To begin where I really left off (everything on the blog has been peanuts since then), over a year and a half ago now, I have to tell you what happened. So you understand where I’m going next – where you can go with me, if you choose.
I woke up.
For a while, anyway. For a while there was still me there, awake and in hilarious shock at the truth of my life.
It started in the midst of the biggest existential crisis I’d been in – or it ended there, I guess, if I’m to be honest about it.
The blog was too much, my thoughts about it were squeezing me every way imaginable. The quest for truth was killing me, the desire to make sure everyone was safe all the time was … well, totally irrational and quite crazy. Trying to figure out every single mistake I could make, before it happened, was squeezing all the breath out of me. It wasn’t fun anymore; it was terrifying. Everyone wanted proof. Everyone always wants proof, a subduing scientific fact, a reasoning behind everything. I couldn’t find any of it, because none of it really exists. Not forever, anyway. Today’s facts are tomorrow’s fallacies. You can quote me on that.
My personal relationships were crumbling. I was revisiting feelings for lost loves, reliving all the pain of my life, and hating who I was the whole time. I was breaking myself on purpose, and I’m so glad I did.
At the time, every thought hurt. Every desire was like a thousand hot needles in my head. Nothing was right, nothing was good, nothing would ever be safe and secure.
God, I’m so grateful it was that awful, because in the middle of all of the pain, a crack opened up inside.
I asked myself one question about all of the assumptions I had about life, and I fell into the crack. It was like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute, and as I fell, the entire world that I’d been carrying fell off of my shoulders.
I noticed that the world would go on without me. It would change despite my input; it’s always changing, it doesn’t need me as much as I thought it did. I realized that all of my worries – every single one of them – was unfounded. I watched a worry come up, I tracked its progress, until it disappeared forever a day later. There was never any reason to believe my worries, not a single reason at all.
Now – RIGHT NOW – became the only thing to live for. All the secrets whispered in the present moment, all of the salves to heal the wounds were there.
I had no idea how to talk about this yet, though. Especially here on this blog. How do you explain that the world isn’t what it seems like it is, without it sounding like a psychotic break? How do you tell people to stop worrying, when you’ve only just learned how yourself? And how do you maintain a blog that was built on the foundation that there’s something seriously wrong with this world, when you no longer think anything’s seriously wrong at all (except the thoughts we believe about it)?
So, for a while, I was still here – the Betty that frets about how to talk about not fretting. The Betty that’s afraid of disappointing someone else because she’s changed.
I retreated a bit, focused on the Natural Market as my point of grounding, and fell away from the world in as many other aspects as I possibly could. The quiet life kept me warm. The quiet life showed me how to live.
And the quiet life ultimately ended the Betty that frets and the Betty that’s afraid. I can go into this in more detail in the future, if you’d like, but it’s ultimately unimportant.
And so I’ve been waiting, you know?
Waiting to be shown what happens next. Waiting for marching orders. Waiting for the pointing that happens inside to direct me where to go next.
Today, it pointed that I should share this. Because it’s time to move on to the next thing.
If I am to come clean completely, I have to tell you that Crunchy Betty and all the things I assume you love about it (the scientific rationalizations, the focusing on the minutia, the constant telling of how to do and why to do it) doesn’t hold interest for me anymore.
My freedom wasn’t found in it, and I can tell you for absolute certainty that your freedom won’t be found in it, either. It’s fun stuff, don’t get me wrong. It’s new and it’s VERY helpful. But it’s not me, anymore.
My joy, outside of every single moment that I experience now, is found in helping others see what I see. Attempting to put words to things that have no words yet, because not enough of us have noticed it. It’s here, all around us, and we don’t even know it. All the freedom, all the unity, all the love.
People have been talking about it for eons, since the existence of the spoken and written word (before that, I’m guessing they just lived it). But most of us write it off as lofty realizations or simple quotes to slap on a picture and post to Facebook.

I’d like to extend this seeing to everyone who reads this blog, but I’m still a little unsure as to whether or not anyone wants to hear it, wants to know it, wants to look for it themselves (I can’t give it to you, but I can tell you where and how to look, in a thousand different ways). I’m still new at pointing – I will fail miserably sometimes. But it has to start somewhere.
And to keep coming clean, I have to be honest and say that there are still fleeting moments where I’m back “in it,” in the world of worry and hurt and confusion and pain, attaching to this thing and clinging to that. But it’s settling now, ever so softly, into a lived reality of complete peace and acceptance, and with that I want to continue sharing the different ways to look for it, to realize it, and to live it.
If you want me to do that here, I will gladly do so. If my lovely, dedicated readers who are still paying attention at this point don’t want that, then I will find somewhere else to go and help – and I will offer you as many wonderful blogs that are doing the work that Crunchy Betty was doing for all of those years. The Natural Market remains open – we still enjoy it thoroughly, helping others, providing new, natural ways to move about the world.
In the end, I want what you want. But if you want me to continue giving you the same Crunchy Betty, unfortunately that’s not something I can give anymore, because focusing on this to the exclusion of truth is only prolonging the confusion and concern about life. And I’m still a little unclear as to whether it’s even remotely appropriate to share any of this on this blog – Crunchy Betty – or if it’s just inviting more confusion and disappointment. Perhaps I’ll move to a new place. If I do, if that feels more appropriate, I will let you know. Right now, though, the prospect of setting up a new blog doesn’t really interest me. At least at this moment. It might some day.
So, please let me know your thoughts.
I can show you new things. But you have to open your mind completely. The truth is in the paradoxes and the contradictions. Now is eternal, but there’s no time to waste.
And no matter what happens next, I love you guys. Always have, always will. <3
So, today i was Googling “homemade bug repellant” and found a site and pinned the recipe and it was a different site, but reminded me of you so, on a whim, I decided to pop over to your site just for the slim chance you might’ve come back. I was looking over it and then shocked and double checked that, yes, the date on this post was only a couple weeks ago and so I eagerly read it. I’m always interested in what you have to say, as I was when you were previously active here, so please, whatever you have to or want to share, share it. And above all else, know that we love you, too.
Good Morning Betty,
This post has so many comments… evidently, you are loved. I don’t know why your newsletters pop up in my inbox but before I unsubscribed, I decided to take a look at your website.
I have zero interest in putting food on my face; however, I love this post and I love Soul Food. It just resonates with me. I have been noticing in the last six years that my uncountable identities, such as Reiki master, choir member, church member, vegetarian, starchivore, Christian, etc., etc., eventually fall away. That doesn’t mean that I stop attending church and I never practice Reiki, etc. In fact, right now, I am seriously into plant-based eating. How do I keep that from becoming an identity? As a human being, I don’t, but I can keep consuming a plant-based diet and let the identity go when the time is right.
This post speaks to my heart. Thank you for your willingness to be transparent. It reminds that I have permission to be transparent too.
I love this blog, and I thank you for all the time you’ve put into it so far. I hope that it will continue to exist, even if you no longer feel drawn to add to it. Best wishes in all your future endeavors! And thank you. Thank you.
Wow! What a path. Painful and exhilarating, all at once. Even though I don’t visit often, your site has been a valuable resource for me, the homemaking nerd. i came today to get your wisdom on laundry boosters, and instead found wisdom on life. Thanks for the reminder that none of the minutiae really matters, that it’s just a weird way of entertaining oneself and feeling productive at the same time. I will return more often now, to follow your journey. Thank you for sharing this experience, and all of the previous insights and information you have so marvelously researched and shared with us.
Ms. Bellinghamster
Bellingham, WA
Very interesting post! Big up!
Come on. Keep up! Great article.
So sorry to read this. But your happiness is what’s most important, so… wish you luck on your way! 🙂
Hello Crunchy Betty,
For the longest time I was on an all natural, proof based, strict path… during that time your blog helped me… after a while I too started to get bogged down by the pressures I had put upon myself. After a long time my views started to change and I took time away to focus on other things, and I came to the realization that it doesn’t have to be a strict and narrow view/path. I come back to your blog after a couple years away and I find renewed joy in your posts… because of the simple joy of making things with natural ingredients myself….. things which before I had scoured the internet for the minutest proof in the ingredients, I now enjoy for simpler reasons.
I no longer require so much proof as to why something might be a life changing ingredient. I need to know it’s beneficial properties, but I can be happy that the act of using it to make something myself holds a joy that buying it from a store does not.
Like body butter bars (for example), I love that my ingredients are all-natural and luxurious and have amazing properties, I love that I can tailor the ingredients to suit my own needs and desires, I get to choose what is or isn’t acceptable for ME… however I no longer need to dissect every minute claim about each ingredient. Nor do I make myself feel bad if I were to choose to make a lotion with a carefully selected preservative… and now that i’ve grown more, I wouldn’t think less of you if you did as well.
I do hope you choose to come back when you are ready because you are hilarious, real, human and I think you’ve probably got some pretty great ideas worth sharing… got any more body butter bar recipes? any combos of essential oils that make you swoon because they smell just so mmmm, and not because they serve a specific purpose? do you remember what it was like to make something and feel giddy about it because YOU made it, because you tailored it for YOU and not because it adhered to super-stringent naturalistic guidelines we all imposed on yourselves and each other at one time or another? does making your own stuff still hold joy for you in any measurement?
Thank-you for writing this post, for opening up, it reminded me that I was going through a similar internal experience at the same time, had I still been around to read this post when you posted it, instead of going on hiatus before you, I probably would have cried with relief that i wasn’t the only one feeling like it had all gotten too much. I was able to find my way back to the joy of what I love about it, with a new perspective.
Should you decide to come back, and I hope you do, I am excited to see what thrills you now, and gets your creative juices whirling.
Thank-you for being you. Should you not return, I wish you all the best, and much happiness, as I continue to find renewed joy in the posts you left behind.
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.
very nice information, I like your post, after I read it is very useful for me, and those who read it. Thank you for sharing,,,,,
Freedom. The quiet life. Those are what I seek more than anything. (Can it be “sought”?) How wonderful you found it. (Can it be “found”?) Your blog is helpful and interesting. Thank you.
I like your article. I will wait for your interesting article from.
it must have been so exhausting always perfecting these wonderful recipes to present to us. I’ve miss the blog and hope you find it in yourself to share another passion with us. I love your writing and style.
I get it. I just found your blog today and found it very helpful. I found your writing style and comments very entertaining. It’s been a while since you wrote this post I am reading now. My guess is that you’re not coming back. That’s okay. And it’s okay if you do. You have a talent with words and obviously a desire to help others–I can relate. But I can also relate to what’s most important and that is that you follow your heart. I am at a similar point in my life, actually have been for a while. I hope you find your way out, rekindle what is necessary to continue on your journey of love.. I have not seen the way for some time, though I am still hopeful and still searching for the light. Best wishes to you! And thanks for your contributions to the world–past, present and future.. You are loved.
Come on keep up with the good work. I want to continue reading your blog. Waiting for your next article. Cheers.
This is a great blog… It`s a shame that you left it 🙁 please start it again 🙂
I wonder where you are in this moment 🙂
I assume you gave read the power of now by eckhart tolle.
Do you meditate? Check out
Love and blessings to you.
Really a inspirational stuff..Thanks for sharing such useful information !
Kisses, Miranda
Well, talk about a day late and a dollar short. I just found crunchybetty and SHE’S GONE! Please tell me it’s not true. The things you wrote are the way that I and a lot of others feel. Please come back some way. It’s like Tinker Belle…we all believe!
Just found you, (the blog about baking soda NOT containing aluminum) and I agree wholeheartedly. I couldn’t believe the comments. Holy ?!
I don’t know how you did it as long as you did, but I know I couldn’t have taken a MONTH of whiny people yammering about “proof.” I’d have lost 99.9% of my readers by responding, “then Google it…I’m not your indentured servant!” ?
That said, I have thouroughly enjoyed every blog I’ve read, and only lament that I got here too late and missed the whole thing.
Oh, and I will never ask you for proof, only, “how are you?” And “I hope you’re well.”
Hugs to you ?
Great article.
You have some of the most interesting ideas around the web.
Keep up the good work!
I need your help with no ‘poo. I have been no ‘poo for a week now and the roots of my hair and the crown of my head is clean. The middle section of my hair (from the nape of my neck down to the ends) is just so oily and greasy. I’ve even tried rubbing baking soda directly onto the oily area.
Please help! I want to give up, it’s disgusting
It’s been a while since I referred back to your site since your last email and I have since had an email change too. I always meant to write you back and tell you that you are not alone. I have not read many of the previous comments but felt so compelled to tell you that as a caregiver myself it becomes so second nature to care for others that we forget about ourselves and get lost. I struggle every day to be my best and give as much as I can. I hope you find yourself again and peace.
amazing. very good article, after I read your posts I really like, because many of the benefits for me. Thank you for sharing,,,,
It is a pleasure for me to see so creative people with interesting ideas. I like your point of view. Well done!
Kisses, Clara
New reader. My daughter sent me the new deodorant recipe, and I wanted to know who Crunchy Betty is. You have a great way of explaining where you’ve gone, where you’re coming from. You’re not alone. Love it, love it, love it. ;Donnamarie
Wow, amazing, I love your posts, once I read it, it’s very useful for me. Thank you for sharing. Greetings,,,,,
Hi Betty,
I came across this blog and i am very sad to see that there are no new post. I understand that you are out to search for truth but with all of my heart all I can say is that Christ is our truth our saviour our hope. And in him and him alone you will rest in peace despite what the world says. He has changed my life and transformed my heart into a new heart that desires to worship God. Despite the persecution at home from family I cant ever say that He leaves me empty. Christ brings purpose and meaning intoour lives. If all this doesnt make sense please consider turning to a gracious God who sent his only son to die for our sins. We are hopeless and sinful humen beings but only through His son Jesus Christ we can come before the Father and worship Him because we are cleansed of sins by his death on the cross. Our hearts were made to worship and that is our purpose in life. I hope you read this one day and consider it. Turn to Christ and trust in him as your one and only saviour. “For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, and justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood to be received by faith” Romans 3:23-25 praying for you. Miss you. Love- Evelyn
Hi, Evelyn,
Thank you sooo much for your testimony on this blog post. As I was reading Betty’s post above and all the comments left since she wrote it, I just kept thinking, what all these searching people need is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Only HE fills that empty searching place in everyone’s heart and soul! Thank you for your post, and may the Lord bless you! I pray that Betty and hopefully others will read what you wrote and want to learn more. The answer is not found in Eastern religion, gurus, Buddhism, or anything like that. The answer is Jesus! “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
Love, Laura
I’ve enjoyed reading this blog over time and was wondering if anyone could recommend any similar blogs or interesting websites. I feel like there is a real niche here. Most blogs I have found recently are questionable at best. Most recommend scrubbing your skin with harsh things like baking soda or raw sugar. I feel like its common sense why thats a terrible idea. I always found the post here to be fairly easily but overall incredibly insightful. I’d like to found some blogs that actually know what they are talking about. Thanks everyone.
Hey, You were a huge inspiration that took me out of a really dark place in life. How have you been since you left the blog?
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Theresa.
You, us…we… make more of a difference than you realize. I promise you that!
Wow Sarah how wonderfully put even if it is Mother Theresa’s quote and your own sound promise, these things give hope…without it, well we know what happens without hope right? thank you and love love to you Betty Darlin
I loved reading your post. Growth can be hard, and you’ve come through the other side! I look forward to hearing what you have to say 🙂
Hey Betty. Hope you’re doing alright. We miss you! You’ve been a massive inspiration, especially to the next step of growing a business of my own. I just wanted to thank you for all that you’ve done, and wish you the best I could possibly wish.
Have you tried Bulk Apothecary? The sell all kinds of ingredients like oils and butters but much mu ch cheaper than mountain rose. I use their stuff all the time it always seems high quality and the have a great selection of sizes ranging from 8oz. Up to 50 gallon drums.
I discovered crunchy betty, oh jeez.. maybe 6 or so years ago now? I was really at my peak of a “fuck the mainstream and chemicals yadda” phase (I didnt consider it a phase then). Everything I read on here really coinsided with what I thought and felt. I used to make all my own soaps, lotions, massage creams(im a massage therapist), tooth pastes, lip balms, salves, cleaning products you name it, and for some reason I’d always find myself coming to check in with crunchy betty and as she would grow and learn i found I was in the same boat.. Fastforward to tonight, I have a 1.5 year old, my laundry room has 3 types of mainstream detergents, im not afraid to use regular hand soaps or washes anymore.. the last thing i made was a pan of brownies sitting on the stove. My son has eczema and I was thinking maybe I would make him a cream since im having a hard time finding one that works for him.. and to my surprise I feel as thought im on the same page as you. I think its almost a relief to read how your life has been the past while and the realizations you’ve come to. I feel the same. It isnt a bad thing, its just allowing ourselves to become something bigger.
I wish you lots of happiness in the future, and if you decide to keep this – or something up and running, I’ll be following along 🙂
I am starting to experiment with homemade beauty products, and i wanted to achieve lighter hair in the sun. The recipe i have found was honey, lemon, chamomile, and olive oil. My question is, as some of the ingredients are actual foods i’m afraid they might expire. Does anyone have an idea about the rough amount of shelf life this finished product would have?
I am starting to experiment with homemade beauty products, and i wanted to achieve lighter hair in the sun. The recipe i have found was honey, lemon, chamomile, and olive oil. My question is, as some of the ingredients are actual foods i’m afraid they might expire. Does anyone have an idea about the rough amount of shelf life this finished product would have? Please if anyone has any idea, i would really appreciate a reply on [email protected]
Hi Betty – I’ve come across this post from you just as I’m searching again for ways to live in the present and stop beating myself up for all of my “mistakes..” Thank you for your honesty. It feels like I was meant to see this, to encourage me to keep the faith. I also just stumbled upon Buddhist chanting (the type that Tina Turner does) and I’m going to try it. I saw her on 60 Minutes years ago and have always felt like chanting would be helpful for me. There are so many ways to get ‘there’ and it’s supposedly simple but not easy. Making time for quiet has always helped me. I too, beat myself up for past “mistakes” all the time…Thanks again!
How could I imagine that a simple search about Borax would lead me to find such a marvelous soul?
Good for you and for all of us to have you on the planet, Betty!
I love your blog and so sad I found it by reading your last post. I hope all is going well and thankful you still have this site going.
Love your writing. It’s so honest.Thank you.
Just stumbled on this site as I was looking for a DIY body powder. You have some fantastic things here, then I came upon your final post and was disappointed that you stopped over a year ago.
I hope you are well and finding some clarity.
Lisa O.
I feel like a voyeur. You sound like you’ve had some kind of episode, possibly brought on the stress of reconciling your style of blogging with the reality of it becoming an earning machine. And the fact that the two are irreconcilable, ultimately. Maybe by medication.
