It took long enough. Didn’t it?
I’ve been on a very odd journey through my heart, trying to figure some things out. It’s been confusing and a little weird, but mostly confusing. I’ll try to tell the story succinctly. My deepest hope is that, in sharing it, you’ll be able to see somewhere to relate in your life.
It all started when, the day after my last post, my camera bit the big one. Just broke. Bam. No worky. The camera-fixer store said, “Silly girl. Fixing this is going to cost way more than what it’s worth, or even getting a new one.” And I thought, “This will be an excellent time to take a few days off and figure out how I’m going to afford a new camera.” Crunchy Betty can’t exist without a camera, you know. It would defy the laws of internet.
In those 5 days of gettingitallfiguredout, a few things that have been weighing on my mind with regards to blogging started to rear their grotesque heads. There’ve been a few issues that I just haven’t been dealing with, because it’s easier not to.
But you know what they say, right? When something bugs you, if you just shove it down and ignore it instead of dealing with it, it’s going to slither through a crack somewhere, sometime and make you look it straight in the eye. I don’t know if they say that, actually. But I just did. Because it’s true.
One of the biggest issues (though not the only one) was this backpack full of “not good enough” that I’ve been carrying around since puberty. It’s just gotten heavier lately.
When you start blogging, and if you’re really gung-ho and want to figure out how to “make it,” you’ll read books and blogs dedicated to blogging. I did that for months in the beginning. And they’re full of advice and tips that mostly go something like this, “Here’s how I did it. If you don’t do it this way, all your readers will leave you and you’ll end up as just a sad stream of lonely words that no one will ever see.”
So I did the things that the blog authorities suggested – sometimes. Mostly, I did what I wanted. But they were always there, in the back of my head, whispering, “You’re not doing enough. You’re not giving your readers what they want. What’s wrong with you? FAIL!”
So there are these little voices back there, eating away at my enthusiasm and confidence for two years. Then, I started to notice all of the crap on the internet.
The blogs about how to live, how to be, how to eat, how to smell, how to dance half naked with Latino men. The blogs dedicated to just … throwing something against the wall to see what sticks. Suddenly, it was like standing in front of a huge buffet while you’re one day into the most violent stomach flu you’ve ever known.
And I started thinking, “The last thing in the world I ever want to do is just throw things against the wall to see what sticks.” I don’t want to be a force of DO MORE (unnecessary things) for anyone, least of all myself. There is such a thing as pollution on the internet, and it’s not just porn and Twilight fan pages.
So, I took a few more days off to figure out what this all meant to me and for Crunchy Betty. A few more, in which I dedicated at least three hours of my day to doing something beautiful, something that held no responsibility or criticism or expectations. And, with my new camera, I ended up doing things like this:
and this
and my favorite thing … this
Then I reread the Prophet, which inspired me to tear it apart, pull out the artwork and scan it, superimpose my favorite passages from it on top of the artwork, and then do this:
If you’re interested, and if I can figure out whether or not it breaks any copyright rules right now, I’ll share that whole process with you some other time. It was a lot of fun. And beautiful.
Stick with me here. I’m getting to the good part. The resolution, if you will.
Even through doing all of these beautiful things, the making sense wasn’t quite happening yet, and I didn’t want to come back here until it did. You guys deserve better than half of what I can give.
The Sense-Making Saturday Night
This weekend, my friend pulled me with her to a little concert. I’m not going to name names, because I’m about to say an incredibly hurtful thing, and I don’t want it to get back to him. He’ll figure his own stuff out without my input.
This guy – the main act – was really talented, very attractive, and what seemed to be a super nice person. He’s obtained a small amount of success, so there’s a little spark in him.
But the entire concert – every single song save the last one – felt so hollow and empty and pandering. It was as if all his songs were written strictly because he knew that people would love them. There was no heart, and very little authenticity.
The show was scripted to elicit certain responses from the audience, and honestly I was almost offended by it. It was if he felt himself superior enough to know what other people wanted and he’d just give it to them, without feeling it himself. And on the back side of that, when you turn it upside down, he was so terrified of rejection that he refused to give himself in whatever way he felt was true.
After considering this for a really long time, I realized that was my issue. That brought everything together and tied it up in a little bow.
I’m physically uncomfortable with being like that man, but the voices in my head were pulling me into it. Betty, if you don’t do this, you’re not making other people happy. Or Betty, if you share this, everyone will reject you.
Really insidious stuff there.
Two dollars says you can relate.
My resolution was this: I forgive those voices in my head, and just because they say those things doesn’t make them true. The only way I will ever be happy and fulfilled is if I share authentically, risking the heartbreak of rejection, and refuse to pander and just throw things against the wall, hoping they’ll at least make a smudgy mark as they slither their way down.
It’s DISRESPECTFUL to pander to my readers, to my family and friends, and to myself.
Not that I’ve done that, by the way. My goal has always been to share authentically, no matter how hard it is. But the voices … ah … the voices. They were chewing me up and scaring me to death.
So, I want to leave you with a few things.
First, please know that I love you (I mean this) and I’m sorry I just disappeared without a word. Like I said, you deserve more than half of what I can give.
Secondly, my desire is to nurture this nugget in my heart that’s full of authentic sharing and completely childlike in its fearlessness, letting the you-always-do-everything-wrong thoughts disappear into the ether, where they belong. This doesn’t mean Crunchy Betty is going to change, per se, but it does mean that in order to be true to myself, I have to kick the fear of rejection to the curb.
Lastly, and this is the important part …
The greatest gift you can give to another person, and yourself, is the permission and the enthusiasm to be who they (or you) are. Even if mistakes are made. Even if choices are a little iffy.
Offer yourself the permission to make mistakes and risk heartbreak in the name of authenticity, in the grace of vulnerability, and in the celebration of being and becoming who you are.
Life? It’s just one HUGE experiment.
Shall we start experimenting again?
I just found your blog two days ago and have spent untold amounts of time trying to read everything you have ever written. Yes, I can definitely relate to those voices, I have them too. Tell your voices this- I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! I can hear your voice here. Your heart. And I love it. Thank you SO much for standing up to the voices and being yourself here- and for telling us about the process of standing up to the voices! It gives me courage to do the same.
I’ve actually just stumbled across your blog whilst searching out a recipe for peppermint essence, and am now wondering how I have failed to find you thus far! I am really enjoying reading your back posts, and this one in particular struck a chord with me.
A bit of a life upheaval a few years ago left me struggling to work out who I was and also who I was meant to be. I spent an awful lot of time doing things because I thought they were what other people expected of me – but I was actually very unhappy. Deeply, soul-tearingly unhappy. Throughout the whole episode I blogged on, sometimes letting a little of my emotions slip into my blogging, but for the large part trying to hide my unhappiness away. I depended upon my blog to provide me with affirmation of my value – the more readers and comments I had, the better a person I must be.
A couple of years ago I met a man who I now live with, and who many people believe changed me. But in fact what he did was to allow me to feel safe and secure in a way I’d never felt before. He somehow hit the right balance between supportive and dependable in a way that makes me feel completely independent, completely my own woman, and for the first time ever, allowed to do the things that make me happy.
Sometimes now I don’t do exactly what other people hope I will, but I feel strong enough to stand up for myself I am happier and more relaxed than I have ever been, and it is coming from within, no longer dependent on a happy reflection from everyone around me.
Also, I blog about what I want, when I want to, without worrying that I’ve missed a day here or there – because I blog for myself. Yes, my numbers have fallen off a bit, and my comments have dropped way down – but that’s ok!
