Sunday, I hit the crunchy motherload.
For the first time ever, I attended a community swap. And it was glorious.
Some of you may have a swap near you, by the way, so please check this website (scroll down a bit) and see. If not, I highly, highly encourage you to set up your own.
The one hear was run by the lovely Pike’s Peak Community Cupboard, and it was community/crunchiness/friendliness all wrapped up into one 2-hour block of chewy caramel goodness.
I don’t want to spend a lot of time this post talking about swaps in general, because I have plans to do several more posts on this in the future. It affected me that much.
However, here’s a might tiny overview.
What’s a Community Swap?
A community swap is where a whole bunch of resourceful, community-minded people come together once in a while and swap goods. Not just any goods. Oh no.
We’re not talking things like unused bags of socks or Scrabble boards with the letter F missing or vintage Elvis records.
These goods are handmade: Grown from the soil lovingly tilled, goats graciously raised, and foods joyously prepared. They are true. And real. And full of personality and heart.

Money is forbidden to change hands at these swaps. You simply barter with the goods you’ve brought. There are so many amazing things to go around, no one leaves empty handed, and no one leaves brokenhearted.
You meet people. You laugh. And you learn more about the community and the individuals that make up a thriving, self-sufficient enclave you’d never even dreamed of.
It’s really magical.
And we’ll talk more about it again some day, because with all my heart, I want to create one in my little town … so you’ll be coming with me on that journey. Yay!
Right now, let me show you how it went.
Crunchy Betty Does Community Swap
Since this was my first swap, I didn’t want to get all whirling dervish crazy (as happens occasionally … ahem). So I only made a few things: A dry version of the mocha-frappuccio mask that I love so much, a super luxurious nightly facial oil, and a jar full of zingy homemade ginger coconut milk with homemade vanilla extract and local honey.

And when I returned home from the swap, I had things like this:

Pretty doggoned amazing, right? I mean, RIGHT?
(PS – KEFIR! I have kefir grains now. Don’t you get a medal or something the first time you obtain kefir? Isn’t there a secret club where we do a handshake of real foodiness? Maybe smear some raw milk butter on each other and dance around in cloaks made of bean skins or something? I’m in the club now, right?)
Cloaks of bean skins.
Lest you think this is just far more work than going to the store and getting something you want, let me tell you something.
The swap moment, when we all were given the green light to run around and make the swaps with the people and goods we chose? It was like Christmas. I was giddy. Silly. Exhilarated.
(My friend Ryan may or may not have threatened to sit me in the corner if I couldn’t calm down.)
And having these things – these things that were made with joy by people I just met and will meet again – in my home, they mean so much more to me than “things” and “food.” They’re nourishment, both for my tummy and for my soul. Every time I open the fridge.
Want Some Mocha-Frap Mask and Facial Oil?
When I was getting ready for this, I had planned to make three of each item. Well, I overestimated BOTH times and I have leftover mocha-frappuccino dry mask and facial oil.
And I thought, “I want to swap with my Crunchy Betty friends!”
So I tried to figure out a way that we could all swap and have it not be crazy, confusing, and full of shipping costs for everyone, and there I got stuck.
So we’re not going to do a real swap (however, if you guys want to use the Crunchy Community to swap things, be my ever lovin’ guest. It’s all yours.)
Instead, I’m going to give a little bottle of facial oil and dry mocha-frappuccino mask to one of you. How can you be the one?
Leave a comment telling me what you would swap me for these things. It doesn’t have to be a real thing. It can be totally made up and pretend and funny and extravagant.
I’ll pick my favorite thing that I’d pretend like to swap with on Friday some time around noon and let the person know (and I’ll post ALL my favorites in the Crunchy Community). There are no restrictions on entry (you can be from anywhere in the world), except that you need to be 18 or older. HOWEVER, crunchy teens, please participate if you want! Just let me know that you’re under the age of 18 in the comment.
In the meantime …
Here’s the recipe for both (though the facial oil is a total estimate, because I didn’t measure while making it).

Mocha-Frappuccino Mask (Dry Version)
- 4 Tbsp organic ground coffee
- 3 Tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 Tbsp honey powder
- 1 Tbsp full-fat powdered organic goat’s milk
Combine everything in a small container and shake well. When you’re ready to apply it, hydrate 1-2 Tbsp of the mask with water, milk (almond or coconut) and allow it to form a paste. Apply to a clean face and leave on 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, scrubbing lightly as you remove it. This mask is GREAT for: Firming, slimming, toning, exfoliating, and softening. (WONDERFUL to use right before you’re about to have your picture taken.)