Everything is not good. There is a lot of crap in cosmetics, and while you are under no obligation to continue your blog, nor should you do if it’s making you sick, there’s no point in using mindful enlightenment to justify saying it’s all good. It’s not.
Sell products you wouldn’t have considered buying previously. It’s ok, we’ve all got a living to make. Your blog and it’s inspiration though will outlast the products you sell, because making is empowering. Buying is just a quick trip. I’m sad you’ve chosen the money over the inspiration. But I can’t say if I’d have done anything different. Success in life is quantified by earnings, sadly. And to turn your back on a good little earner is not as respected as it should be.
Just don’t dress it up as enlightenment. It’s capitalism.
Wow, I’m…. Wow. I won’t swear…. What you said was really unfair, unkind, inconsiderate & judgemental. No one deserves to be treated in this manner. I hope you have changed in the year since you posted this. I’m assuming you are an unhappy person… But I’m not going to go there.
Hi Betty, Love your writing. It’s so honest.
The purpose of our life is to seek and find that ultimate truth. And I am glad to know that you are on that journey.
Would love to hear about it. You can enlighten us from your search and we readers can contribute our experiences from our quest.
Lots of love, Minaz
shine on! 🙂
And thanks!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Crunchy Betty, have you moved to a new space? Would absolutely love to read about your journey and about the paradoxes and contradictions you were mentioning. Please don’t give up on writing. You have something that the world needs!
Even though I have followed Crunchy Betty for only 8 months, Betty’s farewell has caused me to mourn the loss of a friend. The easy-reading, friendly, and humorous tone made me see you as a real person. A perfectionist myself, I have noticed your extra work and appreciated it.
When did the blog begin? How can I find the first entry and experience the growth of Crunchy Betty from beginning to end? I want to read it all.
Love to you and all your other reader/friends.
So you are growing and changing; that is all part of this dance called life. I don;t claim to have “Awoken” yet. At the most I am tossing restlessly in my sleep. I would Love to hear more about your journey.
Perhaps someday you will be able to come back to this subject from a new perspective, one not grounded in worry or fear. But if not, it was still a good thing you did for the time that you did it.
Dear Betty,
I was just searching for some tips on henna and ran across this post. This same sort of thing that you speak of, essentially cleaning and purifying the mind, is also what occurred with me last September. I too had grown tired of all the lies in my mind and not really realizing the power in it, I started practicing a spiritual austerity which I have since learned is called “neti neti” where you negate the thoughts in your mind. I practiced it for about 1 1/2 years. When I stopped last year, I saw that my mind was in a new place free from worry, past, future etc. Like you, I have also thought of what to do with this great discovery and have since shared my story on a website that I started. I’m still not sure where it’s going lol. I’m just taking it day by day. Tho American, I’ve been in India for the last 3 years so I’ve been in the perfect spot to learn from the best spiritual teachers of where I am now. What I can say to you about what I know now is that many people are def interested in realizing their true nature if you opt to help others in getting there. Lastly, I recommend watching some of Moojis videos. He’s great! This last March I shared my story in one of Mooji’s satsangs here in India and it was recorded. If you’d like to hear it, its on youtube and it’s called “no one can obtain enlightenment.” Anyway, good luck with you on your journey. I really enjoyed running across your post on this! In love and light, Melanie
You are so inspiring, honest, witty and insightful. I wish you all the best in your search and share your journey on the way… whenever you are ready that is 🙂
Oh where oh where has my Dear Crunchy Betty gone?
Oh where, oh where could she be?
Wishing you all the best.
Wow, I totally get this and I totally know that it’s been a year, but I wanted to say that I hope you keep the blog up on the interwebs because I can’t tell you how many of the things you posted about are things I find useful.
So long.. .and thanks for all the fish.
“Thank you for what you wrote the are few people I think who can write so honest. A random visit this sight and found something. To me that means you wrote this and it found at least one other person.”. I think too. Thanks again!
Hi Crunchy Betty. You wrote this almost a year ago now…I just read it this evening. It was very inspirational. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I hope you are still as crunchy as ever and I appreciate the information you shared here. (I’m going to try the coffee scrub in the morning :))
Peace to you…
Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still active with this blog, but I just feel the overwhelming urge to share that I can’t believe I stumbled onto THIS post. I’ve never heard of Crunchy Betty and this happened to be one of the first posts I read… And much like another comment… this post seemed to read, verbatim, how I feel my life has changed. Up until this point I’ve felt crazy, alone, and misunderstood. It’s difficult to believe in dualism and that there is beauty found in contradictions when even the ones I love and love me are so SURE that life needs to be this way or that. I also still find myself leaning this way or that on occasion even if I still believe it doesn’t matter.
How do you explain the unknown, but known. (…If that makes any sense.) What you said in this post makes me feel like I’m not alone. I wish I could talk to you more and see how you’re doing now. I never had a blog (nor do I read them often), but I can relate to crippling world of worry and never ending angst. I finally started to just sit with all my worry and meditate on it and all of the sudden it’s as if it just vanished. I mean, it still creeps in with random spurts of anxiety, but overall this sense of freedom has taken over. That even in the anxiety, everything is going to be ok. But now, I’m confused as to how to move on from that? How do you ease the ones around you into accepting this “new” you? Even though that in itself doesn’t really matter, it is a bit difficult to know what to do with yourself after such a profound realization.
Anyways, I hope you are well and I send so much love. I believe you have a wonderful gift in helping others and a beautiful blog voice. If you haven’t moved on to another blog to discuss this new perspective, I genuinely hope one day you will. All selfish reasons aside, I think you could help guide others to their own happiness through the truth of your life. Live truth and others will follow.
Namaste, my friend.
Hi, I love your site! Question: Can the No Poo shampoo and Apple cider vinegar be used on color treated hair or will it take the color out?
My life has undergone a complete metamorphosis since I used to follow your blog, and I lost track. Then I read something today that reminded me of Crunchy Betty and returned to find this intriguing post. I’ll continue to enjoy the archives, but I’m commenting in the hopes that you’ll share your epiphany. Some of us are still stumbling in our search for peace and enlightenment.
It’s been 10 months. Weren’t you going to reach out to those interested and try and teach us what you now understand?
I haven’t been on this site in about 6 months prior to that I was probably going through the same thing you wrote about. I SO GET IT AND LOVED reading it so much as it hit close to home. I have learned to be more present and really realize that thats all we really have. Me worrying/obsessing about the future doesn’t make it go away or the time pass faster. I’ve learned to deal with it as it comes…Thank you for sharing this, I remain hopeful daily that others will continue to inspire me. Take care and all the best to you!!!!
Miss you 🙁
Stumbled apon this site today for the first time and connected to this inspirational sign off. Laughed out load and cried a little at the mention of time. I wish you well with the continuation of your journey and would hope to hear more X
Thank you for what you wrote the are few people I think who can write so honest. A random visit this sight and found something. To me that means you wrote this and it found at least one other person.
Wow- I opened this up to read about cleaning my bathtub drain. Thank you so much for this! So there are more “regular people” waking up, not just Eckert Tolle and one or two others that have written books about it. What a wonderful thing to read first thing in the morning. Again, I thank you. And I wonder if you have read anything by Jed McKenna? Not that you need to now, but you might find it interesting, nonetheless. “Spiritual Enlightenment- The Damndest Thing” is the first of his trilogy. Enjoy your day- and I will enjoy my clean bathtub drain!!!
Hi Betty,
Its weird reading what you wrote because its almost a word for word realization, I myself had one morning. I would love to hear more of what you have to say, I just found out my cancers back but this time it’s in my bones, not going anywhere so I often lay awake at night and ponder over life which is what I was doing when crunchy Betty popped into my mind and I was curious if you had any new.wonders to share, I for one am thankful you did,I like where you were going with it …..bit of advice.. Can’t please everyone just post like a surgeon general s warning on the blog truth found here take it or leave it! Don’t apologize for feeling…or stating yours makes it a little less genuine.. Love ya…devoted reader
You are a genuine, beautiful soul. So real, refreshing, and inspirational. Your point of view and writing are truly a gift.
Hey Crunchy Betty. I hope you are doing ok. I miss you. 🙂 ~ Wendi
Thank you for everything. Your exploration of life’s secrets impacts us all. no matter what form your discoveries take, your writing continues to inspire.
Pleeeeeeez don’t ever stop blogging Grunchy Betty! You are amazing and the information on your website is awesome! After years of visiting other websites for natural remedies I keep coming back to this one -it is still the best out there. Everything you wright makes so much sense and is written in such a fun and enthusiastic way that you have inspired me to make a change in my life & go all out with all-natural & healthy living! I understand exactly what you went through/ are going through with everything feeling too overwhelming – I myself am going through a really hard time & have been doing a lot of retrospect on my life. But trust me you are making a massive difference in so many people’s lives. Yes life will go on without you but it wont be the same. I have just bought your ebook and am so excited to start reading it and want to buy your deodorant from Etsy soon! Thank you so much for sharing all the information you have so far and for your wonderful attitude of being so open about all. We love you Chrunchy Betty! XXX
I want to say thank you for the time and effort you put into your blog. I truly hope that you don’t see it as something done while you were lost/asleep. I can see, from all the posts, that your blog has encouraged a lot of people besides myself. Your style of writing was accessible, it didn’t sound too preachy.
It is understandable that things change, people change, life changes. I hope that you are happier, more aware in your “wakeful” state.
Please check in when the mood strikes, you will find friends in this place you have made.
Peace be with you.
I’ve enjoyed one of your works for a long time. I have a copy of “wrinkle wrinkle little star” printed in my homemaking binder. It serves as a beautiful reminder for me that, despite staying home and caring for my family (which isn’t always glamorous), I am worthy. I try to uplift other women around me who also choose to care for their kids needs before themselves by letting them know they are beautiful in all they do. I enjoy your wit and hope to follow you in your web endeavors (if you choose to).
thanks for all the laughs.
Just want to tell you I miss you and hope you are well.
Dudette, that is beautiful. Totally appropriate.
Okay I just found your blog a few days ago but I love this. I can’t ever really say why. You’re honest about your reasons for doing this and for not doing it anymore and that is just beautiful.
We all go through change, shifts, and a few revelations. And thank God! Because Life would be awful boring. Stay true to yourself Betty. Wishing you all the best.
I just discovered you! Love your writing style and humor. Also, love that you are loving you. You can’t help anyone else if you don’t help yourself. So, here’s to you living every moment of your life and not missing out on any beautiful thing 🙂
Have only just found your blog, looking for some answers on borax! BUT was attracted to what you had written last, enough to open up and read the whole thing. Love your honesty and pleased and relieved to find someone who seems to have gone through something similar to me this past year.
I have a word for this year – HOPE – and at the moment, I’m working on ‘daring to hope’.
Hi Betty
I understand completely!! I am a herbalist and for the past five years have sold my organic skin care products everywhere I could, I found you when I was researching something and have a link to that post in my ingredients list.
I too have woken up, exhilarating (and at first terrifying) and just what needed to happen. While I still sell my products and guide my clients I no longer feel that EVERYONE needs to know this stuff. Everyone finds their way, eventually. Everyone, no matter what.
Go where your heart leads, and if you are moved to share then do that too.
I discovered your wonderful site over 3 years ago, and it changed my life. Without this site I would never have discovered how fun making my own products was. I learned about the importance of what we use and all kinds of wonderful tips too, but more importantly it was fun. I’m glad you managed towake up, as you put it, and wish you every happiness in future. But please know that whatever you decide to write, I and so many others will definitely be interested. Also thank you for keeping the website up, it’s an invaluable guide for so many of us
All the best for the future
I am just seeing this post today, as I was looking for info on essential oils and came across your “21 Things you need to know about Essential Oils” post. That post was great, by the way, but somehow this post popped up on my computer screen and I clung to every word. The perfect words for me to hear at the time when I was open to hearing them. (I don’t believe in coincidences.) Well stated and I am now looking forward to following your blog and getting caught up on all the new Crunchiness!
I stumbled across this post while searching for a do-it-yourself face oil recipe and… wow! I love this, it’s exactly what I needed to hear. I have been an avid show-me-the-data girl for years, and have recently been struggling through my own personal evolution much as you have. Thank you for having the courage to share, please continue to do so, there are people out there who can relate and can use some inspiration!!!
Sorry for such a long comment ubove it jus cut the last part off:)….
you will be missed and you’ve helped so much with just this blog I can’t imagin how much change you will do now. Keep shining! You are an amazing woman and I think you so very much for what you’ve done for me:)
I just now read your email. I have had it saved for some time but it was lost in my email clutter lol. This came at the perfect time. I’d like to say first that your blog was one of the first things that helped me learn my path. Thank you for that! I love holistic medician and everything natural and you showed me a starting point! Here lately though I’ve been going through a more spiritual path and very confused on a lot of things. I’ve been awake in a lot of other things but I feel that I am just starting. I’m at the beginning of the rabbit hole. I’m realizing that I want to be free. Free from worrying like you said about having to save the world. We can’t and I’m realizing that. I know that this path is the right one for me but it is scary at the same time because all that you knew to be true isn’t. It’s better though that I do know. I am enjoying this journey and becoming more enlightened. It’s just wonderful to know that I am not the only one who is going through this. I would love to hear more from you on this subject on what you have learned and realized if that is your choice. I do understand needing to just be quiet and writing a blog does take a lot of your time. (Maybe privite email
I checked here for months to see if you’d posted anything or started a new site. I’m so happy that you came back to let everyone know how you are. It means a lot that you did that. Thank you.
Whatever you decide to do, I’ll be here.
Hi Betty,
Isn’t synchronicity just the damnedest thing! LOL. I just saw this post and wanted to ring in. I think you have an amazing gift for writing but I know that you already know that. This awakening is the biggest gift you will ever receive. It’s only by completely shattering that we can be put back together whole. I have gone through the same transformation and am excited every day at the new story that unfolds before me…. in the moment. The now. It is only by looking inward that we can see the totality of who and what we are. We are invited into the infinite world of no worries or fear or time. I still remember the day when I realized that I was as much a part of the trees, grass and sky around me as anything else. That we are all one and the flame of love that filled my heard has never been put out. I am learning that more and more people are being awakened and that there is a lot of information out there. You can choose to contribute to that information with your writing or simply sit back and observe. Whichever you do, know that I am beside you…energetically…cheering you on;)
Me too, sister. Me too. Haven’t blogged since August. Thinking there’s got to be another way. Updating my book for a new edition in the spring and then… maybe that will be it for this chapter of “me”. I do hope you’ll leave up the archive of your journey to date and all the useful resources. But I get it. And it sounds like a lot of other people do too.
Hi Crunchy Betty,
I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know that you have changed my life in a great way! I regularly make use of much wisdom I have learned from you and your writing. I love the way you look at the world and your writing style is very enjoyable as well.
Although I will miss what you have to tell us, I respect what you need to do and will not judge. I hope you have found happiness and I wish you the best.
Hi Betty,
I’ve been a fan of your blog for awhile and have learned so much from you. I was so deeply moved by this post when I first read it. I check back often to see if you’ve updated because I am one of those people who would love to hear more of your thoughts on your new vision. I am in the exact same boat and I’m struggling with balance between the world of old thought and the world of new. I’m always greatly relieved when I hear of others going through similar life/mental/spiritual shifts. I must not be going crazy after all! I think a lot of people could benefit from hearing more about what you’re going through — not as any sort of instruction guide, but more of a communal sitting around a fire and sharing our stories way. I think if more of us shared what were going through, we would feel less alone in our journey. I wish you well!
Betty, I love you.
I can’t honestly say that I know what you guys mean when you say you’re awake. I don’t really know what you guys are going/have gone through. I’m a child in your world of wisdom, but I want to learn. Perhaps I won’t fully understand it, but by God I want to hear what you have to say. Please, please please please don’t ever feel like you don’t have a place to be your true self here. However, if you don’t feel like you can talk to us anymore, then that’s ok too. I’m not saying we won’t be sad, but it’s better that your happy doing what you do. Just remember that you have so many complete strangers who will support you in all that you do.
Hi Betty, I came to your blog while looking for homemade shower gel recipes with ylang ylang, one of my favourite scents ever. And then I saw a recipe and had a look at the ylang ylang bottle, the same I have! So I read your latest post and felt a deep feeling going on, as it happened to myself some time ago and I went there. I send you love and thank you for this blog
I came to your website to look for a deodorant recipe that I had had written down but lost. This post stopped me in my tracks. I’m a soapmaker. (Or I WAS a soapmaker) I LOVED making soap and teaching people about using natural products….but I’m awake now too. My heart is no longer in it. I just can’t do it anymore. Waking up is scary. We are all born awake, but for most, we fall asleep somewhere along the way. And it becomes nearly impossible to speak to those that are still asleep. To them, you sound crazy. Or they only half understand what you say. Or they blatantly turn away and ignore what you say. Welcome to the real world my dear….it gets better.
what happened to the crunchy Facebook group? Did it close down? Cant find it :/
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I think you should. Do tell. Do share.
You have a public, a public that will listen. There need to be more people who do tell.
I know this problem, having a blog myself in The Netherlands, trying to open up and sharing what I know. What I really, really know, I am awake, most of the time though. I don’t always know, what to say, what not to say, I want to reach as much people as possible, without scaring the ‘bleep’out of them and shutting their eyes just more…
But please do tell… and be safe.
I really appreciate your blog and wanted you to know that you rock! And by the way… I knew already that you were going through this by reading your last posts. I have been there.
A new start… You can do it from out here. Crunchy Betty, your thoughts were already readable for people who read between the lines 🙂
Good luck with making up your mind. I think you already know where you are heading.
Sincerely and with lots of love.
Thank you for your honesty. I want to still hear from you. I see you giving us the information and letting us do with it what we will. There are too many of us that have come to the realization that things need to change. No, we can’t save it all, but like snowflakes, imagine what we can do together!!
Betty, thank you for writing to let those of us who loved you and loved your blog know that you are ok. We miss you! But I totally understand the need to take a break or to leave one room and to enter the open door to another reality. Sometimes permanently. Years ago, after being a bit of a news junkie, I had to take a break and stopped reading the newspaper or watching the tv news. After several years, I returned to the world of “news”. In the early-mid 2000’s, I was very active in anti-war and other social justice activities but now with the internet to add to the equation and my children! Again, I needed to take a break, and just did online petitions and occasional phone calls and letters to our “representatives” and the occasional financial donation to a worthy cause. Now I am once again more active because of the severity of our environmental/civil rights collapse. But I also allow those who have not been so active to pick up the ball and do their share. We can’t do it all. And when we are going through personal losses, whatever they may be, we need to be kind to ourselves and sometimes just forget about what is going on in the world and concentrate on all the good. And despite my knowledge of a lot of things going on that others don’t seem to know about (because the American Main Stream News MSM is not reporting) and I read/listen/watch alternative independent media sources; I know that MOST people in the world are incredible, amazing beings with love and kindness in their hearts. Take care my darling, Betty, aka Crunchy Betty and I hope to hear from you again. PS- I returned to your site today as a fluke- my internet has not been working and I had a repairman over my house to fix it. He asked that I go to a website and although I haven’t been here in a long time, yours was THE site I chose to open! Take care Betty! Be kind to yourself.
