New plan.
After spending 4 hours yesterday writing about my favorite companies, I realized I had a novel – not a blog post. So I’m going to break this all up into separate posts over the next few weeks, so you’re not overwhelmed and I don’t go batdoody crazy.
Interestingly, the company that sparked the most outrage yesterday was Clorox-owned Burt’s Bees. Lip balms seem to be a hot topic.
Good news, everybody! I have lots of favorite lip balms that don’t include the words Burt or Bees.
Better news, everybody! Lip balms are super easy to make.
Here are three of my favorite lip balms, and in the next week I’ll be posting a few easy lip balm recipes you can make in your very own kitchen.
As a side note, if any of you lovely readers own a natural beauty/food company and would like me to test your products and potentially write about them, I’m game. I’m especially interested in natural/organic cosmetics. I have three favorite companies right now, but I feel like my exposure to natural/organic cosmetics isn’t as broad as it could be. Shoot me an email if you want to set something up!
Crunchy Betty’s Favorite Lip Balms
Badger Cocoa Butter Lip Balm
Badger Cocoa Butter Lip Balm – by Badger. The link actually takes you to the page that shows brick and mortar stores where you can buy them (like Whole Foods and Ulta) but here’s the entire lip balm list if you want to browse your flavor options.
The cost to purchase a lip balm on the site is $5, but the shipping is a whopping $7, so I’d recommend checking a store first.
My favorite flavor? Vanilla Bean.
What I love most about this company: Their cocoa butter is certified fair trade, most (if not all) of their products are certified organic, and their website clearly states all of their VERY natural ingredients.
Kiss My Face 93% Organic/100% Natural Lip Balm
Kiss My Face 93% Organic/100% Natural Lip Balm – by Kiss My Face. What you want to look for is the non-SPF varieties. The balms that offer SPF also include titanium dioxide, and while that’s a VERY common ingredient in any sun protection products, it’s not something I’d want to put on cracked/slightly bleeding lips.
My favorite flavor? Maple Sugar. Mmmm.
Again, I probably wouldn’t order this lip balm off the site, as the shipping charges are pretty high. However, it’s in TONS of grocery stores these days, as well as Target.
What I love about this company: Their name. And their commitment to natural products and the environment. And this simple little sentence on their website that says:
“We are independent—one of the only category leading companies that is still owned and fostered by caring individuals committed to the natural lifestyle.”
Salus Organic Lip Conditioner
Salus Organic Lip Conditioner – by Salus. They’ve got so many different flavors, it’s so hard to choose! On the site, these lip balms run all of $2.75. However, shipping rates are a little pricey.
I suggest making your purchase count and picking up some of their Scrubbles hand and body soap (this stuff is mildly exfoliating with jojoba beads … and it’s freakin’ awesome) in the Vanilla Black Velvet blend and a Goats Milk Lotion in the same essential oil blend.
What I love most about this company: They’re right across the street from me, and I’ve gotten to know the owners well. They’re extremely committed to healthy, safe body care products – and they’re just good, good people. Talk about a company that will give you straight talk, helpful service, and a happier day … Salus is it.
What I REALLY Love About This Company Today:
Want Free Salus Lip Conditioner?
As I was writing this post, I decided to hop on over to Salus and have a chat with Jerell, one of the owners.
I mentioned that I had readers who were dismayed by the Burt’s Bees situation, and he promptly gave me a set of three free Organic Lip Conditioners to pass on to one of you guys. Thanks, Jerell!
The flavors I chose:
- Huckleberry
- Butter Cream
- Pomegranate
(They’re also the exact same lip conditioners pictured above.)
Want me to send you these three fabulous lip conditioners for free?
But only one of you will win, so here’s how you do it.
How to win a set of 3 free Salus Organic Lip Conditioners: Leave a comment here (just make sure to give me a valid email address) telling me you want to experience a new lip balm owned by a small, ethical, and freakin’ awesome natural beauty business. (By that, I mean … just leave a comment saying you want to win. That’s easy, right?)
That’s it.
I hate giveaways that make you jump through a thousand hoops to qualify, so I won’t do that to you.
However, if you want to Tweet this on Twitter or toss it up your Facebook, I won’t complain.
