You’re a nut! You’re crazy in the coconut!
Okay – I’m crazy in the coconut. As you can tell. I’ve just spent 37 hours obsessing about coconut oil.
In the homemade toothpaste post, Karen from Abundance on a Dime posed a thoughtful question. “Is there anything coconut oil CAN’T do?” she asked.
And I thought, “Hm. It can’t drive me to the store to get more coconut oil. That’s maybe about it.”
So I combed through the Crunchy Betty archives for all the recipes I’ve posted using coconut oil, so we could see them all in one handy place.
But wait! That’s not all! THEN, I went crazy and did all the researching, tweeting, and general conversing I could about all things to do with coconut oil. In return, we have this. The master list of things to do with the delicious, nutritious, and ever-so-helpful coconut oil.
If you figure out a way to get it to drive you to the store, let me know. I’ll add it in here.
The Master List of Things to Do With Coconut Oil
Effective DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant
It’s been months since I made my first batch of coconut oil deodorant – and I’ve made three more batches since then. To this day, homemade deodorant with coconut oil is the only thing I use. And I don’t even stink. Go, coconut!
Here’s the link to the entire post on how to make homemade deodorant. If you’re pressed for time, though, here’s a quick reminder of the recipe:
- 1/4 c. baking soda
- 1/4 c. cornstarch or arrowroot powder
- 5 Tbsp. coconut oil
- Essential oils (optional – I used 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 4 drops of sweet orange, and 2 drops of tea tree)
Coconut Oil Deep Conditioner
Every three weeks or so, I treat my hair to a deep conditioning coconut oil mask. It makes your hair delectably shiny and soft. Here’s how you do it:
When you have a couple of hours free before you have to shower, slather coconut oil all over your head and massage into your scalp. You can either leave it on as is, or wrap your head in a warm towel for extra deep conditioning. Leave this on for 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Wash your hair normally in the shower (it might take two shampoos to get all of the coconut oil out) and there shouldn’t be any need at all to condition. Just rinse and style normally.
Coconut Oil to Manage Frizz and Flyaways
Whenever you want to tame frizz or smooth and shine your hair, take a tiny (seriously, TINY, smaller than pea-sized) dab of coconut oil and rub it between your palms. You might not even be able to tell it’s on your hands – but it is. If you have curly hair, run your fingers through your hair and scrunch. If you have straight hair, just smooth over the top of your hair gently.
Coconut Oil For Dandruff
Because of its effective antibacterial and antifungal properties, coconut oil might just get rid of any dandruff problems you have. Simply massage coconut oil (with some added tea tree oil for extra oomph, if you’d like) well into your scalp for 5 minutes. Let it sit on your scalp for as long as you can, time permitting. Wash well.
Bonus: This may also work for babies who have cradle cap.
Coconut Oil for Athlete’s Foot and Odor Control
Stories litter the web about poor souls (soles?) who have suffered from recurrent athlete’s foot – and one common effective treatment seems to be coconut oil. Just rub the oil into your feet, concentrating on the affected areas (you can add some tea tree oil for extra benefit here, too). Put on socks for a while afterward (if you have hard floors, especially) so you don’t slide around the room. Repeat this two or three times a day until the athlete’s foot is gone.
Likewise, if odor is an issue, coconut oil has been known to freshen up the stinkiness with its antibacterial properties. Add a little lavender or lemon essential oil for extra deodorizing effect.
Pre-shave Treatment with Coconut Oil
You may be able to totally ditch your shaving cream by using coconut oil instead. The oil helps smooth hair follicles, leaving a closer, smoother shave. Apply all over the areas that need to be shaved before stepping into the shower, and then shave as normal.
One thing I wouldn’t recommend is using it as a “shaving cream” for the face, as it is comedogenic and could lead to pimples, if you (or your man is, anyway) are affected by breakouts.
Coconut Oil as a Full-Body Moisturizer
Coconut oil is, by far, my go-to after-bath moisturizer these days. Occasionally I’ll stir up some coconut oil with a few drops of essential oils, but most of the time I just pull it straight out of my “bathroom jar” of coconut oil. (I have many jars of coconut oil these days. This is the opposite of a complaint.)
While your skin is still wet after showering, smooth coconut oil all over your body and … poof. You’re a soft-skinned goddess.
If you want ultimate moisturizing, though, try stirring together equal parts coconut oil and olive oil and adding in a little jojoba. Drip in a few drops of rose or frankincense essential oil, and you’ve got a concoction no store-bought lotion could even come close to.
Coconut Oil in a Face Mask
Now, now. I know I’ve said that I’m not all that keen on using coconut oil on your face. With one caveat: If you have dry, flaky, or aging skin that doesn’t ever have issues with pimples or breakouts, coconut oil may be your ticket to soft moisture.
To this day, my favorite recipe for a coconut oil facial mask is the one I posted in the Easiest DIY Recipes from Around the Web: The Frozen Egg and Honey Facial Mask from Spa Index.
You freeze a mixture of egg, honey, and coconut oil in a bathroom tissue roll (sans the tissue) and then roll it over your face like a push-pop. Genius!
Coconut Oil as an Eye Makeup Remover
Better than any eye makeup remover I’ve ever bought in the store – just put a dab of coconut oil on a cotton ball and swipe over your eyes. The makeup – and mascara – just melts away. And it moisturizes the delicate skin around your eyes, to boot!
Coconut Oil as a Lip Balm
Not long ago, I posted the recipe for Coco-Rosey lip balm using coconut oil as one of the main ingredients. I’ve been using this lip balm nonstop since, and I can assure you, my lips have never been softer.
Here’s even better news, though: You don’t have to make a balm to get the moisturizing benefits of coconut oil. Just slather it, plain, on your lips. It makes for a superb gloss, too! VERY shiny (until it soaks into your skin).
Coconut Oil in Toothpaste
If you’re (really) new here, this may come as a surprise. So hop on over to the last blog post all about using coconut oil for homemade toothpaste.
It cleans your teeth (with its antibacterial and antiviral properties) and leaves your gums uber healthy, as well.
Coconut Oil as a Love Balm
It’s most important to point out that coconut oil is NOT latex friendly. So … you know the drill.
However, here’s a post with a recipe to use coconut oil as a love balm/body oil to get all cozy and smushy with your significant other.
Bonus use for it, too: You could slather the concoction all over your body and drape yourself (while lying in the tub) with very warm bath towels. Sit that way until the towels have cooled. What you have right there? A VERY luxurious full-body moisturizing mask.
Coconut Oil for Scratches and Scrapes
Coconut oil has incredible healing abilities, along with its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Slather a bit of coconut oil on a scratch, scrape or small cut and your wound may heal faster and resist infections in ways it wouldn’t have otherwise.
As a bonus, it may also help reduce the chances of scarring from these small abrasions.
Coconut Oil for Eczema
I posed the question to my Twitter friends: What ways do you use coconut oil? And almost immediately, Sandi (@knitmyrhino) said: “I use coconut oil on my eczema breakouts, they go away faster and it’s calming.”
She’s not the only one. According to EarthClinic users, it has worked very well for their eczema.
Coconut Oil for Acid Reflux and Ulcers
EarthClinic turned out to be, as it usually is, a boon of information – and I had no idea that coconut oil has been used by large numbers of people to treat things like acid reflux and ulcers.
The word is, taking two to three tablespoons of coconut oil a day (which you can put in coffee or tea if you can’t fathom eating straight coconut oil) has really helped a large number of people. As a result of reading this, I’ve started drinking 3 cups of tea daily, each with 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil melted in it. Tastes delicious … and so far so good!
Want to know more about ALL the health issues coconut oil is used for? Here’s the master list of coconut oil treatments on EarthClinic.
Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
I’m hesitant to even put this one in here, because I feel like the claims have been just a tiny bit overhyped, as are most claims about some “magical ingredient” that causes you to shed pounds.
But, the fact is, there are studies that show regular ingestion of coconut oil can lead to small amounts of weight loss. So here you go.
Want to know how to take it? I’ve read that many people just eat a tablespoon straight from the jar, but I can’t make myself do that on a regular basis. Instead, I’ve started melting a tablespoon into my cup of coffee in the morning, along with two or three more cups of tea throughout the day.
Don’t just take it for weight loss, though – do it because it’s so very healthy and good for you. But most of all, do it because it’s yummy and makes your tummy SO happy.
