If ever you wondered. If ever you doubted. If ever you questioned whether or not anyone ever reads the comments you leave, please stop doing that right now.
You have affected someone’s life – right here on this blog. And, yes, maybe it’s just in a small way, but you have. And maybe it was even your own!
The spunky representative from Beauty Without Cruelty/Eco-Dent emailed me Wednesday morning with these sweet, sweet things ABOUT YOU. Please understand that this is kind of a big deal in the giveaway world:
“Okay, I’ve been keeping track of all the comments your entry about BWC/ED is garnering, and I’m making an executive decision.
Pick two winners. This is one of the rare blogs where people are actually reading your posts and responding to what is actually there, instead of a great wall o’ text screaming GIMME GIMME GIMME FREE STUFF DONT CARE WHAT IT IS NO TIME TO READ GOTTA GO ENTER MORE GIVEAWAYS NOW NOW NOW. After a little time in the product review biz, I’ve come to appreciate (even moreso than before) literacy, graciousness and the right touch of excitement when entering a giveaway, layered with what is clearly still good sportsmanship. Your readers have it in spades, and as such, please choose two of them to win the same kind of prize pack we set up for this.”
Look at that. LOOK AT THAT.
I love you guys.
So the TWO randomly-drawn winners are below, but first, here’s the update on the oven situation.
Did the Homemade Oven Cleaner Work?
Why, yes. I believe it did. The oven isn’t perfect, but I would have only expected perfection out of a jackhammer and a diamond-studded polishing rag.
(Here’s the post on the oven-cleaner recipe I used, if you missed it.)
Here’s what the oven looked like when I was about 1/8th of the way through cleaning it this morning:

Basically, I woke up to a really stuck-on baking-sody mess. It wasn’t hard to get off, but I really don’t think it’s even remotely necessary to leave this stuff on overnight. Two or three hours should be plenty.
First, I scrubbed the tough stuff with a scrubber sponge. Then, I wet down a couple of old towels and “sponged” the inside out.
Just to make sure I got all the soap off, I took a bottle of plain hot water in a sprayer bottle and gave the whole thing (especially the sides and back) a good spray-down and wiped it up with a towel once more.
Here are some before and afters:

The weirdo rack/side before and after. (By the way, I figured it out. The racks are in UPSIDE down. Whoever shoved ’em in there to begin with must’ve been big, strong, and on a mission.)

