All around the internet, people are chanting “We want Crunchy Betty! We want Crunchy Betty!” Ripping their shirts off, and crying in stupor at the mere glimpse of my retro diva.
This was in my dream last night.
The reality is, Crunchy Betty has been getting it on with a few other sites around the internet.
Go check ’em out. They’re all the crunch you need in one day.
And keep your shirts on ladies. At least, for now.
Crunchy Betty On the Internets
Betty Talks about Crunchy Betty … and Deserted Islands: Last Friday, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by the beautiful Dawn from My creative inspirations, my ineptitude at connecting with nature, and a story about how nothing’s new under the sun is what you’ll find at this interview. Plenty of fodder to stalk with, to be sure.
Coffee … All Over Your Beauty Routine: Earlier this week, I made my first contribution to Here you’ll find even MORE ideas (more than just the Mocha-Frappuccino Facial Mask) to incorporate coffee into your beauty routine. More coffee = MORE COFFEE!!!! So go here to and read all the beany scoop.
Thrifty Homemade Tips on the Fly: And yesterday, at the drop of a hat, I put together a list of my top 10 thriftiest skincare and household tips for You’ve already seen a bunch of ’em here, but there are some new things. Go check it out. Learn. Love. And poke around her site for a while – she’s got some GREAT thrifty ideas!
Reminder: One Week Left to Put Food On Your Face (and get stuff for it)
Stop what you’re doing (which is reading this, hopefully) and look at your calendar. See how close the end of August is? See that?
That is the time in which my offer to send you homemade yummy crunchy stuff ends. (Here’s the introduction post, if you want to catch up on things.)
It would be prudent to run into your kitchen right now, whip up a facial mask (here are tons of ideas), take some pictures, and send them to me here.
If you need more encouragement, here are a few of the adventurous, naturally beautiful, and crazy crunchy ladies and their blogs about food on their face.
Gina at The Baynhams was the trail-blazer and created a lovely coffee mask – and an even lovelier blog about the experience. She’s inspiration.
Jessica at Adventures With Three Girls AND Poppy at Funny Or Snot (I can’t figure out how to direct link to a TypePad blog, so do a search for “Crunchy Betty” at Poppy’s place) BOTH got the entire family involved with food on their faces. I cannot look at these posts without laughing, “awwing,” and tearing up … just a little bit.
The hilarious (and GORGEOUS) Erin of Oh, Honestly Erin got all sorts of creative with her food on her face adventure. Laughing out loud, LOLing, whatever … that’s what you’ll do when you read this.
And last, but not least, my super-duper sister’s sister-in-law, Lindsey of L Squared Studios surprised me with all sorts of love and food on her face! Check her out – she’s adorable. I’m seriously considering bypassing propriety and just calling her my sister-in-law … FOREVER.
Now it’s time for your face, right over there in that Gallery of Crunchy Betties.
Chop-chop! Time is of the essence. The early bird catches the worm. Two hands in the bush beat one in the oven (or something like that).
In spreading-it-all-around-the-internet crunch!
Ha ha ha! Thank you!!! I guess I am truly “green” on that pic huh….lol
Congrats on being in high demand! Can I say, “I knew you when…”? 🙂
You TOTALLY deserve the exposure. Your site is rockin’ and I’ve been glad ever since the day I found it. <3
Mwah, lovely!
You need to know something. I totally stalk you on Twitter. Every time I see a tweet of yours come through, I crack up ginormously and then have to go back and see if I missed anything else hilarious.
So, even if I don’t say anything, just know that I’m laughing (and sometimes snorting … and stalking). You’re a funny girl.
First off, congrats on all the fantastic exposure (hopefully not indecent) Crunchy Betty is getting. It’s quite deserved!! And secondly, I love the new blog design! It is supremely crunchtastic. I need to send you my pics of avocado on my face!
“Hopefully not indecent.” Ha! I’m way too old for that kinda stuff anymore. Sadly.
Thanks for the love! There’s just something about getting a new blog design that feels like … like you’ve uncovered a better part of “you.” Does that sound silly? That sounds silly. But it’s so, so true.
BTW, no one can make an avocado look sexier than you do. Rrowr.
Ditto Kim! 🙂
You are a RockStar my friend!!!