Dear Betty,
Thank YOU for the all great posts and recipes!!
Your recipes have made a tremendous difference in my life and my health. After struggling with Lyme Disease for years and now Hashimoto’s, your natural concoctions have helped to detox my home, my health, my entire LIFE.
Going through life transitions myself, such a beautiful post. I was touched.
Many blessings and love,
Ummm…I really just wanted to know how to go “no poo”…
I kid; I kid! I stumbled back over your little corner of the internet & have been reading for over 3 hours now! Not only do I love your site but I adore your voice. You have such an engaging and lovely and sparkling presence, and I speak for countless others that would be so sad if you were to go away!! So…please don’t. And take me with you on your next flight-of-fancy, wherever that may lead!
Love you…mean it!!
I think you’re lovely. Just lovely
I needed to read this.
Thank you.
I’m where you were, and this gives me hope that I’ll find a way through.
Always love
When I hit my “moment”, I was an undergrad and my father had suddenly passed. The required reading was, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. It was kismet.
I’ve read the Dale Carnegie’s, Zig Ziglar, Tim Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Denis Wailey, Andrew Weil, etc, etc. and none of them spoke to me as much as that first. Two rationalizations that have come with age; Nothing is as it seems or as we are told (this is in a social sense, not scientific). And, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”. — The world is the collective behavior of us doing just that. The world is “good”, “healthy”, sustainable”, because the pendulum is swinging that way (majority of people), and unfortunately visa versa. I have found myself at your blog several times and found it helpful and enjoyable.
I hope you find your bliss.
Mayim Bialik talked about a similar situation on her blog:
It’s rather incredibly cool to look for how to clean some irritating laminate flooring and run across not only help for that but also the reassuring knowledge that someone out there who I have never met has been/is pretty much at the same spot on the journey I am. We’re all nuts. We’re all not nuts. Life is good. Cool. Thanks! And…Amen, Sistah!
My dear Betty,
THANK YOU for all the sweat and tears you put into this blog. I truly enjoyed reading your entries and incorporated several of your crunchy ideas into my household and daily life. As for your personal circumstances, I commend you on your honesty and frankness and I wish you much happiness and serenity while you are on this journey. I trust you will follow your heart and always be honest with yourself, with that you can never go wrong. Take good care of yourself.
I just wanted to say that I love what you have shared here, especially this post(it is a beautiful reminder to be true to one’s self). I look forward to seeing what else is on your site, and I really hope you continue to share with us, no matter what direction you might take us.
Dear Betty, (why do I want to call you Betty?)
I see here that over 300 people have taken the time to not only revisit a blog that has essentially been inactive for over a year, but to also repond to your uncertain post in paragraphs of positivity and endearments….?!?! You have made a BEAUTIFUL splash in the world! Between your sharing, experimenting, and whatever other tangents your heart desired. I personally revisited today because I was feeling what you have described, (how did you know?) and I was tired of reading negative thigs and thinking about how not to think any more. I fear I have fallen victim to my own passions!! Painfully numb, as I lose more of myself in this search for…something. I wanted to read something tangible and uplifting and inspiring and lighthearted. So a little voice told me to check crunchy betty one more time. So glad I did! Sort of sadly I found a heavy peice of heart, but also here a broken heart that was so ALIVE, ever so passionate, loving, and willing to share ( using her amazing literary talent) the journey with others who may need that voice of hope and peace…. and you are asking permission to share? 😀 You could guess my answer! 🙂
Precious Woman!
It’s so good to have you back. The world, this internet thing might has gone on without you…but we certainly noticed your absence and missed your presence, your voice.
Welcome back, and may your new journey bring with it an even greater freedom and joy.
Hey, I’d love to hear it from you. Evolve away! Share away! There is a strong & consistent correlation between using oil cleansing & honey face wash & Diva cups and looking around & asking yourself “What do I really need?” (Seen things) And then really asking yourself “What do I really Need?” (Unseen things). We tend to get all wound up about both, but they are all good questions & worth our time & worth sharing.
Hello Betty! I have been following your blog for a long time i have learned a lot from you. I am trying to make some chances in my live and you have helped a lot. Latelly i haven’t felt well emotionally and physically. I am bit scared but your writing made me smile and felt peace. Go on please. Keep on sharing with us. Blessings and love for you. Joana
I just found this website today when I was looking for a quick bit of advice about homemade glass cleaners. (Alvin Corn is indeed the best!) Since I haven’t explored the site, I don’t know what’s here or what brought you to this point, but I can tell you this much: whatever you have to do to take care of yourself is precisely what you should be doing. If it’s blogging, great; if it’s not, also great. Those of us who have come late to the party can still explore all you’ve done, and the rest of the group can start from where you left off. Either way, best wishes (and thanks for a great glass cleaner!!
So happy to have you back Crunchy Betty!
Have been following your blog quietly from way over here in Karachi, Pakistan and have embarked on my own crunchy path after having been inspired by you.
Thank you for sharing and forever being in pursuit of the truth!
<3 AA
When we allow ourselves to just be, we find ourselves. We all must go thru this if we want to grow. Your story is my story and I am so glad you shared it in Betty’s way.
thank you, Betty, for your candor.
i, too, am leaving behind some of the things i thought would lead me to salvation! that said, i continue to use many of the recipes i got from your blog.
thanks much and i would very much like to read more of your writing–especially in this new vein. not because i think you could save the world with it, but because it is beautiful to be allowed to look inside a beautiful bloom as it is opening.
Well this is a heck of a starting place. I found your blog searching for window cleaner. I plan on making your Alvin Corn concoction but more importantly, I love your writing style and I think I wou very much enjoy reading what you have to say. I like your humor and your take on life. That you have experienced this profound change is interesting to me, and I do hope you will continue to share.
I hope the Crunchy Betty archives will remain because I’m interested in learning who you were along with the natural market stuff. So I’m climbing in, hope you stick around
Sincerely, Lee
I have read your blog on quite a few occasions and enjoyed what you had to say BUT just now I read “and that’s the story of that” and felt that I had met a kindred soul. I have been feeling like this for so long now and struggle between the two worlds both physically and mentally…..I live part time in the Middle East and part in Ireland, two entirely different cultures and adapting to each takes a lot of energy and patience. I have for years attempted to live my life a la Eckerd Tolle, each moment at a time. It takes a lot of work and I am striving to do so. I thank you for writing what you did and for encouraging me to continue to do so.
Keep up the good work as you choose not we.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the years of work you put into this blog. Even if you never add anything to it again, it’s an invaluable resource.
I stumbled upon your blog years ago, and my life has never been the same since. You opened up a whole new world for me, and change my life, and my health, forever. It’s change me so much that I’m now working on becoming a herbalist in order to serve my community and help others find “natural healing.”
I love this post. I love where you are. Thank you so much for sharing with us all. You have a gift in your writing that you should use to help others along the way. If you write more, I will read it. I am so happy for you!
Beautiful. Thank you, friend. Trust this new knowing. Blessings on your journey!
Dear Betty,
Please don’t ever stop sharing with us. This is what life is about – growing and EVOLVING. I loved every single word of this post and I felt like you were speaking directly to me. I can relate to this on so many levels. You are so blessed and lucky to have this awakening. Very few are sensitive enough to hear and actually listen to that voice inside themselves that’s telling them that something needs to change. It’s a beautiful thing when you actually come to the realization that one chapter is over and a time for a new one to begin has arrived. I love Crunchy Betty, and I love you Betty! I wish you nothing but the best on your life’s journey and I hope you continue to share with us along the way!
With lots and lots and lots and laaahhhts and lots of love,
I came across your website looking for bubble bath recipes (thanks for that, by the way! Yours is the only truthful one about home-made bubble baths and made me realize – who cares about the damn bubbles! Its about the skin, damnit! – but I disgress..) and decided to keep looking around after that wonderful piece of advise. And I found this.. Maybe I am reading too much into what you are saying, but I’m on the same journey, to live for RIGHT NOW because that is all that is truly “real” or “ourselves” – And I just think its amazing that someone else is feeling the same way. I applaud your decision to open your mind to what life truly can be for someone who see’s it for what it is.. RIGHT NOW.. not the future or the past.
I am currently reading “The Power of NOW” which is helping me put my thoughts into words, maybe you have already read it, but if not it is quite in line with what you are trying to express.
Anyways, thanks for this post, I completely connected with it, and I wish you the very best in your journey of enlightenment 🙂
I would to hear more from the new Crunchy Betty
Finding yourself is the first step towards Whole Health.
I love this post. Thank you thank you. Wonderful. I seek staying in this present moment…and sometimes can click in.
You need to do what you need to do and that is all you need to do.
So do it!
And have a great life!
Hey Betty,
Thank you for all of the time and energy and passion you have poured into Crunchy Betty. We now know that it cost you a lot emotionally and for that I am sorry. Your burning passion for the natural and effective life is contagious and I know that it has woken many people up to the real dangers that are out there. You were the firefighter running back in to the burning building to save one victim after another. Yes, it spent you. We wish it wasn’t so, but we are thankful for the sacrifice that you made in doing it. That era of your life, while it may have been something frantic, shaped you in to who you are today and has saved many lives. Those out there who want to fight you for ingredient proof or clinical studies can go find it themselves and go on their merry way, believing what they want (because that’s what they’ll do anyway, no matter what kind of evidence is out there). Thanks for letting us know what’s up! We really did miss you – for you.
Ms. Daisy
To be honest, I didn’t read this article. I just want to ask if you know where to get magnolia and pine needle extract. Thanks.
Hi Betty,
You are authentic, witty, and full of grace. And a talented writer to boot. I would love to keep reading whatever it is you have to say. Cheers
I loved Crunchy Betty the blog because it was resourceful and creative, but mostly because you were the one writing it! Your funny tone and your astonishingly warm soul would ALWAYS make my days better. Not to mention the wonderful community you have built through this blog, who are always kind. I have great memories of trying your recipes, sharing them with friends, and sharing your stories with friends too. Both you and I seem to have made major changes in our lives in the past year or so, and I can understand your wish to move on and evolve. I think it’s wonderful, I am cheering for you!
Good luck with EVERYTHING!
Thanks Crunchy Betty! I’ve been late in discovering you, and now you’re signing off. Hoping that you will still keep your website “open” forever – love your recipes and your blog! You’re a brilliant writer and I wish you happiness and success in your future endeavours!
You know, when I first began reading Crunchy Betty I was in such a horrible place (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially). The only place I was semi-good in was in my relationship with God. Spiritually I was strong, and that kept me going. You could say we were on opposite sides of the spectrum.
I know your disclaimer says you are not a licensed herbalist, cosmetologist, physician, or other healthcare professional. However, to me, you have been just so, and more. You may not be licensed, yet you are a NATURAL herbalist, cosmetologist, physician, healthcare professional, and I’m sure, more importantly, mother and wife. You care about us so much, you shared all your recipe and knowledge to help us be healthier, both to our own body, and to the Planet Earth. Mentally, emotionally, physically, you helped me in all those areas. The loveliness in which you deliver your services is magnificent. I found myself laughing at your jokes, I really love your wittiness. Also, having fun while trying the different recipes and ways of being more “natural” “crunchy” was good for my soul. Looking back, I now use so many herbs and oils, and have courage to try ones that are so foreign to me, because of YOU!
Anyway, I can go on and on, I just want to encourage you in your new journey, and I hold you to no standards. It’s a little weird, but I’m sure a lot of your fellow Crunchy Bettys feel like they know you. And we’re sure you’ll never stray too far off your original self, because your heart is so visibly beautiful. Do whatever it takes to find your joy, by any means necessary!
We sure did miss you. But, it all works out in the end. Remember that “Everything happens for a reason.” It’s always proved true for me, for more than 28 years, even when I doubt, it always proves to be true. God has the MASTERPLAN, and it’ll all workout in the end. May He bless you endlessly.
MeeMee Love
@LoveMercyLove (IG)
Hello. I absolutely loved the blog. I do hope you continue to write on about your journey. So patiently waiting until the next post.
I am a huge fan and have been for a couple of years. I have no doubt I’ll continue to enjoy your writing. I am always amazed at “the other side of pain”. That place where we can look back and feel wiser and, dare I say, better for it. As you contemplate your next steps, I wish you clarity and peace; free from pressures of others so that you make the decision that is best for you.
I was an avid reader, sometime respondent. I do check back occasionally to see if you have started writing again. Thank you for sharing about your path. And thank you for keeping this website up for the community you started to continue to flourish. If you do begin to write again, please link here so that we may find you. You have helped me and countless others in our quest for a healthier lifestyle.
I truly hope that you continue your blog, because although I discovered it after you had stopped posting regularly you have taught me so much! I started ordering products from the Natural Market as well 🙂 While I will say that I trust you and your judgement and agree with many of your opinions, I would NEVER expect you to be 100% right about everything all the time,and I would never blame you if you were ever “wrong” about something! I believe we are all responsible for our own decisions and if I see something on a blog or website and decide to try it without researching it myself and the end results are not good, well that’s my own darn fault. I love your blog but I wouldn’t want you to continue it if it is going to be a source of stress and negativity in your life. I skimmed through this post praying you wouldn’t say you were closing the natural market, so as long as it stays open I’ll be happy haha. Thanks for all you do, Betty <3
Truly, deeply wishing you success on your journey! Three amazing people/resources I think will resonate with you, along with anyone else who is intrigued by this post, are Leo Babauta, Zen Buddhist blogger ; Danielle LaPorte, author of “The Desire Map” ; and Eckhart Tolle, author of
“The Power of Now” . If for some reason the links I have posted are distorted upon submitting this, just Google their names and you will find them easily! Best of luck to all my fellow travelers of life!
I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you for putting it all out there. Personally, I stumbled across your website while looking for a natural aid for acne. I’m so glad I did. I have found so many wonderfully helpful posts and recipes, to help ease my way into a more natural life. You are very special and dear to my heart because you have helped me in an immeasurable way. Thank you, again. I would love to be a part of the next chapter. Onward.
I think this is what my higher power has had me waiting for. Please take us with you on your journey! I need someone pointing, guiding, and nudging me at this stage in my life. I need understanding. Thank you!
So as I was looking through your old posts this morning…I just found this. Thank you for all your hard work that has been put into Crunchy Betty and I pray that you are happy and living well 🙂 What God has for you is for you and its a new season. Embrace it, enjoy and move on. You are missed and maybe one day Crunchy Betty will return but if she doesn’t know that you have touched many lives. God bless you!
A similar life crack opened up for me earlier this year and it was painful. But it seems we have to walk through our pain and muck to get out of it, so while painful it is a huge gift to experience and survive. It has taught me about going slow, core values, getting grounded, priorities, boundaries… Sounds like you are being honest, strong and vulnerable about what is important to you, what is right for you. Don’t worry about us! We are grown ups (most of the time!) and can handle it if you stop blogging! May feel sad and miss you greatly but we’ll live. You’ve given so much. It is okay if you put your energy elsewhere if that feels right to you. Not that you don’t already know all this! But that is my feeling on this anyhow. Love whatever you want to write about – accept it if you don’t write about anything – applaud you for being real and true to youself xx
You are very brave. And very gracious to share this. Perhaps that’s what drew me to your blog & kept me following up. Thank you.
Right on sister friend – do what you feel and do it well because you’re relating humanness and what it feels like to be you in your human experience and so to may a few others relate to you in your process of floating through life as the best Betty you can be – and so gives hope to others that they too have the same equal opportunity
Ahhhh, so that’s what compelled me to find you again today…to find that I am NOT the only one, to learn that there are so many others going through the same existential awful/AWE-FULL terrible wonderful scary lovely ah-HAAAA! I too got so caught up in the wrongness of the world and the urgent need to FIX everything, and then I crashed and questioned my purpose, my raison d’etre, the futility of my efforts…it seems my journey and yours were coinciding, as the last time I was here was the last time you blogged.
SO good to know there are others going through this…getting through this…waking up, as painful and strange and difficult to maintain as it all is. When you write your book, Betty, please let me buy the very first copy.
With love and respect and fellowship and absolute empathy,
You may not think you are changing the world, but the changes we cause we don’t get to see. When you are a rock tossed in the middle of a pond, you, as the rock, can’t see the ripples towards the shore.
We are the butterfly’s wing that causes the hurricane, the step in the forest that carries a seed to grow a tree. We are the constant chaotic element in a controlled environment.
Keep questioning, but don’t stop seeking.
I totally understand your recent shift. It’s life, it’s our evolution of spirit. However, please never trivialize how this blog has helped so many of us! I have used my own skin care products based on your formulas for over a year. I would have never embraced the oil cleansing method without you! My skin has never looked better. You nourished my skin, and now you have an opportunity to nourish my spirit and others as well. It feels like a natural evolution of things. When you seek more natural options to things, you somehow also eventually seek a more natural option of yourself, to alleviate the dissonance. Out of the chaos, remains a calm and peaceful place that we can hold for each other. Please continue to share your experience end evolution with us!
I’m so excited to hear what else you have to say! This article is awesome and it makes me happy to see so many people with positive vibes.
Do what makes you happy. It’s ok to be a little selfish. Your readers will understand. It’s not so much being selfish, as it is taking care of you. And you have no one if you don’t have yourself. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, and letting us all in. We love you, and want the best for you, even if it means never reading your fantastic blog again. Your wellbeing is what matters. Good luck. No matter what it is you decide to do, it will be the right choice, for you.
I’ve followed, been inspired, educated, laughed and cried following crunchy betty over the years- I need to express my gratitude, for all the hard work you’ve put into this blog! Thank you so very much Betty!! I wish you all the best in your journey-evolving the way we perceive things in order to own our own joy is hard work too! (trust me I can relate!) Remember we usually tend to be far more critical of ourselves then others would ever be (and most of those who’d judge us acually have something deeply missing in themselves anyway!) I would love to hear more from you (whatever/whenever you are inspired to share) but don’t feel obliged, you do whatever feels good for your soul! xo
This was my first time reading your blog. And I saw my life in your words, I hope you continue to blog on
your new outlook on life.
