What? WHAT? Yes. This is really happening.
Crunchy Betty now has a Natural Market Store on Etsy, where you’ll be able to pick up some of the end products of recipes you’ve seen here on Crunchy Betty. Let’s not make too big of a deal about it, though; I’m just giving it a few trial months to see how it goes. I’ll give you the insider story here in a minute (ooooh … insider.)
To kick off the store, I thought we’d celebrate by offering you an extra amazing just here through the site (before we get into having to deal with Etsy charges and other major expenses). So, on a very limited basis, you can pick up one of three exclusive Crunchy Betty cleansing grains HERE on the site for a major discount over what they’ll cost at the store in the future.
On the Etsy store, they’re $16-16.50 plus $4.50 shipping (if you’re in the U.S.) – but right now, on the site, they’re only $15 total, including shipping, if you’re in the U.S. (Outside the U.S. and want some? Hit me up with an email at [email protected] and we’ll discuss shipping prices.)
You’ll see a few “buy now” buttons throughout the post, so be sure to use ’em if you feel the urge.
What’s up for grabs today, and for as long as they last, are 4-oz packages of the new Crunchy Betty cleansing grains – one for dry/sensitive skin, one for normal to dull skin, and one for oily/acne/problematic skin.
As of right now, there are only 50 of each kind of grains available (total of 150 cleansing grain orders). My plan is to cut off ordering after the 150 are gone, because that’s all the ingredients I have on hand. I might consider extending this, though, if we have an overabundance of orders and the “later” people are willing to wait an extra week or so.
But that’s a big if. So, if you want one, don’t dilly-dally. They’ll go fast.
Each order of cleansing grains is a 4-oz size, packaged in a biodegradable/compostable cellophane bag – and it comes with a recipe you can use to create the SAME cleansing grains at home, if you want to!
Because, above all else – beyond any store or product or profit – I want y’all to be able to take your skincare into your own hands with your own experiments, if you desire.

You will, though, want to transfer the cleansing grains to your own glass container (what better reuse for those glass peanut butter jars?), for easier use, better storage, and protection from water. They’ll also come with a little card explaining how to use them, by the way, along with instructions on how to turn them into facial masks, as well. (Simple. Simple. Simple.)
But here’s how to use them in a nutshell: You harness the power of healing foods like oats, white rice flour, and almond meal, along with treating your skin with tailored herbs, oils, and other ingredients by using cleansing grains as a gentle, natural facial scrub during times you’re not wearing makeup. They’re WONDERFUL for your morning facial cleansing regimen. And each 4-oz bag equals right around 88 daily cleanses.
Here are the deets on the three types of cleansing grains:
It’s Tamanu Thyme Cleansing Grains for Oily or Problematic Skin
These grains are designed for those of you with issues with oily skin and breakouts. It’s quite clarifying, but it’s also healing and calming, for redness and big red ouchie pimples.
Ingredients in It’s Tamanu Thyme Cleansing Grains: Oats, white rice flour, almond meal, bentonite clay, thyme, rosemary, calendula petals, tamanu oil, lavender essential oil.
You can read more about what each ingredient does for your skin at the Crunchy Betty Natural Market page, but just as a reminder of the two star ingredients, remember tamanu oil for healing acne and blemishes? And thyme for clearing your skin?
Yeah. GREAT stuff.
Here’s your handy shop now button – be sure to select “It’s Tamanu Thyme” cleansing grains in the drop down menu, if this is the order you want (and, yes, you’re allowed to order more than one).
You Maca Me Glow Cleansing Grains for Normal to Dull Skin
Yeah. I had to post about maca before I announced the store, because you really needed to know how cool it was first.
These cleansing grains have everything your normal to dull skin needs to shine with radiance and nourished health.
Ingredients in You Maca Me Glow Cleansing Grains: Oats, white rice flour, almond meal, rhassoul (Moroccan red) clay, maca root powder, green tea powder, jojoba oil, carrot seed oil, lemongrass essential oil.
And you can read more about each of the ingredients at this page on the Crunchy Betty Natural Market.
Otherwise, here’s the button again!
The Crunchy Betty Cleansing Grains Special is SOLD OUT, but you can still get yours at the Crunchy Betty Natural Market!
(Remember, that’s $15 total, with no shipping charges if you live in the U.S.)
Milk and Petal Cleansing Grains for Dry or Sensitive Skin
There are, in fact, both milk and petals in these cleansing grains. They’re moisturizing and gentle on dry and sensitive skin, as well as nourishing for aging skin.
Ingredients in the Milk and Petal Cleansing Grains: Oats, white rice flour, almond meal, calendula petals, chamomile flowers, full-fat dried goat’s milk, rosehip seed powder, argan oil, carrot seed oil, rose geranium essential oil
You can read more about each of the Milk and Petal Cleansing Grains at the product page in the Crunchy Betty Natural Market, iff’n you’d like.
