You know how, if your pants fall down just a little tiny bit when you’re leaning over and a millimeter of your crack shows? A MILLIMETER?
Everyone can see that. Everyone sees it. Even the men in the space station.
Blackheads are not like that. Frankly, I think blackheads, on the scale of seen to invisible probably fall somewhere in the realm of that pesky household ghost your sister tries to point out to you.
Still, they’re annoying. You can see them. Mostly when you press your nose up close to the mirror. But they’re there, and you know it. Your face isn’t completely clean. You want to remove blackheads; you want them banished.
Let’s make that happen.
5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads
Blackheads are just pimples that don’t have skin over them. That’s all they are. Because there’s no skin, and they’re exposed to the air, the top layer of gunk in your pores oxidizes and turns that darkish black color.
All you have to do is clean out your pores, and the blackheads are gone. There’s no need to squish and squeeze.
If you’re prone to blackheads, I have some good and bad news for you. The bad news is, large pores and oily skin are going to be a fact of life for you. The likelihood that you’ll be able to totally reverse either of those things is nil.
The good news is, people with oily skin and large pores don’t wrinkle as quickly (because our skin is VERY good at replenishing the oils). So when you’re 60, this will be a blessing.
1. Make Exfoliation and Microdermabrasion a Part of Your Weekly Ritual
There are so many things you can use to exfoliate and remove blackheads with. All of them are in your cabinets right now.
Right now.
But favorite is milk and nutmeg.
Especially for oily skin and getting rid of blackheads. Nutmeg helps get rid of the oil, offers the scrubby power, and leaves behind really smooth skin. The lactic acid in milk helps break down old skin cells so they disappear when you rinse your face. If you really want to take it up a notch, use buttermilk instead of regular milk (it contains even more lactic acid).
You could also use: Baking soda and water, lemon juice and sugar, or salt and sour cream.
How you do it: Simply combine your “scrubby” ingredient with your liquid/wet ingredient until you have a thin paste. Starting with a clean face, rinse it once with water, and then begin to apply your exfoliator in light, circular motions.
Concentrate on the blackheads, but remember to use a very light touch. Too rough, and you could damage your skin.
Do this for 3-5 minutes. Rinse well. Enjoy your clean face.
2. Do a Honey Pat-Down
This is only slightly different than the honey face wash, in that you don’t want to wet your face before you start – in any way, shape, or form. (Although you do want to have a clean face before beginning.)
Your honey should be very, very sticky if you want this to be as effective as possible.
Simply pour a small amount of honey on your fingers and start rapidly patting the areas on your face where you want to remove blackheads. The honey will stick to the stuff in your pores, and pull it out as you remove your fingers. It will also offer gentle antibacterial and antioxidant support, so any small remnants that may be left in your pores won’t oxidize (and turn black) quite as quickly.
Continue doing this for 3 or so minutes, and then just rinse your face with water.
3. Use Egg Whites to Pull Out the Gunk
Frankly, this is one of my least favorite ways to get rid of blackheads (I don’t particularly like the way eggs on my face smell, and it hasn’t been as effective as the other ways for me).
However, hundreds of other people swear by this method, thus I include it for your consideration. It’s a prime example of how one crunchy remedy may work for one person, and not at all for another. You never, ever, ever know until you try.
How to pull out the blackheads with an egg white mask: Starting with a clean face, spread egg whites all over using your fingers or a paintbrush. Start first with one thin layer and let it dry briefly. Then spread a second layer over the top and let the whole thing dry completely.
You may want to focus on the blackhead areas a third time, even.
Allow this mask to dry for 15 minutes. Your face will feel tight and pull a bit. This is good. Then, with a warm, wet washcloth, scrub the egg whites off your face very gently.
If nothing else, your face WILL be super smooth and soft. (And probably a little more porcelain (edit: or uniform regardless of skin tone) in color for a while, too, which is a fun bonus.)
4. Use a Cosmetic Clay Mask to Soak Up the Oils
If egg whites were my least favorite, clays are my absolute #1 favorite way to get rid of blackheads.
You do not have to have a special $50 jar of facial mask clay for this. You do not have to put essential oil into your mask (if you don’t want to, but you can).
All you need is cosmetic clay and water (or apple cider vinegar, which is how I like to do it).
Where do you get cosmetic clay? Mountain Rose Herbs carries a variety of it at very reasonable prices (bentonite, french green, rhassoul, and fuller’s earth). But if you have a local herb shop, the chances are, they’ll have some there, too.
How to make a blackhead-busting mask with clay: Again, you can add goodies like rosewater or a drop or two of essential oils to your clay, but this is not necessary for removing blackheads.
So the basics are: Combine 1 Tbsp clay with 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (or pure water) and stir until you have a paste without lumps in it. Spread over your whole clean face, or just the areas where you have blackheads. Allow this to dry for 15-20 minutes.
Take a warm, wet washcloth and press it to the mask for a few seconds, and then slowly and gently wipe off.
5. If All Else Fails, Take a Clean Toothbrush to the Area
Do not use this method unless all else fails.
This is absolutely the most extreme measure you should go to in clearing your blackheads (with squishing and squeezing being THE most extreme measure there is).
Use a dedicated toothbrush only for blackhead cleaning. Do NOT use your mouth toothbrush (ew) ever. In between scrubbing blackheads, dunk your toothbrush in a glass of hydrogen peroxide to keep it clean.
How to do this: Using a soft bristled brush (NOTHING FIRMER), pour a small amount of lemon juice on the toothbrush, along with a drop or two of oily-skin friendly oil like jojoba, tamanu, or neem.
VERY gently scrub your blackhead areas with the head of your toothbrush. You can rinse with water and reapply with lemon and oil if you feel like you need to. Just do this gently. In circular motions. And don’t go crazy.
Also, don’t do this more than once a week. Don’t do it around your eyes. And do NOT do this on any open sores, scratches, or cuts. Ever. Promise?
If you avoid anywhere delicate, it should be just fine. I just wanted to be overly dramatic, so you understand that you shouldn’t brush your whole face with lemon juice and a toothbrush.
An Ounce of Prevention…
… pound of cure and all that.
Here are a few ways you can prevent blackheads before they happen. Maybe not always and forever, but most of the time.
(I have noticed approximately 3 blackheads on my nose in the last three months, down from seeing them almost every day two years ago, if that makes you feel better.)
Ways to prevent blackheads:
- Don’t wash your face with harsh cleansers. This makes your skin overreact and produce more oil, which means your blackheads will be back much faster.
- DO wash your face twice a day with natural sources. (Say, the no-nonsense daily scrub in the morning and the honey wash with baking soda in the evening.)
- Wear makeup as little as possible.
- Wash your pillowcase on a weekly basis (to clean off any dead skin cells and oils your face leaves behind on it).
- Use an astringent like witch hazel or apple cider vinegar after you wash your face and before you moisturize (this will help get rid of any residual gunkiness and tighten the pores a bit).
- Once every two weeks, use a facial steam to help open your pores and let them unclog.
- Consider using the oil cleansing method to wash your face? It’s a great way to get beautiful skin. Naturally, of course.
- Make a homemade peel-off mask with gelatin and tomato juice.
- Blot your face with tissue paper throughout the day to soak up oil before it can accumulate.
Have I missed anything?
Do any of you have sure-fire ways of getting rid of blackheads?
Hi my name is Linda. Im 22 years old. I have been suffering blackheads since I could remember. Pretty much all the pours on my nose and the sides of my nose like under my eyes are black heads you can pretty much see all of my pours and when i squeeze the stuff out it comes rite back its pretty bad.
Thank you very much for the post. This is exactly what I need. I see many people talk about the 3rd method, the white egg one but I’ve not tried it yet.
I have eczema, adult acne blackheads. it sounds counter-intuitive, but I take flax oil capsules and borage oil.I clean my skin very very gently with the very softest brush I could find (it feels almost like mink)and noxema. I follow this with grape seed oil, which is absorbed almost immediately.
This has not only freed me of blackheads, but my skin is gorgeous. I credit the flax and borage oil mostly.
Does steam workable???pores remains open in after steam??
does steam workable???i think pores remains open aftr steam???
That’s sounds a great tips.. Everybody should learn this.. 🙂
I hate them with a passion.
None of these were very helpful but they were great inspiration!
you guys i havent tried to remove blackheads yet but im also only 16 and ive been thinking wouldn’t a thumbtack work just as well after you steam the spot the black heads are in i have them on my nose bad and i was wondering would this method work
The bobbie pin method works although you have to be very careful not to press so hard as to leave a scar! However I have made two devices that work better and won’t expose you to making a scar!
1. Use a rounded paper clip that is firm and smooth on the edge
2. I took a firm plastic pen and took everything out of it! Then I rounded the tip side opening making it NON sharp! After gentle exfoliation and after warm wash cloth sitting on area to be treated, I press the area with the tip. It pops stuff up into the device as well as to the sides just from the applied pressure. I should make this device patent it and sell it! It works well!
I almost never comment, but i did a few searching
and wound up here 5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads |.
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I have done egg white masks before and they do help with blackheads because egg whites form an easy mask – and it tightens my pores, thus reducing chances of future blackheads. It does get a bit messy though. When I do not want to get mess, I use the Clay Blackhead Mask from Citrus Clear. Both are excellent!
Hi, I have a whitehead on my face that I cannot get rid of. Can you please help or ask your readers if they know a remedy to get rid of it. I am 74 years old and wonder if this is somethin that old people get Thank you.
This is quite probably a papule, not a whitehead. How big is it? Does anything come out when it is squeezed? It also could just be an age spot. I am in my 50’s and still get blackheads and the occasional pimple. If it is recurring in the same spot, I would have it looked at as it might be something more serious.
Norma, I m 67 and still battling acne! I frequently develop those white bumps, and I do not think they are papules because there is no inflammation. What they are is oil trapped under the skin. After consulting several dermatologists, I extract them myself: I steam my face and clean it very well. Then I take a very sharp needle and unroof the bump, then gently squeeze it until the pore is empty. This is the only thing that has ever worked. Good luck to you.
I love it
3) It provides you with a sense of touch which in turn helps you communicate with the outside
world. We’ll show how to accomplish this with just a few simple steps.
You need to be applying the tomatoes once a day (twice if possible) and
keep this up for at least two weeks.
Before treating blackheads always consider steaming, as it helps the surface of the skin to get ready. Then you can try one of the many home remedies available.
Blackheads are deep inside your skin, like a tree root, and many of these treatments just attack the surface; the only way to truly remove a blackhead is through extraction. Try – very carefully – a bobby pin as a blackhead extraction tool. Wash your face with warm water – or better yet, steam it, hot shower or towel draped over your head, with your face over a bowl of steaming hot water. Pat dry. Now that your pores are primed, use the round part of the bobby pin, and center it over your blackhead (s). Push down – ouila! Nine times out of 10, the oil plug is removed! This works so well in the crevices of the nose! Then use cool water, pat your face, and use the scrubs above to try to keep new blackheads from forming.
Hi Lisa. Does this hurt? Teresa
I don’t have many problems anymore. I did bad as a teenager, but heck who didn’t right? I did find this to be full of cool ideas I have never even heard of. Maybe the next time I have a pimple problem I’ll try something out from this. I wanted to share what works well for me, and I mean very well. Now pay attention, I don’t want you to miss out on this simple and free way of staying zit free from now on. Wash your face with water! That’s it! I rinse my face very well in the shower or sink twice a day. The important thing is to simply keep dirt and oil from remaining on your face. Once in the evening before bed. (This is generally in the shower) And once in the morning as I’m getting ready for the day. I truly believe that anything unatural (MOST FACE SOAPS) should NOT be used! Period! Keep your pores clean and closed, that simple. Of course if you’re work requires you to get a little dirty, just take an extra minute to wash your face midday or something. Hint- cold water closes pores. Now be warned, this can cause dry skin; mostly in the winter months. You can beat this by using a natural organic lotion with none of that additive crap right before bed. (Keep your pillow clean. It’s where your face spends most of its time.) Another very helpful thing to use just every once in a while is a good organic bar of Pine Tar soap. That stuff works miracles for sensitive skin. Even got rid of psoriasis for me! One more thing, if you use a wash rag (I just use my hands) but if you require that little bit of extra grit, use a CLEAN wash rag EVERY TIME. I only took the time to type this lil comment up because I’m SICK of seeing all of your pimples! Just kidding lol. Don’t make a big deal outta those zit buddies. Hey guess what, know who has had pimples in their life??? Friggin everyone. Yup everyone gets em. So don’t worry about it! Stay clean everybody! And good luck on those lil bastards!
I suffered from blackheads too,and i was so annoyed by the problem , actually i found myself ocassionally that i squeeze, scratch or rub them , im getting paranoid 🙁
i my face is full filled with blackhead and enlarge pores also in my face my face makes dull oily and dark day by day please give me the best treatment for myface please
I tried he one with the honey it only took some of the blackheads. I would suggest going else where to find something better.Than this way of clearing up blackheads.
how often should i do the honey scrub?
Thank you for sharing.!
Do you have any video of that? I’d want to find out some additional information.
A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I think that you ought
to publish more about this issue, it may not be
a taboo matter but usually people do not talk about such subjects.
To the next! All the best!!
Ive been suffering from blackheads for years and i cnt even look at the mirror because they are so scary i used almost everything now but nothing seems to work what can i at least try or do
I would like to thank you for all these amazing tips, also another thing that can help with reducing the amount of black heads is glue, I know it sounds weird but, you put a medium layer on the spot, let it dry, then peel it off
Hi. where can i go to get blackheads remove professionally especially from around the eyes.
Thanks. Sal.
I think taking a more natural approach to removing blackheads works out better in the long run. I like more than clean by Vi-Tae. A very good product with natural ingredients.
I think natural ways is amazing. it’s safe without side effect
Hi. I am a 29 year old female. i am suffering with acne for 16 years now. Will using a pure tomato on my face take away my blackheads and what can i use that is internationally available to take away my blackheads and pimples on my chest and back? i have also read that dairy products produce blackheads is it true? What other general advice can give me?
Blackheads are caused when dirt gets inside the actual pores and wont come out! You need a product that can get in the pores – without irritating your skin. I have SUPER SENSITIVE skin and the only thing that works RIGHT AWAY is the Citrus Clear Pore & Blackhead Mask. .. .you put the clay on your face and leave it on for 2 minutes and then wash it off! Its that easy, and I saw about 95% less blackheads on my nose after using it once. And my skin is soooooooooo sensitive!!
Milk and nutmeg did wonders for me! It’s not as harsh as a sugar scrub, but enough to make you feel it’s exfoliating. My blackheads are gone with one application. Exfoliated for 3 minutes and rinsed off! My skin looked so much better and felt so soft! Thanks for the read!
Hope dis works!!
