You are in for a magnanimous treat today.
First, a little back story: Colorado Springs is home to a small group of urban homesteaders and other like-minded crunchy people who band together, share, and create.
Through this group of people, Sandra Knauf, the publisher of Greenwoman Magazine, found Crunchy Betty and fell in love. She’s a kind, fastidious woman who’s full of passion about gardening. So much passion, she started a literary magazine dedicated to the arts of gardening and other flora and fauna particulars (and sometimes not so particulars).
This magazine – which is still in its infancy – blows me away with the quality of writing she has gathered from some of the most heartfelt, jocular wordsmiths I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. And for some really, really strange reason, she asked me to contribute a column (and hopefully future columns) for this latest issue.
Seriously. I do not belong amongst this high quality class of writers. In contributing, I felt like the silly little kid who yells in the middle of a lecture on literary prose just to get attention. (HONEY! FOOD ON YOUR FACE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EVERYONE LOOK AT ME!) Thank you, Sandra, for putting up with me.
Greenwoman Magazine has just released the second issue ever, and in honor of that, Sandra wanted to give Crunchy Betty readers an opportunity to receive 50 of the second-edition issue FOR FREE. Hard copy. Real magazine, in your mailbox and in your hot little hands.

In the second issue, you’ll find a hearty and informative article on George Washington Carver, an essay on roses from my personal favorite column called “Sex in the Garden,” and a story about canning and relationships (“Naked Tomatoes”) that made me cry like a little girl. Among SO many other fabulous pieces of prose and art.
Here’s a better description of what you’ll find within the ALL pages of this lovingly curated, hearty magazine:
“Greenwoman Magazine is devoted to gardening thought in all its forms–fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, commentary, biography, art and comics. It’s the only magazine where you will find an in-depth article on the state of world seed ownership juxtaposed with a poem likening hot romance to the Scoville Heat Scale of chili peppers, and an interview with an author who uses the garden as a strong theme in her fiction.
Daring, thought-provoking, fun; Greenwoman is for the hip, erudite gardener who digs deep–into the philosophy that underlies gardening and into exciting explorations of the green world.”
It really is all that. And more.
Would YOU Like a Complimentary Copy of Greenwoman Magazine?
The first 50 people to fill out this contact form and give Sandra your address (which is ALWAYS kept confidential and will not be used for any other purposes) will receive the second issue of Greenwoman Magazine (which, yes, includes my irreverent article on washing your face with honey).
The only caveat is that this is for people in the United States ONLY.
And? Here’s some other great news: The first issue, which is masterful and thoughtful in its own right, is available as a digital edition on the Greenwoman site – if you want to catch up on things you’ve missed. There’s also a subscription page where you can pick hard copy subscriptions or digital subscriptions, as well. And let me tell you something, people of the internet, it is worth it.
When we reach 50 free magazines given away, this contact form will be pulled down, so be sure to enter ASAP if you love gardening and all things earthy and green.
Also? Lovely writers?
Greenwoman does accept submissions. So grab a copy, a hot cup of tea, pour over it and dream about the article YOU are going to submit to Sandra.
WEll darn, I would have loved to get in on this. Just got the post in my in-box right now and all those garden-loving Crunchy Betties had already snapped up the magazines. I’ll just have to trundle over to their site and take a look there. And Betty – I second Sandra’s thoughts. You are an amazing writer and you have so much to share. I know you’re column will be a beloved feature of Greenwoman Magazine. Congratulations!
If there are any extra copies, I would love one. Email me Sara.Chiles at for address.
I missed the offer, but love the concept and will check it out. Thanks for sharing!
seems like my info got sent multiply times, sorry! I meant to send it once only, and the page was “loading” forever. Internet issues on my end. Thanks for sharing. looking forward to the magazine!
Thank you Betty for this chance to peek into a new magazine that has our best interest at heart. We have had a small organic garden in our postage stamp sized yard for over 40 years.. Love reading your newsletters… Darrlaa
SO excited! I met Sandra at the PPCC and she is awesome 🙂 Can’t wait to see the newest magazine and read a CB article to boot! Congrats and thanks!!
Just filled out the contact form! So excited. I wish I had an actual home with a garden to plant. Oh well…for now it’s containers!
Love love love love love this! I inherited my passion for gardening from my grandmother, and am trying to create a beautiful garden paradise in my back yard – with no clue what I’m doing! Lol! Inspiration is always appreciated!
Dear Betty–Thank you for writing both for Greenwoman and about Greenwoman! You are a marvelous writer and that is why I was over the moon when you graciously agreed to join us in Issue #2. To the Crunchy Betty crowd: I hope you’ll take a look at my independently-produced effort–it’s a great read if you’re into food, gardening, sustainability and green creativity. And you know it’s got to be special if it has Crunchy Betty. : )
This sounds so awesome! Maybe now I can learn to grow something without killing it while being totally entertained in the process!
I may have a real gardening problem, so this looks right up my alley!