Sometimes, being crunchy can be lonely. You need a little love and support (which a few people commented on yesterday, even). A little something to remind you that there are MANY of us in this with you – right along beside you, sharing the occasional awkward conversations that sometimes happen when you reveal your lifestyle choices.
But most of the time (nay, ALL of the time), being crunchy is a reason to celebrate. To show the world just how proud you are to make the healthy choices you do.
And that, my dears, is why this moment is happening.

Today, I’m giving away 10 specially designed bracelets JUST for Crunchy Betties. A little symbol of the commitment to living as naturally, consciously, and authentically as you can.
Here’s the story.
A couple of months ago, I received a succession of enthusiastic tweets from a newly crunchy girl who owned the most adorable Etsy jewelry shop. We gushed about how enjoyable it is to be crunchy, and especially to spread the word that beauty comes in all forms.
In one fateful moment, I thought, “I would really love to have this sweet, crazy girl design a bracelet just for Crunchy Betty that I can give away.” And so … I asked her.
And she said yes.
And the V for Versatile Crunchy Betty bracelet was born. It’s made of pretty dark brown glass beads, with two white ones flanking the C, strawberry, and B trinkets. I love it. It’s genius, really.
I bought 10 of them from her, to give back to you guys. (But don’t fret! If you want one, and you don’t receive one, she’s agreed to sell a few for $15 at her Etsy shop. Just pop over and send her a message letting her know you want one.)
I wish I would have bought more. I wish I had enough to give to every single person who comments on this blog.

So, again, I have 10 of these that I’m ready to give as my gratitude gift to some of you. Although I FEEL gratitude for all of you. But before I do that, I thought you might want to know a little bit of the back story of the woman behind the Crunchy Betty bracelet.
Meet Julia Ross – V for Versatile

This is Julia Ross.
She is beautiful, isn’t she?
Julia’s not just beautiful, she’s kind and real and authentic. Hands down, the sweetest person anyone could ask to “meet” online. In a weird random Twitter love fest.
But … she’s not just all those things either. She’s also a talented, accomplished musician. So accomplished, in fact, that she’s the lead singer for the spunky-yet-thoughtful band Everlife. AND! As if that isn’t enough, her two fabulous band-member sisters were the ones to introduce Julia to the crunchiness we provide around here. Love you ladies!
Here’s something else: She recently toured with Miley Cyrus as her backup singer. But most importantly (and let’s ALL cheer for a crunchy sister making huge steps): Julia is about to start recording her very first solo album.
Pretty awesome, yeah? And she designed and made this bracelet. I still cannot figure out how on earth she managed to find the time. But she does keep a sweet Etsy shop going, so please, please hop over there and check her out.
So that is Julia. The gorgeous designer of the Crunchy Betty bracelet 10 of you are about to receive.
(I’m not sure words can express how warm ALL of this makes my heart feel. You guys, Julia, giving, adorable bracelets … it’s a little bit of heaven.)
Would You Like a Julia Ross/Crunchy Betty Original?
Because I’m just clueless as to how to go about this any other way, we’re going to do this old-fashioned-like.
If you’d like one of these bracelets to wear your Crunchy Betty status in pride, just leave a comment down here below and let me know. One comment per person. On Monday, November 21st, at around 10 p.m., I will randomly draw (with the random number generator) 10 people to send one of these bracelets to.

Unfortunately, I’m going to have to keep this within the United States and Canada (because we’re talking about a LOT of shipping here). I’m so sorry, you overseas crunchistas.
Along with your comment, if you’d like, give Julia some crazy crunchy love and support. She’s got so much ahead of her, and as a member of Crunchy Betty, let’s all give her some down home lovin’ here.
(Thank you again, Julia, for the beautiful bracelets! YOU rock. In so many different ways.)
Great article. I’m facing a few of these issues as well..
I just discovered your website today and I love it! This year has been an exploration into anything natural and homemade for me and your website is exactly what i have been searching for. I’ll be trying out many of your recipes tonight! can’t wait!