I suffer from blackheads so bad I’m afraid to look someone directly in the face. People have pointed them out before, and it is embarrassing. I actually have one that is directly in the center of my nose that they all seem to notice first. I have tried picking it until a scab, and healing it over. Still comes back. I have tried just popping it, and it comes out, but shortly a few days later. It comes back, and the hole it leaves in the time it takes to grow back is ridiculously hideous. I have no self worth when it comes to my body regardless. It would be nice to at least have a good looking face. I tried the “Sodium Bicarbonate Paste” I noticed instantly a change in texture, and appearance after the whole process was finished, but still the same unsightly gigantic poor hole. Is it possible coco butter, or anything really would help clear it up. Kinda like lighting scars???
Good write-up. I absolutely love this website.
I’m 54 and still have a bad complexion and I’ve tried all the tricks to get rid of them. For the last few years I have gotten more white heads under the skin which are a pain to remove. Only thing I have found to help is medication my doctor prescribed that I take 2ce a day. Not saying some of these tricks don’t help others but none have worked for me since I was 14. My doctor says theirs no way to treat them from the outside as most of the problem is caused from the inside. I must say the pills work and have worked well in drying up and healing my bad acne. Like a person said once “If they all work then why is their so many of them”? Because the over the counter stuff doesn’t work. Just sayin….
What do you take, if don’t mind me asking? I just want to know because I’m thinking of recommended it to a family member. He has really bad acne and nothing has worked for so far.
Do you consume dairy products? I used to have whiteheads over my upper arms and after 40 yrs I stopped consuming dairy products completely. The results are amazing, apart from clearing my skin there have been a lot of other health benefits.
Sounds like to me you have a liver issue. You should talk to a nature path docter and try to find the best solution. And don’t worry my brother had the same thing but after using the dottera (I know I spelt it wrong;)) essential oils, it really helped clean up his skin!
It’s nearly impossible to find well-informed people in this
particular topic, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about!
please help. I sweat a lot on my face after applying moisturiser. Have tried all moisturisers and most of them cause this. What can i do. I have a problem with acne and blackheads
Use aloe vera gel. It needs to be the real plant. This will moisturize your skin no need to wear cream. Use aloe over nigh than rinse it off.
Good One 🙂
Neglecting blackheads, then it’s time to shop around for blackhead removal products before others notice it.Honey And Egg White Mask really the best mask invented so far It is one of the best blackhead removal products you can find in your home Knowing a few of them is a great way to keep the skin clean and blackhead free….
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The only program that worked to get rid of my crippling acne was www[dot]AcneMiracle[dot]info – I had tried a lot of methods to rid myself of my acne, but nothing else worked. After using the tips on www[dotAcneMiracle[dot]info, my acne cleared up and very quickly, I might add. My skin is now remarkably clear. Not a day goes by where I don’t thank the Lord that I found this powerful solution. It really works to eliminate acne forever… it’s actual real information you can use right now…unlike anything I have ever seen before in the acne industry. Best of luck to those of you wishing to end your acne problems. I did it and so can you! PS Sorry for the [dot] – you can’t post links here so just change it to a regular . if you want to check it out 🙂
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I spent so much money on cosmetics, I had no idea that I can make my own face cleaners at home. Thank you so much for sharing! I will try your suggestions!
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Another way to combat this is to use a Norwex microfiber body cloth. Does wonders for the complexion!
Wow. I personally love the fact that natural remedies can do so much to our skin! My personal blackhead removal tips can also be of help to you people that needs it. See my face, be my judge 🙂
i got some blackheads off my nose by sharpening my knife and scrubbing the living HELL outa my nose but now i still have some on other sides of my nose
ps this method hurt alot but i dealt with the pain im a boy looking to get blackhead out if my nose(im not gay)
Excellent website you have here but I was
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Bless you!
I get blackheads on my cheeks.I have tried every expensive product on the market, a b d besides squeezing them out,which has messed up my skin even more, nothing is working. I can’t wait to try your methods,because of health reasons I have gone all natural. I will try to keep you posted. I’m so excited! I seems so easy.
To prevent whiteheads, blackheads and acne scars I used Truskin, which is natural, works effectively. Within a week it reduced all the whiteheads, blackheads on my face and my skin is clear now. Try it.
None of them work
If I wanna try honey or baking soda & lemon for removing black heads, after using this methods, can I wash wt my Vaseline Menface even tone expert facewash oil control and then apply its oil control moisturizer?
1 more remedy which i tried & which really affected me:
1 table spoon milk + 1 tablespoon honey + some sugar crystals
leave a crunchy comment …
I am an aborigine.
Invest in Elizabeth Ardens Eight Hour cream Lasts century’sand removes blackheads or whiteheads in two days.
I heard that Hydrogen Peroxide helped on acne and blackheads. Yea, not a natural way but I gave it a try. It only dried out my skin and has nothing good to my skin. I took a before and after photo using a skin microscope and blackheads are still in my pores. Thank you for this amazing entry. Will try it out sooner or later. I believe that natural ingredients are better for our skin as they do no harm, not like chemicals.
my mum bought me some clarins moisturiser and toner for oily skin and I have been using it 3 times a week for 3 months and if anything I know have more blackheads. Please can I have some help. Plus I have really sensitive skin.
Don’t show attention to trolls, Ignore them and they’ll go away..
I’m sure you’re old enough to scroll and ignore the words, saying you won’t return to the site is a little childish.
I do agree with that. It’s life, the world is beautiful as it is but somehow bad rubbish collects. Either ignore or clean it out but the beauty still overpowers it because it’s the real thing.
Thank you for your splendid DIY’s. This will save me $$. I will try them this weekend. And let you know the result.
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Hi my name is Bas and i’m from Holland.
Thank you for this blog, i definitely gonna try a few of your tips! Every week i use a facemask to remove my blackheads, but it doesnt work very well.. I also use a spoon (i dont know the name ) to push the blackheads out of my nose and chin.
[…] 5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads
Regarding egg white mask. Many years ago, I had a client who is a very beautiful Asian woman with the MOST gorgeous radiant skin. I was having horrible break outs. She told me to do an egg white mask. She also gave me a warning which helped me not to scare away from doing the mask again. If you have blackheads and breakouts, do the mask. YOU WILL BREAK OUT AGAIN AFTER DOING THIS MASK, because it pulls out a lot of deep crud. Do the mask again a few days later. Then only once a week. It can be very drying, so hydrate! I used olive oil a long time ago. It worked great, however, there are some awesome moisturizing recipes on this site! Go do it! It is worth the effort, though not crunchybetty’s favorite method. It will clear your blackheads, acne and all right up!
I agree.
It’s easy ,it have an face mask named “PILATEN”,you can buy one,put it on your noose or face where the blackhead in.about 2-3times,then you will find the blackhead remove,…..
Hi, always i used to check webpage posts here early in the break of day, since i love to learn more and more.
My mom doesn’t buy cows milk but she does buy almond and rice milk. Do you think that will work the same? And I use some regular Elmer’s glue on my face and leave it to dry and peel off as a black head remover just like the honey trick and it seems to work well but I’m worried about the harsh chemicals and things that could be inside the glue. Do you think it is okay to use it?
I do not think Elmer’s glue has any toxic ingredients.
I have combination skin and this mask doesn’t dry my skin out at all. It’s great for spot treatments too.
Read this blog today (great blog by the way) I came home and tried the honey and it worked VERY WELL! I’ll be trying the other ways just because, but I was surprised that the honey worked that well. Love to have home remedies and natural at that. Thanks for sharing the knowledge!
Large, shallow pores and dry, sun and chemical damaged skin on a 70 yo face. Is this a recipe for disaster – especially if you’re compulsively trying to clean it?!
I love Betty’s advice and will proceed as recommended – starting with the mantra that my blackheads are probably only visible to me, myself and I. Well, certainly not as apparent as the DAMAGE of a misspent youth. Before I begin, does anyone have product or treatment advice for the wrinkles on my super-dry skin. Is using oil, such as that being sold by Betty or Yon-Ka Serum a better approach than adding layers of moisturizer (Cerave)?
Check out the oil cleansing method described on here – it’s super gentle but still extremely effective! Or the honey method linked to in this post.
I’m super lazy and forgetful, so a 20min mask doesn’t happen for me… But then I came across a solid clay bar recipe on another blog, which I can wet, wipe over and have dry in less than 5 minutes. I’ve been getting good results doing that once a week (and consistently doing it – unlike a traditional clay mask!). Also been using it on those arm bumps with success too.
Recipe came from here – but modify it to suit you, I didn’t have allantoin or zinc oxide so I left them out, and I changed up the clay blend a bit.
Try the oil cleansing method, you’ll love it especially jojoba oil, borage oil is great to apply in a tiny amount on your face after cleansing and it is great for mature skin like us! It is a little expensive starting off but believe me you only use a small amount, great for crows feet, laugh lines and best of all dry skin! When I put it on I give it time to sink in and if I am going to wear make up I blot off the excess and apply my make up. I have had so many comments on my soft dewy skin compared to when I was using my six hundred dollar spa regimen that left me dry and peeling no more of that for me, all natural can’t believe the money I’m saving!
It’s awesome for me to have a website, which is helpful
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I needed something to get deep into my pores for blackheads, which seemed to never go away, also to control excess oil. The Citrus Clear Pore Mask did the trick! I was advised by a dermatologist that the mask does a wonderful job clearing blemishes. It helps control oil and shine even after going all day with a full face of foundation and concealers. I have combination skin and this mask doesn’t dry my skin out at all. It’s great for spot treatments too.
I have tried all the ways on and off and I agree they are helpful.But are all these ways effective for white heads as well?
I have tried all the ways on and off and I agree they are helpful.But are all these ways effective for white heads as well?
I beleive this encourages white heads to come out of your skin (from personal experience) so yes, in a way it does. I wouldn’t use any of these on large “active” whiteheads though. It may cause more irritation and spread the acne.
Sorry this response is so late, I figured that even if you didn’t need this information anymore that someone else would like to see an answer to your question. 🙂
Oh btw my butthole is very loose so could it be from frequent anal or stretching? I tend to relax with some KY Jelly and practice slow anal gaping after work every night before my husband gets home (he dislikes anal) so maybe it’s from me using dirty fists when I go in?
I got some “zits” on my vagina lips and on my butthole edges right where it stretches and all on my cheeks any help?i pop them and then cum and the cum drops onto them could this be why? 😮 thx!
Cindy, either you’re being facetious or you have herpes.
hello!!! I have lots of whiteheads on my forehead an chin and loads of blackheads on and around my nose.Please help I need results fast!!!
Thankyou if anyone replies 🙂
well blackheads are actually little tubes of plastic like oil aren’t they?
Can you recommend a good foundation / tinted moisturiser? At the moment I have LOADS of blackheads all over my nose and also spread onto my cheeks, but mainly it’s my nose. I cover it up with foundation nearly every day unless I stay at home. I know this is bad, but it looks bad. I’m going to start your home remedies, but I wonder if you have any good tips for foundation base that won’t completely clog up your pores?
Younique is the best skincare if you want great results without adde parabens or chemicals!
As a last try, because nothing else worked I tried the soft bristled tooth brush and lemon juice, I tried it once, very lightly I went in circular motions on the blackheads I had by my nose. I woke up with my skin bleeding in the area I had rubbed and completely torn up, I only noticed it in the morning and it scabbed over the next day.. It is a very very bad way to get rid of youre black heads and it even get rid of them. Be careful. & do not use that method even if all else fails.
my husband and i have got them under and around eye area so what should we use
I absolutely LOVE the milk and nutmeg scrub, makes my skin feel wonderful and even got instant results!
So, I have been washing my face with castile soap (oil-based soap) for the past 5 months, but I never did it the way you did (letting the oil sink) I just used it as soap. So, I am starting that.
Also, I tried the milk and nutmeg exfoliant today. I have never exfoliated before, so this should be interesting. I think I did it to hard, because my cheek-skin was really hurting, so I lightened up a little. My skin feels great though!
I break out a lot, and I get black heads around my lips and nose, so I hope this helps!!
What is your ratio of nutmeg to milk?
I just tried the water and baking soda method and it made my skin sting, is that a bad thing?
Yea my face stang too. But it wasn’t very painful
I know this is late, but I’m sure if I’m seeing this for the first time right now, others are too.
I’m really surprised that baking soda paste was recommended because this seems like a really good, informative site. Baking soda is WAY too strong for use on the face and chest (especially the breasts) and should definitely never be used as a paste on your skin. It’s too basic for our skin and will dry it out, like when used on your hair. If you feel that baking soda is a must for you, I would dilute it to 1 tbsp bs / 1 c water.
I hope this helps.
Hey!!! Question can I use cinnamon instead of nutmeg?
Hi Wenya, I know this may be extremely late, but I think people would benefit from my response to your question.
While you can use cinnamon, I would highly encourage you to stay away from it. Many people (including myself) have used cinnamon and had it sting and even temporarily burn our faces. It’s extremely unpleasant.
I hope this helps you or anyone else reading these comments. 🙂
How often should you follow these methods?
I usually exfoilitate once a week hope this helps 🙂
Do NOT use apple cider vinegar with the clay. Use water only. ACV burns the skin. Used it on my grandson and he got a nasty burn!
When you apply ACV to the skin, it should be 1 part ACV to 3 parts water. Pure ACV is pretty irritating to the skin at full strength.
I can 100% vouch for the honey method. I was really impressed!
Can I use any other stuff 2 remove blackheads instead of honey and baking soda?
For the nutmeg with milk, can i make in one certain quantity and keep it in refrigerator? If do, How long does it lasts?
please say simple solution to avoid that
hi mam gud evening i can’t understand say clearly
Great information and read
To be honest I had blackheads and pimples. U can take asprin smoosh them in a bowl with a little bit of water and make sure they are crushed. Put it on as a mask for like 20 minutes. This helps as well.
Wash ur face, if you have olive oil put that on ur face. Warm up a wet wash cloth and out it over ur face. This opens your pores up. When you’re done wash your face.
To be honest I had blackheads and pimples. U can take asprin smoosh thembin a bowl with a little bitbof water and make sure they are crushed. Put it on as a mask for like 20 minutes. This helps as well.
To be honest I had blackheads and pimples. U can take asprin smoosh thembin a bowl with a little bitbof water and make sure they are crushed. Put it on as a mask for like 20 minutes. This helps as well.
For another.
Wash ur face, if you have olive oil put that on ur face. Warm up a wet wash cloth and out it over ur face. This opens your pores up. When you’re done wash your face with a face wash.
Does it really work my sisters have it and they have to use treatments is this true for false
Try 1 table spoon of unflavored gelatin and 2 table spoons of milk. Mix it well it will be a semi thick paste. Put in the microwave for 15 sec on high. Let cool down before you apply and use an old make up brush to apply over the affected area. Lightly coat over the affected area. Let sit for 30 mins and gently peel it off and you will see all of the dirt and oil on the peel.
