(If you’re new to the No ‘Poo, you can read the original post here.)
The outpouring of support from veteran no ‘pooers is overwhelming.
Last night, a comment came in from the writer of The Simple Poppy that suggested perhaps we should do a No ‘Poo: It Gets Better post as a way of encouragement.
I agree.
See, the first time I washed with baking soda and rinsed with apple cider vinegar, my. hair. was. awesome. Gorgeous. Shiny and silky and wonderful.
And then it wasn’t.
The second time, my roots were oily and my ends felt like the end of a broom. I’d walk past my cats, and they’d cower under the table in fear that I’d sweep them up and dump them in the trash can.
I haven’t washed since (just a water rinse), but my hair feels like it’s coated in wax. The ends, however, are no longer broomy. They’re just limp and lazy. Like my ex-husband.
Yesterday, I seriously questioned what I was doing. My ponytail – often bouncy and a little overly excited – just stuck in one full clump that twisted and turned all dead-tree branch-like.
I need encouragement. Chances are, if I do, so do you (or, you’re a great candidate to GIVE the encouragement).
I put together excerpts of the comments from the veteran no ‘pooers here, but please – if you’ve been doing this for some time and have encouraging words – add them!
Lastly, if you’re trying this WITH me, please comment with your name (and put your real email address in the comment) and anywhere you might be blogging this. I want to get together a handy list, so we can all encourage each other! Also, the lovely Kristin at Peace, Love, and Muesli decided on a Twitter hastag: #teamnopoo – you can use it whenever you talk about the no ‘poo experiment and we can all keep up with one another on Twitter, too!
And if you’re still too scared to try it, comment and tell me why you’re such a big wussy.
Here we go:
No ‘Poo: It Gets Better – The Encouragement
I’ve been “no poo” for almost 3 months now. Perhaps we should do (a far more trivial) “It Gets Better” campaign for no poo. Because my hair is pretty great right now, finally. Though I wanted to mention that I tried doing the BS and ACV thing a few years ago and HATED it. My hair is on the fine side, silky, and dead straight. I feel like BS ripped it the heck up with how abrasive it was. Now I’m using a bunch of different things and much happier. – The Simple Poppy
Ive been no-poo for about 2 years now and I have to tell ever single one of you just how freaking amazing it is! Before my hair was thin, greasy and down right unattractive. it seemed not even the most expensive shampoos could fix what I had. One day I stumbled upon an article similar to this one and have never turned back. CB is right, its hard for the first month or so because of the the initial shock to your tresses but it gets lots better. Turns out my limp oily hair was really delicate little curls in distress! Now I have healthy strong and shiny hair just by using baking soda and apple cider vinegar. For extra shine and moisture I use an olive oil compress every 2 weeks or so. – Marlowe
EXPONENTIALLY less frizz! I have naturally curly hair (not coarse, more thin and dry) that was always frizzy. I used shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, anti-frizz spray, curling gel-all at once! Now that I use only baking soda and apple cider vinegar, the frizz is almost nonexistent. I don’t even use that every day-like this morning, I slept in, and all I did in the shower was run a pick through my wet hair. I pinned it back with a couple bobbys and I look fab. For all the curly-hair gals out there scared to do this, just do it! You won’t regret!
The first week I did use BS almost daily. I had alternating days of greasiness and dryness and then once it seemed to calm down and be less greasy I went to washing every other day. On the dry days I used a little hair butter from made on lotion (you should bing her site and check out her products) but now I find I don’t need it.
The ACV conditions by correcting the ph. I find that I use it all over, but don’t actually scrub it into my scalp as I do with the BS. My hair/skin are dry, so I find that on the second day of not washing it helps to use ACV on the ends to keep any frizziness away, but I don’t use it near my scalp unless I have just washed with BS.
And thank you very much for the compliment! That is indeed my hair, before I trimmed it (I had it super long for the wedding). I’ve always loved having curly hair, but hated the frizz and all the product I used, so now that I have found a better solution, I love my hair even more! – Rebecca
My hair took to it pretty naturally after 2 weeks of going on and off, and I noticed how flat my hair got using ‘poo instead of baking soda. I’ve got looong hair that is stick straight, but this no poo thing is giving me all kinds of volume. Yes now and then I notice I shed a little more than usual, I think my Lush brand henna treatment might fix that (and my little grey hairs because at 23, that’s just whack)because of all the shea butter in it, or I could just use a conditioner. Good luck! – Barbara
Awesome! Best of luck to ya! I’ve been poo-free for over a year and a half now, and I’m never going back. I wrote about my reasons for going no-poo last year: – Jacquelyn
Yahoo! I’ve been poo free for three months and I will never go back. When I was using ‘poo I had to wash it every 18 hours or so or it was a greasy, dandruff-y disaster. Now I just dump a heaping tablespoon of baking soda in a cup, swirl in some warm water while I’m in the shower and pour it in little splashes on my scalp and massage it in.
