Moving makes it to the short list of the top 5 most stressful things you can do in your lifetime.
Since leaving the warm, safe womb of high school I have moved 16 times. That is not an exaggeration. 16 times. I used to say it was because I adored change, but it really has more to do with my fear of commitment.
I doubt that I’ll ever buy a house in my lifetime, and I’m okay with this. Houses mean responsibility and time that I’d rather spend on things like building a blog, making toothpaste, or becoming intimately familiar with antique stores and their owners. (I don’t mean that in a sexy way, although I did see a Pee-Wee Herman doll with a come-hither look about him at an antique store once.)
Again, let me stress that this in no way means that I think renting is a better choice. It just serves my inability to make a permanent decision nicely. I have a track record of making pretty poor decisions when it comes to the huge and lasting things. If I ever bought a house, you can bet your money on the fact that the roof would leak within 2 weeks, the foundation would cave in within a month, and later I’d find out that it wasn’t really a house at all, but a boat that someone had stapled to the ground.
This particular move was exciting, because we snagged a pretty grand little apartment home in a community that’s making concentrated efforts to be eco friendly and conscious. We buy into wind energy now, and I finally have an easy way to recycle (that doesn’t involve driving 5 miles to the closest glass recycling center). Better yet, we have phenomenal weather-proofing and energy saving appliances, something my old-but-adorably-quirky apartment lacked. Completely.
The best part.
Words cannot prepare you for this.
This is the best part. From all my windows. And directly out the deck door.
This is what mother nature gives me.

Except today, it gave me this:

So, in preparation to get back into loading Crunchy Betty up with good stuff in the coming weeks and months, you should know about something that happened over the last few weeks. I was slightly aware of the change that was going on, but it wasn’t until we moved that it became apparent.
I am madly, obsessively in love with cod liver oil.
And we’ve talked about it here before, but the most incredible, unexpected thing happened while we were moving. Sit yerself down and let me tell you about it.
Cod Liver Oil and My Unbelievably Not Achy Back
I’ve had a good bit of sciatica for the last 15 years. If you’re keeping track, it started when I was 22 and giving birth to my son while he was stabbing knives into my spine. I never have figured out how he smuggled those in there.
I’ve lived with it through things like waiting tables, lifting small children, and other randomly annoying things, but it’s gotten worse over the last two years.
About three weeks ago, for some strange reason, I started taking cod liver oil every day. It used to be that I’d take it sporadically, whenever I’d remember, which was typically every Tuesday or Thursday and on any day when I looked in my refrigerator door and moved the mustard. But recently I got serious about it.
Over the weeks, my back didn’t hurt, but that wasn’t weird, because it comes and goes – and mostly just comes when I’m doing a lot of bending over and picking up. Like moving boxes.
I was prepared, though, for this move to send me to the bed for a few days after we were done. Because, look at this, these are only a fraction of the boxes I picked up and put down, three times. And they had stuff in them at the time, I swear.

At one point, my back twinged, and I prepared to welcome the literal nerve-wracking hell that would send me to my knees and have me crying for a chiropractor. The twinge came and went as fast as a “friend” saying they’d help you move. And it was gone.
My back has been completely perfect since.
The only thing I can attribute this miraculous change to is cod liver oil. It’s the only thing I’ve done differently in the last few months.
Cod Liver Oil Health Benefits – Yowza
I had no earthly idea that cod liver oil was going to help my back. I’m taking it for my brain, because … smart is sexy to me. And I like it when I’m sexy to me.
However, about a year ago I went through two or three weeks of remembering to take it regularly, and I also saw an almost immediate improvement in the texture and softness of my skin (in addition to a very marked decrease in blemishes).
But this back thing was unexpected, and I wanted to share it with all of you – just in case you, too, suffer from occasional back pain, sciatica, or other achy joints. I’m not claiming it will cure you, but it just might help a little.
Let’s look at the health benefits of cod liver oil really quickly, though.
- It helps your immune system, due to its high vitamin A content. This means you’re less susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.
- EPA found in cod liver oil is fab for your cardiovascular system, and it even acts as a natural antidepressant.
- The DHA in cod liver oil helps protect your vision – and it’s one of the components that’s remarkable for your skin health, which means more supple skin and less breakouts.
