The whole clan here has spent an inordinate amount of time in the basement since I’ve been in Kansas City.
Wednesday, at 11:00 a.m., we were down there again.
Tornadoes popped up all over the KC Metro area unexpectedly and woke me from a mid-morning, all-the-nephews-are-sleeping-too-so-I-have-an-excuse nap. After what just happened in Joplin, when you hear the sirens, you don’t goof around.
It wasn’t always like that, though.
In the small towns where I grew up (which happened to be Joplin from age 7 to 11 and a tiny town in SW Kansas after that), people didn’t take the warnings all too seriously. The skies would be overthrown by angry purple clouds and the horns would wail their familiar “hooOOOooooooOOOOOOOoooooOOOOooo” and you know what people would do?
They’d step out on their front porches and look upward. Then, they’d slowly plod like zombies to the sidewalks while being hypnotized by the swirly clouds.
Before you knew it, they’d be clumped together in big bunches at the side of the street, pointing and giggling, straining to see a funnel cloud. Anywhere.
There? Maybe that’s one? There has to be a tornado somewhere. Let’s get in the car and find it, Dad!
When you finally saw a tornado, you’d scatter and dive into basements. But until the danger was right smack dab upon you, it was all a big party.
I say this because Wednesday, my niece was born. Only my sister had to be wheeled out into the hallway of the hospital, right in the middle of labor, because of the dangerous weather.
It put a brand new spin on socializing with your neighbors during a tornado warning. Can you imagine that hallway full of mothers in labor, bonding between contractions?
When it was over, our part of Kansas City was safe … and eventually contained one more resident (with the thickest, darkest hair you can imagine).
Congratulations, sister, on your beautiful, amazing new girl. Let’s hope she’s not as wild as the weather she was almost born in.
Winners of the Kelly’s World Famous Giveaway
First of all ……. holy freaking cow. That was the most incredible giveaway we’ve ever done here at Crunchy Betty. Both in terms of the amount of prizes, and in the amount of entries.
I’m SO happy to announce these 10 names as the winners of the giveaway. Y’all should have received an email from me by now, and if you haven’t checked, do it now.
You need to pass your addresses on to Kelly ASAP (instructions are in your email). He has a busy day of shipping coming up soon, to be sure.
If your name isn’t on this list and you really want to get yourself some, here’s the ordering page for his lotion again (you can choose from the 5-oz size and the 18-oz size). Can’t wait to hear how all the winners love the lotion!
Without further achoo …
Winners of the Kelly’s World Famous Giveaway
- Krissa
- Ashley R
- Allyson
- Evie
- Tracy Milstead
- Debbie
- Jenni S
- Lane’
- Su-sieee! Mac
- Nikki
Congratulations, awesome people!
There’s another giveaway coming along soon – just as soon as I get home, even.
It’ll be all sorts of unique fun, too. Like I’d ever give you anything less.
Reminder, All You Awesome Question-Askers
Before I go away again, just wanted to remind those of you with hard/funny/frustrating/exciting questions to consider asking them in the Crunchy Community. It’s FAR better (especially right now) to ask in the forum instead of as comments on older blog posts or via email.
I won’t be able to stay on top of questions for a couple of weeks, and I DO read and participate in the forum at least twice a day.
But, more importantly, there are tons of other crazy-smart, funny, crunchy, and thoughtful people there who might be able to offer even more insight and help than I ever could.
So do you have an issue?
A question?
A burning concern?
(Or have you left a comment or sent an email in the last two weeks that hasn’t been answered?)
As for me, I’m going to go kiss on some babies now.
Happy weekend, crunchy beauties!
I grew up in Des Moines, Iowa and your comments about looking for tornadoes really cracked me up! That is exactly what we did – stained our necks looking upward for funnel clouds while the sirens were blaring and then when it was all over, it was this huge anti-climactic feeling because no tornado ever materialized. That seems so self-absorbed now, but we were kids and didn’t understand the powerful forces of mother nature and our vulnerability as mere humans.
Wow, look at that hair! I’m jealous. I did win some lotion though so pretty stoked about that.
Thanks and congratulations auntie!
congartulations on your niece! she’s adorable :). and booyahhh, i didnt think i’d win, i’m so excited!! 😀
congratulations* haha.
Beautiful baby girl! Enjoy your time with them! Hopefully, there will not be any more crazy weather (fingers crossed!!!)
Congrats to your sister! Little girls are awesome. My heart goes out to your sister, though. If Holly’s hair stays like that (like my daughter’s did), she’s going to have her hands full as she gets older. My daughter had her first haircut at 11 weeks old and now has spiral curly hair. Fun times! Enjoy your time in KC!!
What a little beauty. Congratulations. So glad to hear you are all ok. 🙂
Hooray for baby girls! Congratulations to your whole family. Little Miss Holly is beautiful.
Betty, glad to hear you’re making out all right with all those mean tornadoes going through your area. Your new niece is darling. I love all that thick black hair. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway and pulling my name out of the hat. Yippeee! I’m looking forward to trying it.
Hello Betty!! Congratulations!!!! I’m exhausted, you’re exhausted (educated guess), so I’ll just cut it short and say WOO HOO! I’m glad to hear you’re safe; been praying for you guys. Stay safe, sleep in, and talk to you later!! 🙂
Oh yeah, GRATS to the winners!!! Hope you love the lotion!
After I posted this, I realized that I wanted to THANK YOU in the post for everything. Totally smacked my head like I needed a V8 and EVERYTHING. Then I got busy emailing everyone to tell them what was up, and I forgot to come back and do that.
So let me do it now:
THANK YOU SO MUCH, BRITT! For knowing the awesomeness that is Kelly’s World Famous, for putting together the giveaway AND the post, and for just being all-around spectacular at being you.
Thanks again, lady!
You rock the crunchy world.
(A million mwahs.)