You live in India 200 years ago.
Tomorrow, you’re getting married. Maybe it was arranged, but so what? He looks like Mohinder Suresh from Heroes. You wonder how you know this, since the television won’t be invented for another 119 years.
But whatever. There are more important things to worry about.
Like how you’re covered, head to toe, in turmeric.
You rinse off and step into a tunic just in time, because Hiro appears, grabs your arm, and zaps you into today.
Today, when you’re reading about how my physical interaction with turmeric has only included the buffet at Little Nepal and an intense fingernail-staining while making Mark Bittman’s Ginger Cucumber Salad (sans scallops). And you think to yourself, “Why am I reading this? We’ve been using turmeric as a beauty product for thousands of years. Old news. Next you’re going to tell me yoga’s a fad.”

Turmeric – In Beauty and Health
We’ve already, through my so VERY entertaining story above, ascertained that turmeric has been used as a beauty treatment in India for thousands of years. The traditional recipe for the Indian Bridal Glow Mask goes like this: The night before a wedding, an Indian woman would cover herself, head to toe, in a mixture of turmeric, gram flour (otherwise known as garbanzo bean flour), sandalwood powder, and almond oil.
It resulted in millions of happy wedding nights.
In today’s world, turmeric is highly regarded as one of the universe’s most healthy spices. It’s antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, and with daily ingestion, it treats and prevents scads and scads of ailments – like many different types of cancer, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, diabetes … and acne.
It’s also very softening for the skin, it reduces swelling (and puffiness!), and it’s great at diminishing the appearance of wrinkles.
There are tons of things you can do with it – from brightening your locks to removing unwanted facial hair – but today is all about the mask I made. It’s adapted and updated from the original Indian Bridal Glow Mask.

Surprise – Turmeric Doesn’t Stain Your Face!
Okay, the recipe’s coming in a minute, but I have to tell you how I freaked out before I put this on. You may remember when I was incredibly frightened about whether or not carrots could possibly stain your face. Multiply that fright by about infinity. I KNEW turmeric could stain, because when I made the cucumber and ginger salad (with turmeric), I ruined a shirt and had yellow fingernails for three days.
VERY skeptically, I mixed this up, donned my oldest, grodiest T-shirt (bring the word “grody” back with me, kids) and applied the mask all over my face. While it was drying, I took inventory of the refrigerator contents and hoped I could live on pickles and tortillas for a week, because being pointed and laughed at for having a yellow face is hurtful. It’s hurtful, people.
And then I washed it of. There was no – I repeat – no staining. None whatsoever. All that was left was a glowing, brightened, sort-of-smirking face. And all was right with the world.
Crunchy Betty’s Turmeric Facial Mask
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 tsp rice flour (you could also use garbanzo flour or finely-ground oats)
- 3 Tbsp plain yogurt (you could substitute milk, cream, or sour cream)
Mix everything together until it looks like the picture above, and then slather it on a clean face. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off, gently scrubbing as you go.
Please be sure to wear an old shirt that you don’t mind staining when you use this. Or be naked. I don’t care.
Who Should Use This Mask: Anyone. The rice flour, in particular, is going to be really good for oily or acne-prone skin. If you have dry or mature skin, use the finely ground oats – they will help soften even more. The results will be a more even complexion, smoother skin, less acne redness and swelling, as well as a small amount of softening of the appearance of wrinkles (used twice a week, it could diminish those wrinkles even more).
Turmeric and Acne
In time, I’m going to do a dedicated post on turmeric and it’s effectiveness in treating acne. Until then, just know that if you apply this mask or a paste of turmeric, water and honey every few days, you’ll see improvement.
If you start taking a supplement of turmeric (1 tsp a day – or get some turmeric supplement pills), you’ll see even MORE improvement. Plus, if you put it in your mouth, you’ll also be helping your body be prepared to fight off diseases in the future.
Now, go on with your bad self. Go find Hiro, and the cheerleader, and save the world. Because you look like a friggin’ rock star.
In honeymoon-phase crunch!
Can u store this paste in the fridge? If so, how long? Or do u have to use it all at once?
mohinder suresh…yum!!!!!
In the description of results from the garbanzo bean flour/turmeric facial, it said it could alleviate facial hair. How? Has anyone had results like that?
