If you only put food on your face once this week, make it nutmeg.
I doubt I can even come close to how amazing this simple nutmeg microdermabrasion treatment is.
In fact, I haven’t been this excited about a beauty treatment since the Mocha-Frappuccino facial mask.
This is that good.
It’s probably doubly better because you walk around with just the slightest scent of nutmeg for a few hours after you do it. So hopefully you’re prepared for someone to lick you after.
It wouldn’t be their fault. You’re really that irresistible.
I’ve done this three times in the last two weeks – just to make sure it’s really as awesome as I think it is. And it is.
As a note, though, I did it last week right after doing the oil cleansing. That produced the best, most baby-bottom-esque results. So if you ever oil cleanse, do this right after washing. You. Will. Love. It.

Nutmeg Microdermabrasion and Exfoliator
- 1/2 Tbsp ground nutmeg
- 1 Tbsp whole milk
- 1 small bowl
Combine the nutmeg and milk in the small bowl, stirring well. Starting with a clean face, massage the nutmeg/milk mixture lightly over your face in small circles, always moving upwards. If you’re brave and don’t mind getting a little messy, do this on your decolletage, as well. It would make for a very glowing, soft neck and chest.
After you’ve exfoliated for 5-10 minutes, rinse well with warm water and pat dry.
When I’ve done this, I haven’t wanted to add any moisturizer on top for a few hours. My skin just feels too perfect to add anything to it. But you could tone and moisturize directly after, if you don’t have time to wait a few hours (say, before going to sleep or putting on makeup).
This treatment is GREAT for oily skin and acne. Nutmeg has incredible astringent, antibacterial, and antiinflammatory properties, making it an awesome choice for people with acne-prone skin. Plus, the lactic acid in the milk will act as a very gentle peel for that annoying dead skin that clings to pimples for days.
This treatment is also GREAT for dry skin. Nutmeg is used in tons of treatments for eczema; in addition to its great antibacterial properties, it’s also super nourishing for the skin. So not only are you sloughing off dry, dead skin, you’re nourishing the underlying layers in the process. And the milk, here, will also help with exfoliating–but it also offers fantastic moisturizing properties. If you have super dry skin, you could even use heavy cream in lieu of the milk.
This treatment is GREAT for normal skin. Seriously, this is just an all-around fabulous treatment that’ll work with any skin type. It’s a great way to get rid of old icky skin and reveal glowing, healthy skin underneath.
But don’t do the nutmeg exfoliating treatment more than once a week. Any more than that, and you could end up damaging your skin more than helping.
In Conclusion
I wish you could all touch my face right this very moment. Instead, I’ll settle for you trying this treatment THIS WEEK and telling me how your face is suddenly 10 years younger. I don’t, however, need to know if anyone licks you as a result of this. That’s your business.
One more thing – it’s perfectly fine, if you happen to have whole nutmeg, to grate it and use freshly grated nutmeg. In fact, that would probably be preferable, if you have the patience to grate 1/2 Tbsp of nutmeg. The fresher it is, the more potent it’ll be.
What do you think?
This one’s pretty cool, yeah?
Just tried this out a few minutes ago and…WOW. My skin is very soft and glowy. Love it!
It’s been several hours since I did this and I still can’t stop touching my face. I have a Mary Kay microdermabrasion “kit” and my face has felt dry again after 4-5 of using that. I don’t know what magic is in nutmeg and milk (only had 2% on hand) but this is fabulous. I only wash my face with water so maybe the natural oils and the milk and the nutmeg and the scrubbing are just a wonderful combination! Seriously, try this if you haven’t.
I wasn’t sure about this until I saw someone else mention here that they liked this better than the Mary Kay stuff. That’s a pretty good scrub but it uses aluminum and I’m much more partial to using plant stuff. So glad I tried this!!
OMG this scrub is awesome!! I used it with kefir and it made my skin soft and glowy. Love love love.
I liked how it worked, also had the burning around my nose but it wasn’t something I could deal with. The after effects was wonderful. My skin felt so smooth. I am hoping that it helps with my skin since I had started breaking out this week.
I have just discovered this blog and tried this method. It does feel fantastic! I’m a skeptic when it comes to home-made remedies, but this feels so nice that I think it’s a worth a shot. I plan on running out to the shops later today to buy some oils and the ingredients for the daily scrub so I can try some more and see if I can get my skin issues sorted out. So please hold thumbs for me!
Did it this morning with freshly grated nutmeg. Did not burn at all (and I have sensitive skin)
I can’t thank you enough for posting this recipe, my face never felt so soft. You made my day.