I don’t use conditioner but my boyfriend, who has been converted to the no-poo way as well (and he has long curly beautiful hair) uses a little splash of lemon juice diluted with water for a conditioner and his hair looks great! – Barbara
I have been no ‘poo for about 4 months. I wash with the same baking soda solution you mention here and rinse with the same vinegar solution you mention. I love it, love it, love it!
I can share a few things I’ve learned over the months. The most important thing that I’ve found, and this may depend on water hardness and other factors, is that my baking soda solution must be exactly right. It took me a while to arrive at the correct amount of baking soda for my hair with my water. And it works better if it has sat for a couple of days and the baking soda has fully dissolved in the water. It has to feel really slippery, not at all squeaky feeling and not gritty. I’ve also found that if I am going to blow dry and flat iron I have to do it exactly right or it will look greasy. I must blow dry while it is still pretty wet. And I must wait for it to be completely dry (I don’t know if it’s just me, but my hair is never totally dry after blow drying) before flat-ironing. If I just let it air dry with no styling, it’s fine. – Ani
I’ve definitely noticed some differences in the texture of my hair, but I’m not disappointed by any means with the changes! I like the way it’s lighter, but it’s definitely more curly in some places and less so in other places. But basically I just like knowing that I’m not dependent on $40 a bottle shampoo anymore =) – Carter @ The Kitchenette
A Few More Notes
In the comments of the original post, we had a couple of no ‘poomergencies. In light of those, alternate washing/rinsing ideas sprung forth. If you have any alternatives to the baking soda/ACV method that you’ve found are more appropriate for your hair type – PLEASE share them here, too!
My favorite was this reply to poor Katie who was experiencing some hair loss after using the baking soda once:
I have used a mix of sugar (can be brown or white, or both, your choice) and conditioner (amount will depend on the length of your hair, but think 1 tsp sugar to a quarter-size dollop of conditioner) to scrub & clean my scalp, which is a gentler alternative to the baking soda. When I don’t do my sugar scrub, I’ll just condition a little (quarter-size amount, maybe a little more depending on the tangles) and rinse as my hair is pretty long, about 4 inches below my shoulders, if that helps. I only do a conditioning rinse/wash about 2 times a week. If you are curly you should definitely go at least every other day, but stretch it longer if you can do better for your hair and scalp. – Clara
Where You At, Crunchies?
Words of encouragement?
Any updates on your personal experiment? Wins? Fails? In-betweens?
You feel like giving up?
Talk to me, #teamnopoo.
so I can see I’m a little late to the poo party, but I’ve been doing the BS thing for about a week. My hair is very short, very fine, and bleached white. The texture seems very dry and almost … coarse and sort of wants to do its own thing. Maybe I need to use the ACV? I haven’t been; didn’t want to do too much to my bleached hair all at once. Does anyone have any advice on using the no ‘poo method on bleached hair? Thanks!
I have been no poo for about 4 months and my hair is absolutely disgusting. It’s so oily, limp, flat, and I have lots of scalp buildup – dead skin cells flaking off my scalp. I have tried all different types of combinations of BS and ACV. I work in the corporate world and HR actually just “talked” to me about my greasy hair. Apparently, I look unprofessional! I broke down and bought a bottle of shampoo tonight. I feel terrible that this isn’t working out. My ‘transition’ phase has lasted way too long and something has to be done!
I’m trying this and so far it’s working, but my hair has taken to defying gravity, does anyone know anything that will combat the frizz/ static?
Ive been doing no poo for about two months, and may hair is still really greasy. I’ve tried baking soda and vinegar/water rinse, but it leaves my hair waxy and heavy. I blow dry it, still it doesnt take the greasy away. Ive tried terressentials (an aloe juice and bentonite clay wash) and i get better results but my hair is greasy by late evening. Ive also tried lemon juice with water as a rinse and still my hair is tangled, waxy, clumps together; doesnt “flow” and scalp and back of hair super greasy! but on a positive note, my dandruff is gone.. I have long thick striaght hair, oily near scalp and back but dry ends.
I am shaving my head next week to raise money for childhood cancer research. I was wondering does anyone think that washing my bald head the no poo way will help make it more manageable when it grown back
Do you know if you can incorporate baking soda into your normal shampoo routine to begin with, and gradually start using less and less shampoo, to stop the initial shock on your hair of just baking soda, so it’s not oily for a month? Or will this just be a waste of time?