Bahahahahah! I have turmeric on my face now and as I was reading this I was thinking of going to the grocery store but remembered I might have a stained face after washing the paste off. I didnt mix it with anything just plain water so its a lot more concentrated.
I hate those fluorescent lights in grocery stores…you see Everything.
My tummy can crave fruit tomorrow, tonight we wait.
hehe, me too! I can’t move my face muscles right now. I’m letting the turmeric plus besan plus coco oil plus water paste to soak in nicely.
I juuuust whipped this up, slathered it on my face, then proceeded to the comments and and started freaking out about turning yellow. Someone mentioned turmeric being fat soluble, and I used non-fat yogurt. My mask was also definitely more on the yellow side. I washed it off after about 10 minutes with sweet almond oil and I was fine. My best friend told me that in her culture this is called the Radha mask, after Radharani, who is golden hued 🙂 My skin feels amazing!
Been wanting to try a turmeric mask for a while but fear of staining stopped me. Did it today and nothing. Looking forward to seeing if this helps with my rosacea.
Been wanting to try a turmeric mask for a while but fear of staining stopped me. Did it today and nothing. Looking forward to seeing if this helps with my rosacea.
Your writing is HILAROUS!
wow ..I just read of OCM and tried it with the oil that my grandma makes for our skin since i didnt have any of the other ones handy. AND she makes it using turmeric & other herbs infused – i was afraid it might stain my face cause the oil is pretty thick & staining – but it didnt ! didnt even have to use soap as i expected.
Hi all
As I’m Indian, way down in south Africa, I just have to caution those purchasing Turmeric powder and who may wanna try crunchy Betty’s mask recipe. Please always ask for pure turmeric powder. If u are buying at your local supermarkets(prepacked), chances are it is mixed with flour etc. even our Indian spice shops tend to mix to make better profits. The pure turmeric is quite yellow, and so smooth and fine. U need to just use less than a quarter tsp for the mask. So rather experiment, using a little, if if no staining, add on a little more for next time. Also something that I’ve read on the People’s Pharmacy newsletter”, turmeric has been known to cure psoriasis. Try them in capsule form or making a paste of pure turmeric and Vaseline and apply on problem area. Cling wrap and leave it on for couple off hours. It would work out much cheaper to buy the turmeric and empty capsules and filling them yourselves. I hope this helps.
I LOVE the Heros joke at the end! you’re amazing!
Have you heard of tumeric for teeth whitening? I tried it the other day I think it worked! Need to give it another try.
hey betty! i love ur blog…..
i tried the above mask along with lemon and honey…and it ws grt…can i use the above mask daily???
Ive been reading up on stretchmark prevention and remedies, as I am now 7 months pregnant and want to do everything I can to keep my abdominal area looking great after the baby is born. I came across some traditional mayasian techniques such as belly wrapping and applying a tumeric paste to the abdomen daily to heal the stretched tummy skin. I decided today to give it a go on my old, mostly faded white stretch marks, located on my hips, leftover from puberty. I used a couple of teaspoons of tumeric powder mixed with a dash of milk, and then smeared it all over the areas. This is the first time I am trying it though, so will have to come back with the results after a few weeks. Fingers crossed!
Okay so I just did this! First time ever and great news! No staining! At all! My skin feels fantabulous! I used rice flour and greek yogurt for my mask. I have acne prone skin so I will see how doing this a couple times a week works out. Just before I did the mask I also drank a tsp of turmeric in a cup of water for good measure. Prior to finding this blog I was doing a bunch of research on the benefits of turmeric and that’s what brought me here and I’m so glad it did! I try to remember to leave an update on how it’s worked out for me! Loving all the face food!
turmeric is fat soluble, so to get the benefits of it, drink it with milk (almond, hemp, or any milk really) or you can add an oil to it, like coconut oil. I add crushed black pepper to greatly enhance the turmerics curcumin bioavailability. I also add cayenne pepper to the mix because of it’s medicinal properties as well. It doesn’t taste too bad. -.^
Does turmeric powder mixed with water bring the same healthy benefit? I’ve been drinking it for a few days now, trying to see if any good would come out of it.
just use ass juice it reaaly works with turmeric and honey !