Anyway, essay over – I just wanted to share my feelings on a very emotive post and tell you that the most important thing, in my experience, is to be true to yourself.
Ah I just want to say thank you for sharing this! I think all artists (who says blogging isn’t an art form?) feel this way sometimes, honestly probably a lot of the time. It’s something I always try to keep in mind and it pushes me to do what I love regardless of any judgements I may receive. So thank you for reaffirming this for me. ^_^
I know that illness- Not Good Enough. I know it well. I’m learning about how to silence those voices too. And I wanted to say, that I admire you for working through it- but more for sharing with us, because I feel that is how I can benefit from what you have been learning yourself. And also because it’s really hard to be that honest, especially with us, the faceless internet. (Though I am a real person on the other side of the monitor, I have kids, and I love to experiment with potions and I use coconut oil for deodorant. :)) But what I wanted to say was thank you for being authentic- because when you are, you hit an authentic place in people, and they respond. I see at least 167 of us were touched enough to respond in some way to this post. (I don’t come here often enough to know if that’s a lot or not….)
Sometimes we do need to take a moment to contemplate it all and then to bring back the positive affirmations!
Your blog is inspiring and interesting and informative and I enjoy reading it immensely!!!
Sending a hug, a smile and some positive energy ; )
Now this is crossing boundaries between my love of nerdiness and comics and my love of holistic beauty information from smart sassy people. Rarely do the worlds cross in commentary forms. But the description of the voices in ones head sounds a lot like this funny webcomic called wapsi square ( about a group of ladies and their trials with their inner demons (ok, its fantasy so the inner demons become outer demons and threaten the world as we know it and thus we all have to battle our own demons and face them down). Its a lovely visualization of the voices in everyone’s head and has a similar enthusiasm for being true to oneself!
Thank you so much for this beautiful post! Who of us doesn’t struggle with this? The inspiring reminder to jump into an authentically lived life is so appreciated!
For the record, you’re my favorite. 🙂 Seriously, I read your blog more than all others.
Know that we love you, too. Nothing you do will disappoint us, because we KNOW you are a tremendously beautiful person, inside and out. You are inspiring to us because you are YOU, not because some successful blogger somewhere decided to fear-monger others to make a few bucks. You show us things we probably wouldn’t find without your help – how to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary, by dint of magical crunchiness. And you make us less afraid of knowing ourselves and our environment, less afraid of trying new things.
You, Betty, are loved. By all of us. No matter where things go from here.
I still don’t even know what “Crunchy” is, but I love this blog and an thankful that I stumbled across it. I learn, I laugh, and I live better so thank you!
I just want you to know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. It is the ONLY blog that I come back to over and over again. You have inspired me in more ways than I can say. I have often thought that you are one remarkable lady who has all her stuff together….not to mention moments of absolute brilliance. The fact that you have admitted having doubt, insecurity and confusion makes me feel that you are that much more real cuz Lord knows I (and I suspect us all) feel the same from time to time. When I check my e-mail to find that you have sent another post, I am honestly excited and can’t wait to read what new and brilliant tip or insight you have come up with. Please keep on doing what you do so well!
I had wondered what happened to you…it’s funny how you become connected to people that you don’t officially ‘know’…thank-you for sharing yourself so completely and honestly Betty. I just wanted to let you know that your post “Falling Apart With Grace” helped me get through a very emotional/hard hump (one of thousands I’m sure) that are part of the road called ‘Parenthood’. It made me realize that I’m not alone in this world and that I don’t always have to keep it together. Thank-you for tossing out that wonderful little life raft – I climbed aboard and all was well. Keep writing – we’re here, reading and loving every word!
Normally, I would try to read all the other comments before posting my own, but it’s seems as if I’m a little late to the party, so forgive me if this is really redundant. I can totally relate. I’ve been blogging on for the past five years during which readership has waxed and waned. And now, I’m really wanting to “make something” of it. Oh, the anxiety of checking my stats and pageviews. Getting SO excited to moderate a comment from someone I’m not related to or is not spam. Kicking myself for missing a typo. Wondering if the growing number of anonymous readers will stick around or ever make themselves un-anonymous, how I can keep them coming back, am I posting enough, the right stuff, does my writing totally suck? With that said, I can say with honor, admiration and respect that you post the right stuff, your writing does not suck and if we lived in the same city I would want to be your friend.
My husband says I have a crush on Crunchy Betty.
After moving the bottles and jars of over priced, commercialized and heavy-laden-ed chemical products out of the bathroom and started replacing them with kitchen items (olive oil, milk/yogurt, honey, baking soda, vinegar, coconut oil, etc.) I started to feel better about myself; better about saving money; better about how I look; better about how smooth, soft and sexy my skin was; better about making smaller ecological footprints on this earth. I realized I was becoming crunchy too! My husband is right. I DO have a crush on Crunch Betty! (and I missed her while she was away)
I’m just going to add to what you’ve already said and mention that all art is communication. Blogging, singing, dancing etc. If you communicate, then the audience will feel that. You can have a pretty voice, or pretty words but if there isn’t any real communication behind them then it’s not really art and serves no purpose.
I think WHAT you say is less important than COMMUNICATING. If it comes from the heart, it can’t be wrong!
This is an amazing site and you are an amazing person. I cannot WAIT to see what happens when you let go of those voices. CB is only going to get better, and I didn’t think that was possible.
Blessings and Light,
Welcome back! I was wondering where you were and was hoping you were ok. And you are just fine! I can only speak for myself, but I can see through the ‘phony’ blogs, and they are not on my must read list, and not worth my time. Your blog has always seemed authentic to me, and I have never once thought that you are blogging about something just because it is what your readers might want to read. I can feel your passion about what you blog about. That and all the crunchy goodness is what keeps me coming back for more. Be true to yourself, and embrace your vulnerability. You are ‘good enough’ just as you are. I have learned so much from you, and I love you and your blog!
Oh Betty…. {{{hug}}}
That feeling of not being good enough, of not *quite* fitting in…it’s God calling us to Himself, desiring to pour out His love on us. He loves YOU soooooo much: there has never NEVER been a moment that you are not overwhelmingly loved and fully accepted and enjoyed. You matter. Zephaniah 3 verse 17: “The Lord your God is in your midst, He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing”. The ‘rejoice’ actually means ‘to twirl or spin around under the influence of violent emotion’…so that is what you, Betty, do to God! And there is nothing you can do to deserve it or not deserve it; it’s who God is, that He loves you so much, because He loves who you are. You fill a hole in His heart that no-one else can fill.
You have been such an encouragement to me, to not be afraid of experimenting and discovering new things, to not be put off by my DH’s joking scepticism, to put food on my face and love it! 😀 May your heart be encouraged by the love that the friends you’ve made here are pouring put on you. May the acceptance and grace that you have shown be multiplied back to you, and may you be blessed with the peace of knowing that you are accepted by the One who matters most!
I am a 63 yr.old lady, with lots of health issues; your blog is the only one I follow! I’m not computer savy at all. I found you by accident, what a breath of fresh air. Glad your back and keep up the good work.
I just have to comment on this. Firstly, I absolutely love your blog. What I like about it is the variety. If a blog or a person, let’s take Dr. Oz for example, is always saying the same thing only in different ways all the time it gets very boring. Dr. Oz has like a bajillion ways to lose weight. How many of his shows can you watch about losing weight? It gets tiring after a while. Then when he has one of his health segments, it is new and refreshing and you actually want to sit and listen to what he has to say. I look at blogs that way also. I am glad you are here and you are part of my daily reads!
