Crunchy Betty’s Food on Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin. Written. Edited. Cover designed (ps – thank you, all of you who offered to help … I started messing around myself and magically ended up with something I loved, so I didn’t have to bother any of you.)
68 pages. Over 35 recipes tailored just for acne and oily skin. Tons of information, ideas, and tips.
But that’s not what I want to talk about.
I Don’t Care If You’re Afraid. Do It Anyway.
This book has me terrified. I’m not exaggerating.
I keep telling myself, “More people read the blog you post to several times a week than will ever read this book. You write words that people read every day. There is nothing to fear.”
Like that’s supposed to make me feel better.
It doesn’t. Because, every time I write a blog post, I am terrified. Will anyone like it? Did I say something stupid? How many people will unsubscribe because I missed a typo? What if I offend people? No one’s going to like it. Don’t hit publish … don’t hit publish … don’t hit … CRAP! I just hit publish.
This clarity came tonight, though, when I was contemplating the release of the book. All those fears? I’ve tried to pretend they don’t exist. I panic, hit publish, and then block it all out until the next time.
Instead, I should be learning from them. What do they teach me about myself? How can I let them disappear? Am I ready to fall through the ghost, instead of ignoring it?
Be Brave Enough to Fall Through the Ghost
My cat went through a sneaking-out-the-door phase. He’d run and hide, and eventually make friends with the neighbors and tourists. He reveled in his naughtiness, gleeful in the freedom. Until it started raining.
The first day it rained, he ran out the door and got stuck outside for an hour. And then it happened again the next day. Now, he won’t even go near the door. Even though it’s sunny, he’s still afraid of the rain.
He’s afraid of what’s outside now, and that’s keeping him from experiencing something new (and, yes, I’m happy about this development, because now I don’t have to worry and yell “come back, dummy!”)
Out there is not known. Out there is where bad things might happen. But you know, through experience, that in here is safe and comfortable. Why mess with that?
Those feelings you get – when you’re afraid of looking a fool or making a mistake – those fears aren’t to be ignored or resisted. They’re to be looked at fully, in the face.
You learn from them. You feel through them. And then at some precious moment, you fall through them as if they were a ghost. With every fear you face, you strip away the false conditioning and learn more about your true reality than you can believe.
All those thoughts and fears and boogery feelings, they teach you about your real self. It’s like looking in a foggy mirror as it slowly starts to clear. Sometimes there’s still a ghost standing behind you, but it’s a little less scary every time.
Yeah. You Guys Have This Already.
Some might argue that what we’re doing here is based in fear. Switching over to all-natural products. Taking precious time out of our days to create something (when we could just pull it off a store shelf). Choosing this incredibly complicated path because our other options might (or might not, depending on who you talk to) cause cancer, or reproductive issues, or worse.
That’s so not how it is.
See, the way I see it, you all are courageous. You’re bucking the norm. With every recipe you try, you’re embracing change. And it may not always be fearlessly (like, say, going no ‘poo), but it’s always courageously.
You’ve got this fear thing mastered. Whatever curve there is right now, you’re all ahead of it.
Think about how much you’ve learned about yourself in all your experiments. Think about how much you’ve learned about the nature of your own health; the reality of your own abilities; and the effectiveness of nature, despite all we’ve been taught to the contrary.
You already know how to fall through the ghosty fears. Now keep going.
Don’t Turn Back – Remember Your Intention
So, full circle here, I want to check on how you’re doing with your September Intentions.
There is no doubt in my mind that a good portion of you felt some sort of fear, if your intentions were to try something new. Did you push through that fear (no matter how small and seemingly insignificant)?
Have you followed through on what you intended to do?
Or do you need to stand in front of that mirror, again, and let the fog clear as you’re doing the thing you’re afraid to try?
If you’ve faltered – or if you didn’t even set an intention for the month – don’t fret. It’s never too late to start. Like, today would be a great day. Chop chop.
In fact, I challenge you now to choose one intention to do something that you fear doing. And then learn from it; fall through it as if it were a ghost.
I wrote a book (and a blog post). What are you going to do (or have done) that scares you?
I was just thinking today “I need a book in hand for all this information.” Will this be a printed book or just an e-book? In the meantime, are there any comprehensive, yet clear, print books on the subject out there already? I’m enjoy9ing this blog, but get too sucked in by being on the internet that my children are forced to play by themselves. (I know any good mother would NEVER let her children use their imagination to entertain themselves. HA!)
