Simple vanilla
Spirited peppermint drenched
Extracts from heaven
Or maybe
Vodka-bathed nature
Peppermint and vanilla
Patience – don’t drink yet
Yeah. I don’t know what came over me while I was making these, but the haiku gremlin was all up in my head the entire time. Sadly, what I came up with in my head was FAR more clever than what my fingers wanted to type.
Anyway, vanilla extract and peppermint extract recipes. Two of the most simple things you’ll ever do in your life. (Say, compared to having a baby or filing taxes.)
(Those seem similar in difficulty.)
My impetus for doing this was the peppermint that I will (proudly) say is taking over one of my EarthBoxes. It is, thus far, the crowning achievement in my foray to grow my own herbs this year.

It would be nice, though, if all of you could refrain from pointing out that peppermint will grow like wildfire regardless of who’s tending (or most of the time not-tending) it. Let me believe I have some special peppermint touch, mkay?
But, I figured as long as I was making peppermint extract, I’d bloody well better make some vanilla, too.
Vanilla – the most misrepresented of all spices (or orchids, as the case may be). When something’s boring, we say it’s vanilla. When, in actuality, vanilla is deep and complex, seductive and exotic. In fact, it’s considered one of nature’s most effective impotency cures (ask any 16th century German vanilla study participant, and he’ll tell you just how cured he was).
It’s also full of some pretty incredible antioxidant powers and has been scientifically shown to prevent cell mutations and repair DNA, meaning it may help stop cancer before it starts.
It’s also very expensive.
Look at it.

Check out this little calculation I did comparing pure organic vanilla extract – a good brand on Amazon, so lowish prices – to the one I made today.
Frontier Fair Trade Organic Vanilla Extract = 8 oz for $18.89
3 organic vanilla beans from a local spice shop ($7.50) and 1 cup 360 (eco-conscious) Vodka (approx $7.24) = $14.74 for 16 oz 8 oz.
So, divide that by 2, and you get 8 oz of homemade vanilla extract for $7.37*. A savings of $11.52 $4.17.
While I didn’t use organic vodka, I went with a very vocally ecofriendly and conscious brand, I did find some organic vodka at the liquor store for just about the same price ($23 for 750 mL).
If you want organic vanilla extract that contains ONLY things YOU know are in it, this is absolutely, without a doubt a very cost-effective option.
Aren’t maths fun?
How to Make Vanilla Extract
Really, making these things is simple. You just put the vanilla or peppermint in a jar and cover it with alcohol.
The key is making sure you have at least 80-proof alcohol. Not only does alcohol preserve everything (for at 2 years to indefinitely, according to this website), but it’s what pulls out the good tasting (and smelling) stuff from your beans and leaves.
Copycat Alert: For the vanilla extract here, I did what Joy the Baker told me to do. Because if Joy the Baker uses her own vanilla extract to bake with, you can be darned sure it’s a worthwhile pursuit.
First, wash and sterilize (by boiling for 15 minutes) a smallish jar. (At least, that’s how I roll.)
Then, cut 3 vanilla beans down the middle, leaving about an inch on one end uncut. I’m not sure why you have to leave it uncut, but that’s what she said, so I did it.

Next, place your vanilla beans in the jar and cover them with 1 cup of alcohol. Vodka is a vanilla choice (by that, I mean kinda plain), but you can also use bourbon or rum. Next time, I’m doing rum.
Also, in choosing a bean, I had to go with the only organic variety my spice shop offered, which was Madagascar bourbon, but if you really get into this extract making thing, try different beans with different liqueurs to see what you come up with. I’m sure the taste profiles are endless.
Ultimately, I want to use mine not only for cooking, but for skin preparations, so I stuck with vodka this time. Vodka’s a good ingredient for things like toners, deodorants, and refreshing spritzers (when used sparingly).
Okay. So back to what we’re doing.
Shove the beans in your jar and cover them with the vodka. Make sure they’re completely covered. I had to stick mine down several times to make sure.

Store in a dark, cool place for 2 months, shaking weekly. Then, strain the beans from the alcohol and store the extract in an airtight container in a relatively cool, dark cabinet.
And then you have vanilla extract.
How to Make Peppermint Extract
This one I’ve done before. And I’ll do again.
It’s really just like making an herbal tincture, which we’ll talk about in another post soon.
Take a handful of peppermint:

The amount of peppermint pictured was about 1/4 cup. You can adjust the recipe as you’d like, but ultimately this is going to make about 1/2 cup of peppermint extract.
After you’ve rinsed it off well, bruise it a little in your hands. You can even tear a bit, if you’d like.
Most importantly, get your nose up in there and take a deep whiff. It’ll make your entire day.