Luxe Nightly Facial Oil
- 1 Tbsp jojoba oil
- 1/2 Tbsp sweet almond oil
- 1/2 Tbsp hazelnut oil
- 2 tsp sweet almond oil
- 1/2 tsp tamanu oil
- 5 drops each: Frankincense EO, myrrh EO, rose geranium EO, lavender EO, and carrot seed oil
Mix together in a small bottle. Use nightly right after cleansing.
Now what in the world do you want to pretend swap with me for this awesome stuff?
Ready? SWAP!
Luxe Nightly Facial Oil – sweet almond oil twice?
I would swap a kombucha SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast). Your very own pet…well if you are slightly repulsed by the slimy pancake, and don’t feel inclined to nuzzle your nose with it…you could just feed it organic tea and sugar and provide it a warm place to live, and it will happily gift you fizzy probiotic kombucha.
i’ll take the coconut, but i’m not sure if i would like your siblings, if you know what i mean. i’d take the hand-knitted blanket anytime through. just wish it would pop out of my screen………..
P.S. sorry i can’t give you my secret recipe, but when you really get desperate, get a stronge cup of green tea and pour it over your hair. don’t do this if your hair’s dry, and no more than 3 times a week, maybe. also, what does HW stand for again?
HW stands for homework. 😛
And thanks 4 the greem tea tip!
your welcome! Crunchy bettys rule!
i’d trade you my older brother, 5 homemade anklets, my home grown lemon balm, hand sewn pillow of sweet dreams, and my secret no’poo shampoo and conditioner recipe. desperate for a last minute gift! maybe even teach the dish-soap recipe……
LOL I would trade you my younger brother AND sister, fresh coconuts, granola bars, hand knitted blanket, and some HW to go with that?
Yeah, Im underage 2…. so…..
I would LUV LUV LUV 2 kno ur secret no poo shampoo and conditoner recipe.
I dont have any secret recipes tho…
i would swap you GALLONS of tangelo juice from my backyard, and the southern california sun that goes with it! 🙂 i have made the mocha frap mask for myself before and i love it. i know this isn’t up for swap, but what is the ginger coconut milk for? i’ve never thought of that flavor combination before, but i’m intrigued.
It’s for drinking! It’s soooo delish. Here’s how you do it: Make the base Coconut Milk recipe (, only throw in a couple of small chunks of ginger with the shredded coconut milk (more if you like spicy ginger, less if you just want a hint). After you’ve strained it all, add a little honey and vanilla extract … and voila!
so very COOL!!! I need to find one of these in my area…ooh how exciting!!
Oooh…I still have a package of home-made photo cards sitting here that I’ve been remiss in giving away.
I would swap those!!
I would love to try these delicious looking concoctions… face first, no hands. 🙂 For the chance to experience the crunchy delight contained in those bottles, I am willing to offer a painting done by my toddler, complete with handprints from him and his baby brother, and also a letter of encouragement and spirit-lifting that you can attach to your wall, fridge, beside your bathroom mirror or anywhere else in the house for times when you need a reminder that complete strangers love you, are grateful to you, and that you make their lives better for just having been alive.
btw,I meant “cynics”,not cyincs…English is not my first language,and typing fast makes its obvious 🙂
I would trade you a guided tour of India….i mean the “real India”..not the hollywood version of it.This land is so diverse and beautiful,even the biggest of cyincs fall in love with the country and its people!!As a bonus,you could learn so much of crunchy stuff from India…after all its the treasure trove of natural/homemade recipes for beauty and health..
Oh my. I am sure this will put me over the limit for post replies to this giveaway. I’ll take the risk to get some CB relief. I can now add hail damage to the insanity and mindlessness I offered before. I have not even made it to our new state, and already my car has hundreds of dings as of last evening (not the same car I backed out and into a fancy red Cadillac the other day – that was hubby’s NEW car). Hubby drove my car out to our new state or residence where it hailed so much it resulted in literal hail drifts. Would you care for some calamity? I am sure it would be an even trade given the level of relief I will get from a CB facial.
I’d trade you plane ticket so you could deliver those goodies to me in person! Then I’d sweeten the deal with a hula hoop.
I knitted some wash cloths a while back, made of soft soft fluffy cotton yarn, shaped like flower petals, so pretty. Perfect for any crunchy face-washing method. You will love it when we swap.
