Let’s get one thing straight, I’m no artist. You will see that below. What I am, though, is wondering what crazy rock I’ve been living under lately. I had no idea that companies had latched on to the dry shampoo idea, shoved chemicals in it, charged ridiculous amounts of money for it, and patted themselves on the back.
Dry shampoo has been around for centuries, and it’s quick, easy and dagnabit cheap to make. What do you need to make this hot commodity product in your home? What plethora of ingredients will you have to run out to buy? What on earth do you need to put in there to achieve the EXACT SAME results as a $12 bottle of dry shampoo spray?
Yes. Cornstarch. That is all.
Let’s look at my high-tech, artistically crafted graphic now.
As you can see, I suggest that perhaps store-bought dry shampoo is expensive and unnecessary. That is my opinion. You are welcome to yours, just as you are welcome to wasting all the money you work so hard to earn. It’s your life. I ain’t judging.
In the spirit of transparency, though, I have to admit I guessed on how much the homemade dry shampoo would cost you. But, face it, half a cup of corn starch is probably equal to a dime, a stick of gum, and a ball of lint – everything in my pocket right now.
As you can also see, I included other things on the list that you can use – cornmeal and ground oats. You know what else works? A piece of cheesecloth stretched over your brush. Whisks the oil and grime right away.
Before I go any further into my rant, though, let’s talk about why you would want to use a dry shampoo.
What in Bacon’s Name is Dry Shampoo, Anyway?
Picture this: It’s Monday morning. Your alarm has been going off for the last 20 minutes. You’re tired, frazzled, and have to choose between making coffee and washing your hair, which is a hot, oily mess.
You need something that doesn’t involve water and a hair dryer.
You need a dry shampoo.
A dry shampoo, really, is just a life-saver between hair washes. Believe it or not, a lot of people use a dry shampoo several times a week instead of suffering the blowing and primping that a hair wash entails.
It drags the oil and grimies from your scalp and hair, and leaves your locks fresh and soft and oh-so-touchable.
Homemade Dry Shampoo Ingredients
Choose one or combine them if you’re feeling frisky:
- Cornstarch
- Cornmeal
- Baking Soda
- Ground Oats
For one application, you need only use a tablespoon or two. If you want to make a handy shaker, you can use a mini-martini shaker (like the one in the picture above) or just use an empty, clean Parmesan cheese container, which is a great way to reuse instead of toss. Just fill it with your powdery substance of choice. Note: I have read a lot of homemade dry shampoo recipes that include baby powder. I personally do not recommend using baby powder, as there is a link between talc and cancer, as well as the fact that it’s closely related to asbestos and bad for the lungs.
In the one I made last night, I used 1/2 c. cornstarch and 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Ylang-ylang drives Fiance wild. You don’t have to use essential oils, but it’s a fun way to add extra fresh yumminess to your dry shampoo.
Applying Dry Shampoo
Take the powdery substance of choice and apply it to your hair roots. Scrub it in with the tips of your fingers, and run your fingers through the length of your hair. With a fine-bristled brush, briskly brush the powder out of your hair. That is all.
This is my hair during the dry shampoo. I encourage you not to wear black when you’re doing this. I also encourage you NOT to look in the mirror if your hair is dark brown. You will try to decide whether or not you look like a student playing Aunt Polly in a junior high production of Tom Sawyer, or 80 years old. If ever I was taken aback by my little grays sprouting up, this gave me pause to consider whether or not I should rethink my stance on never coloring my hair.

This is my hair AFTER the dry shampoo. (Note: It is not easy to take a picture of your own hair with a clunky dSLR and a 50 mm lens. But you get the idea.)

One Last Note on Store-Bought Dry Shampoo
I’m a fanatic when it comes to making things more cheaply than you can buy them. I’m also a fanatic about knowing what’s in the products I’m using.
