Have you ever wanted to do something so new and exciting, you could hardly sit still? You know what I mean: that thought, that idealistic concept that seems perfect and magical?
An idea, an inspiration, comes to you and you think, “Whoa. This is awesome. This could CHANGE THE WORLD!”
And then those sneaky voices come in – the ones form your childhood – that adult voice that goes, “Oh, honey. That’s cute. Now go clean your room.”
I’ve spent the last year and a half gently trying to shut out that dumb grown-up voice. I haven’t completely, yet. Until this time. Today. With what we’re going to do.
Effective immediately.
I Declare War on Ideal Crushing
As children, we’re taught to believe in fairy tales. A magical man comes down the chimney, ever generous, and gives us our heart’s desires. Kissing frogs turns them into princes. Wishes are granted by rubbing lamps.
And then, one by one, those dreams are dismantled. It’s impossible, the grownups finally say, when we display genuine belief that magic might happen.
I’m so over it.
Our world is one that we create – all of us, together. We make it what it is, and we’re all equally responsible for its health, happiness, compassion, and magic. And thus, with what I’m about to tell you, I declare war on those who would crush lofty ideals, war on those who wish to squelch kindness with fear, I stand defiantly in the face of that voice that says, “You should worry.”
(Yes, I’m being melodramatic, but you like it.)
Now it’s time to tell you: The Giving Plan.
The Giving Plan: What’s Happening Here For 90 Days (Or More)
First, let me remind you that I’m not wealthy. At least, where money is concerned. We still struggle to pay the bills; I’m not some multi-millionaire’s wife.
What I am is desirous of giving as much as I receive.
The book Crunchy Betty’s Food On Your Face for Acne and Oily Skin is done. Mostly. It’s written and edited, and just waiting for a few finishing touches before it comes out. Two weeks is my goal for official release; three is too long.
Effective immediately, and for 90 days after the book is released, 50% of all donations to the site and proceeds from the book will be given back to the Crunchy Betty Community.
That is the plan.
And here is exactly how it’s going to work:
- People buy Food On Your Face For Oily Skin and Acne (or donate to the site)
- 50% of the proceeds goes to yours truly
- 50% of the proceeds go to a special Crunchy Giving Fund
- With the Crunchy Giving Fund, I choose handmade products (or gift certificates to Mountain Rose Herbs) to give away
- Once every week or two (depending on how much money is in the fund), I choose one or more people to receive the handmade goodies based on participation on the blog (a helpful comment, kindness, etc.)
- The people I choose will have the opportunity to choose one other person who participates at Crunchy Betty (who they’ve found particularly helpful) to receive the same thing
- Everybody feels love, connection, and happiness
Let me put this into perspective: The book will sell for $7.99.
Crunchy Betty now has 2500 feed readers, and receives 6000+ unique visits a day. Let’s just say a smidgeon of those people buy the book. We’ll go with 1500.
That is over $5500 (after Paypal takes its cut) that will be used to purchase handmade goods to give to all the participants of Crunchy Betty.
That is over $5500 that handmade artisans receive for their hard, and admirable, work.
(And that’s only a smidgeon of what’s possible here.)
This is Not a Gimmick
We’re so conditioned to think that any good will, giveaway, or anything of the like is some kind of marketing gimmick.
This is not that. (You guys know me better than that.)
You all know how much I’ve struggled with the inherent greed that’s so often found in the pursuit of money (and the potential soul selling that also goes with).
I believe that we should balance our giving and our receiving, so the we’re not Binky. Balance.
There are a thousand other reasons why I want to try this and see what happens, the least of which is that giving kindness, receiving kindness, and witnessing kindness being given or received makes everybody’s serotonin levels rise, and makes us happier, more loving people.
Really, this is just me putting my money where my mouth is. Literally.
I will not clean my room this time. We will, instead, try out one of my lofty ideas – my fairy tale dreams of a world based on abundance and good will. WE WILL BE PIONEERS.
Pretty cool, huh?
Wait, There’s a Catch
This book stands on its own. It wasn’t written just for this 50/50 Giving Plan; it’s written to be bought and consumed JUST like any other book. The 50/50 plan is simply a way to give back to a community that supports and encourages itself in inspiring, amazing ways.
The book will be promoted just as any other ebook would be. My desire is to reach everyone who’s still buying prescription skincare meds, expensive cleansers, and other acne/oily skin treatments that contain icky chemicals – and this 50/50 plan is not a slick marketing tool to reach them. Everyone who needs this book won’t participate in the site regularly, and that’s okay.
Here’s the catch: I need help with a few things before I can launch this. You all know I’m a terrible, rotten graphic artist. And I’m only one person with little means to hire a graphic artist or PR firm.