I’ve loved you. I’ve so missed you. I want you back. And forward. In the form that you take today. And tomorrow. As wholly as you’re willing and able to share. You are divine. In every form. Thank you for asking. 🙂
Dear Betty…the world works in mysterious ways, of that I am sure. I quite randomly hopped on your blog this morning after months of absence, and saw this, this amazingly beautiful and poignant post. I too am in the midst (well, the beginnings really) of what I can only label an awakening, and everything you stated rings so true. Have you read “The Power of Now” yet? For years I kept it on a shelf figuring I wouldn’t gain much from another New Agey hocus pocus book, but then happened to pick it up a few weeks ago and am so glad I did. Tolle, too, is pointing the way for all of humanity, all who will open themselves up to the truth that the now, the present, is the only thing that really exists or matters. I will mail you my copy if you haven’t read it yet:) So no, we don’t think you’re crazy. I rather think you’re enlightened and courageous! I for one am ready and willing to listen to your experiences and share this journey with you and this community, in whatever form that takes. Big warm hugs from me!
Well I recently discovered your website. All your efforts and pains have never ever been in vain. I am sorry you have stressed and worried over things.
I believe we all have great loves that turn into an Achilles heel eventually.
Ironically, I found this site because I broke. I got sick. Doctors, tests, years later they only say it’s deep adhesions and allergies- weird food types,and more.This “thing” is/was debilitating. I have been unable to function in the normal world for over two years. Every six months I started a new set of opinions and tests. Of course, a new set of diagnosis, lol. (Love it. I have more problems at 43 them my 65 year old mother.)Still nothing I am not nuts either. I literally could not unfold my body from fetal position for a month. My spouse carried me for two weeks before I could at least crawl. There is more but…. my point is.
I was activeexercised spent ours hiking, worked 40, shopped, cooked, etc weekly then one day poor literally. The pain was unbearable, emergency room visit one. Then two plus years.
I decided about 3 months ago to be more natural and holistic. Your posts have helped me laugh, learn, and I am feeling so much better. I am starting slow and easy.
So thank you for doing this all these years. You help even if you don’t gravestone, strength, patience, etc.,whatever. We all as I said our passions can become our enemy.
I look forward to finding things throughout your blog. I hope your spiritual journey has few bumps and gulleys. Eventually you will find the peace and passion again.
Thank you so much just for being there.
I only found Crunchy Betty today. I will be the first person to say that I am not a huge blogger, but I follow Pinterest like a religion.
So imagine my surprise, and great relief, to come across this website merely because I was reseraching a teeth whitening remedy more before I just went out and blindly bought whatever the picture on Pinterest told me too. It happened with a small chance, and that small chance has continued to grow.
Admittedly, I am sitting at work, and have been flipping through all of the different “How To’s” and recipies for home remedies for the past two hours, easily. But the explanations, and the personal experience thrown into the stories comfort me in the way that finding a picture on Pinterest just could not.
Coming from someone who has been dealing with the new found Anxiety, and depression of my own, I can relate as to WHY you’ve decided to move on. It is completely admirable, and understandable. I’m just sorry that I just missed your blog when it was too late. Granted, you have mentioned other sites, that I’d be willing to check out and visit when I need someone with a little bit more know how on trying to make my skin or hair more healthy and beautiful; but I am seriously hoping that they have just as much animation as you have put towards your articles here.
Good luck to you, and you obviously have tons of support no matter what you do or do not decide to do!
Just a little too late,
Dear Betty,
Someone sent me some links to your site just after I decided to attempt to stop cutting out chemicals, and you have been a constant source of reference, guidance, and motivation. I won’t say I don’t miss the CB posts, but I’m overjoyed that you have told all of us who wondered what happened to you, where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to. Personal joy is of the utmost importance (as long as it causes no one else harm, of course), so as long as you’re happy I’m happy! It would be great to hear more from you, here or elsewhere!
Take care, pretty lady!
Weird. Lately I keep stumbling upon blogs for the first time that are in flux…today it was yours. I am still trying to figure out the place that blogging should have in my life and it’s so interesting to follow along on others’ journeys. I’d like to stick around and see what you have in store. 🙂
I just discovered you last week (looking for and reading your oil cleansing articles). I am looking forward to seeing the direction you are taking – but I am also going to dig into your “now” blog because you have helped me living as natural as possible.
You have a gift for writing and connecting with people – don’t lose it, not quit using it – go whatever direction you need to go because I can tell, we will all be going with you! Inspire and Inform!!
Hi Betty,
Let me just say: I found this blog post in an old email account (that I thought I had closed–but was doing a review for a friend’s business on yahoo and saw that I had “100 new emails”!)…and I believe there are no coincidences…we’re all connected in this Universe 🙂
I live just down the street from you (in Old Colorado City), and I discovered your blog when I lived in Durango–about 6 hours away. I thought it was so awesome that you lived so close! And now you’re even closer! I feel like we are destined to meet (not in a stalker-ish way…just as what is supposed to happen). 🙂
Everything you wrote is resonating so deeply with me, as I’ve been diving deeper into this type of thinking (or not thinking and staying in the present moment!). It doesn’t sound like a psychotic break at all…it sounds like you read ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle 🙂
I’d love to have a chat with you about all of this…maybe while hiking the Incline (no–actually I’d be sucking too much wind to talk!), or over some tea…or beer…or wine 🙂
This post stopped me in my tracks and moved me in a profound way. I just discovered your website about six months ago, loved all the information about natural products. However, I, like you, had some feeling that maybe all this effort is still about chasing something outside myself to make my life better. And, of course, we know down deep our lives are only made better by looking inward. Please, please, continue to share your journey. If you continue to share posts like that I will follow you anywhere. Thank you!
What you shared is SO interesting. Read it through several times. I keep starting and stopping and starting on a similar journey, always getting sucked back in to daily life and all the minutiae. Would love to know more about your experience, would love inspiration and pointers. Please share as you are moved to do so. Thank you.
Just tell me that you will not leave your Crunchy Betty’s Fans, many of your recipes changed my life & I know you are here for passion. I mean give me a break, who gives the recipe of their products when selling them !! ?? You are awesome & many of your readers trust in you, no matter if you make mistakes we know you are not an alchemist & everything here is very healthy & harmless.
There’s people out there wearing commercial brands that they should be worried about & not worrying about putting baking soda on their scalp.
Thank you so much to bring unite to your crunchy readers who now claim themselves “crunchy’s”.
P.S. Again don’t stop posting !! Don’t you dare 😉 Use this low energy on your side to be more creative, you changed some minds & this minds change others (I did with some of my friends around the world & my german boyfriend).
jayuh. that sounds that. blog about how to not worry and see joy in life. millions of people need that
I’ve loved this blog, your enthusiasm, your humor and your style. Whether it be here or another site, “Crunchy Betty” material or insights related to the new path you follow, I look forward to more of your work and can only hope that someday you do too. Best wishes on your journey.
I have too many things to say, and they are too personal to post here. I loved the Crunchy Betty site as it was but if you can somehow teach me to stop worrying, I’d be interested in experiencing that. How does one simply accept their awful life? It was the worrying of a friend that caused her not to believe the diagnosis of cancer that would have prevented being on a transplant list that caused her to demand proof. That worrying lead to the proof that has now allowed her husband to be on a transplant list which is now offering hope that he might live.
Thank you for sharing 😉 sorry for what your going thru, please continue ! I have missed you 😉
Dear Betty,
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all your work on this blog – it was thanks to you that I switched to oils as my skincare a year ago and I wouldn’t go back for anything. I used to put food on my face even before I found you, but I had never thought of using oil as face or body cream. I look better and my skin in healthier than it’s been in years, even though I experience the occasional breakouts. Your style of writing is what convinced me to try, not the scientific proof 🙂
I am truly sorry to hear that you have experienced such anguish writing your posts, as they were always such a pleasure and an inspiration to read. If you decide to keep posting, I would love to read you, but that is entirely up to you and what makes you happy. Don’t know if it helps or not, but just thought you should know your work on this blog has reached far beyond your own country (I’m from Eastern Europe) and for at least one reader (me) you have made a TREMENDOUS difference – and through me, you have made a difference in the lives of my best friends, because they too are now fans of your ways. I’m pretty sure that you have made a difference for countless others who have visited your blog.
THANK YOU once again and may you have a truly blessed life,
I love your statement about paradoxes and contradictions. I’ve been on a similar journey and would love to hear your thoughts. No scientific data needed. 😉
Hi Betty,
About three years ago I began to “wake up”, it started with a nervous breakdown (I work for the federal government by day) and became an obsession with the end of the world, I was eventually led to the Freeman movement and on to Russ Perisky (YouTube) and Marcus’ interpretation of the writings of the Bible took me from an agnostic to a believer after spending my childhood rejecting what I was told by the priests in Catholic School. I was able to asimilate His word and find a peace my husband could not. My husband rejected the idea of God, not being able to fully separate Him from the images given us by religion (ptooy). He essentially allowed his vision of a One World Order and the corruption of business and government (it is real, it is not a joke and it is scary) to overtake his psyche to such an extent that he lost himself and his ability to love. We recently separated as I was getting nowhere in aiding his journey and his negativity was dragging me down into despair as well; I am glad to say he has finally seen the light (although perhaps not faith) and is bringing himself out of the pit. Freedom is tricky as anger and hatred breed the negativity that kills freedom. It can make you so desperate to expose the truth you forget to live, you forget to love and lose the whole point of freedom and the reason to fight for it.
Do not give up the struggle, keep informing those who do not see. Governments and pharmaceutical companies suppress the cures for most diseases in shrouds of obscurity in order to keep pumping us full of their chemical drugs (natural ones without side-effects are not patentable), the best example is the fact that something as simple as Hash oil cures Cancer quickly, completly and without side-effects (including getting “high” since you don’t ingest enough). There are studies all over the place including Government agencies which have been skewed and re-written to say the opposite (I have read both pre-edit and edited versions working in Health Departments); thankfully there are those brave enough to put it out there.
The trick is to find a balance. Live your life as God intended (and as you may observe in nature) by taking only that which you require, sharing space freely with both your friends and your enemies, be honest and do no harm. Meanwhile speak out when you see autrocities and enjoy every tiny thing that makes you smile. This is how I have managed to keep up the struggle and still find peace.
I came to your blog this morning looking for guidance – though I didn’t realize I would get the best kind. Your words are poignant and yet simple. And girl, they ring true to so many of us. Self evolution is heart wrenching and scary and beautifully raw. Thank you for Crunchy Betty, she was great and we loved her! And thank you, thank you for the you NOW. I would love to keep reading, keep sharing, keep settling into this new (ish) space with you. It sounds like a couple hundred others would, too. Your words and current experience resonate so clearly, my dear. Your energy is shining through, and I’m sending some of mine back at ya. Please keep it coming – we all need to know we are not alone, or completely off our rockers. 🙂 thank you again! Xo
Everything about this post resonates with me. I would really love for you to share more.
Hey girl! Having JUST become acquainted with you and your blog (hello, laundry detergent (-; I also just read your heartfelt words about your search, and finding, and continued searching for your own truth. Go, go, go! Forward into the darkness and the light and through the fog and into the universe, and enjoy and savor every moment. And hopefully keep us posted on the parts that you want to share, which you obviously have a gift for doing. Thank you for being you and sending you blessings for growth and contentment.
Just noticed your post, and I am so glad I did.
I am glad you are being so honest, with yourself & with your readers.
Those dark nights of the soul change us forever. We are not who we were before. We can’t just go back to being what we were for the comfort of others. That is not possible. Why would we ignore enlightenment? Evolution? How could we?
While I will totally miss the recipes et al, I want you to follow your heart. I want to hear what you have to say now. I don’t think this blog is the place for it, thematic as it was, but I hope you’ll find a new forum & let those of us who are interested join you there.
I am very, very proud of you.
Love & Light.
I’m so glad your back! Whether you decide to keep posting on the blog or not you should know that my journey to find the inner workings of myself began on this blog and it will always hold a place in my heart. So thanks…thanks for being the girlfriend sitting around the table chatting, laughing, healing, experimenting!
I wondered where you’ve been! Sister continue to share your truth. I think all of us are ultimately on a similar journey and it can only help to hear the thoughts of someone else to help validate ourselves! you go girl-xo
It sounds to me what is missing in your life is a relationship with Jesus Christ. I am not talking about religion but a relationship. If you have doubts as to what I am telling you ask Him to make it clear to you without a shadow of a doubt. He is seeking you. If you do and you are sincere He will show you. Guaranteed!!!
I stumbled across your website while you were “away” and being one for DIY and more natural things I was hooked. But as I looked at your posts I saw it had been a while since you last posted. I am also a resident of CO and was worried and hopeful that your were okay. I understand okay is really a nothing expression.. ..
So without babbling further; I am happy you shared this post and my heart aches for your pain. But I do believe there is beauty in life. I love your thoughtfulness and from the comments listed my guess is this change of direction may help people more than you will ever know. The world is desperate for people to tell the truth of life because more often than not it’s a “me too” situation.
Thank you.
I posted before and I would like to mention briefly that I am sorry, after all you have been through and not wanting to continue Crunchy Betty, I have a question that Is Crunchy Betty related. So I hope that is not totally selfish. That I am asking.
I want to make my own laundry detergent. But I refuse to use Zote or Fels Naptha because of the tallowate. I am so into animal rights that I couldn’t bring myself to. Is there any soap out there I can use? Can I use any bar soap? I am thinking Pears bar soap? Can anyone help me?
So sorry that it took all this pain to get you here, but very happy that you have found a place to be where the stress and fear is disappearing.
And for a slightly different perspective, I wanted to say thank you for all the work you’ve done before on Crunchy Betty, because for me? You have made it possible, in a big way, for me to live WITHOUT stress and fear. I have some extreme allergies, to the point where I was reacting to all my hygiene supplies, my cleaning supplies, everything.
Anything I tried to use was done with a clawing anxiety the entire time, waiting not to see if I reacted – because that was a given – but how bad the reaction would be. And honestly, having to make sure the epipen is close by before using a new shampoo or household cleaner just eats away at your ability to feel safe and at peace in your own home.
And you made it possible for me to not do that. I know that often you may have been coming from a place of fear and worry, but for me, I was introduced to ways of doing things that, for the first time, did NOT make me react. I had a feeling of safety and an ease of living that were lost to me for what feels like years.
So I just wanted to share this not to try and persuade you to go back to something that has clearly not made you happy, but just to let you know that there were some other good things to come out of your work, too, on top of helping you find a new way to be at peace with yourself. You made a big difference in my day to day life, and I will always feel grateful for that.
I hope that you find contentment and peace, and would be happy to read whatever you decide you might like to share.
I am so glad you have re-surfaced! I have really enjoyed the blog over the years and totally understand how sometimes the things we love the most are the things we need to put down (at least for a while) in order to find ourselves. I admit I didn’t read right through all of the messages posted in connection with this but I read enough to know that there are an awful lot of us going through the same sort of stuff. What I am learning is that we must do and be what we are passionate about. You are so right about living in this moment. That is it. Good luck. We will follow you if you feel like writing and just know there are people out here who are interested. In the end we are all One.
Thanks for your wonderful heartfelt update. I’m here to telling you that it does get better and the fear and anxiety does fade. Be sure to give yourself lots of credit for what you have done-that will help this process. Also check out Dr Lissa Rankin, she has a website and is on Facebook. She has been going thru a similar crisis..and btw it is often called an “existential crisis” and only happens if you are open and willing to learn and grow…;-). I have been a long time reader and welcome hearing about your processes.
There is a slow(to us) evolution going on with humanity and it will be wonderful when completed. Right now it is slow and painful. Stay true to yourself, love who you are, tell your critic to shut up and enjoy!! You are a beautiful evolving person and thanks for that!!! Let what you say continue to grow with you…
With love,
You should listen to a few songs by Nahko with Medicine for the People:)
Thought and known to be true our entire lives. But now is the point in time where we will all learn to let go of the ways of the past and move into the next phase of life. I have never read your blog before but someone mentioned your name to me. There could not have been a more perfect blog for me to read first. Continue expressing your new found feelings and insights, fallow your intuition. It is very helpful for other’a who are also experiencing these changes to be reassured that they are not alone.
Through my personal experience I have found that waking up can actually be quit difficult. It is hard to move on from what we have always th
Crunchy Betty is my favorite blog and I have missed it (you) greatly! Glad you’re back and hope you continue on your path teaching me along the way! 🙂
There is an old saying “When God closes a door He always opens another”. You have done a great job with this blog. Be open to all the new experiences that await you. Everything is for a season and some seasons are longer than others. When something is no longer fun or you are stressing over it than it is clearly not in your best interest to stick with it. You are the most important person in this blog and if it has outlived its purpose than look back at what you have accomplish with it with love and pride. I have been there where I wanted to stick with something that clearly was no longer working. The more I tried to make it work the worse it became. When I finally let go there awaited new adventures and experiences that I would have missed out on. I wish you well on the next chapter of your life. Thank you for an enjoyable, funny and inspiring blog.
Dear Crunchy Betty,
Thank you for your wonderful work in creating wonderful products. I have been fighting
Rosacea for some time but decided to take a chance and try your Royally Flawless Facial
Oil. It does not affect the Rosacea at all. I have a dryer type of skin and when I awake in the
morning after a nightly application my skin feels so soft. When I look in the mirror I’m looking
at a 77 year old woman without wrinkles. My hope is that your delicate oil will keep the wrinkles
away for a long time to come. Thank you again for being you!
I welcome you continuing on this blog discussing your evolved point of view, and I look forward to hearing more about your spiral journey. Honestly, your current mindset it at the heart of the crunchy movement and it seems as though your obsession with natural products, safety, et al. were but an early symptom of your awakening. I see these recipes and experiments as a beautiful frame around this beautiful portrait of a whole being striving for balance, health, and the rest of the crunchy values. But whether you stay on this format or change, keep sharing and helping because that really is what is most important. Blessings–N
First I want to say I am sorry this caused you stress and worry. This is a great website but even the best is not worth spending time in worry or stress. Enjoy the fact that you have enternained and enlightened many, effected and changed the lives of many….just enjoy that. Those of us who have been in the natural world for a long time understand there are ever changing “facts” no matter how much research, how much work you put into something there is always another part that is ok. I still enjoyed and learned from your hard work (which with little ones I homeschool I do not always have the time to do myself) and it was much appriciated. Thank you
On one hand I am sorry you had to go to the pit, but having been there (more than once) in that life changing stages, it is very much worth it. I am glad to see you on the other side (Or at least getting to the other side). You are a gifted writer and you should write, but please not on a place that causes stress. If you feel you should write here then you will have followers, if somewhere else they will follow, maybe even write a book so that you can write when you feel like it and not feel pressure of you have to.
