amazing things about it!
Been hearing about this and would love to win one so I can try it! What a great way to go “crunch”!
I’d Love to try a DivaCup!
I also just moved to a place that has a septic tank, my poor bf was up to his shoulders one night at 12:20am trying to remove a large clog caused by tampons, otherwise it would’ve been a $300 plumbing bill.( I didn’t know you shouldn’t flush them) Using the Diva Cup is a good way to save money alright.
#WIN I follow DivaCup on Facebook and have been entering contests to win. I would love a Diva Cup! I use Luna Pads now, which are great, but hard with a heavy flow the first few days. I usually use Seventh Generation pads if I’m going to work. I’d rather use a Diva Cup and save on the trash and the cost <3 Thank you!
I’ve been thinking about getting one and would love to win one so that I can use the $ saved to visit my husband in Morocco.
#WIN…want to go crunchy on my period!
#WIN Thank you for having this giveaway I have wanted to try one of these forever and haven’t had the money, I would love to win! 🙂
I’ve wanted to try these for a long long time, but like you, I’ve always walked past them and compared the $30 price tag to the $7 price tag of tampons and have always said “next month….” Yeah, I guess I didn’t think through all the money I could be saving. That cup would be paid for in just a few months worth of tampons.
We recently moved to a place that has a septic tank, so I can’t flush my tampons anymore. I am amazed at how much waste is going to the landfill just from my tampons every month (how oblivious I was flushing them!). I’m actually considering moving to cloth pads and liners too (but it has been another one of those price tag comparison things that has stopped me).
Would love to give this a try…
Oh how I would love to win this! I’ve been meaning to buy one of these things for months now and somehow haven’t gotten around to it. By the way, I’ve been lurking around here for a little while now but have never commented. Just wanted to say that I love the blog and all the recipes! I’m going to make your deodorant tomorrow and am really excited to try it.
I just found out about this product, and I’d love to try it! Pick me pretty pretty please 🙂
I’m so glad that I read the thing about selling fakes and used ones. I have been debating for a little over 2 weeks now about ordering one from Amazon. It’s funny, cause like you, I keep telling myself next month I will. Espically since I just picked up a jumbo box of stuffers! LOL.
I just bought my first set of cloth pads and LOVE THEM. I’m washing cloth diapers every other day so it really doesn’t matter to throw them in that laundry. But, still, I’d love to try the Diva Cup and just use the mama cloth as a back-up!
Would love to win a Diva Cup, this is a great giveaway! A friend of mine swears by hers but I have yet to try one.
I’ve never heard of this before, but am really interested in trying it! Can you truly not feel it in there? Because half the time when I use tampons, I can definately feel them as if they are going to fall out any second….so annoying!
I’m with Alicia.. a little worried but really eager to try them out. Sounds MUCH better than the alternatives!
I gave up on tampons a few years ago to be a little more natural — but I hate pads and have been too scared to try alternatives. I would love to win the Diva Cup, it sounds amazing!
#WIN I have heard so manyt hings about these cups but somehow(stupidly!) still haven’t tried one! The Diva folks rocks! What a kind thing to do.
I have been wanting to try this for awhile-but like you keep saying-next month-I guess I am just a little nervous/worried about it-but really want to see how it works for me.
I have heard of this and have been wanting to try it out!
Oh, I would LOVE to try this. I’ve looked at them before, and my mother used something similar for a while ten years or so ago, and hated it (it was that other type, I can’t remember what it was called!) because it “fell out”, but I’m willing to give it a shot.
My periods are so wonky that I CAN’T use tampons, plus there’s that TSS that can go along with the tampon… and pads are so messy and icky, not to mention environmentally horrid for both tampons AND pads.
Pick me, Pick me! (Donkey, Shrek… had to!)
#WIN I have been wanting to switch to a Diva Cup and/or cloth pads for quite some time now. I just forget to start! 🙂 Also, I love your giveaways.
I want to try this! I’m on a mission to become 1) more ecologically responsible, and 2) more frugal. This totally fits the bill on both points!
#WIN! I’ve heard about this and am really interested in trying it.
I first heard about the DivaCup several years ago in college. A friend of mine had bought one and was awkwardly telling every girl in sight she should switch. Seemed way too weird for me, but I’ve researched it a few times in the years. It still seems a little strange…but I’d love to win one and I promise I’d actually use it and decide from there!!