I used the baking soda and water, but Dear Lord its burned my face! I also tried the honey and cinnamon a few times, but with no results. How soon can we expect results after using these methods daily?
your article s good.. I will try these and will leave a comment soon how much it helped
The nutmeg and milk worked miracles! I have spent money on products like murad, which I thought was helping. after using the nutmeg milk scrub, it was like night and day! My face is clear and blackhead free! Thank you
How long did it take to show a difference? And did you use like a moisturiser or something afterwards or just leave it?
Cleanser-makeup remover-shave gel all in one – check out the Cleanser in the SKIN area of my website. WowByDanielle.myitworks,com I’m 40 and the 20something gentleman I’m dating had put me at 30. The skin care is soap free and fab!
please tell me mere face pr sumer me bhut jayda black heads ho jate h
plz tel natural ingridient some for oily face
For the last method, can i use baby oil instead of jojoba oil?
Biore nose and face strips have been a godsend to me. They pull out the black heads without hurting my skin.
For the last method, can i use baby oil instead of jojoba oil?
Uhm may i ask how many days do you have to do it? Coz i dont wanna make those stuff and waste them.,
Hi ! So I use ocm and love it but I still get blackheads on my nose and chin area. If I use the nutmeg scrub will that dry my face out? When I oil cleanse I use pretty hot water so does that count as a facial steam? (I do it every night) so would adding a nutmeg scrub once a week after my cleanse do the trick?
OMG, although da honey felt disgusting, the method was awesome.
I think Blackheads is a common problem for man & women.I don’t like product based treatment.I got a lot of valuable information from your post.thanks
Has anyone used NeriumAD ? It’s amazing for your skin!
Is the honey scrub suitable for dry skin?
Is the honey scrub suitable for dry skin with lines?
hey…am I just supposed to choose one method? or can a new one each week? :O and how to I prevent back acne???!!??? on the top of my back? please help! and how can I get rid of the marks from acne?
My husband has blackheads all over his back. How can we get rid of them
I appreciate this blog for what it is worth, however, the information contained is all wrong.
1. Blackheads are not “pimples without skin over them. Pimples are p. Acne bacteria that have been trapped inside the follicle (pore), have multiplied, and become infected. Pimples can be due to fluctuating hormones, poor hygeine, diet, allergies, or a myriad of other reasons. Blackheads are made up of squalene, free fatty acids, lipids, cholesterol and dead skin cells. No bacteria. When your pores fill to the top with those naturally occuring substances, they oxidize, kinda like leaving a cut open apple out in the air. There is no infection whatsoever.
2. The ONLY way to get rid of blackheads is to squeeze. They can be several millimeters deep in your skin, blocking your follicles (pores) you need to get them out of your skin, patting honey, or putting anything on top will not pull the “glue” out. Watch a tutorial on youtube on how to safely remove blackheads, if you feel unsure still, see a licensed esthetician (like me :)) that specializes in acne management and blackhead extraction.
3. Everything crunchy betty mentioned is great for maintaining your pores post-extraction (after blackhead removal) however, these suggestions will do nothing whatsoever (I promise) to remove your blackheads. They need to be extracted, then treat the open follicles. The only thing that the mask, honey, eggwhites, etc. *might* do, is pull off the oxidized black ‘top’ of the blackhead, which will return in less than a week, because 90% of it is still below the surface of your skin.
4. I think this is a great blog, and is usually right on with advice, however I felt I should let people know that this particular post of information is useless when it comes to blackheads. There is no magic scrub/mask/cream, they need to be extracted, then daily preventative measures need to be taken to stop them from returning.
After extractions:
1. Use a three step system of a facewash, toner and moisturizer appropriate for your skintype. The more organic and natural, the better. I like Elina Organics, Amrit Organics, and Eminence.
3. Three times a week, exfoliate the skin on your face with a dry towel, right after you remove makeup, and before washing with cleanser. Youtube a dry towel exfoliating tutorial. This will break uo the dead stratum corneum (top layer of skin on face) and prevent the dead skin cells from re-blocking your follicles and causing them to fill to the top and oxidize.
4. Twice a week, mix a mask of 2t clay (any kind, green indian clay works best), 4 drops lavender essential oil, 2 drops tea tree oil and enough water (about 1T) to mix it into the right consistancy to spread on your face. Let dry for one hour, rinse. Then procede to you 3 step skincare routine mentioned above.
5. Switch out your pore clogging makeup for some natural/organic mineral based powder. Make sure it does not contain talc, synthetic preservatives, fragrance, parabens, pthalates or gross stuff you can’t pronounce.
6. Never go to bed with makeup on. Ever. Ever. Ever. Change your pillowcase that you sleep on every 3 days. This will prevent oil build-up on your face at night that can clog pores.
7. Eat these as often as you like, and preferably organic:
-gala apples
-sweet potatoes
-citrus fruits (esp. Pineapple)
whats the best way to extract them??
What kind of makeup do you suggest to use? Right now I’m using Bare Minerals but want to switch to something else. All the makeup I’ve researched all has pore clogging ingredients. I look up each individual ingredient, and there’s always at least one that comes up which is pore clogging. I have to be very careful since I have acne prone skin.
Check out Simplicity Cosmetics! Her stuff is the best! You can find her on Fbook and Etsy!
how do i get rid whiteheads. i have one on my nose where the opening is, one on top of my lip and few other places. thank you
HI, I tried the nutmeg and milk treatment and it did make my skin very smooth however the blackheads are still there!! Do you continue to do it till the black heads disappear over time or are they supposed to disappear after the first go of doing this treatment?
Thanks 🙂
Nothing ever works on the first try. You have to be persistent.
Not harmful, but a pain, ugly, and hard to get rid of. Just be careful when u remove them, bacteria can get into the little pockets you leave behind and get infected.
how much milk and nutmeg do you use?
I tried the egg face mask today (I added some aloe vera gel to it) and other than the aloe vera, the eggs did nothing to get anything out of my pores with blackheads. As for the egg mask with the aloe that I added, I like the hydrating quality (and soft face) but otherwise it’s not strong enough to get anything out of my pores.
This is an AWESOME article! thanks for sharing such wonderful knowledge.
Only one method has worked for me after trying everything for 20 + years – the Paleo Diet! Try it for a day, a week, a month and you will see a remarkable difference in your complexion!
I love the honey one for it takes so little honey for the face treatment, leaves the face not as red as after a scrub, and moisturizes, and also is safe to keep on for longer for it’s not an acidic facial scrub which will burn the skin. Thank you, this might be a LIFESAVER for my pores on my nose that have blackheads are large, disgusting, and make me feel ugly for my t-zone on my face is where they are as well as pimples. You have given me a chance to help my skin and at the same time fight against this constant struggle to keep an oil free, acne free, picture perfect face. Thank you,you have given me a new hope and a happier, better nourished face. 🙂
black head over my eyes are spreading days by days please give me natural way best and useful advice to get ride of them my skin is too oily please confirm me
Please! No.
First of all, blackheads are NOT pimples. Pimples show a slight infection, hence the redness, pressure, and sometimes the white pus (yup).
Blackheads are hardened sebum, oxidized black at the tip. Clogged pores can also be waxy yellow if they’re not oxidized.
I’m horrified that the author recommends using a toothbrush on your skin. This, and other abrasive measures, causes scarring.
Please find a holistic esthetician and be gentle with your skin.
Signed, your concerned holistic esthetician.
Thank you for clearing this up! I was a bit shocked that the author claimed that blackheads were just pimples with no skin (wonder where the heck she learned that???). Some of these ideas weren’t bad, but the toothbrush, wow BIG no no!
And it seems to me that most of these ideas just soak up oil and exfoliate the skin. While exfoliation is appropriate, it’s important to know which exfoliator to use. Typically salicylic acid is best for blackheads, therefore either something over the counter with blackheads and/or benzoyl peroxide, or use a product with willow bark extract.
Thank you for your good sense, I am also a holistic esthetician. Check out my reply to the post 🙂
The author stated the toothbrush was a last resort. She also stated that she did not recommend it but that it was effective, as was some of the other remedies she listed. She also mentioned precautions to take – such as brushing very gently and sparingly, with sanitized utensils. As for a SOFT toothbrush on skin, I see it as being no worse than a SOFT toothbrush on your gums. When you brush, you’re supposed to brush your mouth – your gums, your tongue, the roof of your mouth, in addition to your teeth. I see the toothbrush doing no worse damage to your skin than it does your gums or any other fleshy part of your body – internal or external.
As for salicylic acid, well, I see that as it is likely no better than a toothbrush. It can dry out your skin and cause allergic reactions. I have had zero luck in using it which is why I did an internet search for other option and came across this. I have always ended up with severely dry skin and flaking and irritation because of it no matter how many natural moisturizers and gentle facial cleansers and face buffers I use. I am going to try the first two remedies and perhaps the clay. If all else fails, I may end up trying the toothbrush.
its realy a nice nd sweet tips but i think ready made creams nd scrub are more good nd easy
Dose this really work I been gettin blackheads on my nose and my chin let me no what u think.
What is the easiest remedy for blackheads
Can I use the elmers glue will it work
I also believe they were saying it was a “pimple” so people can get a better understanding of them. This wasn’t a post about the anatomy of pimples & blackheads, it was simply how to remove them. Good post, I’m not dimwitted so I loved it without question.
I need to know if there is any type of honey because I want to do the honey experiment. How much honey? what type? That is what I need to know.
How long should it take for the Baking soda-water mixture method to start to get rid of the blackheads? Trying to get rid of them before my boyfriend comes to town in a few weeks. :3
Thank you! -Maggie
You can also make a mask out of regular, old fashioned school glue. Let it dry and peel it off!
Can you use Auguave nector instead of honey???
No. Honey (it must be RAW honey) is an unadulterated natural product that is strongly anti-microbial and has enzymes that dissolve oil and dirt. Agave nectar is nothing more than sugar that has been chemically extracted from the agave plant–basically the same thing as corn syrup, but from a different plant. Honey and agave nectar are in no way interchangeable.
people cook honey?! O.o
yeah they do , also its processed
I just love this website and I really appreciate your articles. Thank you.
I have a sure fire way to get rid of blackheads. Take white school glue, spread it thickly on the area and let dry. Then slowly peel the glue off and the blackheads come with it.
Better than the Elmer’s glue method, is what I call Facial Cement.
Simply apply the Facial Cement around your face, avoiding the obvious bits (eyes, mouth, nose holes). Let it dry until hardened, then remove.
How to Make:
1) 1 cup of hot water -> From faucet
2) 2 cups of quick-dry cement -> Lowes/Home Depot/Hardware store.
3) Mix ingredients until paste and not lumpy.
4) Apply a thin layer to face (thin makes it dry faster) and let dry about 40 minutes.
5) Remove from face.
You are an anus.
LOL! This guy is trolling, do not put cement on your face.
lol , I was about to do it XD
is it a good idea to use the first 3 methods on the same day? how often should you use these? everyday?
I think it’s depends on your blackheads condition.if you have serious blackheads problem,use that methods everyday.thanks
i no
I dont understand how to use nutmeg. Help plz
I dont understand how to use nutmeg .help plz 🙁
Hhhh.i have just read the topic again and i found out how to use the nutmeg. silly me .hope it’ll work out
I use the clay and follow up with undiluted tea tree oil. The smell of the oil takes getting used to, but soon you won’t even notice it. Even though this is supposedly a mortal sin, I also use a blackhead extractor from time to time. If I don’t extract the blackheads that are there, they will multiply. The tea tree gets used on those pesky ones that I’m afraid aren’t ready to come out without leaving a mark.
Well there sure are a lot of different comments….! Betty you are great. Only just met your site couple days ago but I totally heart you! Please don’t stop. Can’t wait to try some things from your etsy store. Clearly all of us girls are getting zero results from the mainstream chemical products in the stores, so thank you for bringing us back to basics.
Wow! I tried the honey pat down. Really helped! I just found your website today and have become obsessed! This is awesome.
Also, how often should I do it?
holy heck, I tried the nutmeg + milk one and wasn’t expecting much result (since when do cures on the internet ever work?) but I figured what the hey, I’ve had these blackheads for 8 years and nothing’s shifted them yet, might as well try this. I scrubbed for two minutes and MY FACE LOOKS THE CLEANEST IT’S BEEN SINCE I WAS 10???
All the blackheads were scrubbed clean out of my face and my nose feels so much less sensitive and gross! Will definitely be re-using this one.
Hi, for pimples, I use vinegar. It sounds weird (and smells worse), but it actually works. Soak a tissue or cotton ball in vinegar and hold it on the problem areas for about 10-15 mins. The pimples should have gone down. Then wash your face with salt water, and rub a light moisturizer in. Repeat over the next few days, and your pimples should have gone!
i need something to remove them from around and on my eyelids
You can also use a mix of powdered rice and sugar, along with a proportional amount of water. I’ve used it and it really helps with the blackheads, as well as leaving your skin incredibly soft.
Tried the honey and it worked great! One thing I noticed was even before I removed the honey, little black head gunk was coming out of my nose. It was gross, but I’m super happy because bye-bye black heads!
Just tried the nutmeg and milk!!! it worked so well i could tell a difference right away!!
Bitches I need prove it works not no bullshit of religion
Iam suffering from pimples, blackheads, acene. please send me a good tip for me please. plz plz plz plz plz plz plz …………………. but only natural remedie
Hey! Quick question that’s entirely off topic. Do you know
how to make your site mobile friendly? My blog looks weird when browsing from my iphone 4.
I’m trying to find a template or plugin that
might be able to resolve this problem. If you have
any recommendations, please share. With thanks!
I tried the egg white mask at a sleepover and my face felt so stiff, every time I laughed it felt like my face was going to crack but… when I took it of my face was so smooth and all the blackheads on my nose and other problem areas were gone!;)
baking soda is extremely bad for your face. It breaks away way too much of the oils since the PH is so high.
I have been suffering from acne around my nose for years, and it comes on and off. My skin is very sensitive, and whenever I try beauty products in a store I come away with something bad. I started using the Citrus Clear products – and I was so impressed. I use Citrus Clear Wash twice everyday, and it is helping clear out the acne. I love that its all natural too. . .Yes it is drying, but there are moisturizes that cure that
I am in disbelief at how smooth my skin is after the nutmeg and milk! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I might have to redo the treatment because I keep touching my face with my dirty hands lol. I can’t resist! And to think, I was going to go buy some pore strips, shame on me!
I was just wondering, can you use the tomato mask in lieu of a clay mask ? My understanding is that you should steam your face when applying a clay mask so that it penetrates deeper into your pores. Can you do this with a tomato mask ?