Coconut Oil as a Sun Screen
Coconut oil has natural sunscreen abilities, and it would be a great addition to any homemade sunscreen you might want to whip up. To top it off, coconut oil also contains vitamins that protect your body against the damage that free radicals (as a result of sun exposure) may cause.
Coconut Oil Instead of Goo Gone
An entire hour I spent last night scouring my house for every glass product that still had a sticker on it. Why? Because getting it off was SO easy using coconut oil and baking soda.
Use this for any sticky, icky, gooey situation you might otherwise use Goo Gone on. Just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
Coconut Oil to Polish Furniture
When the question of “What do you use coconut oil for?” was posed on Twitter, Jesilee (@WEFA_in_Me) told me that she uses coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish her wood furniture.
I did more digging and found that this is a great alternative to toxic polishes like Pledge. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
Here’s how Jesilee does it: “I pour on a little bit of bottled lemon juice and rub the oil into that with a towel. Don’t do too much or it gets all over.
Coconut Oil for Polishing Bronze
If you’re fancy enough to have bronze statues hanging out in your home, try cleaning them with coconut oil. All you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your art. Cool, huh?
Coconut Oil to Grease Muffin Tins and Pans
Next time you get ready to break out the Crisco or vegetable oil to grease your muffin tins or pans, reach for the coconut oil instead. It’s so much more heart healthy – and the taste is so light, you’ll never even know the difference.
Coconut Oil in Cooking
This one is no surprise, to be sure. Coconut oil has CRAZY amazing health benefits, and it tastes sooooo delicious in foods. For some reason, though, I’ve had a really difficult time implementing coconut oil in my cooking, so here’s a great start (for ALL of us) to utilize it for more than just beautifying the skin:
- Tropical Traditions Free Coconut Recipes – (The smoothie recipes sound like they’re off the hook, and check out the almond chocolate chip coconut recipe … mmm.)
- Coconut Oil Recipes from Epicurious – Who said coconut oil couldn’t be fancy shmancy? Look at how many results popped up when I searched for recipes containing the stuff.
- Green Diva Mom gives her favorite coconut oil recipes – I love reading first-hand accounts of implementing coconut oil into cooking!
In closing, I REALLY have to thank Tropical Traditions for sending me a jar of their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. I’ve used it for so many things over the last couple of weeks, and when I compare it to my other coconut oils … well, there’s no comparison. The taste is richer, the look is more real, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the production process is extremely ethical and conscious (my favorite things).
If you haven’t learned the ways of Tropical Traditions yet, I suggest you hop on over to their site and sign up for their weekly deals emails. Their sales never cease to tempt me. And they don’t just sell coconut oil. Nosiree.
What Did I Miss?
No seriously. What’s missing here? I’ve spent 10 hours compiling all of this info, and I have this nagging, gut-wrenching feeling that I must’ve left out a hundred more things.
So help me out here.
Is there anything I skipped that you think everyone should know about?
Crazy in the coconut, indeed.
Great post. Well-written and informative.
Coconut oil is great for cooking. I consume it raw as well and it tastes good.
Last December my gums started bleeding . I started using CO for oil pulling every day. I do it while I am getting dressed so the oil is swishing through my teeth for 10-20 mins. Just rinse out when finished . I would recommend not putting down the drain because it sets and you can end up blocking the drain. The used CO can be kept and used as a fire lighter.
I give my black Labrador a spoonful daily to prevent dry skin and itching.
Use for cooking. Healing for sores
The coconut oil conditioner really works! My hair was extremely dry and there was always this wispy tangle of dry curls at the ends or at the front of my hair… but when I tried your method (adding extra coconut oil to the wispy dry curls of hair), my hair became soft and shiny! The wispy curls disappeared along with the dryness after my first wash. I would recommend this to anyone else with dry hair.
My favorite use of coconut oil in cooking is brownies. Just replace the cooking oil in the recipe with coconut oil, and voila! You have the most soft, chewy, and delicious brownies ever! They won’t stick to the pan and don’t dry out, even if they sit overnight.
I love this article! I’ve been slowly switching my life over to the nontoxic side and these ideas are great. I’ve been using coconut oil and sugar as a body scrub for the last few months and I adore it.
Easy to make: 1/2cup coconut oil and 1/4cup brown sugar mixed makes a great full body scrub. Try adding a bit of citrus for some zest (if you do, don’t use it on your face though.) Also, be careful if applying in a shower, the oil can make bathroom surfaces slippery.
I am also obsessed with coconut oil uses but there is one where you mix with tea tree oil for fleas and ticks. Spray for beds and apply to pets x
Tea tree oil is extremely toxic to cats, and it can kill a cat if the kitty ingests or even inhales it (not sure about dogs) – so, you might not want to use that in a spray intended for your cat.
Deodrant and conditioner are some of the most favorite uses of coconut oil for me. Rest advantages of coconut oil are vital too in daily life.
I like to stir a spoonful into rich hot chocolate
made with some dark chocolate chips and hot
half ‘n half. Top with marshmallows or whipped
cream and you
have yourself a treat you may even dream about.
Like a hot coconut/chocolate candy bar in a cup,
a terrific lure to draw yourself and your family out of
their warm beds on a chilly morning, too!
Regarding your question about coconut oil could drive you to the store; yes! Or kind of; it can be used in replacement of gas! This was actually done a lot in the Philippines during WW2, because of lack off fuel. But do not take my word for it, I am not completely sure…
I have no idea how it works, but I do believe it is true. My father used to drive the truck on fish oil which was supposed to be thrown away.It was initially produced as a supplement, we produce a lot of that here in Norway. The fish oil worked just as well as regular gas, except it smelled fish whenever we walked out of the car :/
The fish oil worked well, and I have also heard about a lot of people driving their trucks on used cooking oil from gas stations. I can`t really see why I it would not work with coconut oil wile it works with fish oil and cocking oil as fuel 🙂
Course if you live someplace where it gets cold you would have a problem with coconut oil solidifying in your fuel tank…..
I was brought up in Missouri where we deep fried everything. Then moved to California and have been spending years trying to eat healthy. Well after reading about coconut oil I’ve been deep frying again with coconut oil. I think this adds more to my daily diet. I tried to get a answer from Dr. Oz but I haven’t received an answer. What do you think? Thanks so much, judi
I have started using it to brush my DOGS’ teeth! They absolutely love it.
I went to trader joe’s and got the coconut oil in a jar but HOW are you able to get the oil out of the jar? I’ve been chiseling away at it for 5 minutes. Can I just microwave the whole jar? Will microwaving the jar often be bad for the oil?
HELP, please.
Gently warm the entire jar in a larger bowl / container of hot water. Scoop out what you need while it’s still warm or even liquified.
Must be pretty cold where you live. Coconut oil will usually soften up starting at about 70 degrees and will start turning liquid at about 78 degrees. Here in Florida I have more trouble keeping my coconut oil cool enough to keep it spoonable!
I have been using oils and butters exclusively as moisturizers for over a year now and I just learned about coconut oil. I was very excited to see it at Trader Joe’s for a decent price and decided to give it a try as a moisturizer. I whipped it with olive oil and vitamin E, added some tonka bean essential oil and vanilla extract. It smells heavenly in the container and feels amazing, but when I slather it all over my body after a shower, it smell terribly rancid on my skin! Has anyone else had this problem? Could it just be my own body chemistry? I think I’ll return the unused portion and go back to my jojoba oil mixed with olive oil, even though it’s more expensive.
This is odd but a window cleaner and I was liiking for a slip agent to add to my mix. Other soaps used to glide the rubber tends to leave streaks in corners or if you add too much soap the blade is quick but too much residue. I am still testing using coconut oil as my slip agent and pure water. If it works out I will let you know. Doing my full test next week. Also, new construction homes have a lot of stickers that must be scrapped off. I use to get these off as well. It really soaks into the paper and softens the glue. I use a scraper but apply minimal pressure now. Hmmm, who’d a thunk it.
Hi. I’m very new to this website but I’ve already made your man salve. I was thinking of trying it out as a deodorant but was wondering how long these recipes would keep in a glass jar? I used beeswax, coconut oil, macadamia and I put a bit of vanilla extract in for a delicious smell. If anyone could tell me I’d be very grateful as I’d like to know how big a quantity to make at a time. Cheers
I just have to say that we recently moved and I was very limited to what I had on hand. My daughter woke up with a pretty good bug bite on her leg that hurt. Not being able to get to the store, I put a dab of coconut oil on it and by the afternoon it was nearly gone (went from the size of a quarter to the size of a pin). After applying it she told me that it no longer hurt and no itching at all.
