You haven’t been so subtle with your hints, y’know.
For months, you’ve been asking me to find a way to make it easier to print recipes from Crunchy Betty.
You’ve hinted that you might not talk to me again if I don’t figure this out.
Oh, I’ve seen you stomping your feet, even as you were leaving the most lovely comments.
Crunchy Betty sees all, missies.
Well, I have good news, and I have better news.
First, I’m going to start trying to remember to implement a way to make it easy to print just the recipes (and not my incessant commentary) from each blog post starting now and going for … whenever I forget.
Today! Early! Holiday! HO HO HO!
Seriously, don’t wait until December 25th to open this Crunchmas present. I slaved for days and days (and I’m not even remotely exaggerating here), so you’d better gosh-darned like it. If you don’t, I’ll just take it back to the store and get the last five days of my life back, if you don’t mind.

25 Printable Homemade Beauty, Haircare, and Household Recipe Cards
So I’ve been contemplating the gift recipes we should do around here, and it kicked in the old memory. Last year, I made homemade beauty gifts for everyone – but attached to each of the gifts was a stack of recipes with holes punched in the top corner and a beautiful ribbon strung through.
I thought – I want to give YOU GUYS that same gift. But, more importantly, now YOU can give the same gift to people, as well.
For the next few weeks, we’ll talk about some good homemade beauty gifts you can give over the holidays, but this’ll give you a little head start.
Most of the recipes in this handy-dandy PDF are the best recipes that have been featured on Crunchy Betty, but there are a few fun new surprises in there for you, too. And they’re neatly packaged and set up so that you can print them as full-sized pages or – even better – print them off easily on 5×7 recipe cards (not to be confused with Christmas cards, of course, which you could use as well, I suppose).
This is yours, this PDF. Do whatever you want with it. Send it in emails. Print a million copies off and pass them out to strangers. Put it up on your own site for other people to download. Wallpaper your room with it.
I gave it to you. It’s yours.
(Just pretty please don’t remove the Crunchy Betty attributions.)
Download Your Homemade Beauty, Haircare, and Household Recipe Card Present PDF HERE!
(Click to view and save, or right click and choose “save link as” to save directly to your computer.)
If you don’t open it soon, I know someone else who’s going to…
Happy early holidays, crunchy ladies (and gents)! I seriously love you with all my pea-pickin’ heart.
(And I can’t WAIT to see what you’re getting me!)
I love to celebrate christmas and even i’m waiting for it for whole year because it should be fun and i love santa who come on this event and sending gifts to children.
I just found your site today. I love all the recipes, and can’t wait to try some of them for myself and my kid’s families. I guess I’m about to get crunchy! Thanks
I’m a bit late here – but THANKS! These are awesome. Going to print them now 🙂
Thank you, Leslei! Gift cards are awesome!
You are awesome! How did you know that I am making Christmas gifts this year?! 🙂 The recipe cards are a great idea! Thank you!!!!
Thank You!!! I love them 😀
Love It!
I have been “crunchy” 😉 for several years now and I just found your site…! There are lots of resources on the web for household area of crunch, but not a lot for beauty. Your download is the best I have ever seen, you provide enough recipes an entire beauty routine!! It’s fantastic!! You have gained a crunchie for life. Keep putting food on your face, I will be right along beside you!
P.S. Try some baking soda in your dishwasher detergent (especially for baking dishes) gives a little extra scrub power!
It’s like you can read my mind. So weird. I am so giving this for at least one Christmas present and maybe the oatmeal and almond scrub to go with. Gracias!!
AWESOME! This will fit in perfectly with the Christmas baskets I’m planning 🙂
Yowza! It’s exactly what I’ve been wanting… thanks Crunchy Claus! You rock the holidays!
Very cool gift…and excellent design – great layout..easy to read, print and use!! Thank you so much!!
Weeeee! SO EXCITED! Thank you Santa! It’s just what I wanted.
This is amazing!! Thank you, you are the best! <3
Where have you been all my life?! Seriously, I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this very thing. I want all the babes in my fam to know the joy of food on their faces this Christmas.
And now they will. Thank you!
This is awesome! Thank you 🙂
Yay! This is great… unfortunately I celebrate Hanukkah and I expect you to pony up seven more gifts for me!
Kidding 😉
And I love the kitty photo.
Cause I really respect a cat that knows how to accessorize.
Wow, those are so cool and they look great. Thanks!
This is great! Thanks! Just found your site today and I’m really enjoying it.
That is fantastic!! Good job getting that done. You know I’m going to copy you.
Awesome thanks! And you kitty is so cute!