Monday starts the very first day of the first-ever Crunchy Betty Challenge, and it’s the easiest, most simple, and most amazingly effective thing you can think of.
We’re going to be – for two entire weeks – washing our face with honey. Just honey. (Well, and water.)
We’ll talk all about it on Monday – why you should do it, how you should do it, and what you may very well receive at the very end of it all.
But for now, let’s pop a squat and talk about other people. (That’s always fun, no?)
Challenge 1st Stage: Bring It On With Everyone
You beauties, you who read Crunchy Betty on a regular basis, you’re old hats at this crunchy stuff. In fact, while this IS super exciting and chock full o’ simple, beautifying goodness, you’re probably not all that shocked by this challenge.
That’s because … you’re ahead of the curve. The game. The pack. (The world?)
It occurred to me that this challenge would be the best challenge ever to invite new, curious crunchistas-in-the-making into our fold. Into learning a little bit more about how easy and effective it is to go completely, utterly green with your beauty routine.
New people? Their reactions will be that of shock and awe. They’ll be curious.
Maybe, if we show them that we’re doing it and loving it, they’ll slowly start to dip a toe in the pure, natural water here.
So the first rule of Crunchy Challenge is:
Bloggers – I’ve created a button for you to put up on your sidebar (if you want), as well as a photo that you can use in any blog post you write about your experiences with the challenge (or if you want to announce that you’re doing it).
Non-bloggers AND bloggers alike, I’ve also made a cute little batch of business-card sized “challenge cards” that you can hand out to your friends to remind them, or to strangers on the street just for fun. Just in time for the weekend! So cut ’em out and pass ’em out to everyone you meet.
Here are all the goodies:
The Photo You Can Use On Your Blog
All you have to do is right click, hit “save image as,” and it’s yours!
Feel free to resize it as necessary, but please don’t alter it with more text or anything of the like. I worked very hard at learning how to fade layers, and I’m pretty darned proud of the results. =)
NOTE: When you write about the challenge, please use the link http://crunchybetty.com/honey-challenge – it’s not a real post yet, but it will be on Monday morning, when we all start the challenge.
The Button You Can Put On Your Sidebar
<div align="center"><a href="http://crunchybetty.com/honey-challenge" title="Crunchy Betty's Honey Challenge" target="_blank"><img src="http://crunchybetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/cbhoneybutton.jpg" alt="Crunchy Betty's Honey Challenge" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Just copy and paste that code, and then all you have to do is put it in the place where you put all your sidebar buttons. EASY as pie.
NOTE: This button will take you to a blank page UNTIL Monday, at which point it will take you to the very first post on the Crunchy Challenge. THAT is where we want people to start!
The Cards You Can Print Off and Hand Out Willy Nilly

If you click on the photo above, it will take you to an easily printable PDF. From there, you’ll see these are business-card sized.
You do not need to have a special business card-type paper to print these off and use them.
Just print them, cut them, and hand them out this weekend to everyone you think would enjoy a challenge like honey-face-washing.
Oh! And like this post on Facebook, Share it on Twitter, and email it to all your friends! Get them ready for the good stuff come Monday.
Put Pure, Raw (Unpasteurized) Honey on Your Shopping List
You don’t need a whole bunch.
In fact, each time you wash your face, you use maybe half a teaspoon. Probably not even that.
You just need to make sure your honey is raw and pure (and if you can, make it local!). If you needed an excuse to visit your local farmer’s market this weekend, here it is.
Otherwise, you should be able to find raw (unpasteurized) local honey at the supermarket (our King Soopers carries raw Colorado honey). It’s just right there in the honey section. Check it out.
(If you can’t find local, no biggie. Just go for the good stuff.)
Challenge Schedule
People can come and go throughout this challenge as they’d like, but let’s try to get as many people to start with us as we can.
Here’s the schedule of events:
- Monday, July 18th – An introduction into how to wash your face with honey and why you’ll do it. On this day, you can also “sign up” for the challenge in the comments.
- Friday, July 22nd – I’ll send out emails to everyone who’s participating in the challenge just to check up on you and see how it’s going (however, there will be a thread on it in the Crunchy Community, so you guys can chit chat about your experiences).
- Monday, July 25th – There will be a post about the Honey Challenge on this day talking about ways to modify it for easier makeup-washing, as well as a chance for you guys to talk about what you think so far.
- Monday, August 1st – We’ll do a wrap-up post, which will include a super deluxe linky-party where everyone who blogs about their experience with the challenge can link up, and we can go around and read from all the other crunchistas blogs! In addition, on this day, I’ll choose one person to receive some raw Colorado honey from one of my local farmer’s markets. (THIS fun giveaway comes courtesy of the 10 AMAZING ladies who have sent financial support to Crunchy Betty over the last week; if it weren’t for that, this wouldn’t be a fun perk. AND, if more people want to donate over the next week, I’ll TOTALLY buy more honey to give away.)
