Have you ever noticed how the universe sometimes really wants you to go down a certain path? Everywhere you turn, there are reminders of a track you almost chose, still have the opportunity to choose, but are resistant for reasons even you can’t understand?
Maybe it’s fate.
Maybe it’s destiny.
Maybe it’s your overactive imagination.
But, either way, there’s something that just keeps nudging you – sometimes ever-so gently, sometimes with a loud bullhorn in your ear – down a certain road.
Today, all roads led to my armpits.
A while back, in 7 Important Natural Skincare Ingredients, I wrote that I would have to blog about homemade deodorant soon (see: I would actually have to TRY homemade deodorant soon). Since that time, my pits have become, well, itchy. Every day, itchy. Is it a psychosomatic reaction to the traditional deodorant I’ve been using? I don’t know. All I know is, they itch.
And then today came – today, when I was going to write a lighting rod post about products to help green your medicine cabinet (complete with a medicine cabinet makeover), I took some pictures of my medicine cabinet “before.” And then I looked at them. Here. What do you see wrong in this picture (besides the 700 contact cases – I don’t 350 pairs of eyes, really):

That’s right. I have three (count them, three) different kinds of traditional deodorant, and one “natural” deodorant. I am ashamed. I am humbled. I am making my own deodorant.
Homemade Deodorant Recipe
There are about a thousand different homemade deodorant recipes to choose from. If you’re interested in scoping them out, here are some of the better ones I found:
Kitchen Stewardship wrote about her baby steps (which eventually became sort-of the recipe I’m using). This is a great blog for all kinds of nourishing and real foods ideas, as well.
This is the recipe I REALLY wanted to make, but thought I’d keep it simple (stupid) for this blog. It uses shea butter and cocoa butter – pure pitty heaven.
And Eco Friendly Daily even uses beeswax. Hmm.
But today, we’re going to go super traditional and make the recipe that uses three ingredients (plus I added essential oils, because I could).
What You Need
- 1/4 c. baking soda
- 1/4 c. cornstarch or arrowroot powder
- 5 Tbsp. coconut oil
- Essential oils (optional – I used 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 4 drops of sweet orange, and 2 drops of tea tree)
Mix everything together very well in a small container. As it’s really warm around these parts still, my coconut oil would not solidify, so I opted to just keep it all in a pretty glass jar (which you will see in a minute). However, I hear tell that this solidifies to the point where you can pack it in an old deodorant container and use it just like you normally do. I may try that, if things seem to get a little more solid soon.

Aren’t You Going To Stink?
Well, that’s the big question. I feel fairly confident I won’t, after reading so many other first-hand successful stories about this deodorant. But only time will tell.
I will report back in three weeks to let you know how it’s going/how it went and whether or not Fiance left me for a fresher-scented woman.
Of the many reasons I need to do this, finally, the biggest is this:
Traditional Deodorant is B-A-D
Almost all store-bought (non-organic/natural) deodorant has aluminum as a main ingredient. This is what acts as an antiperspirant (an effective one, sure, which is why I hesitated to try this for so long).
It also mimics estrogen in the body, which could really mess up your hormone levels. And it may be linked to breast cancer. And it’s linked to Alzheimer’s.
Um, no. Let’s be done with all that together, yeah?
As far as “greening” my bathroom, this is my final, and probably most important, step.
Are you brave enough to take it with me?
If so, I’d LOVE to hear from you – what your experiences are with homemade deodorant and whether or not you can learn to live with being a little more natural in the underarm areas.
Remember, like so many things, it takes some time for your body to adjust to the new, natural surroundings. I’m reminding you, as well as myself.
Like I said, I’m giving this a three-week, dedicated, hardcore trial before I examine whether or not it’s worth it. Do it with me. I can’t stand to obsessively (if somewhat discretely) sniff myself alone.
We’ll start a three-week pit-sniffing club.
TPS. The Pit Sniffers.
Who’s in?
The experiment is complete. You can read all my thoughts (and the thoughts of others) right here for the climactic conclusion. It’s titillating! And, if you want to try a titillating all-natural deodorant that I made, the Crunchy Market has you covered!
I’ve made a few batches now, and my man and I have both been using it and I can confidently say: We Love It! Even after a hard, soaking wet workout there is no odour. Amazing. Thank-you!
I have a radical suggestion on the topic of deodorant: just stop using it. At all.
I’ve never really understood the point of slathering crap on your underarms. My mom bought me deodorant, twice, when I was a teenager… but after wearing it a few days, I never saw any benefit. Yes, I sweat, and I even have a body odor, but it isn’t unpleasant. You’d have to come stick your nose under my arm to smell it. My boyfriend says, with a tone of disbelief, that I smell fine.
After months of asking, he finally agreed to stop using deodorant some of the time. I can always tell when he’s wearing it– not because of the absence of body odor, but because of the awful deodorant perfume. I vastly prefer his natural scent. Despite this, he is still extremely self conscious about not wearing deodorant, and always feels the need to slather it on when he will be in close proximity to people.
I am firmly convinced that this compulsive need to wear deodorant is really a product of advertising. Companies are capitalizing on our self consciousness by convincing people they need this product they don’t really need. The truth is, as long as you shower regularly (including after exercise), you don’t need deodorant.
I’ve just been using raw organic coconut oil (the exact brand in the picture). It has been working pretty well so far. I haven’t tested it on a hot summer day outside for hours yet. The only thing I noticed is at the end of the day I think I smell a little bit like that “maple syrup” smell, like when your car is burning anti-freeze. But I guess maple syrup is better than BO!