Then, put the fresh peppermint in your sterilized jar.
Pour the vodka over it until it’s completely covered. I’ve found that usually doubling the vodka as compared to the peppermint is a good rule of thumb.
So, 1/4 c. peppermint and 1/2 c. vodka.
Make sure it’s completely covered, or you could end up with grody peppermint at the top after a while. That being said, for an hour or two, you may find the peppermint floating on the surface. Just give it another shake.
Sooner or later, it’ll bog itself down until it’s completely covered.

Store it in a cool, dry place for about a month. But, just like the vanilla, you want to shake it every week or few days.
You can even test a little tiny bit every once in a while, just to see if it’s becoming the flavor/intensity you’d like.
After about a month, strain the leaves, pour into an air-tight container (bottle) and store in a cool, dark place. This should last at least a year, if not more.
What You Can Do With Your Peppermint and Vanilla Extracts
I don’t have to tell you this, do I?
Vanilla extract, you make delicious things like Butterscotch Pudding with Caramelized Bananas and Cream. Peppermint extract, you put in a cup of coffee and Bailey’s. Right?
On the homemade beauty front, though, I’m planning on using them both in recipes for toners and deodorant. Especially the peppermint extract.
I haven’t quite decided yet what the vanilla’s going to become. Have any ideas?
What are YOU going to do with your peppermint and/or vanilla extract?
If you start making them soon, you’ll be ready when I post a recipe using one or both of them in the next few months.
EDIT: Math is not my strong suit. One cup does, in fact, equal 8 oz. There’s still a significant savings to making your own homemade vanilla extract – but, man, my math skills need work. 🙂
i tried making the peppermint extract but within a week it was stinking, so had to throw the whole thing away! any idea what i did wrong? thanks
More (3’5 ml every two hours) is generally better and is safe, even for children. Natual skin care tips are sometimes contradictory that the once simple solution to skin damage
became more baffling. But some people have allergic reactions to coconut.
When making mint extracts, will the end result be clear if using vodka?
Lol “organic vodka”. For those who want to “responsibly” drink poison. I love the comestic and culinary uses for it though. Great article,
I believe the reference of something being boring as “plain vanilla” is to ice cream, not the wonderful spice itself. After all, it is pretty much the dessert equivalent of cheese pizza, a blank canvas just begging to be adorned!
If you really want a complete course in making vanilla extract go to Amazon, enter vanilla beans and you will find all the major bean sellers. Their websites all have slightly different methods of making vanilla extract, but they are all simple and they all have different kinds of vanilla beans from all over the world.
You can go as deep or as light as you wish. I just started a whole quart of vanilla extract which I plan to give to family for holiday gifts. (Amazon has the fancy little bottles too.)
if you do it would be a great help
do you know how to make vanilla essence without using vanilla beans
Is there a healthy substitute for vodka? I’m allergic to alcohol
Is there a difference between peppermint leaves and the mint leaves you buy in the grocery store or grow in an herb garden? Because I’d like the strong peppermint flavor. Also, aside from growing your own, do you ever see spearmint leaves in the store? or wintergreen?
Made this for my grandmothers and mother for Christmas this year! They are going to love it!
Hi all! Having issues with my first try at the peppermint extract. I’ve had it brewing for about 3 weeks, kept it in my dark basement (the coolest spot I can find in this crazy 90+ East coast heat wave right now), and took it out tonight to try it, and it’s dark brown and has a very funny smell. I think it might be rotten, which I didn’t think would happen given the alcohol content. Anyone else have this happen? The peppermint I used was from my farm share, and wasn’t fresh right out of the ground that day, but was still good. It has been really hot, so I wonder if that’s what did it. The leaves were covered, I swished it around a few times, as directed 🙂 Any ideas? Thanks!
Can you make the peppermint with something besides vodka?
I make vanilla extracts that I sell at craft shows and online. I make a plain, workhorse vanilla with neutral grain spirits, one with rum and another one with brandy. The rum and brandy are amazing. I’m sure you’ll agree.
I have to mention one point: you are making vanilla-scented vodka, not vanilla extract. According to the FDA, you need to use the equivalent of six (6) vanilla beans per cup to make vanilla extract. Believe me, you’ll notice the difference.
Okay, two points: I let mine macerate for at least 4 months before bottling it. I find that’s the best point at which to begin using it. I know, it’s tempting to use it earlier. There’s no restriction against it. However, I find that the extra time helps to make a better product.
Also, I don’t remove the beans. I put a bean in every bottle of extract so it will continue to mature. It’s alcohol, so it will never go bad. In fact, just the opposite. While artificial vanilla will start to lose potency after a year, REAL vanilla extract will only get better with this method.