But here’s the checkout button you want to use if you desire the special Crunchy Betty Blog pricing:
The Crunchy Betty Cleansing Grains Special is SOLD OUT, but you can still get yours at the Crunchy Betty Natural Market!
A Little More About This Special
All cleansing grains are made to order, so they’re as fresh as can be when they reach the final destination of your very own house. So, for this crazy special, the time table is this:
I’ll take orders for 1 week. Cleansing grain orders will start to ship around the middle to end of next week, in the order they were received. All cleansing grain orders should be shipped by the 22nd, soon to be in your hot little hands.
If you miss out on this special, don’t fret. These cleansing grains will be available in the Crunchy Betty Natural Market on Etsy for at least three months (or much longer, if the universe is willing).
Again, as of this moment, there are only 50 orders of each type of cleansing grains available. So get yer butt back up there to the ordering buttons and grab yourself some!
The Insider Story, If You’re Curious
I know many of you have been with me through the 2-1/2 years that Crunchy Betty has been its quirky self. Some of you probably ordered the scrubs I sold on a limited basis wayyyyy back in the day, even.
And you might remember that I decided, quite some time ago, that I didn’t want to sell product. My first love is writing. My second love is experimenting with natural beauty and household recipes. My third love is cheese.
Well, over these last 2-1/2 years, I’ve been bombarded by family, friends, and blog readers to sell stuff. No one quite understood how I had no desire to deal with the organizational aspect of doing so. Packing, shipping, and keeping inventory makes my brain feel like depressed mashed potatoes.
Well, the universe decided to step in and change things. At least for a while.
Not many days ago, after receiving my FIFTH email in a span of less than two weeks from people asking me to sell them scrubs (cleansing grains), I turned to Skip and said, “Ah. I feel so guilty every time I say no.”
It just so happened, a week earlier, Skip had lost his job and was in the middle of a somewhat dejected job hunt. When I said this, he jumped off the couch (and if you know Skip, you know he doesn’t jump often) and said, “HEY! Let me take care of all the stuff YOU don’t want to do! Let me package, ship, and keep inventory. Let me manage a few things. We’ll make this our own little family side business, only you’ll get to handle only the parts you enjoy!”
And. This was born. Within days, it was becoming more real. And now it is.
I have to be honest, I’m still a little leery of all of it. I want NOTHING to take me away from writing and from keeping Crunchy Betty exactly as it has been. There are no plans to change a single thing about this blog, or make it spammy or geared toward selling product.
This is just a side venture, just to provide the things so many of you have asked for over the years.
In the process, I expect to provide only the absolute most natural, most effective, and most incredible products I know of – things I’m intimately familiar with, so I can help anyone who’s interested become more familiar with natural beauty recipes, as well. And, to wit, every single order from the Crunchy Betty Natural Market will include a recipe on how to make the exact same thing at home.
Because my ultimate goal – my giant, all-encompassing dream – is that everyone in the world know their own ability to be the maker of their own health and happiness.
And there you have it.
That’s the inside story about the birth of the Crunchy Betty Natural Market. And there WILL be more fun products coming soon. Very, very soon.
Also? I’m TOTALLY opening the comments up here for those of you who have any suggestions on what you’d like to see in the Crunchy Betty Natural Market? What’s something you’ve seen on the blog that you haven’t brought yourself to make? Something that you’d jump up and down to have a chance to try, first, before you delve into buying supplies and crafting in your kitchen?
I am here to serve.
Tell me what you want.
Please make your homemade lip blams to sell on etsy:)
Just received your Tamanu Thyme Cleansing Grains in the mail (hello from Canada)! So excited to try it. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful advice and products!
Quick question. The milk and petals recipe says it has goat milk powder in it but the recipe you sent with product doesn’t have goat milk powder in it? I want to try another version for myself and am wondering how much milk should go I it. Thanks a bunch!
Oh crud! I just forgot to type it. Darnit, I proofread that thing twice and had Skip proof it, too. Go figure. ANYWAY, it’s 0.4 oz of powdered goat’s milk. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Changing it now. Ah, wouldn’t it be awesome to be perfect … ha.
Where can I find that cool glass jar you use on the etsy shop? btw I received my cleansing grains and I love them!! My skin looks and feels awesome after my morning cleanse.
my cleansing grains came yesterday! thank you!! 🙂
I cannot wait til i get paid. I religiously use your oil cleansing method at night to wash the day off, but this in the morning to give me a circulation boost would be perfect! Hoping you have enough ‘You Maca Me Glow’ left in two weeks for a little trip to sunny old England!!!