I am in the process of using more natural products on my body so last week I bought a stick of toms of maine deodorant. It made my underarms so raw and itchy that I stopped using deoderant all together for several days and was just using some fresh cut aloe vera to soothe my skin, thank goodness I don’t really sweat under my arms. Since my skin is going back to normal I looked up natural deodorant, found your website and made this today with the changes amy said of decreasing baking soda for sensitive skin. I also only used 5 drops tea tree oil and 2 of eucalyptus since it was what I had on hand but it doesn’t smell very awesome just medicinal. So far I like that it feels silky, smells clean and is not burning my sensitive skin. I was wondering if I supposed to refrigerate it so it wont go rancid? Thanks
I have tried this and loved it, however my armpits got very dark in color. 🙁
i have been using this recipe for a couple of months….love it. However i have noticed the texture has changed it have become more gritty, like the oil may have separated out. Can I reheat and add some more oil? I liked the cocobutter feel initially. Also I dont think I added enough essential oil because it didnt smell strong enough. When/if I reheat can I add more EO?
can coconut cooking oil work too
If you whip the coconut oil with a hand mixer or kitchen aid and then beat in the baking soda you get a lighter creamier mix that works well in the kind of deodorant dispenser they put gel deodorant in.
This is FABULOUS and I know it’s gonna work. But people, PLEASE….remember that cornstarch in this day and age is GMO. I guarantee it. Even if it’s ORGANIC cornstarch, it’s still GMO because of how impossible it is to prevent cross-pollination. So use arrowroot, okay? Because I love you!
I made a batch (thank u for the recipe :)!) and put some of it in an old deodorant container, nto the fridge and to harden faster and when I went to take it out had “melted” through or something. Anyone else experience this. I live in Vancouver, BC. Weather is always comfortable here.
I forget how I stumbled upon this site, but I am so glad that I did. I purchased this deodorant a couple months ago, and I am officially converted from the commercial stuff. I love that the product arrived in a reusable jar and included instructions to make it myself. Since I am totally addicted to this deodorant, I have ordered the ingredients to make my own “refill.” Thank you so much!
I have been using a similar recipe (1 less tbsp. coconut oil & 10-20 drops eo) for about a year that I discovered on a blog. I always had stinky pits, and the stronger the anti-persperant the worse my stink. I come from a family of sweaters & thought I’d have to bear the burden forever, but this homemade deodorant WORKS and has LITERALLY changed my life. I NEVER stink. Ever. It’s unreal. On hot days I can smell the baking soda & coconut working but never an unpleasant smell. It’s a pH thing- the baking soda makes your underarms unhospitable to odor-producing bacteria. I’ve taken to smelling the pits of my shirts before I toss them in the hamper, just to see if I can detect any odor (none to date), & singing “looove my deo, changed my liiiife…” while applying after showers.
I only recently started making my own deodorant. I was also a mega Skeptic of B.O. So for the first couple weeks I did 1 armpit with commercial deodorant & the other with my homemade version to see how it compared. I loved it!! I didn’t stink from my homemade deodorant side as much as I had a “scent’ from the commercial. After about 3 weeks of experimenting & sniffing my commercial/homemade armpits. I was definitely SOLD!! I haven’t used commercial deodorant since December. Won’t go back either!!
I use a very basic variation on this recipe, just coconut oil and some patchouli essential oil and it works perfectly, although I do smell like a bit of a 60’s hippy (yes I am old enough to remember the 60’s). Will try with a different essential oil.
A doctor once told me that If you stink, you are lacking in zinc! So you might try using zinc to see if that helps. It helped me. I didn’t stink under my arms, but I wanted to amputate my feet! phew! Now, they don’t even stink. And, when I use deodorant, when I go to shower, it smells just like it did when I put it on.
Usually the reason you “stink” is actual the food you are eating. The more processed food you eat, the stinkier.
I have been using this concoction for many years, and have shared it with many. I wish I could remember who gave me the recipe so I could credit them! The biggest complaint is that “I still stink” or “I still sweat”, but those who hung in there ended up loving it. As for the stink, I believe your body does take a few weeks to adjust — as well as expel all the chemicals & junk from your pores (that’s my unscientific opinion). I was admittedly a little stinky in the beginning, but my body adjusted and well, I stank no more! As for the sweat, everyone is different. I sweat more with store-bought. I sweat FAR less with this stuff. I think it’s that my body is happy with the lack of chemicals so it isn’t working so hard to get it the heck out 🙂 My husband is a baseball player and very sweaty under the pits and hasn’t gone so far as to entrust his pits to me (isn’t that what marriage is about?!), but he did take my advice and stop using his ultra-extra-hulk-strength deodorant for a few days in place of something simple like baby powder. He actually sweat SO much less, but the baby powder irritated his skin so he stopped. He won’t let me make him his own deodorant yet, but maybe if I make it smell like bacon….
For me, I only use 2-3 heaping tablespoons of the coconut oil. Any more, and it becomes a wet mess under my arms. Any less, it clumps.. as someone commented happened to them. I pour it into a cleaned-out deo container and stick it in the fridge for an hour or so to firm up. Then it’s usually fine sitting out, unless it’s warm. I keep it in the fridge in the summer.
I made some of this lovely stuff today, and I was just wondering about how much i should use? As much as i can get to soak in or…?
I don’t really use deodorant at all anymore. I keep telling myself that I’ll make one but I just don’t use deodorant enough to justify using my nice coconut oil for it. I don’t find I get THAT smelly even in the summer, definitely not in the winter. at least I don’t think so…
One thing people should be clear on is that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is naturally aluminum free. it’s baking powder that has aluminum in it, in which case you need to buy aluminum-free. But you don’t use baking powder in this or generally any cleaning or beauty recipe that I’ve seen — only when baking!