Love ya…
Just wanted to say that I’m glad you are back. And glad that your journey was inspiring & successful. We all need that. Most everyone who has commented, has stated, and probably with more eloquence than I ever could, exactly how I feel. So I won’t repeat everything…Just keep on being your beautiful self with your beautiful style & sense of humor. Love ya, Girl!
Hey Betty
Hey Betty
I loved reading this post.
It is so difficult to stay true to ourselves. Despite the various pressures of
life you seem to have been able to find your truth and I hope that it guides
you through your work. I just want you to know that your blog has really changed
how I look at the stuff I “used” to put on my face, or in my hair, or
on my body. However, I think the very best thing about your blog is that you
promote critical thinking and analysis. You scrutinize available literature for
content and develop recipes designed to improve quality of life that are
supported by robust clinical evidence. This is deeply meaningful!
Keep your chin up girl.
Take care of yourself.
We all read your posts and follow you because you are YOU! Just the other day I was watching a video from another blogger and under the comments was a post from a “professional” blogger and she told this blogger and video maker that she would lose followers because her videos were longer than 5 minutes and because she blabbered instead of getting to the point. My immediate thought was that I liked her because of her “blabbering” and that it made her real to me and I was able to relate more to her because of her being so real. The other followers said the same thing. They said please keep “blabbering” and being yourself! We don’t like the videos and blogs that are so uptight trying to do it all the “professional way”. In a nutshell, be yourself and true to yourself and we will all relate much better. It makes us feel that we are doing ok and that you are not perfect either! Who wants to watch someone that makes us feel like we are lacking in just another area…
I’m on my own journey with those voices and at long last I think they’re on their way out. In the words of that wonderful song… “I can see clearly now…” =) BIG HUGS Betty… and much love
I wrote this letter to you few months ago. Then I’ve thought that you probably already know that you are amazing and so great and… I just didn’t send this message to you. I’m sending it now even with more respect and warmth.
Dear Betty! I want to thank you personally for things that you do. I think that you are actually changing the world. It can sound like too much honey in a herbal tea, but you do exactly that. You’re constantly changing the way we, your readers and like-minded people, live. Step by step, day by day and one life after another. And even more than this, you are making us smile with you, think with you and, what is absolutely amazing, celebrate pure natural living.
With best regards,IMPA
you go girlfriend!!
Dear Betty,
Thank you for this huge inspirational epiphany or should I say experience. I think I have been there myself and I am finally free to be able to stop trying to please…peopla are never pleased.
Keep up and I love your blog. Welcome back new Betty!!!
Omg. “not being good enough” is my core issue. It has driven my entire life until this year. I’m a first-time-poster and I wanted to tell you that you are not alone. If you ever want to talk about what got me through this, please email me at slithytoves78 at gmail fot com I would love to hear from you, and possibly help.
I missed you. I really did. And it’s so very funny that I came here specifically to give a shout out to one of your posts having just read a different blogger’s post about sharing the love here in the Blogosphere only to find that you doubted yourself, just a little. Please don’t! I started my own little blog which I had wanted to do for a long time but didn’t as I didn’t want to add to internet pollution… but yours was so wonderful that I was inspired to see if I could try. Your blog has actually (and no bull here) had a life-changing effect on me, so please, please don’t go away again! I’ll cry if you do.
This made me cry a little.. in a good way.
Love your comments and the fact that you shared them openly. I think you spoke for so many of us! Glad you are back!
I love you too and I very much appreciate your authenticity. Thank you!
It doesn’t get any crunchier than that, dear Betty! I LOVE your blog, I take more from it and apply it to my every day life that I have any other blog, I have habits and paradigms that have completely changed that are directly attributed to this very blog, and I carry life change that has been inspired by you. So, take that and stick it in your craw, next time you need a comeback for the “voices”;) Heart you!
As I write this, I am number 136 for comments! I saw the amount of comments and thought that you really didn’t need mine,too.But I want you to know;
1. I missed you!
2. I am proud of you for taking the time for yourself to face your demons!
3. I love your writing and have learned so much here!
4. I am ready to continue our fun!!
The most beautiful thing about life is the maturing process and finally arriving at the point where one can finally accept that “I” am just fine the way I am and “I” am wonderfully made and beautiful, regardless of the voices in our head, the nagging in the background and the lies in the mirror. Well done on the journey. Congratulations on stepping into the adventure to freedom.
Well Lovely Crunchy Betty…I haven’t been following your blog for very long, but what you wrote here is why I’ll continue to read it. I also blog and there is a “fear factor” componant associated with it because, “hey, everybody wants to be liked”!
The greatest gift you can give anyone, is “yourself” in all it’s glory and faults and inperfections…that’s life isn’t it. We are all vulnerable, we are all looking for approval. That’s why it’s so difficult to “speak your truth”, because it is at the heart of who you are.
So continue expressing yourself Betty, for that is the gift-you
I know I’m a little late in commenting, but I just had to say something. Since I have “gone crunchy” over the past several months, you blog has been bar none the best and most inspirational for me. I have tried several things that you have written about and still use them everyday (honey facewash, deodorant). You always inspire me to try new things and I REALLY enjoy reading your blog. You definitely have a talent. I just wanted you to know that you have definitely helped me in this journey. Thanks for all that you do!!!
Betty, such a beautiful post and gorgeous pictures! You are a very talented and passionate woman! Please just write what interests you and what pictures you love – we will, too. We all have those awful voices telling us we aren’t good enough or fit enough or beautiful enough – all of us. So just believe the good and fit and beautiful parts, and carry on!
Holy Sheep, this entry. You’ve just gained yourself a new reader.
Thank you. Hah! I wrote those two words and then thought I should see what others have said. And then I thought everyone else was so much more eloquent than me, had all the right things to say and what is my little ‘thank you’ in their splendid, well-spoken, courageous midst… and then I remembered why I was thanking you. From the bottom of my self-criticised little soul: Thank you.
Huh? bit confused, so are you going to continue to post?? to thine own self be true
I too feel the need to chime in here although I am usually a silent follower…..Your blog is awesome and unique! I eagerly await your posts to see what wonderful, weird and wacky things we will be trying next! The fact that your personality comes shining through in everything you write about is what makes your blog so great. Don’t change a thing! No worries… happy 🙂
I was just wondering where you had gone off to, even amid all the chaos of graduating from college! So glad you’re back, and with such an insightful post. Thank you!
I’ve heard so many of the same voices you have, in fact, I still do. Even on those days that I don’t feel like I’m doing enough, doing good enough, or doubting myself, I remember why I built the site to begin with. I built the site for me, for my passions and for my sincere desire to make my life and the lives of anyone I touch way better than it is now. I have affiliate links on my site, sure, I haven’t made any money on them yet, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I am able to be fully who I am, on my site and share common sense, practical and positive ideas for change. The money will come when the time is right. Thanks Crunchy Betty for being so authentic.
You are AWESOME!!!
You are fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I’m fairly new to your crunchy community and don’t comment often, but I find EVERY SINGLE post helpful, hopeful, inspiring or funny. I love reading what you have to say and can tell you with absolute certainty that you improve my journey. I (like so many others here) love and am grateful for you!!!
Out of all the blogs I read….yours is the one I tell people about! I LOVE what you do, what you say, and how you say it! Give yourself some credit here….you do an AWESOME job! I feel like I learn so much each time I read your blog….even this one! Don’t we all question ourselves? We are so lucky to be able to speak out and tell people who we are and what we are all about….hopefully, without fear of rejection! I LOVE your blog….no complaints here! Keep up the GREAT work you are doing!