I really came here to see how you made your mint extract, because I’m looking at making a mint-flavoured cocktail bitter. I think I can use this to make the mint tincture and then add that as needed.
Like you, I have a mint-coloured thumb. I have spearmint and peppermint fighting it out with the catnip in my backyard. I’m performing a sort of Darwinian experiment to see which one will eventually win.
I am glad I found this site. I have 11 different mints growing and I esp love choc mint. I have so much of it that I wanted to make extract and dry it. Thanks for sharing your tips. I love to make chocolate mint tea, it is go GOOOOOD.
Did your peppermint extract turn brown? Mine has been steeping for 3 days and it is brown. Was this normal for you?
keep it in the dark
I just read in an other blog about making peppermint extract, that you have to cover it all the way or it will mould. Now, that just seems weird to me since I’ve made vanilla extract before (multiple times) and when you use it, the amount goes down and of course… no mould. It seems to me that vodka (or whatever alcohol) would kill the mould causing germs.
Since you’ve made it before, what are your thoughts on this other blogger’s warning? Have you had mould issues or extracts go bad before the 2 year mark?
Also, I don’t strain my vanilla beans. In fact, I just add a bean or two and add more vodka when it’s getting low. What are your thoughts on this?
Sorry for all the questions. I’m learning. =)
I just want to live healthier and start preparing to be healthier in general for when I have a family.
Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it. =)
(the little star thing on the top is freaking out, so if I give you a low grade, ignore it – I don’t understand what it is doing).
After one month crunch Betty had recommended to strain the extract off of the leaves. Most tinctures and extracts made thus way will change color. The herbals are only preserved while submerged thrust it is necessary to remove the vegetable matter for shelf life n
Hope that helps.
is the mint extract supposed to turn all brown? mine did! it hasn’t quite been a month of infusion, but it’s very dark and doesn’t really smell or taste minty, just vodka-y. did i maybe not put in enough mint leaves?
Mine did the same thing. It looks and smells gross but tasted like mint. I have no idea what happened!!
Peppermint Oil The health benefits of peppermint oil include its ability to treat indigestion, respiratory problems, headache, nausea, fever, stomach and bowel spasms and pain. Peppermint oil mixed with shea butter is being sold to ease nerve pain etc. Smells good and the shea will be great and the peppermint soothing. I used peppermint extract while giving birth at home. Worked. Two kids, healthy, grown. Now I am older and I need it again. Want to try to make this for myself and older friends.
Hi, I have a question for you. I made my own peppermint extract months ago. It still doesn’t taste anything like I want it to. The only difference from your recipe to mine is that you bruise your leaves and I didn’t. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Bruise your leaves
If I don’t cook off the alcohol when using the mint extract, then basicly aren’t I just using mint vodka? Is there any way to get rid of the alcohol? Also, could I use this to scent a massage oil?
You wouldn’t be using enough extract to have to worry about alcohol content. It’s usually like 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon.
Is there a difference between peppermint leaves and the mint leaves you buy in the grocery store or grow in an herb garden? Because I’d like the strong peppermint flavor. Also, aside from growing your own, do you ever see spearmint leaves in the store? or wintergreen?
Personally, I find anything grown in one’s backyard always tastes better than what you find in the store. I’m sure you could experiment with making extracts from other mints your grow such as chocolate mint or orange mint, but peppermint is the standard for baking, and is very potent, both in flavour and medicinal usage.
I’d say the only difference between what you would grow vs buying is pesticides.
Hope this helps.
i’ve had my mint in the vodka for about a week. i added extra vodka just to make sure the leaves were all covered. i pulled it out today and it was black looking and smelled horrible. what made it go rancid? i stored it in the dark under my kitchen sink… but i do live in texas so it’s very hot. any ideas?? i want to try it again, i love peppermint and i am really getting into making my own spice mixes and extracts.
Hello! Came across this site whilst trying to find something interesting to do with all my mint (other than mint jelly), and all the sweet (candy) recipes I had been looking at call for mint essense, so I’m thrilled with your blog and will ‘set too’ immediately. I want to do ‘silly’ things like boiled sweets just to practice that particular art, but will certainly be making mint choc chip ice cream for the kids….well, all of us really!. Thrilled too that you have included vanilla essence. My 15yr old daughter has caught the baking bug and the lovely essence we use is £4.50 for a small bottle, so I would love to make our own. Plenty of booze in the cupboard to experiment with means no outlay there yet!