So how do we find out if we were lucky enough to win a bracelet?
The more crunchy love can be spread the more we can break the stereotype of what crunchy means/is and get more and more involved!
Woah! They are beautiful!!! And Julia, you are so beautiful and you seem lovely and sweet! The bracelets are absolutely perfect! Go Crunchy!
Finding your “Crunchiness” and receiving your email updates on such a wonderfully wide variety of ways to be Crunchy has added a lot of fuel to my fire. Thank you. I would wear the Crunchy bracelet with Pride!
I am brand new to this lifestyle.(3 days). After years of
having a crunchy soul and a non-crunchy lifestyle, you have inspired me to take
the plunge. I have begun the no poo and experimenting with the joys of coconut
oil (it is amazing)! The way you blog and the simplicity of most of the ideas
and recipes has caused excitement and a new sense of wanting to explore for a
better option. I have already noticed some odd looks of puzzlement when I begin
to tell family and friends what I am embarking on! Thank you Crunchy Betty! I
would wear this with pride and remember it is not just me and my family that
can make healthy changes, to always advocate for a better life and planet, you
never know who is on the verge of taking the plunge! 🙂
I’ve just discovered your site (looking for OCM advice) and would love a CB bracelet. My interest in being natural continues to increase as I explore and research. I started with natural hair care and my current focus is on skin care but your homemade toothpaste recipe sounds enticing so I may expand to dental care also 🙂
Ohhh..very pretty. It seems more and more people are joining the crunchy community!? YaY! 🙂
I just found your blog and so happy I did! Wonderful blog, thank you! And Julia is lovely and the bracelets beautiful!
OMG I love them!!!!! I would totally wear one with pride! I’m pretty new to CB, but so far you have inspired me to try things I NEVER would have even considered! And i’ve started trying my own crunchy ideas… like today I saw a Pomegranate and decided to make my own POM juice! It came delicious!
Wow! this is just great! A beautiful thing to do ~ the bracelet is awesome! I too have an Etsy shop where I sell handmade totes, purses and bags. Thanks again!
I recently became a Crunchy Betty with my sister, although we have been trying to do so ourselves for almost two years by becoming pescaterians and using organic products. Now we have gone all the way crunchy thanks to you and would love to show it.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I’m fairly new to this website, but I’ve called myself crunchy since I heard the term as a 12-year-old on vacation in Maine. I would definitely be interested in one of these bracelets! Hopefully the random number generator gods are smiling on me. 🙂
I would love, love, LOVE a Bunchy Cretty bracelet 🙂
I’m new to you Crunchy Betty, but we are kindred spirits. I’m still working on my transition from commercialized Glam Girl to sorta-Crunchy. Love the bracelet idea and they are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.
love love!!
juila, good luck!
What sweet braclets! I hope I win!
I would loooove this!
I would LOVE to win a bracelet! Crunchy Betties all the way!!
I just stumbled into your site. Love it and love love the bracelets! Often I think I am the only one trying to get the toxins and such out of my family and it is nice to see others working on it also. I just subscribed. Even if I don’t win I still am enjoying your site.
I would love a bracelet!! I tell all my friends about being crunchy and give them your link!
Oh, those bracelets are adorable, I would love to have one. I would wear my CB bracelet with pride! 🙂
I’ve been crunchy for about four months now, and I’m never going back. It’s amazing how easily it’s fit into my routine, I don’t miss anything I’ve “given up” at all.
What pretty bracelets, I have been fairly crunchy for many years now, and would wear it proudly.
HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL I would LOVE a CB bracelet! Also, Julia- they’re beautiful! I’m totally going to check out your shop!
Have been enjoying being “crunchy” since I stumbled onto your site this past summer. Have turned a few others into CB’s.
I would love a CB bracelet. They’re so beautiful, and a great way to show crunchy pride!