Thanks for the link to the Angry Chicken blog deodorant recipe. I made it and loved it!
So glad I ran across this recipe. I have been using it for 6 months now with great success. I used tea tree oil and lemon oil. I have tweaked the amounts (of oils) with each new batch to get it just right for me. I carried “emergency deodorant” in my purse for the first couple of months out of fear that my homemade stuff would fail me. I have never had a problem and don’t keep the back up anymore. I have considered trying some of the more complex recipes, but have been so pleased with this, I figure why change!
Store bought deodorants always left me stinky; no matter which brand or what strength, the time of the year or how active (or inactive). My pits always, always had BO. I made a condensed version of this recipe (just the cornstarch and bs) and it is fantastic! I keep the mix in a small round container and apply using a powder puff while my skin is still damp from showering. Cannot see myself going back to store bought deodorant ever again thx so very much!!!
Can use anything besides coconut oil? I don’t have any right now and I wanna try it. 8P
I found this recipe somewhere else and i have been using it for over a month, but it doesn’t work for the sweat part at all… It doesn’t stink but i sweat so much! When I have meetings or events I need to use another deodorant. Is it jsut me? Because it seems like everyone is raving about it and I understand that we are all different…
the deodorant is not an antiperspirant (ie it doesn’t keep you from sweating) as the article notes. it only keeps you from smelling when you sweat!
Hi Betty,
I’ve only just recently started lurking around your site (all the way from Australia, it’s been a long-distance lurk!) and I’ve just set aside the seconds it took to whip up this deodorant. I’ve only just popped it on – however we’re heading into summer so I will let you know how the pit test goes from Sydney. So far so good though!
Thank you so much for your site: always gives me a good holler ‘n’ hoot. In a good way.
Lisa xx
Hi, CB! I am about to make a second batch of your original deodorant. It totally works, and has yet to fail me, even with all the sweltering weather summer gifted us with. Really love – thanks for sharing
Wow! This really works! After using a commercial aluminum-free deoderant for 6 weeks and, I might add, stinking all the while, I found this recipe. It works great. It works all day. It works in our 52 day streak of 90 degree weather this summer. And that’s sayin’ something!
Do I need to use essential oils? (I don’t have any, but I do have vanilla extract. Is that similar enough to use?)
This deodorant recipe WORKS! I just returned from three weeks in Israel and the Jordanian desert hiking. Not a hint of odor. Thank you!!
This is the best!!! I added 20 drops of lavender, 20 of tea tree, and 5 of eucalyptus. I also added more cornstarch in an effort to make it more solid so I could pour it into an old deodorant container and use it like a solid deo. That didn’t happen in the Dallas summer heat, though!! I put it in the fridge and it did solidify, but I realized I liked using it in the liquid form instead! So I let it melt outside the fridge and poured it into a jar, and stick my finger in and get a pea sized amount and smear it on my armpits. Maybe that sounds gross but it is so silky smooth it feels great!! The scent is AMAZING! I can’t stop smelling my pit haha! I used to not like the coconut smell because it smelled like something I wanted to eat instead, but now I can only smell the lavender. I have used it outside in the summer heat and it keeps me dry and smelling good. It really does work!! And this is coming for a girl who used to SLATHER on commercial, aluminum filled deodorant!!
I did read the warnings of some peope having a bad reaction–when I was making it, I kept putting it on because I couldn’t wait to try it, and I put on too much and got a little irritation. So my advice is to not go overboard! You don’t need it! Also, if you put too much on it clumps…but that is easy to fix, you just wait till it dries and rub the excess off. Try this, you will be so happy you did!!!!!
Thank you so much for this! I have been using for 2 months and used less baking soda. It has been perfect! I shave less even and no irritation. No smellys either!
I hate to tell you this, but baking soda is very high in aluminum, so you may not be avoiding it after all! Makes you re-think all the baked products we eat too doesn’t it?
Baking soda does not have aluminum….baking powder does.
My SIL bought me a jar of homemade deodorant with the baking soda, coconut oil & cornstarch. I loved it…except the red, irritated & sometimes itchy armpits. When I ran out of the homemade I went back to the store bought stuff & my pits sweat, which they never really did before, and I have pit odor issues. I plan to make more homemade deodorant this weekend and pitch the store bought junk!
Use this now – for the last 2 months . . . . .it is super great (I used Grapefruit extract) — love it!!
I started making my own deoderant about a year ago because I couldn’t find a commercial one that really worked. Mine is a two step deoderant. I use coconut oil with a couple drops of tea tree oil and mix in a small jar; then I mix equal amounts baking soda and corn starch with a few drops tea tree in a jar and shake it. So first I rub a small amount of the first mixture under the pit and follow with the powder version. I also started using a 100% natural soap and with this combination I never smell–not even after a workout.
Your blog really got me to research my stuff and although the no ‘poo regime didn’t work for my hair (thick/wavy/long…i also work in housekeeping and my hair gets sweaty a lot), you’ve inspired me to switch all my beauty products to natural ones. I now use a coconut milk and egg-white based shampoo/conditioner with no chemicals or anything unnatural added in and it works great. However, I bought an all natural deodorant that did not work. It worked for maybe 3 hours before I started to faintly smell. Since your deodorant has a high success rate, I am going to try this one, and I have a feeling it is going to be amazing!
I am interested in the shampoo/conditioner you use. Is it store bought or homemade? Thanks
I’ve been using this for a year now, and I LOVE it!!!!! I have had no problems with odor, not like with store bought deodorants. I tell everyone about how wonderful (and easy) it is!