Merry Xtmas Betty
How many times do I do this a week ?
I just did this…I hope I’m not the only one doing new (new to me anyway) Crunchy Betty methods at midnight…and I cannot stop touching my face. I will definitely be doing this again. There is only one problem – now, I feel the urge to bake a pumpkin pie.
It is absolutely amazing. I didn’t believe it would be that great, but it really is.
i just tried this method and absolutely love the results. i did it from the memory of reading your post though and didn’t think about the order, so scrubbed with nutmeg first and then oil cleansed – still love it though. my skin is so smooth and the blackheads around my nose that i’ve been hoping the OCM would remove are now almost all gone!!
i mixed the nutmeg with home-made kefir – it’s even more potent with lactic acid than milk. thanks so much for your wonderful blog and for all the comments from your readers xxxxooo
I tried this yesterday. I tried to do it for 5 minutes but my skin felt like it was burning so I rinsed it off. Results? Smooth as baby’s butt. I like that it actually got rid of all the flakes but I’m not sure how I feel about the burning.
I’ve been doing it for 4 days now, and it burns my skin too. I’m not sure if I should keep using it or stop
I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog!
For the past year or so, I’ve been searching for natural, homemade, chemical free ways to acheive beautiful skin on my own, and I was overjoyed to stumble upon your blog. I’ve been strictly washing my face with raw, organic honey for the past few monthes, and using a mixture of witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and my own choice of essential oils to tone, aloe vera to moisturize, and I’m very happy with my skin.
I was wondering if the nutmeg/milk mixture could be used as a daily scrub, maybe in the morning, instead of doing the honey cleanse? I was hoping this would help with the few blackheads I have, mostly around my T-zone.
I just found your site about a week ago and I’ve been doing all sorts of things off of it. Just wanted to say that I did this last night after doing OCM and a honey wash and (except for my acne bumps) my skin is so soft and smooth and feels amazing!
You can pop it in the blender, that works pretty good!
This actually stems from ayurvedic medcine practices. You can also use this mixture as a mask, leaving it on for about 2hrs. Then, rewetting before completely rinsing it off to exfoliate. Then rinse and pat dry! Great for eczema and acne especially!!!!!!
This is the first natural homemade mask I’ve tried. I read all of the rave reviews and couldnt resist. I used almond milk instead of milk. I carefully mixed it up, and applied it to my face, making gentle circles with my fingers. After maybe 45 seconds my lips and right above my lips started burning like crazy! I didn’t want to mess around, and immediately rinsed it off. I felt like I had some sort of greasy film on my skin. I had to wash my face all over again to get it off! I really did expect this to be a fun experience, but all I ended up with is a vey messy sink. I’m not sure if I did anything wrong, or if my skin just really doesn’t like nutmeg. I wont give up on this site yet… I love the idea of food on my face!
Hey CindyLouise,
I realise that by now you either abandoned hope or tried again but I do think that maybe you should give it a try with normal whole milk on a small patch first. See if this is an allergy or not. I also tried it and worked great, although when washing, I too felt as if there was a oily film over my face but when I dried out it felt like the oiliness gave way to perfect (still blemished but perfect) baby bottom soft skin. So maybe give it one last chance?
PS. I also couldn’t scrub more than 1 minute, my face was growing numb. I’d say listen to your skin and if need be just scrub as long as you can. I do think it works either way.
Lots of crunchiness! Josie
I just found your site a few days ago while googling for home made lip balm and i love you!! Can’t wait to try all your stuff. I did this nutmeg face scrub yesterday and it was great! My skin was smooth. Felt clean but not that dried out feeling. However i think my nutmeg must be old. It smelled like musty basement! LOL! I think i will get some new and try again. I wish i could just print out your whole site! I want to get your book and hope you write more books with all your great ideas!
I’m so glad that I have found this site. Last night I tried this for the first time, and the results are amazing. I’ve been using the OCM with honey for a few weeks now, and felt I had plateaued in the improvements. Using this has pushed me forward again. I will definitely be adding this to my routine!! Thank you so much!!!
I know this is an old post, but I was wondering (since I just discovered this holy grail of natural health and was just reading the honey challenge posts), do you think you could add nutmeg to the honey as an added bonus for the wash, or would you do the milk/nutmeg after the honey wash?