- Vitamin D, found in spades in cod liver oil, is also the stuff you get from the sun – which helps your mood AND keeps your bones strong and healthy.
- And, of course, the abundance of omega-3 fatty acids do everything from improve your brain’s ability to function, to relieving muscle pains and arthritis, to helping with allergies and asthma.
Really, the list goes on from here. But there’s so much more to learn about cod liver oil, if it strikes your fancy.
What Kind of Cod Liver Oil to Buy?
It’s no surprise that stores stock cod liver oil in spades these days, given its profoundly good health effects and deliciously positive press. But not all cod liver oil is created equal.
The best kind of cod liver oil is fermented, according to who I would deem as the experts on the matter – the Weston A. Price Foundation. The cod liver oil they mention as the best cod liver oils are really pricey – out of my price range, anyway.
However, they do recommend a few brands that they call good, which means they haven’t been stripped of all their natural vitamins, like so many store-bought cod liver oil supplements are. These include Green Pastures, Carlson soft gel Cod Liver Oil Super 1000 mg capsules (my new brand), NOW double-strength CLO capsules, and Twin Labs non-emulsified liquid Cod Liver Oil (if you’re curious, here’s the whole list).
These are all much more affordable, if you don’t have the funds to spend on the fermented cod liver oil.
Yay for Cod Liver Oil!
I prefer the capsules to the gel because you don’t have to taste the cod liver oil as much.
Anyway, it just seemed like a good time to share my love of CLO with you guys, in the hopes of building your immune system, boosting your brain, or (of course) soothing your achy joints or back.
You’ll also be able to find most of the good brands at your local natural foods store, though all of the best brands you’ll probably have to order online.
Have You Seen Benefit From Cod Liver Oil?
I know many of you are happy, enthusiastic Weston A Price (and cod liver oil) supporters, so I’d love to hear any tales of seeing an actual benefit to your cod liver oil usage.
Like I mentioned, this all-better-back situation took me squarely by surprise. Never in a million years did I expect to write this blog post. I’m sure there are other examples.
Have any?
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Gotta say..I am soo with you on the CLO thingy. I NEVER remember to take it but I need to. So I will try to move my mustard more frequently. :)!!!
I was almost laughing out loud when I read that. :).
Can we take cod liver oil for lifetime
You are a wonderful writer! I was looking up info about cod liver oil and your blog popped up. I have just bought the Carlson for Kids Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in the bottle. I think it IS fermented. Nonetheless, you might want to try some of this. It was a bit pricier than the capsules, but not much. Your endorsement of the product will make me religious about taking my teaspoon a day! You have a lovely view too. Have a great day, and thank you for making me laugh, teaching me some new things, and making me realize that I am not alone in my, never settle anywhere, because you just don’t know…attitude. I have moved 37 times in my life so far and I am on the brink of another one, and you are right to keep your possibilities open–so many adventures, and so many pretty places to live! All the best with your blog.
Cod Liver Oil is very important for children because it helps build strong bones and maintain a high level of vitamin-d is very helpful to prevent rickets.
Thank you for this suggestion!!! I’ve always had a bad back but after giving birth, things got so much worse. I’ve noticed an improvement in my mobility and decrease in pain since I started taking my pills. I can’t thank you enough for this post (and so many others!)
Just signed up and got my $10 coupon. Thanks! Also, eBates currently offers 4% cash back at Vitacost (this is my referral link, so if you’re not currently an eBates member and sign up with this link, we’ll both get a $10 credit).
Aw, Pikes Peak used to be in my backyard (Palmer Park)… happy days 🙂
If cod liver oil gets rid of the upper back pain from typing at the computer, I’m in.
Holy poop Crunchy Betty, your website never stops inspiring me to dig through gobs of information. Since visiting your site for the first time last month, I’ve checked out three books on herbs from the library and have brought up half a dozen remedies to my naturopath for discussion. Cod liver oil! Who’d’a thunk? I’ll have to check into this and see if it can help my awesome chronic inflammation issues (thanks to a moldy house. I second the realtor who commented and said if you’re ever going to buy, get an inspection done). 🙂
I have been on the GAPS diet for 4 mths now and have been taking Green Pastures cod lover oi/butter oil mix and my results have been amazing! My rheumatoid arthritis pain is gone, the inflammation in the joints of my hands has disappeared and I can use my hands again for simple things like cutting my own pancakes!!!!!
