Lest you think I’m suggesting my mother will actually come to your house and wrap her loving arms around you – I am not.
Not that her hugs won’t cure you. She’s just not much of a hugger. Unless you call her Mimi. And look like that kid over there.
She did, however, want me to give you her secret to getting rid of a cold fast. Like, super fast.
And it’s this: HUG.
Hydrogen peroxide
So in honor of Mother’s Day, my crunchy mother is giving all of you a gift. HUG.
A little bit about my mom: She was a teacher (special ed and gifted) for the majority of her adult life. She is now retired, and she obsessively takes pictures. She also has a kick-butt camera.
So all of the pictures in this post are her work. Thanks, Crunchy Mother.
The story goes like this: A couple of years ago, after much research, trial, and error, she found the secret to knocking out her colds just as soon as they start. And then she forgot. And then she remembered, and thus named it HUG, so she wouldn’t ever forget again.
And here’s how she told me (to tell you) to do it.
H Is For Hydrogen Peroxide … In Your Ears
Yep. That’s right.
Hydrogen peroxide in your ears.
Here is her food-grade hydrogen peroxide:

Here’s How You Put Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Ears
First, you’re going to want a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide, preferably food grade. And either a very small container or a dropper. And then:
- Tip your head to one side and drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. It will tingle and sound bubbly, and it may itch a little. This is good.
- Let the hydrogen peroxide sit in the ear for a couple of minutes, at least until the bubbling stops.
- Hold a washcloth over that ear and then tip your head to the other side to let it all drain out. You may want to very gently rub the washcloth around the inside of your ear to get all the liquid wiped up, so you don’t get the willies.
- Repeat on the other side.
I’ve actually done this before, and it’s pretty awesome. Many years ago, a doctor theorized that the germs that cause colds actually enter through your ear, which is how this home remedy was born.
If you do a google search for “hydrogen peroxide ears cold,” you’ll get thousands of results from people attesting its efficacy.
You can do this a couple of times a day, but take note that it may dry out your skin a bit. If that’s a concern, swab your ears with a little olive oil. Personally, I haven’t ever done it more than once a day, and that’s been sufficient.
U Is for Umcka … Taken Regularly
If you’re unfamiliar with Umcka, it’s a homeopathic remedy that’s gained cult status in the natural world.
You use it at the onset of a cold, cough, or sore throat, and it’s supposed to severely limit the duration of your illness.
Both my mother and my sister use it religiously when they start feeling ill. (I’m forgetful, and kind of a baby … so I’ll start feeling sick, lay on the couch, and just not get up for 3 days. Not a recommended home remedy.)

I have a very rudimentary understanding of homeopathy (which I’d love to know more about), but here’s the information straight from the Umcka website:
“Umcka ColdCare is a 1X tincture of Pelargonium sidoides (EPs 7630), a medicinal plant unique to South Africa. In clinical studies, EPs 7630 not only relieves symptoms associated with common colds, but also shortens the duration and reduces severity of throat, sinus and bronchial irritations. It also helps loosen mucus, making coughs more productive and naturally relieves congestion, cough, headache, hoarseness and minor aches.
Studies suggest that the active ingredient in Umcka works in several ways. It works on the immune system to help support the body’s own natural antiviral defense mechanisms and acts as an antimicrobial agent. Additionally, it provides mucolytic actions.”
Of course, you should follow the directions on the Umcka box – but it’s important to start taking it as soon as you begin feeling ill, and then take it several times a day thereafter.
G Is For Garlic … In Which You Soak Your Feet
So not only does my mother use the hydrogen peroxide and Umcka methods when she starts feeling ill, but she bathes her feet in garlic. She also makes it a point to saturate her foods with garlic, as well.
The day you do this, you might not want to go out in public where you can be easily smelled, but you’re sick, remember? And the next day, you won’t smell like garlic, and you’ll hopefully be good as new!

How to Prepare a Garlic Foot Bath
- Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil.