I’m starting to really get serious about skin/hair care regimens (as well as putting healthy goodness inside of me to help the outside) since I’m getting married in October, and I am SO GLAD I discovered this site! I am so excited to master some of your ideas and incorporate more of them into my routine so hopefully I will be a lovely glowing bride, and be so used to my routine it after that I’ll be a lovely glowing wifey, haha.
Oh my gracious! This is uh-maze-inggggg! Now I just have to try not to constantly pet my face…
Little late to the party, but I recently discovered this site. I just tried this and all I can say is WOW! My skin has never felt so good. I’ve been using baking soda for a microderabrasion for about 6 months to replace my pricy Mary Kay stuff and I’ve loved it. But I can’t even describe how amazing this made my skin feel. The smell ain’t half bad either. 😉 I will be adding this to my routine for sure!
P.S. I didn’t have whole milk, only 1% or heavy whipping cream leftover from making alfredo sauce. I went with whipping cream, and I’m guessing it worked just fine since my skill feels amazing like you said it would.
Thanks for the mention of the Mary Kay scrub. I still have a lot of that left but I find after a few hours that my skin felt dry again. Just did the nutmeg scrub a few hours ago and can’t keep my hands off my face because it’s so soft! Your comment convinced me to try it. Thanks! 🙂
Wow. I’m crazy about nutmeg so I had to try this… not to mention my often-flaky skin, which (despite using the oil cleansing method and a good moisturizer) is rarely what I’d call “soft.” But… wow. My face is smooth and soft, and I’m not sure how else to describe it but that it feels “light.” I guess that’s the effect of exfoliation! I’m adding this to my weekly beauty routine for sure!
wow this really cleared up my acne! 😀
This is the first recipe of yours I’ve tried since finding the site. I have to admit I picked it ’cause it was so easy…I’m keen on keeping my skin on the sunny side of fugly, but I am also sort of lazy! But I ride my bike around in crazy weather all day so something had to be done.
It works wonders! I used coconut milk instead of regular milk which I hope is OK. It seems OK. It seems better than OK, in fact. I am a pleased girl indeed. Thank you! I had no idea nutmeg was so handy for skin.
I love the baking soda, so I’m going to trust you on the nutmeg! I feel like I’m getting so many good ideas bright and early this morning! You rock my face off!
You are a genius. I usually don’t leave comments, but couldn’t help myself this time. I love that it is such a simple recipe, but at the same time better than most commercial products out there. Thank you! Keep them coming!
I just tried this. JUST. I’m still dripping wet, I just HAD to tell you how amazing it is.
I stumbled upon your site a little while ago and I’ve read almost every article. This is the first thing I wanted to try because I just got this gorgeous soap that is full of spices and ground pumpkin seeds and I thought the nutmeg on my face would complement the pumpkin spice on my body quite well. WELL. It DOES, let me tell you. I smell like autumn personified. And my face is softer than it has ever been. I’ve had people tell me I have smooth skin before, but it never felt smooth to me… now it feels like silk. I wish I could do this every day. What you recommend as a daily treatment to get skin this smooth and delicious?
I didn’t have any milk, all I had was vanilla soy, and I didn’t think the flavoring would be so good on my face, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt just to use plain water. It turned out great so I’m assuming it’s not a big problem, it was just super runny and messy, but I hopped in the shower afterward, so no big deal.
Anyway, after this experiment, you’ve definitely got yourself a lifelong fan here. I think my next move is to get some apple cider vinegar for my pimples and dry scalp.
Well, I had a fail moment with this. What I thought was the nutmeg was actually an unmarked bottled of cinnamon (I couldn’t smell since my nose is stuffed to high heaven right now), and I realized my mistake after my face starting burning like hell after two minutes. Now my face is red, warm, and splotchy – but baby soft at the same time.
I hope it goes down. I look pretty awful right now!
Oh no! It’ll go down. It’s interesting to note – I blogged about using cinnamon with vitamin E (or shea butter or other lip moisturizer) to create a natural lip plumper. Sounds like you created a natural face plumper. If you have cucumber, cut a piece and rub it all over your face – it should help with the itchy stingy-ness and the redness.
And label your cinnamon now!
(Also,I hope you get to try the nutmeg one, although I’d wait a few days after this to do it.)
Splotchiness and burning went down after about an hour (suppose I should be thankful it wasn’t cinnamon oil). But when fiance came home, he mentioned how soft my skin was, ha!