When will my hair stop looking greasy using the NoPoo method? I’m missing the smell of clean hair. Is there a way to make your hair smell good without chemicals?
So… I’ve been poo-free since October. That’s, what, almost 5 months, and it’s fine. I have short hair, which might take a bit of the initial shock out of it, but it’s been… fine. I just let it do it’s thing, and if I get dandruff (which seems to happen less and less) I rinse with lemon or tea-and-lemon.
I have lots of very fine hair, and it just keeps feeling better, and a wave has come into it that I never had before.
It goes a bit funny after going to the beach, but it’s no big deal. A friend of mine said her flatmate uses sea salt to wash his hair, so some people must like that weirdly crusty feeling…
Asides from that, my back skin has cleared up completely, and the chin-pimples I was getting (that were so bad that I could barely talk some days) have calmed right down.
Oh, and if your hair just feels kinda… unbalanced… take a nice long bath with a few drops of lavender and rosemary oils, and soak your hair for ten mins… it works wonders 🙂
Is there any way to ease into no-poo, Such as doing the BS-ACV thing two out of three washes and shampooing the third, and gradually reducing shampoo frequency (I’ve reduced my hair washing to only 2-3 times a week anyway… just because I am a busy grad student lol). I have very thick pin-straight hair down to my bottom. After seeing your before-and-after pictures (both gorgeous, btw, but your hair looked so much healthier and happier in the after picture!), I’m inspired to try it, but I don’t really want to have too much of an awful transition period. I’m in a relationship, and as sweet and loving as my boy is, he gets a bit freaked out by wacky stuff like this! I want my hair to be at least somewhat touchable and lovely so I don’t feel tempted to give up. Any suggestions?
I’ve tried the no poo method a few times on and off.. I really liked it. There are a couple reasons why I’m not currently using it, and it’s not the fault of the method, it’s just me 🙁
my bathroom is really small and having a small dish/cup for the baking soda laying around is inconvenient.. I did try using a bottle, but the baking soda kind of crusted up around the opening and made it hard to squeeze the mix out. I also received this ginormous bottle of shampoo from someone, and I don’t know anyone to give it to so I’ve decided to try using it up instead of throwing it out 🙁 it’s absolutely insane how big it is.
Personally, I only use the baking soda once a week and the vinegar rinse most of the time. The baking soda is too harsh on my hair and really dries it out. I have naturally curly hair and used to have to wash it daily. It was oily and dirty smelling after one day. The baking soda and vinegar has helped eliminate the dirty smell and I can go several days without washing or just rinse on days I feel it needs it.
I’m about a month in to no-poo and I have to say that discovering essential oils is definitely the main thing that is making it work for me. I have wavy, thick, oily hair. I use 4 tsp baking soda to one cup water and add four or five drops of tea tree oil to the mix. It completely cuts the grease and my scalp feels so much healthier and happier than it ever did with shampoo. I then use 1 tbs avc to one cup water and five drops of lavender essential oil. It gets rid of the avc smell that I hate and as your hair drys the lavender smell lingers like the smell of regular shampoo. Hope this helps 🙂
HEEELP!! So I have been going no poo for a week and im about to break. Its not the greasy hair or smell, I have dandruff when I dont shampoo and right now I cant sleep because of how much it itches.. In this week of no poo Ive washed my hair twice, one time with BS and ACV ans the second time with african black soap and ACV. My scalp felt fresh and clean each time but the next day I would have dandruff again. I even had a dream where I was removing ridicuolous chuncks of dead skin. I have tried just rinsing with water too but no help. Anybody has any advice??
I use a short boar bristle brush to loosen the flakes and distribute oil. Feels good, too.
Some people are more sensitive to the baking soda than others 🙂 I would suggest using olive oil or argan oil to help. Apply the oil directly to your scalp, and wrap it up in a plastic hair cap or with regular ol’ plastic wrap for 10-20 mins. Wash as normal after! You can do this every couple days, but you should feel better right after the first use! I use argan oil for a biweekly scalp treatment and every couple days for a conditioner and LOVE it.
I also had the dry, ichy scalp problem. I normally have dry skin (including my scalp) as well as a few streaks of dyed hair, so BS didn’t seem like the right way to approach this. Instead, I use egg. After researching this extensively, I’ve found that for most people, using egg yolks only works best for dryness, but I’ve found using the whole egg works just as well, and helps keep your hair from getting too oily. It’s not as harsh as the BS, and you can use the Apple Cider (or White) Vinegar rinse the same way you would with the Baking soda method. Olive oil can be hard to get out of your hair, and can make your head feel greasy, but a few drops of natural oils like Lavender oil and Rosemary oil (which is actually the greatest oil for dandruff and dry scalp, aparently) mixed in with the AC/V rinse should help a LOT. Hope these suggestions help you!