The best part of all of it?
Are you excited?
Tell me about it!
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I’m in!
I’m in!
So excited to start this challenge. I have extremely oily skin in the summer yet dry at the same time and I have the hardest time finding something that works. Can’t wait to see how this works!
I’m in!
In like Flynn!
thanks to little ecofootprints for the nudge and for introducing me to Crunchy Betty. Perfect timing as have recently returned from a very wonderful and credit card busting sojourn to the Uk and CAmbodia with my teenagers – oh what fun we had! But no $ now for my beloved Jurlique products – have been using a face washer and warm water. So honey it is! Should be sweet! X
I am going to give this a go too. Not that my beauty regime amounts to much as it stands at the moment 🙂
count me in!
Ok I will, Im new to your blog and found you via Little Eco Footprints blog,,,Now im off to look around your blog some more! Can I say the word blog just one more time…lol
Got my honey and I’m ready to go. The honey is super yummy too so feel free to incorporate some ingestion into this challenge!
Hey, for those with acne problem spots, use really warm salt water over the acne to gently open the pores then dry your face and apply a thick layer of honey. Leave on for at least 20 minutes. I have added tea tree oil to the honey too. It does a nice job of drying things up and clearing up the blemishes.
I’m in! I found some pure, unfiltered Wildflower Honey at the grocery store.
Can’t wait! I am starting tomorrow and soon thereafter, no ‘poo! Already have the raw CO honey and ACV for my hair too – let’s do this!!
I am excited to begin this challenge. So glad I accidently stumbled onto this site while looking for recipes for natural cleaning products. Woo hoo Can not wait until Monday.
Okay, I have a very serious question. (It’s serious because I REALLY want to do the challenge, but, after about an hour of contemplation, I still cannot decide.) I use Gunter’s “pure” clover honey, but I don’t know if it’s “pure” enough. It’s been heated to 170 degrees F. and it’s been filtered. Does that count as pasteurization? Is it completely devoid of nutrients?
So I’ve done a lot of research on this, and honey’s beneficial enzymes are mostly completely killed off if it’s heated to somewhere between 152 and 160 degrees (even for a short period of time). Even temperatures lower than that can affect the beneficial properties.
My honey is warmed to 90 and then filtered (the lady at the farmer’s market said it was “just to get the legs out,” which was kinda creepy). And also to help it not crystalize for a few weeks.
So, technically, I would say your honey is probably not all that full of the good stuff at this point. The good news is, yours looks like it is 100% pure honey (as opposed to some of those on the store shelves). You can try it with us, anyway, and see how it works. Who knows?
Wow, the more I get into this, the more I realize how little we all understand about the healthful properties of our honey. The rabbit hole deepens …
As always.
Oops! I forgot to TAKE THE OATH OF CRUNCH:
I, Allison, solemnly swear to wash my face with honey every day for two weeks, no exceptions, no excuses.
And thank you, Betty, for your upcoming discussion on the different types of honey. Heck, I thought if it said “honey”, it was honey!
Alli…back down the rabbit hole!
We are definitely in. I’ve been using honey to wash my face twice a week or so and I definitely feel a difference. I think I’ve convinced my husband to give it a shot! If it helps his oily skin then we might just have a miracle product 🙂
I found some pure raw honey in the grocery store. I was buying local honey but I guess it was pasteurized (uneducated me figured it was local so it must be awesome haha). This raw stuff was AMAZING! And today we went to the farmers market and I found a local guy selling pure raw honey and the cost was remarkable. I bought a huge tub 🙂 I’m so excited to give this a shot for 2 weeks!
Let the Honey-ing begin!!
I’m in!
I actually already wash my face with honey (and have done so for more than a year) so felt like I needed an additional challenge – so I just managed to talk my husband into washing his face with honey for two weeks. So my whole family is in.
Great challenge! I’ll spread the word on my blog shortly.
Count me in! I already have over a gallon of raw local honey in my pantry. Why didn’t I think of this before!?!?!
i’ve recently developed bad acne on my chin and nothing, nothing has worked. the first time i did the aspirin honey mask some of it disappeared over night, but alas, not this second time. i just went out and bought a bearful of raw, local pure honey. he’s sitting there, on my nightstand, just waiting to impart moisturizing, acne-cleansing, beautifying goodness to my beleaguered chin. do i really have to wait until monday?
Yes I willing to try this, and probably my teenage daughter too.
I’m in it to win it! very excited. I’ve been doing OCM for the past couple of months and haven’t noticed an improvement, or not, either way. I’ve been sticking with it though because I like using natural ingredients as opposed to chemicals. Looking forward to the honey challenge!