I’ve been wanting to try one for a year or so, but just haven’t made it happen. Thanks for offering up a giveaway!
I’ve been telling myself that as soon as I get through my Costco sized box of tampons I’m making the switch. I’m SOOO tired of the added waste and ickiness from the tampons (and how bad they are) that I’m ready for the change. Besides, we’re going to Burning Man for our honeymoon and the last thing I want to do is have to carry a tampon to the porta-potty!
One thing I’ve read is that if you have an IUD you need to “burp” the cup before removing. So, do make sure you read up on them prior to use.
#WIN I have wanted to try this for YEARS!! Fingers crossed that I win!
#win I have been reading about these for a couple years now and I haven’t been brave enough to try it. Your blog has opened me up to a lot of new ideas and I would love to give this a shot!
#WIN I’ve wanted a Diva Cup for sometime now, but having lost my job earlier this year, I haven’t been able to afford to spend the $35 in one shot. I feel so badly, but I’m relegated to buying cheap tampons that I know are bad for both my body and the environment. Fingers crossed!
The idea TOTALLY grossed me out until a friend swore by it. I tried the Instead product which is similar only disposable. LOVED it. I figured, rather than throw away another product I would purchase the Diva Cup. I have LOVED it for a couple of years now. I even work out, BootCamp & Run, and have had no problem with the Diva Cup. It is about time for me to replace mine and would love to win one.
#WIN – Whenever I’ve read about people trying these they’ve given it rave reviews, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to try it, so I hope I win it and that will take away the $$$ factor. 🙂
#WIN This might be the kick I need to really start using one. It might take me a day or two to get over the squeamishness, though. And how do you know what size you need?
#WIN would love to try this!
Hey Betty,
I’ve been a long time reader but never commented before. I’m on here almost daily for recipes to try and tell people to come here to learn/try what I’m talking about (because my friends and family all think I’m crazy!).
Anyway, I’ve been really really eager to try the diva cup but haven’t been able to fit it into the budget so I figured I’d give your contest a shot! I’m hoping it will help with my monthly problems 🙁
My friend has a moon cup, which I believe is similar. Ever since she told me about it, I’ve wanted one too, just haven’t followed through on it. I love how much waste is prevented by using one. Beyond that, it truly seems like the better alternative. I hope I win because I don’t have the funds for one right now, but if not I plan on getting one in the future. Here’s to making them the norm. Out with tampons/pads forever!
I am also guilty of saying ‘maybe next month’ just worried because I have a fairly heavy flow for the first couple days, should try this, it could be period changing!
thank you for the info!
#WIN I’ve been thinking about finding some alternative to tampons. The Diva Cup sounds pretty cool!
I LOVE my cup. I can’t believe this hasn’t been mentioned yet, but make sure to check out! The folks over there are SO helpful, and there’s tons of information about the different brands and sizes…there’s actually a lot of variation, and the Diva is one of the longest cups, so if you have a low cervix, it may not be the best choice. 😉
#WIN I’ve been waffling about getting one for some time…. thanks for the giveaway!
#WIN oops forgot the win tag part! 🙁
#WIN I’ve seen this before but it looked Huge! Didn’t know it came in 2 sizes. It can’t be worse than the non-applicator tampons. Thanks for the give-away.
I was justttttttt researching the living heck out of these! What awesome timing. I would love to win one of these. Another step towards crunchier living. 🙂
#WIN!!!!!! I want one so bad! I know it’s futile to be a child about this…but, I’m going to do it anyway…
OOH OOOH!!! Pick ME! Pick ME!!!
I’ve never heard of this but wow sounds great!!!
#win ! This sounds awesome! I’ll definitely link this on twitter @peacelilyfree
#WIN I’ve heard of this and I am so damn curious!
#WIN…I’ve been reading the rave reviews and stalking the website, but like CrunchyBetty, would not let my brain compute the potential savings–I Want It!
#WIN I am so excited about this. I’ve been reading about it, but too nervous to spend the money to try! Awesome idea!
Now that I live in a house with a septic system tampons are out and I hate how much trash is created by me. The Diva cup could be the answer!