I would wear one with great pride. Thank you Julia Ross for creating them. They are great and say “crunchy” from the colors to the cute lil charms. Yummm strawberries are my fave fruit for eating and wearing on my face.
I enjoy being crunchy even though I have yet to find another fellow crunchy anywhere around me. it’s ok I’m being crunchy even though I am alone. Well not so much I do have all you guys to be crunchy with. Thanks for letting me be crunchy with all yall! 😀
it is quite hard being the only crunchy because my hubby and family do not get it. Their idea of crunchy is a huge store bought salad topped with chemical laden dressing- yuk! Noooo that is not crunchy as we mean and well they just don’t get it. I share the site, tell them about being crunchy and they just stop listening. ya can tell when that is by the way their eyes “glaze” over and they have the thousand yard stare. 🙁
I’ll just keep being crunchy because I love it. This is the way I want to live and one day maybe they’ll get it.
Namaste and take care of each other,
Ever since coming across this blog I’ve been implementing more and more crunchiness into my life. A few of the projects I’ve done are: homemade all-purpose cleanser in the homemade glass sprayer bottle (genius!), converted to the OCM and loving it, DIY fabric softener, and of course I’ve been putting lots of food on my face!! I love what you do Crunchy Betty and would love to wear a bracelet proudly and use it as a conversation piece. Fingers crossed 🙂
love the bracelet and love the crunchiness. 🙂 I get lost in your blog on a regular basis and usually emerge with a nice long list for my local natural food/health store so I can make my own! Thanks for all the tips, recipes, most of all the encouragement!!
Those are BEAUTIFUL bracelets. I would wear one with pride!! I love being a CB and my husband is just as crunchy … sometimes moreso than me!
What a beautiful bracelet! Our family sometimes teases us about our crunchiness but we’ve been doing it so long we are used to it and it doesn’t bother us any more. I think it’s so funny that we catch more flack about not watching tv than anything else. We LOVE not having to compete with television for each other’s attention. 🙂 On a separate note, I love your site. Thanks to Brittany Bosse for introducing me to it.
What a beautiful bracelet! I would LOVE to win one!! [email protected]
I’m fairly new to the CB site, but love it. You are such an inspiration! I’ve always been health conscious and finding your site has made living the CB life easier. Like many others, I too get weird looks from family members when I start talking about the evils of processed foods. It’s so frustrating to see the people I love killing themselves with the nutritionally empty foods they eat! I’m currently reading “The Hundred Year Lie” by Randell Fitzgerald. It’s a very informative (but frightening) book of how our modern-day diet and medicines are destroying our health. It’s well worth reading.
Keep the crunchiness coming!
Gorgeous bracelets! I am trying hard to change into a 100 % crunchy betty…one step at a time!!!!
I would love to sport a Crunchy Betty bracelet. They are so cute!
The bracelet is awesome! I would love to wear it and have people ask me about it and then spread the word about Crunchy Betty!
Love the Crunchy Betty celebration, It isn’t always easy to be, but most things that are rewarding, aren’t.
Gorgeous bracelet – made by quite an amazingly talented woman!
I’d love to show off my crunchiness by wearing such a fun & beautiful bracelet!
Thank you so much for such a GREAT surprise!
If I’m not a winner, you bet I’ll be appending over to the Etsy shop!!!
I would love one! So cute =)
I’m a crunchy newbie but have had leanings for years. I’ve gotten a lot of support from my immediate family who love the homemade products from your site. My 8 yr old daughter love learning about things we can make instead of buy and know they are better for us and the earth. My extended family and friends, however, think it’s a novelty. Whatever. They’re getting A LOT of “novelty” from us this holiday season!
I love tga you have partnered up with an up and coming jewelry artist and singer like Julia, too! It shows that Crunchy Betty’s come from all sorts of backgrounds.
Julia, best to you with your music and your jewelry. You ARE so versitile. An artist of both the musical and visual arts. And crunchy, too? I would love, love , love to wear your art.