Ohmyfreakin’gosh, I LOVE this crunchy community here! And I’m super excited about the honey challenge! I’m going to challenge my younger teenage sister. I bet she’ll totally be in on this, too!
I just succumbed to some lovely EO-based cleanser after going au naturel and crunchy for more than a year… Oh the cleanser can wait! I am going to enjoy this challenge with the current stock of manuka (my skin deserves the good stuff, yes! ;))
And I so love the supple feel after using honey on the body ;D Cant wait for the two weeks to whizz by and enjoy super soft smooth skin ;))
Okay, this sounds stupid. I’ve never had raw honey before in my life. Not that I can remember at least. I just bought a jar of “really raw” honey from Bonterra Market and it’s not how the honey I’m used to honey is. It’s solid (like cold coconut oil). Normal, right?
Mine is also like that. Taste it. Tastes YUMMY!!!!!
I did taste it, it’s so good!
LOL I keep wondering how much I will eat and how much will go on my face during the two week challenge (and beyond)… 🙂
Haha, same! I’ve dipped my finger in the jar a few times today already. I shouldnt have opened it yet!
Are you psychic as well as crunchy? I was so totally needing to find something easy to use for my face, and here you are! Honey and water.
Love it. And you. Thank you! I am totally in.
WOOHOO!!! I AM EXCITED about this challenge!!! I already use raw honey twice a week as a mask. When I use up the last of my face wash I am switching completely over to raw honey in the morning and olive oil at bedtime!
I bought my honey like a good girl & have been waiting for further instructions!
I’ve been enjoying the oil cleansing method for a few weeks, with good results.
I think breakout problems could be stemming from not thoroughly wiping the oil off, and this is hardest to do around the chin, neck, etc.
I’m in!!! We raise our own honey, so I’ll use “homemade”, cool, huh? Doesn’t get any more local. This sounds FUN!
I’m a little scared… 🙁 the idea thrills me, but I’m pretty acne prone, I’m just hoping I won’t break out a bunch. I will definitely try it though!
I’ve only eaten raw, local honey before earlier this month when I used it in a corn mush mask. A two-week challenge is a great idea to test the waters for a daily activity! I don’t have a blog, but my friends and family are used to me blabbing about all my crunchy experiments on facebook. LOL
Ooooh yes, this is just the kind of challenge for me! 🙂 Count me in – I can’t wait! 😉
I accept, but I’m a bit concerned. The OCM made me break out so badly that it took me a year to recover. I’m one of those people it really doesn’t work for. Perhaps it was because I used Crisco?
Blogged, tweeted, stumbled and FB’d this challenge. I need a lot of support…
PS: I’m kidding about the Crisco.
You neeed extra virgin olive oil and castor oil for the oil cleaning method, and organic if you can find it! no wonder you broke out so badly! 🙁
I was kidding about the crisco. (My PS at the bottom.) 🙂
I used EVOO & castor oil. I added in lavender and tea tree. When I started breaking out, I thought it was just a sign that it was working. After a while, I switched to apricot seed oil. Things got worse and worse. Raw organic coconut oil… more breakouts. I did some research and there are a few people, like me, that the OCM just doesn’t work for. I wish it did.
I usually follow up the oil cleaning method with a honey tea tree oil mask and love it. I’m willing to give it a go! I have a Mom’s group that I’m converting to crunchiness, so I’ll see if they want to join in the fun.
@Julie, my girlfriend has a great way to use up lots of mint (bonus: great Christmas presents/barter fodder): http://www.tankertracks.com/2011/05/foodie-friday-mint-syrup.html
I’ve been alternating honey and oil cleansing for a while now, but I’m excited to try honey full time!
I’m am terrified. And excited. I have a friend who gives me eggs, honey, veggies, fruits, and tips on how to make big (BIG) fires in exchange for whatever I bring her (hoops, food, a lot of tips from YOU)!!! She’ll probably make me help her harvest their honey (which el fiancio can’t help with; he’s allergic, boo) but that’s cool. I like her enough to go through the hot, sticky, sweaty mess that goes into harvesting honey XD.
Btw, to those of you have never tried harvesting honey before, look up your local CSA (community supported agriculture) programs. There will probably be one that has it. Plus, $500 bucks for about 6 months of veggies, fruits, and herbs, all organic? Who doesn’t want that???
PS: Do a mint challenge, please?? I have mint out the ears…
I’m in too! I felt a little sad since I’ve been loving the OCM so much and don’t feel like I need anything else on my face ever. BUT… I trust you, and you wouldn’t make such a highfalutin’ big deal over something that wasn’t spectacularly awesomely wonderful… so I’m in! 🙂
I just did a quick little research on honey for face washing… and so, I’m in!! 🙂 I’m halfway crunchy, but can’t wait to get a little crunchier 😉
By the way, I “met” you through Erin Hill / Nirvana Mama just a bit ago, but I never introduced myself. Hello!! Nice to meet you! 🙂
i looooove the way that honey makes my face feel after using it in a super simple scrub (just brown sugar and honey) so i’m really excited for this daily cleansing method! especially since it uses less than 1/2 t. VERY EXCITED!