Congrats on doing this! Crunchy Betty has been such an inspiring place for me over the past few months– my bathroom now strongly resembles my kitchen 🙂
I loved that activated charcoal summer scrub. I’ll buy that again and again.
Also the neosporin alternative salve and the elderberry cough stuff. And I’m sure a million other wonderful things….
Christmas is coming. I would love to buy my fam homemade beauty stuff from you!
Yey! I want everything on your site. Maybe body butter next? Would love the solid perfumes. Deodorant. I’m bummed that I missed getting the cleansing grains here, but Whoopee!! I’m off to your Etsy store.
I’m new to the site and i absolutely love it. I tried the Egg mask a few days ago as that’s all i had in at the time. Horrible smell but made my skin feel alright. Just tried the Milk & Nutmeg and OMG. My skin feels like silk. I have red blotches on the apple of my cheeks and it seams to have calmed it down. I can’t wait to have a good gander and try some new things. 😀
Congratulations! I would totally buy a nutty butt bar from your shop! Thank you for the wonderful blog. Just tried a honey mask. I like!
Congratulations on your new venture!
I appreciate your willingness to try the store again. I’d be interested in deodorant and a natural version of icy/hot.
Awesome that you sold out so quickly! Maybe another offer when you catch up for those of us who missed out!
love your blog, own your book- soon some grains, love your recipes, love your sarcasm, this is just a comment but i will soon inform you how your book/blog has dramatically changed my skin. U RoCK!!
Yay! Thank you for making it easier for me to try your recipes! Just ordered the thyme face wash. Can’t wait to give it a try.
This is wonderful! I’d love to purchase your deodorant if you were to sell it!
Woohoo! I am so excited that you are starting this! Please, please don’t worry about commercialism – just add a link at the bottom of you posts that says “or buy it here”. People who arent interested wont buy, but Trust me, I want this! :). Already placed my order! Love your blog!!!
Ugh it’s unnecessarily hard to find beeswax here. I may buy that if you offered it.
Also, all the funky clays you use. My health food store only carries 2 clays, and I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of them.
Tamanu oil! I want to try that, and also some of the more obscure essential oils….
But those probably aren’t really helpful, as I can buy any of those online… Maybe you could sell a CrunchyBetty skincare routine. It would include your daily wash, moisturizing, and any weekly rituals you have.
All that aside, congratulations on the store! Hopefully Skip takes care of all the annoying aspects.
Congrats and good luck on your new venture! I would be interested in the nutty butt bar or any lotion bar. I can’t seem to get them right. Deodorant because I’m lazy.
i love the activated charcoal scrub and i love supporting you, so i am super stoked about your new market!
i would definitely buy lotion bars, deodorant, and really anything with more than one non-pantry/kitchen ingredient. oh and infusions. 🙂 sometimes i just don’t have the patience… but i love the rosemary-infused acv toner that i made from your ebook, so maybe i should just suck it up on that front.
best wishes with your new venture! <3
Lotion bars. I have no inclination to buy beeswax, lanolin, etc but would probably pick up a lotion bar that I knew didn’t have yuck in it.
Also, sunscreen!
Cocoa butter! That’s all you need, really … because it melts at body temperature. That’s what I use as the basis of my organic lotion bars 🙂
That is fabulous!!! Not about the not finding a job part but good on ya to making your own destiny and starting a way to make money. The whole idea of after a door closes, a window opens kind of thing. I wish you luck and I would buy items from your store. Will you ship to Canada or just stick to the US? Either way I might buy stuff from you to send to my SIL as a birthday gift (she lives in the US). Rock on CB!!!!
Betty! This is wonderful news! I am so eager to take advantage of you and Skip’s new venture! Is there any way to make nut-allergy friendly versions of these scrubs?? I’d love the maca one but am deathly allergic to nuts of all kinds so the almond meal would have to go : pretty please?
Soooooooo glad you decided to do this! It just feels like the perfect progression of where you were headed. Good luck with it… I know it’s going to be awesomeness itself! 🙂
Love your blog and love your attitude! Especially your willingness to share your recipes. What if you did some type of survey? You could list the things you like to make and we could mark off the ones we would be most likely to buy within the next 3 months?
Just ordered mine. Excited to be able to try it before splurging for all the ingredients. My skin sucks, so I never know what is going to work or not.
Congratulations on your new venture…I am sure it will be a success. I have discovered so many interesteing ingredients since I have been a faithful reader for the last year. I am buying all sorts of new products that are making me happy and my life so much easier. However I am all over the place buying this and that and the other things so I propose a phase 2 to your venture. I would love to give back to you the way you have given to me this past year. I would love to have 1-stop-shopping and buy my coconut oil, maca powder, honey, etc (I could go on but you get the point) and YOU to benefit from my purchases. Just a thought…(one I hope you’ll think about) — Christine
Thank you! I just want to say a big huge thank you for doing this. and I’m super glad you shared the back story to why you’re starting this litte shop. have fun and I hope it’s a wonderful success in every way you need it to be
Yeah!!!! So excited. I can’t afford to buy all of these spieces indivually and now you’ve made my dream come true by doing it from us! Ordering today!