I put a drop of tea tree oil into my BS mixture, and it helps to get rid of the dandruff and stop the itching. Smells pretty good, too.
Hey Betty! I’m 2 weeks into no ‘poo and posted a blog about it today. I linked you! 🙂 Check it out – http://experipins.blogspot.com/2012/10/poo-free-not-sure-that-sounds.html
I have a quick question. I haven’t read all the comments so if this has already been addressed please forgive me! I’ve been no poo for about 6 weeks. 1x a week, i boil water and fizz in the BS, then I use 2 cups water to about 4tbls ACV and my hair is softer…but falling out like CRAZY. Not only that, but it’s incredibly oily after 2 days and sticks to my head like a helmet. It doesn’t look oily, but it just feels…dirty. What do you think?
Jill, I have the same problem! I’ve been doing the no poo for 6 weeks now and my hair feels like it’s breaking or falling out more. And it’s EXTREMELY oily/waxy on my scalp. I use 1.5TBS in 2 cups of water and 1 T of ACV in 2 cups of water. I have long wavy to curly hair with medium thickness. I started boiling the water too. My scalp looks flaky as well as soon as I get out of the shower. I rinse a gazillion times. Nothing seems to help! Anyone know how to fix our no ‘poo dilemma?
I don’t use the BS solution, but I have read that mixing the solution (boiling was never mentioned) and letting it sit for 2 weeks before using works the best. It allows the solution to rest and not be so abrasive on your scalp and hair. I didn’t stick with it long because it strips the color from my hair, so I instead use a castile soap (Southaustinpeople.com) that works great (no conditioner). I only need to use it once or twice a week and I use it for everything else as well (dishwasher soap, hand wash, dish soap, DIY wipes, etc)., My hair is rarely greasy now and is very thick, it can still feel a bit coarse and if it rains, i’m done for. So I use jojoba oil, aloe, distilled water and rosemary and lavender essential oils, that I mix and spray on my hair when i have static and before using the straight iron. If my hair is feeling dry and scalp scaly, I do a coconut oil treatment. I also will use the aloe vera leaf that I used to moisturize my body to do the same for my hair. Hope this helps and that you stick with it!
how do you guys help the static??!!!!
Wow both of my comments asking for help have been erased… I was not rude so I don’t understand why?????? I am on week 1 of this treatment and the ends of my hair are gummy now when wet, is this normal? I am afraid to use this anymore because I don’t want my hair to get worse. Does ANYONE have advice, please. Unless I get an answer to my question I am going to stop my treatment
week one and my ends are gummy when wet… is this normal? I don’t want my hair to fall out
Tatudtink, the same thing happens to me, but I’ve found that it gets resolved by using the acid rinse all over my scalp (either diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice). A lot of people out there say to avoid putting the acid rinse on your scalp, but it is far more damaging not to. Baking soda opens the hair cuticle, and the acid closes it up; if you don’t use the acid rinse on your roots, then the hair cuticle won’t close back up. At any rate, when I use the acid rinse in the shower, it takes the gummy feeling away.
HELP! I’ve only been no shampoo for 12 days, but I’m having (have always had) a dry scalp issue. It seems to be getting itchier and drier. I don’t want to give up on the method, but how long should this take to clear up? I have used baking soda washes, ACV, and 1 tea tree oil rinse. My hair looks great but my scalp feels just awful. Suggestions or advice? I have a dirty greasy job and I sweat a lot there with my hair up in a ponytail so I know that is probably why the dry scalp persists, but there must be something I can do. I work there 3 days a week, so those have been the nights I have been washing. After a normal shampoo it would take at least a day or two to get itchy, but with the no shampoo try its like the next morning…less than 12 hours after shower.
Hey Mary! I haven’t tried the No ‘Poo method yet, so I can’t speak from experience there, but I have struggled with a dry scalp in the past as well. Tea Tree Oil is definitely drying, so I would stay away from that! Have you considered doing a natural hair mask? I recommend either warm olive or grapeseed oil, coconut oil, or avocado (egg whites are also an option). Depending on the length of you hair, I’d take a 1/2 cup of warm oil (or one whole avocado, or 2-3 egg whites) and massage it into your hair and scalp, paying special attention to the top of your scalp, or the areas that usually end up drying profusely. I’d spend a few minutes just working it into the scalp with your fingertips, and then let it sit in your hair for 20-30 mins (feel free to don a shower cap! ;)). Rinse it out with warm water, and if you use straight oils, you may want to use baking soda to help get the excess oils off your locks. You can also just dab oil (I’d recommend coconut oil) at the roots of your hair, massaging it into the scalp there. It will likely take a few days to calm the dryness. Are you sure it isn’t dandruff?