Oh, and thanks to you too, Crunchy Betty 😉 You are the best!
They are simple and cute!! I love them! Would love to have one. It would so cool to have people ask what it’s for and explain all the crunchy things I do and plan to do and send them here!! I mentioned this site to the owner of my local health food store the other day and she now loves it!!!!
I would love a cb braclet.
and as for advice…. march to the beat of your own drum! do your thing! and remember don’t get stressed if your not “perfect”. take it one step at a time.
I’m a newbe and love the concepts of Crunchy Betty. I’d love to wear the bracelet and let them know of my newfound happiness.
Yes! I would LOVE a Crunchy Betty bracelet!!!!
Would love to have one even if just to be reminded that I’m not alone even when my friends and family and colleagues smile at me with that little, yeah, uh huh, I see, interesting stare. I am beginning to hate that “smile”. Alone. Hmm, do hate the feeling but then I get such joy making things for myself with no need to purchase and feelin safer b/c i know just what is in each thing i make. Support, even if just from a beautiful little bracelet would be lovely. One step crunchier all the time!!
I love my life and crunchiness, but I agree with others, it is hard! I work in a childcare center very closely with other women, and it is very difficult to be the one person who doesn’t wear makeup or paint their nails. But I always feel a sense of accomplishment when I put on my deodorant in the morning or use my body butter at night.
Oh, heck yea!!! I would love one of those bracelets!!! Very nice!!
Oh my gosh. What a great bracelet and I really should wear one. So count me in!
The brecelets is beautiful and so is Julia. I would wear it with pride as a crunch girl myself.
I want a Crunchy Betty bracelet! So pretty! Love your blog!!
Gorgeous! Would wear it proudly! Have been sharing what I’ve learned with others… love your website!
I’d love to have one of your CB bracelets to show my four daughters who’d then probably want one too!
You’ve got so many creative ideas….love it : )
I love your blog, and am in the process of becoming crunchy myself 🙂 A little bit at a time to make it a lifestyle change! I love the bracelet! Keep the crunchiness coming 🙂
I’m a crunchy!!!!
These are absolutely perfect! I proudly say that I am crunchy at least once a day and this website is a supportive, encouraging place. I would sport one of those bracelets proudly! Thank you, CB!
I am a new crunchinesta (don’t know if I spelled that correctly!), but a long time crafter! And these bracelets are beautiful! I know talent when I see it and Julia, you gots it!!! 🙂 They are super duper cute! And what they represent is even better! I always carry around hidden pride for every crunchy step I take (even the teeny tiny ones) and this bracelet is just the thing to represent my pride and joy of being crunchy!! Thanks! <3
I love being Crunchy, but I am low crunch. But that is part of what I get from your blog- it isn’t about being someone else, just your own version of Crunchy. I use soap nuts, and natural cleaners, I use honey on my face every day and I love it. I recycle, and upcycle my clothes and knit and spin.
Thanks for sharing the joys of returning to the earth in big and small ways.
I never win anything so when I do I appreciate it. I love this bracelet and hope to win it and wear it. I very choosy about the jewelry I wear so this is special. Julia is so talented. cindy m.
I would LOVE to win one of these! Doesn’t hurt that those are also my initials. I’ve been lurking on this blog for a while, but I have to break my silence for this! <3
The bracelets are incredibly beautiful! I would love to wear one while teaching my daughters how they can be “Mini Crunchy Betty’s”!
Beautiful bracelet!! And what a way to start the conversation of *going crunchy* than by wearing this bracelet!! Someone compliments you on this bracelet and you get started on the whole enchilada!!!
I would love to wear this with pride. I love all your recipes…Keep up the great work.
Soooo cute! Planning on sharing your blog with my moms group tomorrow – would love to sport some bling from you in the coming weeks :0)
Those bracelets are so adorable! I would love to win one. And we know all about Everlife around here. I have a 13 year old daughter. They are a great band and great role models. Good luck to Julia on her upcoming solo album. I’m sure it will be great.