The method that works really well for me is applying a fairly generous layer of coconut oil to my face, then applying a thin mask of 1 part baking soda to 2 parts honey all over. Let the mask sit for about 5 minutes, then wet your hands and gently rub your face all over in small circles for about two minutes. Do NOT press – let the baking soda do all the work. Rinse and follow up with a thin layer of coconut oil.
I use a layer of coconut oil to protect my skin because it’s oily yet sensitive. I use the second layer just as a regular daily moisturizer. Always use raw, organic ingredients.
I do this twice a day. I’m 30, and ever since I was a teenager I have had small blackheads colonizing on my chin and nose area. Since I started doing this about a month ago, I have had maybe two blackheads show up.
Oh and I forgot to mention…I do not use soap of any kind on my face. This has become my cleaning method and it’s been a miracle!
Hi, I desire to subscribe for this webpage to obtain hottest updates, so where can i do it
please help.
Hi I am a black African and I have blackheads on my chest, back and arms.
I would like to know the correct way to use honey to get rid of them.
Thank you
i had blackheads for 5 years now! i tried almost everything.. i started scrubbing my back and it kinda worked, but i stopped for awhile and it came back, im trying to get it gone before graduation but i dont know how, and i tried all of these and nothing worked!
After reading this article I realized how ignorant and desperate I am about skin care (I was going to use duct tape…I know weird) and why I have soo many blackheads……I will try the milk nutmeg. It sounds great.
My expertise is in the internal side. How food affects us.
Diet can contributes a lot to pimples and blackheads. Eatting cleaner foods like veggies will help give you a cleaner complection. Coconut oil is amazing. Nourishing to skin and for eating,with anti fungal properties. If you have ALWAYS struggled with acne, try a probiotic vitamin and a naturopath. This on going pimple struggle could mean a big flora imbalance in your intestines. Especially if body acne is an issue. This means possibly a minor yeast infection up to systemic candida. Okay enough blabbing! My best to all. Thanks Crunchy Betty!
I hv started using nutmeg pd and hw many days should I continue it?Whn does the results start cumin out?
this website SUCKS! i used her ideas for 2 moths and in did not work
This was so so helpful. I just wanted to comment about the baking soda..I would just personally stress on the fact that you should be careful not to exfoliate too much, or even at all. apparently if you just place onto the whole face, the paste on its own (as it dries) will do enough. I don’t know the correct terminology, but I learned that exfoliating isn’t why it works, the properties of the baking soda do it on its own. Just rinse off and pat dry.
Well that’s what I’ve heard anyway , does anyone know which method is best?
hi this is mani in my nose having big pimple how to remove plz tell me im… so shame to go out plz help me
if you want to remove a painful pimple just pop it after a warm shower or hold your head over a steaming bowl of hot water that’s infused with lemon juice/honey.That should reduce the pain and size of the pimple.It should also make it easier to pop
Tea tree oil helps in small, diluted quantities. Lush has a an awesome tea-tree toner spray, just a spritz once or twice a day, and poof! About seventy percent cleaner, by personal expierence. But I’d say if you can’t afford the expensive stuff, a small bottle of concentrated tea tree oil- about three drops of oil to a half-ounce of water, and spread gently around your face. Avoid eyes, nostrils and mouth.
I have very large pores on my nose and on my cheeks, which gets them very clear to notice. I even get blackheads on my chest, near my shoulders and on my breasts. They are very ugly. And I have acne on my face and chest. And to top it all off, my skin gets very oily. Which one of these solutions would be the best way to get rid of my blackheads?
Do a honey-mask every single day. Buy raw/organic honey, and spread it over your face for 30 minutes a day and wash it off. Before you do that, you might want to gently exfoliate with nutmeg powder is what I use…. Try it and let me know how it goes. Do it for a week and you’ll notice a difference. At night, I moisturize with a bit of organic almond oil.
I used the baking powder and water one and it has left me with a sore nose, it is red and when I used it it bled a little, although it did work I didn’t expect it no make my nose sore and red, help please!
I did the clay mask and my face looks like I’m a burn victim!! seriously.
Hi!!! After applying honey to my nose still its not working… My nose became red and my blackheads is visible more
Suggest some other remedies
You probably did it wrong, try using the baking soda and water method . Make sure it’s a paste then apply then let it dry and rinse off
I’m not 100% sure, but this isthe only thing that has worked on my face,after tryi g lots of stuff for blackheads, whiteheadsand pimples.
Daily routine
Clean your face, as you always do.
Use a toner.
Try a hialuronic acid mask. Let it dry, and then apply hydrating cream or lotion. Do not remo e the mask.
Next morning, take a shower or just wash your face.
Weekly facial spa (once or twice)
Prepare a hot pot, with tea or fragance or whatever you like. I like chamomile tea or mint.
Wet your face, take the steam for 3min.
I use the biore steam activated cleanser, wash your face, let it on for 3-5min, and steam. Take some of the water from the hot pot, mix it ith cold water, wash your face with it.
Use a mild exfoliant.
Use a mask for oily skin, maybe the egg whites or some other that you like. Wash it off.
Use the toner.
Use hiluronic acid again, let it on your face 15-20min. Wash it off.
Use the toner (again).
Use your hydrating cream, or just lotion.
You can actuallly notice changes in the first week! And the hialuronic acid, will prevent acne breakouts. Plus, a clean face with no blackheads.
Hope it really helps!
I ordered a book 4month ago and I have not received it yet.
Thanks for the recipes. I tried all but the clay. Don’t have any clay. I wish I had of seen this before I tried to dislodge a blackhead above my lip. Now it looks like a cold sore. How embarrassing!
I was wondering if just rinsing your face 2x a day with warm-cool water will help with pimples and black heads go away? And how do I get rid of red pimples over night or get the swelling to go down overnight? Cause I always get this one noticeable, gross, red, big, pimple that’s embarrassing.
hi!!! you just put tooth paste on the pimple before you sleep and by tomorrow morning the redness and poofiness will be reduced greatly.
Toothpaste is NOT something you want to use for removing blackheads and pimples. I repeat DONT USE TOOTHPASTE.
Using toothpaste as a healthy way to remove blackheads/pimples is actually a myth. It dries out the skin too much and also includes chemicals that shouldn’t be introduced to your skin (our mouths are super moist so this isnt an issue there).
Do not use toothpaste my 12yo son left toothpaste on a pimple on his chin overnight and by morning it had burnt his skin. Really painful and then we had to treat the burn.
These recipes are useless and harmful for skin.
Lol you are so stupidly wrong
hi betty i was wondering how you felt about dr. bronner’s soaps and whether you would consider them a “harsh” facial cleanser? thanks!
I get completely dried out and my skin peels when I use the Dr bronner liquid soaps. Too harsh for my skin.
I like Dr. Woods black soap with Shea butter. It helps exfoliate and moisturize and is recommended for skin problems like acne and is also good to help wrinkles. It’s a castile soap like Dr. Bronner’s but I like it much better. They also make one that dose not have shea butter that some people may like better if there skin is supper oily.
thanks !let me try once .im facing problem of blackheads on my nose and near the beginning of cheeks.
I am suffering for pimples on my face and blackhead .I clean to it on my face..
i have had these blackheads problems from a very long time…and it changes my look
which is bothering me….and to add up…i get pimples frequently….my mom advice me to burst them so that the seed can come out but as we all know the marks remains….
and to use these natural products like papaya…..tomato etc….i want fast results….these clear and clear products dont work on my skin….
can anyone help me…to get clean skin….
just clean skin
Try using la roche posay effaclar duo (USA Version) even though it take a full two weeks to see results but most people see results in 3 days or less.
Hi. I don’t have nutmeg, could I use cinnamon or cumin??
I would naturally assume that you just need something slightly abrasive that causes the exfoliation.
Cinnamon is a very fine powder, so that would not work at all. The nutmeg has certain properties that cinnamon doesn’t.
If you go into the grocery store, you can find nutmeg in one of those “grind it yourself” things and it’s fairly inexpensive.
What if you have already picked your blackhead? Is there any damage control option?
How often should you follow these methods? Once a week? Twice a week?
I usually exfoilitate once a week hope this helps 🙂
my mum get all the cleaning products for me but it dosen’t work for me . I don’t really have oily face but all the blackhead will just pop it
I have one blackhead. It is on my right side near my ribcage. I have had this blackhead for years. I am unable to get rid of it. Last week the area around it became infected. For the past week it has been a large, red pustule. It oozes pus and is very painful. I suppose it will clear up with time, but the large pore that is the blackhead will still be a problem.
That is not a traditional blackhead, that is an infected sebaceous cyst that you need to get removed by a Dr. I had one for 8 years before it got infected and painful and needed to be removed.
that sounds painful
This is stupid you have blackheads you do I have it tooo yes I don’t like it but there’s nothing to do allah wants us to be like this and we are
stop being ignorant i tell this you you but also yself
ROFL are you seriously gonna bring your allah cr*p over to this page?
excuse u im only a kid in 7th grade and im muslim dont say anything about my god allah what about your fake god you think god would kill himself for his creation and you think he would change into human could people wintess gods face if they cant even look at the sun one of his creations muslims dont act like animals and say something disrespectful like you. go ask a muslim about the relationship between our religions and report back.
try TROLL. And you fell for it.
Lets not bring religion into this, and don’t be offensive or ignorant by calling another person a terrorist. that’s a strong word with a grear deal of ignorance. As for who ever brought God into this. You say you’re in grade 7, and you like blackheads then why are you here? Secondly you must know that your information is correct before spreading it. Islam frowns upon altering the original creation such as plastic surgery, reshaping tatooing the eyebrows, lip surgery. etc any body alteration. black heads are a form of hygenic probem and it is RECOMMENDED to maintain a clean hygiene. Bath.Wash. Removal of pubic hair. So I’m ASSUMING this is fine. If you want tto focus on religion focus on what each verse repeats the most in the Holy Quran. Charity. Kindness to elders and orphans and being merciful and helpful and Prayer.
Yep… Fuck Allah you dips hit.
you’re an ignorant bigot
God didn’t kill himself. He choose to die for us because he loves us so much.
Wth man…God did not kill him self he sent his son jesus to die on the cross. NO no one had looked at God they were witnessing Jesus so get your facts straight before you reveal your true age also this has nothing to do with allah or God lol and just because someone doesnt believe in allah doesnt mean theyre a Christian
Don’t be a hippcrit! You told them not to say stuff about your God and that’s fine but then you go and rave on about the entire base of Christianity which is the most well known religion in Australia and England. Nobody even knows about the Gods ways,that’s kinda why we worship their mysterys.
yea… wouldn’t allah want us to take good care of everything we’ve been given, including our nose? eh?
so true.
Seriously bro? Allah also said that we should remove what makes us look like men. See thats why my upper peach fuzz is gone.
Allah says to live a pious life. I do not get how removing blackheads is against that. Anyways, Allah did not tell your skin to magically give you blackheads. Lack of hygiene or washing do lead to these problems. Allah doesn’t tell us to not try looking pretty. Thats why we do wear kohl bro. Seriously.
Were not having plastic surgery done here to change the way our noses look.. were simply taking care and keeping healthy the skin god gave us. Don’t over think it.
if you like blackheads then why are you even on this page?
Are all online Muslims crazy?? This conversation is nuts! Talking about God turns everyone into douchebags! *headdesk*
I know right!!!! Except nobody has realised that this isn’t a page about religion,it’s about skincare so just remember that people!
I paid for the book from this website over two months and I have not received my book please send me my book. Thank you
Her response was that I had too forgiving a nature; that I was too open and trusting.
At the time I must admit that I thought her reaction was a bit over the top.
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman investigations.
i’m having normal skin with alot of blackheads on my nose………. wat to do ?????????plzzzzz tlll!!!!!!!
I suffered with acne/pimples for ever.I have very oily skin. I know am getting my acne under control and it work great. You should check it out. Also, whatever you do do not squeeze pimples of no sort around your nose area. This could cause you to have a brain anurism. I just found this out
Oh my god, are you kidding me…? A brain aneurysm (sp!) is formed when a blood vessel in the brain has a weak area. As the natural blood pressure rises and falls, the aneurysm can become larger and even rupture. It has NOTHING to do with how you deal with zits on your nose.
Popping a nose zit won’t cause an aneurism, however, squeezing blackheads on your nose can damage tiny blood vessels and spread infection. The blood vessels in that area are in dangerously close proximity to vessels that supply your brain and serious infection and swelling is a real possibility. So don’t do it.
Two other suggestions I have tried- finely crushed aspirin, which mixed with a little water, made into a paste- the acid lightly peels the area.
Or, mix a packet of plain, unflavored gelatin with two tablespoons of glycerin. Heat in the microwave for 5 seconds at a time only! SERIOUSLY Until the gelatin melts- please be careful, this can get as hot as melted plastic. Stir and you should get a sticky, tacky, pliable goo. Test that this is not too hot, spread this thickly on the area, let it dry, then pull it off, it takes the gunk with it- much like the honey method
I just tried the “blackhead and water” mix and IT BURNS AND STINGS SO BAD! Did i do something wrong? or?
Thank you for the auspicious writeup. It in fact was a amusement account
it. Look advanced to more added agreeable
from you! By the way, how could we communicate?
Hi my skin looks terrible, i don’t know what to try my chin looks rough n am bright in colour also have dark spot what should i use plz i need help guys.due to this am a indoor person
So… are all of these for oily skin? I have dry flaky skin on my nose and a lot of teeny tiny blackheads. What do I do?
Hey..pls i hav an problem with pimples ,its frustrating to realize im not one of those that grow out of it!…so pls this milk & nutmeg regimen..can i do that daily?..& what other homemade regimen can i couple with it so give me a pimple-free, soft, radiant skin???… black with a really sensitive skin
Egg whites worked like magic. beat them until you get a foam then put on the foam for 10 min apply next layer on top for 15 more min feels really tight but don’t wash it off. will leave “holes”(open pores)where the blackhead used to be but just splash with cold water and the pores will close. Love egg whites so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Salt water majorly helps me with my acne and blackheads. I just have to be careful not to get sunburnt! If you can take a dip in the ocean regularly and you live near one do so. Not sure if it’s the salt or magnesium doing the job but it works. For my cystic acne I try so hard not to pick which always makes it worse. But a honey mask for 10 min twice a day when I’m hormonal keeps it from breaking out my whole face. Maybe sea salt in a bowl of hot water and dipping your face would work if you don’t live near the ocean.
Hey! i just tried the Milk & Nutmeg exfoliation method. I just wanted to know is it okay to use apple cider after using this method before washing it off?
I tried the milk & nutmeg and it works wonderful! Although it does leave the skin smelling a little weird..its so worth it! Is it gentle enough for daily use?