I suppose I don’t know the difference between dry scalp and dandruff. I will do the egg white tonight (because I have those on hand) and will invest in coconut oil in the future. I will try anything! My hair still looks and feels great and I started using half a lemon after baking soda washes and it is helping and I can make it back to my normal 3 days or so before it becomes SUPER ITCHY. I have super thick hair and often wonder no matter how much I scrub around if I am truly penetrating to the scalp or if my massive amounts of hair are impeding the process. Thank you for the reply!
after reading the difference on a few websites I would say I have dry scalp…no wonder dandruff shampoos never worked!
Mary, I’ve found that putting a little tea tree oil in the baking soda solution helps my scalp dryness quite a bit.
Do you all still use any other hair product? (Hairspray, mousse?) I realize its not very “crunchy” but with my thin hair I feel as though I don’t have an option to not use product. I am a hairdresser, was before kids, still am at heart, and have never made it past the three week mark with no ‘poo… Just wondering if there’s an additional formula of some kind for hair that needs styling product.
I have very fine hair as well (though a ton of it), and corn starch works miracles. I like that I stay with something that’s more natural too.
I have wavy hair, and on days when I want my locks curly, I take a tablespoon of milk, mix it with two tablespoons of water and use it in a spritzer bottle on my wet hair. When it dries, it acts like a glossy mousse. It’s awesome!
I haven’t slept for 2 days because I just found your blog! I am a farmer and the single mother of 3 boys and have been making my own cleaning products for some time…but a whole world has opened up to me now. YOU are amazing. I’m 4 days into no shampoo. I have baby fine, oily hair and if I don’t wash it with $20/16 oz shampoo I look like homeless woman. can’t wait to see how this goes.
Does anyone know of a recipe for something to make my hair smell nice? I’ve found that it kinda smells like I havn’t washed it in a few days, even though I wash it with BS every day…
I use a spray with either Lavender essential oil or peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle. – I use 5-6 drops of the essential oil to 2 qts of water. Store any leftovers in the fridge, a spray bottle is able to stay out for about 2 weeks.
at brambleberry.com they have an essential oil mix that smells just like the origional Herbal Essance
Does anyone besides me see extra weird text characters in the article? Like a bunch of them in the sample comment from “The Simple Poppy”? It seems whether Firefox, IE or Chrome, the extra characters show. I makes reading certain parts hard.
Yes, I do see them
I recently stumbled onto this site, and while poking around I found this. It seems a good time for me to go no ‘poo, since my last bottle of Head & Shoulders clinical strength just went the way of the dino and my local Target was out! I have thick, wavy, coarse-ish long hair, and I have a nasty case of seborrhea that WILL NOT GO AWAY. From the many, many comments and reviews I’ve read, going no ‘poo should help. I’m a little nervous about trying this out, but I’m going to go for it-what is there to lose but the flakes? 😀
I have your type and persistent seborrhea as well! Is this working for you?
I’m into my first full week of no Poo. At first I loved it. I was using a tsp of baking soda accidentally and loved the results. Last night I reread the artcl and used the full tbsp and this morning my hair is like straw! I hate it, I was ready to hop in the shower and shampoo till I read this article. It;’s christmas eve so I’m hoping that by not washing it today that tomorrow will be better. I look forward to a life with no more poo I hope this works for me
Today was my first day of no poo! My hair feels and looks clean! Woohoo!
First Lesson learned……You don’t have to mix it the night before and let it sit. It was very very cold going on my scalp this morning! Hahahah, sometimes I can be a dumb ass!
Big question of the day…..will the static get better!!!!! I have very thin, baby fine, shoulder length hair. I looked liked I have put my finger in a light socket!!! LOL Do any of you use any styling products? Normally I layer about four of them on daily? Is the static just part of the readjustment?
Thanks for the support and encouragement!
Exact same thing with me – same hair, same result.
ok, i’m on my first week of no shampoo here, I know is kinda early but i’m loving the results, I am cheating a bit, cause I hate the smell of vinegar, so i put way watered down conditioner on the end of my hair, it removes de vinegar smell and my hair is super clean. I have very kinky, processed hair, and I styled with a flat iron everytime I wash it. I’ll post pics, so far noticing my hair is losing the brassyness, looking ligther, very clean, smells well, and no overproduction of grease so far, what I’m loving the most is that I have hyper sensitive skin, and shampoo always left my scalp rather tender, so far has beel feeling great with the BS and vinegar. Hope you find the pics informative, tyhe first one is pre no shampoo, as you can see my hair was brittle and looked flat, the other two pics are after and as you can see my hair looks like it has more body, and my scalp is squeaky clean 🙂 !