The bracelets are fab! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
BEAUTIFUL!! I would LOVE to wear one and show off my Crunchy pride! I’m having so much fun figuring out a daily facial regiment with the acne/oily skin e-book. I’m starting to get my sister in on it, too!
They are both very beautiful!!!
I’d love to have a crunchy Betty braclet!!!
They’re so cute! I want one :3
I am 47 years old and just becoming crunchy! I have made laundry detergent, deodorant, facial scrub, tooth powder and am loving it! I have always tried to grow/make as much of our food as possible but this is alot more fun! I really like telling people about it when they are curious…too funny to see their reactions. Mostly they think it’s crazy then once in awhile you get to see a light click when you explain the reasoning behind the changes, then all the sudden their CRUNCHY too!
Me me me!!!! Randomly pick me!!
I’d love a bracelet. Your website and book have been such a help in moving away from chemical treatments toward stuff that works better, doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin, and causes WAY fewer breakouts. Thanks!
That’s a gorgeous Bracelet!!!! I’m a crunchy in progress. Making my way to the store to pick up some castile soap today!
I would love a bracelet. It would be a great reminder of the support I find here in your crunchy community! Everytime I read your blog, I feel as though you’ve just walked through my brain and given voice and sense to all my thoughts. You are right, sometimes it can be a very lonely road being a crunchy girl — I am so grateful for this blog. Thank you. I know all the winners of the bracelet will wear theirs with pride!! much love, T.
I would love to win a bracelet. A:because I almost never win anything. & B: I am crunchy all on my own. I live in Nebraska, which seems to be beef/corn syrup/monsato country. lol My best Friend, which is like my sister, lives in Utah. She’s the most crunchy I know. We communicate lots over facebook, texting, skyp, and I get to see her once a year. I would love to win one so I can maybe use it as an ice breaker….I would love to share all that I am learning.
P.S.—I love this blog. You have shared SO much useful information….I wish I had come across it so much sooner. Thank you and Keep up the fantastic work!
Gorgeous! I would love to be entered!
Would love to win one! And thanks for all your ideas! We are making nearly all our Christmas gifts this year….so excited!
wow…beautiful…if you give all ten away, let me know about the cost…cuz those are a MUST HAVE
never mind…just decided to FULLY read the post and not just look at the eye-candy!
Wow, I just received the email about the bracelet….Love, Love, Love it! I would wear it with pride! I’m still pretty new to being crunchy, but I must say, I really like it! Best of luck to Julia. I will take a listen to Everlife here in a few!
pick me! pick me! 🙂
I’d looooove one!
I would love to have one. I an learning to be more and more crunchy and i want to say thank you for all that you bring to all of us. I would wear this with pride.
Love Crunchy Betty! And would love a bracelet!
Thank you!
Rachael Milne
Very pretty! I would love one as well.
Love the bracelet! My youngest daughter (freshman in college) love your site. In fact, she doesn’t know it but I’m ordering your book for her for Christmas. She’s gonna be so excited! Keep up the great work!
i want one 🙂
I would love to wear this with pride!
Gorgeous bracelet! I’ve moved jewelers/clothes/shoes/handbags to low priorities on my budget so I can become more crunchy and save money. I’d love the opportunity to win such a pretty bracelet to keep my shopping addiction under control! has helped me become so much more crunchy! Thank you!
I would love to support Julia! If I don’t get one, I think I just might have to go and buy one from her etsy shop!
I’d love one of these beautiful bracelets. Love her pieces on Etsy too. Some of the pictures could be art themselves (especially like the ones with the piano keyboard in them).
I’m pretty crunchy as far as crunchy goes. My friends and co-workers liken me to a witch doctor. I’m always trying to fix, mend, heal someone’s ailment or condition with something from the earth. They laugh, but they have started asking me for “prescriptions”. Of course, Crunchy Betty is one of my all-time favorite tried and true resources. I would love to represent with my Crunchy Betty bracelet! As far as Julia goes…you keep doing YOU, girl! What a gift to be able to move people with your song, your voice, your soul! Thanks for sharing!