The majority of dry shampoo brands I looked at last night contained things like butane, hydroflurocarbons, fragrance (which is usually a bad sign), and other ingredients even the mightiest of chemists couldn’t pronounce.
Plus, when you buy this stuff, you’re also buying packaging and containers that are unnecessary and just plain wasteful.
Again, I encourage you to make your own and try it (especially in comparison to any you might already own). Give it a time or two. Release your attachment to the idea that “manufactured products MUST be better than anything I can make at home, because I’m not a professional.”
You are a professional of your own self, your own health, and knowing what’s best for your world. You can do this!
In powdery-substance crunch!
ah thanks for this! im essentially super super lazy and have been using dry shmapoo a whikle. its hard when ur super stingy like me! i cant believe some of the prices ive seen on dry shampoo when it all does exactly the same bloody thing….but then i found cans from target for $2.00!!! i used to use talc for a bit but turned to the cans because its so much easier to apply. I WILL BE DOING THIS THO. might just get a salt shaker 🙂 i also went no poo a couple weeks ago! going strong! but i think its a bit easier for me because i have short hair and generally try to avoid washing it because im lazy and i also went overseas where i didnt wash it at all for 2 weeks. Good time to start 🙂
This was awesome! The only thing is if you have darker hair make sure you use a bright light to assure all the corn starch is brushed out!
Thank You for this! Unfortunately I just paid $18.50 for 2.5 ounces of dry powder shampoo. I will definitely be making my own next time!
I Love using cornstarch! It works better than any dry shampoo I’ve bought before. No grease and it gives my hair volume (stick straight blonde, aka flat!) like nothing else. I love getting to stick shower days :). I sprinkle it on and than rub it in with my fingers and then use a towel around my to get rid of any white residue. So easy, cheap, simple….so crunchy Betty!!
you know…My great grandma told my mother that when she was a girl (born in 1890’s in West Texas) they saved up rain water in a barrel, and would only wash their hair so long as the rain water lasted. When that ran out they would just put corn starch in their hair and comb it out.
I have dreadlocks and if you know anything about them, you know you can’t wash them in water every day!! I like to wash in water every third day and was using a store bought dry shampoo, I liked the result but HATE the over scented floral funk that came out of it!! I LOVE you recipes!! Thank you!!!!!!
Saved again! That makes twice in as many days. I need to make a list and get out to the healthfood store, or just keep browsing online. In a few weeks, I’ll be headed out on the road with the man I’m going to marry one day, and I’m nervous about my beauty care in conjunction with not having running water in the truck sleeper/cab we’ll be sharing. Betty, your crunchiness and its versatility are really becoming a life saver. Armed with homemade dry shampoo, the oil cleansing method, and at least a warm bottle of water, I think I should be okay.
I love using dry shampoo! Since I’m rocking a copper top atm I don’t use straight cornstarch (too white). I mix 2 parts cornstarch + 1 part cocoa powder + 1 part cinnamon and apply that to my roots when they’re looking a bit greasy – wait a few mins and brush – voila! Looks good, smells great (like cookies I’ve been told).
no problem. You dont need to use brush. If you use dry shampoo that is of simmilar color as your hair it is even less important. I only apply dry shampoo on my hair and after 5 min I rubb it of with dry towel.
But what about those of us with waves or curls? We can’t use a tight bristle brush. Would it not work if we just massaged it in our head and then used a pick with our head upside down or maybe massage OUT of our hair with our hands? Talk to me…
Recipe for dark or black hair:
corn starch
baking soda
drawing charcoal (for turning dry shampoo black, so there will be no white residues on
your dark hair!!!)
Grind drawing charcoal (buy at artist shop, perhaps also activated charcoal powder
would work) with spoon on the shallow plate.
mix cca 1 part of the grinded charcoal with 2 parts of corn starch (it absorbs grease)
and 1 part of baking soda (it absorbs odour). You shoud experiment with the quantity of
charcoal, the more you add, darker dry shampoo you wil get.