NPR is covering this: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=102062969 🙂
I’m just starting my 3rd week of no ‘poo, and I’m sadly not loving it. My hair is really greasy and limp, as well as dry at the ends. I’ve mixed the BS solution as posted, but it’s certainly not slippery like one poster mentioned. I’ve tried it after it sat for a while too (shaking it up first). I’ll try boiling the water next and switching my squirt bottle (old mustard container – perhaps the opening is too small for the BS? or am I reaching here?). I really wanted to love this. I will keep trying.
If all else fails, I will have to find a nice natural shampoo bar. I can’t go back to traditional shampoo now, having thought about all that wasted packaging!
Ok, I tried the BS paste method, and what a difference! This is I can do!
I’m glad I stumbled across this blog! I have been doing BS/ACV for a week (three times) and the first time, my hair felt great! I have thick, frizzy, course and long hair. One week later, my hair feels really dry on the ends and I’m starting to get discouraged. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Do give in and use commercial crap again, just to have soft tresses? Or do I wait to see if my hair turns around? Can someone let me know if their hair has adjusted and ends have gotten soft? I don’t like have broomstick ends 🙂 I have used EV Coconut Oil and that doesn’t seem to soak in too well, but EV olive oil helps a little. My hair has never been greasy to begin with…even when it’s ‘dirty’…so dryness is my problem.
I haven’t used shampoo in over two weeks. Things are going pretty well so far, except for static! I’ve looked at dozens of websites looking for a solution for this, but there isn’t much information out there about it. Anyone got any tips for this? I think my hair looks pretty good, except for the frizz and static! Should I use more ACV? More jojoba oil? Or maybe this is a transition thing?
I’m just starting out no poo but even when I use shampoo and conditioner I have staticy hair in the winter. The only thing that works for me is fabric softener sheets. I just take one and rub it all around my hair.
I’ll admit to being terrified of this one. My hair is just about the only good thing left on me and after years of combining products, brushes, and sprays, I feel like I have just mastered it.
Also, I need to look presentable most of the time, and am worried about the transition.
With coarse, dry, frizzy, super curly hair that “pings” with just the slightest amount of humidity, I KNOW that I will have to use a conditioner. There’s something that seems contradictory to going natural on the poo but then chemical on the conditioning.
So, I am just one big neurotic no poo mess.
Some of the comments gave me encouragement. And I may just try it while my hubby is gone for a week.
Haha. Y’know, it actually sounds like your hair is perfect for it. What’s it going to hurt to try, right? Give it a few weeks, and if it doesn’t work for you … well … then you have a great story to tell.
It’s weird, but after only, what? Two weeks now, I guess? I don’t even think about it anymore. It’s just … my hair. Again. Only now it doesn’t get oily and greasy as fast, and I’m getting to spend money on something other than haircare items. Woot!
I started on the BS/ACV routine about a month ago. I also was *amazed* the first time I did it. My head also felt about 2 times lighter! But, the miraculous results of the first wash have certainly decreased as time goes on. I naturally have fallen into the habit of doing the BS/ACV rinse every other day or every 2 days. My hair always has more body in it the day I do the rinse than it ever did before… but, it can tangle more easily (though it has been easier to brush than it ever was with shampoo–go figure). The next day, it is noticeably *less* greasy and oily than it ever would have been with regular shampoo. I also have a problem with the baking soda ripping out a fair amount of my hair, even if I try to make sure there are no tangles before getting into the shower. Luckily, my hair is relatively thick, so it hasn’t been a problem so far, aside from clogging the drain. I am, overall, very happy with how it has been going! The BS has made my hair less greasy, and I looove the conditioning the ACV provides. I put even more ACV in my hair than the original recipe called for. For a gauge on my results, I have thick, fine, and straight hair, and right now the length is just to my shoulders.
This is all good to know. I’ve now reached a decent point with my no ‘pooness. I do have an issue with drying my hair and tangles, but I’ve been skipping the hair dryer as much as possible. I notice my hair looks better that way, and I’m not pulling it out in tied-up messes.
Thanks for the encouragement! This is definitely a weird thing – at first. SO nice to start getting used to it now, though.
Hang in there everyone! I know how important it is for your hair to look good, don’t forget that’s why we are doing this! Those greasy, dreadlock tresses will soon blossom in the amazing hair you’ve always dreamed about. Now If BS and ASV hasnt worked out for you. NO FEAR! THE SIMPLE POPPY has mentioned some amazing alternatives at the beginning of the comments. Its important to not get discouraged, everyone’s hair is different! My mother has always told me, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” I know I can and Ladies, I know you can too!