Ummmmm…Holy Schnikeys! Betty, thank you…I feel like a new baby, right now! It’s equal parts awesome and sad…that this is as wonderful as it is…but, still knowing there are women out there paying thousands of dollars for a treatment that just cost me all of a dirty spoon. Sweet baby jane…
Oh goodness gracious. This was so amazing. My face is pink and shiny and super-duper happy! AND I smell like Christmas! Thank you, lovely lady!
Yay yay yay! SEE? Yay!
Dude, I cannot tell you how excited I get when people share the good results here.
It’s like Christmas. With nutmeg.
Hoo-Ray!! On my way to check the pantry for Nutmeg. Very timely for both the exfoliating question and Nutmeg for this time of year. Now I am going to have to look up the Pumpkin mask. You know, to go with the Nutmeg and all…
Careful, girl. Between the nutmeg and the pumpkin, someone seriously might just bite right into you.
Totally awesome! My face feels so good! This post came just in time because I think I needed to exfoliate it. Thanks!!
I’m so glad you tried it and loved it!
My favorites are always the simplest, quirkiest recipe ideas that come outta nowhere.
Except, I have to be honest, this one didn’t come out of nowhere. Someone searched “nutmeg microdermabrasion” last week and I thought, “WHAT? NO WAY! I MUST TRY THAT.”
Gotta love Google search reports.
Will I smell like a walking eggnog? That could be cool! Can’t wait to try this!
Ha! Walking eggnog.
Only if you’re juiced up on rum, baby.
Really, though, I guess it does smell a lot like eggnog.
There are so many worse things to smell like.
Like … baked beans.
You come up with the most amazing ideas and treatments. Do you think this one would be okay with someone with eczema?
I have a lovely award waiting for you at my blog. That sounds like a come on, but it’s not. Really, I do have an award for you. 🙂
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
Yay! Thanks for the award! My heart … it is touched.
I don’t think this would make eczema worse (and, like I said, nutmeg is an ingredient in a lot of eczema creams). Just be sure to be VERY gentle while you’re doing it, and don’t do it more than once a week.
Again, I’m not a doctor, so you should do what YOU think is best. As always.
Oh, do you know how much I love you right now. I have a whole jar of nutmeg just waiting for tonight. I’ve been meaning to ask you about the milk. I always have fat free on hand, is the fat super important? Do you know if you can sub other “milks” like soy or rice or hemp? Just wondering.
Did you do it? Did you?
So, here’s the deal: I would stay away from fat free milk on my face – and in my body. It’s just not a good thing to do. (Read Real Food by Nina Planck, if I haven’t already blabbed about it.)
You can totally substitute “other” milks. Especially almond (my favorite). Sub the soy as long as it’s organic and NOT GMO. And rice and hemp would work, too. In fact, hemp is REALLY great in skincare.
I keep forgetting about it, so you just reminded me. I love how symbiotic this is.
Did it, used rice milk since I had some open. LOVE IT! I was in love with the baking soda microdermabrasion, but this? This blew it away. Since I have actual baby butts to compare to, really, my face is that smooth and soft. Next time, hemp milk. I’m really starting to love the hemp milk. Will pick up the book. Thanks! You’re the best!
This is good. I tried to tweet it but this is what I get:
This domain is forbidden! via @crunchybetty
That was weird. I think it was related to my SexyBookmarks plugin. I spent, like, two hours today trying to figure it out. And then I just changed the Twitter shortening service I was using. Problem solved.
Still weird, though. THANK YOU for bringing it to my attention!
hell yes!
I was just thinking “what would Crunchy Betty think of microdermabrasion?” You must be a mind reader!
Yes. Yes, I am. And I know what you’re thinking now, you naughty girl.
No, really. You have to tell me what you think when you try this.
I’m just sad it’s a once-a-week thing. I want to do it every 6 hours.
Love this and I am sooo trying it this week! Thanks for all these great ideas!
I am going to try this. Tonight. I was all set to do the pumpkin mask last night but ‘someone’ threw out my pumpkin.
What is this oil cleanse you speak of?
I blogged about the oil cleansing method way back in, like, one of my very first blog posts. Because it was one of the very first, it was horrible. Terrible. Confusing.
I am going to blog it again soon.
But basically it goes like this: You clean your face with NOTHING other than castor oil and another carrier oil (avocado, sweet almond, and jojoba are my favorites). Without washing your face at all first, you slather on a mixture of those two oils (using about a 3:1 ratio of carrier oil to castor oil ratio – less castor if your face is dry, more if it’s oily).
All you do is rub it in slowly, massaging for 3-5 minutes, and then wipe off with a very warm washcloth.
It’s really fantastic. My favorite way to take off makeup.