For those that do not follow do not take it personal, it could be that they have not been there yet and do not understand. It could be that they have already been through it and theres was different, different beliefs or….. and they do not want to get confused, distracted by a path they are not suppose to be on. I am not sure if that makes sense.
Best wishes to you, and God bless
I’m so glad you came back and let us all know what has happened. It’s baffling when a blogger just stops blogging, like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I wish you well on whatever endeavor you take up for the future. You’ve had a great site, and many of the herbal remedies you posted were very helpful. I miss reading about the new ideas, but fully understand how you feel. Best of luck.
I joined today for the homemade deodorants. However, I’ve just read your “And That’s the Story of That” article. It made me cry more than I’ve cried in a long time. I moved from England to Ecuador two years ago on the strength of a vivid dream I had one night. I gave away everything I had because I knew it was the right thing to do. Although I am still waiting for the reason why I am here I teach, I live, I grow and connect with myself more than ever.
At times I have doubted the wisdom of my action. However, finding your article has put a smile to my face (albeit through tears).It’s amazing how we find things on the internet when we need them. Thank you so much Betty.
Isn’t the universe amazing! ?! I’m just starting. Had the epiphany and peacefulness come upon me earlier this month. Now by complete fluke, I stumble upon your blog. Thank you Betty! ! I’m in favor of your new direction. ♡
How is it possible that you can have an epiphany, a breakthrough, a complete rebirth from where you were to where you want to be, a falling into the chasm – whatever you describe it as – that opens up *your* mind and *your* soul to a whole new way of thinking about you and your Everything and then think it is possible share it? The people here are commenting on how they are walking through troubles which is NOTHING like the reversal of your personal force sparked from your personal experience and illuminating your path. This isn’t a self-help conversation about getting through with the orthodontia payments or the grief over a died dog or potty-training frustration. My point is: you may share what you were and the steps along the way as they appear to you – but not the path because that is the entire mission: continually seek and finding your right path – but these communal discussions truly are of little help. Interesting? Sure! Feeling all fellowship-y? Yup! But being a guide on someone else’s walk? Not possible.
I’m not sure how you are viewing religion here, if you are at all. When I was religious, I found it to be horribly restrictive, arbitrary and entirely man-made which is essentially what I was trying to break from. I recognized and unleashed my inner atheist and felt myself finally plopped onto an enormous emotional pillow. No laws, no criticisms, no doubts that I kept hidden, no more BS that I knew was BS, no more hypocrisy. I breathed my own breath, looked for, found and held myself true to what I felt is right. No book, no one else’s opinion, no Catholic aerobics, no superstitions. It’s easier. Who can be beholden to someone else’s belief? And it’s ALL someone else’s belief!
Read the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh and you might find some words to explain what you’re feeling. Don’t walk his walk but maybe listen and see what you recognize as your own and hopefully learn how to speak it.
Sorry if I’m the bummer of the group but I just don’t think you can help someone else along the path when they don’t know that they’re on it. They think they do but it’s not the same. Not everyone needs to be broken in order to heal stronger. Likewise, not everyone can live amongst those who are not on the path quite yet. Talking about bounced checks or affairs or meatballs isn’t where you are sitting right now. Take some time to look at the new you, spend time alone, quietly. That’s all I can suggest because, after all, it’s your path and not mine.
Well said. In addition to Thich Nhat Hanh, might I suggest Michael Singer, Wayne Dyer, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, Sonia Choquette, Brian Weiss, Louise Hay and Hay House (to name but a few). All of these folks have written some great books regarding personal transformation and the soul’s journey.
Betty, thank you for speaking the unspeakable with courage. Yesterday, I wrote the below:
“The world doesn’t need changing. Trying to change the world emerges from a basic sense of aggression towards what is. Everything is constantly changing, and the movement we have in this world will inevitably be a small part of that, aside from our own will and agenda.”
I was feeling frustrated after seeking practical guidance from a friend about entering into a career in “international development”. It feels like when I say i the world doesn’t need changing, the world things I’m crazy. The world is crazy! And my frustration with it is catching me back up into that same cycle of judgment and aggression towards what is.
I ended that blog entry with a cry for help finding like-minded people and organizations, so it felt like a synchronistic gift when I stumbled onto this post tonight and the community of readers with whom your words resonated–I’m not a regular reader, and I felt in your words your struggle to express some things I was also struggling to express last night as I wrote.
Makes me want to throw up my hands and go dance in an empty field. 🙂
I’m excited to read/see/be a part of what you share from here.
I say, if you want to keep blogging, you have to do it for you. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the social media and promotion and a great way to wear yourself out fast. As it is, I still use your archives for material and hope that stays up.
I found your site just this year, and today looked for a spot to let you know how much it meant to me. I was experimenting and looking for natural solutions, and felt I found kindred spirit(s) amongst all your readers. This is important in this time of human existence, at least for me, to know there are others, as I do not find them often in my weekly rounds. I am the only person barefooting up and down my street with no poo hair. I hope you continue to share, only if you wish, I think this is the perfect place :). Angela in Florida.
So many are going thru, have gone thru this awakening that you experience(d). I love your writing! I look forward to whatever comes next in your journey. If other readers are not interested, they can always unsubscribe. Be 100% yourself! many will love it & benefit from your witty insights and information! Xoxo
I am only in high school and have gone through some crazy existential angst. Already, at only 16. I have sat and thought for so long and so hard about things that I can never hope to have answered in mortal lifetime, that sometimes my brain would be so dead I would not be able to concentrate on anything for hours and just stare blankly at a wall.
I think the world is waking up. I think something far beyond what we can prepare for is happening. If I already, someone so young, am having such thoughts it would be nice to know I am not alone.
On a different note, I want to thank you for every piece of advice this site has given me. My life is change.
I hope you will still post sometimes and let us know you’re there, but I wish you the best in whatever you do.
Betty!! I am so happy I have found your blog half a year ago. I have learned so much! And also I try to follow your foot steps and check any book you ever mention. I can see that you have done a great journey into real you, and want to ask for the sources that helped you through the journey. You are amazing!! Good luck!
Betty….if you ever have the time…could you email me?
Although I cannot express it as eloquently as you have here, I really feel like I am going through what you have just started coming out of. I am terrified…I feel like I am in such a hurry to realize my true calling or potential. I feel like I’m running from a fire and I don’t even know which way to run. I feel like there’s a cosmic clock that is constantly ticking and threatening to fall on my back if I don’t run fast enough.
In your post, you mentioned that you could help us find out where and how to look…I want to find it…I want to find peace and acceptance. If you have the time and the desire, please talk to me.
PS. I hope you continue sharing your insights online no matter what they are. I’m sure I’m not the only reader who felt as if she found a sister in this post. (I hope I’m not coming across as creepy!) lol
With love and support,
i only came across your blog a couple months back as i was looking for more natural ways of treating acne. and i found all your blog posts, references and info really helpful! i come back each time i remember something from here to look into it a bit more, remember the recipe for acne aspirin honey face mask etc.
so i’m sorry the blog caused you pain! but i hope you’re happy to know you’ve touched me and a lot of other people with your lovely self, whether you are crunchy or not!
i might not know completely what you’re going through, but i’m a young’n and unfortunately put in uncomfortable circumstances most of my life.. so for the past year or so i’ve been focusing on being mindful and meditating and dabbled with a bit of eft too. i am of course no expert, but i certainly hope with more knowledge and practice, i too can stop worrying for the sake of worrying. i was diagnosed with ‘bpd’ but i no longer believe that my problems are a ‘disorder’. it’s just a label for everyone else to understand me, to fit me inside their box. what matters is what i think and what i believe in and to finally love myself without anyone else’s input.
anyway trailing off point.. but wanted to share my little bit of experience with you.
and from every that i read, you’re a truly wonderful person whatever you do.
good luck on your journey! i would love to see a new blog if you made one but no rush, you need to put yourself above anything else.
Ah, waking up. I really like to use the metaphor of the blue pill vs. the red pill. It’s not easy going back to the same life once you’ve taken the red pill. That’s what waking up meant for me.
Although I’ve enjoyed reading Crunch Betty, I’ve never written or posted until now…I want to say that I completely understand, however, a word of caution – very few do. No matter what or how you say it, most people don’t really understand what it means to wake up until they find themselves at a crossroads….and sometimes even then they miss the bus. As a wise teacher once taught me, the universe sends the proverbial bus several times during our lifetime but will stop coming after the 5th or 6th attempt. It’s wonderful that that you’ve jumped on.
Good luck on your journey…may you find your soul’s path. Namaste
I’ve checked back a few times, wondering if you would come back and hoping you were alright. I appreciate the update and can totally emphasize with you on everything. Life challenges us in ways that, depending on how we choose to handle them, will only make us stronger.
No one should expect you to be the same Betty forever. We grow and we change. Life is a beautiful mystery. It’s important for us to embrace change and let go of the past.
“If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing.” ~ Saint Augustine
Betty, please, please share your truth, if not on this blog, then somewhere where I can find you. I am learning so much from so many teachers. I would be honored if you would be one of them.
This is awesome. I’ve meditated and studied with radical spiritual teachers for 20 years, and baby, it sounds like you’ve torn through the veil of illusion and landed squarely in Truth. Reading these words has been a big treat for me tonight. Thank you for sharing – thank you for being who you were and who you are. I look forward to reading more. Be well, and thank you for sharing your journey.
I am going through a very painful stage myself. I’m questioning the meaning of life and my purpose. I worry I’m alone and I’m creating this world like as if I’m in a dream. Everything feels surreal. I’m not sure what’s happening and what I’m supposed to learn from this. I’m turning 40 tomorrow and wonder if this is a midlife crisis. It’s been going on for a month.
Thank You and yes I need you and similar people around me because I’m feeling so alone and isolated like I’m the only one here and I’ve created you all.
It feels really dark and scary right now and I’m not used to this feeling being a natural happy optimist normally.
Thank You Betty for giving me relief today.
Please keep writing about this and show me what you’ve learnt
It feels dark and scary, because it is dark and scary. It is like you’re the only one here and you’ve created all of us, because that IS how it is (until it’s not). What you’re feeling is approaching the deepest seed of truth, the place where your story of you ends, and the bigger story of “not-you” begins (it’s scary to go through and lovely when you’re on the other side).
Walk through it, love. Walk through it as fearlessly as you can. You can only do it alone, and aloneness is also what you find on the other side, but it’s a whole aloneness. It’s the aloneness that knows it’s also unity with everything.
Leave no stone unturned. Look at it all with frank acceptance. All the fear, all the stories you tell about yourself. All of it. Look at it, and let it go.
Imagine what it’s like to be born into this world. Imagine how scary it is, to be pushed out from warm, comforting darkness into the cold, harsh, bright light. That’s what you’re going through now, only in reverse to some degree. Be gentle on yourself. This isn’t an easy time. But don’t be afraid; it gets better when you let go.
Let go, completely, of the “natural happy optimist” part – it’s only going to hold you back from realizing the wholeness of all of it. You are not just a natural, happy optimist, you know? You are that, plus an infinite amount of other things. Let it be you. Let it all be “you” – but without having to figure any of it out.
I was just reading back through Byron Katie’s A Thousand Names for Joy, and this passage seems like it might help you (what wonderful timing that I was just reading it 10 minutes ago):
“What we call “bad” and what we call “good” both come from the same place. The Tao Te Ching says the source of everything is called “darkness.” What a beautiful name (if we must have a name)! Darkness is our source. In the end, it embraces everything. Its nature is love, and in our confusion we name it terror and ugliness, the unacceptable, the unbearable. All our stress results from what we imagine is in that darkness. We imagine darkness as separate from ourselves, and we project something terrible onto it. But in reality, the darkness is always benevolent.
What is the “darkness within darkness?” It’s the mind that doesn’t know a thing. This don’t-know mind is the center of the universe – it IS the universe – there’s nothing outside it. The reason that darkness is the gateway to all understanding is that once the darkness is understood, you’re clear that nothing is separate from you. No name, no thought, can possibly be true in an ultimate sense. It’s all provisional; it’s all changing. The dark, the nameless, the unthinkable – that is what you can absolutely trust. It doesn’t change, and it’s benevolent.”
Hi Betty, I am SO glad to hear from you again. Not to parrot everyone else here, but it is a relief to know that you are whole and back in some form or fashion. I would vote yes, for you to share what you are going through if you are willing. I have noticed some of these same changes in my life too, and others have mentioned it, so I think that many of use are going down the same path. If you decide that this is too private, I imagine most of us will understand. Thanks again for the update
Betty, Have wondered where you were. Thank you for all the help you gave me.
I love your products. Have been experiencing so many of the struggles you talk about and as an older woman have lost both of my sisters and all but one of my friends. I have acquaintances, but not the closeness of old friends. I am looking forward to reading your new thoughts and using many of them in the rest of my life. It was so good of you to share your new journey with us and hope if it feels right you will continue to do so.
So lovely to see you back and thank you for sharing your epiphanies/revelations. So many of us are experiencing/struggling/making sense of very similar ideas and thoughts, so yes, PLEASE continue to shine the light and share your experiences.
With Grace and Gratitude,
Deevine (Dee) Unity
I came for the deoderant, I stayed for the existential angst. Count me in!
Oh, I thought you were never coming back and that was okay because I know how something can suck the life right out of you.
When I started reading your blog I had just moved to a new city with my son and boyfriend, not knowing anyone it was very frightening. I found comfort in your blog and somewhat of an enlightenment to a whole new world and man, was I stoked! I had lived in my home town for 32 years and in an instant my life had changed. On the second day of moving from Arizona to Washington state I got a call from the Tucson Police Department that my father had passed away, I couldn’t believe it! I had just talked to him and he seemed thrilled at the fact I was moving and starting over. I was in a state of shock and in a real pickle, do I go back to Tucson and handle the arrangements or do I keep heading north to try and start my new life? With that burden on my shoulders I decided to move forward and continue on the path I had chosen. I still think back on that moment and wonder did I do the right thing? But I made that decision and I have to live with it, no matter what. When I did go back to Tucson a part of me was broken, I guess is the word and the other part was happy because I had a new life waiting for me so I was very conflicted inside and out. When everything was said and done, that’s when the grief of losing my father set in. I had returned to Washington and my world spiraled, I was suppose to be happy and excited but the tragedy was real! I was excepted to find a job, pay my bills, comfort my son with his loss of losing his grandfather. Most days I didn’t know who I was or what I was doing, it was truly a blur looking back on it. I don’t even remember the 1500 mile drive up to Washington!
My father’s loss had sucked everything out of me, he was my best friend, someone that no matter what I said didn’t judge me and he taught me the meaning of love. He was my rock! So being back in Washington I had to figure out how to live this new life without my father. I couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t call him to tell him how I was feeling, I couldn’t talk to him to just hear his voice or laugh. His laugh was the best, very infectious! What do I do now? How do I do this without him? Everyday was a struggle to figure out who I was or what I needed to do. In those days I Was soul searching and not even knowing it. I basically was starting a new and didn’t know it. It was literally slapping me in face but the consuming loss had a grip on me. It sucked me in.
Anyways, it took me about a year to cleanse myself of the sudden death of my father. To cleanse myself of this sadness. I took that grief and made it into a way to cherish his life. I have a shelf in my living room where I keep his pictures and dog tags as a reminder of what an impact he had on my life. I look at it everyday no matter what kind of day I am having. I try to take time out to remember to say hello to him and maybe even tell him what has happened in my life. I am not trying to get religious or tell you what you have to do what I did because everyone handles these things differently. This is what helped me and by me telling my little story maybe I helped you or another reader. It really wasn’t much to help with everything that had happened. It really is the little things in life that make the biggest impact. It was much more than a shelf, it was my healing shelf. Every time I felt sad that he wasn’t here I could look up and there he was!
It has taken a lot of soul searching through out this journey to be where I am today but what you are doing is because you need to do it. No matter what others say this is your way of healing and feeling whole again. I commend you for going public with your struggles, that in it’s self takes courage. I would love to go on this journey with you and help in an way I can. I am not here to judge or put ridicule upon you, as your reader and support system I say “you deserve this for you and only you!” Bring it and bring it hard! I could use a helping hand in my struggles and knowing that someone else is going through what I am is refreshing. Knowing I am not doing this alone.
When I started reading you blog I was inspired and wanted to make my life, my son’s life and the man I love more than anything, better. Maybe you think your blog is just about recipes and answering these questions for your readers but for me, it was so much more. I started to feel better about myself because I was making these recipes and figuring out what I liked, for once in my life!! I had never done that before and it was exciting. I tried not to comment on a lot of your entries because I know you were busy living your life and I would try to explore other avenues to answer my questions. In doing so, I have found a huge community right here in my own backyard. I am learning right along side them and in turn, I am learning about myself. And you helped with that!
So, in closing I want to say THANK YOU! I am here for you as support and be here as a helping hand. And sometimes, if you need it, a shoulder to cry upon. I hope with whatever you choose to do, do it for you!
Love it… thank you for sharing… please keep sharing
All I can say is WOW! You wear your heart on sleeve sister and thank God you do. Thank you for your honesty. I don’t think anyone that loves Crunchy Betty would ever berate you for being true to yourself. You go girl.
You have been greatly missed
Please continue to share your new thoughts in this space. I think I am in the middle of what you went through and I don’t think it was an accident that I just recently stumbled onto your blog.
I wondered where you’d gone. I’ve been where you are and it isn’t easy. The only advice I have is old and you’ve heard it a million times but it’s still rings true——–“be true to yourself”. Happy growing and learning!
Hi there. I say, bring it on sister. To share such beautiful thoughts and to open minds is an arduous task at times but I think, much needed in this world. My 21 year-old daughter is herself sharing and caring her well put thoughts into song lyrics that blow my mind. Full of “moments of time” that help to heal her and others. So I say, bring it on and be yourself!
Hi Betty,
I am new to your blog and have loved all the posts I have read so far. With this one though, I am thinking YES!!! So many people are going through similar changes right now. I truly believe humankind is in the process of shifting consciousness and we need things like this to help us! (and also validate that we are not alone and not crazy!)I would love to hear your thoughts, I feel they are important and I feel your higher self is guiding you to share. To not do so would probably make you feel inauthentic. You may lose a few followers, but I bet you gain even more. And like a previous poster said, like attracts like! Have faith and follow through on your new pursuit! It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, I am sure if you would like you can blend old Crunchy Betty with new. Or not. Either way it’s OK!
Dear Betty,
I wondered where you had gone! Thank you for reaching out and letting us all know that you’re still here.