- While you’re waiting for the water to boil, take 10-15 cloves of garlic, peel them, and smash them with the broad side of a knife. Don’t cut. Just smash.
- Those are cloves – not heads. Sometimes people get cloves and heads confused. Cloves are the individual pieces, not the big bulb of garlic as a whole.
- Okay. Now, place the boiling water into a basin of some sort, in which to soak your feet. Put the garlic into the boiling water.
- Allow the water to cool just until you can handle putting your feet in it. Don’t burn yourself! But make sure it’s still pretty hot.
- Soak your feet in the garlic stew until it becomes cold or lukewarm. If you want, you could rewarm the water, or just stop there.
- Dry your feet well.
Allowing the garlic to “stew” in the just-boiling water gives you both the health benefits of a raw garlic foot bath, and a garlic tea foot bath. Best of both worlds.
Garlic is a known virus and bacteria killer, and one theory that’s gained a lot of attention in the last few years is that many toxins are pulled out through the soles of your feet.
An alternate way of utilizing this remedy is to coat the soles of your feet with olive oil, then rub smashed garlic (or garlic juice, if you can juice your cloves) over the olive oil. Put on thick socks and don’t take them off for a couple of hours.
You Have Now Received HUG From My Mother
How does it feel? Warm and crunchy, right?
One more side note: My mom’s a little bit of a skeptic, and it takes a good deal for her to believe in something, so the fact that she believes in something like this should tell you A LOT.
Have you ever tried any of these cold and cough remedies? What were your experiences?
And … of course … be sure to say hi to my mom. If we’re nice enough to her, maybe she’ll share the secret of how she manages to barely pass for 40 years old. (While I won’t reveal her real age, keep in mind that I’m 36. So …)
I am trying all three of these today! i just got sick and I am in theatre with a show opening in 9 days! I can NOT be sick!!! Hopefully these kick this sickness right out of me!
Thank you, Betty and Betty’s Mom! I felt that all-too-familiar headache that starts at your neck and creeps up your scalp until your entire head hurts and then you start sniffling and realize you’re in trouble. I was in for one heck of a cold — the exact cold my coworkers had been battling with little success.
So I did the H and G steps (couldn’t find Umcka), turned in at 8 pm, and woke up feeling fine. *Every*single*friend*and*coworker*of*mine* had this cold and it lasted for a week. Thank you!!!
I realize I’m late to the conversation, but a cough/sore throat/sleep aid that I swear by when I have a cold is to heat up a cup of milk, 1/2 a tablespoon of butter, and a couple of pressed garlic cloves to just before the boiling point. Add a tablespoon or two of honey, stir to dissolve, and drink it as soon as it has cooled to a temperature that you can handle. I grew up being told to avoid dairy products when sick because it thickens the mucous, but this beverage actually helps clear the gunk out and believe it or not tastes delicious! I will most definitely be trying the HUG next time I start to come down with something.
Lmao!!! Love it
I love the idea of a garlic foot bath! When I’m sick I cut up a few cloves of garlic and swallow them like pills each night (so I don’t have to chew them raw – blech), and it definitely helps. I think the foot bath will be a great addition or alternative. And I’m for sure going to try the other tips as well – thanks to you and your mom!
So I read this the other day and tonight my roommates are out so I decided to do the garlic sock thing. Except I remembered it wrong and I thought you were supposed to put the crushed cloves of garlic in the socks and wear them around the house. Well, nobody is around to smell my garlic-ey feet so I’m going to stick with it. I’ll update you on the results once I get tired of walking around on garlic (not likely any time soon, this is surprisingly fun).
Lmao!!! So funny. Love it!!!!