I know the diet has played a huge roll but cid liver oil has been there right from the start of things looking up!
how much cod liver oil do you take?
Please email me at [email protected]
thank you!!!!
Dr. Weil recommends keeping them in the freezer to prevent burping up that fishy taste.
I take it every day too. It really helps my arthritis. My foot swelled up just before a trip where I would do lots of walking. I went to the dr. who prescribed some pills that the side effect was kidney and liver failure! I didn’t want to have THAT, so I looked online and found out about cod liver oil pills. Within a day the swelling went down, I had a wonderful time on the trip and I’ve been taking it ever since.
Thanks! I have back pain and just ordered a bottle. And they ship internationally, so I’ll get the bottle + shipping for $9! That is wonderful. I am looking forward to trying this out and will post with results.
Love Vitacost.. just rec my first jug of Coconut oil.. yummy .. already made your deodorant.
Wondering if CLO would be a prob. since I take an aspirin a day ?
per drs. orders .
As a side note.. there is a connection to plain ole aspirin & decreased cancer risk.
Thanks for all your posts & hard work ! you make our lives easier 🙂
love ya girl !
I’m vegetarian, is flax seed an acceptable substitute for fish oil? I know it has omegas but I wasn’t sure about other benefits
There is no substiture for a high quality cod liver oil. And most fish oils that you buy at a regular market are of very low quality and actually harm the body. Visit for the highest quality.
If you by in bulk, a dozen, Green Pastures gives a discount and a free bottle. Love that stuff. As far as the kids are concerned it’s fish oil first or no breakfast. I am a terrible mommy *snicker* * snicker*
Thank you so much for sharing! I just ordered some through your link and I got the $10 off too!! I have also been wanting to try Redmond Clay ( and was happy to see that it was actually $4 cheaper at Vitacost too, so I got that as well!! I can’t wait! 🙂
I forgot to say that I take the lemon mint flavored oil.
Also, your view of Pike’s Peak is magnificent; I’m jealous.
I started taking Cod Liver Oil a few years ago and it has helped me tremendously. I know that my brain functions better with it, better concentration, and generally am healthier. I have asthma, too, and it has helped with it as well. I am a convert. I agree with you about Vitacost. I’ve been using them for about 8 years and recommend them to everyone I know. I have started using their brand of CLO and have found it as tasty and light (I use the liquid, not capsules) as Carlson’s. I really don’t find the oil at all unpleasant. Give it a try, you will be so much healthier for it.
I have [autoimmune] Inflammatory Arthritis with a Mixed Connective Tissue Component. So, needless to say, my inflammation levels (Sed Rate, CRP, etc) are HIGH. Fish Oil, Cod Liver Oil, etc. are potent anti-inflammatories (probably what is helping your sciatica).
I take Fish Oil Daily. I never really noticed a change in inflammation, but I did notice that even when my pain levels were sky high, my blood pressure wasn’t. Didn’t put 2+2 together until I had my BP taken recently (when I’d run out of Fish Oil and Been out for a couple of weeks) when I was in a lot of pain and it was elevated. Hmmmm . . . .
Note: If you’re gonna have any surgery, dental work, etc. Make sure you tell your doctor you take FIsh Oil. It also acts as an anti-coagulant, so your body won’t be able to handle bleeding properly. A friend actually forgot to ask his doctor before back surgery, but the nurse screening him the morning of caught it. Good thing too. Unfortunately, he had to wait another 2 weeks to have his surgery. Better safe than sorry!
People who have issues with fish burps – try taking them at night, refrigerated as someone suggested, or try different brands. Don’t give up – so good for your health!
Thanks for this – bought CLO ages ago but couldn’t bring myself to take it. Once my evening primrose oil and other fish oil caps have finished will get back onto this. One thing though – in Australia they are over $50 for 120 caps – Yikes! Guess they’ve got further to swim…:)
Too bad it’s not Murray River Cod, eh? 🙂 It’d be nice to have a use for all those guys!!
I’m in Sydney Australia and I take the GNC brand because my hippie Dr (in Marrickville) suggested them because of the good ratio of Vitamin A to Vitamin D. Does anyone know if Cod Liver Oil has vitamin D2 or D3? Just curious.