What flavors of tea does the coconut oil work well in? i mean flavor wise- i assume it would melt into any variety as long as it’s hot.
Try it in a chai tea with some fennel seed added
when you brew. The fennel adds a light licorice flavor
and it is good for digestion, too. Very nice.
Heat the coconut oil before you put it in your hair! 🙂
A warm oil massage works wonders!
I use coconut oil for everything but my greatest find for using it was to help my husbands psoriasis. I made a batch of lip balm (coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, & some essential oil for frangrance), one day hubby was complaining that nothing was working for his psoriasis so I told him to put some of my lip balm on it. Sure enough it softened it quickly and as long as he remembers to put it on, his psoriasis stay away. I also love using it as a deep hair conditioner & in my sugar scrubs.
I eat it daily in my morning bulgar wheat. I add a teaspoon of coconut oil, turmeric, cinnamon, chia sends, sunflower seeds, walnuts, blueberries and a tiny bit of milk. So tasty!
Thanks for creating a forum for all these great ideas! It really is crazy how fabulous this oil is!
Do you use unrefined coconut oil? I have no idea what to look for, or use. What should the label say?
mixing coconut oil together with turmeric makes a great facial mask. its an ancient indian recipe! i was having terrible acne and tried literally every product and masks and treatment available.. finally i came across this one and it helped alot. i still use it for an occasional pimple. just put the mixture on your face at night, and the next morning you will see a big difference (also a yellow pillow case but its worth it!). you can remove the yellow stains on your face with nothing other than…. coconut oil! 🙂
Coconut oil what I use in tons of serums, it works synergistically with many oils and is truly a wonderful product for skin, hair and body! I love your happy posts too thanks 🙂
I use coconut oil for oil pulling. Just put a small spoonful in your mouth and start swishing as soon as it melts. It’s great for extracting harmful bacteria from your teeth and gums, while leaving the good bacteria (unlike chemical mouthwashes). Just be careful NOT to gargle – once the coconut oil has absorbed the bacterias, you don’t want to let it go down your throat. I always spit mine in something I’m going to throw away, so that it can solidify a bit and not get all over everything. I wouldn’t really want all of that oil to go down my sink drain, because it solidifies at room temp and could clog the drain pretty easily.
I’m 68, suffered from pimples and blackheads all my life, started taking a teaspoon of coconut oil daily since mid January 2013. By mid March no more pimples or blackheads and even old scars have smoothed out. Amazing stuff this coconut oil!
One tip when using coconut oil as a hair treatment (or any oil hair treatment). Add shampoo to dry hair before wetting it, this will help to wash the oil out ;).
Because dry shampoo makes it harder for your hair to absorb the oil…making it less beneficial.
I think you have mis-read my comment. It says add shampoo to dry hair, it doesn’t say to use dry shampoo. I mean, add shampoo to hair when it is still dry instead of wetting it first. This will better help wash the oil out.
i still dont think this is necessary…the oil wont get to fully penetrate if u put any shampoo in it beforehand….u can wash it out in two or maybe three washes just fine after it gets to penetrate ur scalp, i do it all the time…not tryna be rude 🙂
OH MY GOD! Im so satisfied with coconut oil! It is seriously my saviour! Im quite a health freak so I hate putting anything on or in my body that has a label on it with a zillion names I don’t know. Coconut oil just replaced all of these products. How blissful! Im so excited to discover more about it, I have been using it as a moisturiser today- and I just put it in my hair because I’m going to have a shower tomorrow but I had no idea it had all these other benefits!! How exciting! What a wonderful post, Thank you so much for sharing and saving people from using chemicals and also (if i may add) save money!
Tomorrow I’m going grocery shopping- guess what I’m going to buy! haha
Can’t believe I only found your site just now, read it on flickr from these days in french life. Anyway, love love your site and add my 2 cents for coconut oil:
I use coconut oil in yougurt and berries smoothies, very delicious. My friend is mixing in with juice. And other many things already on your list 🙂
Fractionated coconut oil is the perfect way to go – has all of the same benefits, doesn’t clog pores, and has a longer shelf life!
because of its antibacterial, anti inflammatory, anti microbial, infection fighting, super moisturizing, natural and non toxic properties, i use it as a tattoo “lotion.” ive been getting tattooed for 8 years and havent found anything as wonderful! i have sensitive skin too! i use it as a lip balm, all over body moisturizer,and cooking oil as well. but i am most impressed with its efficacy as a tattoo healer. ill never go back to aquaphor!
I use coconut oil as a diaper cream for my kid. I simply whip it up with hand mixer, add some tea tree oil and BAM. Bye bye desatin.
I’m vegan and don’t like to use margarine, so I use coconut oil on my toast and sandwiches. Works for both savoury and sweet toppings, yum!!
Make your next batch of popcorn on the stove with coconut oil! It’s delicious! I use an atom popper from Quincraft!
I’ve been reading and there’s more and more evidence pointing to it being good for Alzheimers and brain fog. Not sure…so I’m going to try it for myself and see if it helps! Also, haven’t read anything to back this up but…my brother-in-law has been drinking a Tbls mixed in his coffee and he has noticed his hair growing back (has a receding hair line).
Quality of Coconut Oil and how to tell the difference. When coconut oil is in it’s most solid form, turn the jar over and look at the bottom. If it has a brownish or yellowish color, it means that the quality of the oil has been compromised. It means that sediment, debris and other impurities have been mixed in the oil through the extraction process and has settled to the bottom. Simple Rule of Thumb; The whiter the coconut oil is, the purer it is. Hope that’s helpful to folks;-)
Please stop making me obsess over this site. Ugh. Two weeks of honey face washing and I’ve noticed dramatic reduction in the bumps under my skin.
Can’t wait to make my own toothpaste.
Currently using crystal deodorant, seriously considering the switch.
Cocoa in my hair, don’t mind if I do.
Crunchy Betty, please, stop making my beauty so darn natural!
p.s. — my vegan heart weeps every time I use my honey but it really is the best things I’ve tried in years. would love to see more animal product free recipes =)
This is not strictly relevant to this particular post and I’m sure it’s weird for you to be getting a reply almost a year and a half after your original comment (assuming you even get notifications for this sort of thing), but I am curious about the vegan stance on honey and was hoping you wouldn’t mind if I took the opportunity to ask you about it.
I completely understand why commercial honey raises major moral red flags for you or any other vegan–beekeepers, in addition to all of the unnatural conditions and substances they expose their bees to, take away the entirety of their hard-earned food and medicine (honey) and leave the bees with nutritionally void sugar-water, which is disgustingly reprehensible and I also take strong issue to. What I am curious about is what the vegan stance is/feelings are about “wild collected” honey (essentially, leaving hives exactly as they are, and climbing a tree with a jar and catching the stuff that’s dripping down to the ground–since it can be hard to confirm how stringent companies are about this procedure, for the sake of this example I’m referring to an individual doing this on some farmland for their own personal honey use).
I’m not trying to be at all disrespectful and am genuinely curious as to what the vegan mentality is on this. Would what I just described (taking only a small amount of the excess that is not being utilized by the bees) be more acceptable, but is so rarely an option that it’s simply easier to make the blanket statement “no honey?” Or is this just as definite of a no-no, and, if so, could you tell me why?
Your insights are appreciated, again, not trying to be nosy but just curious.
I LOVE coconut oil INDEED. whenever I mention what it can do to my husband, he laughs a little because I read new things about it all the time! I however agree with Mindi about using coconut oil on your face. I’m 23, and I use the oil cleansing method with coconut oil (castor oil is too expensive and olive oil leaves residue) and I love it. It makes my skin feel very soft and clean. I only do it once a week though and I don’t use a lot. Some people say they did it TWICE A DAY and had problems with the coconut oil causing breakouts. It’s not a commercial facial cleanser — OCM is not something that’s meant to be done even once a day, let alone twice a day. Once or twice a week does it for me! If I see a pimple start to form, I put tea tree oil (undiluted) on it and when I wake up the next day, it’s either gone or very small. It’s also best to ween yourself off commercial cleansers before you try OCM. Commercial cleansers strip your oils off your skin, so your skin produces extra oils to make up for it (hence why you have to use it twice a day or you break out again). If you immediately replace your cleanser with OCM, you add more oils to your skin that’s already overproducing. But if you allow your skin to find its natural oil balance (I’d say this takes a month or two), you can use OCM without breaking out.