Is there anything you could use instead of nutmeg?? Could you use cinnamon as they are almost the same thing???
in the second remedy can i use rose water?????
can anyone answer me………………
I just used the milk and nutmeg one and it worked great still had some on my chin where they are the worse but my face is about 85% better then it was!!!
I used the baking soda and water for my blackheads and it was amazing!!! All of my blackheads were gone!!! I just kept on mixing the two together until it was pasty and I rubbed it in lightly and it was amazing!!
I have blackhead on my eyelid. How do I remove it?
Please don’t try what I did, what was I thinking?!
I didn’t have Nutmeg and regular Milk, so I tried PEPPER and Heavy Whipping Cream. I mixed them together and used cotton balls to apply in soft circular motions on my nose and forehead.
My face stung worse from anything else I’ve tried. I kept rinsing my face with warm water and I gently applied cleanser for sensitive skin, and it still stung and smelled like Pepper. Five minutes ago I finished rinsing my face with cool water instead, and it feels better.
My face is definetly exfoliated. Next time after my skin cells heal, I’ll buy Nutmeg. I used to have it in my cupboard all the time! I don’t think the Heavy Whipping Cream was part of the problem.
heres another tip. take a clean fresh towel and damp it a bit with warm water. apply to blackheads area and get some elmers school glue. slowly apply an even amount of the glue onto the blackheads area. wait for it to completely dry. once dry, slowly peel the glue off of your skin and the blackheads should be gone.
Hi, I stumbled across your website a few weeks ago and was very excited and inspired. I’ve been replacing several of my normal cleansing routines with the natural ones listed here as well as from other sites. I really enjoy making my own scrubs, washes, masks, etc but I have noticed over the last few weeks that my skin is starting to break out. I don’t usually get a lot of pimples but I have been struggling with clogged pores and blackheads which every few weeks I tend to purge from my face in frustration with my fingers. While my complexion looks very nice (I’ve been using oats and almond scrub with ACV in AM and honey baking soda with ACV at night, plus steaming and nutmeg milk scrub weekly) I seem to be getting small pimples all over my face now which I’m desperately trying not to pick. Should I continue on and give it time? I’m trying to be optimistic, thinking maybe the clogged pores are working their way to the surface as pimples… Or should I make an adjustment somewhere? I have also recently gone no poo and am having the detox over-oil production as well so maybe the excess oils are getting to my face as well. Any suggestions?
You may be starting too suddenly, but it is more likely that it is just old gunk and will pass through. she always says to give it 2 weeks before dropping it and admittedly around week 1 and a half, my acne was getting better.
Hope this was helpful.
Witch hazel or rubbing alcohol will clean your face and pores
For the nutmeg and milk…would coconut milk be ok?
I doubt it. Coconut milk doesn’t have lactic acid in it.
Thanks. I like the way you wrote this
I was sceptic about the milk and nutmeg tacic but dude it really worked. One thing though…When I finished massaging the skin and then rinsed it off i took a second look and I brought some of the blackheads to the surface, what do I do about that? should i scrub them away or later on should I try it again?
I had the same issue. All I did was follow with an apple cider astringent and continued with the same regiment the following day. It works well.
I love the natural ways to remove blackheads.
Omg these methods are awesome I love the lemon juice and sugar one and I wrote all of them down to use them daily!
I LOVED #1, but instead with milk and sugar. Afterwards my face felt so smooth, soft, and relaxed. The blackheads on my nose were so much less noticeable and after a few days they were gone! Thanks so much!
Aslam o alikum..
my problem is that lot of black heads on my so worried about this.i have many used creams also doctr treatment but result is zero.plz tell me the solution of my problm.
i shall be very thankful to you for this favour.
I have never found I have had much success with store-bought stuff, but it is possible that the problem both of us have is that our skin has closed around old blackheads. I am not really sure what to do about it, but I did find that my blackheads loosened when I was swimming for at least 45 minutes three times a week. who knows; maybe a trip to the pool followed by some of these will help.
Good Luck!
i hv black heads on my nose..plzz anybody teel me dat honey’s work….??
Should you be doing these treatments once a week?
i’ll try thank you very much egg whites really work
So how long should you do these? I tried the honey one. But how many times should I do that?
I have blackheads on my ass and they won’t go away no matter how much nutmeg I put in my rectum
I really don’t think that was all that necessary do you? There are websites specifically created for someone such as yourself. Its titled: tryingtobefunnybuti’ Check it out.
That joke wasnt so funny yourself. Watch what you say on the internet, you could end up looking stupid :p
Colleen is an ugly name…hehe
Kane is uglier.
if you are going to be rude and unkind, please do so on another website. thank you.
1. Please stop trying so hard. Your writing is so contrived and forced it’s painful to read.
2. I was hoping to get some REAL blackhead removal tips. Not useless Pinterest fodder. I’ve tried many of these before and can confirm that they do nothing to even loosen blackheads.
please be kind. I personally quite like her writing style and have neither knowledge nor inclination towards finding out what Pinterest is nor what is on it anyway. many people have had success, it is a pity you have not.
if you have no interest in removing blackheads naturally you may try those blackhead remover strips. I have a friend who uses them and says they work.
1 teaspoon of baking soda, a pinch of salt, and just enough lemon juice to moisten the mixture. Apply with a clean powder puff (like from a pressed powder compact). Massage into affected areas gently, rinse, apply moisturizer. Works like a charm!
I love this blog! Former hairdresser here, and thought I’d share my two cents lol! I suffer from an oily “t zone” even still at my age w/all the AWFUL blackheads, clogged pores, indoor zits, the occasional “third-eye” zit, and laugh lines as well! A definite YIKES!! But I’ve found using a mixture of toothpaste made for sensitive teeth whitening formula add witch hazel half/half and apply to face..massage for a few..let dry, then rinse well and BOOM it has seems to help all of the above.
Hope someone can benefit as well! Thank you Crunchy Betty!!
Hi, I tried the nutmeg and milk exfoliator last night and was amazed by how well it worked! My face was radiantly clear of blackheads and smooth. Thanks for a very interesting and helpful website.
Do you have any suggestions for what to use in place of milk if I am vegan. I love the idea of using nutmeg, could I use it with a but of lemon and water for the acidicness? Also the honey sounds so good, would molasses work? I will try the others for now, thanks for the great tips!!!
obviously an alternative to milk would not work as well, but it still might work. be careful as lemon juice makes you a bit photosensitive for a while, but it is worth a shot. molasses might work, but I have not tried. I wash my face with honey and have seen big improvements in my general acne problem, but I still have blackheads deep in my nose and some not so deep in my acne-ish forehead. I can get those out by rubbing with my fingers, but the ones on the top of my nose still won’t budge. I hope you have some luck, I am going to try the milk and nutmeg tomorrow.
Almond/ oat milk?
The milk and nutmeg worked great on my chest but not so much on my face, it was ok on my chin and kind of worked but it irritated my nose quite a bit. I’ll try all the other ideas and see what works best, thanks!
plz tell me how could remove dag spots…
Has anybody coconut oil? I have a huge jar waiting for me but i wanna know if it works 🙂 Also how do you make the nutmeg milk thing? I mean like, what are the measurments?
What kind of milk do I use to make the nutmeg milk paste and I’m sick and tired of blackheads on my face
well i tried using toothpaste once given it removes plaque. i used a new brush, and it worked! my eyes felt a bit wierd after because of menthol near them but i think its good!
Make sure you are being careful! Using toothpaste on your skin is not necessarily good! It can be damaging, so while you are getting rid of one problem (blackheads), you may be introducing another!
Has anyone tried Tea Tree oil for the treatment of blackheads?
i have. again, it works for some people and not for others. it would work for a while, then not at all. i found it worked best when i diluted it with water. but it really only cleared blemishes, not so much black heads.
Good article. I definitely love this website. Stick with
As of right now me and my sister are doing the egg whites, we’re gonna try a lot of these thanks!
I tried milk and nutmeg…. it was good but the black head haven’t disappeared completely. may b I need to do it one more time… 🙂
Can anyone please tell me to remove my black heads as soon as possible ..Its incresing day by day please 🙂
If you cover yur face in school glue the liquid type u wait for it to dry and then you peel it off and they are gone! It works I seen a post on Pintrest and I tried it and it worked c;
Isn’t that bad for your skin though?
Someone also said baking soda as facial scrub. Its gentle and works!
for me, baking soda makes pimples come up to a head. so i wouldnt suggest using it before a big occasion
I’m reading a natural skincare book and the author suggested Cornmeal as “a powerful exfoliant” and Oatmeal as “gentle exfoliant and deep cleaner”, I will be trying those and the nutmeg and milk! Thanks!
Careful steaming and the pore cleansing strips work, but getting expensive!
This website copied this post directly and reposted as their own. Just thought someone should know.
(CrunchyBetty’s (Aug. 2011) was posted 16 months before the other post (Dec. 2012). FYI.)
Disregard! I mis-read 🙂
Carry on!
The nutmeg and milk remedy works like magic! I was at my wits end trying to figure out how to get rid of the blackheads popping up all over my face and just 30 secs of this scrub and they were all gone!wow!!!
Did it really?! What milk did you use?
I don’t remember. I think it must have been fresh milk – the kind that expires in 3-4 days. That’s generally the only kind we get at home.
hey someone tell me how much nutmeg will take??? and how to make paste i am so confuse and i don’t want to take any risk.. kindly help me on this.. thank you
When I made it, I used about the same amount of nutmeg as I did milk. Too much milk makes it difficult to get the mixture onto your face (way too runny). Just remember to be gentle, the nutmeg is very exfoliating. Good luck!
I’m not sure my partner and i recognized completely whatever you meant by that, could you broaden more upon remove blackheads ?
I am starting the oil treatment, but I need yo know if I can still use the nutmeg and milk idea to exfoliate my face? Is there another strp I am missing? Do I just do the oil cleansing method or may I also wash away the dirt?
Hi, I use the oil cleansing method so I can answer some of your questions. First of all, yes, you can still use nutmeg and milk. Just not as your regular cleanser, more like two or three times a week because the oil doesn’t actually exfoliate. The oil washes away the dirt by itself pretty well, but if my face is especially dirty, I will use the oil and then a cleansing cream, like Burts Bees soap bark and chamomile deep cleanser. Personally, I don’t even use the oil every day. Sometimes I just wipe my face with a warm wet washcloth. Its totally up to you how often you cleanse and whether or not you use other cleansers too. It all depends on your skin.
Thank you SO much. I used the nutmeg and milk, and honey face is super clear and I just saved so much money.
I tired the honey method, because I had no nutmeg at home, with no luck. So the next day I bought nutmeg and mixed it up, used it, and OMG it worked instantly. I was so happy. I’m always self-conscious about the blackheads on my nose and I thought I couldn’t do anything about them because my skins so oily, except cover them up with makeup and more make it worse.
But nutmeg and milk!
It’s so simple! Thankyou Crunchy Betty!!
can i use lotion instead of the first step ????
wow.. this a god job.. really thanks for this share.. i love everyting if using the traditional way
Thanks for the great advices. I am really happy with the products Clear and Clean and also do a cleaning mask on my face one a week – it gives me great results.
I’ve been doing the honey pat down for a while now, and it’s gradually working for me. There are a good amount of blackheads on my nose, and being a longtime wearer of glasses doesn’t help anything, so I’ve had them for a long time. It’s nice to see them gradually going away now.
Hi, I notice this article is posted alot of google.
I have too a blog about blackhead removal so I know a lot about this stuff And I gotta give you an ADVICE- The clean Toothbrush with the lemon DOES NOT WORK !
I just used honey on my face and it looks better but I still have blackheads maybe it will take a few more times to really work
plz help me in removing these bad black heads
hi..can’t remove black heads?? pls reply
How often should the honey pat down and the nutmeg and milk exfoliate be used? I’ve tried both and their amazing but not too sure on how often to use each on my skin!?
I tried the milk+nutmeg scrub and honey pat down yesterday. I’m all about natural remedies, but I didn’t really expect much to be honest. Boy was I surprised! The milk and nutmeg swept away all the dead skin on the face and even some blackheads. Most of my black heads are on my nose, chin, and a few between my eyebrows. I have very sensitive combination skin and this scrub did not irritate it at all, but was intense enough to wash away the oil and dead skin. I could see a difference immediately. With a few suckers still hanging around, I tried the honey pat down. The trick to this one is not using too much honey, otherwise you don’t get that nice smacking sound that tells you you’re pulling out the black heads. This trick is addicting; I spent about 5 minutes just going to town on my nose, chin, and forehead. Even though it seems like this might be harsh on your face to keep ripping them out, it really isn’t. The honey is super moisturizing. A++ for both of these, thank you crunchy betty 🙂
Wow thanks so much, these actually work and help! I’m 13 and for the past 2 years I’ve been getting so many blackheads on my T zone(nose, chin, forehead) that they make me feel so ugly, and I’ve always thought I would have the blackheads forever because they never went away no matter what I tried. Reading this was a miracle, because now almost half of them are gone. THANK YOU!
Apple cider vinegar as toner works well
Hi, I’m 13 and i have blackheads on my chin and nose. My mom just did the eggwhite on me and as she was putting the 3rd layer on the stuff in my pores was just wiping away with the paint brush, i think
i was going to try the OCM for my oily, very sensitive and cystic prone skin. I wonder how incorporating nutmeg or neem powder to the mix would work? I already use neem/tulsi/soapnut powders as a mask every couple of weeks or so.
Hi, I would also like to try the egg tonight 🙂 but not quite sure if I should mix the white egg in order for it to become into a sort creme or should just leave it as it is when I break the egg? Thanks a lot 🙂
I just tried the nutmeg/milk treatment and it worked wonderfully! I am 41 with combination skin. I’ve been cleaning with OCM for a year now and, while I can’t say it worked miracles on my skin, it has been nice avoiding harsh chemicals while cleansing my face. Blackheads were something I just resigned myself to live with, until now. The honey pat down also does a great job removing blackheads and leaving my skin soft. I’ll be trying to clay mask soon, too.
I just tried the Nutmeg and Milk one and its worked amazing! its left a nice glow on my skin too!
the nutmeg and milk mask. how often must one use it in a week
I bought the Citrus Clear Grapefruit Spot Treatment to reduce the oil on my combination skin and to get rid of some of my blackheads. Yes! You can use the Citrus Clear spot treatment as a mask as well! My dermatologist told me this, and I am so happy about it!
I rinse with lots of warm water to open my pores and then use the Citrus Clear Grapefruit Spot Treatment. About half of my blackheads go away each time I use it! It’s a fantastic product and I’m addicted.
Ohhhh ok it’s oil cleansing method oh ok I get it now! Lol
What is OMC?. I’m only 11 so I don’t know all these FANCY words?!. Please someone help me?!.
Your lucky. This message is to em.
