Not that you could tell it in Colorado today, but winter’s a-comin’. Oh, yes. It is. And with it comes chapped, dry lips.
Can I get a collective “booooo!”?
Now can I get a collective “yay!”? Because we’re going to fix those lips right here, right now. And with this three-step treatment, your lips’ll be ready for every Julia-Roberts-moment life hands you. Why Julia Roberts? She just strikes me as someone who kisses a lot.
(As an aside, does anyone else automatically think “Twilight” when you hear the word “sparkle?” I do. It tees me off. I haven’t even seen any of those movies. The word “sparkle” is forever ruined.)
Anyway, back to the grindstone, the lipfactory, the pretty mouthification.
Here are the three steps in text, or you can watch the video tutorial below. I didn’t really take a bite of that cocoa butter, by the way. That was weird.
Homemade Treatment for Dry, Chapped, or Otherwise Normal Lips
We’ll break this down quick and easy like. First step is …:
Exfoliate Your Lips with Baking Soda
Grab your toothbrush and some baking soda, ladies. Now moisten your toothbrush in water (not dripping wet … just moist) and sprinkle a layer of baking soda at the top. Or, alternatively, you could place a small amount of baking soda in a dish and dip your toothbrush in it. Gently scrub your lips for 1-2 minutes. Rinse well.
Your lips are now properly exfoliated and ready for step 2. Which is:
Pamper Your Lips With This Lip Mask Recipe
Brewer’s Delight Lip Mask
- 1 tsp brewer’s yeast (or cornmeal or kaolin clay)
- 1 tsp avocado, olive, or sweet almond oil
- 1/2 tsp honey
- 1/2 tsp shea butter
Mix all ingredients well in a small bowl until it forms a paste (add more yeast or more oil, depending on how wet or goopy you want it to be). Spread thickly over exfoliated lips. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well.
Nourish With Natural 100% Pure Lip Moisturizers
After the mask, you’ll want to moisturize your lips well. Here are some options. I’m recommending using just ONE ingredient at a time here, but if you have a favorite (all-natural, organic) lip balm, go for it. Just stay away from … well, it starts with a C and ends with a Stick and has something HAPpening in the middle.
These are my favorite one-ingredient lip moisturizing options:
- Cocoa butter
- Shea butter
- Vitamin E oil
- Emu oil
- Mango butter
And here’s the kooky video. Enjoy!
Crunchy Betty’s 3-Step Lip Treatment Video Tutorial
I’m thinking Fridays are great video days, no? They also happen to be when I like to catch up on All My Children.
Yes. I just admitted that.
SORDID TRUTH TIME! Rules: The answer cannot be your husband or children.
If you could kiss one fantasy person with your new, luscious, vava-voomy lips, who would it be?
Once again, I am thrilled to read and see another one of your video’s, blog, you are an amazing informed wowman! Thanks, Tammie
Love you! You have the greatest voice and are so freaking cute with your braids! Just love you! Good stuff! My Mack has lip issues in the winter and this will be great for him! And for me!
My person would probably be, Sam Elliott. He’s such an all caps MAN. It would probably take place in a nursing home, because he’s got to be 100! lol
P.S. I LOVED the video blog! It’s so nice to see you as a living breathing person and not just a 2D image. Probably why I’m too scared to show a video blog of myself. I’d rather hide behind the safety of the still image!
I’m going to try this one. I’m always looking for magic for dry lips. For me and for my kids.
Johnny Depp’s character in Chocolat. I would feed him chocolate whenever he asked…. swoon….
Totally bookmarking this.
Poor daughter has the worst time (especially in winter) with dry chapped lips. AND she’s prone to cold sores which are apparently attracted to a dry lip environment. Poor kid.
YOU didn’t answer the question either. Tell me, tell me. Who would your secret famous makeout person be?
And I was just reading about some stuff for cold sores. When I find that info again, I’ll pass it on.
HA! Totally skimmed over that one 😉
It’s a no-brainer. Ian Somerhalder. Vampire Diaries. Google him. Most yummy 🙂
“Video Friday” sounds like an awesome idea!
Loved all the great options for keeping my “kisser” kissable… and to answer your question (since my hubby is ineligible), I would have to say… Gregory Peck (even his name is a type of kiss!).
I noticed that you haven’t answered your own question!… well, who’s it to be??? Crunchy minds want to know!
I didn’t answer the question! Why? Because I’m afraid my list is so long, everyone would question my commitment to Fiance.
Okay. Not really.
My number one? Oh, I get mushy just thinking about it:
Gael Garcia Bernal.
Or Scott from All My Children.
Or Eric from True Blood.
So many crushes, so little time.
Is there nothing baking soda can’t do? It’s like the duct tape of the beauty world.
Johnny Depp, any age. 🙂
Haha. Duct tape of the beauty world. It’s so true! (I will probably steal that at some point, just so you’re aware.)
I do kinda think Johnny gets hotter as he ages. I wonder what he’ll look like at 70 … weird.
PS – Thanks for the head’s up about the blog carnival. Love that we’re there together. Mwah!
I have the most terribly chapped lips – even in the summer! I keep lip balm (burts bees dontcha know) in each purse, next to my bed, in the kitchen and in the desk drawer. Plus an emergency stash in case any of those run out….
Hello? You didn’t say who your secret famous makeout buddy would be. Inquiring minds want to know …
thanks much! me thinks…idris elba!
Okay. Another one I had to look up. Idris Elba. Man. He looks like someone who would romance the holy heck out of a woman. Shoot! All these hot men … so little time.
I am very excited about that. My 6 yo gets awful chapped lips and hands through the winter, cracked and bleeding, it’s dreadful.
My answer- the young Johnny Depp.
That’s so sad! I hope at least one of these things helps. Try the cocoa butter – straight. Anything that’ll keep them from licking their lips. Cocoa butter smells good, but it doesn’t taste like anything, so it’s less likely that lip licking will happen.
I hear you on the Johnny Depp thing. I keep hearing that he bought a house in the Denver area, and it’s taking a lot of willpower not to stalk him. Heh.
Love the videos … hope to see one every Friday.
My answer: Javier Bardem! (Didn’t even take any thinking at all!)
I had no idea who Javier Bardem was, so I googled him, and … YOWZA!
Very exotic and swarthy. I approve of your choice, and won’t steal him away. Maybe.