I’ve also put it on my face before going outside on a warm sunny day because it has a natural SPF and I didn’t have any problems with acne. I massaged quite a bit of it it into my face and didn’t wash or wipe it off. rather than causing break outs, it actually made my skin look WONDERFUL! I also use it on my lips. I’m going to make deodorant with it soon too!
That said, I don’t use it in my hair. I went no-poo, say, 6 months ago. I used it in my hair a few times and it made my hair disgustingly greasy. I had to use baking soda/water to get it out and make my hair normal again! so I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t use shampoo.
Coconut oil is very good for erasing scab or burn marks on skin with regular use. I had my back full of scab marks after an accident and massaging coconut oil for a few months wiped them all away! Even green coconut water can do that! Amazing! Thanks for sharing all your coconut oil ideas.
It also gets rid of mono! I somehow managed to make it all the way through college without mono until the week after graduation right before I moved to NYC. I tried the coconut oil trick. 2 tablespoons in the morning, 2 tablespoons at night. Yep, straight from the jar! Every day I saw incredible improvement and I started gaining more and more energy! I was 100% well in a week. OVER MONO IN A WEEK! It works. So many people swear by it. And I am DEFINITELY a believer.
We use coconut oil on toast instead of butter!
I know that it is all favored about the use of coconut oil for all the good it does to the body. I have a question though…can u use coconut butter for the same purpose ot at least mix part coconut oil, part coconut oil to get the benefits lost in the pulp?
I think you could since it says it can be in this site ( but I wanted to know your opinion.
I’ve just started using coconut oil, use it for cooking and moisturizing my really dry legs. I found a recipe for face wash with coconut oil, it sounded crazy but I thought I’d give it a try. Runny honey and coconut oil, mix together and then brush or dab onto damp skin, use more warm water (not lukewarm and not scalding) and rub it all around, then rinse. I use a cotton ball to dry and you’re done! My combination skin feels wonderful and the make up comes off much better.
Diaper rash cream! We use it every diaper change for my son. Its cloth diaper friendly and moisturizes without leaving him moist 🙂 i also use it as a chapstick after im done changing him. Not with the same finger mind you!
It does an unfreakingbelievable job on dog’s skin that has been chewed up by fleas.
To my horror one year I discovered major flea bites all over my normally healthy dog’s rump. I had just moved so I surmised a drop in her immune system was the culprit.
I had bought a jar of VCO to use in her food (she loves it), and rubbed a generous amount into her fur, battling with her of course because she wanted to eat what I was trying to put on her, lol.
The very next day, the angry red and even bloody sores from the flea bites were GONE. I couldn’t even tell where they had been. I was astounded.
Adding a tsp of coconut oil to your daily diet supposedly helps w/ ur brain and can help stave Alzheimer’s. It makes some tasty popcorn as well.
South Indian women use coconut as a sort of leave in conditioner because otherwise, hair gets very frizzy. As soon as my hair became my responsibility, I stopped it, because I hate icky sticky stuff. I used to leave oil in my hair twice a week’, overnight, and wash it the next morning for great hair. Post baby, I am lucky if I remember to wash it, sigh!
How does one remove coconut oil without shampoo?
Traditionally soap nuts were used, but it needs more time. My hair gets very heavy if I leave oil in it. But less than pea size… Should try it.
I sometimes use coconut oil in buttercream frosting, instead of or in addition to butter or shortening. It’s not firm enough for piping, but it’s perfect for spreading.
coconut oil has helped curb my seizures. i have a epilepsy- partial simple seizures and wanted to stay away from the WAY SCARY meds supposed to “help.” I started out doing the ketogenic diet, then going to a low-carb diet. I do not know the reasons, and the regular doctors are not interested in natural cures, but having healthy fats stops my seizures. and coconut oil has been the biggest help to me.
I’m so happy to hear you found something non invasive to help your epilepsy!
I was diagnosed with quite extreme epilepsy as a 13 yr old and after my dad searched out and tried every alternative treatment I ended up on the orhtodox meds, though at least at a low dose. This was not something that crossed our radar at all. I’m now off the meds and have been for about 8 years. And though I was told my type of epilepsy was juvenile and taking the medicine was not a permanent measure I don’t feel I’m 100% clear, so I shall definitely look into the ketogenic with coconut oil.
Thank you for posting this info and good luck with staying seizure free.
Check out Coconut oil pulling for health. Amazing!
I believe the natural spf of of coconut oil is 4-6… so it’s great in a pinch, but probably shouldn’t be one’s only sun protection.
Heckuva lot better than my neighbor who used to spray herself down with PAM cooking spray to sun bathe. Seriously.
I heard that it kills herpes virus and HIV on surfaces and can help with the diseases in the body too! IT’S A MIRACLE FROM GOD! I AM NUTTY FOR COCONUT OIL!!
Where coconuts are found on a tree, we use the small hairs on the outside of the coconut to start a fire to roast our fish catch of the day—of course the rest of the coconut is used to: cut a hole, pour rum inside and enjoy, then cracking it open use the coconut for flavor in most anything with flour–like pancakes, muffins the inside is cut into pieces and eaten raw often with other fruit.
Your website is great. Janeel
My nine month old is constantly trying to eat the coconut oil that I use on her diaper area! (We cloth diaper and she’s prone to yeast rashes at night.) I started keeping a second jar on the changing table just for her to play with. To give her all of the awesome benefits internally, I’ve been mixing it in her homemade baby food. She loves it! This is also the only thing she will let me put on her teething rash around her mouth.
A note on using it for the diaper area on CD babies: Only use a very thin layer, if you are not using a disposable liner. Otherwise it will form a film on the diapers that will cause them to repel moisture. I’m paranoid and always use biodegradable/flushable liners as extra precaution when we use the coconut oil.
Ok, crazy…but I use coconut oil to solve “squeaks” from squeaky doors. I use it in place of WD40!
hello! I’m new in all of this, and I started to use this body scrub made out of sugar, olive oil and coconut oil… it feels great, but after a few days (like a week or so) I started to see this… blisters… on my chest, and next day more, and then on my back and arms, not anywhere else, they don’t hurt or itch or anything, and seems like the first I got, have started to vanish… but they look so ugly…
at the same time I started to do the OCM with castor and olive oil… and my face is ok.. just this one time I rubbed a little little bit of the body scrub on my face and it got all red… I wish I didn’t have to stop using the coconut oil… actually I even want to try it on the toothpaste and other things…do you thing this reaction could pass…?thank you!!
Use on your nipples if you are nursing and have thrush! Completely takes the pain away and is totally safe for baby. I also used to put it in my kids’ oatmeal when the dumb Drs said he was underweight.
There are a lot of comments here and snot sure if anyone has mentioned coconut oil in the ears for pain or infection. It’s a natural anti-microbial, anti0inflammatory, anti-fungal and antiviral.
coconut oil as baby butt balm (did you mention that?)…… helps clear yeast complicated rashes as well on baby bum
CO does not work as a sunscreen. I rubbed it on quite liberally and cooked up like a lobster!! It also comes in capsule form in the health food stores.
Actually with its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties..coconut oil is great for skin with acne. I am 46 and still have breakouts…honestly I find coconut oil to relieve and heal them. Love , love , love coconut oil…forget expensive creams!..:)
its also great for those same uses in dogs, and they love it:)
You can make a moisturizer by whipping coconut oil.. I saw this on Pinterest:
There is also an article about four “new” uses for coconut oil on this site, but only one wasn’t already in your list: a moisturizing shower scrub.
Coconut oil can be used as a diaper rash treatment and is cloth diaper friendly. If that was aleady mentioned, I missed it. 🙂
A friend sent me this link today telling me not to use coconut oil on my face. This site says it is a 4 out of 5 on things not to put on face if you have acne (which I don’t but still). My friend says it clogs pores. PLEASE, SAY IT ISN’T SO!
Of course I also notice that they are selling a product so there is that!
Hello Betty,
Awesome list you got here. I’ve recently switched to coconut oil for cooking and other foodstuff but it turns out I’m using the wrong type (I won’t mention the brand). A friend told me that I should only use unrefined coconut oil. Can you shed some light about this please? Also, I’m thinking of getting has anyone here tried this product?
I have read on numerous sites that the coconut was good for acne because of its anitbacterial abilities it helps from it
Oooooo and this! This also is just great. Everyone should try it.