What an honour! To be asked for crunchy advice. You’re doing something right 🙂
I love these!
I would love to win one.
They are truly adorable! The little brown beads remind me of crunchy coffee beans – kinda espresso-like. I love that Julia is on etsy, and doing so much single-handedly (?!) to express (; >) and support crunchiness. Crunch on!!
Great bracelet! I would love one too!
Of course – I’d love one.
I would *cherish* mine!!!
Those are gorgeous! Love it!
Would love to wear this beautiful bracelet because Crunchy Girls always Rock!
This is a very sweet thing to do! Thanks so much for inspiring me to be more crunchy! 🙂
I would love a bracelet~!! Love reading the posts.
I would love one of your bracelets, they are beautiful. I love everything about your website and especially that you tell members how to do things naturally. I really appreciate the time you take ou tto tell us members about different products and how that same product can be made in a more natural approach. Thank you again for coming up with this idea so that we all can feel connected to you and your website.
Thanks for the generous giveaway& for introducing us to Julia! Can’t wait to check out her music 🙂 Love everything about this post, and double yay for shipping to Canada!!
What a great idea!! I’d love a bracelet 🙂 I’m a proud crunchy betty and would love to be able to show it off!
Julia – I love your music…I checked out your website and can’t wait to buy some of your music to put on my ipod…im a dancer so i’m always looking for new music to choreograph to and I can’t wait to dance to yours!
I love your blog, I think you have a hilarious sense of humor, and really appreciate your down-to-earth communication style. I would LOVE to have a crunchy betty bracelet.
OMG! Really? Crunchiness…should have used spellcheck.
Started following your blog from BBC. I would love to have a bracelet to show everyone my cruchyness.
Even if the random number generator gods don’t smile down on me, I am so thankful for this website. I want to go much crunchier than I am now, but I’ve been able to get my husband on board with lots of crunchy things, and we are preparing to tackle even more.
Thank you to this entire community for helping deliver me from chemical consumerism!
And Julia sounds ridiculously awesome. I aspire to have the kind of life where I do what makes me happy in ALL arenas, not just one.
I am excited I get so much from your newsletter and great stuff! Excited for you, great idea for getting the word out about how awesome you are!
Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Cheers to our Crunchy Sisterhood! Would love a bracelet – flaunt my Crunchiness!
Lovely girl, lovely bracelets! I would sport one with pride. The other day I had a friend ask me, “On a scale of 1 to ‘living in a tree,’ where do you rate your hippie-ness?” My only answer was “crunchy” and a referral to your website. 😉
I absolutely love your blogs. I would love a bracelet to wear. Thank you for all the good info. Rose
I would love to have one of these bracelets. I am new to Crunchy Betty and absolutely love it and pass it on as often as possible. Thank you so much. You are an inspiration!
I love the bracelets they are awesome I would to wear one. I found this site from one of my favorite authors blog and now I am telling everyone about it. Thanks for this great site I love it. And thanks for the great giveaway.
Girl you rock!! I love your recipes and your sense of humor. I am totally crunchy and would love one of these bracelets.
Yours crunchily,Teresa Smith
Even as a crunchy newbie I have always felt a connection to nature in aspects of food, household and beauty, and this site and all of you (especially you, Betty. You wonderful, inspirational woman!) have made it possible for me to finally change my life for the better and be healthier, happier and more conscious. I would wear this bracelet with all the love I have for this community, and excitedly tell of the wonders of all things crunchy when people ask what it means =]
So so happy! I have been trying ot become more crunchy, and your blog has been a HUUUGE help. I keep referring all my friends and coworkers to it, particularly for the OCM and honey wash. It’d be awesome if I could show off my awesome CB bracelet too. 😀
GORGEOUS!!! I would love one! Great work girls, and good luck with your album Julia!