I would LOVE to win one, I really want to give it a try! 🙂
#WIN I’ve been wanting to try one of these things SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much but I just haven’t wanted to spend the money to buy one when I have a big fat box of tampons that will last me forever (my periods average about every three months).
#WIN never knew such thing existed! I’m curious and intrigued now.
#WIN I’ve heard about this, but was kind of put off by the thought of having to empty the cup. It seems like it would be a lot more gross than a pad, but if what you girls are saying is true, I’d love to try it! =)
#WIN…anything that will make a period more bearable seems like it must be worth it’s weight in gold!!!
#win!! 😀
#WIN I’d love to try this!
I think I’ll stick with pads. The idea of sticking anything up there terrifies me. Good luck to everyone entering!
#WIN Who doesn’t love a giveaway?
I’d really like to try the DivaCup out!
#WIN I have wanted to try one of these forever but have been too scared. I have used tampons monthly for over 18 years, and it is scary to think about changing!! I’m afraid it will hurt, will work its way out of my body, leak (I have heavy periods), etc, but I want to try! If it will make my flow days fewer and ease cramps..sign me up!
I love my Diva Cup!!! I pretty much agree with everything Betty said. Less cramps, fewer flow days, no icky trash, no “period” smell…the list goes on. While I still don’t look forward to getting my period (who does?), the Diva Cup makes it much more bearable. I, too, wish I had known about these earlier, but you can bet I will share my love for the Diva with my daughter when the time comes…granted, that’s like 10 years away, but whatever. I’m planning ahead, that’s how much I love this thing!
#WIN My cruncy blogger friend told me about these when I told her I could never give up plastic applicator tampons because my comfort is more important than the environment. If you and these other readers are right, I’ll be more comfy, saving money, and helping the environment. Hope I win!
I heard of these a few months ago, heard nothing but great things, but still didn’t have the guts to get one. I’d LOVE to try it. I’ve used tampons for years simply because they are easy and don’t interrupt my life too much. I’ve never thought it was very natural, so I’d be excited to try this!
A friend told me about DivaCup about a year ago and I was totally grossed out by the idea and thought, “Yeah, right! Not me! Never!”
Fast forward a year, the DivaCup is a distant memory when I see this post and I’m totally enlightened. I WANT one. My thoughts on the product no longer conjure up ‘eww’ but ‘Yes! This is who I am, I’m a DivaCup gal!’ I would love to give it a try. If I don’t win, I’ll certainly purchase one on my own!
I am scared but curious to try this….
#WIN I’ve read about these before, but I haven’t taken the leap yet. I would love to try one!
#WIN I would love to try this
To people who don’t want to use their tampons/pads anymore but still have lots left over, consider donating them to a women’s shelter. There’s always need for them.
#WIN I’ve been wanting to try a divacup for a while but I’ve never really had the chance.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of anything like this, but I’m already intrigued. Will definitely look into buying one if I don’t win. 🙂
This sounds like an awesome idea. I hate how every month I contribute to the non compostable garbage mix. If diapers are around forever and ever, how about pads and liners? Thanks, Betty, for taking the leap for all the sisters!
Oh my gosh, I’d love to give this a try!
#WIN I heard about the DivaCup a couple of years ago and was curious about it but also unsure since at the time I didn’t wear tampons and had no idea how to use one. Now that I am comfortable wearing tampons I believe this would be a great investment and I could let go of the soggy pads :-/
I’ve been waiting to get one until I have my first baby, and now he’s three weeks old. Perfect timing! Thanks!
#WIN This is unbelievably weird to me, and I mean that in the most respect possible. Might as well win it and try, right?
#WIN I have always wanted one- would love to win
I love my Diva!! I’ve had mine for almost 4 years now. I am glad I had a friend recommend it. It did take a cycle or two to get the hang of it (and occasionally I still have to use a liner), but I couldn’t imagine going back to “stuffing”!
Follow DivaCup on Twitter (joyfilled7)
lukeandbryn at gmail dot com
LOVE the DivaCup!