I don’t necessarily agree with the statement “If you have dry, flaky, or aging skin that doesn’t ever have issues
with pimples or breakouts, coconut oil may be your ticket to soft
moisture.” I mean, I agree with it, but coconut oil has actually HELPED my acne go away. It does not clog pores, so it’s probably the best moisturizing, zit-zapping thing I have ever tried. I don’t have a big problem with acne as I’ve gotten older, but if my skin starts to break out, I wash my face and massage it in. 🙂
ALSO, about a year ago I went off birthcontrol, because well, it’s terrible and no girl should ever tamper with their hormones. My hair started to fall out A LOT after being on the stuff for a couple years. Lost about 50%, or more, of my hair. This whole year has been a year of purging the birthcontrol (Yasmin) out of my system. (It can take up to 2 years to leave the body) Anywho, about a month ago I started to slather my hair and scalp with it pretty much every night. I warm it up, and cover my scalp and hair while massaging and brushing it. Then I sleep on it. Yes it can get messy, but just wear a head wrap, and vwala. Also, greasy pillow case is a VERY small price to pay when it comes to your hair growing back…
I am so very proud to say that I can see LOTS of little hairs growing back. It feels all prickly and wonderful. Best feeling in the world, when as a woman, losing your hair is very traumatizing. And I just never thought anything would work. (At least not anything that wasn’t going to break the bank.) So there you have it, coconut oil will help your hair grow back. A bit of a positive attitude about it can’t hurt either. 😉
Try this link. 160 uses and facts about coconut oil. Truly amazing stuff….
I totally agree!
Congratulations on ditching birth control pills!
I was wondering how often I should use it as an overnight hair mask for my thinning hair. Thanks
Coconut oil is being used now as a treatment for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.
Check out Ancient Winds Naturals on Etsy and Facebook! We use Coconut Oil primarily in all of our all natural body products!! Loved this post; thank you so much!
I clean stainless steel appliances with it too…. much better than any products on the market and NO SMEARS…. I also gargle with it (it’s called ‘Oil Pulling’ Google it). It’s great for senior pets with allergies and arthritis (dogs love it but for some reason but ‘diva’ cat turned her nose up the second time?)…. I also add neem oil to it (this is über smelly) when I get skin rashes or excema, and add my mineral foundation powders to it for a great no streak glowing foundation!
psoriasis! apply 3x per day! 🙂
I am a breast feeding momma and this is the best nipple cream around. It is the only thing I have used and I am not worried if my son ingests it.
Use it like you would “Crisco” in making cookies or whatever.
Ooh! Would that include pie crust?
I recently discovered raw virgin coconut oil and have found that it helps my combination skin massively! Any pimples heal much more quickly, and I get them less anyway. Despite the bitter cold winds we’re having in the UK at the moment, my skin is not dry or sore. I also found out the eye makeup remover thing by accident! Loving all the other suggestions on here.
For a sweeter snack: a cracker, ricecake or toast with tahini with a bit of honey added to it is amazing! seseme seeds/tahini go so well with honey and you only need a tiny bit of honey. A friend of mine loves to pour honey-tahini over oatmeal. I still haven´t tried it but I will. I love healthy nutritious sweets. p.s. love your blog, just bought your book! 😀
A cracker, ricecake or toast with one (as thick as you dare) layer extra virgin coconut oil and on top of that a generous layer of all natural almond butter! this is one of my favourite sweet (but not too sweet) snack. Kind of reminds you of a Bounty and Snickers bar at the same time but MUCH healthier and little less sweet.
it’s so amazing to see so many c oil lovers on here!!!!
Best makeup remover ever! Even get’s rid of the waterproof stuff.
Also a huge fan of it in baking and melted over popcorn with sea salt and turmeric!
I melt my two teaspoons of coconut oil on a hot English muffin and put a healthy dose of cinnamon on top! So healthy and delicious!
That sounds delicious. Great idea.
I mix it with sea salt for an awesome body scrub. It makes your skin insanely soft! 😀
Will coconut oil help my dog’s dry scabby nose?
Certainly, if you can keep your dog from licking
It all off first!!
Sometimes as a snack I will mash up half an avocado with a tablespoon of coconut oil and some flaxseed. I also melt it in my coffee, too! I tried to eat it by itself a couple of times but I just couldn’t do it either.
I’ve heard it helps with cold sores too. I’m not sure on that one but I may be soon…I think I’m getting my first cold sore.
great list! I’ve shared it here:
it works well as a nice smelling ,chemical free way of removing oil based paints from your hands after painting 🙂 also removes splashes of paint on floors and other surfaces…
Mix it with sugar for an exfoliating sugar scrub. Smells great!
my doctor told me it can be used to help fade scars. 🙂
I make a concoction of virgin coconut oil, grass fed butter, raw honey and also some creamed coconut. I use the double boiler method and warm it through and then whisk until smooth. Great on pancakes, waffles, toast and I even used it in my mashed sweet potatoes… the kids love it.
I pop my popcorn in it, fry my eggs in it, give it to my dog daily, use it in my bread recipes. Yeah, I buy it by the gallon…
Me too! 🙂 thanks to costco, just started to sell by the gallon for best price, the real, unrefined staff.
Coolza, if Costco is doing that, hopefully so is Sam’s!
Someone mentioned they put coconut oil on their ice cream. We use coconut oil and melted chocolate. Melt any kind of chocolate any way that you want and mix in some coconut oil. Pour it on your ice cream and it hardens just like that magic shell stuff. My husband and kids love magic shell but I won’t buy it because it seems wrong somehow. They are loving the homemade stuff and I know that it is somewhat good for them. I have been wanting to try dark chocolate with it but haven’t had a chance yet. Thanks for all the other ideas!!! I am loving this stuff and can’t wait to try a bunch of this stuff. =)
I agree with Vikki. When allergy season sets in here in WKY (heck, that’s all year long really), I use a little VCO on a q-tip, swab the inner nostrils and wowwee! No more dry, itchy, grrrrr!-I-want-to-claw-my-nose-off ick. 🙂 What’s not to love about coconut oil?
Thanks Cassie… my daugters nose bleed easily, and the doctors mentioned using vaseline in the nostrils… i much prefer coconut oil.
Apparently Marilyn Monroe used vaseline (a petroleum byproduct) as a facial moisturiser and she grew a very hairy face. Could be a falacy but I already possess the orangutan gene that kicks in at memopause (from my mum and being on the verge of menopause thankfully mine hasn’t attacked me as it did her) and have used coconut oil for ages. Hmm, perhaps it has orangutan-gene-fighting properties too, amazing!
When I was a child they suggested this for me as well, if only i had known about coconut oil! That petroleum jelly was miserable and they warned my mother that I could breath it into my lungs… sounds like a miracle cure *eye roll please.
as one of millions of people that with sleep apnea, using a bi-pap machine can cause some serious dry mouth and nasal passages. I use coconut oil to brush my teeth before bed and that seems to help some with the dry mouth, a little dab extra to let melt and coat my mouth helps a bit more. But that doesn’t help the nose. Once mine get a little dry I end up with sores in my nose ( a condition I’ve suffered with since childhood) Antibiotic cream sticks to high heaven, but coconut oil smells yummy, which would you rather go to sleep smelling? I just put a dab in my hands and then apply a little to a q-tip to rub inside my nose.
works for me.BTW you can buy OTC saline nasal gel, but it’s expensive and it smells worse than the antibiotic cream to me. nothing worse than fake lemon scent being blown up your nose and 100mph
This might have already been mentioned, but I have been using Ecos laundry detergent (that is made with Coconut oil). Anyone know of a homemade recipe for laundry detergent containing coconut oil?
We use coconut oil as an ice cream topping. It tastes a tiny bit like coconut (which is a flavor I don’t normally care for) but it gets hard like one of those unhealthy chocolate “shell’ products. Its great to add another interesting flavor and texture to your dessert.
I also second what another commenter said, great for diaper rash and cloth diapers.
I just found you via WOW! I have always loved CO but didn’t know it could be used so many ways! THANK YOU!!!!!! (Our family favorite is to pop popcorn with CO)
Here is the way I get my Coconut oil and dark chocolate in at the same time!! SOOOO YUMMY beware, its addictive..
Chocolate ‘bark’ with Virgin coconut oil
4 T. (1/4 cup) Virgin Coconut Oil
1-T. Cocoa Powder
1/4 t. lowcarb sweetener, such as stevia ( I added chocolate Stevia ¼ dropper)
2 oz sliced almonds optional
2 oz coconut flakes optional
Melt the coconut oil to a liquid LOW heat, add in cocoa powder and sweetener. Stir to combine and blend well. I taste it to make sure its sweet enough for my taste
Blend nuts and flakes into chocolate mixture (Optional).