As insurance I purchase my vitamins from different suppliers in case the company is lying about what it contains (we all know they do that such as they did with Virgin Olive Oil)
I read somewhere taking too much CLO can cause internal bleeding…anyone experienced this because I’d like to take a bit more to fix up some blemishes I have before a big day out. What’s the limit to how many capsules we can take a day? Anyone got any experience with this ?
Hi Magsy – fellow Aussie!!
I’m in Adelaide, and I buy Carlsons (same as crunchy betty’s) plus lots of other goodies from – way way cheaper than here and the shipping is cheaper than vitacost.
I’d just like to say, I am in love with your site! I’ve been “turning hippie,” according to my husband, for awhile now, but I had no idea that so many people did stuff like making their own toothpaste! I started bookmarking all the topics I liked, but it’s gotten to be every one of them that I’ve read, so now I just keep the whole site in my browser! Keep up the good work!
I was doing the same thing — my favorites list was 3 miles long : )
I have never tried CLO. I tried taking fish oil caps but I burped that “fishy” taste all day long and this did not get better, actually got worse. I kept it up for a month and finally stopped because it was so repulsive. I don’t know why that happened. Any one have any ideas about that? Has anyone had this problem with CLO?
I used to have that issue, try switching to a different brand. Nordic Naturals is lemon flavored and guaranteed to not have fish burps. And start with one, then if you have no issues for a few weeks, work to two.
Have you had this problem with CLO?
Store them in the fridge. After trying several kinds (read: cheaper brands) I settled on Spectrum (not exactly cheap) and they say to put the bottle in the fridge after opening. A few fish burps now and then (for instance, when you take them and then drink a hot beverage, it’s like it melts the capsule or something down in your stomach!) but mostly no fish burps. And I take them twice a day.
Take them before you eat, so that they are sort of smothered by a meal in your stomach.
I’m not sure about the flavoured ones. It’s fish oil, you just want to be eating oil, not some flavouring.
I don’t know how many you take a day or at one time, but I take four a day. You might try taking just one at a time and take just before you eat. I usually don’t have any problems with burping do it this way.
That’s a sign that the fish oil you took was rancid, ie has already gone off, a very common problem with the pill form. Try a better brand, the fermented varieties help, and when it’s liquid, you can tell and not use it.
Hi Crunchy, thanks for the info! I was so excited to see that we take the same kind, but then I noticed that mine aren’t actually CLO, but Carlson Fish Oil, 1000mg. I’ve only been taking 1 day, but it says to take up to 5. Do you mind if I ask how many you take? Just curious. 🙂 Thanks!
What I like about these is that I don’t get any fishy burps or acidy feeling! 🙂
Cod Liver Oil is one of the few supplements I take regularly. Thanks for the $10-off link… that’ll help a lot! 🙂
If you ever buy a house, get a home inspection first. 🙂 Trust me, I’m a Realtor. lol
Can anyone point me to some credible reasearch/info about taking this while breastfeeding? Some websites say it’s a great idea, others say it’s a no-no (levels of vitamin A toxic to baby, toxins from the fish ending up in the milk). I can’t find any statements that are backed up with research, though…
For me, the most important was to pick a brand that had been 3rd party tested for heavy metals/pollutants. I did not take CLO but omegas3 while breastfeeding. Brand recommended by my doctor was OmegaBrite. I then switched to Nordic Naturals because of pricing. It’s the vit A and D that are fat soluble and can be dangerous, if taken in high amount, not the omegas.
I wouldn’t take anything while breastfeeding…that’s too much of a risk. Just saying…
Here are several great articles and peer reviewed studies for you to read. I have taken Green Pastures High Vitamin Fermented Cod Liver/Butter Oil for many years, including during pregnancy.
I was reading how bad amalgam (silver fillings) are in your teeth. At the end of the article they mentioned that taking cod liver oil helps the tooth rebuild itself. The lady mentioned her son had a cavity which had a visible hole in it. She heard about the cod liver oil and thought she would give it a try. She said within 3 weeks the tooth completely rebuilt itself. So if you have issues with your teeth…give cod liver oil a try.
I have a gigantic bottle (144 capsules) of fish oil sitting in my cabinet that I cannot WAIT to start taking. My friend works at a natural vitamin store and she ordered them with her employee discount. Apparently they’re a really good brand of pure wild caught salmon oil.
