You can’t change everything.
You can only change one, small thing.
And that’s all it takes.
Completely unaware of how many people are as crazy as I am, I’m just going to assume you all are. Like, for instance, you’ll go to bed one night and obsess for hours about how, the next day, you’re going to start exercising three hours a day and, within the month, you’ll be a carbon copy of Eva Longoria. Or maybe you get tired of your job, and you think that you’re going to quit it and completely remake your life in a week – becoming a professional, and highly respected, Jewish astrophysicist poet. Nevermind that you’re not Jewish, you don’t have a college degree, and the closest you’ve gotten to writing real poetry was after four vodka and tonics and a messy breakup.
Anyway, I’ve suffered from this “total life makeover in a day” syndrome for … ever. In a world of instant gratification, shouldn’t we be instantly able to change who we are? What we are? How we think?
Well, after 35 years of trying it that way, I’m going to go ahead and say no. This is why I was so inspired by the post from mnmlist.com called “the only thing you can change.” Go there and read it, revel in its simplistic truth, and I’ll be here when you get back.
So in honor of “one simple thing,” I’ve decided to post my favorite homemade beauty secret ever. Because it’s simple. And it’s one thing you can do to save a ridiculous amount of money, all while retaining that healthy glow.
I swear on everything that’s holy, this is just as good as a $300 microdermabrasion job – if you do it right – for pennies. No, less than pennies. Like, gum wrappers. That’s how much it costs. One gum wrapper.
It’s baking soda and water. That’s it. That’s my favorite beauty secret. Baking soda and water.

Here’s how you do it:
2 Tbsp Baking soda
Distilled Water
Start with a clean face (very important, as you don’t want to rub any dirt back into your skin). Make a slightly soupy paste with the baking soda and distilled water. Working in small circles, rub the entirety of your face very lightly. Do this for five minutes (that seem to go on forever, while you contemplate the slight stinging sensation you feel). Do, of course, avoid the eye area. Rinse very well. Very well, I say, because sometimes after I do this, I find baking soda in my eyebrows hours later. And it looks like dandruff. Gross.
Revel in your new, clean, glowing skin.
Sometimes I like to add a little honey in with it. Or, I’ll make a small batch of calendula water (i.e. tea) to use in place of plain distilled water, for extra softening.
It’s a small, simple thing you can do to save money and feel younger without any yucky chemicals, and I’m willing to bet you have everything for it in your kitchen right now. Go scrub!
ive been doing ocm for 3 weeks now and well i almost want to give up because it doesnt seem to be working but then i tried this method and boom instant skin softness
woah. i wonder though how often this should be done because yeah it stings and for those who have sensitive skin, dont let it sit on your face for more than 2 mins it hurts and youll have red patched on your skin. but all in all this is amazing!
I have discoloration from the sun as well as from pregnancy (malasma). Will this treatment (after several weeks of use) possibly help to diminish the discoloration? After reading other posts, it looks like mixing it with lemon juice instead of water would be my best bet. Any other tips?
you ain’t lived till you do the baking soda with a slice of lemon !
This made me break out really bad, I don’t know if it’s because finals are right around the corner or if I didn’t clean my face well enough but it definitely didn’t work well for me.
Great blog – I found it on Pinterest 🙂 Next time you do this baking soda microdermabrasion, try mixing it with fresh-squeezed lemon juice instead of the water. I mixed up the lemon juice/baking soda combo for a natural tooth whitener (leave on for 1 minute then brush) and used the leftover for my face scrub. Lemon juice is a natural skin brightener!
Do you put lotion on afterwards?
I’ve been using this as a daily scrub on both my face and body. (And though it works well for me, from what I’ve read some people can only use it once ever few days, or once a week.) I mix up a large container and add a few drops of Dr Bronner’s peppermint castile soap to it. It actually lathers up nicely, and leaves my face and body feeling SO soft! I follow up with a witch hazel/lemon juice toner on my face and my skin has never looked (or felt) better.
Hi! I absolutely adore your site and have been surfing it all afternoon/evening! I’ve been particularly attracted to all the DIY beauty products and wondering what your schedule is with everything. I’m assuming you do the OCM every day, but how often do you do the baking soda microdermabrasion? Or how often do you do the aspirin mask? Or honey mask? Can you just create a good calendar for all this? 🙂 I’m new to the ‘creating beauty products’ and have been OCMing a few days and hoping to start giving up shampoo soon too. I’m 3 weeks into an intense diet lifestyle change and figure I might as well try all sorts of life improvements at the same time!! Thanks for all the awesome information!
i’ve been surfing for 5 days now……
the box of Epsom Salts lists one of the uses as a whole-body scrub. “Mix with your favorite shower gel, and scrub. Never tried it so if you do, let us know.