If you have brown hair (brunette), you can add grinded brown sidewalk chalk, for
bluenettes blue sidewalk chalk, for lightbrown hair add yellow or light brown sidewalk
chalk etc…
apply the mixture in your hair, wait 5 minutes and rubb it off with a towel. You dont
have to rubb off all of the powder, becouse it has the same color as your hair.
Dry shampoo is a great solution for dyed hairs becouse it reduces the need for hair
washing and therefore preserve the color and prevent its fading. It works great for my
hair dyed with natural indigo (indigofera tinctoria mixed with hot water 65°C and 1/4
tbs of non iodic salt left immediately after mixing for 30 minutes on extra clean hair
washed with dishsoap).
you are a gift from god. THANK YOU SO MUCH
I always prefer organic shampoos instead of traditional ones and homemade ones are great!
Although baby powder says it can cause lung cancer i dont think its as bad as everybody thinks i mean why wud they be allowed to make something that was so harmful and can cause cancer but their still allowed to use it on babies…..i use baby powder as a dry shampoo and it works fine for me 🙂
Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) is straight up carcinogenic and it’s sold every day to people who use it on their lips, body, their kids butts. 60% of what we put on our skin goes into our bloodstream. There are so many products being sold, including those so called “natural” products that contain carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and the like. Get savvy about your ingredients.
I’ve read that mixing cocoa powder with the cornstarch helps hide any white that’s left behind for people with dark hair. Once I find my boar bristle brush I’m going to give it a try! Or, wrap my brush with a cheeseclothe as that is also supposed to help. I haven’t found the right no-poo ratio do I really want to try this.
I have been a greasy haired mess. Lol Desperate for a solution (a cheap one). I found your site. Yahoo! I plan on going poo-less. Haha But first I tried brushing cornstarch through my hair in between washes. Its a transition to go from washing your hair everyday to only a few times a week and its a lil scary to put corn starch in your hair but I LOVE THE RESULTS. I went 3 days with out washing my hair. I brushed corn starch in my hair at night took a shower in the morning and my hair looked clean and shi all dayny. And it has more volume.
A tiny unimpressive step but I’m a newbie and its a step in the right direction.
Loved the idea after reading your post. Peeked through cupboards – no cornstarch… Wait! Spotted Magic Baking Powder (cornstarch + baking soda), worked 2tsp through my hair then brushed it out with a boar bristle brush. Nice, fluffy, non-greasy hair 🙂 Think this’ll really help out with the no-poo challenge!
I have done it for two days running with baking soda and holy effing amazeballs it really cuts down on the grease. I haven’t had to wash my hair since Friday.
The only downside is the amount of powder that sticks to my scalp and during the day manages get stuck behind my ears.
Oh well. I just imagine its summer and spent a nice day on the beach.
I use baby powder! Works great and smells really nice too!
So tonight I decided that after my first 6 days of going no ‘poo, and a professional Christmas photoshoot in the morning, I’d try this method. Of course, I decided to do it at 4 am. Look at my planning skills! Aren’t they the best? Haha.
Anyways, I had quite the journey. I went into the kitchen (remember, 4 am) and grabbed the corn starch and traveled up to my bathroom to try this out. I started putting it into my hair to realize that I had grabbed corn meal. Let me tell you, NOT the same. Trip 2, i got it right, but put about a handful too much in my hair, and it wouldn’t brush out at all! I looked like my grandmother still after 15 minutes. Not so good. So I finally just rinsed it all out, and I’m hoping that it has helped once it dries.
So, thank you very much for this recipe and idea, but I think I’m gonna have to give you REAL feedback later, when I can be fully aware of what I am doing during the process. 🙂 Lol.
I have been hearing a lot on dry shampoo lately. Thank you for clarifying the process of it.
I’ve been looking for other options since the dry shampoo really is expensive here in France, and to my knowledge, there’s only one brand that manufactures it.
