Way back in the olden days, when I used to use shampoo and conditioner (way back before natural beauty was even a twinkle in my eye), I had a secret favorite product. For some reason, it was always on the shelves, at half off, when I’d stick my head into Ross – and I would buy every tube I could find.
It was a seaweed hair masque made by the company H2O. It appears they don’t make it anymore.
Anyway, when I was offered the opportunity to try the H2O Plus Sea Pure natural skincare line, I was pretty jazzed, given my hair obsession of yore.
I mean, I was really excited by the idea. Jumping up and down excited. Squeeing excited.
Until I opened the package.
Now, don’t get me wrong – the products are beautifully packaged and they’re all free of synthetic fragrance, parabens, petrochemicals, pthalates and sulfates. So they’re pretty darned crunchy.
But I haven’t used an actual “formulated” store-bought skincare product on my face in a year or more. I felt like I was cheating. I felt … dirty.
Tentatively, I opened the first box – the creamy facial cleanser – turned on the warm water, and prepared to hate it with all of my heart.
See, I’ve always had a special dislike for facial cleansers. Every single one I’ve ever used – “naturally formulated” or not – has caused a breakout. I’m a hardcore devotee to the no-nonsense daily scrub. No breakouts using that. Not like (deep breath) store-bought cleansers.
So imagine my surprise when I actually loved the cleanser. Not just loved, but talked about to other people. Recommended, even.
It’s super light and very creamy as it washes, and it leaves your skin feeling extra soft and not at all scary squeaky clean (which your face should never, ever feel – that means you’ve stripped it of its natural oils).I’ve used it for a week, to make sure I’m giving you an accurate representation of the product, and I haven’t broken out at all.
While I’m not turning my back at all on the homemade cleansers and scrubs I create, I can tell you right now – if I was stranded on a deserted island with only the store-bought facial cleansers I’ve ever used, this would be the one I’d wash with right before the handsome Australian skipper came and saved me.
And if you’re in the market for a facial cleanser, I’d actually recommend this one. In fact, I have a coupon code that you can use to get $10 off a $30 Sea Pure purchase. Just enter code 100275 at checkout when you purchase anything from the H2O Plus website.
As far as the rest of the products in the line, they were okay. The face polish was nice – and it, again, didn’t feel as if it stripped my face of oils. The toner gave me a great idea (which I was going to cover in this post, but I’ve already talked too much now, so we’ll do that tomorrow). And the moisturizers were … well … moisturizers. I wasn’t really blown away, but they were okay. Nothing beats my homemade facial oils – and, dagnabit, nothing ever will.
So here’s what I suggest with that fancy schmancy $10 off of $30 coupon (the code, again, is 110275 and the website is here):
IF (and ONLY if) you’re in the market for a facial cleanser, get the Sea Pure Creamy Facial Cleanser.
And to tip your balance over the $30 mark, pick up their really pretty exfoliating body brush and start using it before you shower. Body brushes are a must-have in my bath repertoire – they improve circulation, slough off the dead skin, and help break down cellulite. And this is a great opportunity to pick one up on the cheap.
Or, y’know, get whatever you want.
I’m just the messenger.
***For the record, I did receive the products generously from H2O and the BeautyStat Network. However, I wasn’t even remotely monetarily compensated for this post, and my opinions, as you’re probably far too aware, are my own and represent the world the way I see it. So there.
I’m so backwards! I didn’t know anything about this body brushing you’ve mentioned. How have I missed that?
I have to admit, I have loved the marine cleansing gel from H20 in the past so I might have to check this out as a cleanser… although I’ve been loving my homemade ACV toner (your recipe :)). Thanks for the review 🙂
i found you two days ago and have been devouring all your posts. there was a sadness that enveloped me and made me feel all heavy and so NOT crunchy inside when i got to the very first one. (i read blogs backwards.) you are fantastic! i’ve been having so much fun putting food on my face again! i used to do it all the time as a teenager and it makes me feel about 13 years old again…..without being yelled at about the mess i’m making in the kitchen. crunch it, girl!