I have a special place in my heart for bees. I don’t mind them buzzing around me, and I’ll talk to them for hours. They really hear me. They feel my pain. Fiance screams and runs away thinks I’m crazy.
Mostly, though, I thank them for the honey.
Honey’s kind of magical, you know. It has an unending supply of antioxidants and vitamins, and beautifully enough, it’s fat-, cholesterol- and sodium-free. It has ALL the properties needed to keep life … living, and it’s the only substance in the world that is so all-encompassing.
It’s also the most magnificent food you can put on your face.
If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive. –Dale Carnegie
Why You Should Put Honey On Your Face
Honey is ultra moisturizing. Skin care companies are on to something when they add honey to their products. But you don’t need the extra chemicals and junk that go along with store-bought facial products. You can get the moisturizing (and whole) benefits of honey just by using it on your face, pure and as nature intended. The humectant properties of honey are out of this world, and they draw the moisture into your skin like nobody’s business. Combine that with honey’s antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and you’ve got the most soft, clean, and crunchy skin ever.
Honey is a super-powered acne fighter. Yes, honey’s antimicrobial power translates into clean, clear skin for people of all ages – even the skin-finicky teenage years. Slather on the honey and it will gnaw away at all the yuckies that cause pimples. With regular use, your skin will be supermodel clear.
Honey zaps away free radicals that can cause aging. If you’re not convinced yet, maybe this will do it for you: We can probably agree that, historically, Cleopatra was one of the most timeless beauties on record. What was her secret? Milk and honey baths. There’s no doubt that her use of honey contributed to her wrinkle-free gorgeousness. That’s because honey contains myriad antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals that are responsible for signs of aging. Start early, use honey regularly, and you’ll still be crunchy when you’re 110.
“The only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey…and the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it.” – Winnie the Pooh
The Easiest, Most Effective Beauty Recipe Ever
I’m about to give you the one secret beauty companies don’t want you to know. (Okay, that was cheesy, but it’s ALMOST true). Put honey on your skin at least three times a week and you’ll have skin that flourishes (in a good way) without the need for expensive moisturizers.
Really. That’s all you have to do.
Wash your face. Slather honey on it. Wait 15 minutes (or as long as you want, really) and then rinse it off with warm water and a washcloth.
You can add all kinds of other things to a honey mask, if you so desire: Pureed apples, mashed bananas, yogurt and wheat germ … the list goes on and on, but just straight-up pure honey on your face on a regular basis is an incredible, magical skin care routine.
Lick your lips while it’s setting. You’ll be addicted.
Much honey crunch, lovelies!
Should it be pasteurized or unpasteurized honey?
A couple times a week I use a big pinch of baking soda, a gloop of honey and just enough water to make a thick paste as an exfoliate for my face. My skin loves it! I’ve never tried just letting plain honey soak in for awhile but am sure going to give it a go.
Wow, super cool. 🙂 I will try this. I’ve also heard that baking soda + honey is a good daily face wash. What do you think?
Sounds interesting – I may try this! Although just for the record, Cleopatra actually didn’t go down in the history books as a great beauty. Most sources don’t mention at all what she looked like – instead they talk about her being witty, charming, and intelligent.
I just found your blog today (how, I don’t know, because I’m always reading sites like these) and I’m so in love with it! I’ve been on the verge of going more natural for something like 3 years, and although I’ve come a long way I’ve been afraid to commit to homemade things. But this seems easy enough to start out with, so here I go! First honey mask will be tonight, I’m excited 🙂 Thanks for your amazing blog! You’ve gained another regular haha.
I decided to try the honey on the face. I chose a cristalized. Perfect facial scrub.
Hi! Ok so I just tried the honey mask. First of all it smells amazing and taste amazing.I couldn’ resist! My skin feels a lot softer.Also I have really deep pores & awful blackheads I noticed they are already opening up so that is great!I am going to take the challenge and try it for a few days a week.I will keep you posted!
The ‘crunch’ aspect of this article completely turns me off….wtf with the crunch?! Leather face? Otherwise I completely agree with this article!
Why not ask and then wait for a reply in regards to the “crunch” aspect? Was it necessary to point out what you don’t like? Hardly. Try being a little more respectful.
Crunchy is a term that refers to people who go “natural” as much as possible.
I love a face mask of raw honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and regular coffee! Leave on for at least 30 min and apply 2-3 times a week.
It’s also great for gel in curly hair. Especially kids hair. A little in a spray bottle with water in the tub and wa-la style as you like. No chemicals needed.
I just tried the Honey on my face for 15 minutes and after washing my face, I got all red and itchy; Allergy perhaps, guess this is not advisable for me. 🙁
I am a Crunchy in growth and love this! I have always loved mixing my own things to slap on my face but this is the best blog I have found yet. What honey brands do you recommend as the most natural and pure? Thanks!
Ive been using Honey for years! My favorite face mask recipe is Honey as a moisturizer and of course its antimicrobial property then I add fresh lemon juice because the enzymes exfoliates the skin brilliantly and lastly an egg yoke to counterbalance the red puffiness that comes from exfoliating. Love Love Love the Blog. Way Crunchy 😉
I am all about natural. I use flax oil on my skin too. I should try this one.
Thanks! Looks great. I don’t think I’ve ever tried flax on my face (only in my mouth). Will have to try that soon!
This sounds intriguing. I’ll try it and report back.
By the way, I love the appearance of your blog.
Isn’t it amazing they have bees at the White house! Their chefs use the honey from their hives to make all kinds of goodies in the kitchens. Over here in England we love the fact that Michelle and co are into such a lovely healthy lifestyle and hope they use their mega influence to help save the honey bees campaigns!
ps – here you go, my bee loving friend
Yay! Fun at the White House! I want my very own beekeeper now. Maybe I’ll run for president.
OK – I have honey and wheat germ (in fact also yogurt and avocado) and I am going to try this one!!!
Brilliant article written by a true honey and honey bee lover just like me. It is really good to see articles written in a way that spreads the word about the benefits of honey and very true what you say about the beauty benefits of honey. Yes you can slather honey on with other goodies, all natural but perhaps the most understated “add in” is another bee product called Propolis. The honey bees use this to keep their homes clean and infection free. We can take it in capsule form as the most powerful natural anti-biotic substance there is or buy it as a jar of cream which will enhance honey’s powerful killer of spots and acne for a blemish free and beautiful complexion. Long live the honey bee.
Wow! Thanks for the reply and all that good honey info. Long live the bee lovers! (And the bees!)