I had tried talc before, but wasn’t convinced because I had a hard time removing it afterwards (my hair therefore remained greyish (I have black hair) and even white on the roots: aweful!)…
I hope one of the options you’re suggesting will work for me too! 😉
I only use a little at a time and rub it in. I have curly hair so I never brush it. I have done this for years… :o)
Hello! So I used some cornstarch in my hair this morning and was immediately alarmed that I couldn’t get it all out. After reading all the posts on here I realized that I probably used WAY too much. I have very fine hair and I think I probably used about 2 TBSP of cornstarch. So next time I’ll use less. Also, you said to use a fine bristled brush, would you be able to put up a picture or direct me to a link that shows what sort of brush would be ideal?
I am pretty impressed with how non greasy my hair is now though..I haven’t washed it since Saturday, and usually day 3 with no washing is pretty slick but it’s nice and I’m wearing it down today. So thanks for the tip 🙂
Since I’ve written this post, I’ve seen a couple of people say that what they do to make sure they get it all out is use 2 tsp (at most), scrub it in, and then use a towel to shake as much of it out as they can – then they brush. You might try that.
I guess I should’ve said “boar-bristle” brush instead, but what I mean is something that looks like this: http://all4women.co.za/files.php?file=boar_bristle_150867531.jpg
instead of this: http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/birmmail/nov2008/9/1/85B40934-B117-1000-818E7FA990EFC5B0.jpg
Isn’t it amazing how “ungreasy” your hair is? I just started “no ‘poo” last night – so I’m REALLY anxious to see what it does to my hair to not use any commercial products at all. Yikes!
Good luck!
I’ve heard of this and like this idea a lot, and may try it sometime if I have to…but God blessed me with ridiculously thick, outrageously curly hair that I only shampoo once a week…or even less. when its straightened, even, it can go 3 weeks or a month…and that’s because it takes hours and hours to straighten. it grosses out a lot of my caucasian friends who need to shampoo almost every day…
im only scared that maybe if the cornmeal goes in, it may never come out!!!! :p allso, where do you find that essence oil? i think my guy might go crazy too :p
Well, given what I’ve heard from other people with thick and curly hair, I’d skip the dry shampoo for now. I’ve been trying to find something that’ll work for you guys (blessed, seriously, I’m so jealous) with curly hair, but until I find something, you might try checking out Michelle at http://www.freshradiantskin.com/blog – she’s super helpful and she might be able to direct you in the right place if she doesn’t already have something on her blog.
Essential oils? You can find them at Mountain Rose Herbs, Whole Foods … just about any natural foods store, really. They’re usually in the personal care section. (And I would recommend, if you’re looking for something for your hair, to smell before you buy …)
Usually, there are testers out next to the oils, so you can smell each one. Which is awesome. Ylang-ylang and vanilla are my two favorites for hair right now.
Good luck!
Hi, I hope you’ll try going shampooless too. I haven’t used shampoo for a whole year now, and my hair has never been more healthy. I use a mix of baking soda and corn starch on wet hair – just massage it in and rinse it out. I use just a bit of leave-in conditioner to get rid of fly-aways. I don’t have to wash it as often as I used to either.
That is definitely next on my list of things to try. Now that I’ve done more research into it, I feel confident that I can still do my occasional hair masks and get away with no ‘poo, too.
Have any other tips for it? Anything I absolutely must NOT do?
Ahhhhh this is so wonderful! I switched over to making my own products (shampoo, conditioner, hair stuff etc etc) a few months ago and it’s been fantastic!
Quick question, though — do you have any reccomendations for a dry shampoo system for curly hair? Because honestly, brushing that stuff out will give me a two-foot fro like you wouldn’t believe. It’s not frizzy (thank gods!) unless I come near it with a comb or a brush. Then it’s just ridiculous and no amount of coconut/jojoba/olive oil will help! A really small amount of butter will do it, but then my hair smells like popcorn and that’s a little gross!