I read some of the responses to your blog. So many people just adore you, my dear! You’ve brought joy and humour and a bit of old-fashioned commonsense and kitchen table wisdom into our lives. I loved you in your incarnation as Crunchy Betty. And I love the “new” you, the you at the core of who you are. Somehow you shine through your words.
You are opening your heart to the truth of who you are. The yogis of India called it “the second birth”, and it isn’t always easy. They compare it to the experience of a little chick stuck in an egg, who gets too big for the only reality she’s known and has to break free. No choice. It just happens. Many of us have gone through this, are going through this – or will. As the unnecessary parts of your life fall away, and the essential remains, you will begin to feel the blessings in it all.
Much love on your journey,
I hear your pain and somewhat feel your anguish but we’ve all been there and your not alone. Yet — you have a gift of giving JOY(something that is virtually nonexistent) and laughter and RELIEF. You provide an escape valve for so many that you underestimate your ability for change and perspective. Life sometimes really sucks but you know something Life sometimes is really great. You are a part of the “great” side of life , you paint on the great canvas of life, your colours are brilliant and vivid, please don’t fade — You do contribute and you do make a joyous difference. and your also funny as shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Ya!!!!!!!!!
I love this. You’ve helped my sister in law my niece and myself with your oil recommendations. Thank you . I often just pick up my tablet and type your name in and I found you by accident. I am always growing as we all are . Thanks for all your help.
Welcome back, I missed you. I will and want to follow and learn from you. Guide the way :0)
I totally enjoy and appreciate your blog. You’re wit and humor is enviable! I’m all in for the ride!
Fantastic. You are just the best. Be truthful and be on your own journey – that’s braver than most. I’m certainly interested in continuing to read your thoughts.
I’ve been through a lot of tremendous and painful life/perspective changes myself, lately. You can’t do it for someone else, it’s true. But I find myself grateful for the people (like you) who do/did have the courage to speak the truth of their experience. Even though I hubristically wrote the proverbial “them” off at the time (on many subjects), I find myself deeply thankful for their bravery and honesty years later. Their words come back to my mind, and it helps me to know that I’, on the right path and am not alone. I’m growing and learning and I’m not the same person I was.
Betty – you’ve done wonderful things for a ton of people here. I signed on today to send you a gushy “thank you” because I finally got off the stick and made coconut milk for Sorta Poo, and my hair is delighted. This blog is wonderful, and I really appreciate the investment of time/life you made. But it’s a blog, not a hostage situation. If you’re ready to move on, please do so – good luck and best wishes. Find your bliss. And I won’t whinge about it, as if my favorite music group broke up. Thanks for everything.
Dearest Betty,
I very much appreciate you & your website; you have been very helpful to me as I have been “launching” my new journey into the world of “natural care!” Your insight & humor I’ve enjoyed. Reading over your last comments, I must say, as of late, many of your thots & feelings I have as well myself, for I also am involved heavily in working w/people & their lives. As you well know, (obviously), people can be challenging, even when you are trying to help them. We all have to find our way; that’s part of growing up & maturing. I know this is probably “way off” the beaten path & too much for this blog & I apologize to all, & I hope I don’t come off to you, or anyone else like some “wack job,” but in growing up & finding your way, tho at times the journey can be devastating, always remember you & what you do & have done is important & has touched lives. I think many would agree & attest to that! You can grow up, find your way & still have a “childlike” spirit!! That’s what you have & what I have seen in your postings. Don’t give that part of you up — that is precious & so few have it. Keep up the good work, whatever it is you find you must do! I know you will be good at it!
Heartfelt & appreciative,
Aby 🙂
I love your tips, true, but your writing keeps me coming back. Plus I’m an Olympic worrier, and if you can impart any wisdom on how to NOT do that anymore, I’d love to hear/read about it. Please?
Good onya for your change for the better! 🙂
It sounds like you are talking about Jesus, but I’ve been wrong before. If so, tell it! If not, I’ll still come to this website.
Betty, my mind is completely open to whatever you are going to share – I will check this page daily and when you are ready to start sharing, then I will be waiting. X
I, too, am curious to hear more about your new thoughts. Thanks for all you’ve done here so far. Looking foward to whatever comes next.
I think that was beautiful. Vulnerability and truth speak to me in a way that I can’t explain. Do what you love. Write about it or don’t. Your soul shines through. That what matters. I’d love to see what’s next if you’re up for showing it! Xoxoxo -Abby
betty, it’s great to see you posting. i found your blog shortly before you took your sabbatical. i agree this stuff is fascinating but can get rather out of hand at the same time. please do what *you* want to do with your blog. it’s yours. i’m all ears though. God bless you.
I really loved your post. Please keep on writing as I love to read what you have to say. I think others want to know what you have learned and you may have a lot to teach us, you sound enlightened. I’m glad you came back and let us know what has been going on with you. You are on quite a journey….keep going!
Betty, you are so brave and so wonderful and I love you so much! I am so very happy you’ve written again! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Crunchy Betty, yet I’m so looking forward to future posts filled with your wisdom and infused with your wit and personality from whatever perspective your truth leads you. I’ve had a similar journey over the past couple of years and love where God has taken me as I embark on my new life. Thank you for articulating, as only you can, the awakening so many of us are experiencing. I’m so looking forward to reading more from you — any direction your blog takes, I’m with you. It’s such a blessing to have you back, my friend!
Like the many others that have commented I am so thankful you are back. I have wondered over the last year what happened. I too have been on a health journey and seeking as much truth as I can. 3 years ago I could barely get out of bed. I was only 46 years young and it was concerning. I started removing the bad and adding the good over time. Now, I am doing so much better. But, I think this healthy journey can get you crazy if it’s all you think about. And if you think that EVERYTHING that isn’t 100% Organic is bad for you. I truly think that being balanced and trying to do all that you can that is positive and good for you goes a long way. Would love to hear more from you as your journey continues. Thank you for your wisdom…it’s terrific!
Loved Crunchy Betty, your writing and your thinking process. Look forward to this new journey too! Be well
Your blog is so much about inner beauty that this is just an extension of that. Enjoy the journey, look forward to hearing more. X
I just signed up so I have no idea what went on before. By all means bring on the new stuff! Us women change all the time- Keep it going sista!!
I am intrigued by the new direction, please do share more
Amazing really looking forward to reading more thank you xxx
Wherever you go, I’m coming with you! This whole post is a huge encompassing yes for me, and I do not have the vocab to say more about it than that, as I know – from what you say so very much more articulately -you will understand.
I think I know how you felt. I was putting so much pressure on myself to do everything naturally; I was also giving so much of my time and money to charities or persuading others that I knew the ‘correct’ way of doing things. I think it was almost as if I felt responsible for ‘doing the right thing’ and it became almost an obsession. I would start to feel really sick if I couldn’t meet any of the demands or expectations, but then I realised that I didn’t need to prove myself to anybody.
I don’t put any pressure on myself to get it right anymore and I feel so much happier. I don’t beat myself up anymore.
Small gestures can make you and others feel warm inside, so nobody should feel like the world is solely on their shoulders. The main priority should be our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing – which also benefits others, because we would be more able to support them.
I still read many of these blogs for ideas (although not as obsessively) and this will always be my favourite. Your recipes have become a permanent fixture in my life and I hope that you carry on with your new wisdom because you are a fantastic writer. But if not, I would like to thank you for inspiring me.
Thank you from England! 🙂
I think this is what is happening to alot of people, the waking up process, It’s wonderful that you are up front and honest about it, kudos to you..
Good for you!!! I’m open for some change. Whatcha got in mind? Oh, and btw…I don’t expect you to be perfect. Just human. We’ll go on a journey together.
I love this post. I don’t read this blog just for the recipes and crunchy advice. I love your personality, the way you write and what you have to say. You could write about anything you wanted and I would still read this blog, or another if your chose to start it. Thank you for sharing. I can’t wait to see what this new beginning brings.:)
Thank you so much for sharing! I have missed you but realized you were on a journey. Please share whatever you are comfortable sharing as we are all in this together. ((hugs))to you, my friend. 🙂
I’m so glad to see you back. I always felt like you were a friend and I missed my friend and I’m glad to have you back. I can’t wait to see the direction your take the blog. Be true to the new you. 🙂
Kudos! Way to Go! This brought tears to my eyes. I’m so proud of you. Good for you. And on and on. Wow. I’m excited for the new direction. I’m thrilled and humbled that God, the creator of this universe, loves us so much to teach us – if we are willing to listen and learn and obey.
May all the ‘stuff’ you laid down, may all the hurts and lost loves, may all the drama and chaos be turned around and bring joy and peace and wonderment, love, and new discovery to you and yours.
A bigger fan than ever.
I will always be grateful to you for pulling together the natural things I did but thought I was the only one that feared the poisons in lotion and cosmetics.
But, now in your search, I want to tell you what will fill this empt space in your soul. We have a great and wonderful creator that made our bodies and our hearts. Let the Lord become the One that directs which steps u follow and He will never lead you in the wrong direction. That is the only true peace we can fully experience! Please don’t stop writing!
This was an awesome honest post. I myself have been going to the same thing recently and I can’t tell you how much it touched me to read your post. I do hope you keep us updated with more.
We are all here for you. You do what you think is best, and we will support you!
God bless you.
Hi there,
I went thru a similar experience about 2 years ago. Everything changed. It was very emotional. I cried a lot and then I healed. I’m still evolving and learning. I had to let go of a lot of activities and expectations, but it brought me to a better path. You are on the verge of a wonderful adventure, inward first, then outward with discretion. Do what you love, with love……..not that simple, but it’s the basic rule.
Congratulations, and I look forward to hearing about your discoveries and new awareness! Be brave, be strong, and go for it!
“…and the day came when the desire to remain the same, was more painful than the risk to grow.”
Thank you for taking the risk and courageously sharing your soulful journey! I’m new to your site and honor your willingness to share your own personal growing experience. Others have said that those on a similar journey are legion. Truer words were never spoken.
Sending Love & Light as you continue along your path!
Perfect quote for the situation Diane. Anais Nin is one of my favorites, and this quote is my favorite by her.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
~ Anais Nin
Sounds fascinating! I’ll read with an open mind for sure. You sound really happy. I say keep with whatever’s working for you and share all or as little as you like. 🙂 Best wishes!
Ahhh, awareness aligning authentic audacity!!! I send you a wink & a smile … for this moment, every moment … you simply ARE, exactly where you are meant to BE! It IS enough. Always “enough”! Growth … such a kickass feeling! Be gentle with yourself, K! I look forward to learning where your heart-light leads you forward upon your bodacious path. Keep that chin up. Stay TRUE! XO
Love this post. Keep going.
Thanks for letting us grow with you. You might also enjoy Lissa Rankin.
Congratulations on your evolvement! Welcome to your new world.
Some of us have gone through it, as well, and I feel we must share our thoughts with others.
Some will hear, some will totally misunderstand. Don’t care about that, all you need to do is share. Someone will get it, and begin their own transformation.
That’s how it’s done. Stay grounded. Hold your peace in your heart.
Dear Betty-
I think you are brave and wonderful to write what you wrote. You are an eloquent writer and I will continue to read your posts be they Crunchy Betty or something else. I identify with what you wrote and I would love to know what you know. So…please keep writing even if the topic changes. You have something valuable to say!
*poison (how that turned into poised???)
This brings me to tears…almost. I understand where you are at in my own way. A desire for truth is painful. A life lived on that path will be lonely at times and not everyone will like what you say. That is the most difficult part because all you want is good for people. My advice to you, seek truth. Don’t be satisfied with anything less. You are not responsible for other people’s feelings. If your truths stir up ill emotions in another, that is their choice how they respond to their own emotion. If someone responds in a way that is hurtful to you, understand that is the poised they are unwilling to part with in their own lives and people don’t like to see those places within their own soul. So blog away and be true. I am interested to see where this leads you. My journey for truth led me to Jesus.
Thank you for sharing that.
Thanks, Brittany. You shared what I wanted to say very eloquently. Thank you, Betty for your honesty. You have helped so many with your blog and your “confession”. It IS good for the soul. In the end, I believe Jesus is the Truth, too.
Accepting Jesus as my savior and understanding what God’s Grace is all about has changed my life and my thinking in so many awesome ways. Once I realized that He was and is my journey, and that His love for me is the unconditional love that I’ve always looked for and needed, everything just fell into place. Once that was acknowledged, and once I offered forgiveness to those whom I had withheld it from, the Holy Spirit began His good works in me. Some relationships fell away and other relationships were begun, but I realize that as painful as that is, there is always a reason for the changes. I am and always will be a work in progress, but I am a far different being than I was two short years ago…better for my belief and my faith in the One who has my heart.
Whatever your situation may be Betty, it sure sounds like you are finding your way. It’s not always an easy thing to look inside of ourselves and to pull out the thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. that have been holding us back from what and who we’re meant to be. I’m sure that it has been a tough, yet freeing experience for you. I wish you peace, joy and many blessings wherever you’re led.
Your work as Crunchy Betty has been amazing…you have touched so many. Thank you for all of your hard work and your caring heart.
You go Betty, I had a snap point about 2 years ago from a similar situation , but for working as a volunteer. I was feeling lost and immersed myself in helping. They just needed more of me than there was of me. After I broke, I decided to quit all things. That did not work either, SO, now I remind myself that I have needs as well. I do me first, then I have found that I do have time for others, just in a more managed way! You go BETTY!!! LEarning to set personal stop points are one of the hardest and most rewarding things we can do.. An old boss once told me “If they do not sleep with you or part of your family or home, WHY DO YOU VALUE THEIR INPUT or THEIR OPINION???” Make your own value. Love ya, still here. Sherry
I Love it…That’s all I have to say.. You are evolving is a very good thing <3 I am right beside you.. I get it… <3
I need to say that you have already moved forward by just clicking sending this out.
You have released and expressed yourself. I commend you.
If you have felt in any kind of stuck or holding energetic pattern you released it by sending this. You have allowed more creative flow to come into your life to create.
You have committed a selfless act! It is all about self love and that comes first to our self. As I key I have had a wave of boundless energy come through my crown chakra and also in the small of my back. The small of my back also goes through to the second chakra. The crown chakra is living in the present moment. I did feel the most energy at these areas and it would be helpful to clear up or work on other chakras that I did not mention. Myself, I am constantly clearing up my first, second, and third chakras. This just came to me, work on all them at the same time. Possible good advice for both of us.
I love Crunchy Betty and often refer people because there is so much too glean. If something does not work for one it may for another.
My youngest sister referred me to you a while back, can’t think right now cause you are still coming through.
You are sooooooooo creative! Keep going!
Have a Blessed and Fun day.
That’s so sad! Your blog taught me how to wash my hair. I will never forget you.
Thank you for your honesty. I have always enjoyed reading your blog. This is exactly how I’ve been feeling lately. I’m on the edge of something but I’m sitting on wait wondering what will finally push me off. I will continue reading, I look forward to it. Many happy thoughts and prayers to you, Betty 🙂
You just summed up my world.
I think it’s great that you are being so open and honest about it all. I want to see what you have to say, I’m open; and if I or anyone else doesn’t like it we can always unsubscribe. Bring it on!
I so appreciate this blog post. And having been through a similar waiting and watching period minus the final breakthrough, I’m all ears for your ideas and tips about getting there. Thanks for such an articulate and honest recounting.
well put, susy. i second that, Betty. i only recently found Crunchy Betty and have really enjoyed your writing, as well as the tips.
meanwhile, like many others here, my living-experience has been / is shifting in directions similar to yours…
like attracts like, i guess.
i too had a reasonably successful expat blog for nearly 4 years that one day seemed – while a proud piece of the past – not to be “me” anymore. i didn’t know what to do, either.
and, finally, i too would genuinely welcome your thoughts as you so nicely compose them. here or in a new space.
thanks for the effort you have put in for the benefit of all of us.
We all go through changes and evolve! It’s your blog, and I think you should share whatever you see fit here, even if it’s different from what you used to share. A lot of people would love to hear it. If anyone doesn’t, they can unsubscribe! 🙂 much love!
Dear Betty,
Thank you for everything you did so far! I’m sure many people here would love to hear your new ideas and thoughts, so please share them with us! X
I agree totally you are evolving please going it is awesome
Go for it. Lets see whats going to happen…………………….Well done for so far!
Thank you for sharing this experience with us. i am sure it was not easy to do so. Wish you the very best in your journey through life..many hugs
Thank you so much for your past posts. Your blog has been entertaining mostly due to your style of writing that can only reflect a bubbly, witty personality. Congratulations on your new direction. Waiting in hope that we can enjoy the ride with you.
Hey Betty!:)
I am so happy you had this awakening!:) if you know the truth it is the only one thing what to do with it. Share it with us!:) I would love to hear everything you have to say about your life experience seriously!:) im here with you like so many others. Also myself seeking for the truth is kind of confusing and i m more lost than on the right path. I guess with you and the truth you found maybe im finally on a right path!:) So i would really love to read everything that you want to share with us:)
I hope life takes you to even more beautiful places and reveal even more of it self:)
All well for you!:)
I hope to read you soon:)
Ps: leave this blog please cuz it still serves its purpose fantastically!:) you did great job with it:)
Courage, my dear. We all struggle to find our place in the universe, and we need to support each other
I am going thru the same kind of awakening myself and personally I find it encouraging to hear other people’s stories of awakening too so please keep sharing when it feels right to you to. I have recently read an amazing book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and I recommend it to everyone who wants to lead a more awakened life. Stay well and god bless x
Sending a hug and wishing you joy.
We all have choices. Mine is to continue to enjoy what you choose to share; unless I change my mind; or you change yours:) Continue to do what serves you. Being the best you that you can be is in itself a gift to others.
I just recently found your blog and really enjoyed it. Life is short enjoy every minute of it. Im sure if you take your blog in a different direction I will still enjoy it. Be Happy. I will however be enternally grateful for the Coffee/ Coco Face Mask you posted. Its my go to mask before any photo taking event. 3 of my friends just bought coffee grinders just to make it for themselves!
You did good girl, best of luck in the future.
We”ve got your back in whatever you decide to do…follow your truth, the rest will fall in place.
Hey Lesley ,
I think I know what you are going through. You are a very brave person and it’s ll that matters. Listen to your heart and you will never go wrong. Good luck and I love you sooooo much
Hi Betty,
Like another person wrote I have never commented on a blog before. But let me just start by saying the very reason you are sending out this communication to all of us is the very reason I found you in the first place. I believe that the most important aspect of my existentence as a mother, a wife, a friend, a human being is to always evolve, to always improve and to leave this world a slightly better place then those of us before. Sounds to me like that’s where your going, good for you!, and good for all of you!! I read every one of the comments before mine and I feel inspired to know that are so many people out there that are committed to evolving and improving!This gives me so much hope for the future and I believe that our children and our children’s children will benefit from all of you. Thanks for the open and very personal communication from you as to why we haven’t heard from you and now it all makes sense. And again I say good for you! I look forward to hearing from you where ever it may be and though I will never start a blog if I believe I have any pieces of wisdom to share that can help others I will do so through you! Thanks so much again for all you done thus far, I hope your life continues to take you to an even better place. See you soon much love, Teri
So happy for you! And please, please don’t take down this website, as it is an invaluable resource for so many!!