I made this about two weeks ago and was ecstatic about it. To see if it would work well, I tried it on my left armpit, leaving my right armpit as the control side. Well I have a huge rash just on that left side. In all honesty, I thought maybe I was having a reaction to allergens due to the time of year or new supplements I tried, but it is just concentrated in the only area I have put the deodorant. Anyone know how to calm and heal a bad, itchy rash? Its miserable!
I also found I would get a rash, though not as severe as you’ve described. I got this recipe from another forum and this seems to be a common complaint. But DON’T give up!! The high proportion of baking soda seems to be the culprit for many, and is easily fixed.
I now make it with soda:arrowroot:coconut oil in the ratio of 1:3:2. I also apply a little neat coconut oil to the armpits before applying the deodorant. I find this really eliminates any irritation.
I’d suggest try it with this recipe and see how you go. Best of luck!!
Try 6 tbsp corn starch and 2 tbsp baking soda (instead of 1/4 cup each). I have sensitive skin and haven’t had a problem with it this way.
Before trying this recipe I was using Tom’s deodorant which doesn’t work. I’ve been using this homemade deodorant for almost two months now and I’m happy to report it works as well as my antiperspirant that I used to use! I’m amazed! I’ll never go back to store-bought deodorant. Thanks for your post!
So glad to hear that! I’m using Tom’s now and it is terrible! After a couple hours, it wore off. I’m making this recipe tomorrow 🙂
I don’t quite get this right. =/ made a batch, loved the smell! I put it in a small tin container and intended to keep it in the fridge. It became rock solid, so i tried just storing it in the bathrrom. It totally melted. And it sort of separeted, baking soda paste on the bottom and oil and EO on top. Kinda messy. =( So I put it in an old rollerball deodorant container, shaking it before every use. It worked fine for a while, but then after about two weeks it settled in the bottom and would not mix with the oil at all. And it started to smell kinda bad, so maybe I didn’t sterilize enough. It didnt get creamy at all, just either rock solid or liquid. Any tips or ideas? The formula worked just fine, it kept me nice smelling and everything, it’s just problem with the storing. =(
I tried this a while ago and it worked great against odor but would gather in lumps and flake off through the day I’d always be covered in it. I tried it solid and melted, the solid stick would just melt as I was applying it, has anyone else had this problem? Am I using too much maybe?
I have been using this for over a month now, and I am a fan! NO PONG EVER, and I live in a hot climate, I keep saying to my husband, “I can’t believe it, there is No Smell Ever..my clothing stays fresh which is amazing as when I used usual deodorant, it would still ponk a bit at the end of the day. Not now. Thank you very much!!
I just tried this last weekend and have loved it so far. However my bathroom got fairly warm and it completely melted and seperated. Fortunately I hadn’t transferred it from the jar yet so it wasn’t a mess. I remixed and stuck it in the fridge. It has been solid ever since. I have noticed I need to reapply at night unlike the store boughts or crystal I have used in the past.
You know what I noticed about using this recipe??!! My arm pit hair actually gross a lot less. I think the deodorant companies being that they are mostly the same ones that make our razors, are keeping us in a vicious cycle
I LUV it!! Have been using it for 3 weeks now and it works great! I made it with the cornstarch since I didn’t have the arrowroot. Didn’t use the essential oils it smells great by itself! I have my daughter starting to use it too (she’s 10 and already starting with the BO !) and she really likes it too! So excited is so natural. Thanks for the recipe.
Ok, like another commenter said at one point, I have been lurking around on this blog for a few weeks now. And I love it!! Betty – awesome job! I can’t keep myself from commenting anymore because I absolutely LOVE this deodorant. I even convinced my boyfriend to try it and he did begrudgingly, though he wouldn’t let me put any essential oils in it. He’s very paranoid of stinking. But wonder of wonders, he loves it too! We call it magic deodorant. I made mine with more baking soda (aluminum free just in case 😉 ) and more arrowroot to get it to a more deodoranty consistency. I’m so tempted to give little jars to all my friends because I love it so much. Hmmm…I’m only questioning that because they might think I’m subtly trying to tell them they stink. Oh, social niceties be damned! I’m going to do it anyways!
I’m trying to win my husband over in the natural-products section of our lives as well and he’s very skeptical. I was wondering if any men had tried it, I’m glad you posted!
I just made this last night. I have struggled for years with the fear of bo and being smelly. I am a sweaty girl. So I thought, what the heck do I have to lose?? I mixed 1 T coconut oil with 1/4 t baking soda (I read the horror stories and I was scared, since I have sensitive skin, so I dialed it back) and 1/2 t cornstarch. Then I added 1 drop eucalyptus, 2 drop tea tree, and 5 drops orange EOs. I put it on after my shower and before bed – I usually wake up feeling stinky, even with deodorant – today I’m noticeably dry and smell only like my new deodorant! The best part is that I have large breasts that also sweat badly – I used some under them and in my cleavage last night and clean and stink free there too! You have literally changed my life.
I have been using this deodorant for a couple of years now, and would NEVER go back to store bought. Just a suggestion as you mentioned you have sensitive skin – if you find you get a reaction (ie red spots or other inflammation), just adjust to a ratio of 1 part baking soda to 3 parts cornstarch. I don’t have sensitive skin (luckily) but found I was getting like little zits in my armpits after a few weeks. After playing around with the recipe, I found a 1:3 ratio works OK.