Pop on a plate with wax paper on it put in refrigerator or freezer on LEVEL shelf and let set 10 minutes or so. It will harden quickly and breaks up easy, put in a baggie and keep in refrigerator or freezer.
Something I keep coming across I never see addressed is the MASSIVE amount of saturated fat in coconut oil…..using it externally is fabulous – I adore coconut oil in my beauty products!
But the fact is melting it in your coffee 3 times a day is almost a guarantee of cardiovascular disease later down the road…I say this out of genuine concern! I am a nusing student and have seen first-hand how horrible cardiovascular diseases can be. I would recommend fiding an alternate means of controllling acid-reflux or ulcers, because heart health takes priority over heartburn. Seriously… don’t want to be in the hospital someday from a stroke or heart attack – it’s pitiful to see and scary for the person experiencing it.
Hi, Chelsea. While I really, really appreciate your concern (really), studies have shown – time and again – that the fat in virgin coconut oil doesn’t pose the same dangers as the saturated fat in other oils. In fact, coconut oil has been documented to assist in weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and more. Here’s some reading on the issue: (especially the stuff from the Weston A. Price Foundation). And, even better, read the book Real Food by Nina Planck (not for info on coconut oil, but for a refreshingly balanced look at fats in general).
I think you’ll find that things like the real food movement go against what’s been taught in medical school for some years now … and I think you’ll find that most of the real food proponents think that’s a REALLY good thing. 🙂
Coconut oil also has helped lower sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. Good stuff!
The amazing medium-chain fatty acids (saturated fats) in coconut oil can do great things for your health, including heart health. I recommend Know Your Fats by Dr. Mary Enig and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.
According to both these knowledgeable women, healthy saturated fats like those found in coconut oil, butter and raw milk from grass-fed cows, grass-fed red meat, olives, avocados and fatty fishes (esp. cod liver oil) are essential for our brains, lungs, kidneys, hearts, general cell health and our immune systems.
Here’s a link from the Weston A Price Foundation:
Forgive me if I’m rambling, but the prevalence of misconceptions about nutrition and health really worries me and I want to share the sources I learn from to anyone else who’s interested…
My fav thing to do with coconut oil right now is melt a tablespoon of it and pour it into my smoothie (1 cup full-fat raw yogurt, 1/2 cup strawberries, 2 Tbsp maple syrup, 1Tbsp melted coconut oil). Delicious and sooo healthful! (assuming your yogurt and berries are coming from a clean, safe, organic source).
The key is to buy pure coconut oil without “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” fat in it. Just check the ingredients on the product before buying.
Coconut is a saturated fat – but don’t let that scare you. It is one of two plant-based forms of saturated fat and the molecular structure isn’t the same as say, butter. The saturated fat is a shorter molecule, which means your body prefers to use it for energy instead of storage. So watch the quality of the saturated fat you’re eating and you’ll be fine! Also, to sound cliche everything in moderation!
-Cara, Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Coconut oil is a medium chain fat, which does not act like bad fats… your saturated trans fat garbage fats….
And new studies are coming out, pretty much by the day, showing that there are no long term studies linking natural fats to cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease is caused by toxins ripping their way into the bloodstream and leaving tears.
The toxins causing these tears include chemicals from the environment and from foods (like trans fats, colourings, basically anything synthetic or altered).All sorts of things build up in these tears and, in an attempt to smooth the build up out and keep your blood flowing, cholesterol forms a layer over top (so cholesterol isn’t the bad guy either).These build ups end up giving you cardiovascular problems due to increased demand on the heart to pump past the build ups.Natural fats help to make the blood less sticky and flow better and in that action reduce cardiovascular stress.Coconut oil however, bypasses this process, going immediately to the blood stream to be transported to cells for energy.The theory that eggs or natural sources of fat are bad for you is extremely outdated and lacks any medical support.
Chelsea, hard to believe but what they’re teaching you in school is wrong. What people on this board are saying is the truth. If eating red meat (animal FAT) was bad for us, we would have never survived as a species. Think about it.
Well actually pre-1950s we did not eat NEARLY as much meat as we eat now. I’ve read our roaming ancestors would have only had red meat maybe once a month. We’re omnivores and like most animals that are omnivores we should be surviving mainly on fruits, nuts and vegetables not animals.
If you look at our teeth, lack of claws/talons, our digestive tract and our close relatives hanging from the great-ape family tree it would be certain that we are well suited to fruits, vegetable matter and insects as a diet. Not red meat.
I’d look into weston price foundation teachings, so you can have a critical thinking over brain washed formal education sponsored by big pharma and their chemical “preventative” drugs. Obviously, you are a seeker( if you here), so you can handle the knowledge from other side too. Good luck!
Hi there, fellow coco-lovers! This comment is about coconut oil and its cosmetic properties.
First, I want to make it clear that there are 2 kinds of coconut oil: Virgin and industrial.
Industrial coconut oil is used in soaps, etc. This processed oil is made from furnace-dried coconut meat called copra. The oil is squeezed out and strained and bleached over and over again. All that hydrogen processing removes the scent, flavor, nutrients…all the good stuff! The only thing that we use it for at home is frying. It has a neutral taste and a high smoking point, great for stir-fry. It also does not turn brown easily, great for deep frying over and over again. It is somewhat healthier. But you can always go from better to best…
Which brings us to Virgin Coconut Oil. I can make it at home from hand-squeezed coconut milk. Just chill said milk and collect the solidified oil on top. Crunchy Betty has some instructions, I believe. This is the flavorful and nutrient-rich oil that my tummy, skin, nail and hair love. Store it in a small, dark amber bottle with a little squirt thing on top to avoid contamination. If it’s too solid, I dunk the whole shebang in a mug of hot water.
The Philippines thrives on rice and coconut. We call coconut the Tree of Life since we use the entire tree: From leaves, fruit, trunks, down to the roots! We even have a government bureau for it. You’ll find lots of information there
The way you make coconut oil is actually different than they make the stuff you get in a jar (extra virgin and all). I believe that it’s extracted from the seeds of the coconut -for the good quality stuff anyway:)
I got a nasty sunburn on my chest and shoulder when I drove home to Chicago from Indiana with my Jeep top off. I applied coconut oil as soon as I got home and never felt the burn! I applied it a few times and all that came of the burn was a slight peeling….but NO PAIN!! My 33-yr-old daughter introduced me to coconut oil and I’m loving all of these uses for it!
Coconut oil is actually great for preventing mosquito bites too – apparently mosquitoes don’t like the smell so I slathered my exposed skin with an extra layer of coconut oil before hiking around Tahoe last weekend. Everyone I talked to before I left for Tahoe was telling me horror tales about how terrible the mosquitoes have been this summer, but in the entire week that I was there I only got one mosquito bite. It was huge too: red, swollen, and itchy. I rubbed a little coconut oil on it a few times a day and two days later, it was barely visible.
Neem and catnip have been more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET so if you have either (I bought some at the local herb store beforehand), you can add that to your coconut oil mosquito repellent to make it even more effective. They can be a little hard to find locally (and expensive) but you can also use lemongrass, peppermint, or rosemary.
Thought I would mention that coconut oil works wonders for mosquito bites. I use it as a balm (with essential oils that mosquitoes don’t like) in advance and instead of 20 bites I might get 2 – 3. After I come in I put coconut oil on the bites and they stop itching almost immediately. Wonder stuff!
Lets not forget fingernails! I have horrible thin brittle nails….unless I do the coconut oil treatment on them. Add a drop of lavender to a little dish of coconut oil and rub it into your nails and they will be strong and lovely, and you will feel all good and wonderful.
I’m going to try this because I have the worst thin naiks. Need to make them stronger. Thanks Kathy Ps anything I need to know?
I used to have a couple of plantar warts on my feet, and a couple spots that looked like plantar warts on my fingers. There was one on my foot that I had for at least 7 years. Crazy, I know. Nothing I did, or used on it, would make it go away. I even went to a doctor so they could “freeze” them off. That did absolutely nothing for me.
So, last year, after I started reading your blog, I was trying out coconut oil as a moisturizer, and using it to help with shaving in the shower. After I had been doing this for maybe a month, I happened to notice that the plantar wart-looking spots on my fingers were gone. I checked my feet, and those ones were dramatically smaller. I kept it up, and shortly, they all disappeared – even the one I had for seven years!