So do I recommend this? HECK YEAH!
Do I recommend it after waiting two years and multiple overstuffed enchilada casseroles and homemade pizzas?
No. I’ll be cleaning my oven every 6 months now, thank you very much.
The Winner of the First Eco-Dent/Beauty Without Cruelty Giveaway IS …
According to the RNG:
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-04-07 04:00:10 UTC
And according to my counting (from the first entry to number 42) … that is …
STEPHANIE! (It’s about time you won something here, lady.)
(FYI, Stephanie has been a reader here since just about the very beginning of CrunchyBetty … when Crunchy Betty had a mannequin head, even.) Remember this?
Stephanie, I’m emailing you post haste to get your preferred tooth powder and mouth rinse flavors (as well as to confirm your lipstick color choice, and to get your mailing addy).
The Bonus WINNER!
First of all, if you notice that the time stamps on these things are wildly different, it’s because right after the first one, my phone rang. I hopped up and grabbed it, slipped on some wayward paper, sprained my wrist and completely broke my phone. (I’m okay. Phone is dead. Guess how long I’ve had it? A month.)
You …
Who is …
According to the Random Number Generator:
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-04-07 05:15:50 UTC
Ms. Clara!
You, too, should be receiving an email from me shortly. Can you believe you won? Can you?
And for the rest of you, if you didn’t win this time, don’t fret. There will be more giveaways a’comin’ up soon. Just remember what the pretty lady from Eco-Dent said!
And, in the meantime, tell me if you’re going to try the oven trick.
I highly suggest it.
Now I’m going to go ice my wrist and cry over my phone for a while …
LMBO! You are simply hilarious! Love that you found a way to do this without chemicals! ???
I use baking soda and white vinegar to clean the oven and it works really well! You should try this trick! Streatham Carpet Cleaners Ltd.
I’m so excited I found your blog. I will definitely be trying your oven cleaner recipe this weekend! 🙂
I can’t wait to try your cleaner and then line the bottom of my oven with foil, so I never have to use your cleaner again 🙂 Have you tried your cleaner on the burner pans?
can you use the home made oven cleaner in a self cleaning oven?
I found you yesterday, googling no poo and ACV rinses (hey, guess what? I’d been doing it wrong this WHOLE time. Less baking soda is MORE, folks!). I’ve been riveted to your achives every since. You have inspired me to no end, and I am committing to going chemical free free FREE!! So excited for glass jars and homemade beauty. Goodbye bad skin and frizzy hair! <3
I gotta say, I moved into an apartment 3 years ago with a gross oven, and have not cleaned in it (or cooked) much since we moved in…but your recipe looks like so much fun that I just want to try to see if I can get it clean! 🙂
The oven looks great! I have a self-cleaning oven (or I would’ve been in the same boat as you), but I think I will try this on the oven racks. I don’t think they’ve ever been cleaned in all of their 8-or-so-year-life!
Thanks to your sponsors for being so generous! I hope your wrist gets better soon, and that you find a phone that can console you.
Um, when your wrist is better, would you like to come clean my oven??? Pretty please? 🙂
That really did the trick on your oven! Good deal! Thankfully mine is self cleaning, because no matter how easy it is, I probably wouldn’t do it. Because, I’m lazy like that. If you saw my laundry room, you’d believe me.
You do have some good commenters hanging around here. I always take the time to see what they have to say and learn bunches. Smart folks, the Crunchy Betty Groupies!
And as for your phone, I am holding out for one made by Tonka. We go through the phones!
It’s so awesome to be recognized and appreciated. Yay to us! Yay to you! Yay to the winners!
Congrat’s to you on being awesome and acknowledged – kudos!! And to your 2 lucky winners 🙂
This recipe came just in time. I was baking veggie lasagna last night and noticed my oven really needed a cleaning. I was waiting for the result of your cliff hanger to see if this was something I could jump on. Yep, I’m jumping on it! Thank you for the recipe!
Have I told you how much I love your homemade cleaners? Cuz I do. Seriously. I will be cleaning my oven fume free from now on.
Awesome! I’m going to guess that your readers are such good commenters because you offer us real content and tips! And you are a great commenter yourself! That is how I found your blog! You commented on my little old blog!
Hot Dang! Thank you (and thank you EcoDent/Beauty Without Cruelty) for an awesome giveaway package. I’m totally stoked! (I know, that dates me). Yes, I remember the mannequin head (kinda miss her). How ironic is it that I first found your blog while searching for homemade mouthwash, hmm? Weird. Sorry about your phone (and wrist)… tech gadgetry is not as durable as you seem to think it should be! 😉 I’m glad it’s the phone that broke and not your wrist.
Your oven looks great! As usual you go into the trenches for us and come out in crunchy victory!
Ooooo… oven cleaner! Do you have a crystal ball or something? I have been stalling on the oven cleaning project b/c I detest the chemicals but couldn’t come up with a solution beyond the jack hammer and hubby gave that a thumbs down! He’s soooo narrow-minded! Off to make my oven look better! Thanks! Yea on the give away. I think you are make your readers what they are so good for you!
Congrats to the winners!
I am in awe of your oven. AWE. (Not Aw. Different.) I am tempted to go home and do this TONIGHT. Except I don’t have borax, or the time do this tonight. But Saturday? Oh yeah. Clean oven, coming right up.
WOW….totally LOVE the way the oven came out! I am very impressed! I will definitely try this although our oven looks nothing like your before.
Congrats to the winners!