Just in case you get a similar type of problem 🙂
Just hit the 3 week mark and I have to say, I’m never going back to store bought! For the first 4 days, yes, I felt damp and even downright wet a couple of times but that soon passed. Considering that clinical strength anti-perspirant wasn’t enough to keep me dry before, that was “no sweat” 🙂 I did bring a small container of it to work that first week to reapply in the washroom. A couple of notes: I didn’t have coconut oil, so I substituted organic shea butter, warmed to liquid on the stove. For EO’s I chose clove oil, sweet orange oil, tea tree oil and half tsp vanilla extract and I love the scent. My friend said I smell like vanilla cake lol. Last point: for me, it doesn’t last 24hrs, so I reapply before bed and all’s well.
Mercola is not a scientific website.
I use alum — more precisely, I use a sort of refined alunite stone bought abroad. I researched it but that was ages ago so I have no links to offer for it, but it’s easy enough to find information on the web. Alum does not go through the skin, provided the skin is not broken. So there is a risk. But at least it is free of many other carcinogens that find their way into industrially-made deodorants.
This deodorant is AMAZING! I have been using the strongest I could find and still would stink before the day was over. I made this recipe earlier this week and have had NO BODY ODOR ever since. I am totally a convert and am telling all my friends about it! THANK YOU!
Ok, I have my homemade deodorant that I’ve been using for 3+ years. I often hear ppl complain they have to keep using stronger and stronger deodorants for them to work or even prescription ones. I’ve given my deodorant to ppl with these problems, and it really does work. This is what I do…
1/2 Part Corn Starch1/2 Part Baking SodaDepending on the amount you want to make, you need to add 10+ drops of Tea Tree and 10+ drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil. Start off small and increase as you go.Mix together in a large bowl using a wooden spoon kind of “smushing” the oils in the powder as you go, and once you’ve added enough oil you’ll get a powder that sort of is thick and not so fluffy anymore. Store in a closed container. When you apply the powder mixture, just pinch a small amount in your fingers and rub on the entire surface of the arm pit. I usually do this with clothes on already. There may be a small tingle, so wait until you’re fully dry after the shower to apply. If it is not strong enough, just simply add more oils to your mixture.
Just that will usually last me all day, and I never smell! Good luck. I may try adding the coconut oil to my mixture as well. Thanks. – Sarabella
Do I use refined or unrefined coconut oil?
I have to say that I love this deodorant. I have been using it for a month or so. My regular stuff was not cutting it and I was running low. Instead of switching brands I tried this one. It has been great. Even my boyfriend tried it, when he ran out of his. Only complaint it’s a little soft.
Mia, try just virgin coconut oil and see what you think. I use it with the Thai crystal mist because I was totally addicted to the feel of solid antiperspirant/deo. Worked through my latest pregnancy, too, with no rashes or stinkies. 🙂 HTH!
I’ve been using Thai crystal mist and VCO for 2 years. Love them! I have absolutely no stinkies at all. VCO has not only anti-bacterial properties, but also anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. I use it for all sorts of things… spoon it in my coffee for a thyroid boost, hair frizzies (about to go no ‘poo!), dry skin, topical yeast deterrent, when my eyes are dry during allergy season, oh my is there anything that VCO isn’t good for? As long as you’re not allergic to coconut. 😉 I wax instead of shave and must admit that in the winter months… well, the waxes are fewer and farther between. So, I will probably try this recipe with a bit less BS since my skin is ultra sensitive, and different EOs depending on what I have on hand. Can’t wait to smell oh, so yummy!
Thai Crystal Mist uses potassium alum. Do a little research because they are clearly not aluminum-free and it still poses a possible Alzheimer’s risk and contributes to background toxicity in your body-
the full chemical name of potassium alum is potassium aluminum sulfate.http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/02/16/aluminum-lurks-in-crystal-deodorants.aspx
Ok. So I made the homemade deodorant recipe a few weeks ago, except with no essential oils. It came out a little gritty, but I tried it and it seemed to work great. Then over the next few days my armpits started to itch like crazy. Like, the skin was crusting over and peeling (sorry, gross). I tried skipping shaving for a few days but it didn’t help. I ended up buying a commercial natural deodorant, because I absolutely won’t put Dove or Degree or whatever on my body anymore. I’m frustrated that the homemade stuff didn’t work for me. I’m also pregnant- so who knows, maybe it was just the hormones being funky. Anyone else’s armpits react this way??
The “grittyness” of the mix was probably due to the non use of the essintial oils. Since there was nothing to dilute or “melt” the mixture it could have made it rough, just use a little more coconut oil. Also the cornstartch was more than likely the culprit of the “crusting” pits try using arrowroot instead 🙂
Hi Mia
I’ve been using this type of home made deodorant for about three years. At the start I developed itchy red bumps under my armpits, though didn’t get the peeling you’ve described. After much experimenting I found that modifying the dry ingredients to 1 part baking soda to 3 parts arrowroot/cornstarch fixed the problem. Before applying it I rub some neat coconut oil under my armpits, then add my deodorant on top of that. This results in NO irritation and the mixture is still very effective for well over 24 hours.
I’d suggest you try again and modify it to the proportions I’ve suggested. Maybe start with making a small amount – say 1 tsp soda, 3 tsp arrowroot & 1-2 tsp solid coconut oil, and see if it is better for you.
I do hope it works, as I reckon this is just about the best thing ever, and I’m SO glad not to be using a toxic mess on my body every day.
Best of luck!!
If you do decide to put this in a regular container, I have found using a wooden stick (like what you buy to wax at home) will apply this nicely.
will this recipe set enough to be put into a stick?
mine did. My husband uses it all the time.
