Such a small distinction, that between anti and pro, but it makes a world of difference in the way you approach life.
Ask yourself: What brings me more joy? What allows me to grow fully into a caring, compassionate person? Being anti-something or being pro-something?
Two sides of the same coin, those are, and in our world of duality (up/down, left/right, right/wrong) one must choose to be anti or pro something nearly every day.
I’ve realized that my station in life (at least at this point in time) is not to be anti-corporate, or anti-money, or anti-cosmetic-companies. (Although I reserve the right to be human and rant when I forget this momentarily.)
My growth and happiness comes from being pro-community, pro-sharing, and pro-personal-responsibility.
The other sides of the coin still exist, though. They are still there, lurking on the underbelly of all that I am “pro.” And were I to be fully spiritually matured, I would be neither anti- nor pro- anything.
I would walk the middle path, where there is no right/wrong, and no us/them. I am not there quite yet. Please forgive me.
The change I want to be in the world is moving-forward, expanding-graciously. Not looking-down and stomping-angrily. And though I have nothing but honor and respect for organizations who take cosmetic companies to task, or who speak out against atrocities, I cannot look down and stomp at the same time I’m looking ahead and sharing.
I’ve realized that in the moments you’re feeling gratitude and joy, there’s no room left for anger and blame.
Change Your World By Being Pro
Chances are, you don’t walk the middle path constantly, either.
You get mad at your spouse. About one little thing. That he does. All the time.
You’re exasperated by your boss who expects you to pick up her slack, even when you know she’s out three days a week at boozy 3-hour lunches.
Your kids drive you absolutely nuts because they just won’t listen. They never listen.
You’re anti all of those things that happen to you, aren’t you?
They bug you, peeve you, and sometimes literally make you think about moving to a small abandoned cottage in New Hampshire. With a cat. Maybe.
Stop being anti those things.
(And by that, I mean start. YOU START. Being pro the other things.)
Focus on being pro the things you love about your family, your job, your friends. Look at the parts that you want to grow – the ways you want your life (with all its beautiful messes) to expand joyously.
Your attention and focus is your water. And your life is your garden.
What you water, grows.
If you’re pouring focus and attention on what you love, you can expect that to bloom promptly. If you’re pouring focus and attention on the bad things, you can expect a full crop of crap later this week.
Start being pro more things. Today.
As hard as it is, and as much as your ego wants to strangle the breath from your kindness: Be pro.
Now go.
In peace.
(I’m pro that.)
Beautifully said. It’s hard to do sometimes, but it’s definitely better to look for the positive than always the negative. Nothing good comes from pessimism, cynicism, and the like. I especially like the bit about how what you water will grow. It’s a good reminder to nurture the things we want to thrive.
Great post…brilliantly said – and a super reminder for all 🙂
This reminds me a bit of the idea of gratitude journals I saw somewhere, where it was about writing down and scrapbooking everything you felt grateful for in your lfie, and focusing on thoses things instad of whatever was annoying or irritating or upsetting you at the time. I think it’s a brilliant idea – although occasionally you just have to complain and let it out!
This post is so lovely, and so true.
Never ask forgiveness for walking a middle path. It’s not so much the middle as it is your own path. I don’t think the world is black and white. Often, it’s how you respond to it. Being a force of positivity makes all the difference. I find people who work toward good goals are far more productive than people who stand around bitching at what they oppose. Not saying a rant’s never called for though 😉
I couldn’t agree more! Life isn’t much fun when you are ‘anti’ too many things. It’s much more fun to be ‘pro’ the things that are important and meaningfull to you, rather than dwell on all that makes you feel frustrated and horrible.
Thank you for your wise words 🙂
“Don’t spend so much time weeding your garden that you forget to water it.
Love it, Crunchy Betty! This was just what I needed to hear (read) today! THANK YOU!
Great Post! It’s one to print out and put up where it can be read often,because as much as I want to be “pro-anything”,I tend to forget and get “crabby”! 🙂
Thanks for writing this today. It’s so appropriate. Will try to put this good point into action!
Thats a great perspective. I am gonig to be more pro!!
Beautiful! Thank you for the reminder to focus on the positive aspect instead of the negative. It sure makes life more enjoyable and happy! 🙂
This is beautifully written! You have a unique writing style that is very approachable.
for > against!
Darn it, Woman… thank you!
Wag more. Bark less.
I love you – plain and simple.
This is such a great post, along with all of your other posts.
You’ve made me want to be a better person and to drive more slowly looking at all the things I normally speed by.
I’m not a creeper but I think your website is turning me into a stalker of sorts (in a good way of course)
Thank you for sharing your beautiful insights.
“If you’re pouring focus and attention on the bad things, you can expect a full crop of crap later this week.” – This is awesome! “Crop of crap” just made me laugh out loud. I’m at work, so hopefully nobody heard me! But seriously, this is all so true. I definitely have a tendency to focus on the bad stuff, so I’m going to actively try to be more optimistic and focus on all the blessings in my life! Thank you for this.