I’m on day 6 and have only been rinsing with water, no BS or ACV. I did put some conditioner on my ends to help with the dichotomy between the over greasiness up top and dry at the ends.
I’m vlogging about my no ‘poo experiment and will take everyone’s advice on mixing the BS early on and leaving it in the shower to warm up.
Here’s day 6: http://baltimorehousewife.blogspot.com/2010/10/no-poo-challenge-day-6.html
I’m on day 4 or 5 of no poo- this morning my scalp was super itchy, I couldn’t jump in the shower fast enough(mommy duties) and literally shook baking soda on top of my head! It stopped the itchies but ugh what a pain to wash out- don’t ever do that! I’m sticking in there til at least next week- I’ll see where I am then.
I’m really considering going ‘pooless but currently fall into the wussy category. I run on average 5 days a week and sweat a lot! I’m concerned about not using shampoo on days I exercise. Has anyone else out there done the no ‘poo plunge with good results or suggestions for sweaty hair days? Is a water rinse enough?
I was wondering that too. I’m training for a marathon and get pretty stinky. How will that affect all of this? Although today was a day off from running and I tried the BS and ACV for the first time and I loved it. So that was encouraging.
I’ve been no’pooing for about 3 months, now. On the whole, I really do like the way my hair behaves, lots of body and shine. It generally has more attitude, but some days it’s downright bratty, crispy on the ends and supah oily at the scalp. However, the brat-factor seems to be directly related to my hormone levels. Until I find a better solution (maybe one with no BS), I’ve decided to use a natural shampoo during certain weeks.
Hope this doesn’t qualify me for “wuss” status.
THAT is very interesting, given that it sounds like what my hair has been doing so far. But I’m going to give it three weeks before I decide that something other than adjusting is at play.
However, if these dry ends keep up, at least I know I’m not alone.
And, heck no – you’re no wuss. But I think you knew that already. Hehe.
Before, I said I wouldn’t do this. Too vain, too wussy. Well, I caved and have gone 3 mornings with the BS and ACV. NOT liking my hair right now! Hair is too short currently for a pony tail and hats are not an option for work. Had today off, go to work tomorrow. I may ‘poo tomorrow morning. I just don’t think I can show my face at work with this current situation going on up top. Greasy! Obvious to me. Not from afar (at least I don’t think so) but BAD hair day as the ‘look’ does not begin to cover it. Maybe I’ll just look at this as a ‘poo fast. I’ve fasted for 3 days. What again is the point of giving up shampoo? Besides saving money?
Well, again, I’m no expert, but I think washing every day is probably making it a lot worse than it would be. Really, you should only do it – at most – three times a week. (That’s what I’m doing, and just rinsing with water the other days.)
I’ve been on-again, off-again so far with the way I like how it’s going. But I just washed with it for the third time in a week and let my hair air dry, and so far it’s the best it’s ever looked. I’m back on board with lovin’ it.
As for what the point is in giving up shampoo? Money, yes. That’s a big one. And MUCH less environmental waste, though that’s not my driving factor.
My driving factor is to get away from harmful chemicals and sulfates that are found in most shampoos (even most of the “natural” ones).
Plus, shampoos strip the natural oils that protect your hair – so the natural beauty? It just can’t get through until you completely detox from the shampoos.
I have heard lots of people (Rebekah below included) say that they’ll wash with shampoo once a week or – in her case – once a month, and it doesn’t ruin the no ‘poo goodness, but it helps in those emergency times. And I see nothing wrong with that, y’know? Just every dang day, using shampoo. That’s what I, personally, don’t want to do anymore.
If you don’t want to stick with it, I TOTALLY understand. But that’s what this post was for! Encouragement. It does get better and there are other alternatives – iff’n you want to try them.
Either way, thanks for giving your update!
I am totally seriously not scared or wussy…I just have too many places to be where I have to look all respectable and non-greasy in public–I’m a musician, and I have to Look Decent, and when I don’t wash my hair, it gets REALLY greasy and gross. I tried the baking soda one day, and it was horrific. (Probably didn’t get the proportions right.)
I’m so, SO going to do this come spring or summer, when the Respectable Year winds up for a while. And I’m hoping to go back to school in the fall, which would mean I can wear funky scarves and hats in my hair and no one will be the wiser. So I’m in, totally in, just not…now. 🙂
Besides, I’ve just discovered the whole dry shampoo thing, and I’m too excited by that to give it up just yet…
Okay. You get a pass, anyway, because you’re the Greenmom!