Right now, this is just an ebook. Once there’s a little revenue behind it, I’m going to pay to have it formatted for Kindle (sounds like a daunting process to do by myself) and then I’ll look into what it takes to turn it into a physical book. It’s 68 pages, so it’s definitely printable (and you’d probably want to do that anyway, to have the recipes handy).
And to answer your question about other print books on the subject, there are a host of natural beauty recipe books out there, but not a single one (that I’m aware of) that caters ONLY to people with acne and oily skin. When you buy a natural beauty book right now, you’ll get maybe 5-10 recipes that are suitable for your skin type (and often the ingredients are pretty pricey). I tried to keep all the recipes super affordable (with some fancier stuff thrown in). THAT being said, I l-o-v-e Jeanne Rose’s Herbal Body book and Stephanie Tourles’ Organic Body Care (though that one, in particular, has REALLY expensive ingredients in a lot of the recipes).
I looked, but I think I missed the answer to this question…will there be a Kindle version of the book? I have a Kindle, so that’s the version I’ll need, and I sooooo want to buy the book! And the cover looks great–so perfect! 🙂
So cute. Very creative. I totally love it.
I LOVE THE COVER!!! It is, dare I say the “P-word”… PERFECT! It almost makes me wish I had oily/acne-prone skin again. 🙂 But, I know some people who do and your book would be an awesome gift idea (I don’t have a lot of experience with e-books, can they be given as gifts?).
Fear is the only thing that has ever held me back from anything. It’s like poison. I’ve been working my intention-challenge this month and while it’s been a bit chaotic, it’s also been empowering.
“Falling through the ghost” is such a fantastically poetic explanation of what happens over time after facing down one’s fears. If fear is a poison, this post is the anti-toxin.
Your comment spoke to me the whole way through, Stephanie!
” It almost makes me wish I had oily/acne-prone skin again” – that is what I’ve been thinking while I’m reading all about Crunchy Betty’s book. Betty – make sure you tell people that this book is a book that we will outlive, because once you get off the chemical stripper (sorry, cleanser), your skin will calm down and no longer be ‘oily and acne prone’. I hope so much that people have as much success as I have with OCM because it has been life changing for me, not a word of exaggeration.
And fear being like poison, so right. If fear is poison, then overcoming fear is an addictive drug. That feeling of having conquered a fear is SUCH a high. Once you’ve done it you want it again, and that helps you be brave enough to try it with other fears. Sooooo good 😀
As an author of over 300 books, I can relate to your feelings, as I still have a bit of “what if they don’t like it?” before the publication of each of my books! But you are already an author! Your blog is fabulous! Your followers are not only going to LOVE your book…they are WAITING for it!!!
My family owns a publishing company, Queen Homeschool Supplies, and I have approved the design of many, many books (every one we publish, in fact!) And I have to say, I would approve yours. It fits. And it looks good. Crunchy, even. ;o)
And even though I don’t have oily skin or acne, I am going to buy it! You go, girl!!!
You are very inspiring. I am always thankful I stumbled onto your blog. I can’t wait to read your book.
Love, love, love the cover. Only YOU could pull that off! You were destined to write this fabulous book! “Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” Marva Collins. Your terrific blogs have led you to this place. With YOUR talents, it will be your call to announce where the book launches you. Follow your heart in all that you do and let your positive thoughts fuel YOU to new heights. Huge Hugs and Congrats!
It looks awesome! I cannot wait to get it!
My original intention, which I can’t remember if I posted or not, is not my true intention. My real intention is to define my identity and figure out what matters to me. I’ve already started by turning to crunchy products, because that is something I believe in and I want to make a big part of life. The rest will come with time and courage.
I just want to say that I look forward your posts every week, I get excited when I see a new post has arrived.
If you write this, I will buy it as gifts for others. I found your blog only three weeks ago, have adapted os many recipes i use to your’s, and have recommended it many times. I LOVE what you will have to say, and look forward to giving the tools to others.
Thank you for writing a book.
I wish I could shake your hand and give you a hug! Bravo and Congratulations on the birth of your first book! You have reminded me how much fun and how rewarding it is to step off the path. I was looking for a good conditioner a few days ago and it occurred to me that if honey was good and oil was good, why not put them together, warm them up, and slather them on my hair?! Genius! Thank you.
Each time one of us walks through the ghost we are all better for it. By making your process more transparent you have illuminated a small patch of the darkness we all begrudgingly tend. It’s time to Stop Feeding the Darkness and Be More Crunchy!