I use a recipe similar to this one and LOVE IT!! I will N-E-V-E-R go back to wearing traditional deodorant. I used grapefruit oil in mine.
The almond oil worked! I’m not sure if it is exactly what you use, because it was the almond oil out of my baking supply, I used about 10 drops and it smells amazing. I keep sniffing, having my fiance sniff and am proudly showing off the supply to friends, who think I have gone a little crazy 😉 I just washed my face last night with your oil suggestions, and the corn starch has saved my hair while I go no ‘poo (water washing only). Thanks again for this amazing website!!
Wow — this is such a great site, I am having so much fun exploring all of your articles, thank you!! I switched my fiance over to equal parts baking soda/corn starch after not being able stand the smell of any of the regular store-bought deodorants — day one, he smelled just like him (in a good way) and has never had a stinky day since!! The batch didn’t stay well on me (he has hair there, and I shave mine away) so I kept using a natural deodorant, but just made the recipe you have above (except with almond oil) and can’t stop sniffing, I smell so good! Thanks so much, I’ve been using coconut oil for a while as a moisturizer, but hadn’t thought to use it in deodorant. This website rocks!!
Yay! Your comment made my whole entire day!
The advantage of using coconut oil over others is that coconut oil has some pretty awesome antibacterial properties that help keep the stinkies away, y’know? I’m curious if the almond oil worked, though. Let me know if you ended up happy with your formulation and what it was!
Did you alter this recipe since you said it’s a bit liquidy? Or just store it in the jar? Also, just curious if you had Fiance try it out too! My biggest drawback to trying a homemade deodorant is that most people say it takes a few days/weeks for your body to adjust. If I didn’t have to go to work during that time, that would be OK. But I’m afraid-I like my co-workers 🙂
Actually, I didn’t alter it. It turned out, it was just really warm here in Colorado for a few days, so it stayed liquid-ish for a while until it got cooler. I notice it doesn’t make one bit of difference whether it’s in a liquid or solid state (when it’s solid, I just scrape out a pea-sized glob for each side and rub it on, it melts right away) in terms of its “potency.” Works either way just fine.
Heh. I hear what you’re saying about being afraid to be around coworkers. First, I think trying it in the cooler/colder months would REALLY help with that weird adjustment period. Another idea: Just put some of it in a small, portable jar and reapply during the day if you start to feel worried about the smell. At least until your body has adjusted.
My sister also recommended carrying around a small bottle with about 10 drops of tea tree oil (and you could use apple cider vinegar in it too) and water to spray on during the day if you start to feel a little questionable in the stinky department.
Questionable in the Stinky Department
I want to write a book with that title some day.
I read this just in time! Although, I actually wandered over here from Twitter to find the cocoa powder in the hair thing…
I’ve been using a crystal deodorant for ages. Ages and ages, actually. Over the past few months by armpits have become less than thrilled with it and I’ve decided that I have built up some type of reaction to it and needed to find something new. I can’t go back to a plastic container with a chemical solid, and I don’t want a chemical spray. I was debating a vodka spritz, to be honest, but have been looking at recipes for solid-ish deodorants, too. I like the sound of the coconut oil, cornstarch and baking soda but I think I’ll go light on the baking soda.
I’ll mix up a batch tonight 🙂
Oh, and anytime you switch, expect a few weeks of transition. It’s a detox-type process, especially from a traditional deodorant!
Woohoo! Let me know how it goes for you. My biggest tip: Wait an hour after shaving to apply the deodorant. I’ve been doing that since I made the mistake at the beginning, and have only had really mild itching. Nothing like the first night.
Hi all! I’ve been using a version of this deodorant for three months. I am a convert and will not look back. It works better for me than commercial aluminum-based deodorants ever did.
My armpits got a little red and raw when I used equal parts coconut, cornstarch, and baking soda. This had to be due to the abrasive and caustic nature of baking soda, so I upped the amount of coconut oil to where now it’s 3 parts coconut oil (or more!) to 1 part baking soda and 1 part cornstarch, and my pits are very happy. So play with the amounts; coconut oil by itself is supposed to have mild anti-bacterial properties. Some people even use it straight as a deodorant. I’ve used jojoba with a few drops of EOs, and it worked, too, although not as long as this concoction.
Re: essential oils… I use lemongrass and lavender. Never had any sensitivity. HTH!
It does seem like this stuff runs the gamut for people (probably depending on their skin type). It was probably the baking soda that caused the intense burning sensation I had the first night (after applying it directly after shaving). Since then, it’s been a LOT better. But I could see how more sensitive skin might have problems with this much baking soda.
Lemongrass and lavender smells lovely. Next batch, that’s what I’m using.
Thanks so much!
I made this deodorant last year for myself and hubs. We both loved it and it worked better than any nasty commercial pit stick out there at repelling odors. Several of my friends asked if they could order it from me, and I thought I had the makings of a nice little business. Then, about six weeks in, my pits became covered in red, itchy, painful bumps. Then they became raw – all the skin came off my armpits! As they healed, I had dark, leathery patches for weeks and I couldn’t wax or shave. I was completely miserable. I realized that baking soda was the culprit – it’s an irritant to many people when used in such a concentrated form. I added Shea butter to the recipe and cut back on the baking soda and it got a little better, but then was less effective at eliminating odor, which was kinda the whole point. So, I abandoned it in favor of a natural, store-bought brand that is less effective than the original recipe. I have to reapply 2-3 times a day, but my pits no longer look like fruit roll-ups, so it’s a trade-off I can live with. My husband and our friends still love the homemade stuff, so I make it for them, cursing bitterly all the while. :-/
Thank you for sharing your experience! It actually concerned me for a brief second, because the first night I used this, my armpits started burning (quite a bit) in the middle of the night. However, I used it RIGHT after shaving!