I believe it works amazingly well to get rid of plantar warts. Maybe all warts, but I can’t say for sure. I think I remember reading somewhere online that coconut oil is good for that. I can just tell you from personal experience that coconut oil worked when nothing else would!
i love making my own beauty products, and of all the sites I’ve been too, crunchy betty has been the best! keep it up!
I just found you via my husband Shane “Thepeopleschemist” Ellison and I think you are fantastic! Today I did the coconut oil in my hair, and it feels AMAZING! I also used baking soda to exfoliate my face and I swear it works better than a treatment at the spa. Thank you so much for all of your information!
It works great on sore/injured nipples from breastfeeding!!! (Way better than that crap in the purple tube! )
Wouldn’t you have to wash it off before feedings though? Because nuts are a common allergen, and generally forbidden for babies under a year old. Some health sites recommend two years. I like the idea of using a good veg oil instead of lanolin. sheep grease. blech.
Midwife here! The coconut is not exactly a nut like the legumes from the ground. It’s actually a palm. To be on the safe side, though, I recommend gently wiping the breast with a soft, warm, wet towel before and after each feed. No soap!
Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog a couple days ago and I’m loving all the information on here. I’ve been trying to “green up” my beauty routine little by little over the last several months. My question is this: have you tried using coconut oil for deep conditioning of your hair since you’ve gone ‘no poo’? I haven’t used shampoo in over 6 months and it’s great, but every now and then my hair gets a little on the dry side. I’d like to try coconut oil, but am afraid it won’t come out without shampoo. Any thoughts or advice?
Hi Katie,
I recently put a small amount of coconut oil on my hair for a deep conditioning…and I only use baking soda and water to wash my hair. It took about 4 days for it to stop looking greasy 🙁 I only put it on the ends, but then I clipped my hair up for about 20 minutes before showering…I think next time I’ll try just a tiny bit on the very ends and see what happens. It definitely made my hair very soft though!
Did you ever try the apple cider vinegar and water rinse? I use the baking soda/water wash every day and then rinse it with apple cider vinegar/water about every other day…seems to help keep my hair from drying out too much (my hair is on the greasier side, though, so maybe that’s why).
Hope that helps! Yay to ‘no poo’!!! 🙂
You should think about doing a post on homemade wax for legs and underarms.Although the first few weeks it a bit sticky (takes practice) It last longer and hair becomes thinner. I’m completley throwing away razors cause there horrible for skin. Coconut oil is great for after wax. If you need more info on homemade wax feel free to emial me. 🙂
I use CO after I wax. I would love your homemade wax recipe. I agree, razors are evil to the underarms, mean nasty razors. Grrr!
I’d love your wax recipe too!
I would also love your wax recipe!!!!
I would love your wax recipe as well.
Can I have your wax recipe, please 🙂
I’d love to know your your wax recipe too please!
Oops my email is
Gabby, wax recipe, pls!
I’d like a homemade wax recipe as well
I’d love to get your wax recipe please!!!
oooh….oh.. please email me homemade wax recipe too!!
Could I please have your wax recipe? Thank you!
Since we recently went dairy-free and I was craving my chocolate-chip oatmeal cookies that I make with real butter and the “fake butter” wasn’t cutting it, I decided to use some coconut oil, after reading that it could replace shortening in baking recipes…they were the BEST cookies I have ever made (and eaten!). Go coconut oil!!! 🙂
i MUST get some.
just ran out of CO and mom is refusing 2 get more.
oh well.
How did no one mention that coconut oil is THE best diaper rash cream and is cloth diaper safe? It is also awesome when babies have yeast infections as coconut oil kills the yeast (by exploding their nuclei) It is the only thing we have ever used on my son’s butt.
How did you find out it’s safe for cloth diapers? It’s an oil and that would make the diapers repel, no?
It’s an ingredient in CJ’s BUTTer which is cloth diaper safe. Works great, my fave diaper cream/oil through 2 babies now. Works better than anything else I’ve found.
I’m pretty sure it has to do with the melting point of the oil being so low that it washes easily off of the diapers (instead of resisting and causing repelling). But that’s a very common diaper rash remedy with cloth diapers!
So, I have been taking coconut oil for weight loss for a few months now. I’m not going to tell you that it’s a miracle recipe for weight loss. I actually haven’t weighed myself lately. But my clothes are starting to loosen up and folks at work are starting to notice that I’m slimming down. I did a lot of research on this before I began the process, and I ‘checked in’ with my body to see if this recipe was going to work for me. Then I started slowly, and experimented, and this is what I use. I can’t take the oil straight…so I make capsules. In a ramekin, I place 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 10 drops cinnamon oil. I place the ramekin in a pan of water, careful to not get the water in the formula. Then I use an eyedropper to fill up gelatin capsules and let them cool before I put them in a jar. You gotta keep stirring it to make sure that it all is combined. It’s been an interesting journey, to say the least. Since it is believed that coconut oil controls candida, I think that is the first thing that happened in my body. We’ll see what transpires next.
So, there are different types of coconut oil? Which is the healthiest to eat for treating conditions? (and of course, and why?) and which feels best on the skin?
Have you used CO as a deep conditioner since you switched to no ‘poo? I love no ‘poo, but it makes my hair super static-y during the winter. I thought about CO, but was scared to try it.
Finally!!! Im not the only one! I tell everyone about coconut oil! Rave about it actually. I got my husband to start taking coconut oil everyday and he lost about 20 pounds in a month and a half. I also use it on my skin every day and it helped my arm, which is totally scarred up from a dirt bike accident. It doesn’t look nearly as bad as it used to.
We use coconut oil for our personal lubricant and LOVE it. Hands down it’s the best I’ve ever tried! And since using it, I’ve NO MORE infections! (Plus I like the fact that it’s a solid)
I did learn, though, that our cat also LOVES it. So now I incorporate some into his cat food – it helps with hairballs and makes their fur shiny!
Oh, and I ditto the eye makeup remover. It’s WONDERFUL!
Oh dear. I’m going back through all my comments for a post tomorrow (focusing on readers’ comments) and I just reread this and laughed SO hard. Horrible, terrible visuals … going first from the lubricant comment to the cat comment.
I’m laughing so hard I’m snorting. Maybe I’m just delirious. Gah, I hope you’re laughing, too, at my dumb brain.
Yeah, trying to let people know coconut oil is good as a personal lubricant AND good for a cat doesn’t quite come out all that easy. But it WAS quite hilarious to witness. Except now when my FH and I are “doin’ our thing” we have to hide the stuff – the cat knows that coconut oil is somewhere for him to get into it! LOL
Oooh! Gonna try this tonight with my lovey-dovey! He likes the smell on me as I use it as my daily body oil (I don’t use lotion) He says it reminds me of his favorite rice pudding (yes, rice and coconut in a pudding: We are Asian, after all) Like he can eat it all up! *TMI*
I wonder what my cat will think.
Oh it helps hairballs? My neighbor and I share a cat that got abandoned by someone living in the complex so we take turns feeding him. I’ll have to try that with the coconut oil next time it’s my turn to feed him!
Dr. Mary Newport, Coconut Oil, Ketones, and Dementia
“The gist is that coconut oil has a shorter length saturated fat that gets converted by the liver into ketone bodies. Ketones are used by our bodies for energy and our brains and heart both apparently like ketones a lot. The tie-in to dementia is that it may be the case that dementia is being caused by our brains losing the ability to burn glucose (the metabolic unit created from carbohydrates) for energy; therefore, over time our brain cells start starving and dying. In these cases, ketones subvert the busted glucose metabolic pathway and get the nerve cells the energy they require.”
I’m confused as to why you shouldn’t put it on your face. If it’s antibacterial, how does it cause breakouts?
From what I understand in the things I’ve read, it’s comedogenic, which means it will build up in your pores. However, a couple other readers have said they’ve heard it’s either noncomedogenic or it IS comedogenic.
From what I just read on a CO site, also, the oil speeds up metabolism – even when it’s put on your skin – which may cause sebaceous glands to speed up their production of oils.
It IS antibacterial, but bacteria aren’t the only things that cause breakouts. It just seems there are too many first-hand accounts of breakouts caused by coconut oil to actually warrant using it – especially if you’re breakout-prone to begin with.