I’m in. I use honey regularly as a face wash already. I like honey for a few other beauty recipes as well. Very excited to learn and try more! I love the idea of a challenge and all the graphics are very nice too! 😀
I’m game! I think – as long as I can get some good honey. Payday is tomorrow, and my favorite farmers’ market is today! Alas! However, if I can get some honey before Monday, I’m all in. I am loving the OCM, but it’s always fun to change things up!
Hooray – found some good honey at the natural market. Ready and waiting instructions! 🙂
I’m in!
I’m definitely in!! BUT…I just started using the oil cleansing method per your suggestion, so I need to know how I can do both? Maybe alternate using honey and the oil? No clue!!
Count me in! I was just talking to my 12 year old son last night about different natural ways to clean our faces. I think I will include him in the challange as well. Yeah a family project!
I’ve been peeping my head in here for a little while… I’m scared, but I think…just maybe… I could do this. There’s a farmers market starting in my city TODAY… perfect time to get some honey and some other ingredients I’ve been hankering after for experimental purposes. All you crunchy ladies inspire me!
I’ve been using the oil cleansing method for about six weeks now, and while I see the clearness in my skin, I’ve ALSO had even WORSE breakouts along my chin (but again, the rest of my face is super healthy looking and soft, so I’ve just been grinning and bearing it…) COUNT ME IN. And I’m trying to recruit ALL of my crunchy and pseudo-crunchy and not even a little bit crunchy girlfriends. I am SO excited about this! (Oh, and I’ve been trying to sign up for the Crunchy Community, but I can’t get out of the word verification field…I’m absolutely certain I keep typing the same words and symbols that are in the box, but it just refreshes the page…over and over…a glitch, maybe?)
I’m so super excited!!! 😀
Too bad our bees died.
RATS! I’m on vacation for another week and a half, and of course I didn’t bring my raw honey – and I don’t think there’s anywhere around here that sells any. 🙁
But I promise to do the challenge when I get back home at the end of July. I look forward to reading about other people’s experiences! 🙂
What if you already wash your face with honey? I use honey, rose water and castile soap and LOVE it!!! I’m TOTALLY open to other suggestions, though! 🙂
My son uses Manuka honey on his face…it clears up any breakouts fast.
xo jana
P.S. I LOVE the pictures/buttons/cards you made, Betty! I will be printing out some cards for the ladies in my life. The men are a little more skeptical.. I’ll work on them later 😉
You’re right we are all ahead of the curve on this. Though, I have to admit I have never actually washed my face with honey, so that should be interesting. I still have half a quart of raw honey in the cupboard and a blog that could use some new posts, so I will join the fun too.
I can understand why we want raw honey for eating. But why for face? Is regular old honey just not acceptable for this use? I ask b/c I have a whopping jar of Sams Club honey I need to use up 🙂
Definitely worth trying I think! I’ve tried using the OCM before, and had short term success yet failed to continue using it past a week due to laziness. This, however, I’m determined to try out faithfully!
I loooove honey! I cannot wait to try this. Finding local, unpasteurized honey will be my special errand for the weekend.
I want to try it- I really do! But honey is so expensive, especially the good stuff. :/
I’m in- definitely! I can’t wait to get started!
Um, honey can clear up my skin? If that’s the case, then count me in!!!! Guess the farmer’s market will be my first stop Saturday morning!
AH! I really want to try, but I just started using (and LOVING) the oil cleansing method last week thanks to this blog.
Can I do both at the same time? and how?
Oh, I am so IN! This will be the first time I’m going to use food on my face and I’m super pumped!
Your challenge is the first thing people will see when they visit my blog over the next two weeks! I’ll blog about my experiences and I’m challenging my readers to visit you here and join in! Why? Because Crunchy Betty says food on my face will make me beautiful!
I’m super excited about this! I tried it the other night (we must be on the same wavelength) but I realized that my honey was pasteurized. I will fix that this weekend!
Fun! I’d like to do it– I always have a big old jar of local raw honey sitting in the cupboard, so I’m all set. 🙂
Count me in! We’ve used honey in masks before and loved it so this should be great!
I think this should be quite fun. I’ll try it. Especially since yesterday my mother gave me a nice jar full of honey from a local beekeeper, oh and that honey is collected from a raspberry field. <3
I think I'll start either on Monday or Tuesday, though. It depends on when I'll see the post published in my time.
I’m afraid.
I’m afraid, but willing.