And to think I was using baking soda and water to clean my dishes.
We just got back from a tropical vacation and found some really yummy, but REALLLY expensive salt scrub. We all wanted to buy, but no one did. So, I decided to make it. But I don’t really like the oiliness of “typical” recipes. Last night as I lay in bed contemplating my recipe, baking soda popped into my head, and a search this AM revealed this post. So I am going to make it with baking soda, honey (possibly a little water) and essential oils to match the fragrance. And make lotion with the same scent.
What about a total body scrub with the baking soda? You say to make sure skin is clean so you don’t push any dirt back in the pores? Okay do the the oil cleaning first then the baking soda scrub?
Laughs I just imagined myself in the shower doing a total body cleaning with the Oils and then taking a huge hot wet towel and wrapping myself and then cleaning. Then proceed with the baking soda total body scrub.
I mean we do this for the face what about the body? What do you think?
Thanks will do. I keep hearing about other things like nutmeg and milk for acne scars. What do u think about this?
I have acne scars on both cheeks. I cannot afford any type of treatments, so this is why I am here. I will so be trying this. I just wanted to know how often can I do this? Without doing more damage…thnx
Don’t do this more than twice a week, as the baking soda can be drying and caustic. If you notice your skin starting to get dry or raw at two times a week, step it down to one.
There’s a bunch of great masks around here for acne (it’s late right now and I’m stuck on tomato juice – have you ever tried washing your face with 100% tomato juice regularly?). Soon, I’m going to come out with a little eBook that’s just for acne, so hopefully there’ll be even more in there to help you.
I will do as you say! Thank you so much CRUNCHY! Now 100% tomato juice u say? Really? Everyday? AM & PM? What are the benefits of this?
I am trying lemon juice on my scars. Some are severe. So I apply lemon juice to the affected area and leave for 15 mins then rinse off with cool or cold water. Have only been using it for two days now but I do see that my skin is peeling where the discoloration is and it is much brighter overall.
Thank u soooo much…
Oooh. So is it just the scars you have issue with? Not acne anymore?
Tomato juice is really astringent, so it helps with acne (and I’d only use it once a day as a light rinse). But if you’re just trying to get rid of scars, I’d say you’re doing it right. Pineapple – it works to slough off skin, too!
just scars now. no acne. only when it’s that time of the month. but very mininal. i want to get rid of these scars. they are driving me nuts. and i cannot afford fraxel or any other type of treatment. we pooooeee folks.
now pineapples? canned? fresh? how long? make a mask of em? what’s the deal.
btw: i luv u. not in creepy way. nice way 🙂
Fresh is best (not a fan of the aluminum in cans). Just rub a tiny piece on the scar area and let it set for 20 minutes or so and rinse. Easy as pie. Pineapple pie, even.
I WILL be doing this tonight. I love your site and I am so happy I found this!!! I will be sharing it with EVERYONE I know!!
Double yay! I’d love to know how it goes when you try it.
Better yet, blog about it. And then do a mask. And then take a picture. And then submit it to the gallery. THAT would be awesome.
Do you hear Bette Midler? Because have I ever told you you’re my hero? This is the best! I love it and it’s so easy! Thanks!
Haha. You – you are the wind beneath my wings.
Seriously, glad you loved it. So simple, and so effective. Man, I’m going to make some enemies in the store-bought skincare world. Hadn’t even thought of that repercussion.
I’m going to try this tonight! I am so glad that I found your site! You’ve got great stuff!
Yay! It’s sooo quick and easy. My two favorite things.
The one small thing is wonderful. It’s buddhist with a touch of the law of attraction… you can only start from where you are. We are creatures of habit, so the practice practice practice of controlling your reactions and stop worrying about how others are acting — eventually becomes like a “muscle memory” but in your brain. I’ve been working on the declutter, for about a year (looking for my passport, without success).
Thanks for the post.
I do this! I don’t use distilled water, but our tap water is very good.
Sometimes, just for a change, I exfoliate by swiping a slice of lemon over my face, leaving to dry for 15 minutes, then rinsing off. (I once had a Dermologica Multivitamin facial with alphahydroxy exfoliation, very expensive, very lovely. But the lemon does as good or better a job.)
Thanks girl! I’m totally trying this 🙂
Off to visit your link …