You’ve changed my life,
Betty. You’ve awakened things in
me that have been flickering all my life.
Since discovering your blog they’re bursting into flame. I’ve always
felt that I’m not good enough, even when confronted with proof to the
contrary. Thanks to you I now feel
that if someone rejects me it doesn’t mean I’m not good enough. Who are they to stand in
judgement? We all have the right
to be ourselves, however different we may be. Being authentic is so much more honest that blind conformity
to gain acceptance. It’s OK to be
me. It’s OK to be you. We all have so much to contribute. We are all unique and precious. Keep sharing. Reject repression.
You don’t need our love and approval, but you have it anyway, for being
you, and for being brave enough to share your true self with us. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart. You feed my soul.
Also… great photographs
Thank you for being so open and honest!
That was beautiful i loved your insight and wisdom 🙂 x
I have been wondering where you were? I have missed you and am glad you are back! I can relate but want to just say the reason I started following your blog was because it was ‘genuine’. Glad you were able to sort things out though.
thank you so much for saying what i can only assume we’re all thinking. at least i know that i am. the sad thing is that it seems most people who say this sort of thing have no reason to do so because they are so wonderful and only a boon to society. you included, of course. so thank you again. 🙂 lisa
p.s. love the photos! just lovely.
“Crunchy Betty” has become a staple search term to go with my “DIY, recipes, green” searches! I love your work and check for your input whenever whipping up my concoctions!
It’s funny how as we get a better understanding of ourselves,that we have to do what’s in our heart,and in doing that we are better able do do a better job at the things we love.
It is so freeing to give our self permission be who we’re meant to be.
Love your blog,and look forward to each email from you.
I’ve never posted a response before, but I’m humbled at your honesty. Your creativeness is always evident and wonderful, but this blog entry is touching. I feel the same way very often; I love my fun making-stuff-mode, but I begin wondering and questioning and doubting if I am doing it all “right”. Thank you again for your honest discussion of how our own self gets in our way.
GOOD for you…. I love your openness and honesty. This makes you even more enjoyable 🙂
Dear friend, I am out of lurk mode to join all your loyal readers who missed your unique and wonderful outlook and information. Everyone has doubts and fears but we don’t all have the ability to express that. You have a great voice, a valid premise for writing your blog and I thank you!
Thank-you for everything!
Do you know that I checked for a new blog post just about EVERY DAY you were gone? Also, I looked at your facebook to try to figure out what was up???
I love my Crunchy Betty, and I recommend her to other new moms who are looking for green house cleaners and whatnot, because it feels good to be cleaning the floor with vinegar or the bathroom with things that smell nice like candy and have your 15-month-old walk in and be like “hey little man!” instead of “NO DON’T TOUCH! DON’T BREATHE!”
Thank you.
I Love You Just the Way You Are – I Love Learning With You and Trying New Things – Please Never Change the You That is You!
Sincerely and With Hugs,
Laurie AKA Idgie
To take one’s spirit from
oneself is crippling the gift of who “you” are. Be “you” and nurture yourself caringly and lovingly.
To add to that…there is more happiness in giving – then receiving. Yes, quoting
the “good book” here – but its truth. No matter the response from the masses –
remember – you’re “giving”. That’s your intent. Right? So…go ahead – you have
permission to happy about that. You bear gifts and not
asking anything in return. Who knew? Whether we like it or not doesn’t matter…what’s
important is to embrace your own warm heart, protect your intent and stand
those wobbly knees straight up.
People with good intent are desperately needed. Admittedly…most “want” but how
many truly “give”? Yes? aahh! But…you do! That’s
a gift…much like the violists that reach hearts with his haunting melodies. His
intent is to touch someone’s heart. Just one…satisfies him. Yes? Again, embrace
your inner intent for you are indeed – touching “hearts” too.
I might add that in my busy
life, I find myself sitting here today sipping a fruit slush and captivated by your
exceptional writings. Oh and yes; we see
your heart through your photos too. Now
think about that. Here you are…a complete
stranger to me but yet…you’ve had me stop for a moment in the stream of time
and yes…you reached another “heart”. See what you did? So, yes, you can be settled
now…since even if it might be just one of us that may be “touched” – you do
“count” – regardless. It’s now your special time in life to trash the past
obstacles and soar. Look ahead because the path in front of you is full of
whimsical adventures…along with a happy heart and good “intent”. Thank you for
that gift of “you” and yes, be good to “you” too. J
I feel the need to comment as well. I did wonder where you were, but totally understand that everyone needs to take time to “figure something out”. For the record, I never once doubted your authenticity and i admire your courage. It takes an enormous amount of courage to publicly share what’s in your heart (my voices limit me to making comments on blogs). The risk of criticism and rejection is huge. So with that, I am grateful you are back and thank you for the many times you put a smile on my face and blessed me with your creative DIY ideas.
This is lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Oh. thank you.
I’m fairly new to your site and fell head over heels in love with it the minute I found it!
I also love your new pictures with your new camera (honestly I loved the old ones too, although the new cat pictures kinda freak me out). One must have a good camera on them at all times.
Please know that Crunchy Betty has inspired me. Immeasurably maybe. Reinvigorated me. Your blog truly helps keep me rooted to ME. Really and truly, I do not lie! Even my husband says so! So there. It inspires him and he hasn’t even seen it/read it (don’t take that personally, please).
Your naked honesty and truth will led you. It’s a beautiful blog.
If you get a moment…check out a blog called “Momentum Gathering”. This is the other blog (besides yours) that I read all the way through- every time. I connect with you when you write. You know…I see likeness. The same goes for the blogista of Momentum Gathering. It’s just a feeling, but I think YOU will find something valuable there. <3
I guess everything has been said. I can relate. THANKS for you!
You’re one of the few bloggers that I actually open and read all the way through to the very last morsel. You’re perfect and lovely and a delight. Just do what you do and if someone doesn’t like it or calls names like a child on a schoolyard…they can go pound sand! “I” think you’re awesome!
I just typed two paragraphs and then hit refresh by mistake. Grrrr
What I was trying to say is this, I’m neither deep nor profound, I don’t like myself most days, but I do know what I like, and that’s your wonderful blog. I only discovered it earlier this year, and since then I have gone on my own voyage of “crunchy” discovery. I have gone no-poo, I tried OCM for a while, until I started having a major mid-40’s breakout on my forehead. I have made my own laundry soap (not going so well), infused my own vinegar for cleaning, made my own oil and vinegar furniture polish (which cleaned the 1970’s wood floors in my house beautifully). I use Alvin Corn to clean windows and mirrors, a vinegar and eucalyptus spray in the dryer, eucalyptus oil for #2 smells (what a blessing with three men in the house). I’ve never been a fan of “chemicals” and have always wanted to be greener, and you my friend gave me the knowledge to walk down that path without spending oodles of $$$ on expensive green cleaners, shampoos etc. OH and I ordered Cod Liver Oil within two hours of your post and it has helped my “old lady back” a lot.
There have been days when I’m down and dejected and have actually wanted to email you as if I knew you, but I don’t, so I didn’t! Phew you’re probably saying.
Your blog is insightful, delightful, informative and downright funny some days. Just remember you can’t please everyone all the time. It can’t be done, I’ve tried, it’s impossible.
I missed you and I’m glad you’re back.
I just sent you a facebook friend request because I want to tell you about MY laundry soap recipe, which works wonderfully for me, and then I saw that I could reply to your comment. Duh.