Just tried this for the first time! I love it, no face staining and my face feels warm and looks beautifully exfoliated 🙂 I kept peroxide on hand just in case there was staining. I got some on the wall which will need some magic erasing because all of my usual chemicals were no good. So, be careful!
I’ll be doing this once a week and if I remember I will report back on the results for my acne. Also, love the idea of the honey and tumeric paste so I’ll have to try that too!
I’ve been using turmeric masks for a while now – the recipe for the one I use is: a tiny pinch of turmeric, 1/2 tsp. besan (chickpea) flour, 1tsp. of yogurt and 1/2 tsp. of honey. I just kind of eyeball the amounts so that’s approx. what the measurements are. With this recipe I don’t have any staining whatsoever – I don’t even have to use soap to wash the mask off, just a water rinsing. BUT once I decided to leave out the besan flour, and I had to use soap to wash off the yellow. No terrible staining but still. So I think it’s the yogurt and the besan flour that counteract the staining effect of the turmeric. I’m sure you could use rice flour or oat flour instead. Also, think of turmeric like salt in a dish – you only need the tiniest amount for it to work. This mask is REALLY helping at keeping my acne at bay. It also makes my skin look clearer from within, a nice and glowy look. I take the time to really massage the mask in (~ 10 min.), and leave it on for about half an hour. Sorry for the long comment, but I hope this helps those out there who are scared of trying this!
Was a post ever listed on using turmeric to get rid of facial hair? I don’t seem to be able to find it. :
You’re so funny lol but this mask is amazing 🙂
I make a similar mask using the chickpea flour and almond milk to make the paste, it never stains and is lovely. I also add honey. I’ve tried adding olive oil and that was disastrous, it caused staining so I stick to the almond milk. It reduces inflammation/redness and clears up acne double-quick.
Turmeric pigment is fat soluble (I know this because I once tried to make Easter egg dye with it and it wouldn’t dissolve in the water, but also because I am Indian and some of my dishes are permanently stained with yellow oil!!) and if you add fat (from the yogurt, or olive oil or something else) to the mask the pigment will not stain as much. Or you can oil cleanse after. Traditionally we use sesame seed oil
to cleanse the turmeric, but it stinks… ><
Sesame oil! I have a question about that… I’ve been messing around with the oil cleansing method. I have a vitamin e oil that also contains sesame oil and sunflower oil. Sunflower was on CB’s “approved” facial cleansing list but sesame was not. Can you talk some more about how you use it for cleansing? It is the same process of oil cleansing described elsewhere on this site?
it did stain my face 🙁 i look like a simpson
If you are using turmeric on your face the first time, mix it with olive oil. The olive oil helps it to easily come off. Don’t worry about your face getting yellow, it’s not permanent. Just put the mask on couple minutes before you take a shower. It will be easier to remove the mask.
Hydrogen peroxide will remove the staining. I’ve put turmeric on my face without any rice flour which will leave you even more yellow, and rinsing it off in the shower vs the sink makes a big difference. I apply it at night, leave it on for 20+ minutes, rinse my face in the shower, and go to bed. Then if i’m still yellow in the morning i wipe my face with some hydrogen peroxide and take a shower and i’m normal enough to go to work without anyone staring at me.
You know, I don’t know why… But I ran into a couple problems. First was minor: the recipe left me with way more mask than I knew what to do with, so I applied it thick and also put it most of the way down my neck. Not a big deal.
But then, horror of horrors, it stained my face yellow. Very yellow. I am very pale, and I think this could also be due to the fact that I applied it so thickly. As I washed it off and noticed this, I laughed to myself in a kind of I’m-horrified-but-this-is-actually-funny kind of way. Very yellow.
So I just had to take a washcloth to my face and scrub the bejeebus out of it, which made me feel bad because it’s been through a lot, and now I only have a slight yellow tinge to my face.
Suffice it to say, thank god it’s Friday.
I’d really like this to be something I could start doing, but I’m thinking I should halve the recipe, maybe leave it on for only ten minutes, and make sure to keep it on a weekend.Thoughts?
It stained me too…I was nervous to begin with so I didn’t even leave it on as long as recommended, and when I went to wash it off, BAM, I look like an alien. I panicked and began scrubbing the bejeezus out of my face with a baking soda paste and that helped a lot. Just a faint tinge now, I can tell although probably no one else will notice it. I’m also very pale. I cut the recipe in half and it was still more than I needed, and although I stuck to the same ratio my mask was a lot more yellow than the one in the picture. I’m definitely not leaving it on so long next time, and maybe reducing the amount of turmeric too. On the plus side, it did leave my skin very soft.