Pizza. I’ll go with pizza. I make a stupendous pesto pizza that everyone loves! If pesto isn’t your thing, then how about stuffed crust? Or chicken bacon ranch? Or BBQ chicken? Roasted garlic? I did a spaghetti pizza with a garlic bread crust a while back. I do normal pizzas too, but don’t feel limited by normal pizza codes. Anyway, you name your pizza flavor, and I’ll do it!
I’d let ya ride my bike!
I have some homegrown veggies, fruits, and herbs I could swap: tomatoes, blueberries, lemon verbena, parsley, thyme (or oregano, not sure which came up and which didn’t!), potatoes, and a few “volunteers” we’ve yet to identify.
Un…my year long experience in Afghanistan??? Gosh I can’t wait to get home and try all of these things!! I discovered you over here and it’s so hard because I can’t make anything over here…though I’ve seriously been thinking about trying a mud mask…I mean there’s so much extremely fine sand – it turn into almost a mousse when it rains…maybe that’s what I’ll trade 🙂
Emily–you should look at bringing back things like sandalwood essential oils…they are very prized (the east india kind) Take advantage is you have some R&R and see what kind of goodies you can bring back.
I would trade you a jar of elvin tears, a batch of my homemade blueberry muffins with the biggest, sweetest blueberries I picked last weekend, and a coffee date?;)
I would swap you a car that runs on coconut milk. It woulds smell like roses inside, and get a jillion miles to the gallon. Instead of exhaust, bubbles would come out of the tail pipe. And there would be a coffee maker inside. And a fridge, for cheese. I used to work at an elementary school, so that’s where I get my awesome imagination. I’m not 5.
For realsies, though, I would give you a lot of bags of my homemade vegan cheesy kale chips. They are healthy and delicious! At the famer’s market, I gave some to the organic farmer that I buy my kale from. She thought they were amazing, and proceeded to force every customer there to try some. They all loved them! And my heart felt really warm and fuzzy. You should have been there. I would have shared them with you too 🙂
OK. Remember my offer of insanity? Well, I now have to swap you something else. As if a crunchy momma could have a worse day, I dinged my hubby’s new Nissan in a parking lot (backing out) shortly after I offered what was left of my mind to you. Now, we are crossing state lines with repairs awaiting on the other side in the middle of this move. I really need some free CB to “take me away.” Really. I. Do. All I can trade you now is a grasshoppah’s wish, oh crunchy master.
I’d swap a hand-knit hat, gloves and scarf set and even throw in my last jar of homemade strawberry jam made with strawberries from my garden 🙂
I wish I had known that you were Crunchy Betty when I swapped with you yesterday – would have told you how much I love your blog. =) I tried the facial oil last night and it is amazing – thank you! Hope you enjoy the chipotle-scallion raw butter and hope to see you again at a future swap! =)
Oh Crunchy Betty, I heart you.
I’m new to this crunchy lifestyle, so I haven’t been brave enough to make or try too many things yet. But, I do make an awesome sugar free peanut butter pie. I would definitely give you one of those. =)
How about a jar of my Rhubarb Jam and a calendula salve?
Boy have I got a deal for you!
I’d swap a lifetime supply of “I’m telling on you!” (from the mouthes of two boys, alternating ever so sweetly), a mortar and pestle (ooh yeah, what’s up now, eggshells!), a dinosaur (real, not a toy), a signed poster of Kirk Cameron, a tea cup from Elizabethan England, a yellow polka-dot bikini and dinner with Rob Lowe.
I’d swap:
* 1 jar of homemade(HM) shaving oil
* 1 bottle (HM) eye make up remover (unlike the store bought it does not burn your eyes! yay!)
* 1 bottle (HM) face make up remover
* 1 glass bottle of (Semi-HM)cinnamon and clove infused apple cider vinegar for hair rinsing.
I would swap you one my cushy crocheted afghans that are so big you can wrap them around your body 3 times, my homemade chili pepper hot chocolate powder, some fresh garden grown catnip, and some homemade kitty treats.
I would trade you my “Kefir Club Real Foodie” gold medal and teach you the secret handshake.
Freakin hilarious!!!!! I’m in the Kefir club too 😉
I would trade you a unicorn that can crush eggshells into super fine powder with its hooves. And you could ride it to all of your community swaps.
. . .Actually, I think I’m gonna keep that.
I’ll trade you some organic fruity lotion. That’s super awesome.