I use 2 parts finely grated bar soap (Ivory and Yardleys Lavender here), 1 part washing soda, 1 part borax. 1 tablespoon per load, and voila, clean laundry for almost three years now. What is not working for you?
I just wanted to say I loved this post. I love your blog. You have a wonderful voice that I find comforting and true. Thank you so much.
Absolutely! Let’s get to it! (Love you and all your blogging!)
What refreshing honesty, obviously deeply thought out. I’m sorry your camera broke, they aren’t cheap, are they? but I’m glad it gave you this time. Your pictures here are beautiful. Looking forward to more.
I kept checking to see where you went. Glad you are back! If you want to know if people like you, geez just look at the little counter thingy you have on the side! I have a blog and I haven’t even gotten one comment yet. In the last month you have had over 238,000 people look at your blog, I’d say that would make anyone more than proud, and make them realize that they had something truly valuable to offer. I for one salute you and look forward to your future posts 🙂
The voices in our heads are leftovers from old relationships, old experiences and old aspects of ourselves that we have outgrown! Do not need those anymore! I do not go inside mny head without adult supervision because it can be scary in there. The thing that I love about what you write and present is the genuineness and the realness. Even in this time of contemplation, you honor that reality and bring it forward into the light to share with all of us. I love that! you said it, the greatest gift that you can give to another and to the world is the tru you . . . it does not get any better than that!
Dear Betty,
I totally get where you’re coming from! I agree as I have some voices of my own. Here is what I learned…surround yourself with people in your life that DISAGREE with those voices. Like your readers. I love your blog and look forward to it. You’re witty and silly and everything wonderful that I’m looking for in a blog like yours. So, keep up the good work!
See above!
After a year of being a faithful follower and a year of thinking about commenting, I am finally taking finger tip to key and adding my thoughts…
Welcome back. Plain and simple…you were missed. No pressure to perform. Your posts work and are appreciated because they seem to be so true to who you are. I really feel like I know you since you’ve given so much personality to Crunchy Betty. I know you and I like you…including the voices that creep out now and then. As another commenter stated…we all have those voices so thanks for helping us know we are normal.
Faithfully yours,
Wow…. You could be me… hmmmm … maybe you are and we are in parallel universes 😉
I just want to say that I think you are awesome and love your authenticity. Everything you have written has been inside of me for the last 6 weeks… even issues with the camera. lol. It’s too easy to keep being distracted by playing with my phone camera and playing with all these different apps and filters and making different pictures … and then we just got 12 chickens which I get a kick out of just watching… or spring cleaning.. or planting flowers and vegie garden… and..on and on!!! I’ve been too afraid to really commit to my dreams i’ve been talking about for the last few years and now that opportunity is completely in front of me and yet….. oh need to go check on the chickens and make sure they are all there and safe… lol.
OMG… I feel like I have super powered ADHD!!!
I was watching a show last year.. It was the musician Sting. He commented how he finally got to a place in his career that he could now sing the music he wanted to sing. That made such an impression on me. It takes time to do stuff just to get to the point where we can do what we want. Unfortunately, there will ALWAYS be stuff, or those thoughts in our heads of not being enough, or not doing it right, or what will “they” think, or how might this affect others, and so on. It just frustrates me so much writing this because I know how much I have done this in my life… so wanting to please others.
Anyway, long story short… your post here has inspired me to just DO IT!!!
Thank you for being you and having the courage and faith to put YOU out here on the internet. People are drawn to what speaks to them whether its porn, Twilight, or inspiration. I don’t even know how I found your blog, but I am SO grateful that I did.
Judy 🙂
I really like your work, even if I don’t relate to it or agree with it. Thank you.
So. Popping in to say that I honour where you are. I encourage you to stay in that place, whereever it may be, and breathe it in. Know it. understand the waves that are uniquely yours. I, probably like a ton of siSTars, started a blog, read about how to blog, frustrated and refusing to hold onto the backpack inscribed “Not Enough” threw it away. Living life without a blog and facebook…is quite liberating. Don’t apologize for giving yourself a break. Your expectations, dear one, are yours. If you don’t like ’em, throw it away!!
Much love, light, and liberation!!
You’re preaching to the choir, Betty. I am struggling with the same lessons, the same confusion about the blogosphere. All I know is that your must listen closely to your heart, and then follow it.
I always can take something away from your blog after I read it. Even something that I initially never thought I’d be interested in is always fascinating when I read it on Crunchy Betty. If it’s interesting to you, then it’s interesting.
This post was also inspiring because I just started a blog that no one reads, and after reading this I’m inspired to just keep writing about whatever moves me. So thanks 🙂
Yay!! Im so glad your back, i missed you so much… Lol… Not that you need this, but im totally with you, ive read bloggers that get into that mode and then i cant stand it anymore. Its kinda like people saying you shouldnt be weird, but there isnt anyone out there who actually is “normal” thrying to appeal to everyone or be “normal” always fails and it sucks while youre trying… One thing i DIDNT learn when i was a teenager but did when i was working with teenagers….:) its funny though, because im probably the most tradional person i know, because i gave up making anyone happy but myself… Well and my boyfriend a little… Lol
The experiment is ON! You have the absolute right and privilege to “be all that you can be” – (sorry Army, but it’s a good slogan!). Go wherever this journey takes you!
Truth and love is all that matters. You are the real deal and we love you for it.
I’m not crunchy, but I read your blog faithfully in the chance that I do become so. I learn something new every time, I’m ignorant in a lot of natural remedies. I had all these great and fabulous things to tell you, but I am seeing them in the comments already here, so here is my sage two cents. Ditto.
I’m so glad to see that you are back and well! I knew you’d hit us with a deep, thought-provoking blog post. What else could you be doing in so much time? 🙂
Those are lovely pictures, by the way. I hope you and your new camera are getting to be close buddies.
Your photos, words, recipes and all things Cruncy Betty are meaningful. glad your back.
It doesn’t seem to matter all that much what you write about here, as how you write it. You share ‘Betty’ with all of us- and we adore and admire You just the way You are! 😉
Thank you for touching our hearts and minds on a regular basis.
(mind out of the gutter, dearie!)
Hey there! I, too, am a “lurker”… And, I, too, have felt “not enough” my entire life… And, I, too, have THOROUGHLY enjoyed your blog. May a recommend a fantastic book? It’s called “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. In it, Brene discusses the power of being vulnerable and our most authentic selves… in essence, it creates courage to share our own vulnerabilities, compassion for others’ vulnerabilities, and connection to others. This book quite literally changed my life, and I would encourage you to read it if you too have the “voices” in your head — I call them “gremlins”. Here is the link to a few of Brene’s TED talks to give you an idea of how she presents herself: I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. And, PLEASE, tell those nasty gremlins to shut the hell up and leave you alone!
I love Brene Brown… found her recently on TED… she so inspires me!!!
i love your journey and your courage! you are inspiring to so many of us.
Betty – you are so wonderful to share your thoughts and insight and ideas with us; it seems very apparent from the posts that we all adore both you and your blog, so please try to silence those silly voices in your head (I know, we’ve all had them at one time or another). You have very loyal readers, so please accept the fact that we love you. And we will continue to love you, so just be yourself – THAT is what will please us.
Love you, sweetie.