- If anyone out there is a graphic artist by trade and knows how to design ebook covers, I need help with that.
- I need help thinking of ways to promote this book outside the community: How do we reach people with acne/oily skin who could really benefit from the book?
- I’ve already started a running list of handmade artisans I love (on Pinterest), but if you have favorites, I need recommendations for lovely people to support.
And that’s it. Really, the cover design is what’s really weighing on my mind right now. I’m sure the rest will work itself out how it’s supposed to.
Because, ultimately, this whole thing is about learning how to trust the universe – and I do. I trust that this will either work or not work, according to what’s best for all of us.
But still, I’m really excited and a little scared and prone to fits of jumping up and down these days.
Am I crazy? Should I just go clean my room? Your thoughts are overwhelmingly appreciated.
This is so exciting – can’t wait for the book. It is exactly what my daughter needs (although she is loving reading the blog too!)
Looks like you’ve got lots of offers for the graphic design – good because I’m really just an amateur with that stuff. But I’d be happy to offer any editing help you might be looking for.
Also, I’ll certainly be glad to tweet it up, announce on Facebook and even write a review on Wellness The Natural Way. Keep me posted.
Are we talking about an ebook? Or an actual printed deal?
As soon as I read ‘graphic design’, there was a little poof! in my heart. (in a good way. . . I have problems with onomonopias) How shall we send the cover designs to you? Email? Anyways, I’m so excited to try my hand at a cover for a Crunchy book! =D What style of cover do you want? That style?^ *looks up at half-face suggestion*
I’m an amateur graphic designer, and I’d love to help you out! I think you should enlist the help of a photographer or a friend with a nice camera for the cover. A visual such as a half bare face with the other half covered by portions of various remedies (clay, honey, oil, nutmeg, etc.) could be cool.
Wait. What? Really?
I was just telling my friend earlier today that that EXACT idea is what I wanted to go with. Did she send you here? Is this … this is weird.
Told a friend about it just this morning!
And, emailed another friend about it!
Oh my, what a wonderful idea! And I am definitely buying your book!
I wouldn’t call myself a professional graphic artist at all, but I do study magazine design and I have done a fair bit of magazine and book layouting, so if you can’t find a professional, I’d be more than happy to help you out, one beauty blogger to another 🙂 Give me an email at hilda [at] hildablue.com and I can show you a bit of what I’ve made before!
Retailers are only interested in products they know are going to sell. So we need to heckle them into carrying this book. The more interest we show, the more willing they will be to bend over backwards to stock, sell, and promote. Does anyone subscribe to health magazines? Write a letter and say “Hey, you should pay attention to Crunchy Betty, because she rocks my recycled organic cotton socks off and your readers would benefit from her work. Chop chop, people.” Or something to that effect.
And, may I point out a certain holiday that is coming up where gift-giving is encouraged? Put a little something crunchy in the stocking this year. 😉
Betty, may mold grow on your floor, may the bed go unmade and the dresser untidied. May laundry pile and the vacuum get dusty. May your curtains one day smell like a soccer coach’s feet. Don’t you dare clean your room. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)
I’m so excited to hear/read about your new ebook! I will definitely be buying it & will share it through FB.
I only recently found you & have committed to ‘no poo’ going on my 6th day now. So far, so good! You’re like a guiding light that I’ve been looking for to move me away from all these chemicals. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂
I just recently found your blog and I have been devouring it! 🙂 I can’t wait to buy your book! I’m suffering from pregnancy acne. haha Not so fun. I agree that posting links and such on facebook to promote it is a great idea.
People like YOU are the ones that add such vibrance to life!!! I just did a 4 day experiment (using Crunchy Betty instructions) with goat’s milk and nutmeg every night, jojoba oil face washes sometime during each day, and your 3 Step Spring Cleanse to prepare my otherwise HORRIBLE skin for my (yikes!) appearance on TV tomorrow! I wrote about all of the food on my face on my website http://www.thegoatcheeselady.com…I WILL DEFINITELY be buying your book!!! I love, love, love it! I’ll share it on facebook, I’ll promote it to anyone I know, and I’ll write more and more and more about you on my blog! You are fantastic! Lindsey
You make me wish I had oily skin. Anything coming up for dry??? : ) This sounds like a fun project! Keep up the crazy ideas.
You guys are so, so awesome – with your ideas and your encouragement and your beautiful faces. I’ve taken all kinds of notes about all of the ideas, and I’ll be working it all out soon.
You know what I have to say, though, right?
None of this – NONE OF THIS – would be what it is, none of us would be where we are, if it weren’t for each and every one of you (i.e., I am forever grateful and indebted to all of you who participate, connect, and adventure into this “brave not-new world”).
You complete me.
Like, really. Not in a facetious, quoting-movies-because-it’s-sarcastic kind of way.
