You know how I keep saying stuff about putting food on your face? Well, it turns out, I really meant it. And now, I want to see it.
See it.
Next week, I’m going to add a new shiny page to those static pages up at the top, right next to the one that says “about.” In it, I am going to create a gallery for all the wonderful, magnetic, messy people who put food on their face and send me the picture to prove it. Those pictures will link back to your website or blog (provided the pictures or the website are not x-rated in content). (Not that I’m saying don’t send me those. I just won’t post them.)
Think that sounds good? Well wait. It gets better.
If you act now, I’ll also send you … one of you, a gift box full of homemade stuff straight from my own kitchen (and none of it will be perishable, so no worries about eggs or milk or whatnot rotting away). This offer will be valid until August 31, 2010. The winner will be chosen at random on or after September 1, 2010. I may or may not ever do this again, so get it while it’s hot.
So, again, anyone who sends me a picture with food on their face or blogs about their food-face experiences and lets me use the picture from their blog in the Crunchy Betties Picture Gallery (the official name at this second, until I decide whether or not the plural of Betty should be Betties), will be entered into a random drawing to win a gift box full of homemade, crunchy goodness good for you and your whole gosh darned family.
(Isn’t Fiance sexy with food on his face?)
The first ten people to BLOG about putting food on their face will automatically receive a small gift package that includes some fancy-schmancy homemade Crunchy Betty lip balm and two of my ultra-famous (in my immediate family, anyway) “bath tea” bags. You’re also eligible to win the big gift box at the end of August.
Here’s the catch (or lack of one), you do NOT have to use any of my recipes if you don’t want to. Although, if you don’t, I would LOVE to see what you did, so toss the recipe this way. It will, more than likely, end up right here on CB.
Need some inspiration? Some direction? Just want to ooh and ahh over a lovely lady? Check out Gina of The Baynham’s Crunchy Betty post:
Okay. Now that you’re properly inspired, get to work!
Email your pictures or a link to your blog post to [email protected]
*I know the gifts aren’t any big deal, compared to brand new digital cameras or a $500 Visa check card or a date with Patrick Dempsey (swoon). But this really, really is just my way of showing love where it was shown to me. Gina’s post had me all in tears, and I envisioned a page chock full of pictures just like hers, where people tried things they’d never done before – and it made them laugh. I hope you’ll all share the crunchy love with me.
Now send in those pics!
In love and photographic evidence crunch!
UPDATE (midnight on 7/17): Okay, peeps. You MUST check out Jessica’s post at Adventures With Three Girls. Not only is she the most adorable thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but she had a spa night with the girls (with which she has adventures … hilarious adventures). There are pictures, many pictures. It will melt your heart. I swear on everything that’s chocolate.
She has set the bar high. (And while this is NOT a competition, I award her goddess of my life.)
You will LOVE this: A Little Crunchy Betty Love
Great idea! I just got in on it….crossing my fingers!!!
I’ll be photographed with food on my face very soon!
I’m visiting from the SITS #31DBBB challenge, and food on the face looks like a lot of fun!
What if my content is just rated R? Am I still eligible? Too bad, I’m playing anyway! I love clever contests…this is going to be fun.
You’re still eligible no matter what. That’s how it is with an addiction. I’ll make any excuse for you. Heh.
Love your blog! I LOVE all things natural and crunchy – and I ALWAYS put food on my face. I won’t put anything on my skin unless I can eat it!
Found you through the SITS 31 day blogging community challenge – now I’m following. Peace. 😉
Yay! Great to “meet” you! Might need you to kick my butt a time or two to keep up with the challenge. Can’t wait to learn with/from you!
Hi! I’m popping by as part of the 31DBBB blog hop! Cute idea. I love it!
Ok, you convinced me. I have food on my face RIGHT NOW! I’ll send you a pic. It’s honey, almond oil, and vitamin E oil. Feels great, but the kids say my face looks wet. Let’s see how it looks after I rinse.
Weee! I can’t wait to put it up in the gallery!
You’re going to be an inspiration, woman.
I’m so glad I found your blog and that I’m not the only one who has a messy face. A while back I did a Honey-Avocado combo and my mum did too. Have to look around for the pictures or just do it again!
There’s nothing like avocado on your face, really. Fiance told me that should have been what was on my picture up there at the top … but I just can’t get it to not look like boogers.
Sorry. Overshare. I’m really going to regret hitting post on this one.
Thanks! I will be a benevolent goddess, mostly, unless my kids are bugging me.
A challenge?!? Oh, I’m all about challenges! And since I regularly wash my face with honey, slathering some food on my face will be easy-peasy. Now, to decide on a recipe…or formula…or plan? What’s the proper word for face food anyway? Hmmm.
Ha! Yes! Another Betty ready to emerge in the spotlight …
Crap! Now I have to come up with the male term for a Betty AND a good name for face food.
If only Billy Mays was still alive. He’d know what to do.
Can’t wait to see your stuff!
Male – I can’t get Arnold out of my head. Therefore, he must be Smooth Arnold.
heh. :p
I love homemade beauty recipes. I can’t wait to explore more of your blog!
Oh I like Archie, but Brendan works too. Whatever you end up calling him, I’m sending HIS picture in and not mine! Haha! I told him I was going to smear food on his face and take a photo for your blog and he just said “OK”… so sweet and unsuspecting!
Okay, Steph and Kim, I’m going with Brendarch. He’ll just LOVE that!
In the movie “Clueless” (which I love) the cute girls were Betties and the cute boys were Baldwins… as in “He’s such a Baldwin”. Crunchy Baldwin doesn’t quite work. Back to the drawing board!
Or Archie (like in Betty and Veronica and Archie)
Fun! Let me see what I have kicking around 😉
The last time you were all sly like this, you made me cry.
The suspense! Oh, lawd!
O!M!G! A giveaway!!!! And I get to put food on my face! And, well, you had me at giveaway. 🙂 The gauntlet has been thrown and accepted. Expect great things. Or maybe not, but expect something.
Oh, heck yes. I forgot about you and your giveaway obsession! Might as well just send your stuff right now. Heh.
I envision you in something … avocado. Or maybe banana. Actually, what’s on my face up there is what I’m cravingly calling my “chocolate-covered banana mask.” I must post it soon. It was a dream (and delicious to lick).
Lick is a weird word.
You are tooooo precious, and he is a babe!!! (ya know, cause Im from the ’80s!
Y’know, that just made me start thinking about what a man “betty” would be called. He always gets the “You look so much like Brendan Fraser” thing. Maybe that’s what they are – Brendans. What do you think?