I can’t take them right now because fish oil thins your blood naturally. I am on coumadin, which is a chemical blood thinner, because I have a blood clot in my arm. I’m afraid it’ll thin my blood too much if I start on the fish oil now, BUT as soon as I’m off this rat poison (just one more month!) I’m going to start taking the fish oil and help keep my blood healthy and prevent more clots from forming in the future. Also looking forward to all of the other awesome benefits that a regular supply of Omega-3’s will give me every day 🙂
I just found you this weekend and I have to confess, I think I’ve fallen in-love. After reading your cod liver love note, I’ve decided you must be my soul mate. My sciatica reared its ugly head yesterday and now I am headed to the fridge to excavate the oil.
I started feeding Nordic Naturals Artic Cod Liver Oil to my 2 children a couple of years ago on the advice of my then-4-year old’s MD specialist (son has mild Asperger’s and ADHD). Didn’t see any changes per se with the AS, but the boy was noticeably less hyperactive (this didn’t stop him pulling fire alarms at the time, but we take any improvement we can get!). In recommending it to everyone else with distracted children, I have noted that the ingredient levels are much higher than any of the kid’s chewables now available. My older child, who shadows her brother in many traits, was able to confirm what I thought I was seeing by telling me unprompted that she thought it was easier to focus (and her math enrichment tutor, who didn’t know about it, saw a change in her “fidgeting” over that summer). So maybe it is NOT fermented, but it’s in glass (beautiful cobalt blue!), it’s easy to dispense (one tsp. before bed), and thoroughly tested for environmental toxins (heavy metals, PCB’s) etc. They say that it’s the highest level omega-3’s of any cod liver oil available. So even though the proportions of EPA’s and DHA’s are somewhat different, I had already decided to simplify my life, once hubby and I have finished our stockpiled GNC fish oil, to give it to the whole fam dambly.. Because I want to keep our minds intact as long as possible. Now I’m thinking about my on-again-off-again sciatica (Wobenzym also works, but it’s not vegetarian) too! In terms of skin, yes, my dermatologist confirmed the improvement I saw with my intake of fish oil and evening primrose oil (the latter on the advice of the MD who did my breast biopsy years ago – dang if it doesn’t keep the girls from being tender! Also a self-help tip I like to pass along). And I just read that borage oil (which is included in the only vegetarian evening primrose oil I find locally) is also good for skin. There’s my 2 cents. Thank you, Crunchy Betty – I’ve been reading you for the last few months!
Actually, I take the exact same Carlson’s gel caps! I started taking them last spring, & I love them. I have dry, sensitive, allergic skin with an unidentified condition that reacts to everything. I get a lot fewer flareups, and my skin tone is noticeably clearer & more even. When my rash gets irritated, the little bumps can get infected & turn into zits (So. Much. Fun.), but this just doesn’t seem to happen much any more with my CLO. Love it.
Welcome to beautiful Colorado; hope you are enjoying life by the Springs and your view of Pike’s Peak!
Oh my gosh, thank you! I will be getting some to try it. I have had problems with my sciatic nerve for years… just like you it comes and goes and when I tweak my back just right I know I will be in pain for days. (It actually just happened again yesterday) I hope this will help me too, thank you for sharing! 🙂
Cod liver oil is AMAZING stuff! I started taking cod liver oil when postpartum depression reared its ugly head after the birth of my second child. I was nursing and really didn’t want to take an anti-depressant if I didn’t have to. Whoa Nelly, what a difference! I have no scientific proof, but within just a few days it helped make my depression symptoms (including those SUPER fun anxiety and panic attacks) more manageable. I still struggle with depression, but with cod liver oil, it’s a bad day or two, not entire weeks or months.
Thanks for the awesome blog!
I was going through a lot of back issues and way too many chiropractor visits after the birth of my second child. I was so fed up with it, and desperate to find a solution. I went to an osteopath who recommended focusing on my vitamin D levels first. My D level was really low and supplementing for it made a world of difference for my back! I take cod liver oil daily now. Yay for magical natural solutions!
thanks for the reminder and recommendations. my mom made me take this as a kid and i was rarely sick. i’m going to start again. i would like to give this to my 5 year old son, but you know with kids its all about taste. if its yucky he wont eat it and he doesn’t like chewables–when i give him vitamins its all in liquid form. do you or anyone reading have any recommendations for administering to kids?
congrats on your move!!!