You really do.
sounds really exciting… i always appreciate the measures you take to avoid the greedy side of a blog this size. thanks 🙂 i also think its good to defy the belief squashers!
I’ll review it on my book blog, if you want. http://www.thelibrarian.perilouslyprecocious.com
I’m not much help regarding graphic design, but you’ve definitely got a buyer in me! Also, I will post on Facebook to help spread the word. This is such an awesome idea. I’m so happy to have found your site!
I’m ready to buy!! Will share link on my facebook page when you are ready.
Fantastic idea! You are so generous.
Promotion idea – bloggy book tour? I’d be happy to host you.
I am absolutely thrilled about the book and can’t wait to buy it.
I work in PR and everyone’s suggestions about using Twitter and Facebook are fabulous, especially for this sort of product–I would bet that a significant number of people on Facebook could benefit from your knowledge given the age demographics. I run a Facebook fan site for as a part of my job so if you need any help, I’d love to do it. Plus in about a week and a half I will be a full time freelancer so I would have time to volunteer for this.
I love this idea of giving back, so fitting for such a generous person like yourself. Keep up the awesome work and definitely do not clean your room!
Perhaps try touching base with the ladies who wrote “No More Dirty Looks” — their book really introduced me to the clean beauty movement which lead me to you….I think they’d be happy to promote on their end and get their green beauty friends to spread the good word about Crunchy Betty as well! Hope this helps 🙂 and CAN’T WAIT FOR THE BOOK! IT’S ABOUT TIME 😉
You Go Girl!! I’m sending thoughts of Love and Success your way!!
I will be a buyer! I make pottery and would love to donate some spice bowls or some aromatherapy stones.
You rock my world. I think this is an awesome idea. I do graphic design and would love to help you. Email me if you are interested. I would be happy to do a giveaway on my blog and of course I’ll promo the heck out of it on Twitter and FB. Also, as Alex mentioned, I just started an Etsy shop of handmade wall letters. I would be in for that part as well if you like.
You are a fabulous, fabulous person. And I am so not a graphic designer, but for what my two cents are worth, not only do you have wonderful ideas, you also take amazing photographs, and one would make a great cover.
I agree with this! A photo of some delicious fruit that is for the face would be great. Or a picture with you with food on your face. I’m serious here. . . that would require a second look from a lot of people. I would look three times if I saw a picture with multiple people with food on their face. Just saying. . .
Agree! Betty, with your lovely face and all those great photos you have…we dun need no stinkin’ designers. (Although, don’t get me wrong I love designers! 🙂
I can’t wait for your book because I desperately need it. I don’t know if it’s raging hormones or something else, but for the last year and a half I have been battling acne. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but I can’t seem to get my skin to be clear and stay clear. I’ve tried the OCM and the honey wash and I still do both regularly, but every day, it seems, a new one pops up. I’m so frustrated! I’m too old for puberty!
With that rant out of the way, have you thought about doing a giveaway of the ebook on other crunchy-themed blogs? It would certainly get the word out. One person would win a free book, but you could reel in several more through the advertising.
How about hitting up.. or letting your followers hit up the message boards and post about your new book. I wish I could help with the cover…but not that talented! lol
For the record, the blog is brand new, as in last night, so if anyone happens to click and find no content, that’s why. Really I just feel slightly more important being able to post a website. Ahaha.
Anyway, I have a friend who does graphic/web design. Check out flywheeldesign.net if you feel so inclined. Gary is the particular friend, but I think the company is a three-man team. His wife especially would love what you are about.
And so do I! You go for this, darlin’!
this is so exciting! I am new-ish (i think 2 weeks) here. And can’t wait for the book and to watch the (successful!) experiment! Best of luck!
What a fantastic idea! I can’t wait to get a copy of the book for my teenage daughter who is in the midst of the acne crisis now and I think having all the ideas in one place would be SO helpful for her. And, I feel blessed that it will benefit not only you but also others. Thanks for that 🙂
graphic designer reporting for duty. mail me and we’ll take it from there. 🙂
Yay for you facing down the negative voices and fulfilling this dream!!! Your post reminded me of a quote I read the other day…..the “dragon” in this case being cleaning your room:
Fairy tales are more than true: Not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. C. K. Chesterton
On a more practical note, I have some Photoshop skills I would be happy to donate to the cause…..I’m not a graphic designer, however, I’m a painter and dabbler (www.alicearlene.com if you want to see some of my work). I put together all the postcards and promo materials for the gallery I’m with (which sounds a lot more impressive than it is in actuality…..)
