With all the steamy talk around this joint lately – between the recipes to make your own love balm and yesterday’s thought-provoking post on attraction and passion, I thought now would be a perfect time to share some of the good stuff that was sent my way.
See, recently the makers of Aloe Cadabra contacted me to see if I’d like to offer their product to you. And then they sent me the 3-pack sampler that you see to the left.
When they said they wanted to send me a sample, I expected a few little squeezy packets. Not the whole shebang.
With trembling fingers, I tore into the huge package and immediately opened the french lavender. It smells like running through the English countryside, the gentle wind tousling your hair as you throw it back and smile at the Orlando-Bloom-esque man who’s frolicking behind you carrying a bouquet of flowers and an engagement ring.
But, sorry. You can’t win that one. I opened it. It’s mine.
And I keep looking longingly at the other two boxes full of aloe goodness, but I know in my heart that the universe wants me to pass on the love.
Now, I can’t give you a full monte review here, because I haven’t used the Aloe Cadabra in it’s, um, marketed use. As you know, Fiance’s out of town and … yeah.
However! I will tell you that this stuff is AWESOME as a hand softener. I use it a couple of times a day – just slather it on – and my hands don’t only smell divine, but they’re super soft.
And it worked wonders that one time a few days ago when I forgot that the backs of hands and broilers ne’re should meet. I had a huge burn that is now completely healed (four days later), and I gotta thank Aloe Cadabra for that magic.
I can only dream of the other kinds of magic it could bring.
Oh, Orlando.
The Scoop on How to Enter
Okay. So what’s up for grabs here is Two Unopened Boxes/Bottles of Aloe Cadabra – Tahitian Vanilla and Natural Aloe. The three-box set retails for $30, so what you’re getting is a $20 value.
(Right? I’m horrible at math.)
Now, because of a personal nature, I have decided that the way you could possibly win this awesome stuff is by subscribing to the Crunchy Betty Newsletter.
That way, the only people who know you’ve entered to win this stuff is you and me. I’m giving you privacy here. You’re welcome.
And this is how it works.
- You sign up for the newsletter, and your email address gets added to the pool.
- On Tuesday, I will use a randomizer to pick one person from the mailing list as the winner.
- You will then receive a confirmation email if you’re the winner (along with a request for your shipping address).
- If you’re the winner, you will start planning your romantic future date with your husband or Orlando Bloom (I’m not here to judge you).
Now, here’s the rub: To be fair, I’m including all the people who have previously signed up for the newsletter in this drawing. However! They may not want this particular product.
And if they do not, I will then redraw and move on to the next person.
(For the record, I don’t have many people signed up at the moment, so your chances of winning are pretty dang high.)
Finally, if you want to announce it to the world that you just signed up to win personal lubricant – please post this on your Twitter account, Facebook, or write it on your forehead with a Sharpie.
And then leave a comment here and tell me what your first kiss was like.
(I’ll start. My first “real kiss” felt like his tongue was shedding in my mouth. I almost threw up. I was in 7th grade. I didn’t “kiss” again until high school. Ew.
Not very romantic, yeah?
You can beat THAT story.)
What is your favorite green personal lubricant? Do you prefer aloe based like
Aloe Cadabra? How about oil based Firefly Organics® Intimate Botanical Moisturizing Creme? Or water based (but glycerin free) yes® Water-Based Organic Lubricant?
My first kiss was in the summer between grade 8 and 9. I was out camping and there was a boy there I REALLY liked. So he and I and a few friends were out on the beach at sunset and my friend is like “I want to take a picture of you two kissing!” so I’m like urm..ok and we just sort of smushed our lips together and stood there with our eyes closed for what felt like ten minutes while she fumbled around with her camera. Eventually she took the picture and we stepped back from eachother, felt awkward and went back to our respectve campsites.
I think it would have been better if it wasn’t so forced hahaha
My first kiss was at the end-of-9th-grade barbecue in my friend’s basement… Everyone had gone upstairs for cookies, and my boyfriend kissed me on the cheek. He said, “that was awkward,” and then I said, “no it wasn’t!” And then we kissed on the lips. With no tongue. For about one second. Ha.
That. Is. Adorable.
Makes me want to totally redo my first kiss!
I did get one on the cheek one time by this boy that I had a huge crush on in 6th grade. He did it, and then he said “I love you” and then he ran away REALLY fast. He didn’t talk to me much after that. Sigh.
Yay for stories!
First kiss was cringe-worthy. I waited for the ground to move but just got the beeping horn of a passing car: sigh!
Ha. Well, a beeping horn is better than nothing, right?
As an aside, my sister and I were talking about relationships last night, and she said she felt sad whenever people in movies (or real life) said that it was sad to get married because you’d never have that “first kiss” feeling ever again. Given some of these stories, I think that makes a CASE for marriage.
Ok, I thought about the sharpie, then decided tweeting was easier.
And my first kiss was from a young man who didn’t believe in tongue.
Which was probably a decent introduction, but I got bored awfully fast….
Like, he didn’t believe you should touch tongues?
Ah, maybe if we could just swap first kisses, I wouldn’t be so weird to this day.
Hey, why not pick two people, and send one of the remaining samples to each? Less for each individual, but more winners. 🙂
(Only in case I should burn my fingers or anything, of course. ;-))
whose first kiss was at the bus stop after school, and was actually quite lovely if more public than I would have wished.
Haha. I thought about that! I just didn’t know if anyone would care about just winning one bottle of the stuff. I thought it would really sweeten the pot to include two.
I have to be honest, it’s going to really, really break my heart to send off that Tahitian Vanilla – without even getting to smell it.