So tonight, I waited an hour after getting out of the shower to use it (totally remembering your experience and wondering what I’d gotten myself into), and so far NO irritation whatsoever. I guess the true test will be tonight, in the middle of the night, and whether or not I wake up with burning.
Sorry your experience was icky, but it’s good news that it worked for your hubs and friends!
Come back soon, yeah?
I’m so glad it’s working for you; most people don’t have the problems I had. I think part of it was that I was newly post-partum and my hormones were making me more sensitive than usual. I’m going to give it another shot and see what happens just using it when I have to go out, and use the other stuff around the house where it doesn’t matter if I’m a little less than petal fresh. Oh, and my husband insists on having his in a traditional deodorant container, so in the summer when it’s runny, we keep it in the fridge so it stays solid. It works great that way and the cold temperature seems to make it even more effective.
I switched to homemade deodorant and moisturizer a couple weeks ago and am loving it. I was previously using the prescription-strength antiperspirants because I just felt like I was too sweaty. But now that I have been using the homemade formula, I find I hardly sweat at all! I’m finding that with my hair too-I went no-‘poo and after a few days of greasiness my oil production has normalized, my scalp is healing up, and my hair feels great (dry curly hair is now soft and manageable without gel!). Once you stop stripping your body of natural oils and bombarding it with toxins, it calms down just fine. It feels so great to know that I’ve stopped putting all those nasty chemicals and toxins on my body and am now using only homemade products with natural ingredients.
Yes! YES! I LOVE to hear things like this. It seems like so often we’re so trapped in what we’re used to doing (and feeling like we have the “results” we can live with) that new, natural things seem scary and ineffective.
It just takes a little time and patience. That is all.
And when the time and patience have paid off, you FEEL so much better for it.
Thank you so much for your comment! It totally drives home a perfect point.
Thanks! The discussion inspired me to write my own post on what I’ve done-see below!
I also went no ‘poo and loved it, then recently took the ultimate plunge… soap free! I just use the same baking soda solution that I use on my hair to clean my skin and it works incredibly well. In fact, I have far less underarm wetness and odor since washing with the soda water. I’m also finally ready to start the oil cleansing method on my face – I’ve been moisturizing with olive oil and aloe vera for several months now and my skin has never been better. I’m an esthetician, so I’m pretty picky, and the oil works for my combination oily skin!
I’m definitely getting close to a trial of no ‘poo, but I realized yesterday (while sitting around with honey, yogurt, and cocoa powder on my hair) that I might have to give up the hair masks I so adore. At least for a while. That’s going to make it a little harder for me.
Tell me how the oil cleansing works for you! I’ve fallen off the wagon (due to trying so many other things, and general forgetfulness), and it has, by far, been my favorite way to cleanse. It’s scary for a minute, and then, once you see the results, you’re like, “No WAY! Why haven’t I been doing this my whole life?”
With you being an esthetician, I’m extra curious to see how it goes for you and what you think about it.
Just found your blog today and I’m having fun exploring. I love the thrill of making something cheaper than I can buy it, too! And it’s always better for you. BONUS! I have been using a version of your deodorant recipe for about 2 weeks now (found it somewhere else). I’m very pregnant–due in 4 days–and it seems to be working for the stink. I used lavender and just a little tea tree oil in mine. The smell is divine! However, I do have a red rash under both arms. My guess is that the tea tree oil is too strong for the delicate underarm skin. My philosophy is that I’d rather have a rash from a pure oil than cancer from aluminum! Oh, and I do stink by morning, but then it’s shower time anyway and that could have to do with pregnancy hormones.
Yikes! Red rashes are not fun (or comfortable, in the pitty area). I have read that some people are very sensitive to the cornstarch (if it’s not organic, it could have a lot of other icky stuff in it that causes sensitivity).
Here’s my experience so far: Only a little wetness, no smell whatsoever, and a great deal of underarm discomfort the first night. However, I put it on RIGHT after the shower (which meant right after shaving) and I think that must’ve played the biggest part in it. Since then, I’ve waited an hour after showering to put it on. So far so good.
But a lot of that really could be the pregnancy stuff. Hormones do such unpredictable things to your body. If those little babies weren’t so darned cute …
I love this thread… your post AND all the great comments! However, I am going to join those who’ve adopted the wait and see attitude and rely on you to be our guinea pig. Looking forward to your progress reports.
I am also going to reveal weird armpit trivia of my own just for you… ever since I had my armpits electrolicized (is that a word?) I hardly ever even need deodorant. There. Weird but true.
I react, eventually, to all deodorants. Well, I don’t know about the really au naturalle ones because I never used them long enough because they don’t work. I can’t stand being sweaty or stinky in the pits.
But I’m perpetually switching deodorants every few months because they will all eventually cause me to itch and break out.
But yes, I’m on the “waiting to see if Crunchy Betty becomes stinky Betty” side. (Not that you’ll be any less scrumptious if you are stinky. But, I worry about the people I work with.)
I have a friend who’s the same way. She still hasn’t found anything that works (but she does only use natural stuff now). We haven’t discussed deodorant lately, so I’ll have to ask her if she’s found something that works yet. I’ll pass it on if she has.
Seems to me, she said her favorite thing thus far has been the “rock” deodorant. But that doesn’t help with perspiration.
Pits are a PITA.
And if you quit your job, you can stink all day. Another bonus.