I’m trying to make extract out of aphid-infested peppermint from my yard. I spent over half an hour cleaning individual leaves, but when I shake my jar I can see maybe 10-15 aphids floating around the bottom (gross). Obviously the vodka will kill and sterilize them, but will this affect my extract? Should I just toss my mixture now and start over?
You could buy these beans like I did: http://amzn.to/2aoRVOR
So much cheaper than what you will find in your local grocery store
“Frontier Fair Trade Organic Vanilla Extract = 8 oz for $18.89
3 organic vanilla beans from a local spice shop ($7.50) and 1 cup 360 (eco-conscious) Vodka (approx $7.24) = $14.74 for 16 oz.
So, divide that by 2, and you get 8 oz of homemade vanilla extract for $7.37. A savings of $11.52.”
Am I reading this wrong? If the beans are $7.50 and the vodka is $7.24 per cup, wouldn’t that be $14.74 per cup?
16 oz is what a cup of vodka makes. Comparatively, 8 oz. of the store-bought vanilla extract is $18.89. So we’re talking about 8 oz when you divide the original 1 cup of homemade vanilla extract by 2. That brings the comparison pricing down to $7.24 for 8 oz compared to $18.89 for 8 oz.
1 Cup = 8 oz. Sorry, 1 Cup of vodka plus three vanilla beans will only make 1 Cup of extract. There’s no way to get 16 oz. out of that.
You are absolutely, positively correct. I have no idea what my brain was doing in my head at the time. Over a year later, and apparently my brain is back to normal. Ha. I’ve updated the post to show my terrible math skills. Thanks for setting me straight!
You can get vanilla beans for WAY less on Amazon or Ebay! Check it out! You would spend less than 50 cents per bean!
I think the peppermint extract sounds amazing!! might be good in hot chocolate, water, lemonade, iced tea, fudge icing on brownies, coffee with some good heavy cream and sugar. I may have to give this a shot! I’ll have to do the vanilla too! I’m so thrilled i stumbled across your blog last week!
I made two vanilla extracts. One is in brandy and the other is in 80-proof vodka. We plan to use the brandy version in baking. YUM!!! It smells DIVINE!!!! I plan to use the vodka version in my homemade body care concoctions. It smells really, really GOOD!!! (FWIW, it smelled DIVINE until I smelled the brandy version…LOL)
My peppermint plant died back, as usual, but it hasn’t come back to life… 🙁 I think I’ll order new seeds from MRH. 🙂
So I just decided to make the peppermint extract. My hubby loves mint water (Metro Mint)
But it is expensive so he purchased mint extract, that did the trick… Im hoping he likes my homemade just as well in his water.
My hubby is the chief cook and he has made some vanilla extract that should be ready soon. It smells really good!
Peppermint would be easy but not sure what I’d do with it. Love to hear more ideas for it.
Lavender – I’d definitely use a good cooking lavender like Lavandula angustifolia ‘Melissa’ otherwise it will taste like camphor. But not sure I’d know what to use it for but might think about trying it this year.
Gosh, what else would make a good extract? We could make our own almond or walnut extract couldn’t we? Think I’ll go google that! I made some almond milk a while back…
Anyway, love your blog.
I have lemon extract going. I have made vanilla twice. Today I started the mint.
As for the mint, my daughter hit upon one idea today…she had brewed a small pot of Dunkin’ Donuts Mocha Mint coffee, but she wanted more mint flavor. She added a couple of drops of extract, which really punched it up…scrumptious….it had not just the flavor of mint, but the sensation of it, too (would be great when one has a bad cold and doesn’t care for tea!). I like to freeze coffee ice cubes to add to shakes and frappes…coffee mint ice cubes would be super.
awesome! can this be done with other plants? like maybe a lavender extract?
You are so empowering! I’ve been wanting to make my own vanilla for a long time now, but it never dawned on me that I could make my own peppermint extract. Yee haw!
My peppermint is grown in a pot. It dies back every year and it comes back every year. The spearmint lives on our side yard (heck, the spearmint IS our side yard)… I think it only slows down in the winter. How cool though, now I can make two different mint extracts.
Vanilla extract? Everything. Smoothies, cookies, French toast, baked oatmeal, yogurt. Peppermint extract? The only thing I have ever used it for is chocolate peppermint bars, but that’s a pretty worthy calling, doncha think?
I’m making vanilla extract soon because I am nearly out of my last batch. And I’ll buy extra vodka because we have tons of mint growing around here during the summer, and my husband loves him some peppermint.
Or maybe we will just use the extra vodka for White Russians. You never know.
Excellent. I’ve wanted to make vanilla for a long time, just haven’t got to it yet. Excited about the mint idea, would be yummy in ice cream.
I started making my own Vanilla Extract last year. I made two types, one with vodka and another with whiskey. The whiskey one is really good in chocolate cake. I also made an extract of cardamom, oh so good! I will have to try the peppermint extract, for I have a bunch of mint trying to take over my herb patch.