If I had my choice, it would be my name. Autumn Sumner, in fact. My name is Autumn. Autumn Sumner. Yes, I am poetically graceful and somewhat of a mythical beauty. Would you like some tea?
The energy is palpable, and every morning is exciting. It’s the air. The air is magic right now.
There’s been so much going on around here – and so much to come – that you should be updated on where we’re at and where we’re going around these parts. Three specific updates in store: The book is available in different formats; a new Crunchy Challenge is coming; and the six lovely ladies who will receive kefir.
Let’s chat, crunchcakes!
Food On Your Face For Acne and Oily Skin – Now Available on Kindle and Nook!
Tell me this isn’t fun. You can now purchase – for yourself or others – Crunchy Betty’s Food on Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin on Amazon or Barnes and Noble!
Here’s the link to buy it on Amazon for Kindle.
And the link to buy it on Barnes and Noble for Nook.
It was no small feat, getting these things ready for eReader programs, so I really, really appreciate everyone’s patience. And if you’ve bought the book (and hopefully LOVE it?), feel free to pop over to either of those links and hit the “like” button – or leave your unbiased review.
On another note, clearly I was in one of those “pie in the sky” mindsets when I thought we’d sell 1500 books immediately. While sales (and feedback!) have been fantastic, they’ve been … oh … about 10% of what my overreaching positivity had projected. SO, that being said, unless we have some kind of nice popping blitz soon, there will likely only be two more 50/50 share giveaways. (But they’re FUN, and one is exceptionally special to Crunchy Betty.)
BUT! If you want to set up a blog interview, please contact me via this page and we’ll rock the house some more.
LASTLY, BIG thanks to Stephanie for creating a sidebar button anyone can use on their blog if they want to promote the book there.
Here’s the code:
<div align=”center”><a href=”http://crunchybetty.com/buy-the-book” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Crunchy Betty’s Food On Your Face eBook” img src=”http://crunchybetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/cbcoversmall-245×300.jpg”/></a></div> <div align =”center”> <form><textarea rows=”4″ cols=”14″><center><a href=”http://crunchybetty.com/buy-the-book” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Crunchy Betty’s Food On Your Face eBook”src=”http://crunchybetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/cbcoversmall-245×300.jpg”/></a></center></textarea></form></div>
Just copy and paste that into a sidebar widget, and – DONE!
Crunchy Betty in October – Get Ready for Another Crunchy Challenge!
For the first time in my nearly two years of blogging, I have actually made an editorial calendar for the month. Hooray at making strides at being, you know … what’s the word? Prepared? Organized? Awesome?
Here are just a few things coming:
- Freshening carpet and fabric naturally
- This week I’m visiting The Goat Cheese Lady (IRL, even!) and learning how to make goat cheese!
- How to get rid of dandruff naturally
- Make easy handmade perfume
- Another Community Question and a Crunchy vs. Soggy!
Those are just a few things, because the last two weeks in October will start a new Crunchy Challenge!
We’ll be getting ready for winter by making home remedies ahead of time AND healthy foods to store ahead. I haven’t decided what we’ll call this challenge yet, but suffice it to say, it will be SO. MUCH. FABULOUS.
Food bloggers! I’m actively scouting for ideas (and guest posts) for the last week in October (which is when we’ll do the make-ahead healthy foods). I’m looking for things that can be frozen, or stored in the cupboard for a couple of months.
Have an idea? Want to guest post? Use the contact form on this page or leave a comment on this post to submit your thoughts and pitches.
Kefir, Kefir Everywhere!
Never in a million trillion years did I expect so many people would get so darned excited about yeasty bacteria!
The six people who’ll be receiving water kefir from the Crunchy Betty 50/50 share program are (DRUM ROLL!):
- Lissa
- Stephanie (from Make It, Bake It, Buy It, Fake It)
- Gelato
- Simply Heidi (chosen by Gelato)
- Krissa (chosen by Stephanie)
- KarinSDCA (chosen by Lissa)
The choices, I must admit, were SO extremely difficult. I wish I could give everyone everything all the time. I really, really, really do.
BUT! If you’re not receiving any free (and haven’t bought any from Cultures for Health yet), BEAUTIFUL Karla started a “Kefir Community Network” over on the Crunchy Community – so you can trade or request kefir from people who live nearby (or even far away).
Check it out!
Now Go Enjoy Your Autumn!
Before you do.
Any thoughts on the upcoming Crunchy Challenge?
Any thoughts on the book you want to pass along?
Want to update us ALL on YOUR October plans? Go for it!
Just bought the Kindle edition of the book and plan to try some new things there. Also got yogurt and kefir starters and currently have a new mother culture cooking! Exciting times!
I’m working out the kinks in a vegan spinach pesto. It can definitely be frozen. I’m sure you’ll have tons of offers, but if you’re interested, I would LOVE to share.