Julia, your bracelets are beautiful! I would love to have one and would wear it with crunchy pride. Betty, thank you for the opportunity to have one. Getting ready to look on Julia’s site.
I’m super new to this crunchy thing. But I love it! I am slowly phasing out manufactured unclean stuff from my beauty regiment (and life in general), and its kind of exhilarating!!! It is truly a soap box I am willing to jump on and sing to the rafters the glorious arias of clean living. Not to mention my skin and hair are SO much prettier. I’m hoping to share this with all my friends and show them it isn’t hard and truly very practical. I would love this bracelet as a conversation starter. Thanks for bring people together in this and all the wonderful ideas I would have never thought to try.
The bracelets are resplendent in all that CRUNCHY represents! I would love one as a reminder of how my life has changed this year through CB. Furthermore, I know in my heart that it is part of me now. It will continue into 2012 and beyond. My eyes see things differently now and my ears have changed the way they hear.
Julia, it sounds like you represent beauty not only externally, but internally. What a GIFT. Happy to hear that you are using your gifts in the art of jewelry and music. Can’t wait to listen to what you create in your album. It is then I will hear your soul speak. Some of the quotes I love that I pray will encourage Betty, Julia, and all of us Crunchers.
Beauty… when you look into a woman’s eyes and see what is in her heart. ~Nate
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is
to the soul what a water bath is to the body. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But
sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in
all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their
universality. ~H.A. Overstreet
*******Gratitude is the best attitude. ~Author Unknown
These bracelets are gorgeous! I started on my crunchy journey about 6 months after my daughter was born and I was diagnosed with cancer. Anything to decrease her odds of getting it! This is my go to blog when I need crunchy advice.
How beautiful. I would definitely wear my Crunchy Betty bracelet with pride!
These bracelets are super cute!! I love your blog, its so fun! I started brining the crunch into my home in 2005. Most around me thought I was nuts, but were intrigued enough to have me giving them my recipes for home cleaning products. I’m always looking for new ideas so…Thanks!
Love the bracelet! I especially love how it came about and the wonderful women involved in its creation. Much love and success Julia!
I’d love one!
I’m a Crunchy Betty! 🙂
I would love a crunchy betty bracelet-they rock!
I love this bracelet and would love to show my crunchy pride by wearing it 🙂 Julia sounds like an amazing young woman!
Yes please!
beautiful bracelets! Would love to have one! I think my family is finally getting used to all the crunchy ideas I am bringing into our home but they sure thought I was crazy for a while 🙂
I’d definitely love a bracelet. I love what it stands for, and I love the story of how it came together. Yay crunchies!
Started on my crunchy way, found this website and this bracelet would be a constant and beautiful reminder. Thank you.
I am so proud to be a CB, and I would love to win a bracelet. Julia, what a beautiful and appropriate design!
those are so much fun!!
What an amazing giveaway!!! I would love one of these. =) Good luck to you, miss Julia, as you go forward with this new endeavor. I wish you happiness and success!
[email protected]
Scrumptious!! Just simple Scrumptious!! Would love to show this beauty off to my peeps!!!
the bracelets are awesome julia!
These are beautiful! The symbolism makes them even more so. Hoping to win!
They are so perfect! Pick meeeeee! I’ll wear it with pride 🙂 Thanks for all you do CB! <3
Don’t enter me in the contest. I never wear jewelry, and I would rather see them go to someone who will get good use out of them. I did want to say though…
that I love this idea! Thank you so much, Crunchy Betty, for your continued focus on support and the togetherness of crunchy-hood. This warmed my heart just reading about it.
The bracelets are beautiful! I would so appreciate owning on of them one.
I love being a Crunchy Betty but it is probably one of the hardest things I have ever done! My family and friends think I am absolutely NUTS. A few days ago I was telling my grandmother about the cough syrup I made (Thank you for that by the way, it is so yummy) and she said “I wish you would take a break from all that nonsense.” THAT HURT! Its really hard to be crunchy when nobody really understands what I am doing. I try to explain but they just brush it off thinking its a phase I am going through but its my lifestyle now and I will never give up!