Hydrogen peroxide will remove the staining. I’ve put turmeric on my face without any rice flour which will leave you even more yellow, and rinsing it off in the shower vs the sink makes a big difference. I apply it at night, leave it on for 20+ minutes, rinse my face in the shower, and go to bed. Then if i’m still yellow in the morning i wipe my face with some hydrogen peroxide and take a shower and i’m normal enough to go to work without anyone staring at me.
A yogurt mask for 15 mins usually does the trick- you can actually see it turn yellow! And I follow with an oil- a makeup removing one, almond, coconut…whatever you have on hand 🙂
Hi I was wondering can I add lemon juice and bio oil to the paste.
Thanks for this! A friend told me about tumeric masks but I was worried about trying it because of prior experience with the rather nasty color tumeric can make your nails.
Thanks for this! A friend told me about tumeric masks but I was worried about trying it because of prior experience with the rather nasty color tumeric can make your nails.
I tried a turmeric mask over the weekend and loved it except I used milk, besan flour and sweet almond oil. I will try it with yogurt next time to see whether there is a difference.
I just wanted you to know that this post inspired one of my best soaps. I call it Sunlit Fields, because of the glow it leaves with your skin. So thanks for all the awesome research and great application.
LOVE THIS! ive been doing this daily for almost 3 months now and my acne has diminished, my crows feet, only being 18 yrs old i do have crows feet = =” are completly gone ^_____^ so are my baggy eyes.
I did the tumeric mask tonight, and I don’t know if maybe I got the proportions wrong or what, but my face is all red where the mask was, like it’s been burnt. Possibly an allergic reaction :(. Any tips on reversing this? perhaps plain yogurt + honey?
Ok, so I tried the OCM. I know it’s great for some, but for me… no no. My skin hasn’t looked this bad since I was 14. My current try to fix it is turmeric… started taking it tonight (mixed it with warm milk and threw in a tsp of cinnamon as well… may add some cocoa powder at some time too, gotta love antioxidants!) It tasted fine, really wasn’t unpleasant at all! Going to do a mask tonight with honey… don’t happen to have yogurt or rice flour at my house currently, though it could be on a list for shopping soon. I’ll let you know what happens!! 🙂
Keep me updated! If you get tired of making turmeric tea, you could either buy some turmeric capsules or empty capsules and just put turmeric in them. I’d really love to hear if ingestion of turmeric works for acne – I’ve read so many places that it does, but I’d love to hear it first hand!
And I think a straight turmeric and honey mask sounds heavenly, too!
Hi there again…. made the turmeric mask yesterday…. loved it. Will for sure use it a few times a week and watch the wrinkles fade…..am now about to make a batch of the lavendar hand cream stuff. Just love using simple easy to get kitchen products. Thanks for sharing! I so enjoy your writing style… I have your site as a fave, and check it out often.
PS.Just like your mum, I take turmeric as a daily supplement hoping to prevent inflammation of the stomach as I have GERD. Would love to hear if you have any ideas for natural remedies?
Woohoo! I’m glad you like what’s going on here, and I love, love, love your feedback.
In terms of GERD, I’d really like to do more research before I recommend something. Except to say that I have acid reflux that gets pretty unbearable at times, and the two things I’ve found that really help are 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water or 2 tsp baking soda in a cup of water.
It really helps neutralize the acid a lot. If you’re on any medications for GERD, though, try talking to your doctor about natural alternatives. I’ve done a lot of research on things like Nexium, and it’s my understanding that prescription and OTC meds actually do more to hurt the natural flora of your stomach in the long run (even if they’re good at masking the symptoms).
Which reminds me – try a probiotic, too.
Okay. I’d better shut up now, or this is going to become a blog post all in itself. Heh.
Hah… I just did this mask like just last night and now I read this! I had it without the rice flour though so it’s more fluid. I like your recipe better!
I have enough plain yogurt for masking for a week, so I’ve done a variety of yogurt mask. Adding honey and/or aspirin and going to have vitamin E + yogurt mask for tonight and Evening Primrose Oil + yogurt mask for tomorrow. Since I’m doing it for a week, so I leave the yogurt mask on for 5 minutes only.