#win! I want to give this to my friend who is too chicken to buy one for herself. 🙂
#WIN – I’m taking a huge trusting step here, I’ll admit I’m a little scared. I just saw the Diva Cup at Whole Foods for the first time last month while browsing the isles. The package caught my attention. I picked it up to investigate. I read the back, half of it. I scrunched up my face, almost dropped the box and yelled EWWW (way louder than I meant to). I thought about it again on my way home and Ewww’d out the window to the passing cars. A few weeks ago I stumbled across this site and fell in love with it (NO ‘POO for two weeks now) I decided to not hold the TamponTalk blog against Ms. Crunchy – and in half-embarrassed amazement I literally read every comment posted about the Diva, the Keeper etc. Yesterday I browsed lunapads, psyching myself up for eliminating toxins from entering my body, through yet another venue. I almost made the purchase. Then I chickened out. NOW there’s a DivaCup giveaway. I’m sold. I’m doing it. And maybe, just maybe…one day I’ll love it too.
#WIN A few years ago the idea of this grossed me out, but I’ve read so much about them I’m considering trying it out. I would love to win this – one more way to be a little greener and kinder to myself. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for offering this opportunity to win and try something new. Sounds like I am like many others…slow to change!
#win!!! I would love to give this a try!
#WIN – I’m so glad to see this post. I have been wanting to try the Diva Cup forever, but was also put off by the price. I hope that even if I don’t win, that I’ll finally go through with actually trying one now.
#WIN – I love the idea of this! Saving money AND preserving the environment.
#WIN. I have been thinking about buying one for awhile, but like you balked at the price….and then if I thought about it too much something about it just creeped me out a little bit. Since becoming more aware of things going in and around my body I think I’m ready for it 🙂
I’ve never even heard of the DivaCup! I’ve been a lifelong tampon user, and I kind of swear by them (over pads at least), but I’d really love to try this out!
I don’t really have anything to say in public about my period and this probably isn’t the place to comment on how excited I am to try the homemade deodorant recipe. Let’s just leave it at “I love your site!” Seriously. I’ve started using it as a reference whenever I run out of some household item I’d rather make myself. 🙂
LOVE my Diva Cup! And…I’ve only had it for one cycle. I agree, it took one day to get used to, and one cycle to fall into deep, committed love! I hesitated trying it when I first heard about it because I thought, “Ew! That sounds so gross! Tampons are cleaner and easier!” Boy was I wrong! Now tampons seem messier, and I can’t believe just how easy the Diva Cup is to use. No more worrying about how long I’ve had a tampon in and potential TSS (I hadn’t been using natural tampons either), I can wear the cup for 10 hours straight, no problem! So. Much. Easier! I did wear pantiliners for a couple days, as I wasn’t sure how it would go, but no leaks, except a miiinor one on my heaviest day because I left it in longer than I had meant to.
My periods have forever been changed! For the better!
#win I have wanted to try one of these since my husband’s cousin blogged about it, i just haven’t made the commitment to order one. my oldest (of 5 girls) will soon be 12 and i want to be ready to offer her and her sisters a pathway to a better, cleaner, more environmentally friendly period. plus it just makes more sense!
#WIN… Have been waiting to make the leap. I’m tired of buying oodles of pads and hear so much positive feedback. I’m ready.
#WIN! I’ve been thinking a lot in the past few months about tampon use. Then, I checked out your forums and read so much about the Diva Cup. I really want to try it, but just haven’t made the leap. We are on a septic system so per my husband, I’m not allowed to flush tampons and I hate putting them in the trash.
#WIN! I’ve always wanted to try one but I haven’t been able to afford one.
#win— Oh man, this is fate! I had never heard of these until my sister mentioned them on the ride to work yesterday! And afterwords, I of course was desperate to try one! Rad!
Yup, you’ve definitely got me interested!
#WIN I have been looking at these for years, but just haven’t “pulled the plug” yet….pun intended…lol. Would love to try!
I have to admit. I’ve looked at these online. I’ve gone into the stores and picked them up. Salesladies have happily slid up next to me to chat about the merits of using this little cup and how it won’t be gross. Or smelly. Or …weird. But I’ve never bought one.
Wanna know what JUST changed my mind?
The garbage can. Yep, I hate the fact once a month, I go through at least 3-4 grocery bags as I ditch the dirty.