One of the best cold cures you’ll ever find is vinegar. Basically, our white blood cells contain enzymes, and they’re necessary for the cells to function properly and fight yuckies in our body. enzymes are very heat and acidity sensitive, so if they aren’t in the right temperature range or are in a whack pH they stop functioning. Usually, when somebody has a cold, their body has a pH imbalance – if you’re sick and you put a piece of litmus paper in your mouth it’ll usually indicate that you’re basic. so the best way to fix your body’s pH and get those enzymes up and running again is to take some vinegar because it’s an acid. i have yet to decide whether it’s better to take it in (painfully strong) shots or draw out the process by putting it in a glass of water (either way it tastes terrible). but it’s worked very well for me, if i just take a bunch of vinegar when i feel cold symptoms coming on. usually it takes effect pretty quickly and is a cheap cold cure.
I gargle with ACV when I feel my throat get sore. Works a treat and maybe your explanation is a bonus!
I hide my son’s ACV in apple juice – he never knows!
I’ve tried all sorts of coughing syrups, believe me, but none of them helps. Even though Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa http://www.geocities.jp/ninjiom_hong_kong/index_e.htm does not eliminates the cough I like to stick to this chinese syrup I’ve been taking since I was a kid: Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa. My grandfather is chinese, so I guess my mom got the advice from him. I was really surprised when I found that chinese market selling it here in Belgium. It does have a refreshing, soothing, sweetening effect…as long as it lasts…then back to coughing mode.
last time i got sick, one of the indian girls in my grad program told me to gargle warm salt water for my very sore throat. it worked!! she said that in india they sell all kinds of powdered things to gargle with, but salt works just fine. it’s kind of gross while you do it (if not, add more salt!) but provides instant and lasting relief. just don’t forget to rinse out the sink to prevent salty buildup. 🙂
Been gargling with warm salt water since I was a kid. Mom made me.
You’ve no idea how awesome this post is. Once I get sick, I’m out for two weeks. Its horrible.
Have you heard of using hydrogen peroxide for whitening teeth? I bet it would be useful especially if you use the “food grade” kind.
As Stephanie said, she hadn’t heard of the food grade hydrogen peroxide. Me either. What’s the difference between “normal” and “food grade”?
You freakin’ rock. Tell your mom thanks, and give her a hug from me!
Food grade just means that it’s safe for human consumption.
Thank you Crunchy Mom for the HUG! Now I’ll be ready for the next cold I get. I’ve never even heard of food-grade hydrogen peroxide… I learn so much here!
My question: After the garlic soak, do we wash the garlicky goodness off or just dry our feet as they come out of the “scented” bath?
This couldn’t have come at a better time! I am fighting off a killer cold right now. My current plan of action has involved elderberry and vitamin c, but I will be trying all of these remedies today! Xoxo
Wow, this DOES feel like a hug to me! Thanks for such a great list. I’ve taken Umcka in the past, but I honestly didn’t really know what it was for and so I forgot about it. I’ve never heard of the garlic tea foot bath, but it makes sense and I like that you don’t have to EAT 15 cloves of garlic 🙂 I will definitely keep this in mind next time I get sick because with four little kids I just HATE getting sick. There is never any laying on the couch and resting for me. Great tips.
Your blog is one of my favorites and I always look forward to seeing it in my inbox. Keep up the great work!
I’ve been using the same brand of cold medicine you have pictured every time my daughter gets a cold and I can absolutely tell you that it works. It shortens her colds to about 3 days and makes them way less severe for the 3 days that she’s sniffling. The best part is that it tastes good cause there’s no alcohol or anything weird like mainstream medicine. It also makes me feel comfortable giving it to my 2 year old since it’s all natural.
My mom used to do the hydrogen peroxide thing with me when I was a kid, I actually forgot about it till I saw it here. She didn’t use the food grade kind though, just the regular stuff of the shelf at Wal-Mart, so I can only imagine how much better it would work with better quality hydrogen peroxide.
My mother eats garlic. As in, she smushes it up, puts in on crackers, and tells herself very firmly that it is cream cheese until she’s swallowed and it’s too late to back out of it.
You gave me the giggles. And also, your mother is a garlic rock star.