Wow, you got a lot of people jumping on the Crunchy Betty stinky bandwagon I see. Hmmm, let me think about it…nope, I’ll wait for the results and see if you’re still betrothed in 3 weeks.
Aw, man. What’s the point of living if you don’t take chances on stinking up the place once in a while?
Two days in, and so far no stink. But my right pit burned this morning when I woke up. Probably from dousing my pits in the stuff right after shaving last night.
Next step: Stop shaving.
Just kidding.
Hey! This is the first post of yours that I’ve read and I’m intrigued! Though I was literally having the same thoughts as Jen @Lita’s World re: sweating just thinking about it. I didn’t know how bad deodorant is, though, so I’m definitely interested. My body has done some weird things as I’ve aged (When I was about 28, my feet started sweating to the point that my skin blistered and peeled. Say what!?!? It was nutty.), and I have allergies so I worry that I don’t know I smell as soon as other people know, so I’m a little paranoid anyway. But I’m very interested to find out how this experiment goes!
My biggest fear right now? That I’ll get used to the “stinky” smell and not even know it’s me.
In the town where I live, there are TONS (seriously) of hippies running around. And they smell very ripe. But I’m pretty sure they don’t know they smell like that, because they’re used to it.
Sooner or later, I’m just going to start asking people on the street to smell me. I’ll be the crazy pit sniffer lady.
Well, I’m gonna be honest here, I would love to do this, but the thought alone makes me nervous and I feel like my pits are sweating as I write this. Can I be brave??? hmmm…this is truly something I SHOULD do as it is the weakest part of my routine and all my attempts to be healthier and more eco-friendly and natural fall short with deodorant. I think if you can try it then I should at least join you for the 3 week test of the pit-sniffing club. I’ll stop for some coconut oil on the way home as I have the other ingredients and I’ll give it a go. I’m off on a road trip for 4-5 days, so the only pit-sniffers will be my hubby and my dog…could be safe.
Yay, Pit Sniffer! Plus, the 4-5 days will maybe be enough that your body will adjust.
I have to be honest, I love it so far, but I’m not sure I would love it as much as I do without the essential oils. The ones I chose are so light and lovely, but kinda sensual. It’s almost like wearing perfume on my underarms.
Enjoy your road trip! Sounds like so much fun right now.
I am all over this…once if I hear from you if it works or not!
I get it. I’m the guinea pig! I guess that’s what I signed up for with this blog, anyway.
For the record, one day in and there’s no stinkiness, no sweatiness, and no funk. But I’ve mostly been sitting in front of the computer all day.
I will report back in three weeks. And then you’re in!
Can’t wait to hear how this goes. I just (like 10 days ago) switched to a natural one. I’m a little stinky, but better than when I first started. I’d love to make my own, if it works. 🙂
I’m curious what natural one you switched to. Of all the ones I’ve tried (as I just said in a comment earlier), Toms has been my least favorite. The one that was in the picture – Nature’s Gate Autumn Breeze – is one of the better ones. But I still haven’t ever been 100% happy with natural deodorants (probably because I didn’t give them dedicated time to work).
I really like the smell of the one I made here – a lot. It’s very mysterious. I have mysterious armpits.
Oh I’m so excited to have found you! Right now I use Tom’s which sadly still leaves me stinky…I can’t wait to try this but I might have to wait for summer to be over…please keep us posted on how it goes!
I’m with you on the Toms! I’ve tried three kinds of Toms, and I’ve never felt stinkier. Really, the Toms … cardamom? was it? I can’t remember the scent, but it’s the only natural deodorant that I used for a decent amount of time. That also happened to be a time in my life where I hardly ever left the house. So, yeah.
Anyway, no problems so far! And no smelliness. But I haven’t exerted myself. Maybe I’ll go out for a run later. Or just eat a lot of spicy chili. Hehe.
Thanks for the visit!
You are a braver woman than me. Like Jade, though, I would like to try a more natural deodorant and see how it goes. I know that regular deodorant is bad stuff, it’s just hard to give it up. Fall and winter is always a good time to try out new adventures like this. Good luck and I’ll be following your results!
Y’know, I’ve tried countless natural deodorants, and I’ve never liked any of them. However, I will say that I never gave them a dedicated few-week-long trial before giving up on them.
Maybe my motivation to be consistent all needs to come from the fact that I actually made it myself. Then, once I’m used to it, I can easily transition to store-bought. If I have the money. That stuff is so expensive.
Who’d have ever thought not stinking was so much work?
I’ve read that it takes some time to…um…detox, if you will. You might go through a week or two of some stinkiness, but it will eventually disappear. I’ve also read about spray-on deodorant just on an as-needed basis…basically a TTO spritz that will help take away the stinkiness from bacteria. Maybe you can do that during the detoxifying period. I am scientific.
Thanks, sister. You are very scientific.
And your family is missing one in that picture. Where’s my little clicker?
Because I’m too lazy to send you an actual email, check out Saving Naturally on Thursday. It will be fun.
I will use up the deodorant I have left then make my own. Tank top wearing season will be over then. I might try the beeswax one…
Yeah. I was really happy with the timing on this – it’s still warm enough to test it, but cool enough that I won’t completely crack and go back to the old ways.
Tell me how the beeswax one goes for you. The shea butter will be the next one I try, but if beeswax works for you, I’ll go for it too.
Wow you are brave and good luck! I’m not with you this time to be honest, although I’m going to have a good look when me deo runs out and see if I can get a natural/organic one here which is better for me.
Haha. Thanks. Y’know, so far so good. It was a little itchy at first, but I’ve had no problems yet.
This will seriously feel like the biggest green win EVER if it works.
Thanks for dropping by!