Betty, Crunchy Betty was the first blog I ever followed! Last year we moved to a new city and we haven’t really met anyone here yet. I’ve been reading your blog since roughly November and over these months I have felt like I have found a friend which I’ve been looking for a long time – a long lost sister to mentor me on this journey. Your blog has inspired me to reconsider my mainstream, automatic responses and choices – to invest in my health and try new things out – like “no poo”, OCM and SO many others. I started this journey when I was about 20 and then I followed “those voices” for 15 years. I had been looking for a way to get back to some semblance of wholeness – a friend asked me what I’d like for Christmas – I said a book on natural beauty/health. Well, I’m thankful that she gave me a different gift instead because I found your blog shortly after we spoke and I am so grateful for the wisdom, experience, wit and humour you give us here on Crunchy Betty.
I sorry if I rambled on above but I wanted to express how much your blog has given me the courage and inspiration to “come back to myself”!
We love you too! To show your heart and your true self is to be vulnerable to the world, standing “naked”, flaws and all for the whole world to see…and either applaud you or snicker and belittle. WE true Crunchy Betty fans love you AS YOU ARE!
I have MS and just recently had skin cancer removed…from my face. There is my scar…my imperfection for the world to see. I now have the emotional and physical scars showing to the world and I don’t care who sees them! it has taken me 13 years to fully accept the MS. I am now proud of every wrinkle, every scar, every blemish and imperfection for each one is a badge of honor. Each one represents a struggle, a tragedy that I have survived. I live my life, not just with my heart on my sleeve, but also with my soul shining bright for the world to see. Those who accept me for who I am, for who I’ve become, I accept them with open arms. For those who choose to ridicule or belittle, because I remind them of their own mortality and that we are NOT invincible, well…they can take a long walk off a short pier. It is hard to learn to “be like a duck” and let it roll off, but it can be done and gets easier as time goes on. You need an affirmation – “that is their option and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and feelings. I know what I put out to the world is genuine and from my heart”. That has worked wonders for me. If what I do or say is being true to myself…it CANNOT BE WRONG. We want to hear from the real you and if we don’t agree sometimes…that’s OK. As far as I can remember, true friends can say anything to each other, even argue..and still say “love you”!
I rarely comment but i just had to today. I found your blog a few months ago and from moment one it has been my favorite blog. I spent the first week or so reading back through EVERY SINGLE POST, then every day after eagerly waiting new posts (and rereading old ones when i became too impatient). Its your authenticity, your youness, that makes this blog so amazing! When i read your posts, its like im sitting here with a friend. All of my friends and family just mentally roll their eyes at my lifestyle so this is where i come for fellowship, for advice, for affirmation. POINT BEING!! Even though we dont comment much, or at all, there are lots of us out here that visit you daily and admire you, depend on you, and just plain enjoy you! So thank you and keep up the fabulous work!
Perfect, perfect timing. Thank you for this post and for sharing your heart. I love Crunchy Betty, but I’m pretty sure Betty is where it’s at :). I needed that reflection today, so thank you again.
Ahhh…there you are–just saw a beautiful glimpse of the real you. The one who has been wanting, hoping, waiting to be freed of a lifetime of expectations. Breathe deep friend. You are on the right track. Love the journey you are on.
Welcome back, Crunchy! I missed you, and I love you, too.
Missed you and I’m so glad you’re back! Keep on being real.
“Two dollars says you can relate.”
Yep. Where do I remit my two bucks?
Welcome back.
Thanks for the post today. I’m having similar issues myself (just starting a new blog) and getting allllll this unsolicited advice from friends and acquaintances and even my negative mother!!! I’ll try to keep in mind to be myself too.
Also… love your blog and use your (well, mine now) homemade deodorant every day!!! x -Christine
Don’t you know, Ms. Crunchy, that we all hear the voices (mine sound like my Mother ~ Love ya Ma!)? And we relate to each other because of that same-ness? And are mirrors for each other at all times? Yes, you know… I applaud you for your introspection and ability to communicate your findings. You are, we all are, far, FAR more cap-able, thought-full, wonder-full, deep, resilient, beauti-full, intelligent, creative, etc…than the voices acknowledge. I think all we can do is speak to ourselves louder than the voices do and counter their claims at every turn. Doing that creates new neuro-pathways in our brain, our positive responses eventually take over and then become second nature. So here’s to being noisy!
Your blogs are fun, interesting, informative and usable. Keep up the great and generous offerings…you are appreciated. xo
I agree with Katie Mack – I read your blog religiously, but don’t comment much, when I don’t have anything useful to add to the conversation. I won’t just comment for the sake of making a comment, but I will speak up when I feel I can contribute to the topic in some way. Soooo I’m usually pretty quiet around these parts. But I L-O-V-E what you do here. You are hands-down my go-to resource for all things natural beauty! So, yes, let’s please start experimenting again? I missed you, and clearly I’m not the only one!!!
Yep. Let’s go for the mushiness. I love Crunchy Betty. This blog is one of the very few I set aside time I don’t have to spend, no *enjoy*, reading. Kudos to you for being brave enough to go against the grain, stand on your own two feet, and tell the voices to hush up and the courage to do your best.
Thanks for sharing. I needed this one today ~ you took my fears and timidity and helped me realize that it’s okay to be. Me. 🙂
1. My favorite blogs are the ones when you insert witty comments and the like.
2. I admire your courage for posting this blog.
3. I am also a lurker but have always been intrigued by your blog and the just go out and try it attitude that I gather from it.
4. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to continuing to follow!
@5299272b1067be9fc6edb67212d9847c:disqus ditto!
I’m glad you’re not only ok, but coming out of this absence more whole. I had been checking in for new posts and wondering.
I want you to know (a) I think everyone has those voices, and they can get really loud. I wish there was a way to stuff a virtual sock in them! and (b) you are a big inspiration to me as a “green blogger”, partly because of your long-term success and sticking to it, and also because you DO let yourself shine through in your posts, whether you know it or not. When I read your blog, I think, “hey, this chick sounds cool – not just because she is into the whole eco thing too, but because she seems like the sort of person I’d love to be able to sit and chat with in person.”
In the words of Mark Darcy, I love you just as you are. 🙂 The only thing makes me happier when I read your blog is hearing that you are happier. Keep doing what you love and loving what you do.
p.s. Unless you yourself write a blog, I don’t think you realize just how much people’s comments – or even “likes” – really are. Like you said, to know that you aren’t just shouting out into the universe, that people really want to hear what you have to say. I definitely want to hear more from you!
I’ve just discovered your blog (maybe 2-3 weeks ago) but I just feel like I want to give you a hug! (in a completely non-stalker way, of course) Post what you want to, we’ll take it or leave it; but me? I enjoy your blog!
I’m a newbie also and I just wanted to say: DON’T LISTEN TO THOSE SCAM ARTIST BLOGGERS! They will tear you apart and take your money with them. Do what resonates with you. If you make $0 then so be it, have fun! The Salty Droid has all kinds of scammy back story on some of those guys I bet you read. Be you!
I’m so glad you are back!! My 13-year-old daughter and I check your blog everyday for a new post. She is learning how to make all sorts of things from your blog that are so much better for her than the products filled with harsh chemicals and toxins that she could buy at the store. Please continue to blog, you are changing the lives of girls and women eerywhere! All of her friends are jumping on the natural products bandwagon after they have seen the success she has had with your recipes.
I am glad you are ok- this blog helped me change my lifestyle once and I feel connected to the readers and to you as a writer. The community is so helpful- and this blog is simple, warm and straightforward. You allow a lot of yourself through and it keeps it genuine. There are no other blogs out there like yours because there are no other people like you. I am in full support of you as you grow and develop yourself and this place.
