Absolutely the A-number-one road block to living a more crunchy lifestyle is:
Not having the ingredients.
When I don’t have something in the house (baking soda), I’ll be more apt to turn to the stray store-bought deodorant I keep in my secret shame drawer, rather than make a quick trip for supplies.
One way to get around that messy situation is to stay stocked up on the essential crunchy ingredients.
You never know when a wild beauty-making attack may come on, and it’s best to be prepared.
That’s why I made up this super deluxe, helpful shopping list PDF that you can download and use for your future shopping adventures.
About the Crunchy Shopping List
You don’t have to buy everything at once. As a matter of fact, I’d bet a Mike & Ike that you already have most of the stuff in the “essentials” list in your household already.
But it’s nice to have a baseline to return to.
Also, this list is not exhaustive. It’s necessities and nice-to-haves.
I’ve left out ingredients you might like to keep in your fridge, like milk, plain (full-fat) yogurt, eggs, etc. This list is more for the things you can stock your cabinets with.
Things that will come in handy while making 101 beauty recipes and household cleaning supplies.
The list also leaves out a few of the other nice-to-haves that I didn’t think were quite as essential, like rose hip seed oil or brewer’s yeast. No doubt, you’ll think of more things to add – and that’s great! (Just let me know what you added, so I can add it to my own personal list.)
I left the right side of the main list intentionally blank, so you could add your own things in, as well.
Using the Crunchy Stock-Up List
- Don’t overwhelm yourself and try to buy everything at once. Add one or two items to your grocery list each week.
- If you know there’s a recipe you’ve been dying to try, put those items on the list first, while you’re excited about it.
- If at all possible, buy things from the bulk bin (oats, sea salt, baking soda, herbs). They’re cheaper that way, and they’re really easy to store in washed, boiling-water-sterilized jars.
- When at all possible, buy organic. And buy oils that are cold-pressed or expeller-pressed.
- You’ll be able to find the vast majority (if not ALL) of the items on the Necessities list in your regular old grocery store. Most of the Nice-to-Haves will need either an online order or a visit to your natural food store.
Click on the image to view, save, and print:
As an addendum, I’d also like to add that the majority of your essential oil purchases are to your whim: The two I personally think are most important to have are peppermint and lavender essential oils. If you want to talk more about essential oils and what you may want and why, visit the Crunchy Community discussion about essential oils.
One More Quick Idea: Whenever I go to the store, I make it a point to buy one extra of a fruit or veggie that’s in season. The extra is reserved for putting on my face.
And, if for some reason, I don’t feel like making a facial mask from the produce, I just eat it.
No waste, either way. Genius, really.
Have Any Crunchy Shopping Tips?
Do you have any shopping tips for crunchy ingredients you’d like to share?
See any glaring omissions from this list?
Think you’ll print it off and use it?
Wanna give me an award for my most excellent Microsoft Publisher skillz?
Crunchy shopping, y’all!
i love your blog , simply perfect advice and help , have a pink rainbow day
hugs from ohio
Tonight I took off my makeup with olive oil, used the no-nonsense facial scrub, conditioned my hair with olive oil, used coconut oil instead of shaving cream, and did a coffee scrub. I feel fabulous, thanks to your blog 🙂
Thanks for the list! Fun and helpful as always! I’ve got a lot more than I thought I would! I’m probably a goober, but what is washing soda?
A cat leash? Ha!… I did a total double-take on that! Thanks for the laugh (and the list).
Th secret shame drawer…awesome. Thank you for this resource!