There’s a liquid one that is lemon flavored and tastes GREAT! I tried it at my naturopath’s office and will be buying it soon, I just can’t remember the name of it. Carlson’s I think!
thank you. i found the one you mentioned and ordered it.
Nordic Naturals is the brand I give my kids:) I just mix in yogurt or raw hemp milk and they haven’t complained yet:)
Woohoo!!! Congrats on your move!!!
That’s awesome that you can live greener lifestyle now!
Will get info fish oil again.
Thank you so much!
What is the difference between cod liver oil and fish oil? I take fish oil for my cholesterol and I have noticed benefits with skin (I live at 8000 feet elevation and I believe this made a HUGE difference.) and mood. But I don’t know if Cod Liver oil is different. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Please, anyone correct me, but this question came to me as well last night and I did a little bit of perusing for information, and the best I could gather is that cod liver oil is the same as fish oil, but better. It has more Vitamins D & A, but the same EPA and DHA.
Cod liver oil is extracted from cod livers, whereas fish oil is extracted from the body flesh of fish. While both are good sources of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, they provide different ratios—cod liver oil generally contains about 9% EPA and 14% DHA, whereas fish oil generally contains about 18% EPA and 12% DHA. Another difference is that cod liver oil also generally contains MUCH more vitamin A and D.
I do not recommend fish oil. Most fish oils that you purchase at a regular grocery store are rancid (hence the fishy burbs) and do more harm than good.
yippee! the best list includes where to find cod liver oil in Europe too! for once, i don’t have to spend hours researching…..i do have a question though – i eat 5-10 portions of fish a week – do i need cod liver oil? (i do have a bad back also – ouch) but is too much of a good thing still too much?
I was just reading another blog that cited a CLO study. It stated that even in communities where lots of fish is eaten, there were still improvements. Check it out here:
Thank you for the reminder to dig mine out of the back of the refrigerator. I really like Green Pastures fermented cod liver and high vitamin butter oil – cinnamon tingle formula. Although I will warn you….take a big gob on a spoon stick it in your mouth (do not smell it or breathe in) and swallow it down with water. The cinnamon kills that yucky taste.
Thank you for your post. I just ordered the brand you recommended. I have been toying with buying some for a while because my father sang Cod Liver Oil’s praises. He had bad knees and he said it really helped, he said it felt like it “oiled” his joints! I have a horrible back, the bottom three discs have all herniated and bulged at some point and I joke that my chiropractor is my very best friend in the world because he keeps me upright, pain free and moving. Anyway, now I will wait with baited breath for my cod liver oil tabs. Interestingly, the vitacost website said “get your order a day earlier” if you have a business address. I don’t usually use work for any personal deliveries, but you have me so excited that I did this time! Thank you. xxxx
How many are you taking? Instructions say 1 – 5 daily.
Are you taking high vitamin butter oil with it? Because apparently that’s when even MORE magic happens. I just started taking a blend of the two, and have back issues, so I’ll be sure to note whether or not it helps.
The butter blend works for cavities, too! And inflammation of any kind.
I never heard of this butter blend. I am ordering the Cod liver oil now. What is the name of the butter blend? I would love to order both of them.
This is the brand we take at our house. It is a fermented cod liver oil and butter oil blend. You don’t need to purchase two types, they are both mixed together in the capsules.
I have heard so many good things about cod liver oil…I’m really looking into getting some for my husband and I. I do have a question about Carlson softgels. I was going to order some, but I noticed on the Amazon reviews that a few people said that Carlson is now adding synthetic vitamin A & D to their softgels. Do you know if this is true? I’m just trying to determine the best way to get cod liver, because I definitely like the price of Carlson over the other kinds!
your “here’s the whole list” link didn’t work for me!
Fixed! That was so weird. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. All is right with the world again.
I did it, Betty. Signed up. Ordered. Thanks!
THANK YOU for letting me know. I wasn’t even sure if the referral link would work, given that I haven’t done this with ’em before. Glad it was as easy for you as they said it would be. Yay!
Got some for me and the kids! 🙂 Thanks.