Love your blog!
First time here, love your writing style! I have some turmeric beauty products which I bought in Thailand when I was in holiday awhile ago. It’s pretty good stuff!
Just ran across your site for the first time today, and I love, LOVE, LOVE it!
I have a skin condition where I’m not supposed to use any cleaning/beauty products with ANY chemicals whatsoever, and on top of that my better half has an allergy to PPD, I think it’s called. (The nasty, scary, big monster chemical that’s in everything and, if I read correctly, can’t be banned because of some stupid grandfather clause as I understand it and they aren’t even required to list it in most products EEW…look it up, life will change.)
Anyway, so as you can imagine, living far away from any sort of organic/whole food stores and not being the proud owner of any credit cards since they eat your soul, I am SO GLAD to find your site/recipes and thank you so much for doing all of this and please keep it up!!!!!! ((Hug))
Thanks a billion jillion for the comments! And, wow, it’s gotta be tough absolutely HAVING to avoid all those chemicals. A tough measure, to be sure, given the fact that harsh chemicals are used in almost everything mass produced these days.
I looked up PPD, and the only thing I could find was that it’s a bad thing that’s only approved for use in hair dyes. Were you thinking of parabens or phthalates maybe? Unless tons of manufacturers use PPD in other things they shouldn’t … which wouldn’t really surprise me.
So glad you’re here! Can’t wait to chit-chat more!
Looks like another great face mask I’m going to have to try! But what I really want to know is if it will make me look like Aishwarya Rai? Yeah, I thought not 🙂 Guess I’ll just smear it on anyway and put on some Bollywood flicks.
One time I did one of those face recognition things that tell you what your celebrity look-alikes are, right? One of the top ones was Aishwarya Rai. Best. Day. Ever.
Until I looked down further and noticed another one of their “looks like” results was George Clooney. Wha?
Yeah, I bet old George and Aishwarya do get mixed up a LOT. Cuz they look SO MUCH ALIKE. (um… Not!)
Nope, the only things y’all have in common are great hair and gorgeousness. Other than that… total opposites.
So I wonder if I have to be concerned with this:
from brightening your locks to removing unwanted facial hair
Now, to find me some tumeric. I want a glowy face!
Nothing gets past you, does it, lady? I actually thought about that before I posted, and the hair removal recipes tend to all be based around sugar. That’s probably what actually removes the hair. I bet turmeric softens the follicles enough to make it easier. Must research more!
If you ever see fresh turmeric root anywhere (it was just an odd coincidence that I ran into it at the store the day before I was going to post this), pick up a finger. It’s fascinating stuff!
I’ll check out the farmers market on Saturday. I’m sure I can find some. You’d be proud of my newly transformed bathroom. My special shelf filled with the makings of Crunchiness.
so, I’ll admit that even in this 4th decade of life I still get that occasional breakout…well, until I started using your almond and oatmeal scrub a couple weeks ago..truly, nothing is erupting now even after a week of hiking…so, now I’m off to make this tumeric mask too – you have my every confidence (it helps that you experiment first 🙂
Yay! I love, love, love stories like that! Seriously, if you can hike for a week and not break out, you’re doing LOTS of things right.
I promise I will keep experimenting for you, if you’ll keep trying stuff and telling me whether or not it works for you.
Must buy tumeric, smear it on my face and make some Indian food. Thanks!
Dear Crunchy B. – You are my hero. I wouldn’t have entertained the thought of putting Turmeric on my face if not for your bravery. Thank you.
Ha. It was bravery, to be sure. The only thing that kept me going was knowing it was such a popular ingredient in skincare somewhere else. I figure, if people are brave enough to do it the night before their wedding, it’s probably not going to turn me into a clown.
Oh no. I can do that all by myself.
Awesome! I have never had tumeric in the house. Never even cooked with it. That will change. Well, I still won’t cook with it but I’ll…put it on my face.
Y’know, I really don’t feel like it tasted like much, when I put it in that salad. Mostly, it just turned everything bright yellow. My mom takes it as a supplement, though, and raves about it a lot.
It’s one of those spices I WANT to try to use more often, but just don’t ever know what to put it in.
We should have Indian cooking day and see what’s good.