Oh how I have missed your great humor, awesome writing, and your dedication to “find the truth”. Yet I totally understand where you are coming from, and I am so very happy you have faced it head-on and realized what is happening. I will keep reading your blog but with the acceptance of your decision if it’s not meant to be. You do whatever takes care of Betty. I hope all can respect your decision. I will miss you if you go though, for many reasons, but a huge one being that I can’t even bear to follow your FB page with all of the misinformation that I’m sure must sadden you also. I just want to step through the computer and whack some on the head. If you decide against blogging, PLEASE take it down, or at the very least change the name so that reputation doesn’t follow you around!You deserve so much better.
Hello Betty
I am glad to finally hear from you again. To be honest, I’ve been trying to blog for about 5 years now. But, only recently, figured out my niche… I kept bringing up my health issues and fighting the urge to share that. But ultimately, in my efforts to heal and love myself, I’ve found my purpose. My truth is that I have much learning to do and I am using my blog to both motivate myself and encourage others. Those of us who can speak plainly, are important for those who need to be inspired. Your blog is YOU!!! Whatever you want to write about is what we (your loyal readers) want to hear. We grow with you. We try and fail on our own, then come back to your advice and try again. So please, stick with Crunchy Betty. Change is inevitable. And like a shark, if you’re not constantly moving, you will die. At least, your creativity will cease. So tell us as it is! That’s the point of blogging. That’s the point to real life change. Search and believe in the truth. And share what you know! 🙂
Wow…I mean just wow. That’s quite the year or so you’ve had. All that we really have is right now…this moment. And sure, I like to plan for the future as I can, but sometimes when you’re looking towards the future you can lose sight of the here and now. We are all evolving creatures, hey… who wants to be stagnant? I’m glad that you’re in a better place. I hope that you keep some sort of blog going. I like reading of your trials and tribulations of homemade remedies to see what actually works. Thanks for what we’ve has thus far, and good luck.
Do it! be true to yourself. we’re following…
I’m not one to write on the blogs I read and follow but after reading so many of your posts and learning so much from you I wanted to let you know how much I have appreciat your writing and your sence of humour for a few years. I look forward to journeying with you wherever you are going! Thank you for sharing this with us.
so. what do YOU want??
don’t let others dictate. it’s not about us.
it’s about you.
embrace you. embrace your wants, not what you think we wants.
best of luck on your new adventure.
xo Michelle
This too is fabulous 🙂
Yes, please share as much as you want. Like a comment above says, I think there are a lot of us grappling with the ideas you talk about here. I feel I am on the cusp of exactly what you went through. I would love to read anything you write about your path to a more peaceful life in the midst of such controversy about health and wellness. Thank you for sharing this.
Hi Betty – missed you so much.
Thank you for letting us know, what is happening in your life.
I am so relieved, that you are all right, well even more than all right, perhaps.
I will as always love to read whatever you send our way.
It’s very good to hear that you’re letting go of that which is no longer useful. That’s a hard lesson, but you seem like a very practical person who is going to really make the best use of a new perspective on life. As a reader, your practicality is what I really enjoy. While I think the little bits of science are really cool, getting stuck in the minutiae of a project is no fun and a simpler approach can be just as useful.
Be well and I hope you continue to thrive
What I have always liked about CB is not so much the minutia and scientific rationale but (1) your writing and (2) the idea that other people are also using their kitchens as labs and smearing food on their faces and we’re all having fun together. I’ve gotten many, many great ideas from this blog which have led me to ideas of my own. I will be equally interested in reading your ideas as they evolve, whatever they may be about.
Love this! Bring it. 😉
I had JUST signed up – so I am not even sure of what I will be missing…continue on!!! Let us hear!!!
I’m still here and excited for the new step!
Please keep sharing your thought and ideas. Change brings about growth, imagine what life would be like without change?? Remember the caterpillar it changed to become a butterfly!,,big love, Isabel
This might just be my own personal experience coloring what I read from you, but I think this is similar to what I’ve been working through recently. I started taking a philosophy class and a few books have really resonated with me: “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius and the Dhammapada which is basically a collection of teachings from Buddha (I’m not buddhist or even remotely religious). It’s been so helpful just reading and exploring the wisdom of great thinkers. Just thought I’d pass along those recommendations.
You are a brave woman, and I still think you are great. I am ready to receive whatever you would like to share. I loved learning how to be crunchy from you, and I am ready to follow you on your next journey.
It’s lovely to hear from you! I’ve adored your creativity & wisdom of the past. I’m uber excited about your wisdom in the present and future! I too have been working to change my life in this same way. I too have been “in it” today especially and really most of the past two weeks. I crave my quiet, safe space and also struggle to balance this new way with the ways of the world or society. I would love to continue to learn from you in this new, beautiful, whole way. Please reach out via my email address, for commenting, if I can help or support you as you’ve done for me today. I look forward to your next blog entry as you feel moved and safe. Thank you for stepping into vulnerability to reach out to us. I lift you up and hold you there with love, mojo,thoughts, and prayers, especially in your moments of uncrrtainty. Be well, be whole, be fabulously, perfectly imperfect you!!
I hear you. I’ve experienced this same kind of waking up out of something incredibly scary & painful. And, as you so elegantly put it “I was breaking myself on purpose, and I’m so glad I did.” I would bet that you can’t count the number of people going through this exact same, but entirely unique, experience, and we’d love to hear/see/move through it with you.
This is just the beginning of something new & wonderful for you, and for us. Don’t try to be perfect for us, just be real. If it’s here or somewhere else, we’ll follow, and listen, and sometimes even lead for you. This is a great community, whether it’s about Crunchy Betty stuff or no. It’s fueled by seeking and compassion, and that will only lead to wonderful & new explorations into the stratosphere. Take that leap & we’ll leap with you, and we’ll all build wings on the way down. Thank you, sincerely, for sharing this with us.
Hey girl it is a tough world today. You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your thoughts. I have a ton of your tips bookmarked. I feel social media can be upsetting at times. I can’t even think of having a blog with so many strange people posting. God speed and keep me on your email list.
I am so thrilled to see your new post, I have missed your vulnerability & knowledge that you openly share.
I will continue to follow your blog wherever it leads.
We all live such unique lives, it is so refreshing to hear from a kindred soul such as you.
Bless you!
Betty, When I first discovered your blog i told my friends “there is just something about her…” I was hooked on the you that came through your blogs, not on the topic of the blog. Hearing that change is a part of life, or sonnets of new beginnings don’t mean a thing without the One who creates the change from the inside out. He will “bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives and release prisoners from darkness” and “bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” Isaiah 61:1-3 God Bless you no matter what you decide, but I will keep listening as long as you are writing…
Bless you and the journey you have been on and will continue to explore. Please share whatever you feel you want to. You are worthy.
I am so happy that you’re back, happier and healthier! You have a gift, please don’t stop sharing it. For as long as you’re willing to share your thoughts and adventures, I will be reading and waiting for the next with anticipation.
Your website really helped me get started on my discovery of natural remedies and replacements. It was more or less a catalyst to my journey of leading a more natural life. It all started with the “no ‘poo” article!! I have been shampoo and hair dye free for about a year, and conditioner free for a few months(the curly dyed hair was a challenge).
So thank you, and I was really happy to hear from you 🙂
Thanks. Thanks for giving us so much of yourself, and thanks for being a really great resource. Thanks for encouraging us all to try putting food on our faces. Thanks for being here and answering questions. Thanks for being part of all of our lives. 🙂
Betty, I am like Kristen…”There are more of us than I realized”. And, Yes, I too know that everything is as it should be, and there is so much love and goodness here. It’s sometimes hard to listen when people close to us are so worried about the global economy’s impending collapse and the terrorism and seeming unfairness in the world. Being an empath, I feel so deeply for their pain, and wish they could just relax and trust a little more. So please keep talking…maybe I won’t get too distracted by them.
I am so with you. Excited to hear what you have to say.
I’m in a similar place in my life, stripping it all back and keepin’ it raw, let us know your thoughts it all helps to keep us connected in this life.
Whatever you decide will be accepted by all of us who have enjoyed you and the blog! Be well, no matter what.
There r more of us than I realized!
I’m in. Let’s do this.
As I was relatively new to your blog, let’s keep going. We all go through change. Let’s see where we go!
Betty, I’m listening. Please keep talking. I love what you have to say.
to put it bluntly, “growth happens.” no apologizes. no explanation. continue to seek your independent truth.
The day that I realized that The Big “C” is so prevalent in my family and that there may be a big chance that it may touch me personally, I set out to learn about a life that was free of chemicals and stress. Your’s was one of the first blogs I followed and much that I do to achieve a healthy style is because of you. It’s difficult though, as someone mentioned before, because you must reject so much for the sake of being more healthy. And is “that” healthy? I don’t know but I do know one thing to be true…. being in a position to help people and give well meaning advice in whatever field of work you do ( even if you LOVE doing that ) can turn in an instant, without you even being aware, into a huge burden when people become so dependant on every word you say that they don’t want to entertain the words, advice or thoughts of any other even including your own. And that can be such a heavy cloak to wear. I understand a bit what you are going through and just want to say be true to yourself. There are no “do overs” in life (which I honestly would love to do ). Do what makes Betty happy because it will make us happy! You’re an awesome person with a pretty big supportive fan base. Thank you for sharing and God Bless.
I wondered what happened to you! Please keep the blogs coming; im interested in what you have to say 🙂
I have missed you so! I will always be willing to hear your story if you are willing to tell it. Just remember that life is too short to please everybody, so you might as well please yourself.
Love always.
Completely intrigued! Completely open to hear what you have to share! The timing couldn’t be better! Thank you so much for all you’ve done and all you have yet to do for us all.
You talk, we’ll listen – no matter what it is
I have two words for you..Hell yeah! I will gladly listen to anyone that is brave enough to leave their heart and soul in their writing. It’s just an extra benefit that it is you.:-)
No words. I know what “it” is, yet I am still afraid to leave the old paradigm. Looking forward to this journey with you all!! Thank you for this post.
As a loyal male reader and subscriber, I also will go along with you and your journey and let see what we learn and what we’ll lose. You truly are an inspiration to me and I’m sure to all your other followers. Life is about change and adaptation. I want to read and learn however much I can from you and your blog. Wherever it takes me/us to. God bless and I will be here waiting for your next step.
Hi Betty,
Have missed your writing. Have so appreciated your insight andhumour 🙂 Am happy to follow along this new path with you. It sounds like you have been learning to lean in to the pain and challenges rather than fighting them. That kind of acceptance is brave and powerful.
Yes, please.
Betty – SO glad you are back! I love your ramblings and have missed them so. Whatever you decide to blog about I am here to read and enjoy, no matter what the subject matter. You really motivated me (see website) on my own crunchy journey and I really appreciate it. My favorite was the natural deodorant, no, maybe the oil cleansing, oh, shoot, the honey face wash is terrific. Anyway, glad you are back and blogging, no matter what the topic.
I think I found you about the same time you checked out. I was looking for some natural body care receipes and was as delighted by your writing as much as the wonderful information I found here. Though I sensed something was off since there weren’t any new posts. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, and I think this is a completely appropriate place to do that. What else could be more “natural”? Let’s do away with all pretense and talk about what matters.
So glad you are alive and well. Anything you want to write about is fine with me. I enjoy your writing <3 Thanks Sandy
Please keep writing. There is great content on this blog, and it is okay if it evolves and changes because people evolve and change. I will enjoy reading your blog because you are a lovely writer.
Yes. Please continue to blog.
Good luck and I hope you are on the path to finding peace. I must say that I use your products every day and really like them.
Take care,
good to hear from you again – lead on !
peace and courage –
I would be honored to read where your path takes you.
I came to the conclusion decades ago (yes decades) that life has a way of making you learn lessons, about yourself, about others, about your environment, about everything. If you stop and take the time to listen you learn. If you continue “not listening” you don’t learn – simple. There is nothing magical or cosmic or pick an adjective about this – it’s just life. Listen and learn and live. The only person you can listen for is yourself. Everybody else has to learn to listen for themselves. You can guide people, especially your children in what you hope is the right direction, but ultimately, everyone has to figure it out for themselves. So continue to listen to what your life wants you to learn and decide what you think others may find helpful and hold the balance to yourself. Your life lessons are for you to learn, just remain calm and open to it.
So glad to hear from you again. I’d love to hear about this new journey you’ve begun, about this freedom you have found and continue to seek. I seek for similar myself. Thanks for your openness and honesty. Take care of yourself always.
You helped me start my natural living with wonderful recipes, thank-you! Whatever you share will be an interesting read.Good luck in your journey through life love and happiness!
Yes! Many of us are right along side you on this path. More of us than we realize. We are reaching a tipping point and exponentially increasing numbers of people are waking up.
Interestingly I think the quest to reduce chemical exposure and improve the quality of the food/products that we put in and on our bodies is often part of and sometimes facilitates our awakening. It is harder to hear the call of the Infinite when our bodies are burdened by toxins. Once we are awakening, it is important to continue to support our bodies with pure ingredients that our bodies have less trouble processing. Once our vibration has raised to a certain point it becomes too painful to subject our bodies to the amount of chemicals and non-food “food” that the average Westerner is exposed to.
These two things go hand in hand so it seems absolutely appropriate to continue your blogging journey here! I found this blog during your hiatus so this is the first post I’m receiving in my in-box. I’m excited about the direction you’re headed. Can’t wait to read more!
Betty, thank you so much for your honest words – you are truly a breath of fresh air. You’ve inspired me from the moment I first found your blog. You’ve been a huge inspiration to me and I love reading what you have to say – whether it’s once a week or once a year! You’re one amazing chick! 🙂
Betty, lay it on me! I loved reading this, you were so beautifully honest and it was so refreshing. I’m so curious to hear about your journey, what you’ve been discovering, and how you’ve moved into this new wonderful, peaceful state of being. We could all benefit from that and I for one hope you will share whatever you can to help get us there. I’m in!!
Sounds like you’re coming out on the other side of something important. Glad you’re still there…do what you need to do.
The world’s in trouble. If you understand that, and it seems you might, I’d appreciate it if you’d join with me and others on Facebook. Perhaps together we can do something to ease the situation as it unfolds…perhaps not. Perhaps we can just be there, to hold psychic hands in the time of trouble clearly on the horizon.
Perhaps together…we can help each other in deeper, more meaningful ways. Not with meaningless “put-on-the-good-face” optimism…but with truths we can incorporate into our daily lives to empower us to live as well as possible with events coming our way.
I have missed you,. My world has fallen apart too in the last 12 months and I had to make some tough decisions but now like you I’m living life by my own design. I will keep listening to you and enjoying your seeds of wisdom. You see people say I live” down under” but too me we’re on top of the world. We all have a different perspective. Keep a Sharing.
Well said! “Now is eternal, but there’s no time to waste.” Share what you feel moved to share, and those of us who have chosen to listen will hear:)
Please take care of yourself!
Go to acupuncture, it is a lifesaver!
This is the first post I’ve received since I subscribed, however long ago that was, and I am thrilled by your message today and look forward to more. Bangarang!!!
welcome to the world of beauty
Hi there, well, well, you said it, Ive been feeling it that anticipation or anxiety whatever you wish to call it. I think its called life! and life with chemicals, sadness, bad news, etc daily drives me to sickness at times. I am old! just newly retired and let me tell you found you due to looking for a healthier life inside and out. So thank you, a big thank you for all you do and did and may or may not do in the future. Whatever decision you make, make it for yourself, true to you. I never was until now. Had to learn to say NO, people dont like that either, and oh btw, they get pissed off if you dont return calls texts or emails, like the phone works all the time in perfect condition, NOT. my answer to that now is WHATEVER!!!!! lol LOL Anyway love your blog and YES I will follow you, love your ethics, thoughts, honesty!!!!! thank you! sincerely the old kat! lol =^.^= PS hang in as I am trying to do too! Brain overloads sometimes huh!
I want to hear what you have to say. Please.
Awesome! Follow your heart!!
Happy to see you found your happiness:))
I hate to be cliche, but “Stay calm and carry on”. Do what your heart tells you. It must be in the air. I’m feeling it too! I feel that life is just too much lately. I’ve been trying to do too much and I need to stop all of it and just “be”. It seems you do too. Don’t feel guilty, worried or sad. You have to do what you have to do, FOR YOURSELF! 🙂
Carry On. 🙂
I am happy for you because from what you have written, you have found the most important part of your life—your spiritual self. The man-created world around us is so overwhelming in its pervasive presence, so appealing, so exciting, so pleasurable but never totally satisfying. We should enjoy the good things the world has to offer as long as we don’t forget to equally nourish the spirit within us and find a happy balance. Enjoy the journey!!!!
Onward through the fog count me in!
All those old hippies were right…”Be here now!” Eckhart Tolle and Mindfulness and consciousness–you are riding the cosmic wave gal. I recently completely reinvented my life (easy to do when you are able to retire) and I found one thing to be true; you must empty yourself and make space for the new you to come in. I am reading a book I heard about on Soul Sunday by Elizabeth Lesser called “Broken Open. How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow.” Read the reviews on This book is about you. And me. And anyone else who starts to go down a new and sometimes scary path. I sweated it for about 9 months and then…slowly…the sun began to peak out. The universe has great plans for your creative self–thanks for sharing! I’ll keep readin.
I second all the other commenters before me! I can’t wait to hear all about your journey! I am in a terrible rut that I can’t get out of and I KNOW life is meant to be more than this. Help!
Wow! I’ve missed you, & am looking forward to getting to know the new you.
Bring it! 😀
COURAGE girl! Missed you lots! Actually got worried wondering what i did that you were gone from my life…and now I find you letter baring your soul to all of us. thank you for doing that and sharing your soul…how painful for you to go through! But your honesty and truth will continue to speak to me with whatever you find challenging, and interesting and necessary for us to be aware of… and everyones comments give me more insight into what it is to be compassionate and loving. so humbling….so wonderful to see….so again thank you….all of you who join with me to embrace the journey this brave sister has been on…
Write on Crunchy Betty. I too had a harsh awakening and am now wide awake. Its always a good thing to be real with yourself and others. Thank you for sharing your story. Cant wait for the next chapter!!