To Crunchy Betty! Three Cheers!
So…I happen to have oily-ish skin, but I rarely get zits. Still, I’m sure I can learn something from this book, can’t wait till it’s released.
As for what scares me? Every blog post I write on my personal/writing blog – In fact, I believe I asked the same question recently on this blog 🙂
What else..I gave the rough draft of my first novel to one of my good friends recently, and that scared the sh*t out of me.
And then when it comes to Herbal Philosophy, well, I am continually doing things that scare me, the most recent of which was a demo at Whole Foods! And about a month ago, when I dropped of my first order to Whole Foods, I was terrified.
SO yeah, I agree. We need to set our intentions and just DO them. Even when we’re scared.
you can do ehhht!
You are AWESOME!!! I love the book cover and concept. I love the blog post. 🙂
I have followed through on my intentions. I am registered and attending a six-week cooking class and a semester-long qigong class (both free) and an eight-week naturopathic medicine class. The healing institute open house was the night of our county-wide (plus!) blackout and I took the initiative to contact the school to see if it was being rescheduled. I went last night. Alas, I intended to win a free scholarship (one of three raffles) and I did not. I was, however, chosen to pull the first ticket from the hat…LOL
All of these have involved pushing through some sort of fear or “complication”. I am happy I have done so and I feel very ALIVE! On a smaller scale — though just as significant — I feel much the same way every time I make something I would ordinarily purchase in a store or do without. It is just plain FUN! And, really, who doesn’t need more fun in their life?
Look at you, you gorgeous thing. I love it! You look like a trifle, or a fruit flan. And your eyes are just sparkling. I cannot wait to get this book and mess up my kitchen with all the goodies inside. Just in time for the girls night in I’ll be hosting for my church’s youth group. I think I’ll be getting a second copy as a prize. Have to think of something goofy for them to do to win it.
I CAN’T WAIT TO GET IT!!!!! I talked to a friend for an hour yesterday about you, the book, my food on my face experiments, goat’s milk and nutmeg, lavendar and rosemary steams, egg white, honey and lemon juice masks…and on and on and on. We ALL have a passionate talent inside of us…whatever that talent is, we just have to listen to ourselves, be still…and let it out!!! You’ve done that!!! Congratulations!
Love the cover and love this post! I completely agree that facing your fears is THE BEST way of overcoming them. I’ve learned this about myself in the last few years… first I started my own business in a totally different career field than I’d been in for the past 15 years, then I overcame my fear of heights by doing a zipline adventure – the highest cable being 600 feet (!!!) off the jungle floor. I stayed in the jungle in Costa Rica for a couple of months, even though I was (and still slightly am) afraid of bugs. I started a blog even though I used to cry just thinking about having to write anything for others to see. And tomorrow I’m participating in a cooking competition that has grown beyond anything I ever expected even though I’ve never done anything like this. These things have made me realize that my fears don’t control me – I control them! Thanks for the boost of confidence – it was much needed today! ♥ Good luck with the book – I know it will be a huge success!
wow! you go girl! good luck with the competition!
LOVE reading this, Hethyr, awesome 🙂
I only found your website earlier this week. Someone on another forum recommended OCM for my crazy unhappy face, and google popped you up.
My fear: 1) putting oil on my face, and 2) telling people I put oil on my face.
In 24 hours I’ve pushed through both. I oiled my face last night, and good god, it was fantastic. And then I smeared honey on it this morning, and that was even better. My face feels awesome…which is something I’ve never said before. And I’ve only tried them once!
And then, this morning, I told my friend about it. My friend who is so not-crunchy it isn’t even funny, but she has problem skin, so I said something. And she didn’t laugh at me. My husband didn’t laugh at me. No one has laughed about it at all…and my friend asked me for a link so she could read about it. 🙂 I think she’s going to try it soon too, mostly because she and I will be sharing a hotel room next week on a work trip, and I will have my little bottles of oil and honey along for the ride.
Thanks for all the great info–I’m lookign forward to reading through everything, and then giving it a try. I’m not totally sold on the no ‘poo yet, but, well, I’m sure I’ll get there!