With great admiration,PennyAshevilleNC
Betty, I’ve always appreciated your honesty and style of blogging, not to mention all the wonderful information you share! I, too, have referred many to your site and am currently on a mission to get my college-age nieces hooked. I wish I knew then what I’ve learned from you! Thank you for all you share with us and I’m looking forward to many more crunchy experiments!
Bless you! I 100% understand and have been actually going through this process at the same time as you. I have to say that your blog is my favourite of any I’ve found anywhere. I love the humanity you put into everything you do, and to my mind your blog is unique!
Good luck finding the way 🙂
Please know that you were missed, and we are all so happy to see you again.
This post was the best thing I have read in ages (and I’m a librarian so read a lot). Your experiments are so inspiring. Every time you try something new I think “I want to try that”, even if it something that I have never even realised existed before! Please keep experimenting 🙂
We don’t have to love all your posts. Nobody is perfect. What I know is that there are many posts here, on your blog, that have changed my life. Yep! They did! So yes, please, just be yourself and don’t be afraid of being rejected. I thought you took a break because your post on water was just so so so perfect that you thought you could not do better… 🙂 Love you. Love your blog. Love your imperfections too.
“The greatest gift you can give to another person, and yourself, is the
permission and the enthusiasm to be who they (or you) are. Even if
mistakes are made. Even if choices are a little iffy.”
this struck a chord with me. As a nurse, I run across many people that my natural reaction to is judgement. I’ve been working hard on this, because you never know what a person’s journey has taken them through that has led them to make the decisions they made, that landed them in the ICU I work in. And I am constantly adjusting myself to what I think my patients and coworkers will respond best to…
this quote is my new philosophy for my dealings with my patients, my friends, my family, and myself.
with your permission, I would like to print it and put it up in our breakroom to share with others, and to put on my folder as a constant reminder.
Fantastic post. Love what you said about being authentic (and lots of other stuff too). And glad you’re back.
Crunchy Betty! I too am a lurker coming out of lurkerdom to tell you to keep blogging and dont be afraid to blog who you truly are! You are a fantastic writer, i haven’t seen a single hint of non-authenticity, don’t be scared!! I made Alvin Corn last Friday night, all thanks to you I have convinced the skeptic boyfriend that there are better alternatives to Windex! (I’ve been using my own streaky concoction for a year or so now and just dealing with substandard clean mirrors while insisting I PREFER streaks to polluted air/environment.) THANKYOU CRUNCHY BETTY! KEEP BEING CRUNCHY!!!
You are quite the artist, and a brave one at that for tearing up a book!
I just wanted to say thank you, that I can totally relate, and that I am now on my way to post something that I have been “perfecting” (read; worrying about what other people will think) for a couple of weeks now. This was just the push I needed.
I kind of want to say I’m sorry you’ve had to listen to the nasty voices in my head – but it seems we each have our own and while they say the same kinds of things they say them in the ways designed to get under our own individual skin. I’m glad you had the time and space to clear your head, though I’m sorry the catalyst was a broken camera. (yay for new camera though! the pics are amazing!) I worry when you drop off like that, because you’re one of my favourite destination blogs and I’m always hopeful that you’re off discovering things and not that you’re ill or doing badly. I do remember, though, that your sharing with us is a gift, not something that you OWE us. You let us join you on a journey of discovery, but you do not owe us that. I appreciate the gift, your generosity, and you. *gentle hugs*
Wow. This post is so refreshing. I absolutely adore your blog, and, just for the record I’ve never read a post and thought you were pandering. But I felt compelled to leave a comment because this post was so real and so inspiring. Thank you! As always, I look forward to your next post. xx Katherine
Well done! And I love the last delicious piece: Life is one huge-ass experiment!
Muahahahaha! (my mad scientist laugh)
Thanks, love and light!
Also my first comment, but I will say that I discovered this blog less than a month ago and have already found many things that resonated with me and made my life more fun and more fulfilling. So what you were doing? Was working great for me. Is working great for me.
Also? The voices lie. All you can be is yourself, and it is enough.
We (your readers) don’t “deserve” anything from you. I just read your blog because I like it and if I didn’t I wouldn’t. Simple. Do what you love – you might fail economically and have to do something else – you might not please anyone. But you’ll please yourself and be REAL. You’ve seemed real to me a lot and I like that. Being true to yourself saves your soul.
Thank you for coming out with your story and frustrations. I myself struggle with trying to be true to myself while others want confomity from me. I am a true believer in living the life you want to live. You only have one life, might as well make the most of it. Because of this, I have never imagined myself working the typical 9-5, hating my job, and looking forward to that very little time people have to truely be themselves. I also know that there are many aspects of myself I have still not shown to the world, and I cannot wait until I finally can! I have already started my own photography business, and have been running it for about 4 years. I also am a full time student pursing a social work degree (one year left!). I have recently started creating my own beauty products, in an effort to get rid of my adult acne and I wanted you to know that I have found a lot of my inspiration from your blog and book. So thank you for being you, and sharing yourself with the world. You have inspired me 🙂
<3 you like i <3 putting food all over my face 😉 welcome back!
You are an amazing blogger. I can really relate to what you said about giving yourself and others the permission to be themselves. It is such a simple yet hard concept. Thank you for having the courage to write this post.
Thank you, so much! 🙂
And, so glad you are back! 🙂
What a beautiful evolution you are going through, dear heart and good for you for taking a deserved breather. I think we all fall into the trap of “compare.” It’s human nature. But, you are amazing and beautiful and brilliant just the way you are and that is what I (and a zillion others) love about your blog. And, dang! Look at all these comments! You shine! Blogging is such a weird planet. I’ve often pondered giving mine up or wondering WTF I was doing up at 2am swilling wine in front of a post when I should be sleeping because…who is going to read it anyhow? And what if they do read it – GULP – and hate it? Bah! Fear of rejection and compare be darned for us all! Let’s all pinkie swear on it! This life really is about enjoying the experience, connecting and expressing YOU. Sending peace and hugs to your true, fab, authentic and beautiful self! 🙂 XOXO
Just another voice in the chorus here: I have been struggling with acne for my entire life, and I spent a ton of time on the internet looking for… you. Exactly what your provide. Your book about treatments for acneic skin has changed my face, and therefore my life. Thank you. Please continue to be awesome and post your crunchy advice.
This kind of introspection and reevaluation is what makes you (and this blog) so genuine, authentic, and real. Never apologize for being true to yourself.
“Two dollars says you can relate.” ………. So I guess I, uh, owe you 2 bucks 🙂
Glad you’re back!
Oh, hallelujah.
I feel like I should come out of lurking mode and comment here. I completely understand your frustrations and confusion about blogging, I’ve been there. It especially hurts when you feel like you aren’t doing anything special.
HOWEVER, I will chime in to say (first time commenter) that I love your blog! You are doing a really bang up job. I am a huge Crunchy Betty fan and I would be terribly sad if you stopped being Crunchy. Or Betty. Or Betty. 🙂
Also know, that for every 10 comments that you get, there are 30 of us out there who never comment. Because maybe WE feel like we can’t contribute to you.
So very glad that you are back!
What you shared is so true. I am going through the she self doubt and I hope to kick those ugly voices to the curb also!
Betty, you are beautiful inside and out. I have only gotten to meet you
once at the swap (when you got the kefir?) and immediately I could see
your kindness and enthusiasm for life. You exude goodness in real-life
and here on your blog – we know you are nothing but authentic with us.