Any thoughts?
Haha! That made me giggle a lot. I’m always so jealous of people with naturally curly hair – I forget that it can be a PITA sometimes, too!
So, if butter helps – why not try a little bit of shea butter or cocoa butter? (The cocoa butter would still leave your hair smelling a little – but like chocolate! Yum.) I think cocoa is the best alternative between the two – shea might leave it looking a little greasy.
If you try it, just shave off a little bit of 100% cocoa butter in your hand and let it warm there for a minute to soften. Then apply like you have regular butter, popcorn woman. Hehe.
So glad you’re here! Let me know if you try it, and it works!
What a disaster!
I made up some lovely dry shampoo this morning, brushed it out. My hair felt soft and pretty and clean, and it sort of had a shine to it.. but it looked like a birds that had gone through an industrial dryer on high, high heat!
So I started getting groovy with the shea butter. Melted it in my hands… and tried to repair my lovely locks. I only used a tiny bit, and it was still dry. So I added a teeeeeeny bit more. Dry, frizzy, unhappy. But sorta slick! So I started to grab strands of hair and curl them around my fingers…
It could go on, but the end result was a look so outrageous that I could be on the cover of vogue. It was wild. It was crazy. It was standing right up on end with these slick tendrils emerging from the top of the mess. The top of my head was the bastard child of Medusa and Einstein.
It was glamorous, darling, but not so suitable for daily life.
Shampoo. Hair mask. Aloe and coconut oil. And my hair is happy again, and it doesn’t scare the kids.
My final decision is that this dry-shampoo business is not for me. I’m gonna stick with my natural herbal shampoo and enjoy my daily morning lather, thank-you-very-much!
Coming up next — homemade deodorant. I’ve got it all made up and I’m gonna start the great big experiement tomorrow! Can’t wait <3
Oh no! Except I kinda wish I had a picture of it – sounds hilarious!
So, I think it’s safe to say that naturally curly, frizzy-ish hair does not work with this dry shampoo. I promise to do my best to search out other options and get back with you if I run across something.
Next up – you need to keep me updated on your deodorant escapades.
Thanks for playing along!
I’ve been considering a dry shampoo for awhile, to go along with my attempts to use less chemicals on my very frazzled and achey scalp. I haven’t been able to find a good resource, though. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but the one thing that I’m wondering is where to do this? I mean, all the powdery stuff is gonna end up somewhere, right? Like, on the floor?
Also, do you know how this might affect a persistantly flaky head? I swear I have the worst dandruff on the planet and nothing works to keep it under control. Everything from every store-bought anti-dandruff shampoo to organic mixtures with tea tree oil just… does nothing. I’m wondering if anyone has experience dealing with flakes and dry shampoo, because I’m afraid the powder will just stick to flakes and create an even worse shoulder landscape throughout the day.
I’d appreciate any feedback.
Well, first of all, the powdery stuff usually ends up in my sink. I usually do it in the bathroom, and then just brush over the sink. You do have to wipe up just a little, but if you’re careful, it’s not that messy. Another thing I’ve really learned since writing this is that you don’t need NEARLY as much of the powder as you think you do. I’ve dropped my usage down to about 1 tsp per application, and it still works wonders. Finally, the last thing I do now, after brushing, is shake my head vigorously (upside down) to make sure all the small remnants of powder are completely gone).
I don’t think it should affect a persistently flaky head at all, really. I would think it wouldn’t even remotely exacerbate the problem, but I’m not sure it would help it, either.
Have you heard of the ‘no poo method? I haven’t tried it yet to see what I think, but I’ve heard so many good things about it (helping with dandruff and oily hair and more), I’m going to try it soon. Here’s my favorite resource on it:
I also had issues with dandruff (and also really itchy scalp). I tried tons of different products out there, just like you. Finally, I made the switch to no poo and my head felt less itchy immediately. I’ve been using it for about a week and a half and I don’t even notice dandruff anymore. I definitely recommend it!