I love reading comments from newbies! It reminds me of me the first week I found the site 🙂 I think I read every article. I was so excited about being crunchy when I first found the site that I told basically everybody I knew everything I was learning. I probably annoyed them more than anything, and I still get a lot of looks from my friends when I say I put honey and oil and yogurt on my face and in my hair. I’m the token hippie kid in our group. But my sister is a model and she used to use all this Mary Kay goop and crazy expensive makeup and still had skin and hair problems. Now she rinses with ACV and scrubs with baking soda every once in a while and talks about how amazing her hari/skin are after. Baby steps…
I was a fan of Mary Kay’s microdermabrasion set until I realized that a half teaspoon of baking soda does the same exact bloody thing, and a little Apple cider vinegar followed by a dab of grapeseed oil to finish feels a heck of a lot better than the MK serum. I still don’t know what ingredients were in that set, but $64 was a lot of money to spend when baking soda was just sitting in my pantry all that time.
I love the OCM too. It feels like you’re totally and unabashedly spoiling yourself. You could even infuse honey with herbs for your friend’s skintype, there’s a blog about that kicking around in here somewhere, or mix up a custom bottle of oil for her to try, throw it in a pretty bottle and give her a crunchy just-because gift.
Handmade stuff in pretty bottles will always be used, even by hardcore skeptics, because we are all morbidly curious about things we don’t understand, and we have this idea burned into our brains that things that come in pretty bottles must be good.
Or yeah, leave your bottles of stuff unattended and all inviting in the bathroom, and don’t be surprised if there is some missing after she’s done in there. haha
Lure her in, girl!
Oh, and regarding the no ‘poo, be warned. Every time you mention you haven’t used shampoo in a month, or whatever, people automatically look up at your head like they are checking for unusually sized rabid lice or something. I actually get a delicious thrill bringing it up in conversation just so I can see their eyes fly upwards and then look a little disappointed and rather surprised that my head doesn’t look ravaged or deformed. 😉
Oh my, this has me giggling hysterically!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!! 🙂
Ha! me too! I’m so scared to tell people because I’m taking a while to settle out and I have the odd greasy day (shall we say ‘sleek ponytail day’).
Thanks for all the comments ladies! It’s always nice to know someone has been reading. 🙂 So I got my jojoba oil on Friday, and it was even better than using olive oil. SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! My skin is perfect. I know you know I’m not exaggerating that statement, but I have to say it for the record–my skin is PERFECT. I haven’t had a new breakout since starting this (I usually, oops–used to, have them daily). I do have to use a little jojoba oil to moisturize around my eyes, nose, and mouth, but otherwise, it’s awesome. And I actually WANT to stop wearing makeup. Not so sure that’ll happen, but it could be an option once the acne scars fade. I got up yesterday, and my face still felt clean, and even after shoveling mulch and doing yard work for over an hour yesterday, my face still felt clean and not greasy. I was completely amazed, and I’m totally in love with OCM! A HUGE thank you to this site, and to all of you who have tried these things and then left your comments–I wouldn’t have tried it without you!
Oh, and my friend said she would test out my stuff next week on our trip. I think she’s looking forward to it–her skin is just as hypersensitive as mine was, and usually she knows if she’s getting the info from me, I’m not making it up! I think she may just go with the honeywash–she doesn’t wear makeup, but she might try the oil thing too. We’ll see. I don’t feel confident enough in my knowledge yet to try mixing up something for her, but I’ll let her try what I have for myself.
My mom is also a hard-core MK fan. She’s been using it my whole life, but as she ages, she’s having more skin issues pop up like rosacea. I just might have to give her a little bottle of oil the next time I see her! I think she’ll also be excited about the cost-savings…MK isn’t cheap!
Hiya~ I’m a new follower, just stumbled across your blog less than a month ago but am already in love and insanely excited about your book! T-minus 10 daaaaaays!!!
LOVE the cover!!!!
i think of being crunchy as being particularly brave in that we’re trying new things and not listening to the blather about how those chemicals aren’t harmful. i’m not necessarily AFRAID of the chemical ridden things, i just CHOOSE to live my life in a highly creative, curious and participatory way. i love making things for myself 🙂 i can’t wait to see your book, i know i’ll love it! even if it were solely things you’d ALREADY put on your blog (which i’m guessing it goes above and beyond :P) i know i’d buy it and love it just to have a portable crunchy betty. i’ve been using the castor oil as i *intended* and my hair seems reeeeallly healthy! good luck to everyone on facing fears!
First: LOVE the cover – it’s completely and utterly YOU! Well done!
Second: We ARE the norm.. we aren’t bucking it. 🙂
Have an excellent weekend.
And guess what: your book is predicted to be a bestseller.