I’m totally cringing and yet completely intrigued at the same time. I’d love to try one of these… in the same way I love getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist. (He’s a HOT dentist by the way, so that counts for something). But if we have to through this whole inglorious process of bleeding out for a quarter of our lives, we might as well do it clean and green! Thanks for the chance to win, count me IN!
#WIN After reading this, I went from “NO way, dude” to “hmmm…”. I’ve swtiched to organic/non-cholrine ‘pons but the idea of “stuffing” makes me want to rethink this whole thing. I hope I win! How is it when you go for a run or play soccer? Secure?
Personally, I like the Keeper better than the Diva cup. Mind you, I think I bought the wrong size Diva cup. My advice to older childless women out there is that is is not necessarily true that because you are older you need the larger one. Think about your situation and go with your gut. I wish I had.
I LOVE my Diva Cup. I thought it was weird for the longest time, but I was on a business trip and forgot my tampons and thought what the heck, there’s a Whole Foods (or was it Trader Joe’s?) down the street from my hotel, might as well give it a try. It feels so much cleaner than alternatives.
De-luriking to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Diva Cup. Truly life changing. No more cramps, no more eeewww odor…it’s a beautiful thing. There should be big billboards for Diva’s everywhere. Love being able to forget I’m on my period. Love only having to deal with it twice a day. Greatest invention ever!
#WIN My friends have been telling me about this, but I haven’t gotten one myself.
#WIN Just like you, Betty, I’ve looked and read and pondered the Diva Cup for almost a year now, it’s enticing but also scary… I would love to win!!
#WIN I’ve thought SO MUCH about trying it but kept delaying it.
#WIN – I use the Instead softcups but they’re still throwaway – I’d love to switch to the Diva Cup….like you, I winced at the $30 pricetag, but really, in the long run, look how much you’re saving!
I always knew there was a better, more economical, environmentally friendly way to go. I’ve had my Diva Cup for five months and my only regret is that I did not know about it in my 20’s. I tell all my girlfriends about it. And wish there was a way to give Diva Cups to all women, all over the world, especially those in third world and rural areas. A Diva Cup is as essential as chap stick.
I would love to try the Diva cup out. I am a tampon user but would love to try a more eco (and body) friendly alternative.
I got one after reading all the comments in the tampon discussion. I love it. I do still have to use panty liners on heaviest days, because there seems to be just a tiny bit of seepage occasionally. But, no big deal. The best part? You know that “period smell” – yah, it doesn’t exist when you use these. Really, it doesn’t. So cool. I love not having to think about whether or not I’ve remembered to refill my backpack with supplies. Love not worrying about going on a long hike in the woods. Love. Love. Love.
Oh the look on my boyfriend’s face when I explained this one. Periods don’t weird him out and he’s certainly not sqeamish about tampons (he’s generally a very well informed male of the species) but he just stared at me and asked why I’d want to collect the blood in a cup. After falling over and laughing for five minutes I explained the environmental and physical ramifications of tampons. I think he understands.
I’d be interested in trying this. I am about to move abroad but I will be the US until a few days after the 14th. Hope this doesn’t disqualify me! Thanks!
Love to try one of these. I’ve been reading about them for a few years but could never bring myself to take the plunge. Reading the discussion here has convinced me to try one.
When I first read about these I was adamantly opposed (don’t know why?), but now I’ve finally come around and I’d like to try one.
#WIN is what I want to do! 😉
I really should get one myself. I’ve been thinking about it since last summer (now if only I had bought it back then, imagine how much I would’ve already saved). The idea that it should be a whole lot healthier and better for my “ecosystem” was what really sold it to me.
Egoistic, I know, but I find it hard sometimes to do something environmentally friendly if it means spending more money (that I don’t have) and/or also having to suffer various inconveniences or even poorer quality (like travelling for over an hour to the other side of the city at 8AM in order to get an ecological cleaner that costs ten times more than non-ecological and in the end turns out to be a total waste, because cleaning with water seems to do more than the cleaner).
Good thing the official supplier in my country currently offers a discount on diva cups! 🙂
I LOVE MY DIVA CUP! Life changer for sure. No matter how weird you think it is, suck it up and try it – it isn’t weird. Not one bit!
I must have been living under a rock because I’ve never heard of this til now. It makes sense to me, body-wise. I can’t wait to try it!
Thanks for posting!