This Giveaway Offer Ends: On Friday, January 28, 2011, at 10:00 p.m. MST. Saturday, the winner will be chosen by the magical, mystical number generator.
Who Can Win: Anyone in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. (Sorry crunchy beauties overseas, my budget just doesn’t allow for shipping that far at the moment.)
I would love to win the Salus Lip Conditioners! I did check out the shipping rates and I was astonished at how pricey they were!! Please let the owners know it’s quite expensive if you’re just ordering a few of those lip conditioners.
Yes please! I’m been looking into making my own lip balm and other home remedies because ever since I tried your hair masques, I’ve been converted since. It feels good to have natural products that are not only cheap ( in terms of making them yourself) but ACTUALLY work.
I was going to buy bees wax to make my lip balm. I’ll wait to see your recipes before I start.
I would love to try these! I would also love to win this giveaway!
Awwww man, I think I’m too late for this 🙁 But I would have loved to win these yummy lip balms. I use EOS lip balms (except the yellow one with SPF 15).
I wish we had small, family-owned businesses that sell organic/natural stuff around my area. Well, there probably are, but they’re so hard to find!
Would love to win these! Looking forward to your lip balm recipes…have already ordered some supplies to make them from a Martha Stewart craft recipe but now I’m going to hold out to see if her recipe is comparable to yours!
I would love these, im always trying to buy stuff from small eco-friendly sellers. Im particularly smitten with some Ive found via Etsy.
Seriously chapped lips from the harsh Minnesota weather could really use organic lip balm.
That would be awesome. Almost out.
I’m a lip balm addict (love my Badger balm!), and I’ve never heard of Salus before. You can never have too much lip balm, right?
Yay! I’d so love to try these lip balms and introduce the company to my friends too!
I use Burt Bees for lip balm and body wash. Am disheartened to learn Clorox owns them. Would really love to try a new company that is wholly ethically owned. Do pick me and I’ll share other two balms with friends. :^)
I wanna win! I love lip balm. So sad about Burt’s Bees…I’ve been using their lip balm since college. Sad face.
I want to win! Pick ME please!!
I would love to win this! I’m also excited about trying several of your recipies!
I want to win!
Also, I want to make my own face masks. From food. So, it’s good I’m here.
I would love to try these lip balms. I used to purchase Burt’s Bees until they were bought trying and buying something from a small company would be great.
Thanks for doing all of this tough (yah right!) research for us! I would love to try the Salus lip balm :). Even cooler to support a small business. Love it!
Love this site, love the inspiration, love lip balm. ^^
Love it! Crossed fingers for a win!
Not surprised to see that Burt’s is owned by Clorox, but I would soooo love the chance to try something new and frickin’ awesome!
I was so bummed to hear about Burt’s Bees (worst news I’ve heard in the personal-care front since L’Oreal bought the Body Shop)that I would love to try some new lip balm! BB has been my standby for a long time and I have to admit I’m going to be reluctant to switch unless I can find another product that works as well and is reasonably priced. My lips get very scary in the winter 🙂 BTW, thanks for including us Canucks in your contest, so many American bloggers don’t do that!!
Three is a perfect number – one for each of my daughters and me! =)
I love your blog. Since I discovered it about a week ago I come here on a daily basis for new posts and to read through the archives. It broke my heart to read that Burt’s Bees was no longer a ‘little guy’. So! I would LOVE love LOVE to give a new brand a try. Please oh Please let me win!
Oh, I do so want to win the Salus lip balm!
I’ve used Kiss My Face, but never Salus. It looks lovely.
Just this year (well, okay, technically LAST year) I switched from using Blistex to using Burt’s Bees. It was a hard switch, considering I’d pretty much been using Blistex since I was 5, but it was worth it. Now I find out Burt’s Bees is owned by Clorox? Oi! Time for something new! Which is why I’d LOVE to try the Salus lip balm! And thanks kindly for the chance! 😀
Oooh, yum! I’d love to win one — also the Cool Mint Cocoa Butter Lip Balm by Badger is awesome; so yummy and leaves lips glistening in just the right way 🙂
Who doesn’t love free stuff?! Thanks for the opportunity!
I just found your website last week and LOVE it! Keep up the great work and I would love to win the lip balm…
I love super natural homemade ethical lip balm!