You must do what you love in order to be truly happy with life. You can
live day to day without being authentic, but you’ll always be
uncomfortable in your own skin because of it. Another blog I love is and it is certainly NOT for everyone. Most people with find
her crass and even disgusting, but I love her for her authenticity. She
has no fear of speaking whatever is on her mind and it’s often gross,
but usually hilarious! So just know that you should always speak YOUR
truth and we will love you all the more for it…thanks for everything
and we are glad you’re back *hugs*
You know, I think there’s a little Betty-shaped hole in the internet. I don’t know what size it is, or what shape or color or texture or dimension (had to say it) but I know that it’s there, and no matter what you’re doing, you’re filling it perfectly. I could tell you exactly what I love about your blog, but since that changes with every month (or day) I won’t. Just know that they are many and will be many more.
I’m not much of a commenter, but I have a Pinboard on Pinterest named “Crunchy” in your honor. A lot of what is on that board is actually links back to my favorite posts on this blog, and if it’s not your content, I think “wow, I bet Crunchy Betty would love this”. So even though some of us are quiet out here in webspace, you are making a positive impact.
I have a fairly new blog myself, that I think 5 people read, but I am trying to stay true to myself as well and not just “sell out” for more hits.
Thanks for being an inspiration!
-Seph- (who is actually Lisa but that’s a long story-ish)
Hear that? That’s me applauding and blowing you kisses. I am a relative “newbie” to And I’m here to tell you, has changed me in ways that I truly care about. Not because you – Betty – are perfect or giving the people what they want. No. It’s because from the moment I stumbled on this blog, I have felt as if I had a caring friend making this journey – one I was too scared and too unsure of to make on my own – right along with me. I thank you for holding my hand and being there for me. And although I missed you while you were away, I’m doing a jubilent little happy dance for your time of self-discovery and “re-covery.” Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
I’m glad you’re back. I really enjoy reading your blog. So many of us really do care what you have to say. You have done an excellent job here. The Internet is a better place, and my hair is shiny and soft now, thanks to your helpful and entertaining posts! 🙂
I thank you. My hair thanks you. I hope your success continues.
I don’t think I’ve commented on a post yet, but now seems like a good time to chime in and let you know I adore your blog, it is my favorite blog, the most awesome bloggy blog ever. And that’s not just hollow praise I think you want to hear. Crunchy Betty is truly my favorite blog because not only do I adore all things crunchy, but the posts always deliver entertaining, informative and passionate writing (and yep, photos!).
yeah. glad you are back. let’s experiment-cause i learn so much from your experiments.
I’m so glad you’re back! I checked the page every few days or so, hoping that nothing horrible happened to you. Don’t worry about pleasing us, just do what you feel inspired to do! Crunchy Betty rocks!!!
Hi! Thanks for the sharing of your thoughts and doubts. The funny thing about a blogs is you can’t hear the applause like you can if you were standing on a stage. You say, ”
The show was scripted to elicit certain responses from the audience,” and that’s something we’re tempted to do with blogging, the blogging equivalent being to write for comments. I don’t like to do that, but I try to start conversations that want to be started. Sometimes I pour my heart out into a post and it doesn’t spark a lot of interaction (a fail) but I needed to say it (a success). All bloggers go through moments like this of indecision and doubt. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be worth a lot out here in the blogosphere. You just happened to write this as I’m discerning the very same things.
Follow your heart. Like the disturbing thought you try to ignore, it’s going to slither through a crack somewhere, sometime and make you look it straight in the eye. Iit will not allow you to ignore it for long anyway.
What you’re embarking on is admirable, and I think you’re fantastic. Also, you owe me $2.00. Just kidding 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing everything with us!
I seriously <3 Crunchy Betty and your blogs. Part of why I love this blog is because you are so real…I recently read your blog about dying your hair with Henna and I laughed out loud because you shared pics and experiences that I might be too afraid to share for fear that I'd be too worried what others thought about me. I appreciate you being honest about where you've been, but I doubt any of us readers have questioned your authenticity;) Don't be too hard on yourself.
Beautiful sentiments, and ones that I think every blogger can relate to. Welcome back, and we’re here for you.
welcome back. Now, have some fun, girlie. 🙂
You don’t know how many times I clicked to see if you were still here. So glad you’re back. I have checked enough sites out to know that you’re the real deal. I trust you and what you have to say. Not many do that for me. And two dollars says I can relate.
Betty, I love you, too. Thank you. I’m so glad you took some time off! We all need to do that once in a while. Absolutely no apology is necessary on your part. We’re still here, just waiting for you. I hope you know that you are loved unconditionally, and you never need to perform or try to be enough for your peoples on teh internetz. 😉 The biggest way you help your sisters (and the occasional brother) out here is just by being yourself and telling us about your journey.
Again, we love you.
By the way, beautiful artwork!
glad you are back! checked daily for you! Don’t write for the masses, write from the heart and the true followers will stick around. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you have for us!
So glad you are back. You always make me laugh. I found your blog awhile back after experiencing a miscarriage …my hair was doing crazy stuff and I wanted a cure. Finding your blog helped my hair and sense of humor. You inspired me to get creative and in turn the healing process began. So thank you.
Thank you! Thank you for being who you are and who you aspire to be. You are constantly inspiring myself and others to be who we were meant to be. I’m glad you’re back. Your ideas are brilliant and entertaining. I hope this little break finally gets you where you want to be.
I trust your judgement. Experiment away.
Authenticity is the best read. We’re ready 🙂
You are such an inspiring person! You are on another level of incredible that not many people can reach. I really hope you can fight the naysayers in your head and know that we Crunchy Betty’s will follow you till the end! I love your blog, it’s the most inspirational, thoughtful, beautiful and helpful place on the Internet!!
Betty, I’m so glad you are back. I can relate wholeheartedly. I recommend your site to many of my friends and I too love your sense of humor. I’ve been a betty since the 80’s so when I found your blog, I knew you were somethin’ special. I love the way you write and your honesty. Thanks for being there to put into words what so many of us are feeling.
Awesome post. Thank you for being so honest and real. I love what you’ve been doing, and I know that everything to come will be just as good if not better!
I have to tell you I missed you very much. I was on a journey myself (a train trip not a metaphysical, inward, emotional one, though I badly need one of those…) so I was just checking in now and then and praying that all was well for you. I love your blog because I always feel like you are real and genuine (and funny–I do love your sense of humor!). I have learned a lot since I started following your blog about food and cleaning and skin and hair care. But I can learn this stuff other places. I don’t go those other places very often because I don’t enjoy their presentation as much as I do yours. After reading a post of yours I always come away with a smile or a laugh and like today, food for thought. So don’t listen to those little voices. You are perfect just as you are and I, for one, love you for that. I would miss you if you weren’t here and I found out just how much from your unannounced vacation. Welcome back!!!
I love this post and I’m personally very glad you’re back. 🙂 I’ve always said that a person who is passionate about something will hold my attention even if I’m not particularly thrilled with whatever it is they’re talking/doing/singing/yadayada-ing about. Passion is key. You can’t be passionate without being authentic. Unfortunately that’s a sorely lacking quality today. So, rock on, Sister, rock on!
This was beautiful, and inspirational to me. Thank you, and I’m glad you’re back.
I am in the process of telling those little voices to go away. The little voices don’t matter, I do. I admire you for being so honest and using your camera breaking as an experience to find out more about yourself. I love your blog and have incorporated a lot of your wisdom into my life, but I think this is your best post by far.
Um…did you mean to speak directly to me just now?
I was just thinking about you earlier today, wondering what happened to you, hoping you were okay. I’m glad you’re back
Yay! You are back!
Yes, sure, anything. I’m just glad you’re back, because you’re awesome.