And like I just told Jessica, it took me a YEAR to get up the courage to try it.
I gotta admit, it is a commitment. And there are times, already, where I’m all, “Jeez. Can’t I just go back?” But I can’t. Because of this blog. I can’t.
So when you do it? Blog it! It’ll definitely help keep you going.
Big love!
Ok, I’m a wuss. Why? First, I just bought some natural shampoo, and I want to at least use it up. Second, when I went to get my haircut, my hairdresser seemed a little grossed out by my hair, which is a little greasier since I switched to natural shampoos. Third, I’m scared of greasy, limp hair. I have limp hair already. Fourth, I think my husband would commit me. Between making my own beauty products, using natural deoderant (I’ll make my own when it’s done), and going vegan, he thinks I’m nuts (actually, my whole family does). No poo might be more than they can handle, for now.
Haha. Of COURSE I was just kidding about the wuss thing. And you especially wouldn’t qualify, because – poo or no poo – you’re one of the crunchiest people I know.
All in good time. I mean, it took me a freakin’ year to get up the nerve to try this.
Your time will come. Oh yes, it will come.
I’ve been no poo for about six months. One thing that works for me is to boil the bs/water solution before pouring it into my squirt bottle. It seems to help with hard water. Also I color my hair, and that totally strips my hair once a month so I’m not sure my hair ever completely adjusted. But I’m still liking it so far.
Hmmmm … boiling the BS first. I’m going to try that when I put together my next batch. Maybe that’ll help with the crazy dry ends. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the tips, yo.
I’m on the “new no-poo” team and so far so good….though my hair does feel a bit thick and unruly. The thick part is not so bad, but the unruly..well, that can be fixed with a hat or ponytail. I did have a friend say on Saturday that my hair looked super healthy – which kinda surprised me. I’ve done the BS scrub and ACV rinse every 3 days so far.
An important fact I’ve learned is to not mix up your batches BS and ACV and let it sit for a while and then take it into the shower…it wasn’t so fun pouring the cold water onto my scalp. Also, not so good to get any BS in your eyes when you’re wearing contacts…probably not good without contacts too.
Because the “pit sniffers club” was so much fun and worked so well (and I’ve never gone back to store-bought deodorant), I’m hanging in there and will continue on my path to better, shinier hair.
I keep mine mixed up in the shower in an old dish soap squirty bottle – no more cold water shock 🙂
Oh, lord. I’m with you on the BS in the eyes thing. Happened to me tonight and it wasn’t a lot of fun.
Hang in there with me. If I give up, you can give up, too. (But I won’t. Probably.)
I know what you mean about the “feeling thick” part, too. That surprised me. No waves have appeared in my hair, though. I was really looking forward to that! Maybe it will still happen. Maybe.
Wow! Thanks so much for the mention. I wasn’t going to post my 3rd Clean Hair Chronicles until later in the week, but maybe I’ll do it tonight. For those interested in alternatives to BS, or just wanting to know what that gray residue is on your brush or if anyone else is feeling their hair is taking FOREVER to dry (believe me, mine is just starting to dry faster now) this site is awesome: http://community.livejournal.com/no_poo
They have categories for all different types of hair, and many recipes with and without BS. BS didn’t work for me, and in the beginning I had no idea what else I could use. Turns out just about anything: sugar, applesauce, herbs, tomato juice, vinegars, teas, water only, bananas…the list goes on. Different things suit different hair, it’s all a big experiment. It’s so cool so many people are trying this!
You are awesome. Thanks for the link to the livejournal community, and I can’t wait to read your update!
I’m kinda leaning towards having to adjust what I’m doing, because my ends are getting so dry. They’re better tonight after the wash, but I have the feeling dry ends is going to be a recurring theme.
You’re my new resident no ‘poo alternatives expert. LOVE you!
Here’s my update- I am on day 4. I did a BS rinse on day 2 and used a little conditioner instead of ACV, which made a bit of a greasy mess. Today I did BS and ACV. I was really shocked that the vinegar made my hair soft. That said I am having what I believe is called a bad hair day. Really fly away and static-ey. And super itchy scalp, like I can hardly stand it. My scalp always itches, which is why I am trying no ‘poo. I shall persevere! My husband is signed up too and so far so good. The kids have a kid shampoo that they didn’t want to go without so I will wait until it’s done and start them on the no ‘poo train.
My 9 year old son never uses anything in his hair – just rinses with water. It looks fine. It’s so freeing!
I’m still so amazed that your hubby is doing this with you. What a crunchy guy!
Thanks for the update. I just washed mine for the third time with the BS/ACV and this time – it’s SO much better.
#teamnopoo perseveres!