So mote to be! I loved your blog and loved what you shared. I am on a similar path to the one you just shared. I don’t know if you’ve read Pronioa by Rob Brezsny. The book is my “go to” when I get lost “in it’. I’d love to read what you have to share.
What an awesome breakthrough Betty!!! I am on a similar journey and found so much encouragement in your words… I would love to hear more about this journey as it unfolds!!
Your post brought to mind a line from Leonard Cohen’s Anthem:
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
I’m glad you have found your light!
Love that Vicki P!!! And rock on Betty! Keep “it” coming! 🙂 Much Love!
I am trying to find the “it” that works for me these days. My life got turned upside down and I’m struggling to find the best way to right it. I’d love to hear whatever you have to say. I love hearing different views on life. I’m open minded and eager to move forward in my own life as well! Good to hear from you again and think you should follow your heart….wherever it leads you 🙂
I love what you wrote. And I have a feeling that I agree with the conclusions you’ve reached. One of the things I’ve come to understand is that the constant reaching for healthy alternatives is very negative because it implies the rejection of other things. So, we spend our time judging and comparing and researching instead of embracing, loving, laughing and smiling.
I’m very interested in hearing/learning about what you’ve learned.
Wow, Mary. I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ll be churning these words over in my head for a while, to reflect on what “reaching for healthy alternatives” means in my life. So far, I have felt greater freedom and empowerment. But maybe there has been some rejection and judging within my journey away from complacency. Or maybe it becomes more judgy for some people than it is for others? Thanks for your words.
Dear Betty….thank you so very much for sharing! Read the entire book of John in the Bible… has all the answers you need….if you have questions, I will be happy to try to answer them. I appreciate your openness…..especially with thousands of people! God bless you dear one!
Just call me MiMi:)
Onward and Upward! It’s always best to serve #1 first and all that’s the most important to you, then you have the energy and vision to go out and serve at large. I’m looking forward to hearing more of your journey.
I am staying put as a subscriber. Looking forward to this new journey you are on. Have a beautiful day!!
Well there you have it dear. “It” – whatever it is in this moment. Good for you. Kudos for braving the ourney, and for letting us in on “it”.
I’ll jump on the boat, wagon, goat or whatever mode of transport gets me along the way to join the journey of finding and savoring “it”!
I know. I will hold an energetic space for you and continue to follow your blog, where ever that will lead us! Stay strong, there are more of us out there than we could know!
Good to see you again! I want to hear whatever you want to tell me…you were one of the first ones to get me to look at what I was putting into and on my body and to start making a lot of stuff for myself. So thanks for that. I want you to be good to yourself and for you to be happy and healthy. You just tell me whatever comes into your funny head and I’ll be happy to listen and learn….
Couldn’t agree more with what Louise says, 100 times over. You do what is good for you and not what is good for the world!
Betty Hello! I have been thinking of you and so glad to hear of your journey to your self.
I met you at the HayHouse Writing for Your Soul Workshop…we even stayed at the same hotel!
A most empowering thing to share the sacredness of your being. Thank you for being so authentic.
I look forward to sharing the journey with you…I invite you to my new blog where I share about my journey of High Five to Triumph!
Cheers to you!
Te’ Werner
Dear Betty,
God bless you. Continue to heal & discover your own path. Your writing was always informative, but at its root it was eloquent. When & if you decide to write again I have no doubt I will be one of legions who return interested in your unique perspective.
I found your blog on the web while finding a way to live my life according to what feels right for me … I have loved you’re openness and funny quirks along the way… and I (along with many others) are ready to read what you have in stored for us next … my bags are packed Betty just say the words 🙂
What a wonderful passage. May we all have similar experiences here on Earth, and let’s start by hearing more about yours. I’m all ears, for whatever you want to share. Thank you for this post.
While change is the constant in life, it is good to remember the past to keep in mind the journey that got you there.
In other words,please make sure to keep the past posts so we can keep access to them…lol but keep us informed of your new found interest. If it fulfills you, it has value. share it…that’s is my opinion
Congratulations in finding that lost piece to your puzzle.
Whatever you’re thinking/writing I would thoroughly enjoy reading. My favorite blogs are by the writers that aren’t afraid to think and ponder through their blogs and take me along for the ride. As much stress as the blog put you under before, I’m sorry, but your blog came at a time when I was just starting to question some of the ideas around me and not take the world for commercial value and for that I thank you. Happy trails!
Go for it girl! I’ll be with you all the way x
Pilgrim! Be you. Your tribe will welcome any news from the road that you care to send. Your soul’s journey sounds, at times, too exhilarating; I understand that it may take a while for words to come. But as curious as I was when I signed on to be your reader, I’m riveted by your new mode of travel, and I encourage you
Betty, I have found everything you have shared with us wonderful and I am so glad you have shared all that you have. I have learned so much from you and I look forward to hearing what you plan to do next and hope that you are ok. Please be well and when you are ready, let us know where to follow you because, while I can only speak for myself, I think your followers are with you no matter what. Best to you in whatever you do. XOXO
Crunchy Betty
I was so sad when I wasn’t getting your emails anymore, and so happy to see your email in my inbox just now.
I think what we love about you the most is the YOU that comes through in your writing – not the recipes, etc……although I think we really love all of that stuff too.
You were the guinea pig so that we wouldn’t be afraid to try new things. We figured if you tried it and survived (fairy eyeballs, anyone? I still burst out laughing in public when that story comes to mind) then maybe we would survive too, if we tried something new.
So now it’s time for you to try another new thing – and it looks like we’re all following right behind you, brave woman.
Just go with your heart, and I know we’ll all learn a thing or two with you along the way.
Just so glad that you’re back and expressing yourself to the world again! Big, big hugs!
Raw and beautiful. Sending much love in your journey. Reading your words was like a 6 month section from my own journal. What a beautiful mess it becomes when we allow life to just happen. Peace love and hugs to you and every other woman breaking open and discovering their beautiful self <3
Be who you are, and anyone that wants something else needs to find it elsewhere.
You’re awesome, I’m game. Share away!
God bless xo
I could hardly believe my inbox when I saw you had returned! I wondered once and a while where you had gone off to, usually while slathering honey on my face 🙂
I’m glad you shared with us where you went. It must have been really hard to do.
Just know, whatever you do and wherever you go, Crunchy Betty has forever changed my life, and I mean that literally! I wash my face with honey, use coconut oil for moisturizer and discovered the diva cup because of this blog! So thank you for that. But I don’t want you to “want what we want,” I want you to want what you want. If it’s writing, I’ll be here to read it, and if it’s not, I’ll be wishing you the best in whatever it is 🙂
Peace, love, and oreo cookies.
Love your honesty and courage. It’s hard to stop doing something that everyone else seems to love but it doesn’t feed you anymore. I applaud you for doing what was right for you and for waiting. As one of my friends says, “If you don’t know what to do, do nothing.” Then, in time, what you want to do will show itself. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to write about next.
I’m one of your dedicated followers who love you not just for the d.i.y aspects, but for you and your writing style. I lived in Colorado for 11 years, and I miss it everyday. You and your blog, have made me feel connected somehow. Connected to the place where I found my soul for the first time. Maybe it is the sheer mention of Colorado or, maybe it is knowing how Colorado can change you. It is part of the journey that led me to where I am. I will be forever changed by the Rocky Mountains. Your blog was the spark that created the fire, that has become my passion for all things crunchy. I literally spent two days reading every post you ever wrote. Your dedicated fans are right, you are a wonderful writer, you have a magnificent and funny voice. It is your voice that separated your blog from every other blog I had stumbled upon. I was so excited when I opened my email and saw you had posted a new entry. I will still follow and support you, in whichever direction you want to take your life and this blog.
Betty, Knowing what I know about you from reading your blog, I figured you were dealing with something life had handed to you. I am so glad you are back, and would love to read anything that you have to say. I have missed you, and I’m glad you are in a better place having gone through your most recent journey in life. Welcome back!
Sorry, I meant to say… It sounds like you are trying to sell me a timeshare (smiley face) I am glad you have found your peace and would love to read your journey
I’m all ears.
Hey, Betty
I only started to read your blog after you stopped posting to it. Thank you for all that you did there; it is really helpful, insightful, and funny. I need that. I am 60 years old now, and when I was about 20, I had what I would term now a near-death experience (because I was near death at the time!) and while it was not anywhere as extensive or dramatic as people who write books about the subject say, because of the nature of it, it was extensive and dramatic and life-changing for me. And aside from the all-encompassing feeling of BEING IN THE LOVE and that there is nothing else besides THE LOVE (and I am not a religious person, then or now), there was an overwhelming sense of NOW IS ALL THAT MATTERS and one of the things we are here for is to work through that experience. Your post articulates in a beautiful way what has mostly stayed in my head all these years and what I have continually strived (striven, strove?) to do since that amazing experience in 1974, of course with varying degrees of success. The worrying (about everything, everything, everything…) is what always catches me and holds me captive. Best of luck to you always. Never give up on living a simple life. xoxo
Although this does sound a little like you are trying to sell me a timeshare
Now that you mention it, I have this great property in a little place called Enlightenment that I could sell to you for the rock-bottom price of $2999. One week a year, it’s all yours. :p
This is very intriguing and thoughtful. I can’t wait to read more just to see where it leads. It already seems like there are many here who would love to share in the journey. Thank you so much for this moving post.
I think you already know what you’re going to do, and whatever that is, your readers will support you. I’ve learned a lot from your blog (whitening your teeth with charcoal is one I will never forget!). You deserve the life you want to live. I have just one suggestion or more like a request. If you do decide to shut down your blog, please release it in the form of a book (digital or physical) and sell it at your store so we can always go back to it. I know you already have one so maybe you can just add an addendum to it with everything that wasn’t included. Lastly, I think it’s great you came to this realization. You are so open with us and everyone appreciates it. After all this energy, time, and love you’ve poured into crunchybetty, it’s only natural that you feel it’s time to move on. Good luck on your new journey and please keep us posted. We’ve missed you 🙂
Amazing post and a great reminder to me at just the right time. My mind is open and I would love to hear about what you have learned.
Sometimes, people put too much pressure on themselves. Sometimes, it comes from outside sources. Either way, you have to take a stand and make up your mind if you are going to let it into your head (or life) or if you are going to be like a duck and let that water roll right off of ya. Ask yourself if it will make a difference in your life if you do this or if it will not. Is it really that important? Sometimes you just need to walk away because it doesn’t make sense anymore. I have walked away from e-mails and social media for a week and I believe it re-sets your balance in life. Instead of checking your emails on a daily basis….let it go and play some music or go for a walk in the forest. It will be there when you get back. It’s okay to let it go. There are other things more important in life. If you disagree, then go help out at the local food bank or homeless shelter. That will give you a whole new perspective on life. I hope you will not be so hard on yourself. When I am trying to make a big decision in life,I write down all the pros and cons about the subject, then I feel better about whatever decision I make. Good luck and thank you for all of your inspiration.
What profound words…and yes, I am still listening, maybe more now than ever, please continue…
more more more. thank you.
Hi Betty,
I found your blog about the same time you singed off but have had plenty to catch up on! Now in reading your current update I have to say it sounds like the Lord is working out some things in you spiritually. He has blessed you with an amazing gift and so I say “share on!” Let Him work out all the kinks but don’t expect it to be quick. All you have to do is wait and obey. Jesus loves you and has it all under control. I have learned a lot from your blog and have had nothing but great experiences with the recipes I’ve tried. Even my daughter’s, ages 15 & 10, have enjoyed putting “food on their faces”. I’m praying for you and look forward to seeing how the Lord uses you here again.
What you are experiencing, I call God’s grace. He is the only one who can give you TRUE peace, in my humble opinion. But we have to get to that point where we WANT to call on HIM to clean up our confusion and mess. He is there waiting for us to call on Him, that is why HE sent HIS Son, Jesus. I live by simple faith and ask Him for my answers to all the things that are going on. May you look to HIM always.
I have learned many valuable things here in the world of Crunchy Betties…this blog and its followers carried me through an exciting experimental phase in my life. I will be forever grateful to you, Betty and all the crunchy commentors for the great recipes that have inspired me over the years. However, it has been a few months since I dusted off my box of goodies (really just an assortment of oils) and created in my kitchen. (I have enough lip balm to last me and all my friends three life times)so what I am trying to say is that I get ‘it’, Betty…I’ve moved on too. I have always loved your writing ability and I will continue to enjoy whatever you choose to throw at us. I am a fan because you just have a way about you. I will remain loyal and I am sure I’ll continue to enjoy every bit of it however no pressure from me. I’ll just go wherever we (you) are headed. I also want to thank you for giving us an update…I was a little concerned about you.
I’m so very glad to see you are back online. Thank you for your courage in sharing. I, too, went through something similar over the last year and a half. Where the pain had to get so bad that breaking was the only way to stop the crushing cycle. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I look forward to sharing your journey wherever it leads. Big hugs to you! ~dahliagardener
This was an incredible read, and I can not wait to see where you are headed! I love it! Wishing you immense happiness and love in all that you do, you brave, beautiful soul!
I’m hooked.
And along for the ride.
The world evolves and once we stop resisting, so do we.
Here’s to the evolving!
I believe what you are experiencing is called a “shift”. You’ve gone from living in the past and worrying about the future to being in this present moment…and I am so happy for you! I would gladly walk by your side on this epic journey and I hope to learn from you. Thank you for stepping into your truth and having the courage to just “be” in this moment….welcome home!
To be honest, it is hard to say, “Yes, I want to go where you are going.”, Without exacrly knowing your new direction. Of course, this is your blog, so you do with it as you see fit. Actually, I strongly encourage you to do so. If your followers fall away then they fall away. Unless you are dependent on click-ad dollars you really shouldn’t worry about followers. Follow your heart and you concience. Go ahead and forge forward. If people aren’t ready to gp with you then go on ahead without them. They may be offered another ride there layer with someone else, but that isn’t and shouldn’t be your concern.
I’m a relatively new reader of your blog and, while I enjoy the DIY posts I’m also very interested in finding out more about your journey to peace and acceptance. It all sounds rather Zen and I need more of that in my life. I use up way too much energy fighting injustices and problems I see in the world around me.
I love the recipes and good ideas I have found on your site, but most of all I have loved your writing style. Seriously, you have had me laughing til I cried and trying to relay your posts to my husband while laughing hysterically and sounding like an idiot. Be whatever it is that makes you happy. Thanks for all you have shared!
You sound like me! I was laughing so hard I was sobbing at a couple of her stories, and my husband had this confused/scared grin on his face as he watched me try to read the stories to him, while the sides of my mouth were pulled to my ears and I can hardly get the words out because of the laughter and the tears streaming down my face……..I still hear quotes in my head from Betty when little life things happen….like ‘you remember a thing like that’…..oh dear, I might go into spasms of laughter again just thinking about it…
None of this matters anyway…none of it. The only reality is Truth and Love is the Ultimate Truth…so just intend to be the best you that you can be and to come from Love no matter what..and more importantly, “Be Here Now.”
ps. your post didn’t come to me today by just reminded me what I already know…thx for the wake up call..xo
Betty..I signed up for your blog a few months ago and don’t remember why. But that’s not important now. I have been going thru the same conundrums as you; it’s called, by many, Ascension. Your words hit home with me and I’m so happy to know I’m not alone. I’ve studied with an Ishaya monk for 4+ years and my whole outlook on “life” has completely changed. More peace, less fear,more acceptance, less judgment. I applaud your courage in speaking out and hope to hear more fom you. Xoxo
I adore the idea of reader and writer bathing each other in grace.
I am listening…..
phew – I had just signed up when you signed off – Glad yir back – lang may yir lum reek! xx
Bless you…….I wish you were nearby so I could give you a hug!
I, too, am struggling with personal, professional, emotional & relationship “gunk.” I don’t know what to do, where to go, how to feel and I don’t want to be sad; however, as I type this, it sounds morbid and I don’t mean to be. Anyway, ask the person who is literally the closest to you for a hug – it will help!
Bless you!!
I’d love to read whatever comes next. X
Betty- Glad you have come to the realization of what you truly want, and don’t want. We should all be sol lucky. I am open to hear what you have planned next. Thank you for all of the great information.
Go for It!
Well, Betty, it doesn’t get much more “crunchy” than this. Share away! Best wishes!
Gosh, you just rock.
I am proud of you for listening to yourself and what you need and want.
Hell to the yeah.
I just wanted to write and say I miss you’re words and am so excited to hear from you today. You’re e-book was so instrumental in the past 2 ½ years of my life. You mentioned Paleo diet and that turned me around. I care for my face and my body with honey, and oil, and home made deodorant because of that book and this site too. You are part of my story. Thank you. And part of my story has been starting a blog, and I think I might know a little bit about what you’re talking about with people wanting proof and looking to you for evidence. I have like two beauty recipes on my blog, a vodka gelatin hair gel recipe and a baking soda/arrowroot/clay deodorant recipe. I use them every day, and was happy to share them. And I get the most detailed questions about the deodorant page. (I often just give people a link to your site!) I haven’t taken chemistry since high school, I don’t really know anything about it! I just know that it works for me, and it’s part of me caring for my body in a good and healthy way. I think it’s an honor to try answer people’s questions, but I’ve been surprised at how people think I’m an expert in things that I don’t really know about.
So, I don’t really know what the last year has been like for you. But I want to say that you’re work here has been a blessing to me. So thank you. And I look forward to what you’re going to share here in the future.
Amen sister! I wish for you to discover your happiness and what you desire. How liberating for all of us who had pleasure to read the above. I look forward to hearing from you again in a week or year or ten.
I discovered, realized what happiness is today. The look on my daughters face, she is in Kuwait, as she sent me a video of her and the kitty she found. It just happened….yep, there it is. It is that easy..not job or house or clothes or any material thing.
I hope you see your happiness for the amazing gift it is
Betty, what a joy it was to find this post in my RSS feed! Many thanks for sharing. I’ve been a huge fan, and I’m sure I will continue to be a fan of your next venture. All the best!
Thank you for sharing your journey, then and now!
Thank you so much for everything. You do what feels right and makes YOU happy. Things aren’t meant to last forever. Life is always evolving. I’m forever grateful to you for helping to give me the courage to initiate some of the changes I wanted and needed to make in my life, through your insightful and humorous writing and willingness to be everyone’s guinea pig 🙂 I can’t wait to hear about what you do from here..I know it will be awesome!!!!
I want to read whatever you want to share. 😉
Oh Betty! I have no idea where you’re going but, by golly, I want to read all about it! In fact, I think you should head west and hang out with us here in our forest for a while. <3 <3 <3