Brittney–I think this example with your grandmother is so generational! She’s likely part of the generation that watched all of our ‘conveniences’ come to be, so can’t understand why someone would go to all the work that is ‘unnecessary’. ‘Convenience’ has been such a novelty, few have stopped to question the risk vs benefit. Way to go staing true to what you know and what you see as best for you/your family!
Thank you for your kind words! That made my day, you are so sweet!
I agree. I think it’s a generation thing too. It’s like when my mom couldn’t figure out why I wanted to breast feed and use cloth diapers. Some people just don’t get the crunchiness.
None of my family understood why i wanted to cloth diaper and breastfeed either, it sucks when your own family isnt supportive!
As well as being a generational thing, I have found that the relatives are the worst when it comes to hurting feelings. Friends and colleagues (if you dare to tell them something!) generally keep their mouths shut if they are thinking it’s all a bit too strange.
Omg Sooo awesome I would wear this with pride! 😀 I AM a Crunchy Betty! 😀
Adorable! C.B. is the reason I have made so many changes to my skin care routine. I would love to wear a bracelet announcing to all “I am a crunchy Betty!”
So Cute! hope I win one!!
Me too! I’ve always been a little “crunchy”, but your blog is helping me be “crunchier” and eliminate unnecessary chemicals from my life. Yay!
Those are beautiful! She is beautiful and you are beautiful! (I wish I deserved one, but I’m still in a transition to being truly Crunchy.)
Go Julia! Good luck with your album! My lifestyle (spending most of my time in class looking like a bum/being at a dusty barn/working in an industrial kitchen- say it with me everyone- EW) means I’m not a big jewelry wearer. However, I would like to be entered in the drawing because I know a special someone who would LOVE this bracelet and what it stands for.
These are so cute! What a fun idea.
ADORABLE! Both the bracelets and their creator! She has so many wonderful things going on, best of luck to her! Would love to have a CB bracelet to subtly support the crunchy life!
ADORABLE! Both the bracelets and their creator! She has so many wonderful things going on, best of luck to her! Would love to have a CB bracelet to subtly support the crunchy life!
Those are really cute bracelets. I hope she goes on to great success in all of her endeavors. Seems like she is extremely talented.
those bracelets are so cute!
They are wonderful!!! I would love to wear my crunchiness with pride!!!!!
beautiful bracelet! Love the blog & would love to win!
Love the crunchy lifestyle and really enjoy your blog! Julia, the bracelet is really lovely! Here’s wishing you all the best as you move into the next phase of your life. Warm thoughts from PA!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I am so glad I found you! Thank you for the chance to win something so beautiful!
WOOT! Thank you for offering this hon, please sign me up for the drawing
Argghhhh!!! (insert stamping of feet and other sounds of frustration ) Ok, I am entering ANYWAY, because I have a friend in the US I will give this to if you draw my name.
I am proudly (albeit, slowly) becoming a hot, crunchy Betty! O love your blog! (Hopefully Without sounding mushy)
Aw, I’m happy for all you crunchy gals that live in the US and have the chance of being drawn! Wear it with joy!
This is such STRANGE timing because I came onto the blog today to leave a comment on the tamanu oil post from way back in May (that I just came across a couple weeks ago)…and then I saw these cute bracelets!!
Trying to transition to a crunchier lifestyle hasn’t been that difficult in college, oddly… It’s quite amazing. I hope you remember my e-mail about your Crunchy Stock-up List being sacred :] it hangs quite nicely over my chalkboard to-do list 😀
And good luck to Julia! I took a listen to Everlife and am definitely diggin’ the sound!! 😀
First! Super cute bracelets! And don’t you just love it when people connect on the internet and the community gets strengthened just that much more? Love love love it 🙂