You should also check out Essential Journeys, made here in Asheville, NC. The owner/creator is super sweet, and her lip balms actually do not dry my lips out, which is something I hate from a lot of cheaper balms.
I would love to win a natural lip balm!! Just what my lips need!!
I want/need the lip conditioners…Please
Please me … pick me..
I want to win! I currently use Organic Hemp Balm (Cinnamon) from The Happy Hempster but I’m open to try new things :o)
Oooh ooooh oooh, pick me, pick me!! 🙂
I would LOVE to win this set. My reason: I get made fun of because I walk around with a huge jar of shea butter in my purse. lol If I could post a picture I would. I never find a lip gloss that is pure, so that is why I carry my shea butter. A small compact size would be perfect… and all my friends would need to stop laughing 🙂
Oh yeah, I would definitely love to win. I love me some all natural free stuff!!!
Oooo! Pick me! I want to win!
I want to experience a new lip balm owned by a small, ethical, and freakin’ awesome natural beauty business! LOVE your posts – just came across this one at Mountain Rose Herbs you will like!
My dry Colorado winter lips are keeping their fingers crossed to win this one! Thanks for the chance!
Of course I want to win wonderful organic lip balm from my favorite beauty maven.
I use natural and mostly organic lip balms. The flavors of the lip conditioners sound delicious. I would like to win one. Thank you for the offer.
Sign me up for prizes! I haven’t heard of Badger. I’ll check it out next time I am at Whole Foods. There’s an awesome Canadian company called Green Beaver. Their lipbalm won awards, obviously I should check it out.
Oh my, what a great giveaway! Thanx for this shot at winning 🙂
Me, me, me **waving hands frantically**
Ps – trying that chocolate/wine mask tonight once the Peanut is in bed…
Me! Me! I want to win. 🙂
You know I’m all over a giveaway. 🙂 And I love lip balm. And I have Burt’s Bees in my house *winces* and it’s not vegan either. I love Badger sunscreen, I’ll have to check out their lip balm. And I love this series idea.
I would love to win! 😀
Ooo, Oooo…. pick me, pick me!!! I love lip balms. Can’t ever seem to get into lipsticks but the balms, glosses, ect… I’m all over that! Thanks!
I make my own lip balm, but I am always willing to try new brands! I would love a chance to win the Salus balms. Thanks!
Funny you should mention Badger Vanilla Bean. That’s the one I’m currently trying. I bought it when I took the Celestial Seasonings tour while vacationing in Boulder. I’d love a chance to win the Salus kit. Thanks!
I would love to try some freakin awesome lip balm!!
So thankful for your site! And would also love to win those yummy sounding lip balms!
I would love to try a replacement for my Burt’s Bees lip balm!!
I would love to win! Thank you for the chance!
Ooh! Would love to have some lip balms in my stripped-down face product arsenal!
I would love to try those. I’ve been looking for new lip balm.
I would like to win, please 😉
I’d love to win these!
Ooh! Would love more lip balms-but I will have to hide them from my husband. Pomegranate is his favorite flavor!
I really love eos lip balm. It’s probably not a terribly small company, since I bought it at Wal-Mart, but it’s 95% organic/100% natural. I love the summer fruit flavor, it tastes like peaches!
omg– I have been buying Burt and his bees for year. I was using my pomegranate oil lip balm right before I read this. That is so, so, sucky. Same for Kashi. Please send me the pomegranate 🙂
Burt’s Bees… *sad sigh* I have an obsession with lip balm and theirs was always my go to.
I’d love to try these awesome Salus lip balms, especially now that I need a new place to buy my fix from. 🙂
I totally want to experience a new lip balm, owned by a small, ethical, and freaking awesome natural beauty business.
Hello Salus, Goodbye Burt’s Bees.
Thanks Crunchy Betty!!
Oooh, lip balm! I have one Burt’s Bees that someone gave me and I admit I love it 🙁 I’d *really* love to replace it!
oh, and did I mention I totally want to experience a new lip balm owned by a small, ethical, and freakin’ awesome natural beauty business? 😉
Love you and what you’re doing! Thanks for all the great info! I’m inspired to start making my own beauty products again!