I’m 11 and I tryed the toothbrush thingy but nothing just a toothbrush no oil or anything. Not worked. Going to cut up a lemon, dip the toothbrush on it and rub. Hope it works! Thanks for the advice! I’m so stupid I thought the blackheads were worms coming out of my skin so yeah. I panicked. Well, wouldn’t you if you thought you had worms coming out your skin?!. My skin is really oily. My place that I get them is all over my nose and strangely, my arms. I keep squeezing them! That’s bad. 🙂 🙁
a hate blackheads! way more than regular zits and a get way more of them! i have tried so many things and nothing works!
Hi I tried the honey pat down and it REALLY WORKS, Thanks so much.
I am a 12 year old boy and get loads of blackheads. I have tried loads of the blackhead creams but I have only found one that truly worked but could not find it again in any shop. I am really looking forward to trying these.
This was super helpful thank you
These suggestions are amazing, as I live out of a suitcase (always traveling) I find your easy ingredient list and little to no preparation absolutely perfect for me. I’m definitely going to try the nutmeg and milk one, and honey option!!!
I’ve even bookmarked your page for future skin needs. this is soooo great!
I find that taking a shower then applying stridex (alcohol-free maximum), not squeezing but pushing lightly, then re-applying stridex really helps, it got rid of my biggest blackhead and am hoping it will work for all of my other ones
Wow I just tried the baking soda and lemon juice and while I still have blackheads I am pretty sure they are pretty “deep” after years of not being able to find a product that worked. I think if I keep this up they will go away. My skin feels AMAZING so soft! Like my 5 month old baby’s!
I just tried the Nutmeg and Milk recipe and oh my gosh IT’S AMAZING! XD It left my face feeling so smooth and soft. It’s been a while since I’ve felt my face feel this good and not too constricted because of dryness. I’ve relied so much on store bought cleansers to try to get rid of blackheads but they’ve never worked for me.I barely discovered your blog but It has taught me a lot already and I can’t wait to try more homemade remedies. Thank you so much! 🙂
great advice,so nicely presented.thank you.
it really works ……..
Hey I found that if u mix a little bit of milk and salt together and microwave it for about 10 seconds it takes away blackheads Then u stir it together, apply it on you face, and then u let it dry. Once dry, just peel it off and wash your face.
it sounds good…..i will definately try all dis….bt i m having pimples and blachheads on my head….so plz suggest me
it sounds good…..i will definately try all dis….bt i m having pimples and blachheads on my head….so plz suggest me
Can’t we remove from a blackhead remover ???
will it effect later ?
pls reply
Okay haven’t tried any of these yet, but seriously thanks already. I really like how you put the on the bright side, we don’t wrinkle as easily. That is something you don’t always see in “beauty” articles.
Good tips. I think that the most important thing when treating blackheads is to keep the skin clear all the time. Avoid bacteria getting into the pores to prevent pimples.
well, this seems like fun..i have tried the egg white thing and it was quite fun, and washing my pillow cases once week. it kinda worked. thanks for the advice!
You’re awesome for putting all of these tips together, I’ll try some of these asap, thanks!
I have been using fullers earth clay for a few years and I love it! I’ve never tried it with acv till now and as it sits on my face this very moment my eyes and nose are running like crazy! Can’t wait to see the result! Also I’ve just started the ocm and I love it but I think I’m starting to break out…? I’m pushing through it… Fingers crossed for a good result, if you don’t use it ever day or twice a day, what would you wash your face with in the mean time?
Tred three of the above methods and my blackheads just seem to get worse. Dunno what to do! The mask and nutmeg sounds too hassling to me. Can u brief me about OCM? I’d just love to get rid of my blackheads once and for all. Wish there was some sure shot way to eliminate them.
What is OCM?
oil cleansing method…she links to it 🙂
I just did nutmeg and milk. I will never buy a skin care product again! I have been plagued with blackheads on my nose ever since I was a teen, and as an adult they seemed to get worse. Nothing over the counter worked. Not only did this work FIRST TRY, my whole house smells like baking, and my face is softer than a babies bottom. And my hands, cuz once I felt how smooth my face was I covered my hands. Tomorrow: legs and feet! 🙂
I just tried the nutmeg and buttermilk scrub and omg it is fantastic a huge improvement not only in the blackheads but in the oily skin too will use this again and again my skin feels great
how often are you suppose to use the nutmeg and milk?
I use pure tea tree oil neat to the blackhead. I apply a drop of tea tree oil to my finger and rub it directly into the blackhead morning and night. In a few days it comes right out. All I have to do is use my thumb and index finger to gently pull the entire thing out. Don’t worry the smell of the tea tree oil only hangs around for a couple of minutes.
Hi! .. where is the link to see the Oil cleansing method?? , Also about how long does it take for the black heads to go away? If using the baking soda, salt and lemon method , how many times a week would you recommend someone do this?
Does any of these remedies totally remove the marks that are left on the skin from squeezing blackheads if not are there any remedies for those
How often should I do the honey pat-down?
what is OCM??
I tried the first method, and because I have reeeeally acne prone skin, it didn’t work as well as I thought it would the first time. I used baking soda and water, and I realized an additional trick. Wash your face with very warm water first, warm water opens the pores, like was mentioned in the steam one, and use warm water in the paste, then when you rinse, rinse with cold to lock the pores and shrink them a little.
i love to put aloe vera on my face every night! i just load it on about enough to cover the entire center of my hand. i put it all over my face and watch the pimples get smaller and smaller till they r gone. for bad pimples takes about 3 or 4 days. it dose get really sticky but i just wash it off when i wake up. i am intrestead in trying some the methods here to because all the facial cleansers i buy are just really harsh on my cheeks and fore head and cause more acne with dry skin. i look forward to finding another miracle worker to go along with my aloe. the only thing that has worked so far.
The idea of using egg whites has certainly worked out for me. Thanks for so many other information. I’ll give it a try
Clean makeup brushes regularly! I use mineral makeup, so I use brushes all the time. As soon as I start to get an unexplained breakout, I know it’s been too long since I’ve cleaned my brushes!
Hey, thanks a lot. I stopped exercising – the main reason my skin has gone south – and your tips to get me back on track have really helped. Now I’m back to my routine and things are lookin’ up!
I get really bad black heads, especially because my nose is pretty big and prominent which means you’re most likely to notice them. The thing is my black heads are worse only around my nostrils, but I have a friend who has yellowy (sometimes black) blackheads ALL over her nose, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even know, doesn’t do a thing to clean it, and its because it’s not so bothersome to her because she has a cute nose and no one notices it. I’ve tried a lot of crappy scrubs. The best and safest one I used was Cure a Japanese brand, it worked so well, but I bought like a free trial pack because the actual product is pricey. I’ve been considering buying one of those home microdermabrasion kits, but that nutmeg milk mask sounds kind of too good, I shall try that and then the toothbrush one, if all that fails I’ll have to fall back on those pricey plans.
Even though I’m almost 30 I still have oily skin, I’ve been told that I’m lucky. But when I see a cluster of zits on my chin and spacking of blackheads on my forehead… I’m really not feeling lucky…lol
After unsuccessfully trying a couple of products from the aisles at Walgreens I decided to try the Complexion Scrub from the Shielo brand. From my experience I knew I needed a scrub to eliminate blackheads and help prevent breakouts, especially with summer coming. After 5 months of washing my face once a day like I have in the past, I ultimately fell in love with the Shielo Complexion Scrub , I believe it works just as good as Pro Active for less cost. I follow up the scrub using use products with witch hazel or tea tree oil to soothe my skin and keep my face from becoming overly dry.
I just read your article and have no idea if they will work but I have to say you have some great sounding recipes and even though I am not the one in the family who gets blackheads I think I wil personally try out some out a few of these myself and hopefully I can get my son to use them also to help remove his blackheads. Thanks!
you have no idea how long i have waited to hear a good (natural) way of getting rid of my blackheads.. i can not wait to try this out!
I haven’t tried any of the above methods but certainly will do, they’re all things I have in my store cupboard and they must be far better than chemicals in the commercially available preparations. Thank you.
how can you get rid of this if its on your penis?
I put toothpaste on mine it works really well.. None of these treatmeants helped mine so i decided to try toothpaste out and it works.
can I apply all the things on my face once? will it work…I have black heads only on my nose and I really want to remove them!
I skipped all and i jumped up to 5 and i was like “this gonna work”. And when he says”DO NOT do…Promise?” I was like” F**** U. So much thank to you 😉
Quite a visually appealing post.
Personally I don’t think natural methods of removing black heads are even 1/4 as effective as just simply using benzoyl peroxide alone or with a topical antibiotic lotion.
The preparation of natural methods is also messy and more difficult compared to just applying some cream and lotion.
Wow I just found this website and just wow. I first cleansed my face with the honey face mask then after that, I did the honey pat down. I saw immediate results. I have bad black heads on my nose and my lower lip/upper chin crease. after ONE use I saw an AMAZING IMPROVEMENT. I’m stunned.
Hi, Crunchy Betty. Thought I would let you know I had just found your site and it’s absolutely delicious (to read).
Regarding the article, for years I’ve suffered blackheads on my cheeks and nose, though sometimes they are just everywhere. Just today I tried some clay a friend brought me from Egypt, and I have to say that after 20 minutes of looking like a bird pooped all over my face I do see a difference. The hundreds of blackies are basically invisible, though the few darker ones are still there and shouting to squeeze them out. I refuse to listen to them.
What I always do after a cleansing mask is that I wash my face with cold water. I think that it does close the pores, or maybe it’s just an old habit. Only then I apply a moisturizer.
Another beauty issue I am having now is that my hair grows really slow and the endings get thin really fast despite all my efforts to grow them long and beautiful. I will research your blog for tips, of course, but maybe there is some article you can redirect me instantly? Would be really grateful.
I just tried the honey pat down… I saw blackheads coming out right before my very eyes!! Its so simple! I’m sensitive to chemicals and fragrances so this is a lifesaver. Thank you!
I have to disagree about blackheads not being visible from space lol but seriously, i just noticed blackheads on my teens nose this past week. I wanted something natural and came across this page. I tried it on myself before trying it on my daughter and WOW! My face isnt all soft and angelic but boy does it look great!! It only “burned” for the first few seconds on one side of my nose. The only downside is that after using it i noticed a blackhead right next to my eye that now sticks out like a sore thumb next to my amazingly fresh looking face :/ I tried the milk and nutmeg mixture. I cannot wait to show this to my friends as well, thank you!
i’ve never heard of any of these methods but i cant wait to try them…. thanks for the great advice.. keep up the good work! i think ill find myself visiting this site more often..
All these sound great–however, I would add the advice to prep your skin for trying any of them by drinking liberal quantities of water for a few hours before hand. This works like magic, I swear. The blackheads practically extract themselves (on my skin, anyways), all the way down to the root. So satisfying to actually SEE that gunk magically purging itself from your skin.
these sound great and will definitely give them a try. but, what if you dont have oily skin and more dry skin, does this make a difference?
Hi guys! The nutmeg and milk scrub is wonderful! I just add a little milk at th bottom of a bowl and I put 1 tbsp of nutmeg and VOILA! Plus it’s smells so good:) I think it is great for oily skin like me!
did it make your skin feel waxy when you rinsed it off?
Benzoyl peroxide worked wonders for me for acne, (I’m 12) and I have very oily skin. I have no pimples now, it’s just blackheads that drive me insane. I have tried EVERYTHING, literally, but they will not go away.
Hello CrunchyBetty! I have been trying out your milk and nutmeg exfoliation recipe, but I am wondering how much of what to use. I am having trouble making it into a “paste” and it usually turns out too runny or not liquid enough.
I’m a vegan so I can’t use all of your suggestions but I am all over the ones that don’t involve animal products. I had considered using oil to wash my face but never really looked into it. I use plain water and then hempseed oil with some essential oil as my moisturizer. But blackheads have plagued me since I was a teen. But I thought castor oil was a carrier oil so is it we do castor and add a secondary carrier oil? My father says I am too literal so sorry if I am asking a duh question. I have castor oil, sweet almond oil and tamanu oil on hand already. I am still going through your Etsy and your website so I may find this but do you also have hair products/tips but animal product free? I don’t color, don’t blow dry, don’t flat iron but my hair keeps breaking. I’m currently on a search for how to get rid of mild psoriasis too. Basically, everything body related. 😀 But keeping it natural too. Thanks for the info.
Yes, you use a carrier type oil with the castor oil. The castor oil is cleansing and drawing, so the secondary oil should be for moisturizing. I find that jojoba oil works best for me, but since you already have it you could try the sweet almond oil. And a small bit of tamanu oil would be good to add to the mix – it is amazing for skin, but wouldn’t do well on its own with castor oil. Also, for psoriasis – don’t stop searching for other treatments, but look into drinking several cups of rooibos tea each day. Many people have found that it helps a great deal.
i am so tired of blackheads they are so anoying im 13 and the corners of my nose are full of blackheads and i am so ready to get rid of them and im looking forward to trying one of these methods i have tried $15 blackhead remover stips and they so do not works but another thing that my aunt told me works is sourscream and strawberrys i havnt tried it yet but shes a cosmtologist i know it has to work so thats another thing that you blackhead haters can try!!!
I have a huge blackhead dilemma, please help! 5 days ago, I popped a massive blackhead on my jawline which turned out to be two huge blackheads in one. I started noticing over the next few days it was very painful and didn’t look the prettiest, it had a huge scab on the top and was turning into almost a pimple filled with puss. Last night I decided that I should try and pop this pimple to hopefully get rid of it. I spent 20 minutes!! popping this pimple. First came the puss, then a huge blackhead head, then the watery liquid/blood, then ANOTHER huge head about the size of a seed. I left it alone and slept. This morning I couldn’t help but notice there was more puss, AGAIN. So went I was popping it, another 4 or so smaller blackheads came out too. So now I have a huge bloody crater on my chin that is absolutely killing me! What can you suggest for a fast and not too painful solution to get rid of this thing for good?!
What your describing sounds the same as what I had under my boob I was in a lot of pain so went to the was a boil and the worst thing you can do is pop them! I had antibiotics they soften the boil and then it popped itself when I was asleep! There was no pain and it cleared up on its own BUT left a scar!
do not pop this anymore EVER. it sounds like a mild infection, the best thing you can do for it is clean it out often and leave it alone
I use a soothing combination of lye, water, hydrochloric acid and ignited napalm. Still can’t get rid of the buggers.