I made this on Saturday with baking soda and corn starch. I was running late for a ball game and didn’t have a way to sprinkle it, so I just picked up pinches and kind of dusted my head. Then I brushed it out. I thought. I’m sort of blind.
Well, I went on to spend the day at four ball games and saw just about every human from my town. No one ever commented. But, when I got home, Mack asked me why I’d had white dust in my hair all day. I guess I was a little liberal with my dusting and not too thorough with my brushing. I thought it looked great! I’m going to get a martini shaker for it today! lol
Oh no! I’ve done that before, too. When my sister was here, we all went to Cripple Creek to do some sight-seeing. I even asked Fiance, before leaving, if I had any powder in my hair. “Not at all,” he said. Then, when I stepped inside a restroom a few hours later, I glanced at my hair and had powder all over my hairline. It was scary!
Since then, I’ve taken to giving my head a few hard shakes (upside down) after the brushing is over, to make sure I’ve shaken everything out. So far so good.
I’m totally going to try this! I’ve always used baby powder but I have never been satisfied. Thank you!
Just be sure your brush is really fine-bristled. I’ve noticed my bigger, more spaced out bristled brush doesn’t get the cornstarch (which is what I usually use) quite as well. And when in doubt, just shake your head upside down a bunch at the end.
Let me know what you think!
Hi. I “stumbled” upon your site. really dig your crunchiness 🙂
If you do at some point have the urge to color your hair (which btw is beautiful as is) check out mehandi.com their henna for hair page has great info on natural coloring. i’m really happy with my results.
Oooh! Thanks for the recommendation. I actually have been thinking about doing a henna die (now that I know they can make you darker), and this is timely, because I wasn’t sure where to get it.
Come back soon!
Heeey! Fun blog!!! I’ve been doing to my best to move towards a more natural lifestyle since the beginning of this year, including things I put ON my body and not just IN my body. I’m going to enjoy browsing around finding fun things to try.
So I’ve been washing my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar for the last couple of months and it’s been working GREAT! However, I’ve always used baby powder as a dry shampoo on the days I don’t wash my hair, and I never thought about it being bad for me to breath in. I’ve got a nice big box of cornstarch I’ll try using instead.
BTW, I was on vacay in CO Springs this summmer and visited Manitou Springs twice while we were there. I LOVED IT! It was so fun browsing through all the quirky shops and chowing down at Marilyn’s Pizza (HUGE MM fan here). It must be so much fun to live there!
Isn’t Manitou crazy? I LOVE Marilyn’s! Haven’t had it in a while, though. Did you drop in and get a crepe? (My friend Turu, who shows up on here every once in a while, owns the place.)
After I get used to using homemade deodorant, I’m going to try the “no ‘poo” method that so many people are raving about. Sounds a lot like what you do. You’ll have to hold my hand through it. Ha!
Thanks for coming by – do it again soon, yeah? (And let me know if you ever come back! We’ll do lunch.)
I LOVE your site! I made my way over here from Saving Naturally and have been browsing and experimenting with your “recipes”. So far I’ve: made my own deodorant (funny thing -I switched to tom’s of maine a few months ago and had the still stinky problem for a while until more recently. I think my body is finally used to it after all of those years of that yucky aluminum stuff… anyways, I just ran out of my stick and was going to purchase a new one, but forgot! I’ve read about people making their own, but was always hesitant -you convinced me though! Can’t wait to see how it works out), used tea-tree oil on some major pimples that have come up (just started back on my cycle after almost 4 years of none due to pregnancy/breastfeeding my two little ones… caused a major flare up!) and already after just an hour or so feel relief. Works better than ANY acne cream i’ve ever tried, and as a teenager, I tried them all! Before the tea tree treatment, I rubbed the pit with pulp from our “dessert” of mango all over my face and washed it off after about 20 min or so (that’s probably not normal, but I said to myself, “why not?” -My face has never felt so soft!) and finally I tried the baking soda “dry shampoo” method. WOW! I never would have thought of that!!! I will def. be using this trick -with two little ones, sometimes I have to choose between washing my hair and NOT fixing it, or just having dirty hair… this will solve that problem!