Awesome! I have always said that if I ever sell any product I will do the same thing – include a recipe on how to make it at home. Hoorah for empowering people!
Please help! I’m trying to decide between You Maca Me Glow and Milk and Petal. I’m 38 with normal to dry skin, some fine lines and dullness, but no blemishes. Thanks!
Good for you, Betty! I’m a recent CB convert too and I just love every part of it! And this whole time I’ve been thinking: wow, with all her knowledge, she’s got the potential to market these wonderful products and she’s got the heart to do it right! I love when people have something WORTHY to offer and bring it to life for others… Good luck with everything and maybe, you know, you’ll get (even more) famous for your cosmetic line out of your kitchen!
CB, which product would you recommend for me? I’m 43, with combination skin (slighly oily forhead and nose) but dry cheeks? I just found your blog about a month ago and I’m hooked! Thanks….
Hmmmm. I’m definitely thinking You Maca Me Glow. The oats and almond meal and jojoba oil are superbly nourishing for your dry cheeks, and the maca and green tea should gently work on the oiliness, PLUS help soothingly exfoliate any dead skin cells from your dryness. That’s what I’m thinking. 🙂
Yay for you! I know that’s a hard decision to make, but I think it’s cool. And I think it’s cool in part because maybe some other people want dishwashing detergent just as much as I do and are just as lazy as me and haven’t made it yet. And then maybe we could just buy it from you and remain forever lazy. I like this idea very much!
Good for you! I’ve been wanting to make a a homemade version of lotion bar I use, but have not gotten around to buying all the ingredients because they usually sell them in bulk and it gets expensive for now. So, I would love to buy some lotion bars!
If say, you opened a store in Manitou Springs, I would probably camp at your store (seriously, I live like three seconds from there and I’ve probably run into you before somewhere and just didn’t realize it), barf rainbows on you, and spend my entire paycheck on your awesome creations. In other words, you rock because I am SO getting stuff!
Just snorted coffee out of my nose at “barf rainbows”. That made my morning, right there.
Yay! I’m super excited to get my maca root and tamanu thyme scrubs in soon! How cool for you guys to be able to do this together. One thing I have wanted to use for quite some time, but haven’t had the initiative to deal with the beeswax, is the homemade vapor rub. I’d love to buy some of that , especially with fall right around the corner!
I would love to see the beeswax furniture polish in your Etsy store. I wanted to make it but can’t find beeswax anywhere.
you rock! how about nutty butt bars? 🙂
Yea! Good job, and good for you, and good for the universe to enable Skip to handle the part you don’t want to do. This is very good for me, as I really wanted to try the maca scrub, but after research I found that I won’t want to consume it – it may balance hormones, but it can also be an emmenagogue (start periods/make them heavier, if scanty), as is the case with some other herbs which balance hormones, and which is what I absolutely do not need right now, being menopausal and having major difficulty anyway. In any case, I didn’t want to purchase in bulk, because how much can one scrub, anyway? So you have solved my quandry, as you so often do. Thanks for everything, Betty. BTW I would love to see deodorant in your store!
I wish you (and Skip) all the best in this trial! I also want to tell you HOW MUCH I enjoy your blog!!! So many great blogs out there but I find myself more and ore drawn to those that have topics I will actually have a use for in my daily life. ie; clean eating, smart gardening, diy home, beauty and pet products. I love being crafty and reusing/repurposing things but I’m becoming less about “stuff” and more about spending time making the things that keep my family, home, and pets healthy and happy. Thank you for delivering such continously great topical information, it is making a difference in this families life!
WOW! Good for you, Betty! This is a much more palatable option for me as I don’t have to track down AND store all the oils, etc 🙂
I’m a recent CB convert, so I missed out on the opportunity to buy the Activated Charcoal Summer Scrub you sold last year. I’ve been eying the recipe and really want to try it, but so many of the ingredients have to be bought in bulk, and I’m like “what if I don’t like it? Then I have all these ingredients I don’t need now!” So, if you sold that in the new market so people can test drive it, that would rock!
Wonderful! Best of luck on your new endeavor! I have learned so much here and will continue to enjoy reading and learning from you.
Oh, good luck with it! Maybe all your dreams will come true, who knows? But at least your husband will have work to do while looking for a job. It would be awesome to have that situation fall in my lap (not that I have a product).
I just want to say…good luck, I love your ethos, and I’ve learned heaps here. Knock ’em dead!