Black heads are actually a build up of melanin (dermatologist appointment pointed this out) Basically dead skin cells. They can be annoying. My son has them bad so I am going to try the baking soda, and the egg one on him…provided that I can get him to do it!
i cant wait to try some of these methods!!!!!! i didnt even know methods like thsese here using a mixture of scrubs,creams n soaps!!!!!!!!!!!! *DEEP SIGH*
I just tried the milk and the nutmeg. I’m 16 and I have acne and blackheads here and there. My face is always oily because I dance 4 hours everyday. I’ve been breaking out a lot lately and decided to try it out for fun. It totally works! I can’t even believe how good my face looks and feels!! The black spots on my nose are completely gone. You know that feeling when your face feels really clean?! Well thats how it makes you feel! I recommend it! I feel like using it everyday. Thank you!! **another plus is it smells like Christmas..YUM! 😉
i am trying the cosmetic scrubber which is not working so black heads are appearing again and again so if i try this way will it appear again?
nice i used baking soda n water paste amazin
Ok so.. with the milk and nutmeg, tiny amounts of milk not even a teaspoon will do well… and make a paste… i used warm water first, then applied it VERY gently to the spots where blackheads occur (yes a little burn was felt well gently applying and rubbing it around) after the 3 minutes cause it was my first time i did it for less… i rinsed with warm water then cold before patting my face with a face cloth.. as of now.. amazing.
Also my plan is to use it every 4 days or so.. I am sure skin irritation will occur if using it too often.
Heya. I wrote this a bit further up, too… but you could try baking soda and honey, or baking soda, honey and nutmeg. It’s working REALLY well for me. The honey makes it less irritating and less drying.
I found some gelatin in my cupboard but it isn’t regular gelatin. It’s from Germany and so I translated what it said. It is pie cast gelatin. It isn’t sweet. Can I use this? It’s all I have on hand right now.
um i have sort of sensitive skin and i was wondering (im only 12, don’t judge) if using milk & nutmeg, honey pat-down, then witch hazel would irritate my skin. please respond, and i really don’t wanna be judged right now ):
I have sensitive skin that seems to dry easily. I have a bad habit of being a bit rough on my face, but I’ve found using a lot of these methods that even if they are a bit rough, after I add some braggs olive oil to moisturize, or coconut oil (I don’t get break outs, my skin loves it, I know it doesn’t work for others) then it’s like my face is in love. Natural good oils have been amazing at healing my face, and making it feel great all day. I’ve had wrinkles ever since high school, and using oil has already made a huge diff. I feel like with sensitive skin its so touch and go though… I could see the nutmeg irritating my skin more than anything else… maybe try it on a weekend when you have nothing to do and maybe it will work awesome, and if it doesn’t then you don’t have to go to school the next day with blotchy face. The honey and witch hazel though I don’t think you’ll have any trouble with at all, just moisturize! (my mom used to always say that, now I say it! She can say ‘I told you so’ if she wants lol) ^_^ I want to try the nutmeg, though I don’t eat dairy I might go ahead and buy some just for this. who ever tries it first should post here and let each other know how it went.
For the first one, the one with the nutmeg and milk. is there an amount to use for an example like a tsp of nutmeg and a 1/4 cup of milk. Or do i eyeball it until its a paste like texture??
use small amounts of milk and make a paste
I was trying the milk and nutmeg method. I tried leaving it on for the 3-5 minutes like you’re suppose to. It seemed to work at first, except that it would start to burn when it got close to 3 minutes. After the 4th day of using it I ended up getting a rash on my face. It looks like I have eczema, and I don’t suffer from eczema. My face has little bumps all over it, and it burns and itches at the same time. And both sides of my mouth are dry and cracked. My face has been this way for 3 days now. I don’t know if I did something wrong or if my skin is just way too sensitive, but unfortunately this method didn’t seem to work for me either. I’ve tried so many different creams, wipes, scrubs, masks and I can’t find a solution. It’s really discouraging. I suffer from really bad pores on my nose, chin and acne on my cheeks. It really sux
Awesome article! I decided to try the milk and nutmeg scrub today. I liked it but couldn’t get it to form a thin paste… I followed what you said so is there another step that I’m missing or something? I LOVE steaming but it’s been a while since I’ve done one. Also, for some reason if I ever use honey on my face I have a weird reaction to it… My face gets itchy and then is red after I remove the honey mixture. It makes me kinda sad because there are sooo many “recipes” for your face that have it in them. But there are a lot that don’t have it so that works. Gotta say clay masks are my favorite!!!
i have blackheads on my chicks ,nose and chin clean my blackheads forces open how to its close
Woah the egg white solution really works for me! I took it off and almost all my blackheads disapeared! Although the smell is annoying i would use it again!
My face is soooo soft now!!
The egg white mask is REALLY awesome for regular pimples and eliminating scarring caused by pimples. Not so great with blackheads.
i have a major case of blackheads…like a whole army on my nose and i think they make the side of my nose look purple (yes my friend actually called me ‘barney nose’)
will these methods clear it and get back my natural skin tone?
im 14 and acne never appear in my face, but for blackheads, i have that. so my nose look so bad. Yesterday, i tried this method and thats really work for me! thanks a lot 🙂
My problem is that I get white heads that become prominent just after washing my face. As if they expanded and came to the surface. For the most part I don’t noticing anything on my nose (it smooth) until I clean it. how do I get rid of it before becomes a black head (which I just squeeze it out before it becomes black just when it hard and is sticking out). Any hints on dealing with that gross situation? I don’t see this white bumps until after my face is wet or steam other wise my nose if predominately smooth, excluding the bridge, but the white bumps (filled with puss) don’t show there.
I used the lemon juice and sugar scrub…feels awesome! Hoping it will eliminate the whitehead/blackhead thing I have going on my cheek right below the cheek bone. Used a honey mask afterwards…feeling good!
honey is really works gud!!
Hello, I used the nutmeg/milk combo for the past three days. I’ve developed some irritation everywhere that I used it. I don’t know if I’m having a reaction to it, or if it’s merely my skin opening up in a way that it hasn’t in a while and the irritation will calm down. Has anyone had this experience? Thanks.
Quite an interesting tips! I’ll try these methods for sure. I heard that clay works very well on the skin with blackheads. Plus scrub is also a must for removing blackheads. I’ve bought Pure Skin Scrub Face Wash lately. Hope it works well. Any reviews for that?
Great tips! Just tried the baking soda method — amazing. Looking forward to testing the others. Love that your tricks don’t involve running out and spending a lot of money on products.
If you push of the tip of your nose a little hard and push it towards your forehead(up), all this gunk and white stuff comes out. It looks really cool and I think you should try it.
I’m twelve turning thirteen next monday, and iv’e got really bad blackheads on my nose. Iv’e tried toothpaste and facial scrubs. I’m going to try the egg whites soon purely because iv’e got some eggs and will try honey another time because iv’e got some of that too. don’t know where to find the other products.
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NOW!!!! this worked amazing on my skin! ove tried hundreds of ways to get rid of black head and I’m already seeing imidiate differences!! THANKYOU SOOOOOO MUCH <3 <3
wht methods have you used for immediate differences…?
wow I can’t wait to true this! I’ve had a lot of blackheads lately and nothing seems to work 🙁 fingers crossed this one works, at least my face will smell nice at the end at least 🙂 thanks xx
Tried out the nutmeg and buttermilk scrub – blogged about it! I linked back to this page.
an oil rub work amazingly! the castor oil suggestion is a really good method, practically all of my blackheads are gone within two washings!
thanks so much. i like to use clay mask way.
anyway, i have to make up 8 hour/day 🙁 how can i prevent clog pores
Hey guys, I was wondering with the nutmeg and milk! How much time should you apply it on your face?
I use olive oil on my face (just rub in to clean and then rub off the oil with a hot face cloth). It’s AMAZING — all my blackheads have gone and my skin is gorgeously clear. No zits either 🙂
I just found this post and I love it. I wrote a post about it on my blog ( and linked back to you hope you don’t mind.
I just did an egg white mask tonight that I found on another website and it worked great! it was basically what you have posted but in between the first and second layer I patted thin layers of tissue (I just tore t.p in half) on my face. The tissue made it WAY more solid and totally pulled the gunk out of my pores :). Afterwards I just rinsed with cold water and moisturized, my face feels fantastic. It takes a while to dry and the tissue tears kind of easily so I’d recommend trying to make the layers as thin as you can. Btw, I love your blog, I’ve been learning tons of nifty tips! Thank yooou
Hi, I would also like to try the egg tonight 🙂 but not quite sure if I should mix the white egg in order for it to become into a sort creme or should just leave it as it is when I break the egg? Thanks a lot 🙂
use garlic it will remove your pimples easy
For the milk and nutmeg option, could I use a 2% milk or a reduced fat milk? Or do you think regular milk is best?
How often can you use the egg mask?
Nice procedures! Many times when i came home from office! my under eyes got dark enough! will surely try these natural tricks! Thanks
i havent tried any of these methods yet but im really looking foward to it. im only 13 and i get really bad blackheads mainly on my nose and chin but really, all over my face. i dont have “oily” skin but my mom keeps pushing me to use products from target, blackhead stips, face scrubs, exfoliating wipes and i honeslty dont know what any of the ingredients are. im excited to try your methods this weekend ( also, in a few months i’ll be attending two weddings, so i have been trying to find acne and blackhead methods + running a lot -__-) thank you 🙂
Have you ever considered using powdered buttermilk with the nutmeg and then adding water. I keep powdered buttermilk because I only ever use little bits of it at a time. Do you think it would work?
I have been using the ol’ baking soda & water trick for years, but it was just OK for me. Then I come across this site and read your suggestion about nutmeg & milk. I have tried it twice now and I’m a believer. My face is yummy smelling & soft, and my husband also thanks you. Great site. 🙂
Did you have any face irritation when you started using the nutmeg and milk? I have, and I don’t know if it’s normal or if it’s just my super-sensitive skin.
You may be allergic to nutmeg. My brother-in-law had his first allergic reaction to nutmeg at 44 years old (while making a gingerbread house with his sons). He touched his face after handling the cookies and broke out with red irritated skin on his face.
Thanks for this great posting! I’ve struggled with adult acne since my first pregnancy 16 years ago. Tired of over-the-counter products that weren’t very effective and refusing to resort to prescription medications, I went on a mad search last year for a natural cure. I found that the spice “turmeric” was very effective in clearing up my acne and preventing new breakouts. You can see my method of using turmeric here – . If this helps one person cure their painful acne, I would be thrilled!
I really appreciate your tips! I always look forward to getting your email notifications!
Those sound great for getting rid of them… ive also heard that if after you wash your face you rinse it with cold cold water, it will shrink the pores… instead of warm water (like u would to start) which opens the pores. (some even rub an ice cube over skin to shrink the pores…thus eliminating the blackheads a little more)
I found this site today and now i think i’ve fallen in love with it! Love your way of using natural foods for your face.I have really bad skin and it seems that it gets easily scared! There like these little holes in my skin! Could you please also make something on getting rid of scars?
Thanks 😀
for me, msm powder (an organic sulfur we are deficient in, because of our modern foods, and farming methods) internally and externally (mixed with some fresh aloe) has just been amazing for my scars, and stretch marks. Even after only a couple weeks they are filling in and fading. It tastes awful, but it helps your body create healthy skin cells and makes your skin so smooth. Even my fine lines are fading some (though I take a lot of coconut oil too). Also great for nails and hair, my nails have been thin, flaky, and brittle for my entire life, and now they are so healthy it’s awesome. On the packages it will probably say .5-1tsp, though I’ve been using 4tsps (you can’t od, though work your way up and see how you feel, if I take it all at once it can make me feel over caffeinated). Partly because I’ve read from testimony that such a small amount really isn’t going to do much, especially if its got a bigger job to do. It’s great for arthritis too.
you drink it? I have really bad scares on my face, and also stretch marks and on top of that arthritis and im only 21 years old so this could be a great opportunity for me!
Thank you for posting this. You are awesome!
Can you use lemon pat down or the lemon juice and sugar method right before you use the oil cleansing method? Or is it to much for the skin to handle?
I found that the nutmeg+milk as well as the lemon juice+sugar combination’s removed the large, sporatic blackheads on my chin, and the water+baking soda mixture removed the also large, sporatic blackheads on my brother’s nose. However, it did not work on the blackheads on my nose, which are small, in almost every pore, and pretty unnoticeable. I was able to pop a view with a bobby pin but the scrubs seemed unhelpful. I also used the honey idea and got softer skin on my nose and chin but it didn’t seem to pull out blackheads.
I have a problem with those last few blackheads on my nose that just wont go away! All you have to do is steam your face once a week…crush parsley flakes, mix w/a little water to make a paste and spread all over your nose, put a towel over your head and stand over some steaming water for 5-8 min(when your face starts sweating super bad and turing pink, that’s your cue to stop:) after that, take some plain suger and SOFTLY massage it into your nose(or wherever else you want to get rid of the blackheads) then rinse with lukewarm water. After that splash your face with as cold water as you can stand and pat dry. Get a light, light moisturizer and pat the tiniest bit all over your face. I garantee this will work, although it is going to take a couple weeks(and it may get worse before it gets better as you are pulling a bunch of junk to the surface of your face) After your face clears up and starts staying pretty soft/blemish free, you can go to only doing this once every 2-4 weeks depending on what kind of skin you have.
use tretin
Did the baking soda and water make your skin burn?
You’re awesome! I love this information, thank you! And I will add that baking soda and water is quite nice for an overall, light, (SUPER CHEAP) scrub. Also using brown sugar is really nice…
To modify this – I found that scrubbing with baking soda was a bit harsh, even if I was light. Just tried the nutmeg and the milk and OMG I smell great and my skin feels like baby skin. Like satin. Silk. All those words, I know, but it’s true! This, the honey (though I love it) and the baking soda, didn’t do anything for getting rid of the few small blackheads I seem to be stuck with with on my cheekbones, but they feel great for the skin (that is, esp. this nutmet milk one). Feels a tad “tight” (dry?) but I feel if I put coconut oil on it (my normal, really nice moisturizer) that it might defeat the purpose…? the whole “too oily makes blackheads”, “too dry makes your skin wrinkly” thing is frustrating to me, I’m not quite sure what i should be aiming at 😛
Also found that Aubrey cosmetics (as far as store-bought goes) is reallly nice and truly natural.
OMG THANK YOU!! this blog is a lifesaver! i’m gonna give some of these a try straight away! 🙂
how is ginger for pimples? i have heared its really good….
how is ginger for pimples? i have herad its just amazing..
I have always been very careful with what I put on my skin and loved using natural products. It just seemed that no matter how “natural” the product claimed it was, if it came in a bottle it didn’t work with my skin. Little did i know, I was stripping off all of my naturall oils to put a moisurizer on which would make my skin too oily.