Eh– no I won’t. I’m a crunchy teen. No freebies for me.
wonder how many crunchy teens are in this world
I WOULD swap my homemade lasagna, my homemade pizza, and my homemade apple pies but im not TECHNICALLY old enough cuz Im just 17. 😛
I’d swap you for a pan of my lemon rolls and a weekend getaway at my cabin near Canon City, thirty minutes away from any civilization. 🙂
I would swap my blueberry, ricotta, lime, chia seed muffins!
I would swap with you my Lemongrass Safari Soap bar from Growing Power ( <3 ), my homemade/homegrown toasted peta bread stuffed with steamed spinach and almonds and drizzled with olive oil, and my homemade honey banana bread. 🙂 yummy
Can I swap my children ages 8 and 18 months? I would love to have just 1 hour, just 1 simple hour. During that hour I would take a bath, use your facial mask (which I love and use once a week), drink a nice glass of wine and then follow up with the night facial oil. I promise you will love my children! (and you might need a glass of wine after an hour with them lol)
Having grown up in the mountains of Colorado, and having left six years ago, I would swap you the appreciation I have for the beauty of the Colorado landscape and the beauty of the people that call it home. I don’t know that I could ever articulate what a special breed comes from that place. It’s amazing, and I hope you never take it for granted.
This is beautiful. I also grew up in Colorado and left about seven years ago. I miss it everyday. No one but a fellow Coloradoan understands just how special of a place Colorado really is. When I go back for visits, my heart sings and I feel at home. I’m actually in Colorado on vacation right now, and my husband and I were discussing when we should return home, and I started crying at the thought of going back home. 🙁
I would swap you a train ticket to come to Chicago and plan a swap with me for some of that face oil! My mind is reeling as I’ve been toying around with the idea of swapping handmade bread for various services like hair cuts and massages but hadn’t yet taken it beyond the daydream stage. I think the idea is motivated as much by wanting to purchase giant sacks of flour as it is by not having any money (and making really good bread that I want more people to eat.)
A loaf of honey wholewheat sourdough bread, made with wheat ground in my own kitchen, and a jar of blackberry jelly made with berries picked by my very own fingers 🙂
I’ll swap you for all my tuition debt.. oh wait.. that’s not really appealing. Hm… how about a night with a fine looking man to clean your house, cook you food, and massage your back? That sounds wonderful. Maybe I don’t want to swap… Just kidding! I do. 🙂 Love this site and kind of love you in a I’m-not-a-creepy-stalker-way.
WOW! What a deal! I would be happy to swap a signed DivaCup for these! Isn’t it just what you always wanted??? When I become famous you can say “Wow, I have a DivaCup signed by her!” and people will be so jealous.
I’ll tell you what, I’ll even throw in one of my yummy, sweet cornbread cakes to sweeten the deal even more.
Really, you’re the one coming out ahead in this. 😉
I will swap you my insanity. I mean it. I am 2 days away from the Mayflower arriving at my door just to have hubby call me from 8 hours due West (where he already went to start his new job) to tell me that do or die he MUST have either his Birth Certificate or Original Social Security Card in his hot hands by WEDNESDAY. When I came up with can’t they this or can’t they that, he just muttered something about “new Federal Regs…within 3 days of new employment…blah…blah…”Did I mention that the movers are coming in a couple days? My house is packed. I have a THREE YEAR OLD and TWO CATS to move all by myself. And he needs legal documentation? There – total insanity. All mine. All yours for the swapping.
What about a ziplock of my dried plantain and a bar of my homemade lily of the valley olive oil soap.
I would swap some of my citrus sugar hand and body scrub…it’s amazing! Also, will you let us know what you do with the lemon balm? I have some and am not sure what to do with it? We should totally do a swap on the community boards…I’d love some of that whipped lavender hand creme mentioned above. 🙂
I would love to try some of your goodies! Would you swap me for some heavenly lemon-lavender homemade hand soap and whipped lavender hand creme? They smell divine and work so well!! A moment of relaxation anyone?
I have recently discovered the OCM method for cleaning my face. Changed. my. little. world! I would swap a bottle of that. Oh, and I’m getting ready to make my momma’s homemade cinnamon rolls, so I would throw in a pan of those. Delish!!!
I’d swap maple candied walnuts and some homemade goat cheese.
I’d love to try these products and I’d be willing to swap 1 pound of homemade pumpkin caramels with you. They are a delightful mix of salty and sweet. Deal?