The above comments all sound good….also a facebook ad? They say they are targeted to a specific audience……
Great idea! I think your book would make a great holiday gift, too, so let’s encourage people to buy many copies 🙂
If you would like another pair of eyes to proof or look for typos, etc, I am willing to lend a hand (no charge, of course). You may have lots of help with editing, so just let me know how I can support your project. It’s all about community! Eileen H
I’m new to your site, and I love it! I also love this idea. I do have a question-will the book be available on kindle?
Wish I was a graphic artist or any good with PR and such. 🙁 But I will buy the book! And I will link it on my fb (I’d love a button for my blog, too, even though no one reads, which is not a complaint just a “I don’t know how much good it will do). And I will say you are racking up the beau-coup good karma here. I don’t mean the idea of karma is some kind of reward system, I mean it like you are totally expanding yourself and your point of view and spreading that opportunity around. Thereby bettering the world in ways beyond the entirely tangible (however small in the grand scheme of things…a butterfly flaps it’s wings and all that). Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could all go on a room cleaning strike?
Yeah, in case you can’t tell you got me all inspired and stuff.
great idea! Grats on finishing it. Def looking forward to it. Good luck you will do well.
Have you also tried Amazon for the Kindle?? I know that ebooks are super hot and Kindle has won over every other platforms. I have Kindle app for my laptop not actual Kindle. Hopefully maybe soon I will. Sorry I dunno much about promotion as this is something i too will find out once I finish the novel I intend to work on.
Try Kindle Nation on FaceBook. This is a group that once a day posts the free kindle ebook giveaways. true some of the free books are hokey, but more times than not they have some excellent ones like “Rumple”. I finished this one last eve and I gotta say wow excellent book!
Take care and sending warm fuzzy good thoughts to you as always!
I think this is AWESOME of you.
My first thought on how you might market the book to more folks who need it is that maybe look for a way to plug in more directly to the social network of teenagers? I worked for a high school until recently and the speed with which information travels between my former students is utterly mind-boggling to me… They are constantly connected to their facebook or twitter or email (or all three at once) and they listen to each other more than anyone else. If you can get the word of mouth going it could certainly push sales.
I’ll certainly share a link where the kids I used to teach will see it, but I’m not sure exactly how to get the book into the hands of a wider group… maybe some schools have book fairs?
bless you! this is an idea whose time is come, and I know several people (including myself) who are starting to do this as a way of changing the way we handle money, abundance and all that stuff that goes along with it! I support you in this endeavor. If I hear of any graphic artists, I’ll send them your way…and keep doing what you do!
ejunkie is a great site for promoting and handling downloads of your book. It’s cheap and takes care of paying affiliates and stuff. Best of luck to you.
You are AWESOME and AMAZING and simply lovely! I do not possess any of the skills you need, but I love your ideas and support all your endeavors. Much love to you!!!!
Love this!
Marketing Ideas:
1. Tweet up Chat- All those who are members of crunchy betty participate(and hopefully others). whenever i see tweet chats i always follow the person or read their blog etc. this tweet up chat can be about skin care and natural ways to fix it. it can be a sneak peak to the ebook. kind of like a teaser. then of course mention the ebook and ppl hopefully will purchase
2. A giveaway contest- 1-2 people can participate in a giveaway about this- you can market it on different community forums- only downside is ppl want to win for free, so the ones that don’t win might not purchase the real thing
3. Interact and market on websites geared towards those who: have children, are into health and skincare.
4. use twitter’s search box to find people talking about acne/oily skin and tweet them about your ebook(it might look like spam, but it all depends on how you word it)
5. Craigslist
6. Don’t just focus on people with oily/acne skin. i think this could benefit people with good skin because i know even i occasionally have some bumps pop on my face occasionally.
7. ask nicely your blog buddies to write a review or let you guest post about the ebook.
8. give a sneak peak on this blog- maybe 1-3 pages of your fav pages. this works for me when i go on google books and i want to read a book, but i only see a sneak peak. im more likely to buy the book have getting a sneak peak.
just some ideas that I just thought of.
Make a page or a button we can share on FB or our blogs to promote the book… I’ll be a loud mouth.
This. I have found lots of things (books, videos, products, events, recipes, services, etc.) simply from a friend sharing on facebook. I trust my friends more than an advertisement, so when they share a link I am much more likely to click!
Kirstie and Granola Girl
I agree, a way we can ‘advertise’ and promote via our Facebook pages. Betty, “stay out of your room! Don’t go in there and clean it”! I wish I could have found something like your upcoming book when I was a youngster! Chemicals, ridicule, embarrassment, on and on. I see many other young kids suffering the problems that bad skin causes them and I hope that you’ll be able to help via your book, AND wisdom.
Make a page or a button we can share on FB or our blogs to promote the book… I’ll be a loud mouth
I’ll be your loud mouth too I love washing my face with honey every night! Count me in I’ll help!