I was so happy when I found this blog, but also a little overwhelmed with so many great ideas. Just wanted to share what has worked best for me after a couple months of experimenting: OCM with evoo, toning with unfiltered diluted ACV, and then rub on some aloe. 3-4 times a week I like to exfoliate with mixing olive oil and baking soda (if I use baking soda and water it dries my skin out). I also try to only use honey maybe twice a week bc it will dry my skin out also. I hope this helped a little. Everyone’s skin is so different and beautiful, and I just encourage you to keep trying and experimenting if it hasn’t worked for you yet!! Good luck!
I just found this site today and I love the notion of being ‘crunchy’ already! I am really enjoying this!
I am really interested in trying the nutmeg and milk method. I have used egg, honey, and all the others aside from clay, and they all worked well for me. But new methods are always welcome!
It’s great to have number of different remedies because depending on the severity of the blackheads, different things may work better.
Thanks again 🙂
i tried everything, even the toothbrush and that did not even work either! i have blackheads all over my nose, any advice?
use baking soda and water mix it and then apply it on your blackheads….i hope this works for you..
try baking soda mix it with bit of water..then scrub it on the part of your balckhead.. i hope it works for you.. 🙂
Hey there – I’ve never written in responses to anything like this before, but i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mention that while witch hazel is wonderful, most drugstore brands contain alcohol, which is AWFUL for your face, no matter what your skin type. Thayers makes a great alcohol-free witch hazel, some with lavender, and some with other flower waters, and has a marvelous witch hazel hydrosol which contains nothing at all besides witch hazel which has been distilled. The Snowdrift is a keeper for first aid, we well as great on your face. They also have a lot of other really cool and crunchy stuff, so it’s worth a look.
I also would like to give a plug to Rosemary Gladstar’s Queen of Hungary Water, which is an herbal vinegar. I won’t give the recipe here, but it can easily be found online if one just Googles Rosemary Gladstar Queen of Hungary Water. It is inexpensive to make, and the herbs can be tweaked a bit if you wanted to add or leave something out. After it’s made. I cut it half and half with the hydrosol of my choice, or some Thayers, and it feels delightful as a toner! Be sure to use a perfectly dry jar and lid when making this – I had to throw out an entire batch because apparently the lid was damp and caused the whole thing to spoil.
I hope you like these ideas – they are some of my favourites, and I look forward to checking the comments to see what others think.
Crunch On!
Most of these solutions absolutely and categorically DO NOT WORK for my skin. I have tried them. Toothbrush did nothing, apart from show that i had a lot of (still definitely attached) dead skin on my face. All attempts to remove this were met with a6ngry blotchiness a6nd inflamatio6n. bicarb and clay masks dried my skin out (the to have blackheads you must have oily skin thing’s totally not true for me.)
The only thi6ng I’ve found that actually helps (and this is only helps. Still a biiig problem. And actually,on me, other people CAN see.)is the wonders of not e6ntirelycrunchy (I feel there should be a drumroll) ASPIRIN.
There’s loads on the internet about aspirin masks, but I don’t like that. Dispersible aspirin can be used straight (Two tablets, dissolved in the palm of your hand in just enough water. Scrub VERY lightly. But you can keep going until it’s all completely dissolved without any scrubby flakes) or standard aspirin, one tablet, dissolve the coating a6nd mix in with you favourite facewash to make a scrub. I find creamier ones work better than more clear gel types.
Seriously. Try it. Then tell EVERYONE. It’s not drying the same as all of the other exfoliating methods here. The only thing is it might polish your face ’til it sh6nes. At which point, the eggshell powder works wonders. Just make sure it’s very very very fine grou6nd, if you have sensitive skin.
(Sorry if I miss some ra6ndom 6num5bers. I spilled tea i6nto my key5board)
I read somewhere to try Oatmeal or almond meal mixed into a paste and leave for 15mins. I have an exfoliater with those ingredients and tried that as a mask and worked well better than the clay mask I bought, so I intend to buy pure oatmeal or almond meal to see how it goes.
I’ve recently found that honey and baking soda works well. Or 1/2 tspn honey, 1/2 tspn baking soda and 1/4 tspn nutmeg. It ‘scrubs’ well, without being overly drying.
I just did the OCM last night and I was AMAZED at the immediate results! I usually just do a light wash up with some soap and then put on honey & rinse, but I’ve been breaking out a lot lately and have always had blackheads on my nose. Oh my gosh, the oil cleansed my face like I’ve never seen anything else do it before. 90% of the blackheads on my nose just melted away, and even though i hardly use make up at all, I saw dirt on the towel I wiped with! It felt like I could actually see through my skin, so clean it was! thumbs up! Can’t wait to try it on my husband 🙂
Having a really slow moment… what is OCM?!
Oil Cleansing Method. Just type it in the search and you’ll get to learn all about it
Wow – thanks for all these awesome tips! Much better than the sticky tape on the nose I used to use as a teen. I agree wholeheartedly on the egg front — I hate the smell and would rather put up with the blackheads.
So, does anyone else have a problem with blackheads and really DRY skin? Overall my skin looks great since I went all-natural with my skin care routine, but up close I have blackheads that drive me crazy, mainly on my nose and chin. Would the OCM be the way to go for me? I toyed with it for awhile using Jojoba oil, and it was pretty good but not perfect. Would a different oil work better for me? I had read that Jojoba was the closest to skin’s natural oil, but now I see that it might be better for oily skin.
I’m having the same issue. I started using OCM and am not seeing all the amazing results everyone else raved about and I now I’m thinking its because I have dry skin. I currently use castor and jojoba oil but am interested in what other oils people with dry skin recommend. Once my jojoba oil runs out I think I’m going to try grapeseed oil since they sell that it locally and I can buy as much or as little as I want.
Hi Moe, just wondering what ratio of castor oil to other oil are you using? I first read to use only 30% castor oil, and I’ve since seen recipes with 50-75%. I understand it’s the ‘active ingredient’ but I think the temptation is to use more if you have worse skin. I have found since I started I’ve reduced the amount of castor oil because my skin is far less oily than it was. I only use about 10% castor now. I’m using jojoba only because that’s what I started with and I’m too lazy to change!
The first two weeks I was using 50/50 castor & jojoba with a few drops of tea tree oil. These last two weeks I’ve been using 75 jojoba 25 castor but maybe I will take your advice and do only 10% castor becasue my face feels a little dry after & in the morning I wash with honey and use jojoba as my moisturizer with oil free sunscreen.
A couple years ago my aesthetician told me that my blackheads were actually caused by my dry skin. I never had acne and rarely get pimples but I do get tons of blackheads. She said my dry dead skin was clogging my pores and causing blackheads. I have been using OCM for about 6 months now and am very happy with it over all. I do not use any castor oil with my oil. I use 100 percent extra virgin olive oil. Do some quick researh on castor oil and you will learn that it can be very drying. Since I don’t have acne or oily skin, I don’t need it. Try cutting way back on the castor oil. A tiny bit goes a long way. Tea tree oil can also be very drying when it is not mixed with a carrier oil. I was always told that the castor oil or tea tree should be about 30 percent max. Good Luck!
Oh man, how can you write a post like this and not even mention the Oil Cleansing Method?
When I use it consistently (a few times a week), it completely eliminates my blackheads and other acne, no scrubbing necessary.
Oh, oops, now I see that you did. Do de do, don’t mind me…
I have always considered the blackheads to be the nice kind of pimples. They don’t hurt, they aren’t as visible as the big red mounds, and with gentle attention they are pretty easy to get rid of. Since I started OCM (wow, about a year now, go me) I have found them less frequent, and much easier to get rid of. I do OCM each night, with just a warm water wash in the mornings. About once a week I do a really long OCM, eg. maybe half an hour, just sitting in the lounge and massaging my face. That tends to get anything that I’ve missed on the daily routine. The blackheads just fall out as you massage, it’s amazing.
For Vanessa, I’d recommend doing OCM on your chest as well. I’ve had a similar problem and the OCM seems to clear it up. Also, keep the skin well moisturised (with a natural oil of some sort). I find if I have too hot showers, too much soap, and no good oils, the skin gets bumpy fairly quickly.
With shininess – I have honestly not had a single shiny moment since I started OCM. I’m convinced that the cause was stripping the skin with commercial cleanser. I used to be shiny by morning tea time and it stopped literally the day I stopped using commercial cleanser.
Good luck everyone! I think I’ll still try a couple of those masks as nice treatments anyway 🙂
I keep seeing/hearing people say their gunk falls out while doing the OCM. I haves massaged my face for several minutes, to the point of exhaustion for my hands/fingers and still seen or felt nothing. I admit I am using light olive oil, not EVOO since I didn’t have any on hand. I’m not sure my oil ratios are right for my skin either, since I’m not sure what type I have. I want this crunchy stuff to work for me, but need some personal guidance.
Hello…only just saw your reply, sorry for the delay! I use jojoba oil for OCM, currently about 80% jojoba and 20% castor oil, with a bit of lavender and tea tree too. Maybe olive oil is a bit heavy for your skin? I’m keen to try grapeseed oil (instead of jojoba) with my next batch (it’s a lot cheaper and has been working well as a moisturiser so far). I’m not sure about ‘light’ olive oil – does that mean it’s been processed in some way?
Light olive oil, funnily enough, simply is the colour. Not anything to do processing
Something that really works is any kind of tooth paste but crest 3D works best and salt mix together to make a mixture then put on area but not near eyes leave on for 5 minutes and wash you face with warm water before you do this!
Thank you! Blackheads are by far the worst acne problem I have and actually the way I ended up following this blog is when a few months ago I was searching for ways to get rid of them. Before that, I was using all “commercial” products, wash & toner @ night, wash, scrub & toner in the morning, and heavy astringent @ lunch and no matter what I did those nasty things would be STICKING OUT OF MY SKIN on my chin every day by the time I left work. I’M IN MY 30S FOR CRYING OUT LOUD – WHAT’S THE DEAL??? I’ll admit I slip up and haven’t kept it 100% crunchy, but the OCM @ night & oatmeal/almond scrub in the AM have gone a long way to helping. I’m so exited to see a post specificly for black heads – hoping that this will take care of it once & for all!
Thank you! Sounds awesome! 😀 I have itty-bitty little blackheads littering my nose, and a bunch of apple cider vinegar that I haven’t had a use for. Now I know what I’ll be doing before school!
Vanessa: The nose strip “dirt mounds” are blackheads that were pulled out of the pores. Do you have pores with dark stuff in them (blackheads) or are they little bumps? Also, the little white bumps around your eyes are apparently calcium accumulation. Nothing you can really do about them I think. I’ve tried popping one, thinking it was a zit, and ended up with a big open hole under my eye. Not fun. Just leave them alone and pretend they’re not there.
And to CB, I say Thank You!!! (I’d type it out a thousand times but I think that might be annoying to read) Seriously, I am going to print this out and put it in my bathroom drawer and try everything on this list, STARTING with the toothbrush I think. My face applauds you.
Up until I was 27, I had HORRIBLE trouble with acne. My girlfriend has a beautiful complexion and when I asked her what she used, she told me all natural. Her grandmother told her our skin absorbs everything so why put gunk on your face. So after I tried everything, I went all natural and will NOT turn back. I exfoliate with baking soda and tone with lemon juice and make my own facial cream but I am excited to have found your website since I already know all natural works. Thank you for all your tips and recipes, so excited to try some new ones!!!
what is the facial cream you make? I’ve been really looking for a natural moisturizer (that doesn’t leave me feeling oily…) so I don’t have to keep using st. ives….
I do cheat a little by buyin a Vitamin E lotion in a tub like packaging (Walmart)then buy a travel empty one and put half in the empty container then add, tea tree oil (I love tea tree oil), vitamin E oil, aloe vera gel, and lavender oil to help with scars. I do buy Dessert (Something), it’s a Tea Tree oil and seaweed face wash, from my local organic store. But since using these much more natural products my acne has cleared up!! It was so bad, I would wake up earlier than my boyfriend (now my husband) to put on makeup, in my late 20’s.
A pair of tweezers and a blowtorch?
I don’t have blackheads anymore, but I had them when I was a kid (like around 7 or 8). Ironically, when I moved to Georgia, most of my skin problems cleared up. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve ever had a zit.
I do have these weird, white, little bumps around and under my eyes that I can’t get rid of, but I have no idea even what they are. They’re not any kind of “head” – I can’t pop them or anything. They’re just there.
Oh, but you know what I do have that I suppose I can get rid of, but haven’t found a way yet? You know when you put a peely thing on your nose and when you take it off there are all those little dirt mounds that were pulled out of your pores? I have those… on my boobs. Yeah. The only way that I’ve been able to get rid of them is with a tweezer and hours of meticulous scouring. Blah.
Any advice?
For the little bumps around your eyes, are they milia seeds? My brother has these around his eyes as well. Haven’t yet found a cure though 🙁
I’ve never heard of that, so I Googled it and that’s exactly what it looks like! It says they can only be removed by laser treatment! x_x
FYI, they are caused from excess friction. So don’t rub your eyes! (I have them too).
Also, try asking your doctor about it. I think I’ve heard my Dr. Dad mumble something about them being easy to remove, something not involving lasers? Maybe I hallucinated though. It happens.
hi, fully qualified esthitician here! milia is caused by excess use of gunk around the eye area, such as eye creams, lotions & potions what may it be, usually it happens in younger generations from 18-28 because they use eye creams generally when they dont need it, and the eye area, being as sensitive as it is, isnt able to fully absorb the product because it doesnt need it, so the build up of gunk turns into little white dots, aka milia. this can be removed by extraction! pretty much the only & cheapest way, if you go to your local skin therapist/esthitician/beauty therapist (sorry but their called so many different things across the water) and simply get a basic or advanced facial, completly up to you, they will extract your milia after the exfoliation part of the facial, also they can extract the blackheads upon your wish! hope i helped (:
I used to have some of those around my eyes. One day I got fed up and tried to pop them with a needle (I know I know, but you know how it gets!) well it got irritated, and I repented 😛 and recently, I looked in the mirror and they were gone! So I dunno, I think once you accept them, they leave haha. Just thought I’d tell ya, so you have some hope, they might go away on their own, who knows?
I’ve dealt with milia around my eyes and jawline for 20 years now. I take a sterilized needle and poke through the skin on top, then do a gentle “test squeeze”. Sometimes the milia will pop right out, but usually it doesn’t, so a tiny scab will form. If so, I’ll wait a day or two, then ease the scab off and try again. Typically it’s successful and the hard ball pops right out, easy peasy. Scarring hasn’t been an issue for me, thank goodness, and once they’re out, they don’t seem to come back.
Those are called milia. I’ve had a few before. The only way to get rid of them is to make a tiny pin prick in the skin and squeeze them out. I don’t suggest doing it yourself. Go to a dermatologist or have an esthetician do it during a facial.
Thos are probably skin tags there are some easy ways to remove them just look it up ??
I’m going to have to try the toothbrush one, I’ve done everything else… Dire warnings noted and appreciated. 🙂