HOWEVER, like I said in a comment above, there are also accounts where CO HELPS people with acne. It’s all about experimentation. Even if that experimentation does lead to an unsightly zit or two. 🙂
I have breakout prone skin. When I’ve used coconut oil on my face, it seems to help immediately and then after a week or so I start to get breakouts. So what you’ve said pretty much explains this little phenomenon I’ve experienced. A little helps but a lot clogs. Good to know. 🙂
I actually heard it helps with keratosis pilaris. It’s not acne but it is a skin problem. I’ve been exfoliating what I think may be KP and the problem has drastically decreased. I haven’t tried it on my face though…may try it next.
I’ve been looking for a solution to the sticky label-leftovers! Can’t wait to try using coconut oil and baking soda for that! And I’m trying those coconut truffles too… 🙂
haha That is awesome 🙂 So glad to help!
And I never knew that about the goo-be-gone. I spent three hours with my silicone scraper trying to get stickers off the microwave and wooden coffee table that were hand me downs that I wanted to sell. (same night I discovered the lemon and oil instead of pledge) I wish I would have known then!
Within the week I should be trying the new toothpaste and deodorant, wanted to finish off the horrible chemical stuff first because I hate seeing things wasted.
I’ve heard for kids struggling with constipation a spoonful each morning helps!
I love coconut oil. I actually use it more on my skin than I do for cooking and baking. I use it on my face every night, I don’t have oily or dry skin, but I like how soft my skin feels in the morning. I swear it even helps clear up the occasional pimple.
I also use it on my ever-expanding pregnant belly and hips, to help ease growing pains and stretch marks. It works like a miracle!
Hi, I just found your blog using StumbleUpon, under the “beauty” topic.
I want to add that I work in a small independent movie theatre and we use coconut oil to make our popcorn instead of canola or sunflower oil like the big multiplexes. It makes our popcorn the best in town, and a bit healthier too. The only problem is that it’s solid at room temperature and VERY solid when it’s cold so we need all kinds of creative melting methods lol! It comes in huge barrels that I can barely lift and you can get it plain or with artificial orange butter coloring/flavoring but we always get the plain stuff. And sometimes the local health spas will buy it all up before we get to it!
The best part is that I get a free supply of the stuff. I just have to put an empty water bottle under the spout in the popcorn machine and push the button 😀 So far I’ve only used it in combination with other oils to make a hair mask, but this list gives me lots of ideas!
(P.S The hair mask I mix it with is 2 Tbs olive oil, 2 Tbs coconut oil, 2 Tbs almond oil, however many punctured vitamin E tablets as you want, and some lemon juice if you want but I always leave it out.)
Where is your theater!? We are in San Jose, and I know a couple of theaters that at least put real butter in their popcorn, but they are still cooking it in who-knows-what. We always make our popcorn at home with coconut oil, and it is delicious!
I live in Calgary, Alberta and we use real butter too, not that mysterious “topping” gunk lol.
This is a great list! I seriously am addicted to the stuff.
I disagree about not using it on your face though. I used to have
really bad acne, I started using coconut oil in place of my
regular skin cream et voila, no acne. It completely cured me,my
skin is gorgeous and zit free!
I’ve had some success with it for my acne, too. It seems in some places I see it says coconut oil is comedogenic; in others it says non-comedogenic. I’m not sure what is right, but I have seen it help the acne on my skin, as well. Must be the antibacterial properties. Anybody else experience this?
You know, I think it is probably very dependent on your skin type, but one of my favorite blogs (, she went from using coconut oil for the oil cleansing method (and LOVING it the first few days) to breaking out intensely afterward and more or less redacting her stance on using VCO for OCM.
I think if you’re comfortable using it, you should. But I hesitate to recommend it, given the number of “bad” reports I’ve read about people using it for their acne, and then eventually breaking out worse. Y’know?
BUT, yet again, all this (crunchy) stuff is about finding what works for YOU. Even if it means you have accidental zits for a little while. Experimentation is always worth it.
Breaking out worse from coconut oil is a detox reaction. Coconut oil is an extremely powerful antibacterial (as you know). Breaking out worse is a sign that the bacteria and toxins in the skin are dying off/being drawn out. This happens a lot with superfoods. People think the food is making them worse, when really it’s working its magic.
Really? In place of Goo Gone? Yet another reason I love your site. I use Goo Gone quite frequently, because I save all my nice glass jars (transitioning from plastic to glass for storage). Now I know– I don’t have to buy more once this bottle runs out!
I have two shelves in my laundry room holdign baby food jars. They all have been sterilized in the dish washer, but the label glue is pretty stubborn. Now I know how to get rid of it. Yay!
Shoes! Seriously, I’ve rubbed coconut oil on a pair of leather shoes that need a little oil-type love lots of times. Proper shoe oils might be better, but, coconut oil gets the job done, makes the shoes happy, and it’s already handy.
Shoes! When I get a chance to get back in and edit this, I’m adding shoes to the list!
Didn’t even think of that, but it makes sooo much sense.
Would coconut oil be good for suede? I finally bought the perfect charcoal grey knee high boots with a bit of slouch to them, and I don’t want to whip out the depths-of-hell-smelling shoe protector. If coconut oil wouldn’t be good for suede, is there a crunchy alternative to suede shoe protector that I could use?
With Autumn coming soon, I need these boots waterproofed asap. thanks!
It should work to clean and polish any leather, purses, the couch, ect…
Totally! I have those real leather uggs, they looked like old and dirty, i tried so many things, nothing helped, and one day i thought what the heck i’ll try coconut, and omg, finally i have shiny boots!
I started using coconut oil recently & have been using it for just about everything food & topical. I’ve replaced my “cooking” oils as much as I can with coconut.
It is just fascinating to me because I slathered plain coconut oil on my arm pits just to see what it’ll do. To my surpise. I didn’t stink! This post is just confirmation for me. 🙂
By the way, coconut oil with tea is, what we call in my home, Yum-lish!
I love “yum-lish!” I’m going to borrow it in my home now, too. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂
This is THE best post on coconut oil, you are a fabulous woman! I am sharing this…EVERYWHERE!
Oh my gosh! My poor coconut oil, so underused. It must be feeling neglected. I’ll be remedying that shortly.
I know I’m a dummy, but where would one buy coconut oil? do I have to go to Whole Foods?
There are many applications you listed that I would def. try out!
Okay. SO.
No, you don’t have to go to WF, although that’s a good place to get some. Just about any grocery store sells coconut oil now, though you do want to look for virgin and unrefined.
Nutiva, Garden of Life, Nature’s Way, Tropical Traditions … those are all brands I’m really liking these days.
Thank you for this info. I came across your website while deployed here in Afghanistan…I’m wanting my mom to send me some for my hair because it’s horribly dry…and now I know what to have her send me!
I can’t wait to get home and try all of this stuff!!!
I am new to this forum, but was wondering if your mom mailed you some coconut oil. I am a teacher in Texas and my students have mentioned “adopting” a soldier. If you are still deployed, and in need of coconut oil, we might be able to send some!!!
Please email me at:
p.s. my husband was deployed to Iraq so I have much respect for our armed forces.
How absolutely wonderful! I hope Emily takes you up on this. She’s been a fabulous member of Crunchy Betty for months (and she’s always so upbeat, despite her surroundings), and I can think of NO ONE better to adopt!
Who knew? I just went to my local Walmart this week and picked up a few jars of Organic Virgin Olive Oil. Decent price, too. Yay! (Jump up and down with me)
In my little let’s-move-there-to-die town, where the nearest Whole Foods store is 45+minutes away, I’m glad Walmart is stepping up it’s organic offerings with this product.
* Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
ugh, how did I make such a ditsy mistake?! I’m so tired from all the New Year’s fun. Yes, that’s it…
Thanks for the great information on a staple product that I use all the time for my hair. Coconut oil and olive oil are my new can’t -live -without oils. Maybe you could do the same thing on olive oil….if time permits? Thanks again for all the great information!!! This website if WONDERFUL!
Very glad I made that comment – that’s a rockin’ great list with a few things I haven’t tried yet. Thanks!! And for those still skeptical about trying the deodorant, my dh & I have been using it for almost a year now, and found it works better than any store bought stuff we’ve used.
I am going to try the eye makeup remover. The next time I have occasion to wear makeup. It’ll be awhile.
Love this post! Going to buy more coconut oil this weekend….
Truffles. Mix dark unsweetened cocoa, virgin coconut oil, ground almonds or cashews, and berry jam. Roll balls of this mixture in shredded coconut flakes. Freeze for maybe 20 minutes. Eat!
You’ve got to be kidding me. Must try this. We LOVE coconut and chocolate!
How much of each ingredient do you use when making the 20 Truffles?