I can share anyway, even if it’s not in a guest post. 😉
I’ve got a really yummy recipe for beef barley and lentil soup in the crockpot that I could share – makes a HUGE batch that you can freeze. Not sure what your requirements for “healthy” are, though – I think it’s healthy, but does it all have to be fresh and organic?
Aren’t you glad I made you go to Rock Ledge Ranch and take pictures? Ha!
I cannot wait to know what’s going to be the new Crunchy Challenge! Pleeeeeease give us a clue! 🙂
I am SO excited about getting water kefir grains, thank you so much CB!! And I love that they will grow and reproduce so I can share them. I don’t know how long they take to get to that stage, but I’ve already got a couple of friends excited about trying them too. That makes this a real gift that keeps on giving, and I love that. It’s what this site is all about… connecting, learning, and sharing (with plenty of laughter along the way). 🙂
Loved that quote at the top of the post, btw (Autumn is my favorite season), and I can’t wait to find out what the next challenge will be! Your organizational plans are, quite simply, inspiring.
I am very excited about the food yay! Added happy surprise-dandruff help! So happy I found you.
First of all, thank you Betty for the kefir and I know it will surely be a keeper! You know I never commented at a blogsite until CB. Being chosen to receive the gift of kefir helps with my confidence level too. While all of this may sound silly, after having a stroke, I’m no longer working for a huge international corp. Everything I do is much slower these days. I used to be a great speller and now I HAVE to go to dictionary.com for the simpliest of words. I’m alive and every time I read your blog, I am reminded to LIVE! “Simply Heidi”, one of the reasons I picked you (for the kefir gift) is because you said in one of your comments that you read all of CB’s blogs. That is dedication. If I can gain the courage to comment, I hope (sincerely) that you will share more of you and comment. I’ve found that this classroom that Betty has created does not make me appear dumb. We are learning to be crunchy or crunchier. Her “big love” is felt in this site and in her recent book. She is a gift, her words are a gift, the gifts like kefir while appreciated are not necessary because we can all give too. We can comment and give her feedback to let her know we are LIVING, reading, and let everyone know what we are learning. We can participate in a 50/50 program by giving a healthy item or something we’ve made to use in a fun game (like kefir). We can offer CB encouragement, as she certainly offers her goodness to us. I don’t believe she was incorrect in setting her goal for sales of her book. Amazon and Barnes & Noble are nothing to sneeze at. Way to go!!!!! Kudos for the calendar that will be so helpful in all aspects of CB organization. Looking so forward to LIVING, learning, laughing, and loving at Crunch Betty!!!!
Simply beautiful, dear lady!
We are going to be kefir’s now and will want to go to the ‘community’ and compare notes. Thank you.
I completely welled up reading this 🙂 You are a beautiful person (and that’s MY beautiful, not the one they try to sell me). Crunch on! xxoo
Ditto! Thank you.
I’m so excited about the carpet/fabric freshener, and the perfume (apparently I’m into smelly stuff at the moment). And thank you for the kefir!
Already adopted certain pre-made practices, but I’m excited for a challenge to really kick my butt into gear! I’m stuck in this save-your-pre-made-stuff-for-work-lunches mindset, which seems to lead to bad choices when I DON’T have to pack my lunch. Like the great big “value meal” I picked up this afternoon. My body is not happy with me.
Also, I’ve been ridiculously interested in home remedies lately, so this has me even more antsy! Can’twaitCan’twaitCan’twait.
Ooooh making candy! I like that one, Sarah. I’m a sucker for lemon drops, I need to start making them instead of buying them though. PLEASE- lots of food. I work in dining services at my college and I am utterly repulsed by the food there, but I don’t have the time to cook every night- please, lots and lots of freezer friendly meals!
That’s a lot of goodness coming our way!!!
I am super excited to receive my very first water kefir grains!!! Looking forward to learning something new in the healthy food fare realm. 🙂
Homemade remedies for winter sound delightful! Healthy food recipes for the freezer is AWESOME!
October plans? Oh my! It is a busy and fun month for me…
Two more weeks of healthy, time-saving cooking classes
Weekly naturopathic medicine classes (Can you say homework? I haven’t done homework in years! It is a passion, so the homework is fascinating to me even while it is hella time-consuming. My stack of books is threatening to fall over…)
Volunteering at my daughter’s school for art (teaching), picture day, and several other PTA functions/meetings
My husband and daughter are going camping with Girl Scouts for the first time…leaving me home alone for the first time since I was pregnant…what ever am I going to do with myself??? 😉
Getting certified in first aid (for Girl Scouts) and getting a TB test (for child’s school)
Spending a long weekend in the mountains on a scrapbook getaway
Lots of gardening from seeds!!!
(and more….)
Big LOVE to Lissa (and Betty)! I am honored and thrilled. Thank you!!!! <3
Super excited for the next challenge! Can’t wait to dive in head first.
October plans? Trying to be a writer (ahhhhhhhh!), learning about writing (more ahhh!), and making my own Halloween candy! Basically trying to get my writing career off the ground and immersing myself in more crunchy practices.