Sorry for the long post, but just wanted to say THANK YOU for your site. I’ve been around lot’s of the whole foods/natural blogs for a while and love hearing their take on food and natural remedies/cleaning, etc, but LOVE that your site is dedicated to the beauty side of things. =)
You are an absolute doll. When I went to reply to this, I almost kept it all business-like, but I can’t. Because why? Because I seriously cried after I read this. Big, giant, happy tears. You, my dear, made my day. I’m SO glad you like what I’m doing. You seriously just – in a matter of seconds – made it feel ALL worth it.
Try the coffee mask! I think you’d be completely blown away by what it does to your face. As if coffee could get any more magic …
Please come back more. And comment more. And share anything in the world that you want.
So much love!
My daughter is going to love this!
She’s constantly putting baby powder in her hair.
This is a great frugal idea. I found you from the discussion you posted on the Blog Frog. I’m a new twitter follower. Nice to meet you! Come by and visit my blog when you get a second.
I have never heard of dry shampoo! I must try it. You come up with the best stuff!
I think you have the perfect hair for it, too. You could even use it on the boys. THAT’S a picture I’d like to see. Heh.
Alas, combs and brushes are only allowed near my head if it’s wet (and ideally full of conditioning treatment). Sigh. I am cursed/blessed with curly hair. Got anything for frizzy ends (other than a hat)?
Yep. Coconut oil or jojoba oil. Rub a little in your palms and then run ’em over your frizzies. Pretty, shiny, and it works!
OMG! i’ve never considered this! i have hair that can be crazy frizzy and since i’m trying to grow it out its just getting more out of control. i will definately have to try this! I love your blog by the way. i’m planning on starting my own, just havent had time. am working on getting more ‘crunchy’ myself 🙂 up to an including building my own tiny house! using as much recycled/freecycled material as i can of course. My family thinks i’m crazy. I just think i’m tired of being tied to a too big house and the mortgage and bills that go with it. Plus… i’m just cheap too! Anyhoo, keep doing what you’re doing. I’m having a blast going through your archives! You have a new fan!!!
Woohoo! Thanks for your lovely note, girlie. When you start your blog, you have to let me know where it is! I’d LOVE to read it.
Actually, you HAVE to start it. Because I want to know all about this tiny house of yours – with pictures. That’s incredible. I know what you mean about being tired of “having.” The more you have, the more you have to worry about. Not to say it wouldn’t be nice to have a little extra cash. But you know what I mean.
By the way, your comment on Alexander’s picture made me laugh so hard I snorted.
So glad to know i made ya snort! HA!!! its also good to know that others do that too 🙂 even tho i was just speaking the truth 😉 tee hee
I will definitely let you know when i start my blog! To give you an idea of where I got my tiny house inspiration, this is a great resource… i plan on building my own version as the plans for a these are a bit out of my range but you get the idea. Personally, I think that anyone who has a bit of gumption and ‘go getter’ in them can make one and never worry about housing again…thats my thought on it anyway.
By the way, I used the oil trick and it works great so thanks for that 🙂
You don’t know how many times I have picked up that bottle and thought, “I wonder if this works?”, but could never bring myself to buy it. Since I still have yesterday’s sunscreen still in my hair, an appointment in an hour, and my ass is still in front of the computer, I think an oppurtunity to try your recipe will present itself in about 45 minutes.
I feel I needn’t reiterate my need to know how it went for you. But I’m going to do it anyway. Did you try it? Did you like it? Were you, like, super hot and stuff?
I do hope it worked on sunscreen. I really did have this moment of fear that you’d end up with 10 minutes to get to your appointment and globs of cornstarch stuck to the sunscreen in your hair … like Something About Mary, only weirder.
If I never provided you with follow up to this disaster, I wore a hat to the appointment.
How cool! And a little freaky…I was just thinking yesterday how I wanted to look up a way to make my own dry shampoo. I had heard about it years ago in a magazine and always wanted to find some but frankly I’m too cheap. Then I had the bright idea that I could find a way to make it myself. Then I just happened to stumble across your post!
Btw, I used to dye my hair blonde, so I used to use baby powder as a dry shampoo alot. A few years after I let it go back to my natural shade of burnette I tried it,not thinking of the effect powder on dark brown hair was going to have…yeah I ended up wasting more time and actually washing my hair after that!
I love synchronicity!
I do have to say again, though, try it at least twice or three times before you absolutely decide whether or not you love or hate it. It really did seem like the first time I did it, I was very blah about it. I wasn’t very crunchy back then, though.
Don’t forget to put a little essential oil in if you have a scent you like. It totally takes it up a notch!
This is great!! I’m sending it to my sisters. My hair is too short I think, it must be wet in the morning for any semblance of attractiveness.
Haha. Yeah. That’s definitely the bonus for short hair. Just wet it down in the morning, fix and go. I miss my short hair so much. I have to stop now, or I’m going to convince myself to cut it off.
I must be in the dark ages because I have never heard of dry shampoo. This does look ineresting and will have to try it. My older dd also as she has oily hair and hate to say it, but during the school year sometimes doesn’t leave a lot of time for shampooing her hair as often as she should. I know she will think I am nuts (more than she does now) when I tell her to put cornstarch on her scalp;-
It’s actually perfect for teenagers! I wish I’d have known about it when I was in high school.
It’s a great fix after PE or practices and the like.
Tell me how it goes for her!
Im going to try this ‘Dry Shampoo” recipe out!
It sounds like it will work for me,i love to save money and in your sample pics i see it does work.Thanks for the tips,i hate to spend a ton of money for things that will only damage my hair anyways.
You’ll have to let me know how it goes! I think that’s one thing that’s still taking some time to sink in with me – the majority of brand name shampoos actually hurt your hair, rather than help it. And it becomes a vicious cycle – mess it up with chemicals, try to fix it with chemicals, mess it up with what you’re trying to fix it with … it goes on and on and on.
I use cornstarch a lot as my hair looks oily shortly after being washed. UGH!
What do you use for shampoo? That could make a big difference.
I’ve heard of a lot of people who go ‘pooless completely and it stops the oiliness like you wouldn’t believe.
I haven’t been brave enough to give up shampoo completely yet, but I would imagine it’ll be something I try for this goldarned blog some day. When I do it, you should try with me. I need a ‘pooless partner in crime.
My GOD you have gorgeous hair!
Guess what? I haven’t gotten a hair cut in over a year.
That’s not crunchy. That’s lazy.
Me, either! At this point, I am waiting for a few inches more and then plan to donate…
My hair is much shorter than it used to be, but I can’t even count the number of days where I wished I had a dry shampoo that worked so I didn’t have to go to the entire process of brushing, washing, conditioning, drying, primping my hair every day.
I have a crunchybetty crush. totally.
I’m going to try this out today with “normal” hair (read: just washed yesterday). Then I’m going to wait for it to get oiled up a bit and try it again and see how well it works.
Sooo … how did it work? I wanna know! To be honest, the first time I tried this (months ago), I was kinda like “Eh. Okay.” And then I did it again. And again. And last night. Every time since the first, I’ve been happier and happier with the outcome.
Crush on the Crunchy! Just be careful … I stalk back, y’know.
Thanks for this! I have been thinking of getting some dry shampoo for awhile now and I am happy to find out how easy it is to make my own.
You’re welcome! It really is super, super easy. And – a confession – I haven’t washed my hair since yesterday evening, and it still looks shiny and clean!